san diego county air pollution control district draft

Post on 19-Feb-2022






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The San Diego County Air Pollution District (District) conducted a public workshop on March 18,

2019, to discuss and solicit feedback on draft proposed amendments to Rule 40–Permit and Other

Fees and Rule 42–Hearing Board Fees. These rules establish the fees collected by the District to

recover its costs to develop and issue air quality Permits to Operate, conduct air pollutant emissions

testing, perform mandated inspections, support Hearing Board activities including permit appeals

and requests for variances from District rules and permit requirements, and provide training to

regulated entities.

A workshop notice and proposal summary were mailed to all permit holders, registration holders

and chambers of commerce in the region, and posted on the District’s website. Notices were also

sent to the California Air Resources Board and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Other

interested parties were notified via GovDelivery, the County of San Diego’s email subscription


Six people attended the workshop. A summary of their comments and the District’s responses



Why is the District proposing to increase notification fees for asbestos removal and demolition



To clarify, the notification fees would decrease for asbestos notifications submitted online via the

District’s new electronic notification process. Instructions for online submittals are available at

Notification fees are proposed to increase for asbestos notifications not submitted online (e.g.,

notifications submitted via e-mail, mail or hand delivery). The proposed fee increases are

necessary to recover the District’s costs to provide asbestos-related outreach and training.

Stakeholder interest in asbestos regulatory training has increased in the past year, following the

District's adoption of Rule 1206 (Asbestos Removal, Renovation, and Demolition). The District's

training activities and associated costs have increased accordingly. Notifications submitted online

create labor cost savings for the District that help to offset its outreach and training costs.

Workshop Report

Draft Proposed Amendments to Rules 40 & 42



What is covered in the District's asbestos-related training class? Who is the intended audience?


The District's training class covers the notification and work practice requirements of Rule 1206

(Asbestos Removal, Renovation, and Demolition). These requirements are designed to limit

asbestos emissions during building demolition and renovation activities. The intended audience

for this training includes contractors, property managers, consultants, building owners and their

agents who may be involved in asbestos removal or demolition operations.


Please add my information to the District’s contact list for notices of asbestos regulatory training

classes, as I am interested in attending.


The request has been fulfilled. Others wishing to receive notifications of the District’s asbestos-

related training classes may contact Matt Allison, Supervising Inspector, at (858) 586-2678 or


A question was raised regarding Rule 1206 (Asbestos Removal, Renovation, and Demolition), its

requirements for asbestos sampling and how they compare to asbestos sampling requirements of

the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).


Rule 1206 and its relation to OSHA requirements is outside the scope of the workshop and was

addressed directly with the stakeholder after the workshop. District rules are not designed to

address or substitute for OSHA or other federal, state, and local requirements that may apply to an

operation or facility.



San Diego County Air Pollution Control District Rule 40 Regulation III – Post-Workshop Draft (03/22/19) -1-

REGULATION III: FEES RULE 40. PERMIT AND OTHER FEES (Adopted April 25, 2018 & Effective July 1, 2018

Adopted (date of adoption) & Effective July 1, 2019) Table of Contents


(1) General Provisions 4 (2) Initial Application Fees for an Authority to Construct/Permit to Operate 4 Calculation Worksheet for Initial Application Fees 4 (3) Initial Evaluation Fee 5 (4) Air Contaminant Emissions Fees 5 (5) Additional Evaluation and Processing Fees for New or Revised Applications 6 (6) Fees for Revisions to Valid Permits 6 Calculation Worksheet for Modified Equipment Fees 7 (7) Fees for Revisions to Valid Authorities to Construct 7 (8) Special Application Processing Provisions 8

(e) ANNUAL OPERATING FEES 10 (1) General Provisions 10 (2) Annual Operating Fees 10 Calculation Worksheet for Annual Operating Fees 10 (3) Staggered Renewal Dates 12 (4) Split Payment of Annual Operating Fees 12

(5) Inactive Status Permits 12 (6) Expiration and Retirement of Permits 12

(f) SPECIFIC PROGRAM FEES 13 (1) General Provisions 13 (2) Asbestos Demolition or Renovation Operation Plan 13 (3) Cooling Towers 14 (4 3) Air Pollution Emergency Episode Plan Fee 14 (5 4) Grid Search 14 (6 5) New or Modified Power Plants 14 (7 6) Toxic Hot Spots 15 (8 7) California Clean Air Act 15 (9 8) Title V Operating Permit 15 (10 9) Synthetic Minor Source Permit 16 (11 10) Determination of Exemption 16 (12 11) California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) 16


(1) General Provisions 17 (2) Renewal of Expired Permit(s) to Operate 17 (3) Reinstatement of Retired Permit(s) to Operate 17

(i) REFUNDS, INSUFFICIENT PAYMENT OF FEES AND CANCELLATIONS 18 (1) General Provisions 18 (2) Application Fee Refunds 18 (3) Annual Operating Fee Refunds 19 (4) Air Contaminant Emissions Fee Refunds 19 (5) Other Fees 19 (6) Cancellation Fees - Source Testing and Test Witnessing 19 (7) Insufficient Payment of Fees 20

Alphabetical List Of Fee Schedules By Emission Unit Type 21 Categorized List Of Fee Schedules By Emission Unit Type 23

Regulation III -2- Rule 40


(a) APPLICABILITY (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of these rules, this rule shall be used to determine all fees charged by the Air Pollution Control District (District), as authorized by the Air Pollution Control Board, except for those specified in Rule 42 – Hearing Board Fees. These include, but are not limited to, fees for: applications, permits, portable equipment registrations, renewals, source testing, asbestos demolition or renovation notifications, cooling towers, emergency episode plans, grid searches, technical consultations, new or modified power plants, Toxic Hot Spots, Title V Operating Permits, and Synthetic Minor Source Permits, and reviews, analyses, documents and procedures required or requested pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

(2) This rule shall be used to determine refunds, forfeitures and insufficient payment of fees, if applicable. (b) DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall apply for terms used in this rule:

(1) “Annual Operating Fee” means all fees related to a permit that are paid on an

annual basis. These include, but are not limited to, the following: Site Identification (ID) Processing and Handling Fee, Permit Processing Fee, Emission Unit Renewal Fee, Air Contaminant Emissions Fee, District and State Air Toxic Hot Spots Fee, and Annual Source Test Fee.

(2) “Applicant” means the owner of the emission unit or operation, or an agent specified by the owner.

(3) “Initial Application Fees” means all fees related to an application. These

include, but are not limited to, a Non-refundable Processing Fee, Initial Evaluation Fee, Emission Unit Renewal Fee, Air Contaminant Emissions Fee, and if applicable, an Additional Engineering Evaluation Fee and/or Source Test Fee.

(4) “Location” means the same as “Stationary Source” as defined in Rule 2 –

Definitions. (5) “Permit to Operate” or “permit” means any District authority to operate, such as a Permit to Operate, Certificate of Registration, Title V or Synthetic Minor Source permit, unless otherwise specified. (6) “T+M” means time and material costs.

(7) “T+RN” means time and material costs plus renewal fees.

Regulation III -3- Rule 40

(8 7) “Valid Permit or Valid Authority to Construct” means a Permit or Authority to Construct for which all fees are current.

All other terms mean the same as defined in Rule 2 – Definitions unless otherwise

defined by an applicable rule or regulation. (c) GENERAL PROVISIONS

(1) No application shall be considered received unless accompanied by the completed application and associated supplemental forms (if available applicable) and the appropriate Initial Evaluation Fees. (2) All time and material (T+M) and time and renewal (T+RN) costs shall be determined using the labor rates specified in Fee Schedule 94. (3) If the Air Pollution Control Officer determines that the activities of any one company would cause an increase of at least 10 percent in any one Emission Unit Fee Schedule, the Air Pollution Control Officer may delete the costs attributed to that company from the cost data used to determine that type of Emission Unit Fee Schedule. The costs from such a company shall be recovered by development of a source-specific Emission Unit Fee Schedule. The specific Emission Unit Fee Schedules Initial Evaluation or Emission Unit Renewal Fee Schedules shall be submitted to the Air Pollution Control Board for consideration and adoption. (4) If the Air Pollution Control Officer determines that a person has under-reported material usage, emissions or other information necessary for calculating an emissions inventory, and such under-reporting has led to an Air Contaminant Emissions Fee less than what would have been due if correct usage, emissions or other information had been reported, then the person shall pay the difference between the original and corrected Air Contaminant Emissions Fee plus a charge equal to 30 percent of the difference. Such charge shall not apply if the permittee demonstrates to the Air Pollution Control Officer's satisfaction that the under-reporting was the result of inadvertent error or omission which the permittee took all reasonable steps to avoid. Required fees not paid within 30 days of the due date shall be assessed a late fee in the amount prescribed in Section (g) – Late Fees. (5) Credit card payments for fees will be assessed a processing fee of 2.2 2.19% of

the amount paid by credit card. This processing fee covers only costs assessed to the

District by credit card providers. Payments made using the online application submittal

system will not be assessed a processing fee but will be subject to fees charged by the

online submittal system vendor for the service. These convenience fees are not remitted to

the District.

Regulation III -4- Rule 40


(1) General Provisions

(i) Every applicant for an Authority to Construct/Permit to Operate for any article, machine, equipment or other contrivance shall pay the applicable fees as specified in this Section (d) for each emission unit.

(ii) A $105 74 Non-refundable Processing Fee shall be submitted with each

application for an Authority to Construct/Permit to Operate, Change of Location, Change to an Existing Permit Unit Authority to Construct/Permit to Operate, Like-Kind Replacement or Banking Emission Reduction Credits. This fee does not apply to applications for a Change of Ownership, Identical Replacement, or Fee Schedules 49(a) or 49(b).

(iii) When additional evaluation fees are required, the applicant shall deposit the

amount estimated to cover the evaluation costs upon receipt of such an invoice. The District may stop work on the application until the invoiced amount is fully paid.

(iv) Initial Evaluation Fees and Emission Unit Renewal Fees shall be

determined using the amounts listed in Columns (1) and (2), respectively, of the Fee Schedules provided within this rule.

(2) Initial Application Fees for an Authority to Construct/Permit to Operate The Initial Application Fees for an Authority to Construct/Permit to Operate application

shall include a Non-refundable Processing Fee, Initial Evaluation Fee, Emission Unit Renewal Fee, Air Contaminant Emissions Fee, and if applicable, an Additional Engineering Evaluation Fee and/or Source Test Fee.

Calculation Worksheet for Initial Application Fees

Non-refundable Processing Fee $105 74 Initial Evaluation Fee 1 Emission Unit Renewal Fee 1

Air Contaminant Emissions Fee 2 Additional Engineering Evaluation Fees 3 Source Test Fee 4

Total: $_________ Notes: 1. See Fee Schedule. If T+M or T+RN fee is indicated, call the District for a fee estimate. 2. See Subsection (d)(4) to determine applicable fee, based on total facility emissions. 3. See Subsection (d)(5) to determine if additional fees are required, or call the District for a fee estimate. 4. Call the District for a Source Test Fee estimate.

Regulation III -5- Rule 40

(3) Initial Evaluation Fee The Initial Evaluation Fee shall be determined based on the specific type of

equipment, process or operation for which an application is submitted, as listed in Column (1) of the Fee Schedules provided within this rule.

(i) Where the fee specified in Column (1) is T+RN T+M, the fee shall be the

actual evaluation cost incurred by the District and either the specified Emission Unit Renewal Fee (Column (2)) or an estimated T+M renewal fee for the first year of operation. The applicant shall deposit the amount estimated to cover the actual evaluation cost at the time of application submittal.

(ii) If the equipment, process or operation for which an application is submitted is not listed in the Fee Schedules, the Initial Evaluation Fee shall be on a T+M basis, including the Emission Unit Renewal Fee, as specified in Fee Schedule 91.

(iii) If the equipment, process, or operation for which an application is required

solely due to a change in Rule 11 – Exemptions from Rule 10 Permit Requirements, the evaluation fee shall be based on the actual evaluation cost incurred by the District, not to exceed the Initial Evaluation Fee, except as provided under Subsection (d)(5). (4) Air Contaminant Emissions Fees The Air Contaminant Emissions Fee is an annual fee based on total air contaminant

emissions from the stationary source. This fee shall also apply to portable equipment permitted or registered under these Rules and Regulations. For purposes of this subsection, the term “facility” means either the stationary source, or collection of portable equipment permitted or registered under a single site ID.

(i) For existing facilities, an Air Contaminant Emissions Fee shall not be

collected as part of an Initial Application Fee, if the Air Contaminant Emissions Fee was paid as part of the most recent Annual Operating Fees.

(ii) For new facilities, the Air Contaminant Emissions Fee shall be paid with the first permit application filed for the new facility and based upon actual expected air contaminant emissions from the facility, as estimated by the District, for the calendar year in which the Permit to Operate is issued, as specified below. This fee shall remain unchanged until revised to reflect the most recent District approved emissions inventory report.

(A) If the actual expected annual emissions of carbon monoxide (CO),

oxides of nitrogen (NOx), oxides of sulfur, particulate matter (PM10) or volatile organic compounds (VOC) equal or exceed five tons, then the Air Contaminant Emissions Fee shall be based on the total expected emissions of all these contaminants for that calendar year, multiplied by an air contaminant emissions fee rate of $116 per ton.

Regulation III -6- Rule 40

(B) For all other new facilities, a single Air Contaminant Emissions Fee shall be paid based on the following table using the Fee Schedule that is most representative of the nature of the activities at the stationary source:


Schedule Source Category Description Annual

Emissions Fee

26(a) VOC dispensing facility - Phase I and Phase II controls required

$9 per nozzle

28 (k and l) Contract service solvent cleaning units (for contract companies with 100 or more units)

$7 per cleaning unit

28(f) Facilities with only remote reservoir units and no other permits at the facility

$7 per cleaning unit

27(e) Industrial surface coating applications $580 27(k) Metal parts and aerospace coating applications $580 27(m) Wood product coating applications $580 27(v) Adhesive application operations $580

Various All other stationary sources $116 If the most representative nature of the activities cannot be determined for facilities

with more than one source category description or fee schedule, the highest applicable annual emissions fee shall apply.

(5) Additional Evaluation and Processing Fees for New or Revised Applications If an application requires the District to evaluate the emission unit for compliance with

Rule 51 – Nuisance, Rule 1200 – Toxic Air Contaminants-New Source Review, Rules 20.1 through 20.8 (New Source Review), Rules 26.0 through 26.10 (Emission Reduction Credits), pre-backfill inspections for gasoline dispensing facilities, Regulation X – New Source Performance Standards, Regulation XI – National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, Regulation XII – Toxic Air Contaminants, federal Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) requirements, a federal National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), State Airborne Toxic Control Measure (ATCM), CEQA, or to conduct additional application processing procedures in accordance with Health and Safety Code Section 42301 or 42301.6, the applicant shall pay the actual cost incurred by the District for such evaluation and processing procedures, and any additional fees specified by this rule. The applicant shall deposit the amount estimated to cover the actual evaluation cost at the time of application submittal or upon request by the District.

(6) Fees for Revisions to Valid Permits The owner of a valid permit, or his agent, may submit an application to propose the

types of changes listed below. The evaluation fee for a revision shall be based on the actual evaluation cost incurred by the District, not to exceed the Initial Evaluation Fee, except as provided under Subsections (d)(5), (d)(6)(v), and (d)(6)(vi). The applicant shall deposit the amount estimated to cover the actual cost of evaluating the proposed change at the time of application submittal.

Regulation III -7- Rule 40

Calculation Worksheet for Modified Equipment Fees Non-refundable Processing Fee $105 74 Initial Evaluation Fee 1

Additional Engineering Evaluation Fees 2

Total: $________ Notes: 1. See Fee Schedules, use Column (1). If T+M or T+RN fee is indicated, call the District for a

fee estimate. 2. See Subsection (d)(5) to determine if additional fees are required, or call the District for a fee estimate.

(i) Operational Change: An application which proposes an operational change of

a valid permit.

(ii) Condition Change: An application which proposes a condition change of a valid permit.

(iii) Additions, Alterations and Replacement of Equipment: An application

which proposes an addition, alteration or replacement of an emission unit described in a valid permit.

(iv) Review for a Change of Location: An application which proposes a

change of location for an emission unit with a valid permit. An application is not required for any change of location within a stationary source or for a portable emission unit.

(v) Ownership Change: An application which proposes an ownership change

for a valid permit shall pay an administrative fee of $105 74. The applicant shall demonstrate to the District's satisfaction proof of entitlement to the Permit to Operate at the time of application submittal. Prior to an ownership change application being processed, payment of all outstanding charges that are normally due and associated with that permit must be paid.

(vi) Like-Kind Replacement Units per Rule 11 – Exemptions from Rule 10

Permit Requirements, Subsection (d)(5): An application for a permit change to reflect an eligible like-kind replacement emission unit pursuant to Rule 11 (d)(5)(ii), shall pay a fee of $374, in addition to the Non-refundable Processing Fee and any additional fees provided under Subsection (d)(5) of this rule. (7) Fees for Revisions to Valid Authorities to Construct The owner of a valid Authority to Construct, or his agent, may submit an application

to propose the types of changes listed in Subsections (d)(6)(i thru v). The evaluation fee for a revision shall be based on the actual evaluation cost incurred by the District, not to exceed the Initial Evaluation Fee, except as provided under Subsection (d)(5). The applicant shall deposit the amount estimated to cover the actual cost of evaluating the proposed change at the time of application submittal.

Regulation III -8- Rule 40

(8) Special Application Processing Provisions

(i) Reduced Fees for Similar Emission Units at a Single Stationary Source

If more than one application for an Authority to Construct/Permit to Operate is submitted at the same time for similar emission units at the same stationary source location, then the first emission unit shall be charged the Initial Application Fee as specified in Subsection (d)(2). Each additional emission unit shall be charged the Emission Unit Renewal Fee and the actual T+M costs incurred by the District to evaluate the emission unit and act upon the applications. The total cost for each additional emission unit shall not exceed the Initial Evaluation Fee (Column (1)), except as provided under Subsection (d)(5).

This provision only applies to the extent that each emission unit will be operated

independently, and the evaluation for an Authority to Construct for the first emission unit can be applied to the additional units because of similarity in design and operation, and each emission unit can be evaluated and inspected for a Permit to Operate at the same time. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to Fee Schedules 3 and 26.

(ii) Reinspection Fees

If during an inspection for a Permit to Operate, an emission unit cannot be

evaluated due to circumstances beyond the control of the District, the applicant shall pay the actual time and material costs of performing a reinspection. An estimated reinspection fee, as determined by the District, may be required to be deposited with the District prior to reinspection of the emission unit.

(iii) Split Fee Payments for Applications

An applicant may request a split payment of evaluation fees due to financial

hardship. This request must be made in writing. The first payment, plus an administrative fee of $75, must be deposited with the application. The second payment is due no later than 60 days after filing the application.

(iv) Fees for Expedited Application Processing

If an applicant requests expedited processing of an application and the District determines that such expedited processing is available through voluntary overtime work, the applicant shall pay an application fees equal to one and one-quarter times that which is otherwise specified by this rule, except that the Non-refundable Processing Fee and any applicable air contaminant emission fee shall be not more than that specified by this rule the labor rates specified in Fee Schedule 94 for the overtime work. At the time of submittal of the application, the applicant shall deposit a fee equal to that otherwise specified by this rule. If the application receives expedited processing, no final action shall be taken on the application until the applicant has paid the remainder of the fees required by this paragraph.

Regulation III -9- Rule 40

(v) Requirement for Defense and Indemnification Agreement

On a case-by-case basis, where significant risk to the District is identified in

connection with the processing of an application, the Air Pollution Control Officer may require a defense and indemnification agreement from the applicant. The agreement shall be in a form approved by the Air Pollution Control Officer.

On a case-by-case basis, the Air Pollution Control Officer may determine to

require security from the applicant. A determination to require security shall only be made by the Air Pollution Control Officer, and shall not be delegable. The Air Pollution Control Officer shall establish the form and amount of the security, as well as the time the security is to be provided to the District.

(vi) Indemnification

Each applicant, to the extent the applicant is at fault in causing liability to the

District, shall indemnify the District, its agents, officers and employees (collectively “District Parties”) from any claim, action, liability, or proceeding against the District Parties to attack, set aside, void or annul the applicant’s project or any of the proceedings, acts or determinations taken, done or made as a result of District’s processing and/or approval of the project, as specified below. Each applicant's obligation to indemnify shall apply to any lawsuit or challenge against the District Parties alleging failure to comply with the requirements of any federal, state, or local laws, including, but not limited to, requirements of these Rules and Regulations. This indemnification requirement shall be included in the application form provided to all applicants.

Each applicant's obligation to indemnify the District Parties shall include, but

not be limited to, payment of all court costs and attorneys' fees, costs of any judgments or awards against the District, damages, and/or settlement costs, which arise out of District’s processing and/or approval of the applicant’s project, except that an applicant shall only be responsible for indemnifying the District Parties in the amount of liability which is equal to the proportion of fault caused by the applicant, as determined by a court. Where any court action results in a ruling for the plaintiff/petitioner, the applicant and the District shall request a determination on the percentage contribution of fault from the court which adjudicated the underlying challenge to the applicant’s project.

Notwithstanding this subsection, when a defense and indemnification agreement

is required for a project under Subsection (d)(8)(v) above, the provisions of the defense and indemnification agreement shall apply to the applicant and not the provisions of this subsection.

(vii) Fees for Previously Permitted Emission Units Operating Without Valid


Regulation III -10- Rule 40

In addition to the fees otherwise specified by this Section (d), a person who is applying for an Authority to Construct and/or Permit to Operate for a previously permitted emission unit that was operated after the applicable permit expired, and is no longer eligible for reinstatement, shall pay the annual operating and late fees specified in Sections (e), (f), and (g) that would have otherwise been due. Such payment shall not negate any fines and penalties that may be assessed for violations of the requirement to operate with a valid permit.


(1) General Provisions

(i) Annual Operating Fees are due on an annual basis and shall be paid by any

person who is required to maintain a Permit to Operate or Temporary Authorization pursuant to Rule 10 – Permits Required, Section (b).

(ii) Annual Operating Fees are due by 5 PM Pacific Time on the date the

permit expires. Permits expire on the last day of the renewal month. Payments received after the permit expiration date are subject to the late fee provisions of Section (g) – Late Fees.

(2) Annual Operating Fees The following applicable fees shall be paid as part of the Annual Operating Fees: Site

ID Processing and Handling Fee, Permit Processing Fee, Emission Unit Renewal Fee, Air Contaminant Emissions Fee, and if applicable, District and State Air Toxic Hot Spots Fee and Annual Source Test Fee.

Calculation Worksheet for Annual Operating Fees Site ID Processing and Handling Fee $35 Permit Processing Fee ($25 x number of permitted units)

Emission Unit Renewal Fee (See (iii) below)

Air Contaminant Emissions Fee (See (iv) below)

District and State Air Toxic Hot Spots Fee (See (v) below)

Annual Source Test Fee (See (vi) below)

Total: $_____

(i) Site ID Processing and Handling Fee: A site ID processing and handling fee of $35 per facility.

(ii) Permit Processing Fee: A permit processing fee of $25 per Permit to

Operate. (iii) Emission Unit Renewal Fee: An annual renewal fee, for each specific

type of emission unit, as specified in the Fee Schedules (Column (2)).

Regulation III -11- Rule 40

(iv) Air Contaminant Emissions Fee: An annual Air Contaminant Emissions Fee based on total emissions from the stationary source. This fee shall also apply to portable equipment permitted or registered under these Rules and Regulations. For purposes of this subsection, the term “facility” means either the stationary source, or collection of portable equipment permitted or registered under a single site ID.

(A) For facilities with annual emissions of either carbon monoxide (CO),

oxides of nitrogen (NOx), oxides of sulfur, particulate matter (PM10) or volatile organic compounds (VOC) that equal or exceed five tons, as indicated by the most recent District approved emission inventory report or an initial evaluation made pursuant to Subsection (d)(4)(ii), the Air Contaminant Emissions Fee shall be based on the total calendar year emissions of all these contaminants, multiplied by an air contaminant emissions fee rate of $116 per ton.

(B) For all other facilities, a single Air Contaminant Emissions Fee shall

be paid based on the following table using the Fee Schedule that is most representative of the nature of the activities at the stationary source:


Schedule Source Category Description Annual

Emissions Fee

26(a) VOC dispensing facility - Phase I and Phase II controls required

$9 per nozzle

28 (k and l) Contract service solvent cleaning units (for contract companies with 100 or more units)

$7 per cleaning unit

28(f) Facilities with only remote reservoir units and no other permits at the facility

$7 per cleaning unit

27(e) Industrial surface coating applications $580 27(k) Metal parts and aerospace coating applications $580 27(m) Wood product coating applications $580 27(v) Adhesive application operations $580

Various All other stationary sources $116

If the most representative nature of the activities cannot be determined for facilities with more than one source category description or fee schedule, the highest applicable annual emissions fee shall apply.

(v) District and State Air Toxic Hot Spots Fee: If applicable, the stationary

source-specific fee required under the Air Toxics “Hot Spots” Information and Assessment Act. See as specified in Subsection (f)(7).

(vi) Annual Source Test Fee: If a periodic source test is required, the

applicable source test fee, as specified in Fee Schedules 92 and/or 93.

Regulation III -12- Rule 40

(3) Staggered Renewal Dates

The District may initiate, or the owner of a Permit to Operate may request in writing, to change the renewal month of all permits located at a single facility. When the established renewal month for a facility is changed to a new renewal month, the amount due for each permit shall be prorated to reflect the new renewal month. Revised permits will be issued after the prorated amount has been paid.

(4) Split Payment of Annual Operating Fees

Owners or operators may request a split payment of the Annual Operating Fees due to financial hardship. This request must be made in writing at least one day prior to the due date. The first payment, plus an administrative fee of $75, must be deposited by 5 PM Pacific Time on the date the permit expires. The second payment is due no later than 60 days after the date the permit expires. Permits expire on the last day of the renewal month. The renewed permit will be issued after the second payment is made.

(5) Inactive Status Permits A person who holds a valid permit who desires to have that permit placed on inactive

status pursuant to Rule 10 – Permits Required shall submit an application requesting such change and shall pay the Initial Evaluation Fee specified in Fee Schedule 49(a)(Column (1)). If such request is received at the time of annual renewal of the permit, the person shall also pay the annual Emission Unit Renewal Fee specified in Fee Schedule 49(a)(Column (2)). Thereafter, the annual Emission Unit Renewal Fee for the inactive status permit shall be as specified in Fee Schedule 49(a)(Column (2)). When a person who holds a valid inactive status permit applies, in accordance with Rule 10, for the condition prohibiting operation to be removed and the permit returned to active status, the owner or operator shall pay the Initial Evaluation Fee specified in Fee Schedule 49(b)(Column (1)), any Additional Engineering Evaluation Fees required pursuant to Subsection (d)(5), and the applicable Annual Operating Fee specified in this Section (e) for that category of emission unit with an active status permit, prorated for the portion of the permit renewal year remaining.

(6) Expiration and Retirement of Permits

(i) Expiration of Permits due to Non-Payment of Annual Operating Fees

If Annual Operating Fees are not paid by the permit expiration date, the permit will expire on that date. An expired permit may be renewed within six months of the expiration date as provided in Subsection (h)(2).

(ii) Retirement of Permits due to Non-payment of Annual Operating Fees

If Annual Operating Fees are not paid within six months from the permit expiration date, the permit will be retired on the day following the last day of the six-month period from the permit expiration date. A retired permit may be reinstated

Regulation III -13- Rule 40

within six months of the retirement date as provided in Subsection (h)(3). Emission units for which a permit was not reinstated within six months of the retirement date will require an application for a new Permit to Operate.

(iii) Retirement by Permittee Request

Owners or operators may, at any time, request retirement of a valid permit(s). This request must be made in writing. Retired permit(s) may be reinstated within six months of the date of retirement as provided in Subsection (h)(3).

(f) SPECIFIC PROGRAM FEES (1) General Provisions For all of the applicable programs listed below, a late fee as described in Section (g) –

Late Fees shall be assessed if the required fees are not paid within 30 days after the due date.

(2) Asbestos Demolition or Renovation Notification For each asbestos demolition or renovation notification subject to Rule 1206 –

Asbestos Removal, Renovation, and Demolition, the owner or operator shall pay the applicable fees specified below. For projects where one notification is submitted for both renovation and demolition operations, the owner or operator shall pay both applicable renovation and demolition fees. Fees are due at the time a notification is submitted. Notifications or revisions thereof will not be considered received unless accompanied with the required fees. The terms used below are defined in Rule 1206.




Online Notification

Fee 1 1. Renovation Operations (excluding residential buildings

having four or fewer dwelling units)

≥100 sq. ft. to 500 sq. ft. $461 533 $390 501 to 2,000 sq. ft. $543 593 $450 2,001 to 5,000 sq. ft. $622 670 $528 5,001 to 10,000 sq. ft. $685 680 $538 >10,000 sq. ft. $761 806 $664

2. Planned (Annual) Renovation Operations (add to appropriate renovation operation fee listed above) $99 119 $119

3. Emergency Renovation Operations (add to appropriate renovation operation fee listed above) $99 119 $119

4. Demolition Operations Regulated Asbestos Containing Material (RACM) sites or

Non-RACM sites or sites with no asbestos present $552 660 $517

5. Emergency Demolition Operations (add to demolition operation fee listed above) $99 119 $119

Regulation III -14- Rule 40

6. Revised Notification Fee for Renovations, Demolitions, Planned Renovations, and Emergency Operations 2 (NOTE: a revision is defined as a change in the original start date or when the amount of asbestos changes by greater than or equal to 20%.)

$44 46 N/A

7. Cancellation Fee for Renovations or Demolitions Operations $60 N/A Notes: 1. Online notification fees apply when the notification is submitted to the District using the County of San

Diego’s online Citizen Access Portal. 2. Additional fees may be required if the revised amount of asbestos to be removed increases to a higher

category. The additional fee will be the difference between the fee paid and the fee required for the new category.

(3) Cooling Towers The owner or operator of any cooling tower(s) shall submit a compliance plan for the

tower(s) to the District with the applicable fees. Circulating water test results shall also be submitted with the compliance plan if required by Rule 1202 – Hexavalent Chromium-Cooling Towers.

Plan Fee per facility $37 Each cooling tower $21 (4 3) Air Pollution Emergency Episode Plan Fee The owner or operator of a facility for which a plan or a plan update is required by

District Regulation VIII – San Diego Air Pollution Emergency Plan shall pay a $147 evaluation fee for each plan or plan update, at the time the plan is submitted for review.

(5 4) Grid Search Any school district, individual, business or agency that submits a request for the

District to conduct a grid search to identify all facilities with the potential to emit hazardous air contaminants (pollutants) shall deposit an initial fee of $362 at the time the grid search is requested. If the actual costs incurred are greater than the amount deposited, the school district, individual, business or agency that made the request shall submit an additional amount as specified by the District to recover the remaining actual costs of performing the grid search.

(6 5) New or Modified Power Plants Any source subject to the requirements of Rule 20.5 - Power Plants, shall reimburse

the District for the actual costs incurred in order to comply with the provisions of Rule 20.5. The applicant shall deposit the amount estimated to cover the actual cost at the time of application submittal.

Regulation III -15- Rule 40

(7 6) Toxic Hot Spots The owner or operator of a facility who has been identified by the District as being

subject to the requirements of Health and Safety Code Section 44300 et seq. (the Air Toxics “Hot Spots” Information and Assessment Act), shall pay the applicable fees specified below to the District within 30 days of receipt of an invoice for the required fees.

(i) The owner or operator of a facility identified by the District as subject to

any of the site-specific program requirements listed below shall pay an annual site-specific program fee. The amount of the site-specific program fee shall be equal to the actual costs incurred by the District associated with the site-specific program requirements for each affected facility.

(A) Toxic air contaminant emissions source testing when necessary to

determine emissions for inclusion in a toxic air contaminant emissions inventory.

(B) Public health risk assessment or updated public health risk assessment pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 44360 et seq. or Rule 1210 – Toxic Air Contaminant Public Health Risks-Public Notification and Risk Reduction.

(C) Public notification of public health risks pursuant to Health and

Safety Code Section 44362 or Rule 1210 – Toxic Air Contaminant Public Health Risks-Public Notification and Risk Reduction.

(D) Facility toxic air contaminant risk reduction audit and plan pursuant

to Health and Safety Code Section 44390 or Rule 1210 – Toxic Air Contaminant Public Health Risks-Public Notification and Risk Reduction.

(ii) In addition to the fee specified in Subsection (f)(7)(i), the owner or

operator of a facility subject to the requirements of Health and Safety Code Section 44300 et seq. shall pay an annual fee for the recovery of State program costs. The amount of the annual State program fee for each facility shall be that specified by the ARB in accordance with the State Air Toxics “Hot Spots” Fee Regulation contained in Title 17, California Code of Regulations, Section 90700 et seq. (8 7) California Clean Air Act The owner or operator of a stationary source who is required by Title 17, California

Code of Regulations, Section 90800, et seq., to pay a fee adopted by the California Air Resources Board shall pay the required fee to the District within 30 days of receipt of an invoice for the required fees.

(9 8) Title V Operating Permit The owner or operator of a stationary source subject to the requirements of Regulation

XIV – Title V Operating Permits, shall pay the actual time and materials costs incurred by the District to review and act upon an application for initial permit, permit modification, administrative permit amendment, Section 502(b)(10) change, enhanced Authority to

Regulation III -16- Rule 40

Construct and/or Title V operating permit renewal; to evaluate such source for compliance with Regulation XIV and the terms and conditions of a Title V operating permit, including, but not limited to, the costs incurred to document such evaluation, to prepare reports, and to take any actions necessary in cases of noncompliance; to reopen an existing Title V operating permit; and to cancel a Title V operating permit.

(10 9) Synthetic Minor Source Permit The owner or operator of a stationary source that submits an application to obtain a

Synthetic Minor Source (SMS) Permit pursuant to Rule 60.2 - Limiting Potential to Emit-Synthetic Minor Sources, shall pay the fees specified below to recover the actual costs incurred by the District to review and act upon an application for initial permit, permit modification and/or permit renewal.

Application evaluation fee (new or modified permits) T+M SMS permit renewal fee T+RN T+M (11 10) Determination of Exemption The owner or operator of any emission unit or process requesting a determination of

exemption pursuant to Rule 11 - Exemptions from Rule 10 Permit Requirements, Subsection (d)(19), shall pay an evaluation fee based on T+M (with an initial deposit of $410) to recover the actual costs incurred by the District to evaluate the emission unit or process.

(12 11) California Environmental Quality Act Whenever the District is requested or required to conduct analyses, review or prepare

documents, or conduct and/or participate in administrative procedures, meetings or hearings pursuant to CEQA, the District costs shall be paid by the persons requesting and/or receiving such services. District staff costs shall be determined using the labor rates specified in Fee Schedule 94. Costs to the District resulting from the activities of other agencies or consultants to the District necessary to provide such services shall be included in the total District costs. Persons requesting and/or receiving such services shall be charged the estimated cost of providing those services and shall deposit such amount to the District in advance of the service, unless prior arrangements for payment have been approved by the District. If the actual costs incurred are greater than the amounts deposited, the persons requesting and/or receiving the services shall deposit additional amounts as specified by the District to recover the remaining actual costs. Any funds deposited in excess of actual costs incurred shall be refunded.


(1) Late fees for Annual Operating Fees due to the District shall apply as follows:

Regulation III -17- Rule 40

(i) A late fee of 30 percent of the Annual Operating Fees due or $250, whichever is less, shall be added for fees paid later than the last day of the renewal month.

(ii) An additional late fee of 10 percent of the Annual Operating Fees due shall be added for each additional month or portion thereof that the fees remain unpaid.

(iii) In no case shall the late fees exceed 100 percent of the total Annual

Operating Fees. (2) Late fees for any payments due to the District, except Annual Operating Fees,

shall apply as follows:

(i) A late fee of 30 percent of the amount due shall be added for payments made more than 30 days after the due date.

(ii) An additional late fee of 10 percent of the amount due shall be added for

each additional month or portion thereof that the payment is not received. (iii) In no case shall the late fees exceed 100 percent of the amount due.



(1) General Provisions In addition to the Annual Operating Fees due for renewing an expired permit or

reinstating a retired permit, any applicable fees pursuant to Subsection (d)(6), such as an ownership change, change of location, or modification, shall be paid concurrently.

New owners seeking to renew or reinstate a retired permit are responsible for

payment of all outstanding charges that are normally due and associated with that retired or expired permit.

(2) Renewal of Expired Permit(s) to Operate An expired permit can be renewed within six months of the expiration date by paying

the applicable Annual Operating Fees and the late fees as specified in Section (g) – Late Fees.

(3) Reinstatement of Retired Permit(s) to Operate A retired permit can be reinstated within six months of the retirement date by

submitting a written request, and paying the applicable Annual Operating Fees, a reinstatement fee of $75 and the late fees as specified in Section (g) – Late Fees.

Regulation III -18- Rule 40


(i) No refunds shall be issued for amounts of less than $25.

(ii) If an applicant does not sign, date and return a refund claim form within

six months after receipt of the form, all rights to a refund shall be forfeited. (2) Application Fee Refunds

(i) If an application for an Authority to Construct/Permit to Operate is withdrawn by the applicant:

(A) before the engineering evaluation has begun, the District will refund

the entire Initial Application Fee, less the $105 74 Non-refundable Processing Fee.

(B) after the engineering evaluation has begun, the District will refund

the Initial Application Fee, less the $105 74 Non-refundable Processing Fee, and all costs incurred by the District to evaluate the application.

(ii) If an application for an Authority to Construct/Permit to Operate is denied

or cancelled, the District will refund the Initial Application Fee, less the $105 74 Non-refundable Processing Fee, the Initial Evaluation Fee (if a dollar amount is listed in Column (1), and not T+M or T+RN), and all other costs incurred by the District to evaluate the application.

(iii) Certificate of Registration Refunds: If an application for a Certificate of Registration is withdrawn by the applicant after the engineering evaluation has begun, or withdrawn seven days after the date of receipt, or the application is denied or cancelled, the District will refund the Initial Application Fee, less the $105 74 Non-refundable Processing Fee, the Initial Evaluation Fee, and all other costs incurred by the District to evaluate the application.

(iv) Refund Due to Overpayment of T+M, or T+RN Initial Evaluation Fees, or

Additional Engineering Evaluation Fees: If the total cost incurred by the District to evaluate an any application for an Authority to Construct/Permit to Operate involving T+M fees is less than the Initial Evaluation Fee and/or Additional Engineering Evaluation Fees amount deposited by the applicant, the District will refund any overage beyond its actual evaluation costs and less the $105 74 Non-refundable Processing Fee. This provision does not apply to Initial Evaluation Fees for which a fixed amount is established in the Fee Schedules.

(v) Exempt Equipment Refunds: If the District determines that the article,

machine equipment or other contrivance for which the application was submitted is not within the purview of state law or these Rules and Regulations, a full refund of the fees paid will be issued to the applicant. If a request for a determination of exemption is

Regulation III -19- Rule 40

withdrawn by the applicant before the engineering evaluation has begun, the District will refund the entire deposit and any other fees paid. If a request for a determination of exemption is withdrawn by the applicant after the engineering evaluation has begun, the District will refund the entire deposit and any other fees paid, less any costs incurred by the District to evaluate the request.

(3) Annual Operating Fee Refunds A refund of the Annual Operating Fees shall not be issued unless the fees for the

upcoming year are paid prior to the Permit to Operate renewal date and the request for a refund of these fees is made prior to the Permit to Operate renewal date. No refunds will be made for fees or late payments made after the due date.

(4) Air Contaminant Emissions Fee Refunds

(i) New Facilities: The Air Contaminant Emissions Fee portion of the Initial

Application Fee shall only be refunded if the application is withdrawn or cancelled prior to the issuance of a Startup Authorization or Permit to Operate.

(ii) Existing Facilities: Air Contaminant Emissions Fees paid by existing

facilities as part of their Annual Operating Fee or an Initial Application Fee shall not be refundable, unless all Permit(s) to Operate at the facility are retired.

(5) Other Fees Asbestos Notifications: Refunds of asbestos notification fees shall be issued only if a

cancellation notice is received by the District prior to the notification start date. A refund will not be issued if the notice of cancellation is received by the District on or after the notification start date.

(6) Cancellation Fees – Source Testing and Test Witnessing Substitution of another facility for a scheduled test shall be considered a cancellation

subject to the provisions listed below.

(i) Fee Schedule 92(a): If a source test cancellation notice is not received at least two working days prior to a scheduled source test date a cancellation fee of $500 shall be charged.

(ii) Fee Schedules 92(b-z) and 93: If a source test or test witnessing cancellation

notice is not received at least two working days prior to a scheduled source test date a cancellation fee of $250 shall be charged.

(iii) Vapor Recovery (Phase I, II): If a VOC vapor recovery system test

witness cancellation notice is not received at least two working days prior to a scheduled test date a cancellation fee of $250 shall be charged.

Regulation III -20- Rule 40

(7) Insufficient Payment of Fees

(i) If the fees deposited by an applicant to cover the cost of evaluating an application for an Authority to Construct/Permit to Operate or other District evaluation is insufficient to complete the work in progress, the applicant shall deposit an amount deemed sufficient by the District to complete the work, except if the amount is $25 or less.

(ii) The Air Pollution Control Officer may cancel an application when an

applicant fails or refuses to deposit such amount within 45 days of demand or fails or refuses to deposit such amount by the date required by Rule 18 – Action on Applications for action to be taken on the application, whichever date is sooner.

(iii) If the applicant fails or refuses to deposit such amount upon demand, the

District may recover the same through a collection agency or by action in any court of competent jurisdiction, including small claims court. Until such amount is paid in full, the District shall not further process the application unless the Air Pollution Control Officer determines that it is in the best interest of all parties concerned to proceed.

(iv) Returned Checks: Any person who issues a check to the District, which is

returned by the bank upon which it is drawn without payment, shall pay a returned check fee of $25.

(v) The Air Pollution Control Officer may refuse to process an application

and/or refuse to renew a Permit to Operate if the applicant has any unpaid invoices more than 60 days overdue or has any late fees or outstanding court judgments which are owed to the District. The Air Pollution Control Officer may refuse to process an application if a prior applicant for the equipment or project which is the subject of the application has unpaid invoices or late fees related to that equipment or project.

In the event that processing of an application is stopped pursuant to this

provision, the timelines for taking action on an application specified in Rule 18 – Action on Applications shall no longer apply to that application.

Regulation III -21- Rule 40

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF FEE SCHEDULES BY EMISSION UNIT TYPE Abrasive Blasting Cabinets, Rooms and Booths ................................................................. Schedule 2 Abrasive Blasting Equipment - Excluding Rooms and Booths ........................................... Schedule 1 Acid Chemical Milling ......................................................................................................... Schedule 32 Adhesive Manufacturing ...................................................................................................... Schedule 38 Adhesive Materials Application Operations ......................................................................... Schedule 27 Air Stripping Equipment....................................................................................................... Schedule 52 Anodizing Tanks ................................................................................................................... Schedule 55 Application of Materials Containing Organic Solvents (includes coatings, adhesives, and

other materials containing volatile organic compounds (VOC)) ................................... Schedule 27

Asbestos Control Equipment ................................................................................................ Schedule 59 Asphalt Pavement Heaters/Recyclers ................................................................................... Schedule 40 Asphalt Roofing Kettles and Tankers used to Store, Heat, Transport, and

Transfer Hot Asphalt ...................................................................................................... Schedule 3

Automotive Refinishing Operations ..................................................................................... Schedule 27 Bakeries ................................................................................................................................ Schedule 58 Boilers and Heaters ............................................................................................................... Schedule 13 Bulk Flour, Powdered Sugar Storage System ....................................................................... Schedule 35 Bulk Plants and Terminals (Volatile Organic Compounds) ................................................. Schedule 25 Bulk Terminal Grain Transfer and Storage Facility Equipment ........................................... Schedule 23 Burn Out Ovens .................................................................................................................... Schedule 15 Can and Coil Manufacturing and Coating Operations ......................................................... Schedule 33 Cement Silo System (Separate from Plants) ......................................................................... Schedule 8 Ceramic Deposition Spray Booths ........................................................................................ Schedule 37 Ceramic Slip Casting ............................................................................................................ Schedule 43 Coffee Roasters ..................................................................................................................... Schedule 50 Cold Solvent Cleaning Operations ....................................................................................... Schedule 28 Concrete Batch Plants ........................................................................................................... Schedule 8 Concrete Mixers Over One Cubic Yard Capacity ................................................................ Schedule 8 Concrete Product Manufacturing Plants ............................................................................... Schedule 9 Copper Etching ..................................................................................................................... Schedule 32 Dielectric Paste Manufacturing ............................................................................................ Schedule 38 Dry Chemical Mixing ........................................................................................................... Schedule 24 Dry Chemical Storage System .............................................................................................. Schedule 35 Dry Chemical Transfer and Storage Facility Equipment ...................................................... Schedule 23 Dry Cleaning Facilities ......................................................................................................... Schedule 31 Electronic Component Manufacturing.................................................................................. Schedule 42 Electric Deposition Spray Booths ......................................................................................... Schedule 37 Engines - Internal Combustion ............................................................................................. Schedule 34 Evaporators, Dryers, and Stills Processing Organic Materials ............................................. Schedule 44 Feed and Grain Mills and Kelp Processing Plants ................................................................ Schedule 22 Filtration Membrane Manufacturing .................................................................................... Schedule 46 Gas Turbine Engines, Test Cells and Test Stands ................................................................ Schedule 20 Gasoline Stations .................................................................................................................. Schedule 26 Grinding Booths and Rooms ................................................................................................ Schedule 36 Hexavalent Chromium Plating ............................................................................................ Schedule 55 Hot Dip Galvanizing ............................................................................................................. Schedule 32 Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving Batch Plants .................................................................................. Schedule 4 Industrial Coating Applications ............................................................................................ Schedule 27

Regulation III -22- Rule 40

Alphabetical List Of Fee Schedules By Emission Unit Type - continued Industrial Waste Water Treatment ........................................................................................ Schedule 51 Ink Manufacturing ................................................................................................................ Schedule 38 Intermediate Refueler Facilities (Volatile Organic Compounds) ......................................... Schedule 25 Internal Combustion Engines (Piston Type) ......................................................................... Schedule 34 Internal Combustion Engines, Test Cells and Test Stands ................................................... Schedule 34 Kelp and Biogum Products Solvent Dryer ........................................................................... Schedule 30 Marine Coatings ................................................................................................................... Schedule 27 Metal Inspection Tanks......................................................................................................... Schedule 28 Metal Melting Devices ......................................................................................................... Schedule 18 Municipal Waste Storage and Processing ............................................................................. Schedule 48 Non-Bulk Volatile Organic Compound Dispensing Facilities ............................................. Schedule 26 Non-Municipal Incinerators .................................................................................................. Schedule 14 Non-Operational Status Equipment ...................................................................................... Schedule 49 Oil Quenching ...................................................................................................................... Schedule 19 Organic Gas Sterilizers ......................................................................................................... Schedule 47 Paint and Stain Manufacturing ............................................................................................. Schedule 38 Paper Shredders or Grinders ................................................................................................. Schedule 21 Perlite Processing.................................................................................................................. Schedule 41 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing ............................................................................................. Schedule 54 Plasma Deposition Spray Booths .......................................................................................... Schedule 37 Precious Metals Refining ...................................................................................................... Schedule 39 Rock Drills ............................................................................................................................ Schedule 5 Salt Baths .............................................................................................................................. Schedule 19 Sand, Rock, Aggregate Screens, and Other Screening Operations, when not used in

Conjunction with other Permit Items in these Schedules ............................................... Schedule 6

Sand, Rock, and Aggregate Plants ........................................................................................ Schedule 7 Sewage Treatment Facilities ................................................................................................. Schedule 56 Soil Remediation Equipment ................................................................................................ Schedule 52 Solder Paste Manufacturing .................................................................................................. Schedule 38 Soldering Equipment (Automated) ....................................................................................... Schedule 29 Solvent Cleaning Operations ................................................................................................ Schedule 28 Stills Processing Organic Materials ...................................................................................... Schedule 44 Turbine Engines, Test Cells and Test Stands ....................................................................... Schedule 20 Vapor Solvent Cleaning Operations ..................................................................................... Schedule 28 Wood Shredders or Grinders ................................................................................................ Schedule 21

Regulation III -23- Rule 40


Abrasive Blasting Cabinets, Rooms and Booths ............................................................ Schedule 2 Abrasive Blasting Equipment - Excluding Rooms and Booths ...................................... Schedule 1


Asphalt Pavement Heaters/Recyclers ............................................................................. Schedule 40 Asphalt Roofing Kettles and Tankers used to Store, Heat, Transport,

and Transfer Hot Asphalt ...................................................................................... Schedule 3

Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving Batch Plants ............................................................................ Schedule 4 COATING, ADHESIVE AND INK APPLICATION EQUIPMENT & OPERATIONS

Adhesive Materials Application Operations ................................................................... Schedule 27 Automotive Refinishing Operations ............................................................................... Schedule 27 Can and Coil Coating Operations ................................................................................. Schedule 33 Graphic Arts Operations ................................................................................................ Schedule 27 Industrial Coating Applications ...................................................................................... Schedule 27 Miscellaneous Parts Coatings ......................................................................................... Schedule 27 Wood, Metal, Marine, Aerospace Coatings .................................................................... Schedule 27


Cement Silo System (Separate from Plants) ................................................................... Schedule 8 Concrete Batch Plants ..................................................................................................... Schedule 8 Concrete Mixers Over One Cubic Yard Capacity .......................................................... Schedule 8 Concrete Product Manufacturing Plants ......................................................................... Schedule 9


Boilers and Heaters ......................................................................................................... Schedule 13 Gas Turbine Engines, Test Cells and Test Stands .......................................................... Schedule 20 Internal Combustion Engines (Piston Type) ................................................................... Schedule 34 Internal Combustion Engines, Test Cells and Test Stands ............................................. Schedule 34 Non-Municipal Incinerators ............................................................................................ Schedule 14


Dry Chemical Mixing ..................................................................................................... Schedule 24 Dry Chemical Storage System ........................................................................................ Schedule 35 Dry Chemical Transfer and Storage Facility Equipment ................................................ Schedule 23


Electronic Component Manufacturing............................................................................ Schedule 42 Soldering Equipment (Automated) ................................................................................. Schedule 29


Bakeries .......................................................................................................................... Schedule 58 Bulk Flour and Powdered Sugar Storage Systems ......................................................... Schedule 35 Coffee Roasters ............................................................................................................... Schedule 50

Regulation III -24- Rule 40

Categorized List Of Fee Schedules By Emission Unit Type - continued FUEL STORAGE, TRANSFER AND DISPENSING EQUIPMENT

Bulk Plants and Terminals (Volatile Organic Compounds) ........................................... Schedule 25 Gasoline Stations ............................................................................................................ Schedule 26 Intermediate Refueler Facilities (Volatile Organic Compounds) ................................... Schedule 25 Non-Bulk Volatile Organic Compound Dispensing Facilities ...................................... Schedule 26


Grinding Booths and Rooms .......................................................................................... Schedule 36 Paper or Wood Shredders or Grinders ............................................................................ Schedule 21 Plasma, Electric and Ceramic Deposition Spray Booths ................................................ Schedule 37


Acid Chemical Milling ................................................................................................... Schedule 32 Copper Etching ............................................................................................................... Schedule 32 Hexavalent Chromium Plating and Anodizing Tanks .................................................... Schedule 55 Hot Dip Galvanizing ....................................................................................................... Schedule 32 Oil Quenching and Salt Baths ......................................................................................... Schedule 19


Acid Chemical Milling ................................................................................................... Schedule 32 Can and Coil Manufacturing Operations ....................................................................... Schedule 33 Copper Etching ............................................................................................................... Schedule 32 Hot Dip Galvanizing ....................................................................................................... Schedule 32 Metal Inspection Tanks................................................................................................... Schedule 28 Metal Melting Devices ................................................................................................... Schedule 18 Oil Quenching and Salt Baths ......................................................................................... Schedule 19 Plasma and Electric Deposition Spray Booths ............................................................... Schedule 37 Precious Metals Refining ................................................................................................ Schedule 39


Ceramic Slip Casting ...................................................................................................... Schedule 43 Evaporators, Dryers, and Stills Processing Organic Materials ....................................... Schedule 44 Feed and Grain Mills and Kelp Processing Plants .......................................................... Schedule 22 Filtration Membrane Manufacturing .............................................................................. Schedule 46 Ink Manufacturing .......................................................................................................... Schedule 38 Kelp and Biogum Products Solvent Dryer ..................................................................... Schedule 30 Municipal Waste Storage and Processing ....................................................................... Schedule 48 Non-Operational Status Equipment ................................................................................ Schedule 49 Organic Gas Sterilizers ................................................................................................... Schedule 47 Paint, Adhesive, Stain, Ink, Solder Paste, and Dielectric Paste Manufacturing ............. Schedule 38 Perlite Processing............................................................................................................ Schedule 41 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing ....................................................................................... Schedule 54 Stills Processing Organic Materials ................................................................................ Schedule 44

Regulation III -25- Rule 40

Categorized List Of Fee Schedules By Emission Unit Type - continued MIXING, BLENDING AND PACKAGING EQUIPMENT

Concrete Mixers Over One Cubic Yard Capacity .......................................................... Schedule 8 Dry Chemical Mixing ..................................................................................................... Schedule 24


Burn Out Ovens .............................................................................................................. Schedule 15 SAND, ROCK AND AGGREGATE RELATED OPERATIONS

Rock Drills ...................................................................................................................... Schedule 5 Sand, Rock, Aggregate Screens, and Other Screening Operations ................................. Schedule 6 Sand, Rock, and Aggregate Plants .................................................................................. Schedule 7


Cold Solvent and Remote Reservoir Cleaning Operations ............................................. Schedule 28 Dry Cleaning Facilities ................................................................................................... Schedule 31 Vapor Solvent Cleaning Operations ............................................................................... Schedule 28

SPRAY BOOTH OPERATIONS Coating, Adhesives and Painting Operations ................................................................. Schedule 27 Plasma, Electric and Ceramic Deposition Spray Booths ................................................ Schedule 37

STORAGE AND TRANSFER EQUIPMENT Bulk Flour and Powdered Sugar Storage Systems ......................................................... Schedule 35 Bulk Plants and Terminals (Volatile Organic Compounds) ........................................... Schedule 25 Bulk Terminal Grain Transfer and Storage Facility Equipment ..................................... Schedule 23 Dry Chemical Storage Systems ...................................................................................... Schedule 35 Dry Chemical Transfer and Storage Facility Equipment ................................................ Schedule 23

TREATMENT AND REMEDIATION OPERATIONS Air Stripping Equipment................................................................................................. Schedule 52 Asbestos Control Equipment .......................................................................................... Schedule 59 Evaporators, Dryers, and Stills Processing Organic Materials ....................................... Schedule 44 Industrial Waste Water Treatment .................................................................................. Schedule 51 Sewage Treatment Facilities ........................................................................................... Schedule 56 Soil Remediation Equipment .......................................................................................... Schedule 52

Regulation III -26- Rule 40


The Fee Schedules shall be used in determining the Initial Evaluation Fees and Emission Unit Renewal Fees using the amounts listed in Columns (1) and (2), respectively for each emission unit. The fees specified below do not include all applicable fees. See Sections (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), and (i) for other required fees.

SCHEDULE 1: Abrasive Blasting Equipment Excluding Rooms and Booths

Any permit unit consisting of air hoses, with or without water lines, with a single pot rated at 100

pounds capacity or more of sand regardless of abrasive used, and a nozzle or nozzles. (Equipment not operated solely in Schedule 2 facilities).

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Pot 100 pounds capacity or larger with no Peripheral Equipment

$601 606 $270 198

(b) Each Pot 100 pounds capacity or larger loaded Pneumatically or from Storage Hoppers

$1349 1358 $246 170

(c) Each Bulk Abrasive Blasting Material Storage System $1745 1759 $225 160 (d) Each Spent Abrasive Handling System $1349 1358 $199 160 (x) Each Portable Abrasive Blasting Unit, Registered Under Rule 12.1 $414 418 $166 234

SCHEDULE 2: Abrasive Blasting Cabinets, Rooms and Booths

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Abrasive Blasting Cabinet, Room or Booth $3598 3627 $344 347 (b) Each Cabinet, Room, or Booth with an Abrasive Transfer or Recycle

System $4159 4191 $373

SCHEDULE 3: Asphalt Roofing Kettles and Tankers used to Store, Heat, Transport,

and Transfer Hot Asphalt

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Kettle or Tanker with capacity greater than 85 gallons $1074 1081 $249 221 (w) Each Kettle or Tanker, Registered Under Rule 12 $278 281 $163 197

SCHEDULE 4: Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving Batch Plant

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving Batch Plant T+RN T+M $1156 1205

Regulation III -27- Rule 40

SCHEDULE 5: Rock Drills

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(w) Each Drill, Registered Under Rule 12 or 12.1 $467 473 $155 256 SCHEDULE 6: Sand, Rock, Aggregate Screens, and Other Screening Operations,

when not used in Conjunction with other Permit Items in these Schedules

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Screen Set $3371 3398 $444 384 (x) Each Portable Sand and Gravel Screen Set, Registered Under

Rule 12.1 $482 486 $283 254

SCHEDULE 7: Sand, Rock, and Aggregate Plants

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Crusher System (involves one or more primary crushers forming a primary crushing system or, one or more secondary crushers forming a secondary crusher system and each serving a single process line)

T+RN T+M $654 652

(b) Each Screening System (involves all screens serving a given primary or secondary crusher system)

T+RN T+M $233 316

(c) Each Loadout System (a loadout system is a set of conveyors chutes and hoppers used to load any single rail or road delivery container at any one time)

T+RN T+M $262 312

(x) Each Portable Rock Crushing System, Registered Under Rule 12.1 $482 486 $253 236 SCHEDULE 8: Concrete Batch Plants, Concrete Mixers over One Cubic Yard Capacity and Separate Cement Silo Systems

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Concrete Batch Plant (including Cement-Treated Base Plants) T+RN T+M $529 647 (b) Each Mixer over one cubic yard capacity T+RN T+M $322 239 (c) Each Cement or Fly Ash Silo System not part of another system

requiring a Permit T+RN T+M $333 373

(d) Expo Builders Supply (ID #APCD1976-SITE-00634)* RESERVED T+RN $716 (x) Each Portable Concrete Batch Plant or stand-alone Cementitious

Material Storage Silo, Registered Under Rule 12.1 $533 537 $245 271 *Pursuant to Subsection (c)(3) SCHEDULE 9: Concrete Product Manufacturing Plants

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Plant T+RN T+M $376 459

Regulation III -28- Rule 40


Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each 1 MM BTU/HR up to but not including 50 MM BTU/HR input

$2329 2347 $340 307

(b) Each 50 MM BTU/HR up to but not including 250 MM BTU/HR T+RN T+M $682 426 (c) RESERVED (d) Each 100 Megawatt output or greater (based on an average boiler

efficiency of 32.5%) T+RN T+M $721 879

(e) RESERVED (f) Each 1 MM BTU/HR up to but not including 50 MM BTU/HR

input at a single site where more than 5 such units are located $2246 2270 $187 267

(g) Each 250 MM BTU/HR up to 1050 MM BTU/HR input or up to but not including 100 Megawatt gross output, whichever is greater, where a Notice of Intention has been filed with the California Energy Commission RESERVED


(h) Each 100 Megawatt gross output or greater where a Notice of Intention has been filed with the California Energy Commission RESERVED


SCHEDULE 14: Non-Municipal Incinerators

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Crematory or waste incinerator burning capacity up to and including 100 lbs/hr*

T+RN T+M $515 668

(b) Crematory or waste incinerator burning capacity greater than 100 lbs/hr RESERVED T+RN $2001

(c) Burning capacity up to and including 50 lbs/hr used exclusively for the incineration or cremation of animals T+RN T+M $207 317

*Excluding units of 50 lbs/hr capacity or less used exclusively for incineration or cremation of animals. SCHEDULE 15: Burn-Out Ovens

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Electric Motor/Armature Refurbishing Oven T+RN T+M $263 316


(c) Each IC Engine Parts Refurbishing Unit RESERVED T+RN $457

(d) USN SIMA (ID #APCD1981-SITE-02798)* T+RN T+M $331 194 *Pursuant to Subsection (c)(3)

Regulation III -29- Rule 40


Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) RESERVED (b) RESERVED (c) Each Pit or Stationary Crucible/Pot Furnace T+RN T+M $494 324 (d) Each Pot Furnace RESERVED $2575 $343

SCHEDULE 19: Oil Quenching and Salt Baths

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Tank T+RN T+M $232 191 SCHEDULE 20: Gas Turbine Engines, Test Cells and Test Stands

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee


(a) Each Aircraft Propulsion Turbine, Turboshaft, Turbojet or Turbofan Engine Test Cell or Stand T+RN T+M $492 312

(b) Each Aircraft Propulsion Test Cell or Stand at a facility where more than one such unit is located T+RN T+M $365 175

(c) Each Non-Aircraft Turbine Test Cell or Stand T+RN T+M $355 134 GAS TURBINE ENGINES

(d) Each Non-Aircraft Turbine Engine 1 MM BTU/HR up to but not including 50 MM BTU/HR input T+RN T+M $889 822

(e) Each Non-Aircraft Turbine Engine 50 MM BTU/HR up to but not including 250 MM BTU/HR input T+RN T+M $1771 1029

(f) Each Non-Aircraft Turbine Engine 250 MM BTU/HR or greater input T+RN T+M $3084 2955

(g) Each Unit used solely for Peak Load Electric Generation T+RN T+M $525 295 (h) Each Standby Gas Turbine used for Emergency Power Generation T+RN T+M $267 211

SCHEDULE 21: Waste Disposal and Reclamation Units

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Paper or Wood Shredder or Hammermill Grinder T+RN T+M $340 266

Regulation III -30- Rule 40

SCHEDULE 22: Feed and Grain Mills and Kelp Processing Plants

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Receiving System (includes Silos) T+RN T+M $341 379 (b) Each Grinder, Cracker, or Roll Mill T+RN T+M $348 354 (c) Each Shaker Stack, Screen Set, Pelletizer System, Grain Cleaner,

or Hammermill T+RN T+M $276 375

(d) Each Mixer System T+RN T+M $863 790 (e) Each Truck or Rail Loading System T+RN T+M $85 396 (f) CP Kelco: Shaker, Screen, Pelletizer, Cleaner, Hammermill

(ID #APCD1976-SITE-00116)* RESERVED T+RN $223

*Pursuant to Subsection (c)(3) SCHEDULE 23: Bulk Terminal Grain and Dry Chemical Transfer and Storage Facility Equipment

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Receiving System (Railroad, Ship and Truck Unloading) T+RN T+M $587 447 (b) Each Storage Silo System $1459 1472 $304 260 (c) Each Loadout Station System T+RN T+M $265 278 (d) Each Belt Transfer Station T+RN T+M $265 278

SCHEDULE 24: Dry Chemical Mixing

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) RESERVED (b) RESERVED (c) Each Dry Chemical Mixer with capacity over one-half cubic yard T+RN T+M $445 205

SCHEDULE 25: Volatile Organic Compound Terminals, Bulk Plants and Intermediate Refueler Facilities

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

1. Bulk Plants and Bulk Terminals equipped with or proposed to be equipped with a vapor processor:

(a) Per Tank T+RN T+M $382 222 (b) Tank Rim Seal Replacement T+RN T+M N/A (c) Per Truck Loading Head T+RN T+M $1225 1303 (d) Per Vapor Processor T+RN T+M $399 316 (g) NAVY REGION SW (ID#APCD1980-SITE-02754)*


*Pursuant to Subsection (c)(3)

Regulation III -31- Rule 40

SCHEDULE 25: Volatile Organic Compound Terminals, Bulk Plants and Intermediate Refueler Facilities – continued 2. Bulk Plants not equipped with or not proposed to be equipped with a vapor processor:

(e) Per Tank T+RN T+M $378 355 (f) Per Truck Loading Head T+RN T+M $306 321

“Vapor Processor” means a device which recovers or transforms volatile organic compounds by condensation, refrigeration, adsorption, absorption, incineration, or any combination thereof.

3. Facilities fueling intermediate refuelers (IR’s) for subsequent fueling of motor vehicles, boats, or

aircraft: (h) Per IR Loading Connector T+RN T+M $389 374

If a facility falls into Parts 1, 2, or 3 above and is equipped with dispensing nozzles for which Phase II vapor controls are required, additional fees equivalent to the “per nozzle” fees for Schedule 26(a) shall be assessed for each dispensing nozzle. SCHEDULE 26: Non-Bulk Volatile Organic Compound Dispensing Facilities Subject to District Rules 61.0 through 61.6

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Facilities where Phase I and Phase II controls are required (includes Phase I fee) $2349 2368

Renewal Fee: Fee x number of nozzles $177 218 (b) RESERVED (c) Facilities where only Phase I controls are required (includes tank

replacement) Fee Per Facility $2181 2201 $556 462

(d) RESERVED (e) Non-retail facilities with 260 250-550 gallon tanks and no other non-

bulk gasoline dispensing permits Fee Per Facility $677 685 $493 406

SCHEDULE 27: Application of Materials Containing Organic Solvents (includes coatings, adhesives, and other materials containing volatile organic compounds (VOC)) PART 1 - MARINE COATINGS

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Marine Coating application operation, except where Fee Schedule 27(t) applies $2595 2614 $780 635

(b) RESERVED (c) RESERVED (t) Each Marine Coating application operation at facilities where

combined coating and cleaning solvent usage is < 3 gallons/day and < 100 gallons/year

$1167 1177 $648 429


*Pursuant to Subsection (c)(3)

Regulation III -32- Rule 40

SCHEDULE 27: Application of Materials Containing Organic Solvents (includes coatings, adhesives, and other materials containing volatile organic compounds (VOC)) – continued

PART 2 - INDUSTRIAL MATERIAL APPLICATIONS AND MANUFACTURING (Includes application stations for coatings such as paint spraying and dip tanks, printing,

and manufacturing products with materials which contain VOCs, etc.)

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(d) Each Surface Coating Application Station w/o control equipment and not covered by other fee schedules at facilities using > 1 gallon/day of surface coatings and emitting ≤ 5 tons/year of VOC from equipment in this fee schedule

$2232 2252 $546 709

(e) Each Surface Coating Application Station w/o control equipment and not covered by other fee schedules at facilities emitting > 5 tons/year of VOC from equipment in this fee schedule

T+RN T+M $562 874

(f) Each Fiberglass, Plastic or Foam Product Process Line Except If Using Only Polyester Resin $3570 3596 $626 782

(g) RESERVED (h) RESERVED (i) Each Surface Coating Application Station requiring Control

Equipment T+RN T+M $805 1267

(j) Each Surface Coating Application Station subject to Rule 67.3 or 67.9 w/o Control Equipment at facilities emitting ≤ 5 tons/year of VOC from equipment in this fee schedule

$4833 4868 $623 730

(k) Each Surface Coating Application Station subject to Rule 67.3 or 67.9 w/o Control Equipment at facilities emitting > 5 tons/year of VOC from equipment in this fee schedule

T+RN T+M $772 752

(l) Each Wood Products Coating Application Station w/o Control Equipment at facilities using > 500 gallons/year of wood products coatings and emitting ≤ 5 tons/year of VOC from Wood Products Coating Operations

$3318 3343 $717 694

(m) Each Wood Products Coating Application Station w/o Control Equipment at facilities emitting > 5 tons/ year of VOC from Wood Products Coating Operations RESERVED

$2904 $903

(n) Each Press or Operation at a Printing or Graphic Arts facility subject to Rule 67.16 $1805 1816 $388 412

(o) RESERVED Each Fiberglass, Plastic or Foam Product Process Line Using Only Polyester Resin T+M $535

(p) Each Surface Coating Application Station w/o control equipment (except automotive painting) where combined coating, and cleaning solvent usage is < 1 gallon/day or < 50 gallons/year

$2232 2252 $402 469

(q) Each Wood Products Coating Application Station of coatings and stripper w/o control equipment at a facility using < 500 gallons/year for Wood Products Coating Operations

$3318 3343 $654 592


Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(r) Each facility applying Coating Materials subject to Rule 67.20 (as applied or sprayed)

$2791 2813 $876 854


Regulation III -33- Rule 40

SCHEDULE 27: Application of Materials Containing Organic Solvents (includes coatings, adhesives, and other materials containing volatile organic compounds (VOC)) – continued


Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(u) Each Adhesive Materials Application Station w/o control equipment at facilities emitting ≤ 5 tons/year of VOC from equipment in this fee schedule

$1754 1765 $445 507

(v) Each Adhesive Materials Application Station w/o control equipment at facilities emitting > 5 tons/year of VOC from equipment in this fee schedule

$1754 1765 $884 935

(w) Each Adhesive Materials Application Station w/o control equipment where adhesive materials usage is < 55 gallons/year

$1754 1765 $570 556

SCHEDULE 28: Vapor and Cold Solvent Cleaning Operations and Metal Inspection Tanks

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Vapor Degreaser with an Air Vapor Interfacial area > 5 square feet

T+RN T+M $413 354

(b) Each Cold Solvent Degreaser with liquid surface area > 5 square feet

$1538 1554 $330 269

(c) RESERVED (d) Each Paint Stripping Tank $1949 1964 $338 266 (e) RESERVED (f) Remote Reservoir Cleaners $680 689 $304 255 (g) RESERVED (h) Vapor Degreaser with an Air-Vapor Interfacial area ≤ 5 square feet $592 599 $323 317 (i) Cold Solvent Degreaser with a liquid surface area ≤ 5 square feet $436 442 $291 238 (j) Metal Inspection Tanks $1201 1211 $271 222 (k) Contract Service Remote Reservoir Cleaners with > 100 units T+RN T+M $29 (l) Contract Service Cold Degreasers with a liquid surface area of

≤ 5 square feet T+RN T+M $12

(m) Each facility-wide Solvent Application Operation T+RN T+M T+M $637 SCHEDULE 29: Automated Soldering Equipment

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Solder Leveler $2714 2733 $345 368 SCHEDULE 30: Solvent and Extract Dryers

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Kelp and Biogum Products Solvent Dryer T+RN T+M $1861 1191

Regulation III -34- Rule 40

SCHEDULE 31: Dry Cleaning Facilities

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Facility using Halogenated Hydrocarbon Solvents required to install Control Equipment

$1232 1242 $612 628

(b) Each Facility using Petroleum Based Solvents T+RN T+M $386 SCHEDULE 32: Acid Chemical Milling, Copper Etching and Hot Dip Galvanizing

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Copper Etching Tank T+RN T+M $544 505 (b) Each Acid Chemical Milling Tank T+RN T+M $473 434 (c) Each Hot Dip Galvanizing Tank T+RN T+M $379 511

SCHEDULE 33: Can and Coil Manufacturing and Coating Operations

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) RESERVED SCHEDULE 34: Piston Type Internal Combustion Engines and Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaning


Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Cogeneration Engine with in-stack Emission Controls or Waste Derived Fuel-Fired Engine with Add-on Control Equipment

T+RN T+M $708 795

(b) Each Cogeneration Engine with Engine Design Emission Controls or Waste Derived Fuel-Fired Engine without Add-on Control Equipment


$717 483

(c) Each Emergency Standby Engine (for electrical or fuel interruptions beyond control of Permittee)

$2966 2991 $345 329

(d) Each Engine for Non-Emergency, and Non-Cogeneration, and Not Waste Derived Fuel-Fired Operation ≥ 200 horsepower T+RN T+M $505 518

(e) Each Grouping of Engines for Dredging or Crane Operation with total engine horsepower > 200 HP T+RN T+M $497 478

(f) Each Diesel Pile-Driving Hammer T+RN T+M $230 160 (g) Each Engine for Non-Emergency, and Non-Cogeneration, and Not

Waste Derived Fuel-Fired Operation < 200 horsepower $2431 2450 $366 322

(h) Each California Certified Emergency Standby Engine (for electrical or fuel interruptions beyond control of Permittee)

$2159 2176 $345 284

(i) Each Internal Combustion Engine Test Cell and Test Stand T+RN T+M $905 312 (l) Each Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaning Process T+M $419 (w) Each Specified Eligible Engine, Registered Under Rule 12 $314 319 $204 270

Regulation III -35- Rule 40

(x) Each Specified Eligible Portable Engine, Registered Under Rule 12.1 $518 524 $207 258

(z) Each Specified Eligible Engine, Registered Under Rule 12, Conversion from Valid Permit $346 349 N/A

SCHEDULE 35: Bulk Flour, Powdered Sugar and Dry Chemical Storage Systems

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each System T+RN T+M $379 259 SCHEDULE 36: Grinding Booths and Rooms

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Booth or Room $2159 2176 $361 334 SCHEDULE 37: Plasma Electric and Ceramic Deposition Spray Booths

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Application Station T+RN T+M $694 422 (c) Flame Spray (ID #APCD1976-SITE-00274)* T+RN T+M $638 312

*Pursuant to Subsection (c)(3) SCHEDULE 38: Paint, Adhesive, Stain, Ink, Solder Paste, and Dielectric Paste Manufacturing

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Process Line for Paint, Adhesive, Stain, or Ink Manufacturing at facilities producing > 10,000 gallons per year T+RN T+M $245 253

(b) Each Can Filling Line T+RN T+M $368 269 (c) Each Process Line for Solder Paste or Dielectric Paste

Manufacturing T+RN T+M $469 539

(d) Each Paint, Adhesive, Stain or Ink Manufacturing facility producing <10,000 gallons per year T+RN T+M $815 1051

(f) Ferro Electronic Material Systems (ID #APCD2001-SITE-04439)* T+RN T+M $553 636 *Pursuant to Subsection (c)(3) SCHEDULE 39: Precious Metals Refining

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Process Line T+RN T+M $291 589

Regulation III -36- Rule 40

SCHEDULE 40: Asphalt Pavement Heaters/Recyclers

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(x) Each Portable Unheated Pavement Crushing and Recycling System, Registration Under Rule 12.1 $550 554 $178 275

SCHEDULE 41: Perlite Processing

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Process Line T+RN T+M $630 362 (b) Aztec Perlite (ID #APCD1978-SITE-01598)* T+RN T+M $800 816

*Pursuant to Subsection (c)(3) SCHEDULE 42: Electronic Component Manufacturing

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Process Line T+RN T+M $1026 549 (b) Each Screen Printing Operation T+RN T+M $461 454 (c) Each Coating/Maskant Application Operation, excluding Conformal

Operation T+RN T+M $444 545

(d) Each Conformal Coating Operation T+RN T+M $589 693 SCHEDULE 43: Ceramic Slip Casting

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Process Line T+RN T+M $550 556 SCHEDULE 44: Evaporators, Dryers, & Stills Processing Organic Materials

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Evaporators and Dryers [other than those referenced in Fee Schedule 30 (a)] processing materials containing volatile organic compounds

T+RN T+M $375 324

(b) Solvent Recovery Stills, on-site, batch-type, solvent usage > 350 gallons per day

$1983 1998 $356 330

SCHEDULE 45: RESERVED SCHEDULE 46: Filtration Membrane Manufacturing

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Process Line T+RN T+M $592 519

Regulation III -37- Rule 40

SCHEDULE 47: Organic Gas Sterilizers

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Organic Gas Sterilizer/Aerator requiring control T+RN T+M $587 546 (b) Each Stand Alone Organic Gas Aerator requiring control RESERVED T+RN T+M

SCHEDULE 48: Municipal Waste Storage and Processing

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Municipal Waste Storage and Processing - not subject to the ARB Methane Emissions Regulation

T+RN T+M $3280 2134

(b) RESERVED (c) Municipal Waste Storage and Processing - subject to the ARB

Methane Emissions Regulation T+RN T+M $4442 5286

SCHEDULE 49: Non-Operational Status Equipment

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Non-Operational Status Equipment $206 210 $261 272 (b) Activating Non-Operational Status Equipment $187 188 N/A

SCHEDULE 50: Coffee Roasters

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Coffee Roaster $2657 2679 $430 359 SCHEDULE 51: Industrial Waste Water Treatment

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each On-site Processing Line $2258 2275 $504 408 (b) RESERVED (c) USN Air Station NORIS Public Works (ID #APCD1986-SITE-

02755)* T+RN T+M $715 1084 *Pursuant to Subsection (c)(3) SCHEDULE 52: Air Stripping and Soil Remediation Equipment

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Air Stripping Equipment T+RN T+M $638 538 (b) Soil Remediation Equipment - On-site (In situ Only) T+RN T+M $803 626


Regulation III -38- Rule 40

SCHEDULE 54: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Process Line T+RN T+M $676 723 SCHEDULE 55: Hexavalent Chromium Plating and Anodizing Tanks, and Chromate Conversion

Coating Tanks

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Hard or Decorative Chrome Plating and/or Anodizing Tank or Group of Tanks Served by an Emission Control System

T+RN T+M $1693 1891

(b) Each Decorative Plating Tank without Add-on Emission Controls T+RN T+M $533 1025 (c) RESERVED (d) Each Chromate Conversion Coating Tank T+M $320

SCHEDULE 56: Sewage Treatment Facilities

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Each Wastewater Treatment Facility, or Each Water Reclamation Facility

T+RN T+M $1507 1017

(b) Each Wastewater Pump Station T+RN T+M $690 547 SCHEDULE 57: RESERVED SCHEDULE 58: Bakeries

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Bakery Ovens at Facilities with Emission Controls Pursuant to Rule 67.24

T+RN T+M $576 608

SCHEDULE 59: Asbestos Control Equipment

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) RESERVED (b) RESERVED (c) Portable Asbestos Mastic Removal Application Station $1646 1660 $349 305


Regulation III -39- Rule 40

SCHEDULE 91: Miscellaneous – Hourly Rates The evaluation fee for an application for an Authority to Construct/Permit to Operate

for equipment/processes not specified in the Fee Schedules shall be based on the actual costs incurred by the District for evaluating the application and an estimated Emission Unit Renewal Fee which will cover the costs related to an annual compliance inspection of the equipment. The applicant shall deposit the amount estimated to cover the actual cost of evaluation and the estimated renewal fee at the time of application submittal.

Fee Unit (1)

Initial Evaluation Fee

(2) Emission Unit Renewal Fee

(a) Miscellaneous Operations T+M $438 SCHEDULE 92: Source Testing Performed by the District

The owner or operator of an emission unit which requires source testing to determine

compliance shall pay the applicable source test fee(s) listed below if the source testing is performed by the District or a District contractor. If the source test requires significantly more on-site time than is provided by the fixed fees specified below (e.g. tall stacks), the additional costs incurred by the District shall be determined using the labor rates specified in Schedule 94 and related material and other costs. The owner or operator shall pay such fees upon notification from the District that such fees are required.

Fee Unit Fee

(a) Each Particulate Matter Source Test RESERVED $7611 (b) Annual Fee for each 5-Year Test Cycle for Incinerator Particulate Matter

Source Test with Waste Burning Capacity of < 100 lbs Per Hour RESERVED $1654

(c) Each Sulfur Oxides Source Test T+M (d) Annual Fee for each Biennial Cycle Test for NOx and CO

(1/2 the cost of one test) $1270 1166

(e) Each Ethylene Oxide Source Test T+M (f) Each Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen Oxides Source Test $2541 2333 (g) Each Nitrogen Oxides Source Test $2486 2690 (h) Each Incinerator Particulate Matter Source Test with Waste Burning

Capacity of > 100 lbs Per Hour T+M

(i) Each Ammonia Source Test $1276 1114 (j) Continuous Emission Monitor System Evaluation T+M (k) Incinerator Particulate Matter Source Test with Waste Burning

Capacity of < 100 lbs Per Hour T+M

(l) RESERVED (m) Each Mass Emissions Source Test T+M $1100 (n) RESERVED (o) Each Multiple Metals Source Test T+M

Regulation III -40- Rule 40

(p) Each Chromium Source Test T+M (q) Each VOC Onsite Analysis $4576 5129 (r) Each VOC Offsite Analysis $836 1202 (s) Each Hydrogen Sulfide Source Test T+M (t) Each Acid Gas Source Test T+M (u) Annual Fee for each 5-Year Test Cycle for Particulate Matter Source Testing

at Perlite Plants, (1/5 the cost of one test) RESERVED $1806

(v) Annual Fee for Optional Source Test Pilot Study T+M

(w) Each Particulate Matter Source Test $3297

(x) Each Particulate Matter and Nitrogen Oxides and Carbon Monoxide Source Test


(y) Each Particulate Matter and Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen Source Test $5260 (z) Miscellaneous Source Test (Special Tests not Listed) T+M

SCHEDULE 93: Witness of Source Tests Performed by Independent Contractors

The owner or operator of an emission unit which requires source testing to determine

compliance for the purpose of quantifying emissions to determine whether a Permit to Operate shall be issued or if the emission unit is in compliance, and chooses to have the testing performed by an independent contractor, shall pay the actual T+M costs incurred by the District to observe such testing and review the resulting source test report.

Any person, company, agency that requests review of a test procedure shall pay the

actual T+M costs incurred by the District to review such test procedures. Such requests shall be accompanied by an amount estimated to cover actual District costs.

Fee Unit Fee (a) Test Witness and Report Review T+M (b) RESERVED (c) Test Procedure Review T+M (d) Each VOC Bulk Terminal Test Witness $2211 2392 (e) Each Ethylene Oxide Test Witness Day $1826 1976

SCHEDULE 94: Time and Material (T+M) Labor Rates

Employee Classification (Fee Unit) Hourly Rate Air Pollution Control Aide (94u) $57 Air Pollution Control Civil Actions Investigator (94x) $144 135 Air Pollution Test Technician (94m) $65 89 Air Quality Inspector I (94o) $108 153 Air Quality Inspector II (94e) $154 168

Air Quality Specialist (94z) $120 125 100

Regulation III -41- Rule 40

Assistant Air Resources Specialist (94s) $112 107 85

Assistant Chemist (94i) $112 110 Assistant Engineer (94b) $154 170 Assistant Meteorologist (94g) $84 100 Associate Air Resources Specialist (94q) $163 168 Associate Chemist (94j) $110 119 Associate Engineer (94c) $170 171 Associate Meteorologist (94r) $100 119 Instrument Technician I (94l) $77 94 Instrument Technician II (94n) $73 92 Junior Chemist (94v) $110 Junior Engineer (94a) $114 Senior Chemist (94k) $131 143 Senior Engineer (94d) $198 207 Senior Meteorologist (94h) $106 132 Supervising Air Quality Inspector (94f) $197 238 Supervising Air Resource Specialist (94y) $169 146 Supervising Instrument Technician (94t) $76 99

SCHEDULE 95: Sampling and Analysis

When the District determines a sample and/or analysis is needed for the purpose of determining potential emissions and/or determining compliance with District Rules and Regulations, the actual T+M costs incurred by the District for collection and analysis of samples, including preparing the reports, shall be paid by the permittee, applicant or other persons for activities for which a Permit is not required. SCHEDULE 96: Additional Costs Incurred by the District for Sources Not in Compliance

Whenever the District is requested or required to provide consultation, testing or inspection to any person or facility, beyond the consultation testing and inspection covered by the permit fees, or related to a Notice of Violation and/or Notice to Comply, the person or facility shall pay the actual T+M costs incurred by the District for the cost of such services.

Regulation III -42- Rule 40

SCHEDULE 97: Other Charges

Whenever the District is requested or required to provide consultation, legally required testimony, testing, inspection, engineering or services, the cost of such services shall be determined using the labor rates specified in Fee Schedule 94. Persons requesting and/or receiving such services shall be charged the estimated cost of providing such services and shall deposit such amount to the District in advance of the service, unless prior arrangements for payment have been approved by the District. In the case of consultations requested prior to filing an application, any funds deposited in excess of actual costs incurred for such consultations shall be refunded or applied as a credit against required application fees.

San Diego County Air Pollution Control District Rule 42 Regulation III – Post-Workshop Draft (03/22/19) 1

RULE 42. HEARING BOARD FEES (Adopted April 25, 2018 & Effective July 1, 2018 Adopted (date of adoption) & Effective July 1, 2019)

(a) This rule shall not apply to petitions filed by the Air Pollution Control Officer.

(b) Every petitioner in a proceeding before the Hearing Board shall pay to the Clerk of the Hearing Board, on filing, a filing fee for each petition, including each petition for rehearing, in the amount shown below:

(1) For each petition for Regular Variance $1003 1270 1197 (2) For each petition for an Interim & Regular Variance $1254 1459

(3) For each petition for 90-Day Variance $971 1332 1259

(4) For each petition for an Emergency Variance pursuant to the provisions of Rule

97 – Emergency Variance or Rule 98 – Breakdown Conditions-Emergency Variance $576 1050 977

(5) For each petition filed pursuant to Rule 25 – Appeals $1720 1544

(6) For each petition to modify an existing variance or abatement order $971 961 888

(c) In the event that a petition is withdrawn or a hearing is not held for any reason, the

petitioner shall be entitled to a refund of the filing fee, less the actual costs incurred. (d) The Hearing Board may waive all or part of the fees specified in Subsection (b)(5) if

it determines that circumstances warrant that waiver. Any request for such a waiver shall be submitted with the petition, which may be submitted without the required fees. If the waiver request is denied by the Hearing Board, the required fees shall be submitted by the end of business day following the hearing on the waiver request.

T+RN = time and renewal; T+M = time and material -1- Post-Workshop Draft – 03/22/19


Fee Sched. Description

Application Renewal

Current Initial

Evaluation Fee

Proposed Initial

Evaluation Fee

Increase/ (Decrease)

Current Emission

Unit Renewal


Proposed Emission

Unit Renewal


Increase/ (Decrease)

Schedule 1: Abrasive Blasting Equipment Excluding Rooms and Booths 1 A Each Pot 100 pounds capacity or larger with no Peripheral Equipment $ 601 $ 606 $ 5 $ 270 $ 198 $ (72)

1 B Each Pot 100 pounds capacity or larger loaded Pneumatically or from Storage Hoppers $ 1,349 $ 1,358 $ 9 $ 246 $ 170 $ (76)

1 C Each Bulk Abrasive Blasting Material Storage System $ 1,745 $ 1,759 $ 14 $ 225 $ 160 $ (65) 1 D Each Spent Abrasive Handling System $ 1,349 $ 1,358 $ 9 $ 199 $ 160 $ (39)

1 X Each Portable Abrasive Blasting Unit, Registered Under Rule 12.1 $ 414 $ 418 $ 4 $ 166 $ 234 $ 68 Schedule 2: Abrasive Blasting Cabinets, Rooms and Booths

2 A Each Abrasive Blasting Cabinet, Room or Booth $ 3,598 $ 3,627 $ 29 $ 344 $ 347 $ 3

2 B Each Cabinet, Room, or Booth with an Abrasive Transfer or Recycle System $ 4,159 $ 4,191 $ 32 $ 373 $ 373 $ 0

Schedule 3: Asphalt Roofing Kettles and Tankers used to Store, Heat, Transport, and Transfer Hot Asphalt

3 A Each Kettle or Tanker with capacity greater than 85 gallons $ 1,074 $ 1,081 $ 7 $ 249 $ 221 $ (28) 3 W Each Kettle or Tanker, Registered Under Rule 12 $ 278 $ 281 $ 3 $ 163 $ 197 $ 34

Schedule 4: Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving Batch Plant 4 A Each Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving Batch Plant T+RN T+M $ - $ 1,156 $ 1,205 $ 49

Schedule 5: Rock Drills 5 W Each Drill, Registered Under Rule 12 or 12.1 $ 467 $ 473 $ 6 $ 155 $ 256 $ 101

Schedule 6: Sand, Rock, Aggregate Screens, and Other Screening Operations, when not used in Conjunction with other Permit Items in these Schedules

6 A Each Screen Set $ 3,371 $ 3,398 $ 27 $ 444 $ 384 $ (60)

6 X Each Portable Sand and Gravel Screen Set, Registered Under Rule 12.1 $ 482 $ 486 $ 4 $ 283 $ 254 $ (29)

Schedule 7: Sand, Rock, and Aggregate Plants

7 A Each Crusher System (involves one or more primary crushers forming a primary crushing system or, one or more secondary crushers forming a secondary crusher system and each serving a single process line) T+RN T+M $ - $ 654 $ 652 $ (2)

T+RN = time and renewal; T+M = time and material -2-


Fee Sched. Description

Application Renewal

Current Initial

Evaluation Fee

Proposed Initial

Evaluation Fee

Increase/ (Decrease)

Current Emission

Unit Renewal


Proposed Emission

Unit Renewal


Increase/ (Decrease)

Schedule 7: Sand, Rock, and Aggregate Plants - continued

7 B Each Screening System (involves all screens serving a given primary or secondary crusher system) T+RN T+M $ - $ 233 $ 316 $ 83

7 C Each Loadout System (a loadout system is a set of conveyors chutes and hoppers used to load any single rail or road delivery container at any one time) T+RN T+M $ - $ 262 $ 312 $ 50

7 X Each Portable Rock Crushing System, Registered Under Rule 12.1 $ 482 $ 486 $ 4 $ 253 $ 236 $ (17) Schedule 8: Concrete Batch Plants, Concrete Mixers over One Cubic Yard Capacity and Separate Cement Silo Systems 8 A Each Concrete Batch Plant (including Cement-Treated Base Plants) T+RN T+M $ - $ 529 $ 647 $ 118 8 B Each Mixer over one cubic yard capacity T+RN T+M $ - $ 322 $ 239 $ (83)

8 C Each Cement or Fly Ash Silo System not part of another system requiring a Permit T+RN T+M $ - $ 333 $ 373 $ 40

8 D Expo Builders Supply (ID # APCD1976-SITE-00634) * RESERVED T+RN $ 716

8 X Each Portable Concrete Batch Plant or stand-alone Cementitious Material Storage Silo, Registered Under Rule 12.1 $ 533 $ 537 $ 4 $ 245 $ 271 $ 26

* Pursuant to Subsection (c)(3) Schedule 9: Concrete Product Manufacturing Plants 9 A Each Plant T+RN T+M $ - $ 376 $ 459 $ 83 Schedule 10: RESERVED Schedule 11: RESERVED Schedule 12: RESERVED Schedule 13: Boilers and Heaters

13 A Each 1 MM BTU/HR up to but not including 50 MM BTU/HR input $ 2,329 $ 2,347 $ 18 $ 340 $ 307 $ (33) 13 B Each 50 MM BTU/HR up to but not including 250 MM BTU/HR T+RN T+M $ - $ 682 $ 426 $ (256)

T+RN = time and renewal; T+M = time and material -3-


Fee Sched. Description

Application Renewal

Current Initial

Evaluation Fee

Proposed Initial

Evaluation Fee

Increase/ (Decrease)

Current Emission

Unit Renewal


Proposed Emission

Unit Renewal


Increase/ (Decrease)

Schedule 13: Boilers and Heaters - continued

13 D Each 100 Megawatt output or greater (based on an average boiler efficiency of 32.5%) T+RN T+M $ - $ 721 $ 879 $ 158

13 F Each 1 MM BTU/HR up to but not including 50 MM BTU/HR input at a single site where more than 5 such units are located $ 2,246 $ 2,270 $ 24 $ 187 $ 267 $ 80

13 G

Each 250 MM BTU/HR up to 1050 MM BTU/HR input or up to but not including 100 Megawatt gross output, whichever is greater, where a Notice of Intention has been filed with the California Energy Commission RESERVED T+RN T+M

13 H Each 100 Megawatt gross output or greater where a Notice of Intention has been filed with the California Energy Commission RESERVED T+RN T+M

Schedule 14: Non-Municipal Incinerators

14 A Crematory or waste incinerator burning capacity up to and including 100 lbs/hr * T+RN T+M $ - $ 515 $ 668 $ 153

14 B Crematory or waste incinerator burning capacity greater than 100 lbs/hr RESERVED T+RN $ 2,001

14 C Burning capacity up to and including 50 lbs/hr used exclusively for the incineration or cremation of animals T+RN T+M $ - $ 207 $ 317 $ 110

*Excluding units of 50 lbs/hr capacity or less used exclusively for incineration or cremation of animals. Schedule 15: Burn-Out Ovens

15 A Each Electric Motor/Armature Refurbishing Oven T+RN T+M $ - $ 263 $ 316 $ 53 15 C Each IC Engine Parts Refurbishing Unit RESERVED T+RN $ 457 15 D USN SIMA (ID # APCD1981-SITE-02798) * T+RN T+M $ - $ 331 $ 194 $ (137)

* Pursuant to Subsection (c)(3)

Schedule 16: RESERVED Schedule 17: RESERVED

T+RN = time and renewal; T+M = time and material -4-


Fee Sched. Description

Application Renewal

Current Initial

Evaluation Fee

Proposed Initial

Evaluation Fee

Increase/ (Decrease)

Current Emission

Unit Renewal


Proposed Emission

Unit Renewal


Increase/ (Decrease)

Schedule 18: Metal Melting Devices 18 C Each Pit or Stationary Crucible T+RN T+M $ - $ 494 $ 324 $ (170) 18 D Each Pot Furnace RESERVED $ 2,575 $ 343

Schedule 19: Oil Quenching and Salt Baths

19 A Each Tank T+RN T+M $ - $ 232 $ 191 $ (41) Schedule 20: Gas Turbine Engines, Test Cells and Test Stands


20 A Each Aircraft Propulsion Turbine, Turboshaft, Turbojet or Turbofan Engine Test Cell or Stand T+RN T+M $ - $ 492 $ 312 $ (180)

20 B Each Aircraft Propulsion Test Cell or Stand at a facility where more than one such unit is located T+RN T+M $ - $ 365 $ 175 $ (190)

20 C Each Non-Aircraft Turbine Test Cell or Stand T+RN T+M $ - $ 355 $ 134 $ (221) GAS TURBINE ENGINES

20 D Each Non-Aircraft Turbine Engine 1 MM BTU/HR up to but not including 50 MM BTU/HR input T+RN T+M $ - $ 889 $ 822 $ (67)

20 E Each Non-Aircraft Turbine Engine 50 MM BTU/HR up to but not including 250 MM BTU/HR input T+RN T+M $ - $ 1,771 $ 1,029 $ (742)

20 F Each Non-Aircraft Turbine Engine 250 MM BTU/HR or greater input T+RN T+M $ - $ 3,084 $ 2,955 $ (129) 20 G Each Unit used solely for Peak Load Electric Generation T+RN T+M $ - $ 525 $ 295 $ (230) 20 H Each Standby Gas Turbine used for Emergency Power Generation T+RN T+M $ - $ 267 $ 211 $ (56)

Schedule 21: Waste Disposal and Reclamation Units 21 A Each Paper or Wood Shredder or Hammermill Grinder T+RN T+M $ - $ 340 $ 266 $ (74)

Schedule 22: Feed and Grain Mills and Kelp Processing Plants 22 A Each Receiving System (includes Silos) T+RN T+M $ - $ 341 $ 379 $ 38 22 B Each Grinder, Cracker, or Roll Mill T+RN T+M $ - $ 348 $ 354 $ 6

T+RN = time and renewal; T+M = time and material -5-


Fee Sched. Description

Application Renewal

Current Initial

Evaluation Fee

Proposed Initial

Evaluation Fee

Increase/ (Decrease)

Current Emission

Unit Renewal


Proposed Emission

Unit Renewal


Increase/ (Decrease)

Schedule 22: Feed and Grain Mills and Kelp Processing Plants - continued

22 C Each Shaker Stack, Screen Set, Pelletizer System, Grain Cleaner, or Hammermill T+RN T+M $ - $ 276 $ 375 $ 99

22 D Each Mixer System T+RN T+M $ - $ 863 $ 790 $ (73) 22 E Each Truck or Rail Loading System T+RN T+M $ - $ 85 $ 396 $ 311

22 F CP Kelco: Shaker, Screen, Pelletizer, Cleaner, Hammermill (ID # APCD1976-SITE-00116) * RESERVED T+RN $ 223

* Pursuant to Subsection (c)(3) Schedule 23: Bulk Terminal Grain and Dry Chemical Transfer and Storage Facility Equipment

23 A Each Receiving System (Railroad, Ship and Truck Unloading T+RN T+M $ - $ 587 $ 447 $ (140) 23 B Each Storage Silo System $ 1,459 $ 1,472 $ 13 $ 304 $ 260 $ (44) 23 C Each Loadout Station System T+RN T+M $ - $ 265 $ 278 $ 13 23 D Each Belt Transfer Station T+RN T+M $ - $ 265 $ 278 $ 13

Schedule 24: Dry Chemical Mixing 24 C Each Dry Chemical Mixer with capacity over one-half cubic yard T+RN T+M $ - $ 445 $ 205 $ (240)

Schedule 25: Volatile Organic Compound Terminals, Bulk Plants and Intermediate Refueler Facilities.

1 Bulk Plants and Bulk Terminals equipped with or proposed to be equipped with a vapor processor:

25 A Per Tank T+RN T+M $ - $ 382 $ 222 $ (160) 25 B Tank Rim Seal Replacement T+RN T+M $ - N/A $ - $ - 25 C Per Truck Loading Head T+RN T+M $ - $ 1,225 $ 1,303 $ 78 25 D Per Vapor Processor T+RN T+M $ - $ 399 $ 316 $ (83) 25 G NAVY REGION SW (ID#APCD1980-SITE-02754) * RESERVED T+RN $ 687

* Pursuant to Subsection (c)(3)

T+RN = time and renewal; T+M = time and material -6-


Fee Sched. Description

Application Renewal

Current Initial

Evaluation Fee

Proposed Initial

Evaluation Fee

Increase/ (Decrease)

Current Emission

Unit Renewal


Proposed Emission

Unit Renewal


Increase/ (Decrease)

Schedule 25: Volatile Organic Compound Terminals, Bulk Plants and Intermediate Refueler Facilities. - continued

2 Bulk Plants not equipped with or not proposed to be equipped with a vapor processor:

25 E Per Tank T+RN T+M $ - $ 378 $ 355 $ (23) 25 F Per Truck Loading Head T+RN T+M $ - $ 306 $ 321 $ 15

"Vapor Processor" means a device which recovers or transforms volatile organic compound by condensation, refrigeration, adsorption, absorption, incineration, or any combination thereof.

3 Facilities fueling intermediate refuelers (IR's) for subsequent fueling of motor vehicles, boats, or aircraft:

25 H Per IR Loading Connector T+RN T+M $ - $ 389 $ 374 $ (15) If a facility falls into Part 1, 2 or 3 above and is equipped with dispensing nozzles for which Phase II vapor controls are required, additional fees equivalent to the "per nozzle" fees for Schedule 26(a) shall be assessed for each dispensing nozzle.

Schedule 26: Non-Bulk Volatile Organic Compound Dispensing Facilities. Subject to District Rules 61.0 through 61.6

26 A Facilities where Phase I and Phase II controls are required (includes Phase I fee)

$ 2,349 $ 2,368 $ 19 $ 177 $ 218 $ 41

26 C Facilities where only Phase I controls are required (includes tank replacement) $ 2,181 $ 2,201 $ 20 $ 556 $ 462 $ (94)

26 E Non-retail facilities with 250-550 gallon tanks and no other non-bulk gasoline dispensing permits Fee Per Facility $ 677 $ 685 $ 8 $ 493 $ 406 $ (87)

T+RN = time and renewal; T+M = time and material -7-


Fee Sched. Description

Application Renewal

Current Initial

Evaluation Fee

Proposed Initial

Evaluation Fee

Increase/ (Decrease)

Current Emission

Unit Renewal


Proposed Emission

Unit Renewal


Increase/ (Decrease)

Schedule 27: Application of Materials Containing Organic Solvents (includes coatings, adhesives, and other materials containing volatile organic compounds (VOC))


27 A Each Marine Coating application operation, except where Fee Schedule 27(t) applies $ 2,595 $ 2,614 $ 19 $ 780 $ 635 $ (145)

27 T Each Marine Coating application operation at facilities where combined coating and cleaning solvent usage is < 3 gallons/day and < 100 gallons/year $ 1,167 $ 1,177 $ 10 $ 648 $ 429 $ (219)

27 Z NASSCO (ID # APCD1976-SITE-00145) * RESERVED T+RN $ 993 * Pursuant to Subsection (c)(3)

PART 2 - INDUSTRIAL MATERIAL APPLICATIONS AND MANUFACTURING (Includes application stations for coatings such as paint spraying and dip tanks, printing, and manufacturing products with materials which contain VOCs, etc.)

27 D

Each Surface Coating Application Station w/o control equipment and not covered by other fee schedules at facilities using > 1 gallon/day of surface coatings and emitting ≤ 5 tons/year of VOC from equipment in this fee schedule $ 2,232 $ 2,252 $ 20 $ 546 $ 709 $ 163

27 E Each Surface Coating Application Station w/o control equipment and not covered by other fee schedules at facilities emitting > 5 tons/year of VOC from equipment in this fee schedule T+RN T+M $ - $ 562 $ 874 $ 312

27 F Each Fiberglass, Plastic or Foam Product Process Line $ 3,570 $ 3,596 $ 26 $ 626 $ 782 $ 156

27 I Each Surface Coating Application Station requiring Control Equipment T+RN T+M $ - $ 805 $ 1,267 $ 462

T+RN = time and renewal; T+M = time and material -8-


Fee Sched. Description

Application Renewal

Current Initial

Evaluation Fee

Proposed Initial

Evaluation Fee

Increase/ (Decrease)

Current Emission

Unit Renewal


Proposed Emission

Unit Renewal


Increase/ (Decrease)

Schedule 27: Application of Materials Containing Organic Solvents (includes coatings, adhesives, and other materials containing volatile organic compounds (VOC)) - continued

PART 2 - INDUSTRIAL MATERIAL APPLICATIONS AND MANUFACTURING (Includes application stations for coatings such as paint spraying and dip tanks, printing, and manufacturing products with materials which contain VOCs, etc.) - continued

27 J Each Surface Coating Application Station subject to Rule 67.3 or 67.9 w/o Control Equipment at facilities emitting ≤ 5 tons/year of VOC from equipment in this fee schedule $ 4,833 $ 4,868 $ 35 $ 623 $ 730 $ 107

27 K Each Surface Coating Application Station subject to Rule 67.3 or 67.9 w/o Control Equipment at facilities emitting > 5 tons/year of VOC from equipment in this fee schedule T+RN T+M $ - $ 772 $ 752 $ (20)

27 L

Each Wood Products Coating Application Station w/o Control Equipment at facilities using > 500 gallons/year of wood products coatings and emitting ≤ 5 tons/year of VOC from Wood Products Coating Operations $ 3,318 $ 3,343 $ 25 $ 717 $ 694 $ (23)

27 M Each Wood Products Coating Application Station w/o Control Equipment at facilities emitting > 5 tons/ year of VOC from Wood Products Coating Operations RESERVED $ 2,904 $ 903

27 N Each Press or Operation at a Printing or Graphic Arts facility subject to Rule 67.16 $ 1,805 $ 1,816 $ 11 $ 388 $ 412 $ 24

27 O Each Fiberglass, Plastic or Foam Product Process Line Using Only Polyester Resin N/A T+M N/A $ 535

27 P Each Surface Coating Application Station w/o control equipment (except automotive painting) where combined coating, and cleaning solvent usage is < 1 gallon/day or < 50 gallons/year $ 2,232 $ 2,252 $ 20 $ 402 $ 469 $ 67

T+RN = time and renewal; T+M = time and material -9-


Fee Sched. Description

Application Renewal

Current Initial

Evaluation Fee

Proposed Initial

Evaluation Fee

Increase/ (Decrease)

Current Emission

Unit Renewal


Proposed Emission

Unit Renewal


Increase/ (Decrease)

Schedule 27: Application of Materials Containing Organic Solvents (includes coatings, adhesives, and other materials containing volatile organic compounds (VOC)) - continued

PART 2 - INDUSTRIAL MATERIAL APPLICATIONS AND MANUFACTURING (Includes application stations for coatings such as paint spraying and dip tanks, printing, and manufacturing products with materials which contain VOCs, etc.) - continued

27 Q Each Wood Products Coating Application Station of coatings and stripper w/o control equipment at a facility using < 500 gallons/year for Wood Products Coating Operations $ 3,318 $ 3,343 $ 25 $ 654 $ 592 $ (62)


27 R Each facility applying Coating Materials subject to Rule 67.20 (as applied or sprayed) $ 2,791 $ 2,813 $ 22 $ 876 $ 854 $ (22)


27 U Each Adhesive Materials Application Station w/o control equipment at facilities emitting ≤ 5 tons/year of VOC from equipment in this fee schedule $ 1,754 $ 1,765 $ 11 $ 445 $ 507 $ 62

27 V Each Adhesive Materials Application Station w/o control equipment at facilities emitting > 5 tons/year of VOC from equipment in this fee schedule $ 1,754 $ 1,765 $ 11 $ 884 $ 935 $ 51

27 W Each Adhesive Materials Application Station w/o control equipment where adhesive materials usage is < 55 gallons/year $ 1,754 $ 1,765 $ 11 $ 570 $ 556 $ (14)

Schedule 28: Vapor and Cold Solvent Cleaning Operations and Metal Inspection Tanks

28 A Each Vapor Degreaser with an Air Vapor Interfacial area > 5 square feet T+RN T+M $ - $ 413 $ 354 $ (59)

28 B Each Cold Solvent Degreaser with liquid surface area > 5 square feet $ 1,538 $ 1,554 $ 16 $ 330 $ 269 $ (61) 28 D Each Paint Stripping Tank $ 1,949 $ 1,964 $ 15 $ 338 $ 266 $ (72)

T+RN = time and renewal; T+M = time and material -10-


Fee Sched. Description

Application Renewal

Current Initial

Evaluation Fee

Proposed Initial

Evaluation Fee

Increase/ (Decrease)

Current Emission

Unit Renewal


Proposed Emission

Unit Renewal


Increase/ (Decrease)

Schedule 28: Vapor and Cold Solvent Cleaning Operations and Metal Inspection Tanks - continued

28 F Remote Reservoir Cleaners $ 680 $ 689 $ 9 $ 304 $ 255 $ (49) 28 H Vapor Degreaser with an Air-Vapor Interfacial area ≤ 5 square feet $ 592 $ 599 $ 7 $ 323 $ 317 $ (6) 28 I Cold Solvent Degreaser with a liquid surface area ≤ 5 square feet $ 436 $ 442 $ 6 $ 291 $ 238 $ (53) 28 J Metal Inspection Tanks $ 1,201 $ 1,211 $ 10 $ 271 $ 222 $ (49)

28 K Contract Service Remote Reservoir Cleaners with > 100 units T+RN T+M $ - $ 29 $ 29 $ 0

28 L Contract Service Cold Degreasers with a liquid surface area of ≤ 5 square feet T+RN T+M $ - $ 12 $ 12 $ 0

28 M Each facility-wide Solvent Application Operation T+RN T+M $ - T+M $ 637 $ - Schedule 29: Automated Soldering Equipment

29 A Each Solder Leveler $ 2,714 $ 2,733 $ 19 $ 345 $ 368 $ 23 Schedule 30: Solvent and Extract Dryers

30 A Kelp and Biogum Products Solvent Dryer T+RN T+M $ - $ 1,861 $ 1,191 $ (670) Schedule 31: Dry Cleaning Facilities

31 A Each Facility using Halogenated Hydrocarbon Solvents required to install Control Equipment $ 1,232 $ 1,242 $ 10 $ 612 $ 628 $ 16

31 B Each Facility using Petroleum Based Solvents T+RN T+M $ - $ 386 $ 386 $ 0

Schedule 32: Acid Chemical Milling, Copper Etching and Hot Dip Galvanizing

32 A Each Copper Etching Tank T+RN T+M $ - $ 544 $ 505 $ (39) 32 B Each Acid Chemical Milling Tank T+RN T+M $ - $ 473 $ 434 $ (39) 32 C Each Hot Dip Galvanizing Tank T+RN T+M $ - $ 379 $ 511 $ 132

Schedule 33: Can and Coil Manufacturing and Coating Operations Schedule 34: Piston Type Internal Combustion Engines

34 A Each Cogeneration Engine or Waste Derived Fuel-Fired Engine with Add-on Control Equipment T+RN T+M $ - $ 708 $ 795 $ 87

T+RN = time and renewal; T+M = time and material -11-


Fee Sched. Description

Application Renewal

Current Initial

Evaluation Fee

Proposed Initial

Evaluation Fee

Increase/ (Decrease)

Current Emission

Unit Renewal


Proposed Emission

Unit Renewal


Increase/ (Decrease)

Schedule 34: Piston Type Internal Combustion Engines - continued

34 B Each Cogeneration Engine or Waste Derived Fuel-Fired Engine without Add-on Control Equipment T+RN T+M $ - $ 717 $ 483 $ (234)

34 C Each Emergency Standby Engine (for electrical or fuel interruptions beyond control of Permittee) $ 2,966 $ 2,991 $ 25 $ 345 $ 329 $ (16)

34 D Each Engine for Non-Emergency, Non-Cogeneration, and Not Waste Derived Fuel-Fired Operation ≥ 200 horsepower T+RN T+M $ - $ 505 $ 518 $ 13

34 E Each Grouping of Engines for Dredging or Crane Operation with total engine horsepower > 200 HP T+RN T+M $ - $ 497 $ 478 $ (19)

34 F Each Diesel Pile-Driving Hammer T+RN T+M $ - $ 230 $ 160 $ (70)

34 G Each Engine for Non-Emergency, Non-Cogeneration, and Not Waste Derived Fuel-Fired Operation < 200 horsepower $ 2,431 $ 2,450 $ 19 $ 366 $ 322 $ (44)

34 H Each California Certified Emergency Standby Engine (for electrical or fuel interruptions beyond control of Permittee) $ 2,159 $ 2,176 $ 17 $ 345 $ 284 $ (61)

34 I Each Internal Combustion Engine Test Cell and Test Stand T+RN T+M $ - $ 905 $ 312 $ (593) 34 L Each Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaning Process N/A T+M N/A $ 419 34 W Each Specified Eligible Engine, Registered Under Rule 12 $ 314 $ 319 $ 5 $ 204 $ 270 $ 66 34 X Each Specified Eligible Portable Engine, Registered Under Rule 12.1 $ 518 $ 524 $ 6 $ 207 $ 258 $ 51

34 Z Each Specified Eligible Engine, Registered Under Rule 12, Conversion from Valid Permit $ 346 $ 349 $ 3 N/A N/A $ -

Schedule 35: Bulk Flour, Powdered Sugar and Dry Chemical Storage Systems 35 A Each System T+RN T+M $ - $ 379 $ 259 $ (120)

Schedule 36: Grinding Booths and Rooms 36 A Each Booth or Room $ 2,159 $ 2,176 $ 17 $ 361 $ 334 $ (27)

Schedule 37: Plasma Electric and Ceramic Deposition Spray Booths 37 A Each Application Station T+RN T+M $ - $ 694 $ 422 $ (272) 37 C Flame Spray (ID # APCD1976-SITE-00274) * T+RN T+M $ - $ 638 $ 312 $ (326)

* Pursuant to Subsection (c)(3)

T+RN = time and renewal; T+M = time and material -12-


Fee Sched. Description

Application Renewal

Current Initial

Evaluation Fee

Proposed Initial

Evaluation Fee

Increase/ (Decrease)

Current Emission

Unit Renewal


Proposed Emission

Unit Renewal


Increase/ (Decrease)

Schedule 38: Paint, Adhesive, Stain, Ink, Solder Paste, and Dielectric Paste Manufacturing

38 A Each Process Line for Paint, Adhesive, Stain, or Ink Manufacturing at facilities producing > 10,000 gallons per year T+RN T+M $ - $ 245 $ 253 $ 8

38 B Each Can Filling Line T+RN T+M $ - $ 368 $ 269 $ (99) 38 C Each Process Line for Solder Paste or Dielectric Paste Manufacturing T+RN T+M $ - $ 469 $ 539 $ 70

38 D Each Paint, Adhesive, Stain or Ink Manufacturing facility producing <10,000 gallons per year T+RN T+M $ - $ 815 $ 1,051 $ 236

38 F Ferro Electronic Material Systems (ID # APCD2001-SITE-04439) * T+RN T+M $ - $ 553 $ 636 $ 83 * Pursuant to Subsection (c)(3) Schedule 39: Precious Metals Refining

39 A Each Process Line T+RN T+M $ - $ 291 $ 589 $ 298 Schedule 40: Asphalt Pavement Heaters/Recyclers

40 X Each Portable Unheated Pavement Crushing and Recycling System, Registration Under Rule 12.1 $ 550 $ 554 $ 4 $ 178 $ 275 $ 97

Schedule 41: Perlite Processing 41 A Each Process Line T+RN T+M $ - $ 630 $ 362 $ (268) 41 B Aztec Perlite (ID # APCD1978-SITE-01598) * T+RN T+M $ - $ 800 $ 816 $ 16

* Pursuant to Subsection (c)(3) Schedule 42: Electronic Component Manufacturing

42 A Each Process Line T+RN T+M $ - $ 1,026 $ 549 $ (477) 42 B Each Screen Printing Operation T+RN T+M $ - $ 461 $ 454 $ (7)

42 C Each Coating/Maskant Application Operation, excluding Conformal Operation T+RN T+M $ - $ 444 $ 545 $ 101

42 D Each Conformal Coating Operation T+RN T+M $ - $ 589 $ 693 $ 104 Schedule 43: Ceramic Slip Casting

43 A Each Process Line T+RN T+M $ - $ 550 $ 556 $ 6

T+RN = time and renewal; T+M = time and material -13-


Fee Sched. Description

Application Renewal

Current Initial

Evaluation Fee

Proposed Initial

Evaluation Fee

Increase/ (Decrease)

Current Emission

Unit Renewal


Proposed Emission

Unit Renewal


Increase/ (Decrease)

Schedule 44: Evaporators, Dryers, & Stills Processing Organic Materials

44 A Evaporators and Dryers [other than those referenced in Fee Schedule 30 (a)] processing materials containing volatile organic compounds T+RN T+M $ - $ 375 $ 324 $ (51)

44 B Solvent Recovery Stills, on-site, batch-type, solvent usage > 350 gallons per day $ 1,983 $ 1,998 $ 15 $ 356 $ 330 $ (26)

Schedule 45: RESERVED Schedule 46: Filtration Membrane Manufacturing

46 A Each Process Line T+RN T+M $ - $ 592 $ 519 $ (73) Schedule 47: Organic Gas Sterilizers

47 A Each Organic Gas Sterilizer/Aerator requiring control T+RN T+M $ - $ 587 $ 546 $ (41) 47 B Each Stand Alone Organic Gas Aerator requiring control RESERVED T+RN T+M

Schedule 48: Municipal Waste Storage and Processing

48 A Municipal Waste Storage and Processing - not subject to the ARB Methane Emissions Regulation T+RN T+M $ - $ 3,280 $ 2,134 $ (1,146)

48 C Municipal Waste Storage and Processing - subject to the ARB Methane Emissions Regulation T+RN T+M $ - $ 4,442 $ 5,286 $ 844

Schedule 49: Non-Operational Status Equipment 49 A Non-Operational Status Equipment $ 206 $ 210 $ 4 $ 261 $ 272 $ 11 49 B Activating Non-Operational Status Equipment $ 187 $ 188 $ 1 N/A N/A $ -

Schedule 50: Coffee Roasters 50 A Each Coffee Roaster $ 2,657 $ 2,679 $ 22 $ 430 $ 359 $ (71)

Schedule 51: Industrial Waste Water Treatment 51 A Each On-site Processing Line $ 2,258 $ 2,275 $ 17 $ 504 $ 408 $ (96)

51 C USN Air Station NORIS Public Works (ID # APCD1986-SITE-02755) * T+RN T+M $ - $ 715 $ 1,084 $ 369

* Pursuant to Subsection (c)(3)

T+RN = time and renewal; T+M = time and material -14-


Fee Sched. Description

Application Renewal

Current Initial

Evaluation Fee

Proposed Initial

Evaluation Fee

Increase/ (Decrease)

Current Emission

Unit Renewal


Proposed Emission

Unit Renewal


Increase/ (Decrease)

Schedule 52: Air Stripping & Soil Remediation Equipment 52 A Air Stripping Equipment T+RN T+M $ - $ 638 $ 538 $ (100)

52 B Soil Remediation Equipment - On-site (In situ Only) T+RN T+M $ - $ 803 $ 626 $ (177) Schedule 53: RESERVED Schedule 54: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

54 A Each Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Process Line T+RN T+M $ - $ 676 $ 723 $ 47 Schedule 55: Hexavalent Chromium Plating and Anodizing Tanks, and Chromate Conversion Coating Tanks

55 A Each Hard or Decorative Chrome plating and/or Anodizing Tank or Group of Tanks Served by an Emission Control System T+RN T+M $ - $ 1,693 $ 1,891 $ 198

55 B Each Decorative Plating Tank without Add-on Emission Controls T+RN T+M $ - $ 533 $ 1,025 $ 492 55 D Each Chromate Conversion Coating Tank N/A T+M N/A $ 320 $ -

Schedule 56: Sewage Treatment Facilities

56 A Each Wastewater Treatment Facility, or Each Water Reclamation Facility T+RN T+M $ - $ 1,507 $ 1,017 $ (490)

56 B Each Wastewater Pump Station T+RN T+M $ - $ 690 $ 547 $ (143) Schedule 57: RESERVED Schedule 58: Bakeries

58 A Bakery Ovens at Facilities with Emission Controls Pursuant to Rule 67.24 T+RN T+M $ - $ 576 $ 608 $ 32

Schedule 59: Asbestos Control Equipment

59 C Portable Asbestos Mastic Removal Application Station $ 1,646 $ 1,660 $ 14 $ 349 $ 305 $ (44)

T+RN = time and renewal; T+M = time and material -15-


Fee Sched. Description

Application Renewal

Current Initial

Evaluation Fee

Proposed Initial

Evaluation Fee

Increase/ (Decrease)

Current Emission

Unit Renewal


Proposed Emission

Unit Renewal


Increase/ (Decrease)

Schedule 91: Miscellaneous – Hourly Rates

91 A Miscellaneous – Hourly Rates T+M T+M $ 438 $ -

T+RN = time and renewal; T+M = time and material -16-


Fee Sched. Description Current

Fee Proposed

Fee Increase / (Decrease)

Schedule 92: Source Testing Performed by the District 92 A Each Particulate Matter Source Test $ 7,611 92 B Annual Fee for each 5-Year Test Cycle for Incinerator Particulate Matter

Source Test with Waste Burning Capacity of < 100 lbs Per Hour $ 1,654 92 C Each Sulfur Oxides Source Test T+M T+M $ -

92 D Annual Fee for each Biennial Cycle Test for NOx and CO (1/2 the cost of one test) $ 1,270 $ 1,166 $ (104)

92 E Each Ethylene Oxide Source Test T+M T+M $ - 92 F Each Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen Oxides Source Test $ 2,541 $ 2,333 $ (208) 92 G Each Nitrogen Oxides Source Test $ 2,486 $ 2,690 $ 204

92 H Each Incinerator Particulate Matter Source Test with Waste Burning Capacity of > 100 lbs Per Hour T+M T+M $ -

92 I Each Ammonia Source Test $ 1,276 $ 1,114 $ (162) 92 J Continuous Emission Monitor System Evaluation T+M T+M $ -

92 K Incinerator Particulate Matter Source Test with Waste Burning Capacity of < 100 lbs Per Hour T+M T+M $ -

92 L RESERVED 92 M Each Mass Emissions Source Test T+M $ 1,100 $ - 92 N RESERVED 92 O Each Multiple Metals Source Test T+M T+M $ - 92 P Each Chromium Source Test T+M T+M $ - 92 Q Each VOC Onsite Analysis $ 4,576 $ 5,129 $ 553 92 R Each VOC Offsite Analysis $ 836 $ 1,202 $ 366 92 S Each Hydrogen Sulfide Source Test T+M T+M $ - 92 T Each Acid Gas Source Test T+M T+M $ -

92 U Annual Fee for each 5-Year Test Cycle for Particulate Matter Source Testing at Perlite Plants, (1/5 the cost of one test) $ 1,806

92 V Annual Fee for Optional Source Test Pilot Study T+M T+M $ - 92 W Each Particulate Matter Source Test $ 3,297

92 X Each Particulate Matter and Nitrogen Oxides and Carbon Monoxide Source Test $ 7,355

92 Y Each Particulate Matter and Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen Source Test $ 5,260 92 Z Miscellaneous Source Test (Special Tests not Listed) T+M T+M $ -

T+RN = time and renewal; T+M = time and material -17-


Fee Sched. Description Current

Fee Proposed

Fee Increase / (Decrease)

Schedule 93: Witness of Source Tests Performed by Independent Contractors

93 A Test Witness and Report Review T+M T+M


93 C Test Procedure Review T+M T+M

93 D Each VOC Bulk Terminal Test Witness $ 2,211 $ 2,392 $ 181

93 E Each Ethylene Oxide Test Witness Day $ 1,826 $ 1,976 $ 150

T+RN = time and renewal; T+M = time and material -18-


Fee Sched. Description Current

Fee Proposed

Fee Increase / (Decrease)

Schedule 94: Time and Material (T+M) Labor Rates Employee Classification (Fee Unit)

94 U Air Pollution Control Aide (94u) N/A $ 57 $ 57 94 X Air Pollution Control Civil Actions Investigator (94x) $ 144 $ 135 $ (9) 94 M Air Pollution Test Technician (94m) $ 65 $ 89 $ 24 94 O Air Quality Inspector I (94o) $ 108 $ 153 $ 45 94 E Air Quality Inspector II (94e) $ 154 $ 168 $ 14 94 Z Air Quality Specialist (94z) $ 120 $ 100 $ (20) 94 S Assistant Air Resources Specialist (94s) $ 112 $ 85 $ (27) 94 I Assistant Chemist (94i) $ 112 $ 110 $ (2) 94 B Assistant Engineer (94b) $ 154 $ 170 $ 16 94 G Assistant Meteorologist (94g) $ 84 $ 100 $ 16 94 Q Associate Air Resources Specialist (94q) $ 163 $ 168 $ 5 94 J Associate (Air Pollution) Chemist (94j) $ 110 $ 119 $ 9 94 C Associate Engineer (94c) $ 170 $ 171 $ 1 94 R Associate Meteorologist (94r) $ 100 $ 119 $ 19 94 L Instrument Technician I (94l) $ 77 $ 94 $ 17 94 N Instrument Technician II (94n) $ 73 $ 92 $ 19 94 V Junior Chemist (94v) $ 110 94 A Junior Engineer (94a) $ 114 94 K Senior (Air Pollution) Chemist (94k) $ 131 $ 143 $ 12 94 D Senior Engineer (94d) $ 198 $ 207 $ 9 94 H Senior Meteorologist (94h) $ 106 $ 132 $ 26 94 F Supervising Air Quality Inspector (94f) $ 197 $ 238 $ 41 94 Y Supervising Air Resource Specialist (94y) $ 169 $ 146 $ (23) 94 T Supervising Instrument Technician (94t) $ 76 $ 99 $ 23

T+RN = time and renewal; T+M = time and material -19-



Type of Operation Current Fee

Proposed Fee

Increase / (Decrease)

Proposed Online

Notification Fee

1. Renovation Operations (excluding residential buildings having four or fewer dwelling units)

≥100 sq. ft. or > 260 linear (ln.) ft. to 500 sq. or ln. ft. $ 461 $ 533 $ 72 $ 390 501 to 2,000 sq. or ln. ft. $ 543 $ 593 $ 50 $ 450 2,001 to 5,000 sq. or ln. ft. $ 622 $ 670 $ 48 $ 528 5,001 to 10,000 sq. or ln. ft. $ 685 $ 680 $ (5) $ 538 >10,000 sq. or ln. ft. $ 761 $ 806 $ 45 $ 664 2. Planned (Annual) Renovation Operations

(add to appropriate renovation operation fee listed above) $ 99 $ 119 $ 20 $ 119 3. Emergency Renovation Operation

(add to appropriate renovation operation fee listed above) $ 99 $ 119 $ 20 $ 119 4. Demolition Operations

Regulated Asbestos Containing Material (RACM) sites or Non- RACM

sites with no asbestos present $ 552 $ 660 $ 108 $ 517 5. Emergency Demolition Operations

(add to appropriate demolition operation fee listed above) $ 99 $ 119 $ 20 $ 119

6. Revised Notification Fee for Renovations, Demolitions, Planned Renovations, and Emergency Operations (NOTE: a revision is defined as a change in the original start date or when the amount of asbestos changes by greater than or equal to 20%)

$ 44 $ 46 $ 2 $ -

7. Cancellation Fee for Renovations or Demolitions Operations $ - $ 60 $ - $ -

T+RN = time and renewal; T+M = time and material -20-


Description Current Fee

Proposed Fee

Increase / (Decrease)

1. Regular Variance $ 1,003 $ 1,197 $ 194

2. Interim and Regular Variance $ 1,254 $ 1,459 $ 205

3. 90-Day Variance $ 971 $ 1,259 $ 288

4. Emergency Variance $ 576 $ 977 $ 401

5. Appeals $ 1,720 $ 1,544 $ (176)

6. Modify existing variance or abatement order $ 971 $ 888 $ (83)

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