sarala yoga sadhana (sys)

Post on 04-Mar-2015






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This is a presentation of a simple yoga system meant for self-healing, spiritual awakening and enlightened living. It is systematic, easy to understand and practice, especially for novice practitioners. By involving the physical, vital, mental and spiritual dimensions, this dynamic-passive yoga system helps to dynamise our stagnant energies and to recharge our whole system. With the help of the recharged energy-flow, real healing takes place and spiritual awakening is facilitated. The verses of the Bhagavad Gita included are meant to widen one's vision into the spiritual dimension of yoga and meditation. Koosraj KORA VENCIAH, Mauritius.




This is a simple yoga system (SYS) involving total energy recharge (TER) that was

shared with friends of Chemin Grenier in the late 1990s and early 2000s. It consists of

some basic stretch movements to be executed without much strain in order to

dynamise and recharge the physical energy followed by vital and mental energy


Hereunder are some of the basic PHYSICAL stretching movements practiced during

the sessions.

Exhaling deeply Inhaling deeply while Exhaling deeply while

rising /moving backward bending forward

Inhaling deeply/retaining breath Exhaling deeply while bending Inhaling deeply


Inhaling deeply/retaining breath Exhaling deeply while bending Inhaling deeply

Inhaling Exhaling Inhaling Exhaling

Stretching arms Fingertips on Stretching arms

Deeply horizontally the shoulders while side-bending



Inhaling deeply while Exhaling deeply while Relax both arms

bringing hands on shoulders bending sideways. breathing normally

Then, some minutes of forceful rapid successive lower belly (navel only) exhalations

were executed by members in seated position (on chair or on ground) with a view to

dynamising and recharging the VITAL energy (Kapalabhati).


When the physical and vital energies got well charged, participants were instructed

about dynamising and charging the MENTAL energy. This is done through several

rounds of clockwise rotations of the widely opened eyes followed by several rounds of

anticlockwise EYE-ROTATIONS. The charged mental energy will naturally seek its

resting place which is the THIRD EYE at the brow centre.

This was followed by fixing the gaze at the third eye locus where the flow of attention,

of consciousness and of breath are connected and put to rest through an activation of

the third eye. Some participants, having some problem with spontaneous activation of

the third eye, were instructed to press the third eye location with the tip of their

forefinger held by the thumb (a MUDRA: as if holding a pin between the tip of the

forefinger and thumb of the right hand-see picture below) while inhaling slowly but

deeply. The tip of the forefinger should press in the middle of the brow centre while

the tip of the thumb should be pressing just below it.


A series of DEEP LOWER BELLY LONG BREATHS (inhalations followed by

exhalations through both nostrils) was then undertaken while focusing all recharged

energy on the third eye. The chest should not rise during inhalation nor collapse during

exhalation. Only the navel area should bulge out during inhalation and be drawn

within during exhalation.

After completing the deep lower belly breath counts, participants were asked to effect

a BALANCING of their combined energies through DEEP ALTERNATE NOSTRIL

BREATHING (anulom-vilom kriya).

This was done (see above picture) by closing the right nostril with the thumb and

inhaling deeply through the left; then closing the left nostril with the two last fingers,

one should exhale deeply through the right nostril and inhale deeply through the same

right nostril. This is one cycle of even or balanced breath. Then, closing the right

nostril with the thumb, one should exhale deeply through the left and inhale deeply

through the same right nostril. Then, one should close the left nostril and breath out

and in through the right nostril, etc.

The basic principles involved here are:

(a) one should start with inhaling through the left nostril (cooling the mind) and

(b) exhalation through one nostril should be followed by inhalation through the same

nostril (disconnecting from bodily sensations and impulses).


After some cycles of balanced breathing, participants were asked to LET GO of their

breath and remain ATTENTIVE AND RELAXED at the third eye centre. As the

breath resumed silently and peacefully, participants were advised to just be attentive

and relax in the PRESENT MOMENT OF EXPERIENCING without any

visualization, imagination, judgment or verbalization of whatever is being


Participants were advised to remain in that RELAXED, ATTENTIVE AND

PEACEFUL EXPERIENCING for as long as possible without explaining anything,

without seeking anything, without expecting anything. Just being OPEN,


NON-DOING. Those who wished to adopt the corpse posture were encouraged to do

so in order to deepen their relaxation so that a deeper inner layer RECOVERY and

HEALING could be allowed to operate.





Bhagavad Gita: 2.48. Established/engaged in yoga, perform all actions and duties

without attachment or identification (without doership), O Arjuna, being unperturbed

in success and failure. This unperturbed evenness of vision and humour (BALANCE)

is defined as YOGA.

2.50. One endowed with this balanced awareness instantly goes beyond the effects of

good and bad actions and reactions. Therefore engage yourself in life for the sake of

yoga. YOGA is the sublime art of enlightened action (without doership).


2.53. When your intelligence, fed up with the various scriptural doctrines and their

interpretations, settles in steady and unwavering evenness of consciousness (direct

non-dual experiencing), then you will attain YOGA.

4.41. O Arjuna! Accomplishment of actions does not bind one who has abandoned the

sense of doership through YOGA, whose confusions and doubts have been dispelled

by self-realised knowledge, and who is poised in oneself (whole or healed).

6.23. Know the severance of connection with miseries or the disconnection with the

root of misery/suffering (ego) as what is designated as YOGA. This YOGA of

disconnection (healing) has to be undertaken with a relentless conscious mind.

Note: Patanjali Yoga Sutra defines YOGA as “yogash chitta-vritti nirodhah”- YOGA

is the non-perturbed observing or overviewing (nirodhah: non interference) of the

waves/ fluctuations (vritti) of memory-based mental materials (chitta).



Bhagavad Gita, 2.66. The inattentive (preoccupied, contracted, distracted) mind

cannot have direct understanding. It also cannot have connection with direct,

immediate experiencing flowing in awareness, that is, no meditation. For the mind

unconnected to the flow of immediate experiencing (actuality) or for the unmeditative

mind, there is also no real peace. How can there be happiness for the restless mind?

5.27-28. Allowing external sensations to occur outside, allowing the vision to find

rest in between the eyebrows, allowing the incoming and outgoing breath moving

through the nostrils to flow evenly, allowing the senses, mind and intellect to rest (in

the herenow awareness) without moving away (from actual experiencing) through

triggering of thoughts and emotions of desires, anger and fear, and with the destruction

of illusion (of doership, experiencership) clearly established- one, so established in

silent contemplation, enjoys a lasting sense of liberation.



6.11-12. In a clean place, neither too high nor too low, a seat for oneself is to be made

with grass covered by skin and cloth (or as per convenience). Steadily seated on it, the

yogi should be meditatively attuned to pure undifferentiated awareness, with the

movements of imagination and bodily sensations (consciousness) completely relaxed

and with the mind’s attention being one with the forward-moving moment(of actual


6.13-14. Maintaining body, head and neck along a straight line and motionless,

maintaining the vision at the root of the nose without looking around (third eye: so

rotate the eyes clockwise and anticlockwise for a while and let it rest naturally

between the eyebrows), fearless, serene, silent in mind, established in gathering the

scattered energy of attention, let him settle in the awareness of ‘I AM’ as his highest


6.15. With the mind having withdrawn from conscious activity and always attuned to

the self-effulgent awareness of being, the yogi rests in peace, which is supreme

emptiness of all contents of consciousness and establishment in pure “I AM” or Being.

6.18. When the attention of the relaxed/surrendered consciousness remains established

in and as Pure Being alone, when it is free from longing for all objects of self-centred

pleasure- this state is said to be spiritual attunement or communion.

6.24-25. Letting-go completely of all the imagination-born longings, gathering

energies scattered all around by sensory and mental activities, steadily resting the

attentive mind on Being through the silent intellect, one relaxes (into Being) little by

little by not getting involved in thinking of anything at all.

6.26. From whatsoever direction or object, the wavering and inattentive mind wanders

away from actual experiencing, it is to be observed, recalled and put to rest in Being or

Presence alone.


6.20. That state in which the movements of consciousness come to rest through

resorting to yoga (of attunement), in which the seeing of the Self-existent Light

through undivided attention provides spiritual joy…


6.21. which the yogi experiences a transcendent bliss, beyond the grasp of the

sensory instruments of experience but intuitively reflected by the silent intellect,

established in which, one does not move away from the underlying truth…

6.22. ...which having realised, no other gain or attainment is considered as superior

and remaining in which one is not afflicted by the greatest of sorrows/stress…

6.23. ...know this disconnecting from the relationship to sorrow as what has been

described as yoga. It has to be approached with earnestness and without depression of

spirits (joyfully).

6.27. Transcendental joy wells up in a yogi, whose mind is poised, whose impulses are

at rest, whose intellect is free from false notions (intellectual impurities) and whose

heart is united with the Non-dual Undifferentiated Awareness (Brahma-bhutam).

6.28. Thus, ever involved in attentive awareness and attunement and free from the

impure notions (of becoming, gaining, etc), the yogi enjoys the intense bliss or joy of

union with non-dual Being.

6.29. One having spiritual insight through yoga, when established in undifferentiated

awareness, sees the One Being underlying all particular entities and all particular

entities as resting in the One Being.


8.9-10. The person who, endowed with enlightened devotion, contemplates, at the

time of death with an unwavering attention, having through the developed power of

yoga settled his life force/breath in between the eyebrows, on the inner Being, which

is ever-knowing, original, subtler than the smallest particle, sustaining and directing

everything, self-effulgent like the sun beyond the darkness of unconsciousness

/ignorance- that person merges into the Supreme Enlightening Being.

8.12-13. Withdrawing mental attention from the sensory outlets, settling the attentive

mind into the heart, gathering one’s life-breath/ vital energy into the head, established

in yogic absorption, intoning the monosyllable Om, denoting Brahman (Transcendent

Being) while recognizing It as the ‘I AM’. Thus, departing from this body, one reaches

the Highest Destination.



6.46. A yogi involved in spiritual attunement or meditation is better than those

involved in austerity or penance, those involved in the accumulation and mastery of

knowledge as well as those involved in rituals and ceremonies. Therefore, be a yogi, O


12.12. Seeking knowledge for understanding is superior to practices and rites.

Meditation is better than accumulation of knowledge. Even better than meditation is

the ability to abandon attachment to the fruits of actions done with the egoic sense of

doership. Immediately after relinquishing the sense of doership, peace ensues.

These verses from the Bhagavad Gita are shared with those who are interested in good

deeper and further into the journey of total healing or wholeness or holiness. The Gita

contains very clear-cut and precise instruction regarding meditation practice that

results in total healing and liberation from the root of sufferings.

Koosraj KORA VENCIAH,, Mauritius

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