sasrai-movement's sasrai day, earth day, faith climate action week

Post on 17-Feb-2017






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evm‡hvM¨ wek¦ wewbg©v‡b mvkªq sasrai-Movement Page

sasrai Group in fb

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cÖwZ wgwb‡U 56 GKi ebfywg DRvo n‡”QRxe‰ewPÎ A‡a©K n‡q‡Q MZ 40 eQ‡icÖvYxKz‡ji 52 fvM B‡Zvg‡a¨ ‡kl n‡q‡Q2030 mv‡j A‡a©K gvbylB cvwb cv‡ebvcÖwZ K¨vjwi Lv‡`¨i Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRb 1 wjUvi cvwbLv`¨ Avi cvwb cvi®úwiK m¤úwK©Z

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Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care

6 Colorado Teenagers File Appeal in Fracking and Climate Lawsuit

Millions Salute to The Future Leader

sasrai Day01 Boishakh/April 14


Halt Your Greed

Restraint Reserve Reduce Reuse Repair RecycleRenovation Refurbish Restore sasrai-Movement Page

sasrai Group in fb

PeaceJusticeDignityRightsProsperitySecurityAchieve SDGs

700 †KvwU gvbyl AmsL¨ Rxe I Dw™¢`weï× evZvm I cvwb Qvov †KDB evuPebv

Our deepest condolences for Bangladeshi Climate Victim, NepalTremor and Different Disaster victim across the globe

Let’s ponder Nature is rebellious – Demand Absolute Care.

Climate Denier- Profiteer-PollutersNature Killer, Humanity Killer

Leaders are Dollar Monger, Mass People Observer

Next Generation Protester

Need Bold Step

Florida FloodCox’sBazar

Avgiv wK Ki‡Z cvwi? wKQz wK Ki‡Z cvwi ?

We have Borrowed Earth from our ChildrenMust Stop the Consumption Slavery

?cÖwZwU wkï nDK cwi‡ek msi¶K

wkïi Rb¨ PvB evm‡hvM¨ c„w_ex

Let’s avoid one time and health hazardous drinksPrudence Production Purchase Peace

Every year we dump a massive 2.12 billion tons of waste. If all this waste was put on trucks they would go around the world 24 times. This stunning amount of waste is partly because 99 percent of the stuff we buy is trashed within 6 months.

Where is new Habitat

2011-2015 Warmest Five Year


2015 Hottest Year

"Human security will be progressively threatened as the climate changes,”

At the rate things are going, the Earth in the coming decades could cease to be a “safe operating space” for human beings.

cÖK…wZ cÖ‡qvRb cyiY Ki‡e

gvby‡li †jvf wgUv‡ebv

Our deepest condolences for Bangladeshi Climate Victim, Nepal Tremor, New Zealand Storm and the USA Flood victim. Nature is rebellious – Demand Absolute Care. Let’s bridle on our CONSUMPTION SLAVERY, IMPRUDENT RESOURCE EXTRACTION.

cÖK…wZ cÖ‡qvRb cyiY Ki‡e

gvby‡li †jvf wgUv‡ebv

‡f‡e wP‡š— LvB, AcPq KgvB

The production of one kilogram of beef requires 15 thousand litres water.One third of the food produced - gets lost or wasted.

Save a drop of waterPlant a Native treeWaste not single particle of food

Please Save a Drop of Water

cÖwZwU wkï nDK cwi‡ek msi¶K

Plz, save a drop of water


sasrai DayBoishakh 01/April 14

World Water Day 2016 theme water and jobs 

World Water Day aims to inform, engage and inspire actionUN's work on water and sanitation for a better worldToday, almost half of the world's workers - 1.5 billion people - work in water related sectors and nearly all jobs depend on water and those that ensure its safe delivery. UN entities and international partners work together to place water and sanitation as top issues and 21 Century essential knowledge. Yet the millions of people who work in water are often not recognized or protected by basic labour rights.

Dear God, I promise I will never waste my food no matter how bad it can taste and how full I may be. I pray that He will protect this little boy, guide and deliver him away from his misery. I pray that we will be more sensitive towards the world around us and not be blinded by our own selfish nature and interests. I hope this picture will always serve as a reminder to us that how fortunate we are - - - - - -

Try One Way Walk

Avgiv wK Ki‡Z cvwi? wKQz wK Ki‡Z cvwi ?

Reducing food wastage is a logical priority to establish more sustainable patterns of production and consumption. Investments in food wastage reduction can achieve economic, environmental and social dividends,

c„w_exi ‡Kvb wkïB †hb Ggb wec‡`i gy‡LvgywL bv nq

“The world is heading for irreversible and potential catastrophic climate change”,Nature never bother super power or poorer - demand absolute Care

Humanity in need of Climate Responsible Community, Climate Compatible Development

!!! Nature Demand Punishment !!!

Absolute truth for today’s world careless consumption driving untenable production that driving changes in temperature and weather patterns and that’s the Hotter and Hungry World. Hungry world will contribute millions of desperate people. Desperate people do desperate things: They riot, they fight over food, they overthrow governments, and the mass migrate to food-secure countries. Breakthrough Study says Climate Change And Violence Linked.

Let’s Be Caring to the ParentcÖwZwU wkï nDK cwi‡ek msi¶K

since 2004 cÖwZwU wkï nDK cwi‡ek msi¶K

cvovq gnj vq Qwe mnKv‡i e¨vbvi w`B, gvbeZvi Kj¨v‡Y wb‡ew`Z nBAs God's representative on earth I will do something

to nurture His creation today.

Welcome to the


Wish the Peace, Justice, Dignity, Rights for AllEach child caring to each particle of resources

We believe in Cooperative, Concerted, Collaborative, Coordinated Effort

cÖwZwU wkï nDK cwi‡ek msi¶K

 "The First Lady of The Struggle" 

American children are bombarded with 40,000 television ads per year and half of these ads encourage children to have unhealthy food and drinks. Less than $50 billion a year could provide adequate food, clean water, and basic education for the world's poorest. People around the world spend much more than this amount on makeup, perfumes, pet food, ocean cruises, and ice cream. (Center for a New American Dream,

evsjv‡`‡k cvwbi Ae¯’v wK n‡e

“Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care”

Live WiselyThink Deeply

Love GenerouslyDecide Prudently

Consume SustainablyAct Environment

FriendlyLive your life Lovely,


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