san marcos lutheran the good · will...

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Our Mission: “To know, accept and live the love of God and share it with others”

THE GOOD NEWS January, 2017

San Marcos Lutheran



Sunday, January 1stOne Service at 11:00 a.m.


Sunday, January 8th

8:30, 9:45, 11:00 a.m.

This day we celebrate our Lord’s Baptism and remember our own. The worship

service includes a renewal of our Baptismal Covenant. We will recall once again what it

means to live as a Baptized child of God.

AFTER SCHOOL MUSIC AND ARTS will resume Wednesday, February 15th

3:45-5:30 pm (See page six)


Reports will be received and we adopt our 2017 Budget. (Light lunch served)



Bible Readings & Birthdays 10

Bible Studies 5

Calendar 11

Children’s Center 7

Concert Series 6

Financial Update 5

Pastor David’s Message 3

Pastor Karla’s Message 4

Social Concerns 5

Stewardship 9

Youth 8

The next Newsletter article

deadline is January 15th.

San Marcos Lutheran Preschool (760)727-0326

Director Ann Leong Teachers: Leilani Duran, Theresa Mohn, Marit

Greunke, Brittney Gibbs, Maria Del Carmen Padilla

San Marcos Lutheran Church

3419 Grand Avenue San Marcos, CA 92078

(760) 727-1509FAX: (760) 727-4468

smlc3419@sbcglobal.netOffice Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday—

Friday Sunday Worship Hours:

8:30 AM, 9:45 AM, & 11:00 AMSunday School

Children Age 3-12 9:45—10:30 AM Adult Education

9:50 AM - 10:45 AM David P. Jorstad

Pastor Karla J. Halvorson

Pastor Office Manager Margo Scarpelli

Organist Jenny Yun

Choir Director Justine Hansen

Director of Children’s Ministries Barbara Velivis


Bookkeeper Eunice Hanson

Volunteer Staff Artist in Residence Randall Sensmeier

Director Of Bell Choir Kärin Kupka

Coordinator of Celebration of Joy Musicians Kirsten Bassett

Council Members Kevin Bauder, President Robin Rubin, Treasurer

Therese Balbo, Secretary Jack Anderson Marilyn Monell

Linda Breen Jan Parthemer Kevin Angelini

Melinda KozloskiDan Norris Rick Shoup Anne Voth

Director of Music Emeritus Judith Moore

All are Welcome! As a community of the people of God, the members of San Marcos Lutheran Church are called to welcome

all people, regardless of age, economic status, ethnic background, gender, physical or mental ability, race or sexual

orientation. We affirm that in Christ “there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male or

female.” (Galatians 3:28)

Faith, Sexism, Justice 6


Walking as a Child of the Light

The season of Epiphany is the season of light. Through Jesus Christ, God’s light and love are being poured out to the world. That light gives us comfort, hope, and courage. The season of Epiphany gives us the opportunity to get in line with Jesus and follow in God’s light.

What will it mean for us this year to walk in the light of God? Where will this path of light take us? Will we be led toward God’s forgiveness and peace? Will we be led to share our resources with those who are in need? Will we be led to speak out for the marginalized of this world? Will we have the courage to be the voice for those without a voice? Will we be led to live lives rich with purpose and meaning? God’s light is shattering the darkness of this world. Come, let us walk as children of the light.

I want to walk as a child of the light.I want to follow Jesus.

God set the stars to give light to the world.The star of my life is Jesus.

In him there is no darkness at all.The night and the day are both alike.

The Lamb is the light of the city of God.Shine in my heart, Lord Jesus.

I want to see the brightness of God.I want to look at Jesus.

Clear Sun of righteousness, shine on my path, and show me the way to the Father.

I’m looking for the coming of Christ.I want to be with Jesus.

When we have run with patience the race,we shall know the joy of Jesus.

In him there is no darkness at all.The night and the day are both alike.

The Lamb is the light of the city of God.Shine in my heart, Lord Jesus. (ELW 815)

Peace in Christ,

Pastor David Jorstad

Page 4

Thoughts on Getting Back to Basics - Pastor Karla

As we begin this new year, it’s a great time to go back to basics. Our life in Christ begins with baptism, which makes the baptismal promises a perfect guideline. (Evangelical Lutheran Worship, page 228It all starts and ends with God. In baptism, God promises to:

+ make you a child of God, for you or your child will be baptized in God's name (Mat 28:19),+ wash us clean of sin (Acts 22:16),+ give the Holy Spirit, which enables us to call upon Jesus as Lord (Titus 3:5),+ make the baptized a member of the body of Christ, the Church (Romans 6:5),+ grant eternal life (Mark 16:16).

+ to live (with them) among God’s faithful people,+ to come and bring your child to the word of God and the holy supper,+ to learn and teach them the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed, and the Ten

Commandments,+ to place in your own hands and theirs the holy scriptures,+ to nurture them in faith and prayer.

When you come, or bring your child to be baptized, you make some promises as well:

+ look upon you/your child as an important member of our Christian community,+ support you in keeping the promises you made at baptism,+ walk with you and your child in this lifelong baptismal walk of faith.

This congregation makes promises to you and your child as well. We promise to:

This month we would like to emphasize our promise to help you “Nurture them in faith and prayer”. We will focus this month on the Prayer Pal program, connecting faithful praying adults with a child or

youth (ages 0-22) in our congregation.

Because this is such an important ministry and a promise we make at every baptism, we would like to emphasize it again. Beginning this month, we ask that you prayerfully consider signing up to be a prayer pal. We ask that you make a commitment for one year to pray for a child/youth in this community.

To make this promise easier to fulfill, we will include in our Sunday prayers a pause for you to pray for the child assigned to you. You will also be given a prayer guide and reminder, along with the contact information for the child’s parent(s). Remember, this is not about presents, cards or any other material gifts. This is about holding that child or youth in prayer. Feel free to call or meet with the parent and child and find out what to pray for! Our kids are wonderful, and it will be a blessing for you!

We have many new children and youth in our congregation and many babies this year! The need for prayer pals is great, but the rewards are greater.

Thank you for your support. Your questions and comments are welcome. Contact me or Prayer Pal coordinator, Joan Nolan.

In Christ, Pastor Karla



We want to include you in our prayers, arrange for

pastoral visits, and announce information to the

congregation, when appropriate. Please notify the

Church Office (760)727-1509 when:

- A member family member, or someone you

know dies

- You, or someone you know, is ill or grieving

- You, or someone you know, is in the hospital

- You, or someone you know, wants to plan a

baptism, wedding, or celebration

- You moved or changed telephone numbers

If office is closed, and you have an urgent need, call

Pastor David: home, (760)798-1226; cell (619)917-

2994 or email: or

Pastor Karla at home, (760)754-1413, cell, (858)442-

6761, email:


Healing for David Klinger, Donna Huber, Marian and Rich Ramage, Pastor Joe Ramnarine, and LaVonne Luethke.We rejoice at the Baptism in December of LaVonne Luethke.

Income Annual Budget Actual YTD % of Budget

$397,000 $338,547 84.68%

Expenses Annual Budget Actual YTD % of Budget $396,981 $352,500 88.17%

Thank you for your gifts which make our mission

and ministry possible.


WOMEN’S WINTER RETREAT at Luther Glen is March 3-5. This year our theme is

"Believing God" (Isaiah 43:10). Call Marilyn Monell for details at 760-291-7272.

Page 5



led by Pastor Dell & Pastor Fran Olson Tuesday, Jan. 3rd & 17th 10:00 a.m.

in Luther Hall


Jan. 14th. 10th at 8:00 am in Luther HallPhone Alan Jones for details at


HAVEN HOUSE “2ND SUNDAY MEALS” We’re back with meals scheduled on the 2nd Sunday of the month at Haven House in Escondido. This is a program for the homeless as part of Interfaith Community Services. The program works to reverse the cycle of homelessness by connecting individuals with a wide range of emergency, transitional and permanent housing resources. This includes case management and supportive services to ensure individuals achieve not only housing stability, but also self-sufficiency. Churches, families, clubs, and other organizations sign up to provide evening meals 365 days a year. Our Social Action Committee has made a commitment to provide a meal once a month. In 2016, 30 individuals or family units from SMLC participated by preparing, serving, purchasing, or donating towards Haven House. Partial funding is provided by Thrivent Action Team dollars. For more information or to SIGN UP FOR THE JANUARY 8TH MEAL, contact Doris Payne at or 760-653-3026. If you belong to an organization thatwould like to provide a meal (for approximately 45people), they always have open nights that need to befilled.

Dear Pastors, Friends, and Members of SMLC,

I have deeply appreciated your prayers and encouragement during the past four months of my Chemo therapy and radiation. This support by you has made a great difference. A few days before Thanksgiving, my Chemo doctor told me, "You are now Cancer free." I thank God, the medical care people, and the many who prayed on my behalf. God bless each one of you in all you face.

Pastor Dan Hansen

FROM YOUR TREASURER November 30, 2015

91.67% of Year



Jenny Yun, Organ Doris Payne, Piano

Mary Fawcett, HarpFebruary 19, 2017 at

4:00 p.m.Our three musicians will perform individually and in combination. Included on the program will be familiar works by Saint-Saëns, Mendelssohn, Bach, and Gounod, in addition to an original composition for the combined instruments by Randall Sensmeier.

THE AFTER SCHOOL MUSIC & ARTSPROGRAM will resume Wed., Feb. 15th, from 3:45 - 5:30 p.m. Registration information is available in the church office or online at:


with Madeleine Marshall Jan. 15, 22, & 29 at 9:45 in Luther Hall

The Idea of the Sacramental (Week One) Every confirmed Lutheran knows about the TWO proper sacraments: baptism, and the Eucharist. Few have heard of “sacramentals,” If a sacrament is a “visible sign of invisible grace,” there are many such signs to see. Metaphorical Language (Week Two) Religious metaphors relate the unknowable to the known. So “God” is a fortress, a shepherd. While Jesus is celebrated as friend and brother, These help us understand God as “father” and Jesus as “savior.” Worship and the Word (Week Three) These ideas of sacramentality and Christian metaphor can inform and animate our prayers, our hymns, and our witness. Too often we defer to tradition, experts, and books, thus disqualifying ourselves and our experience.The goal of these three sessions comes home in worship.


STATEMENT”As Christians we all are living into the promises of God and are being called to “do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God"

(Micah 6:8)

We know that Jesus Christ came that we may have life abundantly (John 10:10), but in the world around us, it is clear that countless people are suffering under the weight of injustice. They cannot live the abundant lives God intends. Many individuals and their families struggle emotionally, physically, and economically because of the effects of sexism and patriarchy. These forces are personal, religious, social, and economic. As members of the body of Christ that is the church, we are called to help all people live abundant lives that are just and sufficient – lives in which every individual and community is committed to the mutual values of respect, dignity, interdependence, and equity.We, as an ELCA church body, are engaged in a concerted discussion around women and justice in church and society. We are encouraged to gather over a period of time to share our feedback as it will help the task force shape the first draft of a social statement.Whatever your experiences and perspectives, we are invited to use this study, “Faith, Sexism, Justice: Conversations toward a Social Statement.” It is a call to hear new things and to explore together how matters of justice and sexism intersect with faith. For this study, we will focus each session on:

1.Why do we need to talk together?2.What problems do women face and what does justice

require?3.How is sexism personal, and how are we the body of

Christ together?4.What does economic sexism look like, and how can we

seek equity for all?5.How can we address violence against women and girls?6.Why do images and words for God matter?7.How do we challenge the misuse of Scripture against

women and girls?

Men and women are both invited to participate Sun. mornings at 9:45am in Luther Hall on the 2nd and 4th Sundays starting Feb. 12 and ending May 14, 2017. The feedback shared in these sessions will be forwarded on to the task force to assist with creating the social statement. For questions, please contact Kärin Kupka at 760-415-2525 or

Upcoming Events: Monday, January 16: Preschool closed in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Thursday and Friday, January 26 & 27: January Birthday Celebrations Wednesday, January 25: Preschool closes at 12:00 for monthly staff meeting; no lunches!

Coming in February! Our preschool Parents and Grandparents are invited to join our children for the Amazing Race for Education Family Fundraiser (this takes the place of the Trike-a-Thon) on Feb 9th and 10th, to raise money for our new outdoor playground structure! There will also be penny banks available from Feb 1-16 to gather pennies in support of educational programs for children suffering from Leukemia and Lymphoma...something near and dear to our preschool family. The Race will pair up family members and their preschool student to participate in various activities located throughout the preschool such as language arts, reading, science, math, art, music, and gross and fine motor skills and even snack! This will be a great way for you to come and learn and play with your child and raise money for a couple important

SMLC Children’s Center News

January 2017

Page 7

I want to thank all of our families for the amazing turnout we had for our Christmas program and your tremendous generosity in remembering the entire staff during the holidays. We all have been deeply touched by your love and kindness!

Time to change out the clothes! With the weather a little colder and the

children a little bigger, this is a great time to change out your child’s Ziploc

bag of extra clothes and make sure they have at least a light weight jacket

at school.

3419 Grand Ave, San Marcos 92078 • 760-727-0326 •

Learn Live Share the Love of God


PRIORITY Enrollment for returning families will begin on February 1st,

2017. New Family enrollment will begin

on February 15th. Packets will be available mid-

January. Registration is $100 which is non-


As a reminder...immunization waivers are not accepted for personal

reasons as per California Law. Please speak with the Director if you have concerns about this new ruling

and Fall Enrollment.


Youth PageJanuary 2017

What a fabulous Christmas season!THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO!!!

Jan 8 Youth Assisted Worship 9:45 and breakfast out

Jan 8 (Sunday), 3:30 pm, Luther Hall Honoring Our Neighbor’s Faith Sikh

Jan 11 (Wednesday) Visit Sikh Temple 6:30 pm 1838 Avenida Del Diablo, Escondido, CA 92029

Jan 15 (Sun) Senior High Bible Study/brunch location TBD

Jan 22 (Sunday) Confirmation at 3:30 in Youth Room

High School Retreat Luther Glen Feb 18-20, (register by Feb 4)

Middle school Retreat March 3-5Day camp June 26-30, Confirmation camp July 16-21

Sunday School EVERY Sunday 9:45 starting in Sanctuary.Questions? Pastor Karla Halvorson, pastor serving children

youth and families, Barbara Velivis, Barbara Velivis Director of Children’s Ministries, and Dan Norris, Senior High Youth Leader

SUNDAY CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: Director of Children’s Ministries: Barbara Velivis

Nursery - Infant through two years old Bible School Preschool through fifth grade: Barbara Velivis Confirmation (grades 6th-8th): Pastor Karla HalvorsonSr. Hi - Dan Norris

Lay Readers:

Date 11:00 a.m.




Anne Voth

Pastor Frances Olson

Carol Pilmer

Shareen Grogan22-Jan.

8:30 a.m.

No Service

Cindy Angelini

Yvonne Kieran

Yvonne McCoy

29-Jan. Rob O'Carroll Judy White

Greeters & Communion Assistants: Date




8:30 a.m.

No Service

Robin & EllenRubin Susan AgoniaSharon McEwanLouise Testerman

Kevin and Cindy Angelini


11:00 a.m. Anne Voth

Doris BalsmeyerLouise EricsonDianne McGovern

Doris BalsmeyerLouise Ericson


Hospitality Teams 9:45 a.m. Service






No Service

Jean Kahn

Joan Bassett-Nolan

Cathy Duncan

Inga Enge



Ushers: Date 8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m.

01-Jan. No Service Diana Shurtleff Marilyn Monell

08-Jan. Sharon McEwan Jack Anderson

15-Jan. Bill & MickieBeck

Ellen Arney Marilyn Monell

22-Jan. Don & Diana Diana Shurtleff Arney Marilyn Monell

29-Jan. Bill & Mickie Brett & PennyBeck Muetzel


JANUARY Bible Readings

Jan. 1 First Reading: Psalm: Second Reading: Gospel:

Jan. 8 First Reading: Psalm Second Reading: Gospel:

Jan. 15 First Reading: Psalm: Second Reading: Gospel:

Jan. 22First Reading: Psalm: Second Reading: Gospel:

Jan. 29 First Reading: Psalm: Second Reading: Gospel:

Epiphany of Our Lord Isaiah 60:1-6Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14Eph 3:1-12Matt 2:1-12

Baptism of Our Lord Isaiah 42:1-9 Psalm 29 Acts 10:34-43 Matt 3:13-17

2nd Sun. after Epiphany Isaiah 49:1-7 Psalm 40:1-111 Cor 1:1-9 John 1:29-42

3rd Sun. after Epiphany Isaiah 9:1-4Psalm 27:1, 4-91 Cor 1:10-18 Matt 4:12-23

4th Sun. after Epiphany Micah 6:1-8Psalm 151 Cor 1:18-31Matt 5:1-12


1/1 1/2 1/2 1/5 1/5 1/11 1/14 1/15 1/17 1/18 1/21 1/21 1/23 1/24 1/25 1/25 1/27 1/27 1/27 1/31

Kathy Mace Chyle Gustin Jackie Skeggs Reid Bauder Maggie Riley-Hagan Pat Piccirillo Louise Testerman David Capezzone Holly KeplerKerri NolanKim Capezzone Elizabeth Gustin Fran Iverson Jean Russell Rose Marie Etherton Tom Geu Haylie Murray Rob O’Carroll Gina Stier Cliff Adcock

January 2017 San Marcos Lutheran Church

Page 11

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Epiphany of Our LordOne service at 11 am Svcs Food Collection7:00 pm AA, LH


Office closed 11:30 am AA, LH


10:00 am BibleStudy, LH

4 9:30 am Centering Prayer Group, LH10:30 am Preschool Chapel, Sanctuary 11:30 am AA, LH 6:30 pm Social Action

5 10:30 am Pre-school Chapel, Sanctuary 7:00 pm Choir 7:00 pm AA, LH


10:40 am St. Joseph Chapel, Sanctuary


8 Baptism of Our Lord8:30 & 11 am Svcs 9:45 amInformal Svc & Sun Sch, Adult Ed Installation of Council 3:30 pm Confir-mation 7:00 pm AA, LH

9 9:30 am Knitting & Crocheting Group, LH 11:30 am AA, LH

10 11 9:30 am Preschool Board, Conf. Rm 9:30 am Centering Prayer Group, Lu-ther Hall 10:30 am Preschool Chapel, Sanctuary11:00 am Staff Mtg 11:30 am AA, LH


9:00 am Harvest Pastors10:30 am Preschool Chapel, Sanct.

7:00 pm Choir 7:00 pm AA, LH


10:40 am St. Jo-seph Chapel, Sanctuary 5:00 - 6:00 pm Sanctuary in Use

14 8:00 am Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study, LH

3:00 - 6:00 Sanctuary in Use6:00-10:00 pm LH in Use

15 2nd Sun. after Epiphany8:30 & 11 am Svcs 9:45 am Informal Svc 9:45 am Sun Sch , Adult Ed. LH12:15 pm Thrivent Lunch, LH 7:00 pm AA, LH


Martin Luther King Day (Office closed)11:30 am AA, LH

17 10:00 am Bible Study, LH

6:00 pm Women's Retreat Planning

18 9:30 am Centering Prayer Group, Lu-ther Hall 10:30 am Preschool Chapel, Sanctuary 11:30 am AA, LH


10:30 am Pre-school Chapel, Sanctuary 7:00 pm Choir7:00 pm AA, LH


10:40 am St. Jo-seph Chapel, Sanctuary


10:00 am Women'sBagels &Bibles, LH

22 3rd Sun. after Epiphany8:30 & 11 am Svcs 9:45 am Informal Svc, Adult Ed. LH &9:45 am Sun Sch. YR

3:30 pm Conf

23 11:30 am AA, LH


9:30 am Bible Study with Pastor Karla, LH

25 9:30 am Centering Prayer Group, Lu-ther Hall Preschool Board 11:30 am AA, LH


10:30 am Pre-school Chapel, Sanctuary 10:30 am Synod Planning Mtg, LH7:00 pm Choir 7:00 pm AA, LH


10:40 am St. Jo-seph Chapel, Sanctuary


29 4th Sun. after Epiphany8:30 & 11 am Svcs 9:45 am Informal Svc, Adult Ed. LH & Sun Sch. YR 12:15 pm Endowment Committee7:00 pm AA, LH


11:30 am AA, LH


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