sat vocabulary

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SAT Vocabulary. 7 th Grade Accelerated. Read the context clue sentences and write down what you believe each word means. Divulge – v.. Abet – v. . Jim refused to abet the criminal by hiding him in the basement. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


SAT Vocabulary

7th Grade Accelerated

Read the context clue sentences and write down what you believe each word means.

Divulge – v.

The reporter was fired when she divulged information from a classified document.

Abet – v.

Jim refused to abet the criminal by hiding him in the basement.

Here are the definitions and synonyms.Now write your own context clue sentences.

Divulge – v.

The reporter was fired when she divulged information from a classified document.

Def. = to tell; to revealSyn. = unveil; disclose

Abet – v.

Jim refused to abet the criminal by hiding him in the basement.

Def. = to assist or encourage; ESPECIALLY in wrongdoing.Syn. = promote; incite

Read the context clue sentences and write down what you believe each word means.

Dogmatic – adj.

Because of the professor’s dogmatic approach, the students were afraid to ask questions.

Insipid – adj.

My mom wanted me to be an accountant, but I found the classes boring and insipid.

Here are the definitions and synonyms.Now write your own context clue sentences.

Dogmatic – adj.Because of the professor’s dogmatic approach, the students were afraid to ask questions.

Def. = arrogant and stubborn about one’s beliefsSyn. = dictatorial

Insipid – adj.My mom wanted me to be an accountant, but I found the classes boring and insipid.

Def. = lacking flavor; dull; not at all stimulatingSyn. = flat; lifeless

Read the context clue sentences and write down what you believe each word means.

Extraneous – adj.

The professor felt that the extraneous paragraph in the essay detracted from the more important information.

Coerce – v.

Jerry preferred basketball, but he father coerced him into playing football.

Here are the definitions and synonyms.Now write your own context clue sentences.

Extraneous – adj.The professor felt that the extraneous paragraph in the essay detracted from the more important information.

Def. = inessential; not constituting a vital partSyn. = irrelevant

Coerce – v.Jerry preferred basketball, but he father coerced him into playing football.

Def. = to force by using pressure, intimidation, or threatsSyn. = compel

Read the context clue sentences and write down what you believe each word means.

Jaundiced – adj.

Gabe had a jaundiced view of Iraq after losing his wife in the Gulf War.

Meticulous – adj.

With meticulous care, he crafted a miniature dollhouse for his daughter.

Here are the definitions and synonyms.Now write your own context clue sentences.

Jaundiced – adj.Gabe had a jaundiced view of Iraq after losing his wife in the Gulf War.

Def. = prejudiced; hostileSyn. = skeptical; cynical

Meticulous – adj.With meticulous care, he crafted a miniature dollhouse for his daughter.

Def. = extremely, sometimes excessively, careful about small details; preciseSyn. = fastidious

Read the context clue sentences and write down what you believe each word means.

Temerity – n.

I couldn’t believe that Bret had the temerity to bungee jump over a lake full of alligators.

Gregarious – adj.

Just before he was diagnosed with clinical depression, Randy went from being gregarious to being antisocial.

Here are the definitions and synonyms.Now write your own context clue sentences.

Temerity – n. I couldn’t believe that Bret had the temerity to bungee jump over a lake full of alligators.

Def. = recklessness; a foolish disregard of dangerSyn. = audacity

Gregarious – adj.Just before he was diagnosed with clinical depression, Randy went from being gregarious to being antisocial.

Def. = sociable; fond of the company of othersSyn. = genial; friendly

Read the context clue sentences and write down what you believe each word means.

Heresy – n.

During the Inquisition, those found guilty of heresy were sometimes burned at the stake.

Docile – adj.

The poodle, usually docile, went mad and attacked its owner.

Here are the definitions and synonyms.Now write your own context clue sentences.

Heresy – n. During the Inquisition, those found guilty of heresy were sometimes burned at the stake.

Def. = the crime of holding a belief that goes against established doctrineSyn. = blasphemy

Docile – adj.The poodle, usually docile, went mad and attacked its owner.

Def. = easy to teach or manageSyn. = submissive, compliant

Read the context clue sentences and write down what you believe each word means.

Libation – n.

When we visited the vineyard, we were offered a small libation at the end of our tour.

Anathema – n.

Cannibalism is anathema to almost every society on the planet.

Here are the definitions and synonyms.Now write your own context clue sentences.

Libation – n. When we visited the vineyard, we were offered a small libation at the end of our tour.

Def. = a drink, especially an alcoholic oneSyn. = intoxicant

Anathema - n.Cannibalism is anathema to almost every society on the planet.

Def. = a hated, repellant person or thingSyn. = detestation; abhorration

Read the context clue sentences and write down what you believe each word means.

Banter – n.

At the reunion, Ruth enjoyed listening to the banter of her husband and his old college roommate.

Castigate – v.

The parson castigated the boy for noisily chewing gum in church.

Here are the definitions and synonyms.Now write your own context clue sentences.

Banter – n. At the reunion, Ruth enjoyed listening to the banter of her husband and his old college roommate.

Def. = teasing; playful conversationSyn. = joshing

Castigate - v.The parson castigated the boy for noisily chewing gum in church.

Def. = to criticize or punish severelySyn. = reprimand; chastise

Read the context clue sentences and write down what you believe each word means.

Gauche – adj. (goshe)

Some people use a fork to eat pizza because they think it is gauche to use their fingers.

Ignominy – n. (ig ne min ee)

The mayor fell from acclaim to ignominy in a week when her drug habit was discovered.

Here are the definitions and synonyms.Now write your own context clue sentences.

Gauche – adj. (goshe)Some people use a fork to eat pizza because they think it is gauche to use their fingers.

Def. = lacking social graces; tactlessSyn. = awkward

Ignominy – n. (ig ne min ee)The mayor fell from acclaim to ignominy in a week when her drug habit was discovered.

Def. = public shame, disgrace, or dishonorSyn. = disgrace; infamy

Read the context clue sentences and write down what you believe each word means.

Motley – adj.

The international clown convention was a motley sight in the otherwise dull exhibition center.

Emaciated – adj.

Dead from starvation, the emaciated prisoner was buried in the camp cemetery.

Here are the definitions and synonyms.Now write your own context clue sentences.

Motley – adj.The international clown convention was a motley sight in the otherwise dull exhibition center.

Def. = made up of dissimilar parts; being of many colors Syn. = varied

Emaciated – adj.Dead from starvation, the emaciated prisoner was buried in the camp cemetery.

Def. = extremely thin; wasted awaySyn. = withered

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