sanjeev s karate warm up exercises

Post on 03-Sep-2014






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Sanjeev’s Karate Warm Up Exercises

These Karate warm up exercises will help you develop and strengthen muscles which are important in executing Karate techniques and motions. It is wise to practice these advanced calisthenics. Push-ups, for instance, will help strengthen the legs and arms. You should be able to do 15 or 25 pushups a day. Moja Rone also suggests "Rabbit hopping", especially with your hands clasped behind your back.

Leg Lifting

Place hands against a wall, lean your body forward and quickly lift the knee as high as you can. After steady practice you will be able to lift it right to your upper chest! Do 10 repetitions for each leg for starters, and increase the number of reps over time.

Punching a Bag

Punching the bag is an excellent way to sharpen your reflexes, and get more steam into your overhead punches. Keep slugging away according to the correct principles of Karate. However, for the purposes of developing speed and stamina, it would not hurt if you got yourself a good boxing training video, and practice boxing drills. If you're doing this exercise to practice different punches, rather than developing stamina, speed and coordination, then go right ahead. Practice the

one-knuckle, middle knuckle, knife hand, back of hand, clenched fist strokes. Dance around the bag. Strike from awkward positions... have fun!

Push Ups

Push-Ups are one of the basic muscle strengthening exercises practiced by the United States Marines, by tough Commando troops, by F.B.I, men and police trainees everywhere. Push-Ups, too, should be practiced by the Karatekas in training every day! It's the ideal exercise for the chest, arms, stomach, back, ankles, wrists!

Rabbit Hopping

Another good Karate Warm Up exercise for your legs is called Rabbit-Hopping. I'm sure the Japanese has a more respectful term for this exercise... but this is what Moja Rone (bless his soul) calls it. :-) As the name implies, you hop around the room like a rabbit. It sounds easy but once you try it, you'll wonder how rabbits do it so gracefully (and without getting so tired!). But don't despair! Keep trying it and you'll master it as well as Bugs Bunny. This Karate warm up exercise strengthens muscles used in jumping and kicking. Hop a few feet each day; then increase the distance until you can rabbit-hop about 75 feet!

Karate Warm Up Exercises

Karate warm up exercises are an integral part of training.

This is true not only for Karate, but for all martial arts and fighting styles too.

Formally, these exercises were known as Calisthenics.

It is essential that you always warm up for at least 15 minutes before starting your practice. These exercises are designed to strengthen and loosen your muscles.

You should loosen the body, indulge in arm stretching, back stretching, leg swinging, leg stretching, leg spreading, trunk twisting, etc.

But even before you start stretching your limbs, twisting your neck, and bending your trunk, you should increase your heart beat rate by doing some aerobic exercises.

Aerobic Exercises For Karate

Professional boxers in every weight division — from the lightweight division right up to the heavyweight division — practice rope skipping before each training session.

Rope skipping gives you endurance, increases your body coordination, and gives speed to your feet.

One good thing about rope skipping is that you don't need expensive equipment to do it. If you want to be fancy, of course, you can buy a state of the art skipping rope.

Nevertheless, you do not need to do so. A simple rope will do, as long as it is heavy enough to jump with momentum (light ropes tend to be more difficult to handle).

And if you have never done any skipping, it is very easy to learn. Try one jump and when you have gained confidence and perfection, attempt two jumps per revolution, until you get several in a row.

Whenever you do this exercise, though, be mindful of doing it on a soft surface (on a rug, carpet or mat), as this will reduce the impact on your knees.

Basic Karate Stretching Exercises

Forehead to KneeOnce you have increased your heart beat, you may proceed to your Karate warming up/stretching exercises.

The first one consists of sitting on the ground, keeping your legs straight together, and bending your upper body with the intention of touching your knees with your forehead.

Notice I've said "the intention". :-)

Not everyone is flexible enough to accomplish this exercise, especially when you first begin to practice a martial art or any other sport.

Some would even dare say that some people are naturally too stiff to ever be able to touch their knees with their foreheads... and that's fine too.

The objective of this karate warm up exercise is not to become a contortionist, but to expand the range of limb movement to avoid injury later on.

One Leg StretchThis is a relatively easy Karate warm up exercise to do. It's actually not an original Karate exercise.

Many other sports encourage you to do it, as it accomplishes 2 things: First, it stregthens your quadriceps (your main leg muscles), and second, it stretches your other leg muscles.

As you can see from the picture, the exercise consists of squatting on one leg as you stretch the other leg on the side.

Be gentle. Don't bounce on your knee, but control your weight downwards. If you have balance problems, you can use a chair to support yourself.

Leg RaiseThe leg raise is yet another basic Karate warm up exercise, which consists of "throwing" your leg upwards whilst keeping it straight.

Don't overdo it.

Rather than risking injury by overstretching yourself, gradually throw a kick as high as you can without pain and discomfort.

This is not really a kick. It's a streching exercise.

Do a few repetitions for each leg (10 to 15 for starters).


Karate Blocks Part 1

There are many karate blocks, and rather than including too many of them into one single page, I decided to break them down into small groups for your convenience, as I did not want to overwhelm you with an information overload!

Karate Block Against a Right Hand Blow

You can parry a right cross, a roundhouse blow or a hook to the chin by slashing up and at a sharp angle with the outer edge of your hand. In this way you are able to deflect the blow in mid-air. You then follow thru with an offensive thrust of your own.

Karate Block Against a Straight Jab

 To defend yourself against a straight jab, bend your body back and to the side, away from the punch. At the same time, parry with your open hand to catch your opponent's fist. This will take the steam out of his jab.

Karate Block Against an Upper Cut

Your opponent wants to end it quick. He or she (yes, women can attack you too, and they can be very lethal!) aiming at your chin ... a quick, clean knockout. You have no time to lose, less time to think. Split-second action is called for. You have to defend yourself against an almost certain K.O. Move your head to the right or away from the uppercut.This will reduce the chances of a direct hit on the vulnerable part of your chin.

At the same time slash downward with your hand or arm at your opponent's arm or wrist. You have "caught" the blow on your arm, not the chin.

Block Against a High Straight Punch

 A taller opponent may have lots of confidence, and may think that he can take you on easily because he towers over you. Let him try it. You are ready. As he throws his punch, you bend your body back and to the side and parry the blow with your open hand.By doing this, you deflect the blow cleanly. Next, you follow thru with an offensive thrust of your own and temporarely disable your assailant.

More Karate Blocks.


Karate Blocks Part 2

These karate blocks include defenses against a left hook, a right fist, a low right hook, and a kick to your groin.Are these blocks complete self defense techniques? Hardly. Rather, think of them as small building blocks in your martial arts arsenal. With appropriate training and experience, these small building blocks will eventually integrate into effective and automatic self defense techniques.

Karate Block Against a Left Hook

Picture this: Your opponent delivers a left hook—and it has your jaw written on it. But you can intercept the blow if your natural reflexes are sharpened and honed by Karate practice and conditioning. Remember, your first line of defense is your natural reflex. As a serious student of Karate, you will be amazed how almost automatically — as if your opponent's punch hit a radar warning screen — you bend your head to the side and back and slash up and right at an angle. You have cushioned the blow with the side of your hand or forearm.

Karate Block Against a Right Fist


If an assailant uncorks a corking right towards you, you ward off the blow by grasping his wrist with your left hand, or slashing up and left and striking with the side of your hand or forearm. Easy to do? Only if you practice a lot, and do some sparring.

Karate Block Against a Low Right Hook

There are times when your opponent tries to get you off guard when attacking. So he feints with a high left, to throw you off guard, and comes in with a low right hook. This is a tough one to defend because you must outwit or anticipate the strategy.What should you do? Defend against the high left or the low right hook?

An unwritten rule in Karate is to play it smart and safe . . . you defend against both blows! Yes, as he feints with the left, you raise your right hand to cover your face. When the "surprise" right comes your way, you slash down on his wrist with the outer edge of your left hand, but hard! Even if you can't stop both blows, you will have slowed down the impact at least.

Blocking a Kick to the Groin

 Your opponent has a kick—and it's coming your way. He sends a mean left foot to your groin. How do you defend? Quickly you swing the fist of your left hand diagonally downward to deflect the kick.


Karate Blocks Part 3

This section includes karate blocks against: attacks to the face (the X block), 2 fisted attacks (the Peek-a-boo block), blow to the ear, and back handed jabs.

Karate Block Against Attack to the Face

A very successful defense against an attack to the face or stomach is called the X-Block. You can block upwards against an attack, or downward to defend against a blow to your groin. The X-Block is so named because the arms form an X This is comparatively easy to master. Remember to leave your hands open. This gives you an opportunity to grasp your opponent's wrist or thumbs in a counterattack.

Karate Defense Against Two Fisted Attack

 Occasionally a foe might try to overpower you with a double fisted attack, or try to grab your coat lapels and throw you to the ground. I really hate it when that happens! A good blocking technique against this aggression is called the Peek-A-Boo defense. You put up both fists in front of your face, knuckles pointed outward, elbows should be pointed downward. You peek over the fists. In this way, your adversary has a small, concentrated target to shoot at. Yet you are able to observe his every move.

Karate Block Against a Blow to the Ear (The Hook Defense)

Your opponent throws a sharp overhead left to the side of your head. A quick and easy karate block is called the "Hook Defense". You bend your right elbow sharply and swing the forearm back with your wrist almost cupping your ear. You have successfully thwarted the overhead punch with your wrist. You then seize your foe's upper sleeve and yank downward. Follow thru with a left smash to the face or solar plexus.

Sweep Defense Against a Back Handed Jab

 Here is a relatively easy defense that requires a minimum of energy. Your enemy tries to strike you with a back handed fist. You quickly sweep aside the blow with your palm or wrist.

He's thrown off balance, and you're ready to throw him for a loop.


Karate Blocks Part 4

These karate blocks include defenses against attacks to the groin, leg attacks, general attacks and against sneak attacks.

Sweep Down Defense Against Blow to Groin

You use this karate defense when your opponent tries to strike you in the stomach or groin. It is called the Sweep Down Block. It is similar to the Sweep Defense mentioned previously except that the opponent's hand is pressed or swept downward and away.

Scoop Karate Defense Against a Leg Attack

 You face your opponent. He (or she) sends a leg thrust toward your groin. You use the Scoop Karate Defense to stop it. Briefly, you scoop the leg in mid-air and jerk it up, away from the target. The enemy is thrown off balance.

Sleeve Defense Against a General Attack

When defending yourself, you must take every fair advantage at your disposal. That is not only a karate rule... it's a survival rule acknowledged by any fighting system.The Sleeve Karate Block is simple but an effective defensive technique. Seize your adversary's coat lapel, sleeve, tie, shirt, (ie. whatever you can grab), and divert the full force of his/her thrust, thereby helping to throw him/her off balance.

Punch Defense Against a General Attack

 In the Punch Defense you kill two birds with one stone. You defend against your opponent's blow, and you reciprocate with an attack yourself. With one movement you ward off the punch with the outside part of your arm, and smack your foe on the jaw bone.

Heel of Palm Karate Block Against Sneak Attacks

Here you use the heel of your palm to block a sneak attack from a heel. Usually the sudden attack is directed to your face or solar plexus. Shift your palm from the side, downward or upward—but stop the blow!

Karate Counter Attacks Part 1

Study these karate counter attacks carefully, and practice them till you feel confident of your flow, speed and accuracy.

Low Right Counter Attack

Your opponent attacks with his left hand low.

You parry with your right hand and slash down and counterattack with your arm or elbow tip to his nose.

1-2 Counter Attack

In this situation you face a crafty opponent.

He attempts a combination attack with a 1-2 of high left and low right strokes.

You, in turn, counter with an upward slash with your left hand and a low slash with the right hand.

Then you counterattack with a good swift kick to your opponent's shin or a powerful slam on his foot.

High Left Counter Attack

Your assailant sends a high blow to the left side of your face.

You parry with the outer edge of your left hand and counter with a knuckle jab to his adam's apple or stomach.

Knee Kick Karate Counter Attack

This karate counter attack is difficult to understand from the illustration alone.

Figure this: Your opponent sends a swift knee kick toward your groin. Right?

Now, you defend yourself with the palm of your left hand.

You protect your vital area and push the knee across your body.

Then you counter with a move behind your opponent.

Grab his/her ear or hair and yank downward.

Then give him a swift kick into the back of his knee. This will cause him/her to collapse (if you do it right!). Follow up with your favorite kick or any other escalation attack to ensure he/she does not get up and retaliate.

Karate Counter Attacks Part 2

These karate counter attacks are not very difficult to master... with a lot of practice. With appropriate supervision, you can train so that the techniques come up as second nature.

Foot Kick Counter Attack

Your combatant tries to kick you with his/her foot.

You defend by raising your leg up and kicking forward, thereby deflecting his/her kick.

You counter attack with combinations of knife hand slashes to the face and knuckle jabs to the groin.

Hand Crush Karate Counter Attack

In this situation your rival squeezes your hand like an ice crusher.

What do you do?

You dig into his/her hand with center knuckle and follow thru by twisting his/her thumb back or slashing at his body.

Double Hand Counter Attack

Your opponent tries to overpower you by grabbing both of your hands.

You counter attack by kicking into his/her legs with the side of your shoe and bring up both your hands, forcing your opponent's thumbs back.

Poking Counter Attack

You've met the poker.

He's the poker-faced wise guy who likes to poke you in the chest while driving home a point.

You can cure him of his bad habit by grabbing his hand in both of yours and squeezing to your chest.

Next, step back with one foot and bend over to force your opponent's hand back at the wrist.

This is extremely painful to him.

Karate Counter Attack Techniques (Part 3)

These karate counter attack techniques can be useful in some close counter situations.

Karate Counter Attack for "Pushers"

How do you handle a person who pushes you on your chest?

This is one way to put a stop to them:

Clamp both hands on his hand and squeeze to your chest.

Then step back with one foot and lower your body.

Next, bring up your knee quickly and smash it into your opponent's face.

One Hand Counter Attack

And what if a person grabs one of your hands with both of his?

How do you free yourself?

One way to defend yourself is by kicking into his knee or thigh with the edge of your foot. Kick hard!

This will distract him.

Make a fist with your free hand and wallop him on the chin.

Back of Head Counter Attack

And what if your assailant sneaks up behind you and arm-locks you around your neck?

There are many self defense techniques you can apply for this situation. One such technique in Karate consists of the following sequence of attacks:

First, strike knuckle jabs and stabs to his ribs.

At the same time kick with your legs and side of knee.

Next, loosen his grip and pull head away.

Counter attack by pulling his hair and striking other pressure points.

Of course, that will work if your opponent has hair! If not, grab the back of his collar.

Waist Squeeze Counter Attack

In this situation, your opponent grabs you around the waist.

You defend yourself by smashing your head back into opponent's mouth & nose. It may hurt your head, but remember that your opponent's face is more vulnerable than the back of your head (unless he/she is wearing a helmet!).

For good measure, kick back with foot to your assailant's shin.

Then hand slash at his side and also twist your body to force your elbow under his jaw.

Apply other strikes if necessary.

Karate Counter Attacks: Part 4

These Karate counter attacks include the "waist squeeze", "Arms Pinned", "Front Hair", and "Rear Hair" techniques.

Waist Squeeze Counter Attack

In this situation, your opponent grabs you around the waist and tries to force you down onto the floor.

Before your opponent makes you lose balance, you defend yourself by smashing your head back into opponent's mouth & nose. (Ouch!)

For good measure, kick back with your foot to your assailant's shin.

Once free from the hold, hand slash at his side and also twist your body to force your elbow under his jaw.

Then apply other attacks if necessary.

Arms Pinned Karate Counter Attack

What can you do if your opponent comes up from behind and pins your arms and body?

One counter attack technique you could use consists of quickly snapping your head back, smashing your opponent's nose and mouth.

Then you bring your hands together and push elbows up digging them into his body.

Contender elimitated!

Front Hair Counter Attack

For this exercise, your assailant grabs a lock of your hair (if you have hair, that is...) and starts pulling.

You counter by squeezing his wrist, thereby stopping the hair pulling.

Then you knuckle jab his ribs and kick his shins.

Rear Hair Counter Attack

Your opponent tip-toes behind you and grabs your hair (again, that is, if you have hair!).

To stop the hair pulling throw both your hands above your head and grab his hand.

Follow thru with repeated smashes of the foot to opponent's shin or down hard on his/her instep.

Hopefully, that will be the last time this ingrate will get into your hair!

Karate Counter Attacks: Part 5

More Karate Counter Attacks including: "hand vs hand", "head lock", "coat lapel", and "front choke" counter attacks.

One Hand Vs One Hand Counter Attack

Your opponent grabs your right hand with his right hand. What do you do to release yourself from his grip?

Give him a knife slash across the throat with your left hand. Be swift.

As his head snaps back pull your hand away and follow through with a couple of kicks to his shins and knees to render him unable to fight any longer.

Head Lock Counter Attack

In this Karate counter attack, your opponent rushes you and gets a head lock from the front.

What do you do?

The first thing to do is ease the pain, so you tug on his shirt sleeve and pull it down.

Simultaneously, with your other free hand, you smash into his stomach, and kick with one of your knees into his groin.

As your opponent's grip loosens, you free yourself and retaliate with a knife hand attack to the throat.

Coat Lapel Counter Attack

Your opponent yanks on your coat lapel and is about to deliver a blow with his other hand.

Step back away from the intended punch, slash hand downward on opponent's forearm.

This will force him to relinquish his lapel grip.

Then give him a two-finger thrust to the eyes or knuckle jab to the Adam's apple. When doing this, though, be careful not to break your own fingers by missing your opponent's eyes and hitting his forehead.

An alternative to this ending could be simply punching your opponents nose with a frontal fist punch.

Front Choke Counter Attack

Your opponent begins to choke you.

He's up close and his arms are best.

You slash down on his nerve centers in the forearms.

This will release the choke.

Now retaliate with combination of slashes and kicks to render him helpless.

Karate Counter Attacks: Part 6

These Karate counter attacks are the last 2 in this series, and include "Extended Front Choke", and "Solar Plexus" Techniques.

Extended Front Choke Counter Attack

Another variation of the front choke counter attack is when an opponent attempts to choke you and still keep his distance. His arms are straight out.

In this type of situations, you grasp each of his arms or his sleeve and pull in toward you to help relieve the pressure.

Next, you smash his groin with an upward thrust of the knee.

Of course, if your opponent is still standing, you have to continue smashing away at vital nerve centers to finish him off.

Solar Plexus Counter Attack

This technique is for situations when your assailant attempts to punch you in the stomach.

One way to deal with this situation is by stepping in and thwart the blow with a downward block.

Then you counter attack with a knee into his solar plexus as shown in the illustration.

Karate Self Defense Techniques

These street self defense techniques have been grouped into categories according to the type of "situation" a person is involved in.

The exercises cover a variety of situations ranging from Karate defenses against hand and wrist grips by an assailant, to responses against knife and gun attacks.

How Should You Use These Techniques?

I remember my childhood days when I use to get books about Karate from my local library, read them, check out the pictures, and somehow practice them for half an hour or so.

In my young and naive mind, I had already learned how to defend myself should the need arise.

As you may have guessed it... it didn't work quite the way I expected it.

A friendly poster in a forum reminded me of this not long ago, when he asked whether you can learn Karate or any other self defense technique through a website or an ebook.

My answer to his question was "no".

There is simply no substitute for self defense classes, or proper self defense instruction.

Of course, if you have the foundations, you may expand your knowledge through books and websites.

And if you are a beginner, books and websites may inspire you, or even help you expand on your budding skills.

This website is designed as a reference resource for those interested in martial arts, especially Karate.

Some of the situations for these techniques may look "too simple", and even ridiculous. However, remember that the purpose of these exercises is to build skill upon skill to prepare you for more complex and dangerous situations.

Finally, remember that reading these self defense techniques alone will not equip you to fight effectively against a knife or a gun. For that you need lots of practice and experience.

Self Defense Techniques Against Grips and Holds

These are 3 karate self defense techniques you can use against grips and holds.

These, of course, are not the only situations, nor the only techniques. There are many more complex situations and ways of dealing with them. But these are 3 basic techniques you can practice for the time being:

First Situation

You are walking down a dark street. A man creeps up behind you. He grabs your right hand, pulls and twists it from behind in an attempt to get a strangle-hold on you.

HOW TO DEFEND: Swing the foot opposite the hand being held and attack his face with smashing blows.

Second Situation

Your opponent walks close behind you, and suddenly pulls your right hand back and with the same motion pushes your shoulder forward.

HOW TO DEFEND: Don't hesitate a moment. In this self defense technique you give him the mule kick from the rear, right to his solar plexus.

This will loosen his grip and then you can either escape, or escalate your counter attack to render him harmless.

Third Situation

Two men sneak up behind you. Each grabs a hand, pulls it back and pushes your shoulders forward. What do you do?

HOW TO DEFEND: Attack one opponent with a rear mule kick. Attack second opponent with elbow blow to ribs. Free your self and run for safety.

Self Defense TechniquesAgainst Knife Attacks

There are many self defense techniques against knife attacks, but the most effective one is avoiding engaging into a fight with somebody yielding a knife.

Let's be realistic here. If you think that a knife attack will be similar to the controlled conditions in the following exercises, you are in for a deadly shock.

I am sorry to tell you this: don't be naive.

Even under controlled circumstances (with wooden knives, supervision, a non-threatening training environment, etc), you can get hurt if you're not careful. Even more so in a real knife attack situation.

I would personally never confront an aggressive person with a knife or a weapon... unless I have no other alternative, that is.

The following self defense techniques are only devised to help you build certain skills that you may use later on instinctively if the need arises.

But they're only basic techniques.

To have a real chance, you should practice more advanced knife attack self defense techniques in a safe environment... And they do not necessarely come from Karate, but from other fighting systems such as Kali, Ninjitsu (Ninjukai), JDK, and others.

If you're interested in exploring effective techniques against knife attacks, you should check out a set of DVDs called The Knife Defense Fundamentals, and Advanced Knife Defense (A new window will open). Both DVDs are sold either separately or together in a set.

In The Knife Defense Fundamentals (a new window will open), you learn how to:

Use stance and distance to your advantage, Evade an attack, Close the distance for a counter, Change the line of attack, Control the knife arm, Reverse your opponents momentum, Apply standing restraint and control locks, Understand the principles of a knife attack and Take an attacker to the ground where you can successfully, and Immobilize your assailant.

In Advanced Knife Defense (a new window will open), you build on the basic techniques onto a new level, learning:

Tactical analysis of direct, circular and divided force; Vulnerabilities: where and when to attack; Use of leverage to gain an advantage over a stronger attacker; Takedowns to a restraint position on the ground; Advanced wrist and arm locks; Ground disarms including escapes from front, side and rear headlocks, chokes, front

and rear pins and arm locks; Tactics to defuse threatening situations, and; 47 Sample practice scenarios with variations;

For now, here is a list of very basic Karate defenses against knife attacks:

First Situation

A person goes berserk and tries to attack you with a knife. He attempts to strike you from an overhead position.

HOW TO DEFEND: As he plunges down, you leap off at a 45° angle, land on your left foot and kick with your right foot at the assailant's knee.

This will throw him off stride.

Follow through with any of your Karate combinations, or even better, run away and find a safe place.

Second Situation

A maniac tries to knife you in the stomach. What can you do?

HOW TO DEFEND: Fall forward to the floor diagonally and throw a roundhouse kick to the nut's groin with your right foot.

This will make him double up with pain.

With the same leg you thrust at your opponent's knee joint, throw him to the ground and disarm him.

Third Situation

This self defense techniques is for a situation where your opponent lounges a back handed knife attack from across his body.

HOW TO DEFEND: Step in with your right foot and slash at his forearm with your right hand.

Disarm him and strike at any nerve center.

Fourth Knife Attack Situation

And What if your opponent tries to hold you up with a knife?

More specifically, what do you do if he surprises you and holds the weapon against your stomach.

HOW TO DEFEND: Make a motion with your right hand to distract his attention. Preferibly, you should step back out of his range. But if you're cornered in, slash down with your left hand.

You could grab your opponent's wrist. But in a real life situation, you run the risk of your opponent pulling the knife towards him, and cutting your fingers, wrist, or hand.

Turn your body away from the knife and smash him in the Adam's apple.

Self Defense Techniques Against Club Attacks

Self defense techniques agaisnt club attacks rely on speed and skill.

When you have space around you, a good strategy is to move out of the range of your assailant... for as long as you can.

However, when you are boxed in with no exit you should know how to attack in close quarters, that is, as close to your opponent as you can.

That restricts the range and mobility of attackers with baseball bats and clubs to some degree.

These are 4 basic self defense techniques against club attacks that you can practice:

First Situation

Your opponent tries to club you on the top of the head.

HOW TO DEFEND: Move quickly with your left hand and push against the elbow joint of the attacking arm.

Next, move in fast and counter attack with the elbow with smashes to the face and kicks to the groin.

Second Situation

An opponent tries to club you with a roundhouse swing.

HOW TO DEFEND: Block the blow with a knife hand defense against his forearm and with your righthand deliver a stinging, smashing knife blow to your opponent's neck.

Third Situation

A man attempts to attack you with a backhanded swing of the club.

HOW TO DEFEND: Lean to the side to dodge the attack and then counter with a sweeping roundhouse kick to the solar plexus or groin.

Fourth Situation

Your assailant tries a backhanded smash to your stomach with a club, stick or baseball bat.

HOW TO DEFEND: Fall forward diagonally and deliver a roundhouse kick to the stomach.

Self Defense Techniques Against Guns and Pistols

These self defense techniques against guns and pistols are good to practice in a controlled and save environment. Use a toy gun, though.

But I want to give you a word of caution: Unless you have mastered every phase of Karate, or another martial art, you should not attempt to defend yourself against a gun, pistol or knife threat.

Doing so may put your life at risk of injury or death.

My intention here is to show you 4 basic techniques to practice, but not to encourage an amateur to take a foolish risk in a moment of extreme danger.

First Situation

In this situational drill, your assailant presses a pistol into your back.

HOW TO DEFEND: First, try to distract his attention with a slight, innocent movement of your hand. Be careful, though. You don't want to startle him causing him to shoot you then and there!

Then quick-as-a-flash, step back & slash downward against his gun hand. Smash away until drops gun.

Second Situation

An opponent holds a pistol against the back of your head. Not a nice position to be in!

HOW TO DEFEND: In this self defense technique against guns, you also distract your assailant's attention with nonchalant movement of the hand.

Then you quickly step back and slash across your rear, striking his wrist or forearm.

Next, turn your body away from the gun and smash opponent with Karate blows until he crumbles.

Third Situation

In this situational drill your opponent presses a gun against your stomach.

HOW TO DEFEND: Slash downward on opponent's gun hand. Follow thru by grasping arm and twisting it, forcing opponent to drop pistol. Then deliver repeated Karate blows.

Fourth Situation

In this last self defense technique against guns, your opponent holds a gun at the side of his hips about a foot away from you. What do you do?

HOW TO DEFEND: Distract your opponent's attention with your hand.

As he looks up, slash left hand down and across, grab the gun, and deliver a punch to your opponent's Adam's apple with right hand.

Self Defense Techniques For Women

Self defense techniques for women?

Times have changed quite a lot since Moja Rone wrote his Super Karate Made Easy book, and now more and more women actively practice some sort of fighting system.

There are many women, indeed, who can be tougher than a man!

Whilst Karate does not distinguish between genders, not everyone practices Karate, another fighting system, or even basic self defense techniques.

That's why I believe it is a good idea to include these 8 situational drills for women.

Now, practicing these drills won't make you a full fleshed karateka. And they are no substitute for proper instruction by a qualified martial arts instructor, or a self defense class.

But, who knows? One day you may thank yourself for having studied and practiced these drills, should the need arise.

Of course, if you really want to gain the confidence of truly knowing that you can react assertively in any given situation, you should consider joining a self defense class, or even a martial arts club.

Karate may be a starting point for you. If you're a woman, though, I would recommend you consider learning BJJ (Brazilian Ju-Jitsu).

There is a reason for this: Many attacks against women end up on the ground. Karate may help you in standing positions, but BJJ trains you on how to defend yourself once you're down.

Believe me! This is an essential skill to have, as many assailants (and even professional fighters) do not know what to do in ground fighting situations.

For the time being, though, consider at least studying the following self defense techniques.

First Situation

In the first women's self defense technique drill, an assailant tries to paw and touch your body. What do you do?

This is what you do: Don't draw away.

Step closer to him, but stamp on his foot hard.

At the same time shove his chin back forcefully with the palm of hand counter attack.

Second Situation

Ok. Now consider this self defense technique situation: You're sitting in a movie theatre. The man next to you begins to feel your leg. How do you repell his unwelcome sexual advance?

This is what you do: Jab your elbow sharply into his side. Another defense. Gently hold and lift his hand.

He will think you are responding to his advances. Then using both your hands, yank his thumb back as far as possible.

Third Situation

And what do you do if an attacker grabs your wrist?

This is what you do: Raise the captured arm as high as you can and follow thru with a knee kick to his groin.

Fourth Situation

You're standing on a street corner waiting for a bus. It's a dark, foggy night. A man sneaks up behind you and puts his arms around your chest. What can you do?

This is what you do: Grab his left wrist with your left hand and jab your right elbow into his ribs.

If possible also try to stamp on his feet with your heel.

Fifth Situation

What can you do if a man tries to embrace you, pulls you close to his body against your will?

This is what you do: Give him two-finger attack to his eyes.

With your left hand, apply the knife slash to his neck, and step on his feet as hard as you can... then run!

Sixth Situation

And what if a man tries to kiss you in back of the neck against your will?

This is what you do: Snap his head back fast and apply an elbow thrust to the rear toward his ribs.

And if he is your employer, you can sue him for sexual harassment, and press charges against him for sexual assault.

Seventh Situation

In this self defense situation drill, a man tries to put hand around your waist. What do you do?

This is what you do: Deliver a sharp side blow with your elbow.

Follow through with a knife slash to the neck.

Eight Situation

Finally, if a man tries to pull you close to him against your will, and yanks your arm toward his body. What can you do?

This is what you do: You move in, but deliver a swift kick to his groin or genitals... and then run to a safe place.

At the very least, I hope you don't ever have to use the above self defense techniques... But if the need arises, I hope they become useful to you. I encourage you to take women's self defense classes, to ensure you can protect yourself effectively.

Karate Techniques - How to get out of a bear hug.

Use the following karate techniques when:

Your attacker is facing you and grabbing you in a bear hug with your arms pinned.

Step 1: Pull your head back as far as you can

Step 2: Ram the top of your forehead into your attacker’s face

Step 3: As your attacker releases you, bring your knee sharply upward/forward into his groin

How these karate techniques might work in real life

Your name is Katie and you are at a friend’s party. Her name is Linda and she is always a popular hostess for these events because her house is enormous.

There are over 50 people at this particular party and you don’t know very many of them. One young man introduced himself to you earlier as Chad.

He has been trying to engage you in small talk all evening but you aren’t really interested. When Linda begins giving a house tour to some of her other guests you excuse yourself to join them.

Chad follows you. Before you are aware of what is happening, he has tugged you by the arm into one of the

bedrooms off the main hallway. He closes the door and draws you further into the room.

“Why don’t we continue our conversation where we won’t be interrupted?” he says. You pull your arm away and try to move past him toward the door, calling out for Linda.

He blocks your path and grabs you in a bear hug with your arms pinned tightly to your sides. “Come on, Katie! Don’t be shy.” He leans in toward you for a kiss.

Instinctively, you pull your head back out of range. You tuck your chin and jerk your upper body forward - hitting Chad in the face with your forehead.

When he lets go of you to grab his face, you bring your knee up into his crotch. You are off balance so it isn’t a hard blow; but it does the trick.

Chad is distracted by his bloody lip and aching groin long enough for you to run from the room to find help.

Traditional Karate Equipment: Part 2

Traditional Karate Equipment, as we have already seen, can be ery simple to make by yourself. These are more examples of simple training equipment you can add to your training room.

Karate Striking Pole

You can build your own Karate Striking Pole.

It should stand about 6 feet high with Karate straw pads, padded towels, or old pillows placed at three heights—shin height, stomach height, face height.

The striking pole is an ideal way to get the "feel"of Karate techniques.

Also it will help you toughen and harden the skin of your knuckles, elbows and feet.

You can practice all the striking methods previous described.

Karate Moving Ball Target

The purpose of this target is to sharpen the accuracy of your kicking.

You attach a small ball at the end of a rope & hang it from the ceiling.

Practice various Karate kicks and hand blows on the small ball.

Try to raise or lower the ball.

The theory behind this is simple.

If you can strike a small moving object, then you will find it easier to strike a larger object.

Karate Heavy Bag

You probably have an old laundry bag at home.

Fill it with old rags, straw, excelsior and pack it tight.

Suspend it from a rope.

You now have a good punching bag to practice various Karate movements.

Having said that, however, if you're really serious about practicing karate (or any other self defense system), you should really consider buying a real punching bag. Preferibly, you should buy a large one with an appropriate stand.

In Australia this can set you back a couple of hundred dollars, but it's really worth it.

Hand Grip Fortifier

One of the best ways to strengthen the muscles of your hands, wrists and forearms is by using your Hand Grip Fortifier daily.

You will develop a strong, vise-like grip in a matter of weeks—if you practice on the Fortifier 10 minutes a day.

You have to be careful when using a Fortifier, as excessive use can cause Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), which can translate into pain in your forearms and elbows (Metacarpal Tunnel Syndrome). So, practice with moderation.

Karate Practice Dummy

This is a life-size printed dummy with the major pressure targets and focal nerve centers printed right on it.

Mount it on the wall or back of a door. Practice striking the pressure points on your 6-ft. "opponent".

But there are other martial arts dummies you can use instead of this chart.

For instance, the Wing Chun wooden dummy (a new window showing you a diagram to build your own will open) is perfect for practicing karate strikes on simmulated human vulnerable points.

And whilst we're on the issue of Wing Chun wooden dummies, I also wanted to mention the fact that there are many ingenious variations of this versatile training tool.

For instance, there is this video I saw online, where people from different martial arts do amazing stuff with it.

Check this out: This is an alternative design for a Wing Chun wooden dummy:

Traditional Karate Defensive Stances

There is a number of traditional karate defensive stances that you should know.

Spring Attack

In this stance you are poised and alerted for any sneak attack by your enemy.

Suppose you're arguing with somebody. He/she may be bigger, taller, stronger than you.

Naturally, when the verbal dispute becomes red-hot, tempers flare.

Your opponent feels superior, confident, cocksure.

As you stand there defending your rights, you must also anticipate his moves and assume your Spring Attack Stance.

You pretend you are merely holding your fingers, but you are poised like a tiger for surprise attacks from any direction.

Your striking arm is held stiff and your other hand grasps the fingers of the striking hand.

As you pull back with the second hand, you force the striking hand to snap forward.

This is like a coil spring being released.

It produces devastating effects!

Smash Attack Stance

You take this karate defensive stance when you believe your opponent is ready to hit you.

You stand erect, turn to the side to give him a smaller target.

You form the "T" position.

You raise your right arm.

Your entire body is ready to defend any surprise attack.

You can slash with the hand, thrust upward with the knee, follow through with the clenched fist.

In short, you can flail away in any direction.

Double Knife Stance

For this karate defensive stance, you stand straight, body rigid, face your opponent at a slight angle.

Bend your knees slightly to give you leverage and balance.

Keep both arms straight up at the elbow, palms facing each other, but about 6 or 7 inches apart.

In this stance you can zoom your blows straight ahead, sidewards, down both hands at a time in a double-barreled attack!

Side Knife Defense

Stand erect, body tense, face your opponent at a modified angle.

Bend knees slightly to give you proper balance and leverage.

Raise both arms in a horizontal position, about 6 or 7 inches apart.

This is an excellent defense, since you can block blows directed to your head with one hand, and parry blows aimed at your mid-section with the other hand.

Body Shifting

In addition to stance and posture, body shifting comprises an important phase of Karate.

There are various forms of body shifting, each is primarily designed to throw your adversary off balance, to thwart his blows, reduce his target, surprise, confuse and befuddle him.

Side Shift

Use this karate defensive stance when you want to shift your entire body.

Your right foot is forward and your left is planted firmly to the rear.

You quickly shift position.

Snap your right leg back and your left leg moves forward.

Remember to keep the moving leg close to the inside to avoid exposing the groin to a blow.

Turnabout Shift

You are in a forward stance.

Move your rear foot sideways and pivot on the balls of the feet.

You have accomplished a full 180° turn.

The Turnabout Shift very often befuddles an opponent and throws him off stride.

You can then plunge into the offense.

Cross Over Shift

When you are forced to vacate your position fast, the Crossover Shift is the right move.

You cross your right foot over the left quickly and then assume your fighting position.

Learn karate techniques to get away from an attacker holding your shirt.

Use the following karate techniques when:

Your attacker is facing you and grabbing you by the front of your shirt.

1. Lift your right arm up. (Look at the following karate pictures).

2. Bring your forearm down onto your attacker’s arm at the inside of his elbow joint. This will cause your attacker’s arm to bend or collapse bringing his head toward you.

3. Straighten your arm out bringing the blade (the side) of your hand or wrist into your attacker’s throat. Do this as his head is still moving toward you for maximum impact.

4. Shove your attacker away from you with both hands so you can get away.

How you might use these karate techniques in real life

Your name is Ben and you are just getting out of a late showing of a newly released movie. It is after 11:00 PM and the parking lot is pretty deserted. You look around as you walk to your car but don’t notice anyone in the shadows.

You hit the button on your keychain and the lights on your vehicle flash as the door lock pops up.

You are just reaching to open the car door when you are grabbed by both shoulders and slammed forward against the side of the car. Your attacker pulls you away from the car and spins you around.

He takes the lapels of your jacket in both hands and yells something you can’t understand. You have dropped the car keys by this time so you point to where they are on the ground.

“You can have the car!” You say, “Just let me go.”

He begins to shake you violently and the smell of alcohol on his breath registers for the first time. You bring both hands up and then drive your arm downward collapsing the drunk’s elbow and causing him to bend suddenly forward.

You catch him in the throat with the side of your wrist and he begins to cough and choke. Your assailant releases his grip due to your karate technique and you shove him away. He staggers and falls to the ground.

You snatch up your car keys and lock yourself in the car. Your attacker begins moaning and then starts shouting again and you are relieved to know that his windpipe is still intact.

You drive a couple of blocks away before dialing 911 to report the assault.

Karate Hand Strikes

Karate hand strikes are usually the first thing beginners learn.

That's probably because of their simplicity of application, and easy reach to an opponent's vulnerable parts.

To understand the importance of karate hand punches and attacks, it is first essential to understand what this martial art is, and how it works.

Karate is the art of self-defense and counter attack without weapons. It is a Japanese word and in its native language means literally "empty hands".

This art of self-defense may be defined as an application of anatomical knowledge to the purpose of offense and defense.

Karate differs from wrestling in that it does not depend upon muscular strength. It differs from the other forms of attack in that it uses no weapon.

Its feat consists in clutching or striking that part of an enemy's body as will make him numb, and incapable of resistance. Its object is not to kill, but to incapacitate one for action for the time being.

The size and weight of your opponent may be used against him.

Even a big 250-lb. (over 100 kg) brute can be toppled by a smaller, lighter man who employs the principles of Karate.

A person who practices karate knows the pressure points and focal nerve centers of bigger, heavier adversary, and strikes at these pressure point.

To quote from the Encyclopedia Brittanica:

"Several of these sensitive places, for instance the partially exposed nerve in the elbow popularly known as the "funny-bone" and the complex of nerves over the stomach called the solar plexus, are familiar to the European, but the ju-jitsu expert is acquainted with many others which, when compressed struck or pinched, cause temporary paralysis of a more or less complete nature....

Such places as the arm pit, the ankle and wrist bones, the tendon running downward from the ear, the "Adam's apple," and the nerves of the upper arm....

In serious fighting almost any hold or attack is resorted to, and a broken or badly sprained limb is the least that can befall the victim ..."

Sure, karate also uses a lot of kicks (leg work), but as a martial arts coleague and friend pointed it out to me when I started learning martial arts: "why kick an opponent in the head, when you can strike with your hands?"

The advice makes sense. The shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line. The shortest way of hitting somebody's head, is by using your fists.

Now, let's see what karate hand strikes are available to you:

The Clenched Fist

The clenched fist is the most frequently used karate hand strike.

However, it can only be mastered after constant practice and training.

When properly executed toward the right pressure points, the this karate hand strike can drop your opponent for the count of ten— and out! Do not be fooled into thinking that the Karate Clenched Fist blow is as easy as it looks.

Be sure to study the illustrations.

Notice that the forearm and the knuckles form a perpendicular line.

Notice also that the front of the fist and the top knuckles form a 90° angle.

In order to carry the maximum striking power from your body, through your arm, and to the fist, that line must be straight.

Even though your adversary is 50 lbs. heavier, 5 inches taller, with broad shoulders and a Rock of Gibraltar stature, you can knock him out . . . perhaps with one smashing blow!

Karate Hand Attacks: Using Your Knuckles

Karate hand attacks also use the knuckles to deliver painful blows to your opponents. But you have to be smart about it, or you can injure yourself if you're not careful.

These hand strikes are very painful because of the physics involved in delivering the blow.

By hitting with your knuckles (especially in a soft target of your opponent's body), you concentrate the force of your punch in a small area (your knuckles).

That is the same physics principle that allows you to cut something with a knife: the full strength is concentrated in the sharp end of the blade.

Here are a few knuckle strikes you can practice:

[I will add internal links soon... bear with me... ;-) ]

One Knuckle Middle Knuckle Fore Knuckle Fist Big Knuckles Forward Big Knuckles Backward

One Knuckle Strike

Curl your hand into a fist.

Extend the knuckle of the forefinger out and hold it down with the thumb.

Now watch that boorish boob knuckle down to YOU!

Use the One Knuckle attack to your opponent's eyes, temple, or other vulnerable parts of the anatomy.

You can jab or dig with this attack.

The Middle Knuckle Strike

This is an adaptation of the One Knuckle karate hand attack.

In this case, the middle or center knuckle carries the brunt of the attack.

The hand is curled into a fist but the center knuckle is extended.

The Foreknuckle Fist

For this karate hand attack you need to press your fingers together with the thumb, but extend the fore knuckle.

This striking method is particularly effective when attacking between the nose and upper lip, the temple or the stomach.

Big Knuckles Forward

The tips of the big knuckles are the main striking points for this powerful karate hand attack.

You curl your hand into a fist. Overlap the fingers with the thumb.

This type of blow is often a raking jab or hook.

Big Knuckles Backward

Here again the striking point of this karate strike is the tips of the big knuckles.

However, the palm of your hand faces you. See illustration.

This blow is similar to a slap or grind.

Karate Hand Strikes and Fist Strikes

These are some more karate hand strikes and fist strikes you can add to your repertoire of lethal blows:

Back Hand Lash Side Hand Lash Side Hand Hammer Blow Bottom Fist, and Back Fist

Back Hand Lash

When someone gets fresh or tries to bully you and you give him the karate "back of your hand", the poor guy might conceivably land on his back!

The karate Back Hand Lash is one of the earliest striking methods in the art of Karate, dating back many centuries.

In the Back Hand Lash you keep the entire hand stiff as a board, fingers extended straight out and close together.

Arm should remain stiff.

Use this blow in attacking the ribs or blocking an opponent's thrust.

Side Hand Lash

This is similar to the Knife Attack except the inside or thumb area is used.

The position is as follows:

Hand remains open. Fingers are extended out and pressed close together.

Use the Side Hand Lash in attacking the ribs or face.

Side Hand Hammer Blow

This blow is facetiously called the "Hammer of Thor" because it hits like thunder and can result in temporary sense loss and paralysis.

You form a clenched fist. Keep arm straight up and rigid.

Then smash downward . . . and look out below!

Bottom Fist

You use this karate hand strike when attacking hard surfaces, like the head, elbow joint and also in blocking opponent's blows.

This Karate striking point is very effective when you're faced with two opponents, one on each side.

Smash both in the ribs simultaneously.

Before they can regain their com¬posure, you're free ... to fight another day.

Back Fist

The back fist is formed almost like the clenched fist described previously, except the striking force is the area of the knuckles and back of hand.

See illustration.

This method is used mainly for blocking and in attacking your foe's ribs and face.

Karate Wrist Attacks

Karate wrist attacks can be surprisingly painful on those on the receiving end.

This is because this type of strikes target soft or vulnerable part of your opponent's body.

Study and practice these wrist strikes till you master them.

I have also included a couple of special hand strike for your consideration.

Back Wrist Bent Wrist Chicken Head Wrist Outside Wrist Shoulder Pinch Heel of Palm The Choker Ox-Jaw Hand

Back Wrist

The joint at the back of wrist is the striking point of this blow.

With the palm facing you, curl your hand into a fist and bend it inward.

This is an effective defensive position and will thwart most of your foe's attacks.

Bent Wrist

A variation of the back wrist, except the fingers and thumb droop downward and away from you.

This is strictly a blocking position. Use it accordingly.

Chicken Head Wrist

A good Karateka (a Karate practitioner) must know not only offensive techniques but defensive or blocking motions too.

Don't you go thinking that you'll be just hitting people left, right and centre without getting touched yourself. You'll get hit. The question is really: how do you react to an attack?

Often it is not necessary to repel a foe with a swift, painful blow.

If a roughneck tries to push his blubbery weight around, smart defensive tactics might make him look awfully silly.

By adroitly blocking his blows, you can deflate any bag of wind.

The Chicken Head Wrist is an excellent blocking position and will make a "turkey" out of many an opponent.

Use it often.

Karate Outside Wrist Attack

Did you ever knock on the front door, and not get an immediate "who is it" from inside?

Then you pound with the side of a clenched fist.

If somebody's home, you can rest assured that knocking will bring him a-running!

In Karate the Outside Wrist blow brings results too.

How do you perform this karate wrist attack? You simply strike sharply with the outside edge of the wrist joint.

Be sure to keep arm rigid when delivering the blow.

You can hit downward, sideways, upward or forward.

The Outside Wrist motion can also be used defensively (as in a block) or offensively.

Shoulder Pinch

In a fight, if you can disarm your opponent, you need not strike another blow. You've won the fight already.

In Karate a person's weapons are his/her hands, feet, elbows and legs.

This is not a karate wrist attack technique, but I've decided to include it in this section because it can prove very useful in disarming your opponent... should you need to resort to physical contact!

The purpose of the Shoulder Pinch is to immobilize your opponent's arms and hands.

And if you can temporarily "paralyse" you're opponent's limbs, you're the winner!

You can apply the Shoulder Pinch two ways: from the front and from behind.

Just dig your thumb into the hollow under the collar bone; press your fingers into his back and squeeze like an enthusiastic accordion player!

If done properly, your opponent will give up, and you'll be free to go.

Heel of Palm

The heel of palm strike is not a karate wrist attack, but one of the last final karate strikes I wanted to include in this site for you.

The Heel of Palm is formed by arching the hand back, almost to a 90° angle.

The fingers should be bent and slightly spread.

Use this position when attacking the face, nose, chin or jaw.

The Choker

Use the Choker on any smart-aleck joker.

It will make him think twice and then turn the other way.

The striking point of this position is the area between the thumb and forefinger.

Ox-Jaw Hand

You can give any annoying "pain-in-the-neck" a real pain in the neck for hours with the Ox-Jaw Hand blow.

A swift smash to the neck or collar bone does the trick.

Just a word of caution here: Use this hand attack only in emergencies.

If you hit a person strong enough on the neck, you can cause serious injury, and you may be criminally liable.

As usual, even if you know all the existing karate hand strikes and karate wrist attacks, the best form of self defense is avoiding conflict.

Remember that at all times.

Karate Knee Techniques

Karate knee techniques are mainly used in close range attack to the groin, thigh, solar plexus and chest.

You can strike in many directions: With the knee—up, down, sideways, forward, inside and outside.

When size and weight are in your adversary's favor, you can use his own superior weight and girth against him.

By using your knee movements wisely, by attacking his weakest pressure points, a good small person can cut a big dude down to his size with a few stinging knee smashes.

The Knee Smash

This is the most effective karate knee technique and can temporarily disable an opponent.

Bend knee and bring up your leg. Point the knee toward your target.

Zero in! Smash upward!

Use the Knee Smash only when an emergency demands it.

It is so acutely painful that your opponent may double up in extreme pain, then collapse.

If necessary, apply first aid immediately. Then call a doctor... But if you're in danger... leave at once!

The Knee Side Smash

For this knee attack, you have to bend your knee and bring your leg up.

Point the knee toward your target.

Hook the knee side to side.

A few Knee Side Smashes will convince your opponent that you ain't fooling around!

The Knee Down Smash

Here is a knee strike that might pulverize your opponent.

Bend your knee and bring the leg up behind you.

Strike by dropping the knee straight down on your opponent like an anchor plummeting into the open sea!

Karate Foot Techniques

You use karate foot techniques in close quarter fights, or to free yourself from some locks that entrap you.

In Karate the heel can become a formidable striking point.

You can feint your opponent off guard with your hands and elbows, then strike with the heel.

Use the heel movements to kick and stamp your opponent's groin, solar plexus, instep, and even the jaw!

Check out these karate foot techniques:

Back Heel Stamp Inside Heel Stamp Outside Heel Stamp Downward Heel Stamp

Back Heel Stamp

Raise foot slightly and point downward, bend knee forward.

Strike your opponent by stamping backward.

Inside Heel Stamp

Raise foot slightly and point the toes away from your body at 45° angle.

Bend the knee forward.

Strike by swiftly stamping the inside of the heel to the rear.

Your opponent may not give you the stamp of approval for this movement, but then you are not expecting it, are you?

Outside Heel Stamp

Raise foot slightly and angle the toes away from the body.

Bring knee forward.

Strike by suddenly stamping the outside of the heel to the side or rear.

Downward Heel Stamp

Raise the knee upward about 18 inches with the toes slightly arched.

Strike by smashing straight down.

Stamp any heel with the heel stamp!

Karate Kicks

Karate kicks are, next to a karate chop, perhaps the most widely known fighting technique in the Western world.

Most self defense styles include a group of kicks in their repertoir. Karate is not the exception.

Some kicks are spectacular, but more suitable for demonstrations than for self defense.

For instance, the spin kick is a beautiful kick to watch being executed, but it requires too much space to be performed, and it leaves the fighter usually out of balance.

A roundhouse kick, on the other hand, is a basic kick that - if applied correctly to street conditions - can get you out of trouble in times of need.

If you want to take your kicking skills to a higher level, improving your speed, power, timing and accuracy, I recommend you get yourself a training DVD called Perfect Your Kyorugi Kicking (a new window will open), by TKD Olympic Gold Medalist Lynnette Love.

Lynnette teaches you how to use small targets for sparring, giving you accurasy and control over the point of contact and the strength excerted on your opponents.

No, this is not a Karate DVD, but let me assure you, there is a lot to learn from TKD.

For the time being, here is a list of simple karate kicks that you can use in case of emergency.

Roundhouse Instep Kick Forward Instep Karate Kick The Mule Kick Verticle Underfoot Stomp Side Underfoot Stomp

Roundhouse Instep Kick

To perform this karate kick, you turn your body sideways away from your opponent, as if you were off balance.

Raise leg high up and bend foot so that the curve of your instep is parallel to the floor.

Strike your opponent by hooking the instep in a sweeping horizontal hook.

This is especially effective in smashing at the groin.

Forward Instep Karate Kick

Raise the knee straight up with the toes pointing straight down and close to you.

Strike by directing the instep forward or to the side, as the case may be.

The forward instep smash is the coup d'etat when directed to the groin in close range fighting.

But it should be used with extreme caution for it can seriously injure your opponent, perhaps permanently.

The Mule Kick

In its execution the Mule Kick resembles the swift kick of a mule.

Raise your foot up under you and toward the rear.

Bend your body downward from the waist.

Then wham your opponent with a rear thrust, using the arch as the striking point.

Verticle Underfoot Stomp

Bend the knee slightly up and forward.

Bring the foot back.

Toes pointing forward.

Strike by driving the heel straight back in a stomping or grinding motion.

Side Underfoot Stomp

You turn your body to the side.

Raise the knee and foot to the rear.

Angle the toes toward the side.

Strike by stomping the arch back and up in a grand-ing motion.

Bottom of Foot Techniques

Karate is the art of self-defense with unarmed weapons.

No clubs, knives or pistols are used.

No sticks or baseball bats.

Your weapons are right on your person—the legs, arms, hands, head, elbow . . . and even the feet—corns, calluses and all!

There are 3 different foot positions involved:

Ball of Foot Kick Downward Glide Ball of Fool Rear Grind Ball of Foot Straight

Ball of Foot Kick Downward Glide

Raise the foot high, bend the knee, curl toes upward as far as possible.

Strike by stamping ball of foot straight down in grinding fashion.

Ball of Fool Rear Grind

Raise the foot high, bend the knee so foot is horizontal to floor, curl toes up so that the ball of foot is projected.

Strike by stamping ball of foot to the rear in grinding fashion.

Ball of Foot Straight

Bend the entire body slightly back with the weight on the left foot.

Raise the right foot up and back with knee only slightly bent. Curl the toes up.

Strike by smashing the ball of the foot straight ahead.

Just before finishing this section, I found this video clip demonstrating a fight between a Karateka and what appears to be Kung Fu students practicing some sort of drunken style.

The point of including this video is to show you how Karate kicks can be effectively performed against other fighters.

In this case, however, the Kung Fu opponents seem to lack the sparring experience necessary to confront a trained Karateka. That is not to say that one style is better than another, but it shows you karate kicks in action:

Traditional Karate Equipment

Karate equipment does not have to be "high tech". In fact, you can actually make your own karate training gear.

Of course, as you immerse yourself in your martial art or self defense training, you may want to buy better training equipment. And that's fine too.

The important thing is that you must develop the latent strength in your fingers, knuckles, hands, hand edges, feet, elbow, toes, etc.

These parts of your body are your weapons, and you must forge them on the anvil of practice, training and self-discipline.

To attain the highest degree of proficiency in the art of Karate, you must practice diligently regularly.

As usual, check with your instructor and your doctor to see if training with any particular item is appropriate for your own circumstances.

Karate Sand and Gravel Box

The first item in the list of traditional karate equipment is the sand and gravel box.

You can use any old wooden box in the cellar, or even a strong plastic crate.

At the beginning, you should fill the box with rice.

The sand and gravel box will help strengthen your fingertips. This is part of your hands conditioning process.

To train with it, you must thrust your hand into the box about 20 times daily.

Use both hands.

After a while, remove the rice and fill it with dirt.

Then as your hand becomes callused, remove the dirt and fill it with gravel.

After constant training the striking points will become less and less sensitive.

Karate Cement Blocks

You can easily buy two chipped cement blocks from your local hardware store.

Set up the cement blocks in your backyard basement, or shed.

At first you should cover them with a thick blanket, or something to cushom them. You don't want to break your hands with this exercise. You want to gradually condition your hands.

They say "no pain, no gain". But it should really be "no brain, no gain". What is the point of disfiguring your hands? Do this exercise properly, and you'll be fine.

Pound away with the side of your hand, with your elbow and with your fist.

Do this about 15 times a day.

After a short period, remove a layer of the blanket; eventually, with time, you'll remove the entire blanket.

Traditional Karate Stances

Traditional karate stances (postures) are the essential point of departure for launching or repelling an attack.

You are able to face an opponent better when you adopt a proper Karate stance.

Here are a number of traditional stances that you can employ in specific circumstances.

The Natural Stance

In the natural stance you face your opponent "naturally". How's that for a definition? :-)

Seriously, in this stance you keep your legs and shoulders relaxed, feet together but poised for action.

Your weight is equally distributed on both limbs, keeping a balance, and ready to spring to one side or another in case of an attack against you.

Spread Eagle Stance

In the Spread Eagle Stance, you spread your legs about 18 inches apart, toes pointed outward a bit.

Keep legs straight and body relaxed.

You are poised now to spring into action.

Half Moon Stance

In stance, you plant your heels firmly on the floor, and point the toes straight ahead and spread your legs far apart.

The knees should be bent outward slightly.

The muscles of the legs and the hips should be taut.

Weight should be equally distributed on both legs.

Forward Stance

Move either the left or right leg straight ahead about 18 inches.

Bend the knee slightly.

Move other leg back.

Both feet should be planted firmly on the floor.

Backward Stance

For this karate stance, you bend the rear knee and direct outward.

Move the other leg forward.

The weight is not evenly distributed in the backward stance.

Two-thirds of the weight should be on the rear leg.

One-third on the front leg.

This is a good stance to use in kicking, as it gives you proper leverage.

Cat Stance

In this karate stance you are poised like a cat on a hot tin roof ready to spring into action.

Front left knee is projected, slight weight on the ball of the foot.

Heel is raised slightly from the floor.

The rear right foot remains backward and flat and bears most of the weight of the body.

The back should remain rigid.

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