sanjeevani - mr1

Post on 07-Jul-2018






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  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    Research Method

    Prof. UN Kothari

    Prepared by: Sudhanshu Shekhar Chaudhary (GAPR10ACFB111)


    Some interesting observations through market researh:

    • Peo!"e in team #untions best i# they an do some $ork o""aborative"y and some !rivate"y

    • Privay and seurity onerns have deterred many !hysiians #rom using on"ine servies

    • %he higher the intended "eve" o# ahievement& the higher the "eve" o# !er#ormane

    • Customer satis#ation and em!"oyee satis#ation are "ose"y "inked (Ryder and Ryder #ound a

    high orre"ation bet$een the $ay em!"oyees vie$ed and organi'ation and the $ay ustomersthink about it)

     o$ in marketing& advertising may be ut #or budgets but not researh un"ike o"d daysReason * Researh is needed #or sound deision making $here #ats are !roven and not

     !"aed on gut #ee"ings)

    Course Struture *

    • 1+, * designing a -uestionnaire

    • 10, * CP

    • 1+, * .ui' (/n"y 1)

    • 0, * Grou! !roet

    • 0, * Fina" 23am 4 /!en Book (Fous on a!!"iation)

     Research helps to gather data, but it doesn’t end there - it helps data to convert data into

    information via insights, value addition and interpretation which best helps in taking

    business decision.

    5hy Researh is im!ortant 4

    1) %o survive ut throat om!etition

    6) %o #ind $hether there is nihe or a mass market #or the brand

    ) %o understand $hether brand7s o##ering(s) are in "ine $ith ustomer7s needs and e3!etations

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    8) %o deide $hen to "aunh the idea (1st mover advantage) 4 %ime to market 9 time to o##er toustomer is very im!ortant

    23!"anation 4

    1) /ne must survive the ut throat om!etition in order to stand out #rom the others 23am!"e(s)o# high om!etition *

    a +6 banks in A2 4 most bankab"e region in ;idd"e*2ast (;eena Park region)%ota" !o!u"ation is 8< mi""ion #or A2 o# $hih 61 mi""ion is bankab"e =tim!"ies 1 sing"e individua" an bank $ith banks >ene& a bank an ahievema3 o# , market share in this ountry But to get that& banks have to !ut ina "ot o# e##ort e"se om!etition $i"" snath their share %hat7s the senario o#om!etition in banking setor in A2

     b  umber o# brands o# uies that e3ist in the A2 market 4 ++*

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


     Systematic 4 Fo""o$s a set !attern unbiased in nature %he researh

    in#ormation is neither intuitive nor ha!ha'ard"y gathered !bjective 4 S;AR% goa" (Systemati& measurab"e& ahievab"e& rea"isti& time*

     bound) Proessed data is =n#ormation !roessed in#ormation is a""ed

    kno$"edge !roessed kno$"edge is a""ed $isdom %o ana"y'e theabove data& the researher must be obetive ? he9she shou"d bedetahed or im!artia" rather than engaging in a biased attem!t to !rove

     !reoneived ideas  "id  4 >e"!s 9 in!uts to business deision %he researh !roess #ai"itates the

    manageria" deision making !roess #or a"" as!ets o# business (Finane&marketing& !ersonne" et)& =t is an aid to manageria" deision and not asubstitute #or it

      #usiness decision * on business deisions are not overed here

    =t is a #untion that re"ates the onsumer& ustomer ? !ub"i to the deision maker through

    in#ormation $hih he"!s to *

    1 =denti#y o!!ortunities and issues

    6 2va"uate ? re#ine business !er#ormane

     ;onitor business !er#ormane

    8 =m!rove business understanding

    Business researh he"!s deision makers shi#t #rom intutive in#ormation gathering system tosystemati and obetive investigation

    5hy Ca""ed as Business Researh: Beause a"" researh tehni-ues are a!!"iab"e to businesssettings

     @imitation o# Researh * Researh is on"y means to an end and not the end itse"# Pressure onresearher to e3at"y !in*!oint and say 4 5hat needs to be done& ho$ it needs to be done ?

     by $hen it needs to be done

     %rend hange * Researher no$*a*days sits $ith "ients in the board meeting a"ong $ith the

    advertising agenies

    #ypes of Research - Basic Research $ %pplied Research

    Basi 9 Pure Researh: =t is onduted to veri#y the ae!tabi"ity o# a given theory or todisover more about a ertain one!t

    =t is a researh that is intended to e3!and the boundaries o# kno$"edge itse"# or to veri#y theae!tabi"ity o# a given theory

    =n basi researh& #irst testing the one!tions and hy!othesis and then making in#erenes and

    on"usions about the !henomenon "ead to estab"ishment o# genera" "a$s about the !henomenon

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    A!!"ied Researh: =t is onduted $hen a deision must be made about a s!ei#i rea"*"i#e !rob"em 23am!"e: An organi'ation aiming a !a!er"ess o##ie and a net$orking system #orthe om!any7s !ersona" om!uters may ondut researh to "earn the amount o# time it s!endat !ersona" om!uters in an average $eek

    1) Basi is broad based 9 generi (is not in#erior to a!!"ied researh) ? a!!"ied is very s!ei#i 9narro$

    6) Basi researh has immense data 9 in#ormation avai"ab"e& hene& user might #ae di##iu"ty totake deision ($hen& $here& ho$ to take the deision) A!!"ied researh takes s!ei#ideision at that !artiu"ar !oint in time #or that !rob"em on"y

    ) Basi Researh ha!!ens "ess #re-uent"y (one in years)& $hereas a!!"ied researh ha!!ensmore #re-uent"y

    Basi Researh A!!"ied Researh

    Generates broad based deisions Generates #oussed deision

    Conduted "ess #re-uent"y (in 6* years) Conduted more #re-uent"y

    Contains immense in#ormation& hene& beomes di##iu"t to kno$ ho$ muh and $hento take ation

    Aims at s!ei#i deision at s!ei#i !oint intime ? addresses that deision on"y

    23am!"e: Setting u! o# he$ing gum #atory in=ran (>as to kno$ !o"itia" stabi"ity in =ran&#easi"bity o# setu! at a "oation et)

    23am!"e: F"avor 9 o"our o# gum ($hatustomer $ants in his 9 her gum based onmarket researh)

    23 4 5hih is basi and $hih is a!!"ied researhH

    • Rig"eys $ants to go to =ran to o##er its !rodut o##erings there 4 Basi (;aro deisions 4 @ega"

    9 !o"itia" setu!& om!etition et as =ran is invo"ved as a ountry)

    • Rig"eys $ants to #ind out $hether an orange o"or bubb"e gum $i"" $ork or not 4 A!!"ied

    (;iro deisions 4 5hether om!any an o##er suh !rodut ? servies based on urrentom!etitors !er#ormane et)

    1) 5hether Ad shou"d be aired or not 4 A!!"ied

    6) 5hat shou"d be the om!osition o# the ad ($hen 9 $here 9 ho$ it shou"d be aired) 4 Basi

    ;anageria" a"ue o# Business Researh: Redues unertainty by !roviding in#ormation thatim!roves the deision making !roess

    Researh at Chrys"er Cor!oration * o S$eat at Eee!: Chrys"er Cor!oration& Eee!7s !arent

    om!any asked about 0 !aint "ine $orkers $ho $ash& $i!e and !re!are Eee!*Cherokees

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    (an S) #or !ainting to sto! using the anti!ers!irants as !art o# the om!any7s tota" -ua"itymanagement e##ort

    %he market researh sho$ed that anti!ers!irants $orn the $orkers #"aked and #e"" onto the !aint Anti!ers!irants ontain hemia"s suh as 'in*'ironium that an damage !aint %he

     !aint #"o$s a$ay #rom a #a""en #"ake o# these hemia"s& ausing a de!ression about a si'e o#a baby7s #ingerti!

    ;anagement is trying to !ersuade the $orkers to s$ith to deodorants& $hih ontro" odor but do not sto! s$eating

    5hether Researh shou"d be arried out or /% (%ree iagram) 9 Pre"iminary onditions to be #u"#i""ed be#ore arrying out researh

    Fo""o$ing onditions shou"d be #u"#i""ed (a"") !ost $hih researh an be arried out

    • 5hether time avai"ab"e is su##iient #or manageria" deisionH

    • 5hether in#ormation avai"ab"e (seondary data) is su##iient #or a deisionH

    • =s the deision o# high strategi 9 tatia" im!ortaneH

    • oes a"ue 9 Bene#it o# researh over$eighs ost o# researhH

    Condut researh (on"y i# a"" the above 8 riterion is #u"#i""ed) $he sign off from client needsto be taken first %official signoff on papers&, post which the task of the Research should start.

    Syndiated Researh 4 >ere& same data is used to #u"#i"" di##erent obetives o# di##erent "ient#or simi"ar ty!e o# researh Cost e##etive measure #or a"" "ients as base data o""eted issame

    6 Stages of Research

    1) Prob"em disovery and de#inition 4 Sit $ith "ient aross tab"e and agree& deide& disuss $hatit takes to #ormu"ate an obetive 9 to agree on the !rob"em 9 to agree on the need #or doingresearh

    6) esigning the Researh 4 sing best too"s and tehni-ues to design the researh

    ) Sam!"ing method em!"oyed 4 Probabi"isti 9 on*!robabi"isti method * Best method #orgathering the data

    8) >o$ $i"" the data is !roessed

    +) >o$ the data is ana"y'ed

    o$ researher is going to ommuniate bak to the "ient about the #indings

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    Bible &tate'ent of RM (at the end o# Researh methodo"ogy tree& to be #o""o$ed #or the$ho"e tree)* "ll stages in the research process are linked %inter-related to each-other& e'ually important no stage should be given importance ( should be compromised at the

    cost of the other stage %)'ual weight age, %*(+& to all stages of the research process&. o

    more than objectives should be present in a research project.

    Partii!ants o# Researh Proess 4

    • Researher 4 C"ient inter#ae& designs the -uestionnaire& instruts #ie"d !erson ho$ muh and

    $hat kind o# sam!"e is needed ? by $hen the same shou"d be om!"eted&

    • Fie"d !erson 4 >e 9 She goes in the #ie"d and gathers data& a#ter that it is sent to the ana"ysis

    de!artment #or #urther ana"ysis (based on instrution given by researher)

    • Ana"yst * /ne data reahes researher& it is task o# the researher (ana"yst here) to make sense

    out o# the data& !re!are !resentations and ommuniate to the "ient >ene& a researher neednot be a statistiian& but ho$ good he 9 she an make sense o# the data

     n west, the researcher does not give ( show any data to the client %no graphs&. $he

     presentation lasts for /0 1 20 minutes. )verything is focused on conclusion and


    Ro"e o# a researher * A"ign the data and !resent a reommendation #or im!"ementation o# the"ient %his $i"" make researher onverted to a business !artner (in#ormation gettingonverted to kno$"edge)

    Who decides whether research carried out is right or wrong ( 3ow much is still left etc ( Rights and responsibilities of researcher ( client %"ny cultural restriction for a region&4

    Certain ode o# ondut is $ritten do$n and needs to be arried out by the researher (%o be#o""o$ed by "ient& researher& ageny and res!ondents)

    • ;RS= 4 ;arket researh soiety o# =ndia (based on 2uro!ean ;ode")

    • 2S/;AR 4 2uro!ean soiety o# o!inion marketing advertising and researh

    2S/;AR is invo"ved in setting u! ode o# ondut #or a researh !roet arried out in amarket =n =ndia& this !ro#i"e is taken u! by ;arket Researh Soiety o# =ndia

    >igh"ights o# Code o# 2this 4

    • ;aintain on#identia"ity o# the res!ondent $hih is onveyed to him 9 her $hi"e onduting the

    intervie$ or take !ermission o# the res!ondent ? then !ass on his in#ormation to the "ient

    • C"ient an a"so aom!any the ageny $hen the #ie"d $ork is arried out

    • =n ase "ient has !rovided names o# the intervie$ees and in return asked #or names and

    res!onses o# eah res!ondent& then a"so& $ithout res!ondents onsent& the same an7t be !assed on to the "ient (even i# it is an interna" survey $ithin the om!any) 23 * ;ystery

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    sho!!ing to eva"uate sta##7s !er#ormane (to gauge $hether they are adhering to ertainnorms) 4 ames an on"y be given i# the "ient gives the undertaking to the ageny 9researher that the res!onses $i"" be used #or training their sta## members being intervie$ed? not #or saking 9 #iring 9 embarrassing the em!"oyees

    • A#ter the survey is om!"eted and re!ort is submitted to the "ient& ti"" $hat time the "ient anask #or #urther ana"ysis 9 an ome bak $ith #urther -ueries 4 < months(Researher 9 agenyshou"d though maintain the -uestionnaire 9 data ti"" 1 year a#ter the re!ort is submitted)

    • Researh is not used as a too" to se"" the "ient7s !roduts& but ust to obtain #eedbak #rom the


     3ow to make #oss wrong without being noticed5

    •  6et’s put it in the parking lot %!ld Way&

    • 7orrect me if am wrong %ew Way&

    &ta!e 1 ( Proble' disco)ery and definition

     8iscovery is in understanding the symptoms and 8efinition is finding the actual issue.

     )9ploratory research, which is optional, is used to convert problem discovery into definition.

     )9ploratory research is 'ualitative in nature.

    Prob"em disovery * nderstanding the !resene o# !rob"em 9 identi#ying the !rob"em

    Prob"em de#inition 4 =t is the true !rob"em& $hih $i"" be used to #ormu"ate the obetive

     8iscovery is the symptom, definition is the actual problem

    23am!"e 4

    • Sym!tom 4 ;embershi! is de"ining #or the A" asir "eisure "ub ? inreasing #or the $ater


    • e#inition 4 5hy membershi! is de"ining and $hy !eo!"e !re#er $ater*!ark over "ub

    About the ase disussed in "ass 4

    • Give in#ormation to "ient not ust #rom the obvious $hih he 9 she an easi"y see 9 observe

    (.uestion to be ans$ered * 5hy membershi! is de"ining9 $hen this trend has started 9 $hereare those members going 9 $hy are they going there)

    •  "nswer found  4 Peo!"e (kids) have no$ gro$n u! in age and no$ !re#er to go to $ater !ark

    instead o# "ub $ith their !arents

    • $rue problem definition 4 Shou"d understand the needs and !re#erenes o# this segment $hose

    taste has no$ hanged (%arget grou! 4 61*0 years) 5here does this grou! !re#er to go and

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    $hy they !re#er to go there >ene& = an suggest the "ient $hether they an ada!t 9 ho$muh they need to hange et 9 "ient shou"d s$ith the business to something e"se

    • %he above is an initia" researh ? onsu"ted $ith "ient (va"idate a hy!othesis $ith the initia"


    • C"ient norma""y gives the sym!tom (hokey vie$ershi! is de"ining) Researher has to ome

    $ith true !rob"em (5hih s!orts then these audienes are no$ $athing and $hy) >ene&more sessions are re-uired $ith the "ient to onvert this sym!tom 9 !rob"em disovery into

     !rob"em de#inition

    23!"oratory Researh 4 =nitia" researh arried out to onvert sym!tom 9 !rob"em disoveryinto a true !rob"em de#inition

    1 =nitia" researh onduted to "ari#y and de#ine the nature o# the !rob"em

    6 oes not !rovide on"usive evidene

     Subse-uent researh is e3!eted

    8 5hy 23!"oratory Researh

    a iagnose a situation b Sreening o# a"ternatives isover ne$ ideas

    %y!es o# 23!"oratory Researh 4

    1) 23!eriene survey 4 /ne shou"d ta"k to industry e3!erts and ask them $hat ou"d be thereason #or de"ine 9 $hat ou"d be the ha""enges in the market ? get some #ee"ers 9 #eeders#rom them

    6) Seondary data 9 historia" ana"ysis 4 sing o$n organi'ation7s data to observe any trend #romthe same

    ) Case Study ;ethod 4 A simi"ar thing ha!!ened e"se$here and they did this to reso"ve it

    8) Proetive tehni-ue 4 nderstanding mindset o# target audiene

    a 5ord assoiation %est 4 Res!ondent is given a subet and is asked to res!ond$ith the 1st $ord that omes to mind 23am!"e 4 S$eet 4 >oney& Choo"ate&=ndian traditiona" s$eets& sugar

    i About Choo"ates 41 Choo"ate eating trend has hanged in =ndia over the !ast 10 4 1+

    years 2ar"ier& u! to age 10 years hi"dren $ere e3!eted to eathoo"ate Adu"ts $ou"d have to usti#y $hy they $ere buyinghoo"ate to the ashier (though they $ou"d any$ay eat itthemse"ves a#ter$ards) %his habit $as understood and $erehanged by om!anies over due ourse o# time >o$ it $asdone 4 Choo"ate and Criket ad sho$ing hoo"ate is

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    impulsive (no !"an to !urhase& #ee" the need and one eats it)Simi"ar"y& riket is im!u"sive& one "a!s 9 heers #or his 9 herteam even $hi"e $athing a math $ith a stranger Ad did $e""and adu"t !o!u"ation hene& ae!ted hoo"ate A"so& !erk adsho$s that one shou"d eat a hoo"ate as snak /asions $ere

    reated out o# the ordinary /ther ads 4 Bride oming do$n#rom stage to have a hoo"ate and then going bak (eed #oreating hoo"ate $as reated by understanding the barriers$hih ke!t adu"ts stay a$ay #rom hoo"ates)

    6 Choo"ate s"abs $ere seen as unhea"thy due to its si'e& hene& bite (sma"") si'e ame into !iture& though it is more unhea"thyone $ants to try a"" the #"avors in a bo3 o# hoo"ates& endingu! eating a""

     Choo"ate is treated as a mood enhancer 8  o$& hoo"ates are given as #estiva" s$eets a"so o$& a !erson

    is seen as a onservative !erson i# he 9 she give a traditiona"

    s$eet during #estiva"ii ;aking statement in #ront o# "ient $hi"e ordering drink(s) in a

    restaurant 4 ;inera" $ater $as ear"ier& then ame diet soda& no$ it is#resh"y s-uee'ed orange uie

    iii Corret me i# = am $rong 4 >o$ to !in !oint boss7s $rong deision$ithout agitating him 9 her se this !hrase in a meeting to ommenton someone $hom it an7t be made in a norma" one to one meeting@et7s !ut in the !arking "ot 4 o"d $ay o# saying the same

    iv Red o"or 4 egative onnotation $as assoiated $ith red Red no$indiates that one is vibrant& dynami& young& "ive"y and attrative Redis more used o"or #or !akaging these days

     b Sentene om!"etion test 4 >o$ high an a !erson ta"k about a brand(good9better9best)& $hen they give their #eedbak 9 o!inion via senteneom!"etion test %hese attributes mentioned in the sentene om!"etion $i"" beused to high"ight om!any 9 brand traits $hen they ta"k to their ustomers

    i Coo" (Care#ree attitude) does not e3ist in the Arab $or"d >ene& it isnot sho$n in advertisements over there ivea did a "ot o# researh to#ind $hat beauty means >ene& it is seen in many ivea ads that

     beauty meansII (Based on the #eedbaks reeived #rom theustomer) Simi"ar"y& est"e s!ent a good amount o# money tounderstand $hat nutrition means to !eo!"e 4 5hat is the meaning o#

    these $ords #or your target audiene and ho$ an om!any use themto their bene#it $hih is $hy sentene om!"etion test is used %A% 4 %hemati A!!ere!tion %est 4 Gives an o!!ortunity to s!ot $hat the

    target audiene is "ooking at& $hih an in turn be used to #ormu"ate theobetives

    i Go"#er indiates suess#u" !erson and one having time #or himse"# as !er res!onses reeived #rom ;en

    ii 5omen (not married) are a"so su!!orting go"#er 4 suess#u"& rih&#amous (adetives given)

    iii ;arried $omen !re#erred the other !erson (kids hugging)& $ho $i""take are o# her kids

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    Studied ti"" no$ 9 Revision 4 >o$ do one #rame the obetive& $hat goes behind #ormu"atingthe obetive #rom a disovery to a de#inition (isovery being sym!tom and de#inition beingtrue !rob"em) 5hat onverts disovery into de#inition is e3!"oratory researh ariouse3!"oratory researh tehni-ues are a"so disussed

    /betive * o$ !rob"em de#inition needs to be onverted into an obetive An obetivea"$ays starts $ith a verb "ike to do something (%o measure 9 ana"y'e 9 determine 9understand) =dea""y& researh $i"" never have more than + obetives 

    >o$ ? $ith $hom to ondut e3!"oratory researh 4 Researher $i"" do the e3!"oratoryresearh $ithin the ageny ($ith e3!eriened sta##) ? then $ith touh !oints #rom the "ient7sside (division heads& de!artmenta" heads& ross #untiona" teams& #ront"ine sta## 4 a"" !eo!"e$ho are going to he"! you understand the !rob"em better) =n ase !rob"em is very $e""artiu"ated at the 1st !"ae& then it is not re-uired to be onverted into de#inition& hene& noe3!"oratory researh is re-uired >ene& e9ploratory research is optional.

    most dumb -uestion (never to be asked)

    1) >ave you understood everythingH (Ans$er 4 Jes)

    6) 5hat !rie are you going to !ay #or this !rodut (Ans$er 4 othing)

    ) 5here $ou"d you "ike the "oation o# this out"et (Ans$er 4 Be"o$ my bui"ding& mostonvenient)

    $ime of research can be cut down by investing in more resources. %: weeks project to ; ( +.

    weeks project&

    .uestion * 5hen a "ient says that he $anted more out o# the researh (but never statedthem)& and rates the researher be"o$ !ar& ho$ researher shou"d tak"e the situationH

    Ans$er 4 KSir& you are #ree to give #eedbak 9 o!inion as !er your hoie& but nobody underthe sun 4 neither = nor my om!etitors an address im!"ied obetives =# you $ish to s!e"" outsomething& un"ess $e do not disuss it 9 un"ess it is not akno$"edged 9 un"ess it is notreogni'ed& it $i"" never get addressed (? you an hoose to do $hat you $ant)L

    5ith ne3t "ient& ask him 9 her u!#ront& i# he 9 she is thinking something but not s!e""ing out

    >ene& obetive setting is im!ortant beause both im!"ied and stated obetives areartiu"ated in researh (ot artiu"ated& may not get addressed) /ut o# 10 researh& in

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     Case study 'ethod An e3!"oratory researh tehni-ue that intensive"y investigates one or#e$ situations simi"ar to the researher7s !rob"em situation

    8 Pilot &tudy A sma"" sa"e e3!"oratory researh !roet that uses sam!"ing but does not a!!"yrigorous standards (.uantitative estimates #rom "arge& re!resentative sam!"es are re"a3ed)

    1 Proecti)e techni2ues =t is an indiret means o# -uestioning a res!ondent toK!roetL be"ie#s and #ee"ings onto a third !arty& an inanimate obet& or a tasksituation

    6 3ord association test Res!ondent is asked to res!ond $ith the 1st $ord thatomes to mind 23am!"e: Red 4 Rose& B"ood& >eart

     &entence co'pletion test =t is a !roetive tehni-ue in $hih res!ondents arere-uired to om!"ete a number o# !artia" sentenes $ith the #irst or !hrase thatomes to their mind 23am!"e *

    a Peo!"e $ho drink bear are MMMMMMMMMMMMM  b A man $ho drinks "ight bear is MMMMMMMMMM 

     =m!orted bear is most "iked by MMMMMMMMMM d A $oman $i"" drink beer $hen MMMMMMMMMM 

    8 #he'atic %pperception #est: A test onsisting o# a series o# !itures sho$n toresearh subets $ho are then asked to !rovide a desri!tion o# the !itures %heresearher ana"yses the ontent o# these desri!tions in an e##ort to "ari#y aresearh !rob"em

    isadvantages o# e3!"oratory researh: 23!"oratory researh an7t take !"ae o# -uantitative&on"usive researh


    ;ost o# them !rovide -ua"itative in#ormation and inter!retation o# the #indings is ty!ia""y udgmenta"

    • ;ost e3!"oratory researh uti"i'es sma"" sam!"e si'es $hih may not be re!resentative beause

    they do not have been se"eted on !robabi"ity basis

    23!"oratory researh generates insights and "ari#ies the business !rob"ems #or hy!othesistesting in #uture researh /ne an7t determine the most im!ortant attributes o# a ne$

     !rogram or !o"iy unti" those attributes have been identi#ied& $hih i""ustrates the im!ortaneo# e3!"oratory researh

    23am!"e * 5ant to #ind out about o##*shore banking target audiene is !eo!"e $ith investib"eassets N600&000 and above 4 Sam!"e si'e is undeided as #inding suh !eo!"e is di##iu"t thisondition has to be agreed u!#ront $ith "ient

    5hen are above researh onduted:

    23!"oratory researh is onduted during the ear"y stages o# deision making $hen thedeision is ambiguous and management is unertain about the nature o# the !rob"em

    5hen management is a$are o# the !rob"em& but not om!"ete"y kno$"edgeab"e about thesituation& desri!tive researh is usua""y onduted

    Causa" studies an on"y be onduted $hen a !rob"em is shar!"y de#ined

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1



    4nd  &ta!e ( Research 0esi!n

    Research 0esi!n

    • Primary ata

     C"assi#iation*1 esri!tive

     iagnosti 23!erimenta"

     Causa" 23!"oratory

     C"assi#iation*6 .ua"itative


    • Seondary ata

     =nterna" ata Soure

     23terna" ata Soure

    >o$ shou"d one design the researh e##etive"y to ahieve the obetive set #orth #or theresearh e3eriseH

    =n researh design& there are 6 soures o# data 4 ene& the !rimary researh is done on"y tova"idate the seondary data 23 4 =nstead o# asking 4 K5hat is the market si'eL& researherasks 4 K5hether the si'e is DDDL as he 9 she has in#ormation #rom seondary data about it(good "ose a!!ro3imation) Seondary data hene is "imitation is ;idd"e*2ast market butgood #or outside market ("ike S)

    A researh !roet may need one or both (=nterna" and 23terna" soures o# data) o#these 23am!"e: =n ubai& the 2= (2onomi =nte""igene unit)& ;inistry o# !"anning ande!artment o# 2onomi eve"o!ment gives di##erent in#"ation rate (various soures o#

    seondary data)& but #ina""y& the data o# 2= is onsidered #ina""y #or the determining the rateo# in#"ation

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    Rate o# =n#"ation in A2 as !er the #o""o$ing 4

    • 2= (2onomi =nte""igene nit) 4 , * O, (;ost re"iab"e soure #or A2 market)

    • =;F 4 1,

    • ;inistry o# !"anning 4 +,

    • e!artment o# eonomi deve"o!ment 4 11,

    • Banks in A2 4 1+, * 1O,

    Saudi Arabia7s !o!u"ation ("argest market in ;idd"e 2ast) 4 Range is #rom 60 to + mi""ion%here is no ensus done there >ene& ou"d not #ind out !er a!ita inome #or Pe!si

     "bove e9ample shows the importance of availability of secondary data

    Seondary soures o# data "assi#iation 4

    =nterna" soures o# data (=nterna" to Researher 9 "ient) 4 =t is $ithin the boundaries o# theorgani'ation 23am!"e 4 Co""ege "ibrary data #or student ;ost o# the time& the data is #ree"yaessib"e (#ees is not a!!"iab"e or is taken u!#ront)%he researher is not !aying #or thedata

    23terna" soures o# data 4 =t is avai"ab"e outside the !remises o# the organi'ation =t ishargeab"e %he harge an either be borne by the onsu"tant& but most"y it is !assed on to the

    "ient 23am!"e 4 Pub"i "ibrary data #or $hih o""ege has not !aid C"ient hene shou"d beharged aording"y

    A researh !roet may need one or both o# these

    =ndustry Fat * K$his costs so much, but for you we will absorb the cost L 4 5hat researhersays to big "ients $hen not bi""ing them #or the e3terna" soure o# data used during theresearh emogra!hi in#ormation is e3!eted to be ontained by the ageny& e"se "ient $i""a"so say 4 KWhy should go with you4L

    =n year 1& "ient is the boss but #rom Jear 6 on$ards& ageny is the boss as no$ "ient isde!endent on the ageny (e"se it has to again re*invest the same amount o# money to startresearh a#resh) Ageny uses the $ord b"ak bo3 to hide a"" the a"u"ations 9 methods theyuse to arrive at the #igure 9 ana"ysis >ene& C"ient tries to avoid use o# !ro!rietary too"s o#ageny right #rom day 1

    5hatever is not b"ak*bo3& !"ease do it on this study 4 Re-uest #rom C"ient to ageny #rom beginning =n ase ageny says they an7t do it& the "ient may reet their !ro!osa" in the 1st year itse"#

    Primary ata Soure *

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    1) esri!tive Researh 4 .uestion asked re"ated to 5ho 9 5hat 9 5hen 9 5here 9 >o$ A""these -uestions are desribing the behavior o# the res!ondent to$ards something and henea""ed desri!tive in nature =t is used to desribe harateristis o# a !o!u"ation or

     !henomenon (-uestions re"ated to who, what, when, where, how&. t is describing thebehavior of persons ( respondents towards something. n"ike e3!"oratory researh&

    desri!tive studies are based on some !revious understanding o# the nature o# the researh !rob"em esri!tive researh o#ten he"!s segment and target markets

    6) iagnosti Researh 4 =t aims to ans$er the -uestion $hy7 to dri"" do$n to the root auseo# the !rob"em 23am!"e: 5hy you buy this sham!oo

    ) 23!erimenta" Researh 4 =t is arried out !rior to the "aunh o# one!t 9 !rodut 9advertisement to understand the e##etiveness o# the same and to take a deision $hether togo ahead $ith the "aunh or not 23am!"e: 2maar !ro!erties Rent to o$n7 initiative $here a

     !erson "iving on rent an atua""y o$n the !ro!erty by !aying the ba"ane amount (Prini!"e 4 Rent !aid ti"" date)

     8etail e9planation * Researh arried out !rior to the !rodut 9 one!t 9 advertising "aunh/n"y #or advertisements& it ou"d be done a#ter a"so 5hy it is done 4 to kno$ thee##etiveness o# the one!t 9 idea ? to #ind out $hether the team shou"d go ahead $ith the"aunh o# the !rodut 9 idea or not

    23am!"e (Servie Cone!t) 4 2;AAR !ro!erties had the one!t o# Rent to o$n7 But noone understood it des!ite huge hoardings !resent Peo!"e thought that a#ter renting& !eo!"eare "itera""y o$ners o# the house ti"" the !eriod "asts 4 so they didn7t understand the one!t/rigina" one!t 4 %i"" years& one !ays the rent A#ter that rent !aid $i"" go to$ards theinsta""ment o# the !rini!"e outstanding ($hih is the !rie o# the house) %he initia" yearsrent !aid is onsidered as one time do$n !ayment to$ards the !ro!erty "timate"y& $hen

     !eo!"e understood it& the demand #or the same inreased e3!onentia""y and 2;AAR had tosto! this

    8) Causa" Researh 4 %his researh is used to understand the ause and e##et re"ationshi! o#something 9 variab"e (Cause and e##et re"ationshi! bet$een 6 variab"es) 23!"oratory anddesri!tive researh norma""y !reedes ause*and*e##et re"ationshi! studies

    23am!"e 4 =# om!any has done a !romotion& $hether it has bui"d the brand or not 4 tounderstand it re-uires ausa" researh iagnosti researh is ans$ering generi 5hy

    -uestion (5hy one buys ie*ream)& $hereas ausa" ans$ers very s!ei#i 5hy -uestionre"ated to the e##et (Beause one eats =e ream& $hether he 9 she is hea"th onsious or not 4 Cheking re"ationshi! bet$een eating ie*ream and hea"th)

    a Causa" researh attem!ts to estab"ish that $hen $e do one thing& another thing$i"" #o""o$ A ty!ia" ausa" study has management hange one variab"e (eg&training) and then observe the e##et on another variab"e (eg& !rodutivity)

     b =# an organi'ation behavior theorist $ishes to sho$ attitude hange causes  behavior hange& one riterion that must be estab"ished is that attitude hange precedes behavior hange

    23am!"e 4 6ife #oy brand  (=ndia) 4 5hat it meant 60 years ago 4 @i#e Boy $as used by"o$er inome "ass (;eant #or servants at home) ni"ever deided to re*!osition the brand to

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


     be used by teens or young adu"ts to be used as a #aia" soa! 4 a om!"ete hange o# $hat it$as and $hat it is no$ Peo!"e $on7t use it i# soa! is sti"" a""ed @i#e Boy and has same o"dred o"or >ene& name test $ent ahead #or searhing a !remium name 6 o!tions ame u! 4@i#e Boy Go"d or @i#e Boy Green Green sounded very earthy ? had nothing #any about it&

     but Go"d $ord had the !remium a##et among the target audiene A#ter @i#e Boy Go"d& @i#e

    Boy P"us ame

    =n the above ase& om!any $anted to shi#t the target market Simi"ar"y 2mirates a"sointrodued "o$ ost air"ine a""ed 4 =ly by 8ubai $ithout distorting their origina" brand$hih symbo"i'ed a##"uent "ass (Airra#t 9 servie 9 or!orate entity is di##erent #rom !arent)

    Surf  4 =t hanged the name to Sur# 23e" O0, o# res!ondents thought Sur# e3e" is a !remium brand Com!any $anted to kee! both the brands initia""y but in #uture had todisontinue $ith Sur# brand& as they !ereived that they an7t di##erentiate bet$een ommonand !remium brand %he $ord e3e" though #urther inreased the market share o# Sur#

    1) 23!"oratory Researh 4 A"ready e3!"ained

    3hen are abo)e research conducted

     )9ploratory research is onduted during the ear"y stages o# deision making $hen thedeision is ambiguous and management is unertain about the nature o# the !rob"em

    5hen management is a$are o# the !rob"em& but not om!"ete"y kno$"edgeab"e about thesituation& descriptive research is usua""y onduted

    7ausal studies an on"y be onduted $hen a !rob"em is shar!"y de#ined

    23am!"es o# Business Prob"ems:

    *+ploratory Research

    ,%'bi!uous Proble'

    0escripti)e Research ,%5are

    of partially defined proble'

    Causal Research ,Clearly

    defined proble'

    Absenteeism is inreasing and$e do not kno$ $hy

    5hat kind o# !eo!"e #avortrade !rotetionism

    5hih o# the t$o training !rograms is more e##etive

    5ou"d !eo!"e be interested inour ne$ !rodut idea

    id "ast year7s !rodut rea""have an im!at on ourom!any7s stok !rie

    Can = !redit the va"ue o#energy stoks i# = kno$ theurrent dividends and gro$thrates and dividends

    5hat task onditionsin#"uene the "eadershi!

     !roess in our organi'ation

    >as the average merger rate#or savings and "oansinreased in the !ast deade

    5i"" buyers !urhase more o#our !rodut in a ne$ !akage

    Primary ata researh (o""etion) method * 5ithin Primary& there are 6 kinds 9 methods o#doing researh 4 .uantitative Researh and .ua"itative Researh

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    6uantitati)e Research 6ualitati)e Research

    Ans$ers the -uestion 4 3ow >any (>o$ many"a!to!s you haveH)

    Ans$ers the -uestion 4 Why (23am!"e: 5hydo you have a "a!to!H)

    =t is descriptive in nature =t is diagnostic in nature

    =t is measurable (gives statistia""y signi#iantdata)

    =t is not measurable (does not give statistia""ymeasurab"e data)

    %he data 9 resu"t an be e3tra!o"ated to theuniverse

    %he data 9 resu"t an7t be e3tra!o"ated to theuniverse

    =t is nterviewer  driven =t is respondent  driven (moderator manages)

    %he instrument used here is a 'uestionnaire %he instrument used here is a discussion guide

    =t !er#orms data ana"ysis =t !er#orms content  ana"ysis

    =t is strutured (=t has de#inite se-uene o#-uestion #or a"" res!ondents as it is intervie$erdriven)

    =t is unstrutured (the -uestion an be asked inany order as it is res!ondent driven)

    @ess om!"e3 ;ore om!"e3 (to #rame -uestion and ontinue$ith intervie$)

    @ess e3!ensive ;ore e3!ensive

    Re!resentative o# niverse ot a true re!resentative o# universe

    %he sam!"e si'e is a"$ays greater than (ore-ua" to) 0

    %he Sam!"e si'e is a"$ays "ess than 0

    %he intervie$ing tehni-ues used here arePersona" intervie$ (oor to oor& ;a""=ntere!t& Street =ntere!t)& %e"e!honi=ntervie$ (=nternet ? mai" surveys)& Se"#administered -uestionnaire

    %he intervie$ing tehni-ues used here are =n*de!th intervie$ (to disuss sensitive issues in

     !rivate) and #ous grou! disussion (#orgrou!s)

    0ifferences in detail 4

    .uantitative researh in number driven $hereas -ua"itative researh is not number driven

    .uantitative researh ans$ers the -uestion >o$ many& .ua"itative researh ans$ers the-uestion 5hy

    .uantitative researh is more desri!tive in nature& $hereas -ua"itative researh is morediagnosti (5hy -uestions) in nature

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    .uantitative researh is measurab"e& $hereas -ua"itative researh is not measurab"e

    .uantitative researh gives statistia""y signi#iant data $hereas -ua"itative researh does notgive

    .uantitative researh an be e3tra!o"ated as the sam!"e is re!resentative o# the universe$hereas -ua"itative an7t be e3tra!o"ated as sam!"e is not re!resentative o# universe

    .uantitative researh uses a intervie$er& $hereas -ua"itative researh uses a moderator

    =nstrument used in -uantitative researh is -uestionnaire $hereas in -ua"itative researh isdisussion guide

    =n -uantitative researh& one arries out data ana"ysis& $hereas in -ua"itative researh onearries out ontent ana"ysis

    .uantitative researh is structured 9 =ntervie$er driven (=ntervie$er has to ask the -uestionin the same se-uene as given in the -uestionnaire 4 o reativity by intervie$er a""instrution has to be hene& given on the -uestionnaire) $hereas -ua"itative researh isunstrutured (disussion guide $hih more or "ess $orks "ike a stimu"us guide has di##erentareas to be overed $hi"e -uestioning res!ondent might hose to ans$er any -uestionirres!etive o# -uestion being asked =t =s hene& unstrutured as it is res!ondent driven (Go$ith the #"o$ reated by the res!ondent)

    .ua"itative researh is more om!"e3 4 re-uires more ski""s& researh& a!titude& moderator hasto ada!t to the #"o$ o# the res!ondent .uantitative researh is om!arative"y "ess om!"e3

    .uantitative researh is hene "ess e3!ensive than -ua"itative researh

    1 #ous grou! $i"" ost a!!ro3 6+ to thousand S (ontains ma3 10 !eo!"e& average is 8*< !eo!"e) 1 intervie$ $i"" ost a!!ro3 +*0 S

    Both tehni-ues are e-ua""y ana"ytia" .uantitative is de!endent on -ua"itative (O out o# 10ases) /n a !roet& one ou"d use both& either but an7t use neither

    Sam!"e si'e in -ua"itative is "ess than that o# -uantitative (Statistia""y orret minimumsam!"e si'e is 0)

    • 5hat suggestions om!any an get #rom res!ondents to im!rove the !rodut * .ua"itative

    • 5hat is the deision making !roess #o""o$ed by !eo!"e $hen they deide to buy a ar 4


    • 5hat ar are they buying 4 .uantitative

    A #ous grou! disussion "asts #or an hour or 6 de!ending on the res!ondent& a -uantitativesurvey "asts #or 60 4 + minutes

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    .uestions asked 4 5hat ream are you using& ho$ o#ten to you use them& $here do you buyit #rom 5hy do you use that ream& $hen you use that ream are you #ine about the


    !pen ended 'uestions are 'uantitative

    .ua"itative researh is very rih& he"!s one to dee! dive& $hereas -uantitative researh he"!sone to #"oat

    C"ose*u! 4 FR2S>2SS 4 5hy do you use a tooth!aste 4 Beause = Su##er #rom bad breath&5hat ha!!ens i# you have bad breath III;any $hy -uestions $ere asked ? soia"ae!tane $as the "ast $hy $here the -uestions sto!!ed

    Both .ua"itative and .uantitative are random"y sam!"ed .ua"itative is most"y !re#erred bythe audiene as !eo!"e !re#er numbers to take deisions

    %he tehni-ues #o""o$ed under -uantitative researh are 4

    • Persona" =ntervie$s 9 Fae to Fae =ntervie$s 4 ;ost !o!u"ar (at home& o##ie or a !"ae

    onvenient to "ient 4 $henever it is onvenient to "ient) ery s!ei#i& res!ondent an beeasi"y e3!"ained the -uestionnaire in ase o# any on#usion ;ost e3!ensive method.uestionnaire is he"d and #i""ed by the intervie$er and not by res!ondent Best res!onse rateas res!ondent an see the intervie$er in #ront o# them and an easi"y hek the ids a"so

     oor to door intervie$

     ;a"" =ntere!ts (Street =ntere!t 4 Singa!ore& 5estern ountries)

    Researh is Saudi Arabia is i""ega" (/ne has to a"" the res!ondent& take !ermission #or !ersona" visit at a suitab"e time onvenient to the "ient)

    • %e"e!honi intervie$s 4 %hey are beginning to beome !o!u"ar& but sti"" there are #e$ hurd"es

    ("ike dis"osing inome over te"e!hone) to be rossed be#ore being ae!ted by mass

    • Se"# administered -uestionnaires * 2mai" ?9or =nternet survey 4 /ne #i"" it on their o$n "ike end

    term 9 ourse #eedbak 

    • 2mai"

    &elf %d'inistered 2uestionnaires

    • Pa!er -uestionnaires

     ;ai" =n*!erson dro!*o## 

     =nserts Fa3

    • 2"etroni -uestionnaires

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1



     =nternet $ebsite Qiosk 

    Res!onse rate in ma"e is 1, on"y $ithout #ore

    .ua"itative researh an be done via in*de!th intervie$ or disussion guide =ntervie$ingdotors is =nde!th intervie$ as it is very di##iu"t to meet a"" o# them at the same time(e3treme"y busy target audiene) =nde!th intervie$s "ast #or 1*6 hours

    =nde!th =ntervie$ 4 5hat are the #ators !eo!"e take into aount $hi"e buying a ar& $ho isthe deision maker& $hen does the !roess start ? end& $ho is the in#"uener 4 outome $i""

     be rih data out o# this e3erise %he same $i"" he"! in !rodut o##erings& ommuniation toustomer& strategy o# o##ering 4 "ike in bund"es or so"o

    = $ant to intervie$ !eo!"e to #ind out about their investment habits 4 =n*de!th intervie$(Can7t disuss !ersona" #inane in grou!s) %he to!i is very sensitive to be disussed in

     !ub"i or intervie$ is being done #or >=

    .uantitative method is re"ated to measurement& hene one need sa"e (Sa"e 4 Some too" toa!ture res!onse)

    Class - 7

    #ypes of &cales used

    Broad"y there are 8 kinds o# sa"e 4

    1  omina" Sa"e 4 2very sa"e in researh is a nomina" sa"e Se3 ;a"e 4 1& Fema"e *6& is anomina" sa"e

    6 /rdina" Sa"e 4 =t ranks order in ategories "ike e3e""ent& good& #air& !oor et =t is a"so anumeria" sa"e ;easures the order o# the obet or !henomenon (23e""ent*1 9 ery Good*6 9 Good* 9 Bad*8 9 Poor*+)

     =nterva" Sa"e 4 ;easures distane bet$een 6 !oints 9 va"ues and range 23am!"e: nder $hihage ategory you #a"" under (6

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    + !oint sa"e shou"d not be used $hen o!inion are being taken (Satis#ation survey)& e"semost o# the res!ondents tend to be biased to$ards neutra" o!inion >ene& satis#ation surveyis a"$ays a 8 !oint sa"e


    >ene& va"idity and auray is same and used synonymous"y in the industry

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    Attitude measuring !roess

    • Ranking 4 Ranking is re"ative =t re-uires that the res!ondent rank order a sma"" number o#

    obets in overa"" !er#ormane on the basis o# some harateristi or stimu"us 23am!"e *Rate to! + Ranking is vertia"

    • Rating 4 =t asks the res!ondent to estimate the magnitude o# a harateristi or -ua"ity that an

    obet !ossesses %he res!ondent7s !osition on the sa"e(s) $here he or she $ou"d rate anobet Rating is abso"ute * measures magnitude o# obet7s harateristi Rating ishori'onta"

    • Sorting 4 C"assi#ying into grou!s based on ertain harateristis

    • Choie 4 /n"y one ans$er is hosen out o# severa" a"ternatives


    &C%?*& in detail

    &e'antic 0ifferential &cale 4

    A series o# !oint bi*!o"ar rating sa"e Bi!o"ar adetives suh as good7 ? bad7 anhoring both ends (or !o"es) o# the sa"e

    23am!"e 4 Rating o# a restaurant based on #o""o$ing !arameters 9 #ators 4

    • a"ue #or ;oney (Poor*1 to 23e""ent*)

    • @oation (=nonvenient*1 to Convenient* "oation)

    • ariety o# #ood (arro$ ariety *1 to 5ide ariety * o# #ood)

    A"so& re"ative rating o# the !arameters 9 #ators needs to be done

    Restaurant 1 Restaurant 6 Restaurant %ota"

    a"ue #or;oney (+0,)

    + 8 8 +0+T80+T80+


    + 6 +

    ariety o#Food (60,)

    < <

    >ene& Restaurant 1 is doing best as !er the res!ondent

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    SC $orks $e"" $ith image kind o# -uestion 9 to understand !ere!tion about 6*8 om!eting brands

    5hih restaurant has to $ork harder 4 %he one $ho is at rank 1 (the "ead brand) has to $orkhardest to maintain his 9 her "ead !osition

    Constant &u' &cale 4

    Sum o# a"" res!onses given by a res!ondent is either 10 or 100 (easier #or res!ondent to thinkon the sa"e o# 10 or 100) (/betive * >o$ muh im!ortane a res!ondent gives to$ards a

     !artiu"ar brand Prob"em ours $hen the riterion o# rating is not s!ei#ied u!#ront to theres!ondent)

    istribute 100 !oints in the #o""o$ing + subets

    Res!ondent R; FA .% CF ;2 %ota"(A"$ays100)

    1 80 10 10 60 60 1@@

    6 60 80 10 + + 1@@

    0 10 +0 + + 1@@

    8 +0 60 10 + + 1@@

    + 80 0 10 10 10 1@@

    %ota" 10 110 O0 8+ 8+ +00

    Parameter thought over #or high rating o# a subet 4

    • 2##ort taken by the #au"ty (#or the subet to sink in $ith the res!ondent)

    • @iking #or the subet by the res!ondent

    • ti"ity o# the ourse in $ork 9 ob

    >ene& does not s!ei#y the riterion to break the 100 !oint #or a res!ondent isourageres!ondents to give e-ua" rating 9 !oints to a"" subets or very "ose !oints& $hih $i"" notsho$ any resu"t in regression ana"ysis

    A"so& not more than + brands e"se it beomes too muh to udge by the res!ondent A"so&either a 10 or a 100 sa"e shou"d be used #or designing this

    Araphic Ratin! &cale 4

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    =t is used i# one $ants to get a !itoria" re!resentation o# something "ike ;ood 9 behavior 9#ee"ings =t is usua""y used in restaurants to get ertain kind o# #eedbaks in s"ight"y re"a3edmanner 9 used $ith hi"dren

    Unbalanced &cale 4 =t has more res!onses distributed at one end o# the sa"e o need o# a

    enter sa"e as !eo!"e tends to make a neutra" vie$ i# !rovided $ith an o!tion to hoose andthe survey does not sho$ a vie$ to be onsidered

    .uestionnaire design is the 6nd stage ie researh design %he -uestionnaire shou"d be va"id(ans$ering the obetive)

     o$ did you interat$ith the ustomer servie officer  o# UJD bankL =nstead o# using o##ier& use the $ord

    re!resentative& sta## et as !eo!"e outside the bank $i"" get on#used in understanding therank (o##ier) K/# a"" the hoo"ate brands you an think o#& $hat brands are you salient o#L

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    (se the $ord a$are 9 think instead o# sa"ient& $hih is !ure marketing $ord) KReord&res!onse under $!>@ (se the $ord #irst mentioned instead o# %/; 4 %o! o# ;ind)

     Avoid "eading and "oaded -uestion 4

     @eading -uestion 4 A"" inte""igent e"ite !ro#essiona"s eat Qe""ogg7s o youH

     A"" dumbos arry as redit ard o youH A"" inte""igent !eo!"e do their ;BA #rom SP Eain 5here $ou"d you

    "ike to do your ;BA #romH @oaded -uestion (soia""y "oaded) 4 Ask #rom a rd !arty onte3t and not

    diret"y Best $ay to disuss is $ith -ua"itative researh 9 disussion guide inPersona" intervie$ as it is sensitive to the res!ondent =s smoking igarette inurious to hea"thH (o one $i"" say / to it)

     /ne shou"d never drink and driveV /ne must never take do$ryV

     /ne must never heat in e3amsV =# one does not drink at a !arty& he is onsidered Sissy (one drinks #or

    soia" ae!tane) 4 ;aority said Jes

     Avoid ambiguity (be as s!ei#i as !ossib"e) 4 P"ease reord your month"y househo"d inome(not s!ei#ying the urreny $hether rounding o## is re-uired and i# Jes& ti"" $hat deima"


     Avoid doub"e*barre"ed items 4 6 or more -uestions asked in the same -uestion Ko you "ike

    the food  and the ambience o# this restaurantL

     Avoid making assum!tions 4 >o$7s your $i#e (assuming that !erson is married)

     Avoid burdensome -uestions 4 K/# a"" the "i-uid you drank yesterday& ho$ many "iters o#

    $ater did you drinkL K/# a"" the money s!ent on the groeries in a month& ho$ muh yous!end on a hoo"ate o"ored bisuitsL

    6uestion &e2uence 4

    /rder Bias *

    Funne" %ehni-ue 4 Ask a"" genera" 9 ategory (he$ing gum) -uestions #irst and then ask brand (Rig"eys) s!ei#i -uestions For e3am!"e 4 =n a ie ream brand survey& ask ie*reamre"ated -uestions #irst (taste& ost) and then ask about various brand re"ated -uestions #or ie*ream

    Fi"ter Bias 4 23am!"e * =# onsumer #o""o$s riket& go to set 1 -uestionnaire& e"se go to Set 6-uestionnaire

    Aender is not asked, but is recorded.

    Pretesting o# -uestionnaire 9 Pi"oting the -uestionnaire 4 /ne need to test it with actualrespondents to ensure -uestionnaire is understood orret"y there are no errors 9 #atigue"eve"s in the -uestionnaire A#ter !re*testing& res!ondents in the #ie"d are asked these

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    -uestions =t is a tria" run $ith a grou! o# res!ondents to iron out #undamenta" !rob"ems in theinstrutions o# survey design

    23am!"e 4 id !retesting o# 10, #or a sam!"e si'e o# 100& ie 10& and there is no hange inthe res!onse o $hat $i"" be the ne3t ourse o# ation

     o the rest O0 intervie$s

     %ake a #resh sam!"e o# 100 and again do the above e3erise

    o the #ormer (O0 additiona") as ost $i"" be "ess and sam!"e onsisted o# atua" res!ondents

    i##erene bet$een #i"ter -uestion and sreener -uestion 4 =n ase ans$er to sreener-uestion is o& =ntervie$ is sto!!ed 9 terminated& $hi"e in #i"ter -uestion& it is redireted to adi##erent set o# -uestion (#i"ter means one take the res!ondent and diret them to di##erent !arto# -uestionnaire)

    .uestion asked #or a survey #or !artiu"ar inome grou! 4 5e are onduting an intervie$ #or  !eo!"e having month"y househo"d sa"ary above 10&000 hirams P"ease te"" us by "ooking atthis ard& to $hih sa"ary range u #a"" in

    /ne an have many sreening -uestions A"" sreener -uestions no matter ho$ sentimenta" itis& $i"" be asked u!#ront

    Ask every -uestion #rom the -uestionnaire shou"d be asked even the sam!"e is a re#erra"sam!"e (= kno$ something about the sam!"e& $hih ans$ers #e$ -uestions o# my

    -uestionnaire) Reason 4 .uestionnaire is strutured& every -uestion shou"d be asked in thesame order 9 se-uene as given in the -uestionnaire #o""o$ing a"" instrutions

    For intervie$ing 10&000 and above $hat shou"d be done $ith O+00 sa"aried res!ondentRound it o## to 10&000 or give the instrutions are#u""y

    5ritten !ermission o# the res!ondent needs to be taken in ase his 9 her name is dis"osed to"ient =n B6B intervie$s& a"$ays get the visiting ard o# the "ient signed by him 9 her

     umber o# -uestions in a -uestionnaire 4 %o be deided based on the #o""o$ing riterions aremet *

     =ntervie$er has the -uestionnaire and asked -uestion to res!ondents and intervie$er $i""

    ir"e the res!onse

     =ntervie$ "ength is not more than 60 *+ minutes #or #ae to #ae and 1+ minutes #orte"e!honi intervie$

     .uestionnaire is va"id

    A$areness .uestion 4

    .uestion * 5hen you think o# hoo"ates& $hat are the brands o# hoo"ate you are a$are 9think o#H

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    Ans$er 4 

    1st brand mentioned 4 Cadbury (Cir"e in First mentioned o"umn) 1st hoo"ate brandmentioned by the res!ondent

    6nd& rd& 8th II Brand mentioned 4 Ga"a3y& Qit*Qat& %i##any (Cir"e 1& 8& in /ther;entions) 5i"" ome in K/ther mentionsL

    Aided Brand $hih $hen reminded to the ustomer& is remembered by the ustomer 

    n*aided Brand even $hen reminded to ustomer is not kno$n to him eeds to bui"da$areness #or the brand

    BRA A;2 1st ;2%=/2 /%>2R  ;2%=/2


    Ga"a3y 1 1 1

    Ga"a3y Ee$e"s 6 6 6


    Qit*Qat 8 8 8

     est"e ;i"ky Bar + + +

    @indt < < <



    /thers (S!ei#y) O O O

    >ene& a"" the brands "isted here $i"" be overed either in 1st t$o or $i"" be overed #ina""y inAided or unaided =n ase& res!ondent mentions a name not in the "ist& then it shou"d be noted

    and /thers (S!ei#y) shou"d be ir"ed in either 1st mentioned or /ther mentioned (Aided andn*aided $on7t ask /thers 4 S!ei#y -uestion)

    >o$ aided -uestions are asked 4 Sho$ the res!ondent the brand !hoto ards a"so to s!ei#y$hih brand one is re#erring to

    /n a s!ontaneous note& a res!ondent is a$are o# at"east O brands o# hoo"ates 5hen !rom!ted& he 9 she is a$are o# another 10 brands So& in tota"ity& res!ondent is a$are o#around 60 brands hoo"ates =t indiates high"y kno$"edgeab"e onsumer 9 ustomer& high"yom!etitive market& $e"" advertised 9 !ositioned brands %ota" Brands o# hoo"ates that e3ist

    0 (@ike Cadburys Fruit ? nit& Cadburys >a'"e nut are se!arate brands)

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    2stab"ishing re"ationshi! bet$een mother brand and its variant * Cadburys in =ndia $asgeneri name #or hoo"ates "ike Uero3 is to !hoto*o!y or drinking $ater to Bis"eriCadburys did a survey to #ind out ho$ many !eo!"e $ere ab"e to rea"" Cadburys dairy mi"kin !artiu"ar s ho$ many !eo!"e are rea""ing any Cadbury So& under 1 st mentioned&res!ondent says Cadburys& then they are !rom!ted by intervie$er 4 $hih Cadbury (0,

    said airy ;i"k)

    A"!habeti'e the brand names $hi"e designing the a$areness -uestion to avoid any order bias

    Com!anies are interested in the to! brands ma3imum ? do not !rom!t #or more than that

    Brand A$areness im!ortane 4 >o$ "ose is the brand to the ustomer& $hether ustomer anrea"" on its o$n or needs !rom!ting& 5hether brand is rea""ed as 1st or subse-uent

    sage -uestion omes a#ter a$areness 4 Same sty"e& on"y di##erene is it onsumed ratherthan it is ust being a$are o#

    >o$ to ask Brand =mage -uestion 4

    Brand 1 Brand 6 Brand IIIIII Brand (one)

    • >as Attrative !akaging

    • =s Avai"ab"e every$here

    • =s Reasonab"y !ries

    ser an se"et Sing"e 9 mu"ti!"e 9 no o!tion Set o# =mage statements are re#erred to as =mage battery >ere& image battery has statements

    5hy oding shou"d be uni#orm in a"" -uestionnaires !re!ared #or di##erent !ur!oses ("ikeCadburys shou"d a"$ays get ode*1 irres!etive o# it being !resent in any -uestion 9-uestionnaire)* 2verything on the -uestionnaire is structured  $hih means that $hen asked 9ana"y'ed& a !artiu"ar o!tion is a"$ays oded same irres!etive o# it being !resent in any-uestion (uni#ormity maintained aross res!ondents to get onsistent ans$ers asked in the-uestionnaire) Can7t ode Cadburys as < by one !erson and 1 by other >ene& odes shou"d

     be #i3ed be#ore the -uestions are designed

    Satis#ation Sa"e 4 10 !oint sa"e is !re#erred over + !oint as data is more dis!ersed andhene& more sensitive& $hih is internationa""y ae!tab"e >o$ high 9 "o$ an one an berated #or a !artiu"ar harateristi A o!tion is #or -uestion $hih user annot ans$er ashe 9 she doesn7t kno$ (P"ease re#er /7% Q/5 arti"e #or #urther detai"s) or has not usedthe !rodut 9 servie =t he"!s to remove these res!ondents #rom sam!"e as they are not thetarget audiene =n ase a sreener -uestion is !resent in the -uestionnaire& then A is notre-uired to be !resent as an o!tion

    Positioning ues 4 Current !ere!tion 9 =mage 9 >o$ is brand seen as today

    Class - 8

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    bser)ation 4 on verba" ommuniation =t is a -uantitative researh (Simi"ar"y mysterysho!!ing is a -uantitative researh)

    5hat an be observed:

    1 Physia" ations 9 >uman Behavior  4 (Sho!!ers movement !attern in stores) * 5hether theustomer uses a sho!!ing "ist (!"anned) or !iks u! !rodut in an im!u"se manner =n aseres!ondent is #o""o$ed in the store& both res!ondent7s and retai" out"et7s o$ner !ermission isneessary =# not #o""o$ing the res!ondent& then on"y !ermission o# retai" out"et o$ner issu##iient (5hether the ustomer is !iking u! things at 9 be"o$ 9 above the eye ontat"eve") Pe!si 9 Coke are a"$ays at the e3it as the !eo!"e an take it in hi""ed #orm and andrink it immediate"y a#ter "eaving the sho! (!rodut sti"" remains o"d) Simi"ar"y airy isa"so !"aed "oser to e3it #or the same reason 1000 hirams a month !er SQ #rom Pe!si 9oke is ty!ia""y harged by stores (SQ 4 Stok kee!ing unit) i# they are !"aed at !rime

     !osition(s) in stores

    6 erba" behavior 4 >o$ are !eo!"e s!eaking to eah other (23am!"e 4 Statements made byair"ine trave"ers $ho $ait in "ine) 5hat ha!!ens to !eo!"e7s reation $hen the -ueue is

     broken 9 #o""o$ed

     23!ressive behavior 4 (Faia" e3!ressions& tone o# voie& and other #orms o# body "anguage)

    8 S!atia" re"ations and "oations 4 (>o$ "ose visitors at an art museum stand to !aintings) 4Sa"es sta## shou"d a"$ays be in "ose !ro3imity $ith Arab ustomer (minima" distane

     bet$een them) as the ustomer #ee"s that he 9she is taken are o# (Can = >e"! you 9 Fo""o$you 9 do I #or you) /!!osite to that& Sa"es !erson shou"d stand at a distane $hen dea"ing$ith $esterns or Asians 1st sign o# interest to be observed in the ustomer 4 First thingustomer !iks u! in store

    + %em!ora" !atterns 4 (ho$ "ong #ast #ood ustomers $ait #or their order to be served) 4 ;oods$ings to be observed at di##erent times o# the day 4 !eak time& "ean time& $eekdays&$eekends

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    6 kinds o# observation 4 iret and =ndiret observation =n diret observation& the !arty 9 !erson being observed kno$s that he 9 she is being observed

    *rrors in Research

    (>o$ to be a$are o# errors and ho$ to avoid them)

    ;argin o# error on your data an be 1, (Stringent)& +, (ae!tab"e) or 10, (@enient)

    &ur)ey *rror

    • Random Sam!"e 2rror 

    • Systemati 2rror 

     Res!ondent 2rror   on Res!onse 2rror 

     Res!onse Bias

     A-uiesene Bias

     23tremity Bias

     =ntervie$er Bias

     Aus!ies Bias

     Soia" esirabi"ity Bias

     Administrative 2rror 

     ata Proessing 2rror 

     Sam!"e Se"etion 2rror 

     =ntervie$er 2rror  =ntervie$er Cheating

    4 types of errors 4

    • Random sam!"ing 2rror 4 A statistia" #"utuation that ours beause o# hange variation in the

    e"ements se"eted #or the sam!"e

    • Systemati error 9 bias 4 =t resu"ts #rom some im!er#et as!et o# the researh design or #rom a

    mistake in the e3eution o# the researh

    RS2 has to be "ive $ith $hereas systemati error needs to be "essened or avoided

    Systemati 2rror  4

    • Administrative 2rror 

    • Res!ondent 2rror

    o  on Res!onse 2rror 4 %hose $ho #ai" to res!ond 9 oo!erate Res!ondent not a

    home 9 not !iking his 9 her mobi"e Res!ondent "eaves the intervie$ in

     bet$een due to some !ersona" reason

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    o Res!onse Bias 4 A bias that ours $hen res!ondents tend to ans$er -uestions

    in a ertain diretion that onsious"y or unonsious"y misre!resents thetruth

    =# your -uestionnaire shou"d take 0 minutes& shou"d you say + minutes or ba""*!ark #igure o#

    60 minutes 4 Chose the "atter o!tion& as =ntervie$er might sto! ans$ering -uestionnaire a#ter+ minutes and a"" the e##orts 9 time s!ent $i"" go $aste A"$ays give a ba"" !ark time (60 minor more #or a 0 min intervie$)& but never give a narro$ time (+ 9 10 9 1+ min #or a 0 minuteintervie$) =t has to made sure that intervie$er gives you #u"" -uota o# time re-uired toom!"ete"y ans$er the -uestionnaire

    Res!onse Bias *

    • A-uiesene bias 4 A ategory o# res!onse bias that resu"ts beause some individua"s tend to

    agree $ith a"" -uestions or to onur $ith a !artiu"ar !osition Chek 9 ensure the ans$er byha""enging the res!ondent that the res!onse given by them is atua""y yes 2ven a#terha""enging& the res!onse remains yes& then the intervie$er has to "ive $ith that res!onse

    • 23tremity bias 4 A ategory o# res!onse bias that resu"ts beause res!onse sty"es vary #rom

     !erson to !erson some individua"s tend to use e3tremes $hen res!onding to -uestions /nean have some -uestions& but not a"" -uestions ans$ered to e3tremities

    • =ntervie$er bias 4 ;/S% C/;;/ 2RR/R A res!onse bias that ours beause the

     !resene o# the intervie$er in#"uenes the ans$er Created verba""y or by e3!ressions23am!"e 4 =ntervie$er asks * 5hat7s your inome& Res!ondent says * O+00 hirams=ntervie$er says 4 %hat7s itV (e3!ression o# disgust sho$n to res!ondent by intervie$er so

    that res!onse hanges to above 10&000 hirams)

    • Aus!ies bias 4 Bias in the res!onse o# subets aused by the res!ondents being in#"uened by

    the organi'ation onduting the study 23am!"e 4 R; !ro#essor asking students to giveinde!endent #eedbak o# R; subet in his !resene (o one $i"" give a negative #eedbak)So& in ase one is doing a study on hoo"ates #or est"e& then they shou"d never dis"ose thename est"e $hi"e asking -uestions beause res!ondent may have a !ere!tion about est"e$hih $i"" in#"uene his 9 her ans$er to$ards ans$ering genera" hoo"ate -uestions $hihdo not invo"ve est"e a"one /n"y in ustomer satis#ation survey& name o# the brand 9 "ientshou"d be revea"ed (= am onduting a survey on SP Eain and re-uire your #eedbak on it)

    • Soia" desirabi"ity bias 4 Bias in res!onses aused by res!ondent7s desire either onsious or

    unonsious to gain !restige or a!!ear in a di##erent soia" ro"e >ene& never ask soia""y"oaded -uestions

    Administrative 2rror *

    • ata !roessing 2rror 4 23am!"e 4 Jear o# birth o# res!ondent is #ound to be 1+& $hih is

    $rong =t shou"d be 1O+

    • Sam!"e se"etion 2rror 4 23am!"e * =ntervie$ to be done #or teens& but atua""y done #or adu"ts

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    • =ntervie$er 2rror 4 23am!"e 4 =n a satis#ation survey& intervie$er asks about satis#ation #or a

     !rodut on a 10 !oint sa"e and the res!ondent ust says satis#ied $ith !rodut =ntervie$eran7t mark any !oint ti"" the intervie$er says it 23am!"e 6 4 gone to intervie$ !eo!"e aboveage o# 6+& res!ondent is 68 years& =ntervie$ is not onduted though inorret"y the age isir"ed as 6+

    • =ntervie$er Cheating 4 =ntervie$er #i""s u! the -uestion on their o$n $ithout asking any

    res!ondent =t resu"ts in "ot o# errati movement o# data

    Sam!"ing %ermino"ogy (Stage )

    &a'plin! types

      on 4 Probabi"isti 4 A"" the sam!"e entities do not have e-ua" hane 9 !robabi"ity to get

    se"eted in the sam!"e

    • Conveniene 4 >ere& sam!"e is se"eted based on the tehni-ue $hih is most

    onvenient to the researher 

    • Eudgment 9 23!eriene 4 23am!"e *

     Researher $ants to intervie$ !eo!"e in a bui"ding $ith month"yinome W 10&000 A2 %he !arking "ot o# the bui"ding has Qia&>yundai and Coro""a Sine& a"" these vehi"es are "o$ end in themidd"e*east region& researher $i"" not go into the bui"ding #orintervie$

     =n ase one $ants to intervie$ $esterns7 in ubai& intervie$er $i"" go

    either to Eumeriah or Sheikh Dayed road ($ou"d never go to kni#e road)

    • .uota (;ost !o!u"ar method) 4 =ntervie$er se"ets the sam!"e based on ertain-uotas .uotas are !re*agreed 9 !re*deided on $hih intervie$er is going tose"et the sam!"e 23am!"e 4

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    • Systemati 4 =t is se"eting every th entity 9 res!ondent in the sam!"e 23am!"e

     4 =ntervie$ing every 6nd or +th hi"d in the #ami"y

    • Strati#ied * Break the universe 9 sam!"e into stratas o# Age 9 Se3 9 5ork

    e3!eriene (Jears) et and hoose sam!"e #rom a !artiu"ar strata& $hih#u"#i""s the researh obetive

    • C"uster 9 Geogra!hi Sam!"ing 4 23am!"e 4 5ant to intervie$ !eo!"e residing in

    A2& $i"" on"y go to 8 geogra!hi states 4 ubai& Abu habi& A"ain& Sharahneed not go to other emirates as 0, o# !o!u"ation o# A2 resides in thesestates

    • ;u"tistage 4 Sam!"ing done #or many ountries simu"taneous"y A"so& sam!"e o#

    the 1st stage beomes universe o# the 6nd stage 23am!"e 4 Researher goesdoor knoking to houses #or a #ood !rodut test Res!ondent 1 tastes tnnehe

     !rodut and gives #eedbak Res!ondent 6 is not avai"ab"e at his resideneRes!ondent didn7t !artii!ate in the survey at a"" >ene& ne3t time& theresearher $i"" on"y go to res!ondent 1 >ene& sam!"e o# 1st stage o#

    intervie$ ($hih is res!ondent 1 #rom a"" the three) has no$ beome theuniverse #or seond stage 4 $here researher on"y a!!roahes res!ondentone)

     5hih is the most !o!u"ar method 4

    • 23am!"e 4 Se"et the sam!"e o# 100 !eo!"e #rom A2 !o!u"ation based on


    A2 ationa"s 23!at Arabs 23!at Asians 5estners

    1+, 60, ene& -uota sam!"ing 9 Strati#ied -uota sam!"ing is most !o!u"ar as it is

    re!resentative o# the universe Strati#ied $i"" ensure that sam!"e is se"eted#rom a !artiu"ar strata and -uota $i"" ensure that the sam!"e #rom the strata isre!resenting the universe (=# on"y strati#ied is #o""o$ed& then it may ha!!enthat strata o# nationa"ity is hosen& but $hen sam!"e is se"eted& 5estners ,may inrease to +0, instead o# +,)

     5hat determines the sam!"e si'e 4 

    • 5hat is the unit o# ana"ysis 9 >o$ researher is going to ana"y'e the data 9 5hat

     breaks are re-uired by researher to dis!"ay to the "ient

    • ;inimum sam!"e si'e re-uirement #or eah break 

    • 23am!"e 4

     nit o# Ana"ysis 4 ationa"ity "ike 5estners et ;inimum sam!"e si'e 0 (Conventiona")

     ationa"ity A2 ationa"s



    5estners %ota"

    Atua" ,distribution

    1+, 60,

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    Sam!"e Si'e

    Atua"Sam!"e Si'e(Fu"#i""ing.uota


    O0 160 as bought a ar in "ast 1 year 9 has

    a ar 9 !"anning to buy a ar in ne3t 1 year >o$ to #inane the ar buying>ave the buyer visited any ar sho$room >ave the buyer test driven the ar

    6) Se"et a sam!"ing #rame

    ) etermine i# a !robabi"ity or non*!robabi"ity sam!"ing method $i"" be hosen

    8) P"an !roedure #or se"eting sam!"ing units

    +) etermine sam!"e si'e

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    Class - 9

    0ata Aatherin!

    5hether =n*house ageny shou"d be !re#erred over outsoured one #or data gathering 9

    #ie"d$ork 4 (/utsouring Fie"d $ork means #ie"d manager and #ie"d su!ervisor are not on !ayro""s o# the researh ageny) =n*house shou"d be !re#erred beause in the senario $hereageny outsoures the #ie"d*$ork& "ess stringent -ua"ity ontro" is #ound in #ie"d*$ork At"east #ie"d manager and #ie"d su!ervisor shou"d be on the !ayro"" o# the ageny (res!onsibi"ityo# orret& authenti #ie"d $ork "ies $ith the ageny) =n*house is ost"y& but -ua"ity o# #ie"d*$ork an7t be sari#ied at the sake o# ost =n ase outsouring by the ageny an7t beavoided& undertaking #rom the outsoured su!!"ier needs to be taken by the "ient that evena#ter !roet is #inished& -ua"ity ontro" $i"" be maintained #or the re!ort 9 data su!!"ied #orthe #ie"d $ork done

    5hy in*house training is im!ortant 4 Be#ore #ina"i'ing the -uestionnaire& it needs to be seen

    $hether a res!ondent understands the -uestion very easi"y "isted on the -uestionnaire A"so&every -uestionnaire needs to be asked e3at"y in the same manner as !er the -uestionnaire (as-uestionnaire is strutured 4 same se-uene o# -uestions) $hih is !ratied via an =n*housetraining >ene& in*house training is essentia" to ensure that -uestionnaire is strutured andthis struture is #o""o$ed aross a"" intervie$s

    =n*>ouse training

    1 ;aking initia" ontat

    Asking -uestions


    8 Reoding res!onses

    + %erminating intervie$

    Makin! initial contact and securin! the inter)ie5

    ;aking initia" ontat means greeting the "ient and taking !ermission #or the intervie$ by

    giving ba"" !ark time

    5hether "ient7s name shou"d be mentioned by the intervie$er 4 /& on"y to be mentioned indoing a satis#ation survey A"so& it reates an aus!ies bias (res!ondent7s ans$er $i"" bedriven by "ient7s name and not his "iking #or the !rodut) >ene ask 4 = am doing a study onhoo"ates& do you have sometime to intervie$ !"ease (? then !roeed $ith the intervie$)

    A"$ays take the ba"" !ark number (Say 60 minutes or more #or a 0 minute intervie$) andtake the atua" time $hi"e never #o""o$ing any o# the #o""o$ing senario 4

    • Foot*in*the*door 4 Ask 10 minutes and take 0 minutes

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    • oor*in*the*#ae 4 o a "itt"e $arm u!& do irre"evant ta"k ("ike asking * ho$ $as your day

    today)& and then start the intervie$

    %skin! the 2uestions

    • 23at"y as $orded 4 Beause -uestionnaire is strutured and intervie$er an7t hange the order&$ordings o# the -uestionnaire as !er his 9 her onveniene (o marks #or the intervie$er #orhanging the $ordings on the -uestionnaire)

    • Read s"o$"y 4 Asians read very #ast

    • .uestions in the !ro!er order 4 .uestionnaire is strutured (A"" -uantitative are strutured)

    • Ask every -uestion * ;any times& !eo!"e unom#ortab"e $ith a s"ide tend to either ski! it or

    ski! some !art o# it

    • Re!eat -uestions that are not understood 4 >o$ to ask res!ondent $hether he 9 she has

    understood or not 4K;ay be = $as too #ast or ;ay be = $as not right in ommuniating& a""o$me to re!eat the -uestion #or you ;ay be = $as not "ear in "ari#ying $hat the -uestion $as&

     !"ease a""o$ me to re!eat the -uestion againL

    Probin! techni2ues

    /ne must !robe& but not nag 4 Probe meaning to dig dee!er to get to the rea" root ause but !robing -uestions $i"" sto! at sometime& nag means to !robe even a#ter user has sto!!edans$ering the -uestion (@ike asking -uestions and giving res!ondent reasons #or asking these-uestions "ike * = have to meet my target e"se = $i"" be #ired et)

    Probing 4 ri""ing do$n dee!er to get to s!ei#is Shou"d !robe 6* times and not beyondthat Probing is used #or o!en ended -uestions For 23am!"e 4

    1 5hy do you eat he$ing gum 4 Beause = "ike the taste

    6 5hat s!ei#i about the taste do you "ike 4 = "ike the s$eetness

     5hat s$eetness do you !artiu"ar"y "ike (very s$eet 9 too s$eet9 ust s$eet 9 mi"d"y s$eet) 4

    Eust s$eet

    =nstrution on -uestionnaire $i"" say 4 Record Berbatum probe probe probe 4 =t means a""verba" ommuniation shou"d be reorded #or the o!en ended -uestions and intervie$ershou"d ask times to !robe and get the re-uired res!onse

    %o get to the s!ei#i ans$er& there are some tatis to be #o""o$ed $hih are as #o""o$s 4

    1 Re!eat -uestion 4 >o$ a -uestion is re!eated 4 K;ay be = $as not "ear& a""o$ me to be "earL

    6 Si"ent !robe 4 Asians in !artiu"ar $i"" give an ans$er to a -uestion they asked i# there is !ause

    o# more than 1+ seonds bet$een -uestion asked and res!ondent ans$ering %he res!ondentshou"d be a""o$ed to think even #or a minute to ans$er

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     Re!eat re!"y 4 =nstead o# asking res!ondent to re!eat the ans$er ($hih may seem rude onsome oasions)& te"" res!ondent 4 correct me if am wrong but if understand it correct, thisis what you have said  9 let me summari?e your reply for my %interviewer& betterunderstanding  and ask "ari#iation #or the !revious res!onse

    8  eutra" -uestion 4 ;any times& intervie$er is tem!ted to give the o!inion $henever the to!iis o# great interest to the intervie$er (shou"d kee! a straight #ae and not !artii!ate in anydisussion #or giving an o!inion 23am!"e 4 Res!ondent says 4 K%hese days& sa"ary are not as

     !er !ro!ortion to the ski""L =ntervie$er re!"ies 4KJes& even = am going through the same !rob"emL) =t beomes an intervie$er bias

    Reording the res!onse 4 ;ust be "ear"y mentioned on the -uestionnaire 4 #rom $hat theres!onse shou"d be reorded (!en 4 b"ue 9 b"ak& !eni"& o"or !en et) and ho$ (by ir"ing&rossing et) Genera""y& intervie$er reords the res!onse in !eni" during the intervie$ asduring the intervie$& intervie$er might $ant to erase something But $hen it is handed overto the "ient& it is reorded in !en (meaning it is a on#irmed -uestionnaire)

    %erminating the intervie$ 4 Ask sreener -uestion u!#ront on the -uestionnaire& no matterho$ sensitive 9 generi they are =# the riterion is not met& said %hank you and terminate theintervie$

    Re*intervie$ing may be re-uired in ase a !rodut test is been done 4 Produt is been giventoday #or use and $ant to intervie$ again to eva"uate the !rodut7s e##et 9 usage a!abi"ity#rom the res!ondent (user) Re*intervie$ may a"so be re-uired #or a ritia" res!ondent $hohad ear"ier ut short the intervie$ 9 given an inom!"ete intervie$

    5hat is re-uired in #ie"d*$ork management:

    • Se"et the right res!ondent 9 #ie"d*sta## 

    • %rain the right #ie"d*sta## 

    • Su!ervise the intervie$er 

    • Contro" the #ie"d $ork 

    Good #ie"d*$ork management tehni-ues are a""ed back-checks (#ie"d $ork heks) 6 kindso# bak*heks are done 4 %hrough aom!riments and te"e*a""s =n 1+, ases& the #ie"dmanager 9 su!ervisor $i"" aom!any the intervie$er (accompriments) =n another +,& they$i"" a"" u! the res!ondent and ask #e$ -uestions #rom the -uestionnaire ust to make surethat the intervie$ $as atua""y arried out >ene& industry norm is minimum o# +0, bak*heks through aom!riment 9 te"e*a"" in researh $or"d

    =ntervie$ heating 4

    • Fi""ing in #ake ans$ers or #a"si#ying the intervie$s

    • eri#iation by intervie$

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    %i!s #or ;idd"e*2ast intervie$s 4

    • ;a"e intervie$er $i"" intervie$ ma"e on"y and not #ema"e (es!eia""y an arab #ema"e

    intervie$er) Fema"e intervie$er an though intervie$ both =n shoo"s a"so& a#ter grade X& boys and gir"s an7t sit in same "ass as !er ministry o# eduation

    • For Arabs& intervie$ must be done in Arabi as that is their !re#erred "anguage and they an

    e3!ress themse"ves For intervie$ing =ndian sub*ontinent !eo!"e& ;a"aya"am is !re#erredand then >indi 9 2ng"ish 9 rdu

    • /ne an7t do street intere!ts in ;idd"e*east (onsidered as rude& o##ensive and i""ega" and

    intervie$er an be taken to ourt o# "a$)& need !rior !ermission #rom sho!!ing enters (eveni# intervie$s are done in their !arking "ots) Authorities in midd"e*east $on7t a""o$ #or streetintervie$s

    •  o gi#ts given to res!ondent

    • Cu"tura""y it is very rude to oke (make #un o#) about Arab7s u"ture o o!inions about re"igion

    to be disussed $ith anybody at any !oint in time

    About Arab u"ture 4

    • ery #ami"y oriented 9 "ose knit ;ost im!ortant mea" #or them is "unh Bet$een *8 !m in

    a#ternoon& they have "unh 4 a ty!ia" #ami"y a##air $here even the ma"e member !artii!ates#or a #u"" #"edge "unh A#ter that #rom :0 P; to +:00 P; is siesta time (s"ee!ing time) anda#ter that& ty!ia" Arab $i"" soia"i'e in the #o""o$ing order 4 1 st his "ose #riends& 6nd hisa-uaintanes (assoiates)& rd his re"atives& 8th his distant re"atives and "ast"y omes hiss!oue (5hih s!oueH)

    • Sine& students o# SP Eain an7t s!eak Arabi& they an7t intervie$ arabs& hene& method o#

    sam!"ing is onvenient sam!"ing

    • 5hen reession started& ;inistry o# "abor sent the noti#iation to a"" om!anies stating that they

    are not entit"ed to "ay o## nationa"s

    • 2ar"ier (be#ore Sheikh Dayed died) a"" ma"e nationa"s& $i"" get a !"ot o# "and #rom government

    #ree o# ost (to bui"d his o$n house) as soon as they reahed the age o# 1 o$ !eo!"e o#ubai have rea"i'ed that they are not a oi"*rih eonomy and !eo!"e have beome moreonerned #or eduation

    •  ationa" 4 /n"y $hen !erson is born to a nationa"& e"se they are e3!ats

    &hether strategy should come beore ' ater the plan( – )T+,. One plans to go

    to a riend-s place !lan is – /O 0O1+% Strategy – 23 ' &)24 ' ,56 ' 7ia

    8+0I92+$. Then he strategies as to how to go there !mode o transport% which

    rode to take% by when should reach etc.$. 0ence% strategy always supports the


  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    Class ( :

    *ditin! $ Codin!

    !pen ended 'uestions on a 'uestionnaire %Cuantitative& should be bare minimum as it is

    difficult to code and analy?e it as against a closed ended 'uestion.

    2diting and Coding (Part o# ata Proessing)

    .uestion * 5hat $i"" a researher say in ase he 9 she has a !resentation $ith "ient tomorro$and the data $hih has ust arrived in evening a day be#ore is not having ans$ers to ertain-uestions in a -uestionnaireH

    Ans$er 4 Sir& the data ust arrived yesterday& $e are "ooking into it and e3amining it& but $ehave #ound #e$ errors 9 g"ithes in the data 5hi"e most o# the !resentation is #ine& $e ustneed to orret 9 on#irm a #e$ things and hene& need a day or 6 e3tra ust to on#irm it So& =

    re-uest 6 o!tions 4 #irst o!tion is $e go ahead $ith the !resentation and ome bak and !resent this !art at another date or seond o!tion is $e de#er the entire !resentation by 6 days5hat do you $ant me to doH

    =t is better to get this sorted out u!#ront rather than going into the !resentation andembarrassing the "ient over there =ntegrity and trans!areny in suh senarios is a!!reiated

     by "ients

    About editing * %he ageny shou"d have in*house editing de!artment

    5hy do $e do editingH

    • Consisteny 4 Ans$ers are onsistent $ith the -uestion asked and its o!tion given (Res!ondent

    must se"et an o!tion given in the -uestionnaire #or a "osed ended -uestion)

    • Com!"eteness 4 o -uestion shou"d be "e#t unans$ered

    • .uestions ans$ered out o# order 

    0ont Kno5 4

    • @egitimate on7t Qno$ 4 %he !erson has not !revious"y e3!eriened 9 has no kno$"edge o# the

    subet being disussed& hene a "egitimate don7t kno$ 23am!"e 4 >o$ is R;6 "assAns$er is @egitimate on7t kno$ as the "ass has not yet started

    • Re"utant on7t Qno$ (egative !ere!tion& "ike a"$ays hoosing enter !oint on an odd !oint

    "ikert sa"e)4 Someone ust gave an e3am and is asked about ho$ $as the e3am ust a#ter he 9she omes out o# the e3amination ha"" and he 9 she re!"ies 4 = do not kno$& is an e3am!"e o#re"utant on7t kno$ Another e3am!"e ou"d be !ro#essor o# R; asking 4 >o$ is R;1"assH Ans$er is 4 Re"utant on7t kno$ as the student does not $ant to give a negativeo!inion

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    • Con#used on7t Qno$ 4 23am!"e 4 >o$ is R; "assH Res!ondent is on#used as he does not

    kno$ $hih R; is being ta"ked about

    @egitimate on7t kno$ is removed #rom the sam!"e& $hereas Re"utant on7t kno$ andon#used on7t kno$ is !resented to "ient beause they re-uire di##erent kinds o# ations

    =n ase someone has a ontrat $ith a om!any o# not to s!eak out on ertain to!is and beause o# the same he 9 she says don7t kno$& then that don7t kno$ is neither o# the above

    2very -uestion must have a numeria" ode beause it is going to be used #or oding !ur!osed (using so#t$are "ike SPSS)

    Codin! of Closed *nded 6uestions

    About A$areness .uestion oding sheet !re!aration 4 (1st  mentioned& /ther mentioned&Aided) 4 

    /ne o"umn to be "e#t #or K1st*mentionedL in oding e3e" (as on"y 1 ans$er ou"d be the K1st*mentionedL) (*1) o"umns #or Kother*mentionedL * it is the ma3imum number o# o"umns#or Kother*mentionedL stands #or number o# brands being !resent in a$areness -uestion(*1) #or KaidedL o"umn a"so (ma3imum o"umns) in ase K1st*mentionedL is !resent andnothing is !resent in Kother*mentionedL (Assum!tion 4 %here is no K/thers (s!ei#y)L o!tiona"ong $ith various brands)

    K/thers (s!ei#y)L o!tion in K1st*mentionedL o"umn an7t be more than +, o# tota" sam!"e2"se the researher is not having good kno$"edge 9 has not done !ro!er !i"oting be#ore

     !re!aring the -uestionnaire

    =n ase nothing is mentioned in the 1st mentioned& the sam!"e se"eted is $rong (>ene&nothing is !resent in other*mentioned and everything gets reorded in aided $hih $i"" bee-ua" to KL)

    Brand Na'e irst





    Ga"a3y 1 1 1

    Ga"a3y Ee$e"s 6 6 6


    Qit Qat 8 8 8

    >ersheys + + +

    @int < < <


  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1



    /thers (S!ei#y) O O O

    Codin! of open ended 2uestion

    .uestion * 5hy do you eat hoo"ateH

    • Res!ondent 1 4 @ike& tastes good

    • Res!ondent 6 4 @ike& taste& !"easure& oy& ha!!iness

    • Res!ondent * @ousy& Fee" good #ator 

    • Res!ondent 8 4 %aste good& esert (a#ter dinner)

    • Res!ondent + 4 As Snak 

    Res!ondent 1 res!onse 4 "ike ? taste good is a""ed B)R#"$D>%responses recorded as it isverbally spoken by respondent&

    Coding starts 4

    • @ike means taste good and s$eet is a taste& hene& "ike& s$eet and taste are Code 1 (8

    res!ondents out o# +)

    • P"easure 9 oy 9 ha!!iness 9 Fee" Good 9 mood u!*"i#ter 4 Code 6 (6 res!ondents out o# +)

    • As a esert 4 Code (1 res!ondent out o# +)

    • As a snak 4 Code 8 (1 res!ondent out o# +)

    (1 res!ondent out o# +) is a""ed $"#D6"$!S 

    @ike means taste good& inter!retation and "ubbing into simi"ar harateristi #eatures is

    a""ed 7!8) =R">)S %Arouping similar features&

    Con"usion 4

     >ajority of respondents eat a chocolate because of its taste. 20E respondent eats chocolate

    because of the pleasure ( joy they get by eating it %>ood up-lifter&.

    Coding an on"y start (ie !re!aration o# tabu"ations and ode #rames) a#ter 0, sam!"e si'eis ahieved >ene& oding o# o!en ended -uestion is umbersome 9 om!"e3 9 subetive asevery -uestionnaire is read and then ategori'ed (grou!ing o# di##erent o!tions an be-uestioned by "ient) and tabu"ated& un"ike a "osed ended -uestion ($here o!tion is se"eted9"ear"y) >ene& o!en ended -uestion is not enouraged by the researher

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    ata Ana"ysis 4

    broad ategories o# data*ana"ysis 4

    • ni*variate (Ana"ysis o# one variab"e)

    • Bi*variate (Ana"ysis o# 6 variab"es)

    • ;u"ti*variate (Ana"ysis o# more than 6 variab"es)

    Advantage o# over 2tisa"at 4 u harges by Pu"se rate and not by the minute rate et$ork overage and "arity overage is better #or 2tisa"at as om!ared to u Simi"ar"y&5indo$ is more om!atib"e but ;a is a su!erior !rodut >ene& in reative #ie"ds& ;a isused as against 5indo$s >ene& in advertising #ie"d& it is a"" ;a

    Do5 lon! the 2uestionnaire should be

    =t de!ends on the #o""o$ing 6 assum!tions 4

    1 =t is a #ae to #ae intervie$ $here the intervie$er is having the -uestionnaire and he9she isasking the res!ondent and #i""ing the res!onses by himse"# 9 her*se"# based on res!onsesreeived

    6 %he "ength o# the survey is 60 minutes (=t is done in order to ensure that ma3imum intervie$time is not e3eeding 0 minutes in ase res!ondent takes more time to ans$er every-uestion Researh sho$s that #atigue to the res!ondent ha!!ens i# the intervie$ is more than

    80 minutes and they might beome ittery)

    %ime s!ent to ondut an intervie$ (-uantitative 4 in"uding both "ose ended and o!enended)

    • Fae to #ae intervie$ 4 6+ to 0 minutes

    • %e"e!honi intervie$ 4 1+ to 60 minutes

    Res!ondent is not !aid in any o# the above ases (-uantitative)& "ient is on"y !aying the

    researher But in ase o# #ous grou! disussion (-ua"itative)& the res!ondent gets !aid 9 getsgi#t A"so& they get !aid #or mystery sho!!ing


    #ypes of 6uestions asked durin! Market Research

    Closed ended 2uestions

     ame esri!tion 23am!"e

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    ihotomous A -uestion $ith 6 !ossib"e ans$ers

    =n arranging this tri!& did you !ersona""y !honeAir =ndia (Jes*1 9 o*6)

    ;u"ti!"e hoie A -uestion $ith or

    more ans$ers

    5ith $hom are you trave""ing tonight (o one*

    1 9 S!ouse*6 9 Chi"dren* 9 S!ouse and hi"dren*89 Friends ? re"atives*+ 9 Business tour grou!*

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    &5eet (Choo"ate& sugar&s$eet& o"as)

    Story om!"etion An inom!"ete story is

     !resented and res!ondents areasked to om!"ete it

    5hen = hoose an air"ine& the

    most im!ortant onsiderationin my deision is


    Piture A !iture o# 6 haraters is !resented& $ith one making astatement Res!ondents areasked to identi#y $ith theother and #i"" in the em!ty


    %hemati A!!ere!tion %est(%A%)

    A !iture is !resented andres!ondents are asked to makea story about $hat they thinkis ha!!ening or may ha!!en inthe !iture

    6uestionnaire 0s and 0N#s

    1 2nsure that -uestions are asked $ithout bias on7t "ead the res!ondent into an ans$er6 ;ake the -uestions as sim!"e as !ossib"e .uestions that in"ude mu"ti!"e ideas or t$o

    -uestions in one $i"" on#use res!ondents ;ake the -uestions s!ei#i Sometimes it7s advisab"e to add memory ues Fore3am!"e& be s!ei#i $ith time !eriods

    8 Avoid argon or short"isted Avoid trade argons& aronyms& and initia"s not in everydayuse

    + Steer "ear o# so!histiated or unommon $ords /n"y use o# $ords in ommons!eeh

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    Characteristic #elephone





    Mall intercept



    Mail &ur)eys

    S!eed o# datao""etion

    ery #ast ;oderate to #ast Fast S"o$(Researherhas no ontro"over return o#-uestionnaire)


    >igh @imited tomoderate

    Con#ined& urban bias



    Good 23e""ent ;oderate to "o$ ;oderate(Poor"y design-uestionnaire$i"" have "o$res!onse rate)

    ersati"ity o#-uestioning

    ;oderate .uite versati"e 23treme"yversati"e


    .uestionnaire "ength ;oderate @ong ;oderate to "ong ariesde!ending on


    =tem non*res!onse @o$ ;edium >igh

    Possibi"ity o#res!ondentmisunderstanding

    Average @o$est @o$est >ighest 4 nointervie$er

     !resent #or"ari#iation

    egree o#intervie$er

    in#"uene ans$er 

    ;oderate >igh >ighest one 4intervie$er


    Su!ervision o#=ntervie$s

    >igh&es!eia""y $ithentra""oations

    ;oderate ;oderate to high ot a!!"iab"e

    Anonymity o# theres!ondent

    ;oderate @o$ @o$ >igh

    2ase o# a"" bak or#o""o$*u!

    2asy i##iu"t i##iu"t 2asy& buttakes time

  • 8/19/2019 Sanjeevani - MR1


    Cost @o$ tomoderate

    >ighest ;oderate to>igh


    S!eia" #eatures Fie"d$ork and

    su!ervision o#data o""etionare sim!"i#ied-uite ada!tab"eto om!utertehno"ogy

    isua" materia"s

    may be sho$n ordemonstratede3tended !robing


    %aste test&

    vie$ing o# %ommeria"s



    Characteristic *-'ail 2uestionnaire Enternet &ur)eys

    S!eed o# data o""etion =nstantaneous =nstantaneous

    Geogra!hia" #"e3ibi"ity 5or"d$ide 5or"d$ide


    aries de!ending i# e*mai" isseen as Ks!amL

    e!ends on s!eedo# internet&res!ondentsom!uter ski""s

    Possibi"ity o#res!ondentmisunderstanding


    egree o# intervie$erin#"uene ans$er 


    Su!ervision o#=ntervie$s

     ot re-uired

    Anonymity o# theres!ondent

    Res!ondent an be anonymous orunkno$n

    2ase o# a"" bak or#o""o$*u!

    i##iu"t un"ess e*mai" address iskno$n

    Cost Chea! distribution and !roessing ost

    Cost e##etive

    S!eia" #eatures F"e3ib"e& e3tensivedi##erenes in a!abi"ities o#res!ondents om!uters and

top related