salvation reading aloud audiovisual supplements section one: pre-reading activities section two:...

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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Reading aloud Audiovisual supplements

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

I. Reading aloud

Read the following sentences aloud, paying special attention to intonation.

1. A great many old people came and knelt around us and prayed, old women with jet-black faces and braided hair, old man with work-gnarled hands.

2. So I decided that maybe to save further trouble, I’d better lie, too, and say that Jesus has come, and get up and be saved.

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Reading aloud

Audiovisual supplements

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

II. Audiovisual supplements

Watch the film episode and then answer the following questions.

Questions:1. What accounted for Naiem’s mother’s prohibiting him to learn

music?2. Can you feel the hostility in the mother’s speech? What, in your

opinion, has caused this antagonism?

Film episode: Music from My Heart

Answers to the questions for reference:

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

1. Because she believes the white women are not reliable as they come uninvited to rescue the black children who don’t need to be rescued.

2. Open Answer.


Reading aloud

Audiovisual supplements

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Teacher: Naiem:Teacher:Naiem: Teacher:Naiem’s Mother:


Naiem’s Mother:

Hi, Naiem, where were you today?I can’t be in violin class anymore.Why not?My mother won’t let me.Why?My son’s got more important things to do than learn the dead white man’s music.They are going to learn “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.”How many black classical composers can you name? How many black classical voilinists do you know?

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Reading aloud

Audiovisual supplements

Section One:Pre-reading Activities


Naiem:Naiem’s Mother:

Well, that doesn’t mean that is the way it should be. I mean Naiem is learning to play music. He feels good about it himself. What does it matter who wrote it?Please. Ma, can I be in the class?Look, I have seen this before. You white women come up here and think you can rescue our poor inner-city children who never asked to be rescued in the first place. No, thank you. Come on.

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Reading aloud

Audiovisual supplements

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Text introduction Structural analysis

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

The story is the author’s recall of an experience in his childhood. He had heard from old folks about the myth of Jesus saving one’s soul, and as a child, held a sincere and naive belief in it. His attendance at the revival resulted in his total disillusionment. Therefore, he wants to tell his readers that there is no almighty Savior, and that only by relying on their own struggle can black people deliver themselves from misery and suffering.

I. Text introduction

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Text introduction

Structural analysis

Section Two: Global Reading

II. Structural analysis

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Paragraphs 2 – 5 recollection of information of Jesus and the waiting for Jesus to come

Paragraph 1 the introduction of the background

— Paragraph 6intensification of the conflict when all the young people have gone to the altar but Langston and Westley


Text introduction

Structural analysis

Section Two: Global Reading

II. Structural analysis

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Paragraphs 11 – 14 the resolution of the conflict when Langston is “saved” also with a lie

Paragraphs 7 – 10 the climax of Wesley’s salvation with a lie

— Paragraph 15 revelation of Langston’s guilty conscience and his disillusionment with religion


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

I was saved from sin when I was going on thirteen. But not really saved. It happened like this. There was a big revival at my Auntie Reed’s church. Every night for weeks there had been much preaching, singing, praying, and shouting, and some very hardened sinners had been brought to Christ, and the membership of the church had grown by leaps and bounds. Then just before the revival ended, they held a special meeting for children, “to bring the young lambs to the fold.” My aunt spoke of it for days ahead. That night I was escorted to the front row and placed on the mourners’ bench with all the other young sinners, who had not yet been brought to Jesus.

Section One:Pre-reading Activities


Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Langston Hughes

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


My aunt told me that when you were saved you saw a light, and something happened to you inside! And Jesus came into your life! And God was with you from then on! She said you could see and hear and feel Jesus in your soul. I believed her. I had heard a great many old people say the same thing and it seemed to me they ought to know. So I sat there calmly in the hot, crowded church, waiting for Jesus to come to me. The preacher preached a wonderful rhythmical sermon, all moans and shouts and lonely cries and dire pictures of hell, and then he sang a song about the ninety and nine safe in the fold, but one little lamb was left out in the cold. Then he said: “Won’t you come? Won’t you come to Jesus? Young lambs, won’t you come?” And he held out his arms to all us young sinners there on the mourners’ bench. And the little girls cried. And some of them jumped up and went to Jesus right away. But most of us just sat there.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

A great many old people came and knelt around us and prayed, old women with jet-black faces and braided hair, old men with work-gnarled hands. And the church sang a song about the lower lights are burning, some poor sinners to be saved. And the whole building rocked with prayer and song.

Still I kept waiting to see Jesus.Finally all the young people had gone to the altar and were sav

ed, but one boy and me. He was a rounder’s son named Westley. Westley and I were surrounded by sisters and deacons praying. It was very hot in the church, and getting late now. Finally Westley said to me in a whisper: “God damn! I’m tired of sitting here. Let’s get up and be saved.” So he got up and was saved.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Then I was left all alone on the mourners’ bench. My aunt came and knelt at my knees and cried, while prayers and song swirled all around me in the little church. The whole congregation prayed for me alone, in a mighty wail of moans and voices. And I kept waiting serenely for Jesus, waiting, waiting — but he didn’t come. I wanted to see him, but nothing happened to me. Nothing! I wanted something to happen to me, but nothing happened.

I heard the songs and the minister saying: “Why don’t you come? My dear child, why don’t you come to Jesus? Jesus is waiting for you. He wants you. Why don’t you come? Sister Reed, what is this child’s name?”

“Langston,” my aunt sobbed.“Langston, why don’t you come? Why don’t you come and be

saved? Oh, Lamb of God! Why don’t you come?”

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Now it was really getting late. I began to be ashamed of myself, holding everything up so long. I began to wonder what God thought about Westley, who certainly hadn’t seen Jesus either, but who was now sitting proudly on the platform, swinging his knickerbockered legs and grinning down at me, surrounded by deacons and old women on their knees praying. God had not struck Westley dead for taking his name in vain or for lying in the temple. So I decided that maybe to save further trouble, I’d better lie, too, and say that Jesus had come, and get up and be saved.

So I got up.Suddenly the whole room broke into a sea of shouting, as they s

aw me rise. Waves of rejoicing swept the place. Women leaped in the air. My aunt threw her arms around me. The minister took me by the hand and led me to the platform.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


When things quieted down, in a hushed silence, punctuated by a few ecstatic “Amens,” all the new young lambs were blessed in the name of God. Then joyous singing filled the room.

That night, for the first time in my life but one for I was a big boy twelve years old — I cried. I cried, in bed alone, and couldn’t stop. I buried my head under the quilts, but my aunt heard me. She woke up and told my uncle I was crying because the Holy Ghost had come into my life, and because I had seen Jesus. But I was really crying because I couldn’t bear to tell her that I had lied, that I had deceived everybody in the church, that I hadn’t seen Jesus, and that now I didn’t believe there was a Jesus anymore, since he didn’t come to help me.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

I was saved from sin when I was going on thirteen. But not really saved. It happened like this. There was a big revival at my Auntie Reed’s church. Every night for weeks there had been much preaching, singing, praying, and shouting, and some very hardened sinners had been brought to Christ, and the membership of the church had grown by leaps and bounds. Then just before the revival ended, they held a special meeting for children, “to bring the young lambs to the fold.” My aunt spoke of it for days ahead. That night I was escorted to the front row and placed on the mourners’ bench with all the other young sinners, who had not yet been brought to Jesus.

Section One:Pre-reading Activities


Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Langston Hughes

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


My aunt told me that when you were saved you saw a light, and something happened to you inside! And Jesus came into your life! And God was with you from then on! She said you could see and hear and feel Jesus in your soul. I believed her. I had heard a great many old people say the same thing and it seemed to me they ought to know. So I sat there calmly in the hot, crowded church, waiting for Jesus to come to me. The preacher preached a wonderful rhythmical sermon, all moans and shouts and lonely cries and dire pictures of hell, and then he sang a song about the ninety and nine safe in the fold, but one little lamb was left out in the cold. Then he said: “Won’t you come? Won’t you come to Jesus? Young lambs, won’t you come?” And he held out his arms to all us young sinners there on the mourners’ bench. And the little girls cried. And some of them jumped up and went to Jesus right away. But most of us just sat there.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

A great many old people came and knelt around us and prayed, old women with jet-black faces and braided hair, old men with work-gnarled hands. And the church sang a song about the lower lights are burning, some poor sinners to be saved. And the whole building rocked with prayer and song.

Still I kept waiting to see Jesus.Finally all the young people had gone to the altar and were sav

ed, but one boy and me. He was a rounder’s son named Westley. Westley and I were surrounded by sisters and deacons praying. It was very hot in the church, and getting late now. Finally Westley said to me in a whisper: “God damn! I’m tired of sitting here. Let’s get up and be saved.” So he got up and was saved.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Then I was left all alone on the mourners’ bench. My aunt came and knelt at my knees and cried, while prayers and song swirled all around me in the little church. The whole congregation prayed for me alone, in a mighty wail of moans and voices. And I kept waiting serenely for Jesus, waiting, waiting — but he didn’t come. I wanted to see him, but nothing happened to me. Nothing! I wanted something to happen to me, but nothing happened.

I heard the songs and the minister saying: “Why don’t you come? My dear child, why don’t you come to Jesus? Jesus is waiting for you. He wants you. Why don’t you come? Sister Reed, what is this child’s name?”

“Langston,” my aunt sobbed.“Langston, why don’t you come? Why don’t you come and be

saved? Oh, Lamb of God! Why don’t you come?”

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Now it was really getting late. I began to be ashamed of myself, holding everything up so long. I began to wonder what God thought about Westley, who certainly hadn’t seen Jesus either, but who was now sitting proudly on the platform, swinging his knickerbockered legs and grinning down at me, surrounded by deacons and old women on their knees praying. God had not struck Westley dead for taking his name in vain or for lying in the temple. So I decided that maybe to save further trouble, I’d better lie, too, and say that Jesus had come, and get up and be saved.

So I got up.Suddenly the whole room broke into a sea of shouting, as they s

aw me rise. Waves of rejoicing swept the place. Women leaped in the air. My aunt threw her arms around me. The minister took me by the hand and led me to the platform.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


When things quieted down, in a hushed silence, punctuated by a few ecstatic “Amens,” all the new young lambs were blessed in the name of God. Then joyous singing filled the room.

That night, for the first time in my life but one for I was a big boy twelve years old — I cried. I cried, in bed alone, and couldn’t stop. I buried my head under the quilts, but my aunt heard me. She woke up and told my uncle I was crying because the Holy Ghost had come into my life, and because I had seen Jesus. But I was really crying because I couldn’t bear to tell her that I had lied, that I had deceived everybody in the church, that I hadn’t seen Jesus, and that now I didn’t believe there was a Jesus anymore, since he didn’t come to help me.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

I was saved from sin…


I was rescued from sin ...




The word sin, with an exclusively religious connotation, refers to any offence against God or a religious law. However, the word crime refers to an act committed in violation of a law prohibiting it.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

to bring the young lambs to the fold


According to Christianity, Jesus is the Lamb of God, any Christian is a lamb, and the preacher is a shepherd. In the text, the young lambs refer to children. “Fold” literally means an enclosure for sheep. Here it means a group of people who are Christians. So “to bring the young lambs to the fold” means to bring the children into the Christian community.



Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

And the church sang a song about the lower lights are burning, some poor sinners to be saved.

Explanation: Here “the lower lights are burning, some poor sinners to be saved” are the words in the song. “The church” means “all the people in the church.”


“全教堂的人都在唱着同一支歌,歌中唱道 低垂的灯光明亮,”可怜的罪人将得救赎 。

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Finally all the young people had gone to the altar and were saved, but one boy and me.


Here “one” is used instead of “a” to emphasize that there was only one boy left besides me on the mourner’s bench.



Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement



Translate the following sentences into English:1)所有的问题都解决了,只剩下一个,就是谁去告诉汤姆这个坏消息。

2 )所有的人都看过这部电影了,只剩下我和玛丽没看过。

All the problems are solved but one, namely, who is going to tell Tom the bad news.

All the people have watched the movie but Mary and me.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

salvation n.

e.g. salvation from alcoholism

1) saving of the soul from sin


The word salvation has a strong religious connotation. In the Christian religion, salvation of a person or his spirit is the state of being saved from evil and its effects by the death of Jesus Christ on a cross.

2) something that prevents or saves someone or something from danger, loss or failure

e.g. Government loans have been the salvation of several shaky business companies.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


be the salvation offind salvationSalvation Armywork out one’s own salvation


salvable adj.


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Translate the following sentences into English:1)基督徒通过祈祷来获得救赎。

2)一位朋友借给他一些钱,挽救了他的买卖。Christians pray for salvation.

A loan from his friend aided in the salvation of his business.


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

revival n.

e.g. the revival of a drowned man


1) a series of meetings, characterized by public confession of sins and declaration of renewed interest in religion, intended to encourage this to happen

2) the act or an instance of reviving

revive v. reviver n.


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

preach v.

e.g. preach tolerance and peaceful coexistence

1) to deliver a religious speech


2) to talk about how good or important something is and try to persuade other people about this

e.g. A bishop preached to the assembled mourners.

preach at (to) somebody

preach down

preach up


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


preach, lecture, sermonizepreach: to talk about a religious subject in a public place, especially in a church during a servicelecture: to talk angrily or seriously to someone in order to criticize or warn themsermonize: to give a lot of moral advice to someone when they do not want it


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Translate the following sentence into English:


The United Nations provides a forum for preaching down war and violence.


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

hardened adj.


e.g. He was described in court as a hardened criminal.

lacking in human feelings and showing no signs of shame or regret for wrong-doing

harden v.


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Translate the following sentence into English: 当她想到面临着许多困难时,她的意志更坚定了。

Her mind hardened at the thought of the difficulties awaiting her.


leap at, leap over, leap outleap at (the chance or opportunity): to accept an opportunity very eagerlyleap over: to spring free from or as if from the groundleap out: to catch one’s attention

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

by leaps and bounds


e.g. She has come on by leaps and bounds with her reading.

a leap in the dark leap at


very quickly


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement



1) The dog leapt the fence.

Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions: at, over, out:

2) Han Meilin’s portrait leapt in the selection of Olympic mascot.

3) The true secret of success is the following: to leap every chance you are given.




Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

fold n.


e.g. Her children are all away at college now, but they always return to the fold in the holidays.

return to the fold


1) a fenced enclosure for sheep (in the passage used figuratively to refer to a group of religious believers)2) your home or an organization where you feel you belong

e.g. The party needs to find a way of getting its former supporters back to the fold.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

escort v.


e.g. The police escorted her to the airport.Several little boats escorted the sailing ship into the harbor.

accompany, conduct, escortAccompany suggests going with another on an equal basis. Conduct implies with other’s guidance.Escort stresses protective guidance.


to go with and protect somebody

escort n.


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement



1) She went to Europe, by her colleague.

Fill in the blanks with accompany, conduct or escort in their proper forms:

2) The usher us to our seats.

3) The picture shows the party chairperson the candidate through the crowd.




Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

mourners’ bench


a front row of seats at a revival meeting, reserved for those who are to make professions of penitence

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

rhythmical adj.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

having a regular repeated pattern of weak and strong stresses

e.g. The rhythmical sound of the train sent him to sleep.

rhythm, metre, cadencerhythm: a regular repeated pattern of sounds or movementsmetre: the arrangement of sounds in poetry into patterns of strong and weak beatscadence: the way someone’s voice rises and falls, especially when reading out loud



rhythm n. rhythmic adj.


e.g. He could hear the rhythmical beating of his heart.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Translate the following sentences into English:1 )所有人都随着兴奋的鼓乐节拍跳舞。

2 )会生活的人能够随着季节的变化改变自己的生活。

Everybody dances to the exciting rhythms of drum music.

One who enjoys the life is able to adapt himself to the rhythm of the seasons.


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

leave out

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

1) to pay no attention to somebody

e.g. No one speaks to him; he’s always left out.

If you are left out in the cold, you feel you do not belong to a particular group of people and are not admired by them.



2) to fail to include

e.g. You have left out the most important word in this sentence.

e.g. He was left out in the cold at school because he didn’t like sports.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement



leave off, leave behind, leave for, leave out leave off: to stop, ceaseleave behind: to make or allow something or someone to stay in a place when you go awayleave for: to set out or depart; to goleave out: to not include somone or something


1) Some rulers have left no lasting memorial.Fill in the blankets with proper prepositions of off, behind, for or out:

2) He left home the station a moment ago.

3) On Tuesday morning we went on where we left the day before.




4) She outlined the case to him, being careful not to leave anything .out____

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

hold out

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

1) to stretch out

e.g. He held out his hand to Mary.

get / lose hold of hold court hold good hold one’s own hold a candle to another hold out on hold (someone’s) feet to the fire hold water



2) to offere.g. The proposals hold out a real prospect for settling the

dispute.e.g. Few people hold out any hope of finding more survivors.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement



Match up the phrases with their correct meanings:

1) hold up a) to rob2) hold back b) to persist3) hold down c) to retain in a condition4) hold off d) to agree5) hold on e) to refrain from revealing6) hold out f) to refuse to go along with others7) hold over g) to keep within limit8) hold with h) to block from being observed

1)-a 2)-e 3)-g 4)-h 5)-b 6)-f 7)-c 8)-dKey:

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

braid v.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

1) to interweave three or more strands or strips in a diagonally overlapping pattern

e.g. Mother braided the rags into a strong rope.

2) to flow, twist, or wind as if interwoven

e.g. a stream braiding through the woods

braid, weave, knit braid: to weave or twist together three pieces of hair or cloth to form one lengthweave: to make cloth, a carpet, a basket, etc. by crossing threads or thin pieces under and over each other by hand or on a loomknit: to make clothing out of wool, using two knitting needles



Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


braid n. braider n.



Translate the following phrases or sentences into English, using weave, knit or braid in their proper forms:1)传统的篮子编织

2 )祖母给我织袜子。

3 )中国农村有些人地毯编得很好。

traditional basket weaving

My grandmother knitted me some socks.

There are many people who are good at carpet braiding in China’s rural areas.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

prayer n.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

a solemn request made to God

e.g. These prayers have been written specially for people suffering from cancer.

be at one’s prayer 正在祈祷Evening Prayer 晚祷the Lord’s Prayer (宗)主祷文wrestle in prayer 热忱地祈祷



pray v.


e.g. She always says her prayers before she goes to sleep.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement



Translate the following sentences into English:1 )她祈雨的请求终于成功了。

2 )他能安全到达是他们唯一的愿望。

Her prayer for rain was granted at last.

His safe arrival was their only prayer.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

altar n.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

lead (a woman) to the altar



an elevated place or structure before which religious ceremonies may be enacted or upon which sacrifices may be offered

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

deacon n.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

deacon v. deaconess n. deaconry n. deaconship n.



a religious official, in some Christian churches, who is just below the rank of a priest

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

swirl v.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

to move round and round quicklye.g. Swirl a little oil around the pan before putting it on the heat.

rotate, gyrate, spin, whirl, circle, swirlRotate usually involves movement around an object’s own axis or center. Gyrate usually means to turn around fast in circles.To spin is to turn around and around very quickly, or to make something do this.Whirl applies to rapid or forceful revolution or rotation.



e.g. A flood of water swirled across the deck and around the mast.

e.g. He lost his footing on the bridge and fell into the swirling water below.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Circle means to move in the shape of a circle around something, especially in the air.Swirl means to move around quickly in a twisting circular movement, or to make something do this.


swirling n.


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement



1) The top with decreasing speed as the spring wound down.

Fill in the blanks with spin, circle, swirl or rotate in their proper forms:

2) He round to see his friend dying behind him.

3) On sunny days, the seagulls would above the ocean.




4) The flood waters wildly under the bridge.swirled______

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

congregation n.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

e.g. The vicar asked the congregation to kneel.


a group of people gathered together in a church for a religious service

congregate v. congregative adj.



Translate the following sentence into English:人群聚集在城内广场上听总统讲话。The congregation gathered in the town square to hear the President.

e.g. The bishop preached a farewell sermon to a congregation that filled the church to overflowing.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

wail n.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

a loud cry of sorrow

e.g. The women gathered around the coffin and began to wail, as was the custom in the region.She had that passionate wailing voice, so typical of country music singers.

cry , weep , wail , sobCry is to produce tears from your eyes, usually because you are unhappy or hurt.Weep is to cry, especially because you feel very sad. Wail is to say something in a loud, sad, and complaining way.Sob is to to cry noisily while breathing in short sudden bursts.



Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement



wailer n. wail v.


Translate the following sentences into English:1 )当新的停车规定宣布后,引起全面的抗议。

2 )我听见警笛的尖叫声。

A wail of misery went up when new parking restrictions were announced.

I heard the wail of a police siren.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

serenely adv.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

calmly and peacefully

e.g. She smiled serenely and said nothing.

calm, tranquil, placid, serene, peacefulCalm implies freedom from emotional agitation. Tranquil means pleasantly calm, quiet, and peaceful. Placid means calm and peaceful.Serene denotes a lofty, even spiritual repose. A peaceful time, place, or situation is quiet and calm without any worry or excitement.

Comparison :


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement



1) He had a acceptance of the inevitable.

Fill in the blanks with calm, serene or peaceful:

2) Mr. Smith is one who remained in the midst of turbulence.

3) It’s at home when the children are at school.

serene adj. serenity n.





Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

sob v.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

to cry loudly while taking in sudden, sharp breathse.g. I found her sobbing in the bedroom because she had broken her

favorite doll.

sob one’s heart out sob oneself to sleep sob out



e.g. She sobbed herself to sleep the night you left.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement



Translate the following sentences into English:1 )玛丽听说丈夫要离开,哭得死去活来。

2 )她一边哭一边讲了车祸的经过。

When she heard her husband was leaving, Mary just sobbed her heart out.

She sobbed out the story of the tragic accident.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

hold up

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

to delay

e.g. Traffic was held up for several hours by the accident.An unofficial strike has held up production.



Translate the following sentence into English:由于下雨工程建设暂时停了下来。

The construction was held up by the rain.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

knickerbockered adj.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

full breeches gathered and banded just below the knee


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

grin v.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

to smile broadly

e.g. The children grinned with pleasure when I gave them the sweets.


grin, simper, smirkA grin is a broad smile that exposes the teeth; often it is a spontaneous expression of mirth, good humor, approval, or triumph. A simper is a silly, self-conscious, often coy smile. A smirk is an affected smile that shows that you are pleased by someone else’s bad luck or think you are better than other people.


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement


on the (broad) grin sardonic grin grin and bear it


grinningly adv.


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement



1) The model looked at her reflection in the mirror with an idiotic .

Fill in the blanks with grin, simper, or smirk:

2) The old libertine looked with a knowing at the beautiful young woman.

3) I judge the guy is easygoing as he has a broad, ear-to-ear .




Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

take one’s name in vain

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

e.g. I said, “Susan is really a gossip,” and just then she walked in and said: “Who’s taking my name in vain?”


as vain as a peacock for vain in vain


to talk about someone without showing respect for them

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement



Translate the following sentences into English:1 )警察企图驱散抗议的人群 ,但没有成功。

2 )她因为自己长得漂亮,所以就很自负。

The police tried in vain to break up the protest crowds.

She’s very vain about her good looks.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

break into

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

to suddenly start doing something

e.g. She walked quickly, occasionally breaking into a run.


break away, break down, break out, break intobreak away: to leave your home, family, or job and become independentbreak down: to become inoperative or ineffectivebreak out: If something unpleasant such as a fire, fight, or war breaks out, it starts to happen. break into: to suddenly start doing something


e.g. He felt so happy that he broke into a song.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement



1) Modern music like jazz has broken from the old traditional rules.

Fill in the blanks with away, down, out or into:

2) The 8 o’clock train broke at Ferngreen station and was taken off the line.

3) It was almost midnight that a fire broke in the neighborhood.




4) He broke a run as he came round the corner.into____

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

rejoice v.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

to show great joy

e.g. She rejoiced in meeting the challenge of her new job.


be rejoiced to hear (at hearing)  听到……而高兴rejoice in (at, over) 为……感到高兴


rejoicing n.


e.g. I rejoiced to see that she had made such a quick recovery.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement



Translate the following sentences into English:1 )看见你的气色很好我很高兴。

2 )这孩子的成功使他母亲极为高兴。It rejoices me to see you looking so well.

The boy’s success rejoiced his mother’s heart.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

quiet down

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

to become quiet

e.g. The child wouldn’t quiet down for me.


as quiet as a mouseon the quiet


quiet adj. quietly adv. quietness n.


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

punctuate v.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

to interrupt from time to time

e.g. The President spoke at length in a speech punctuated by constant applause.


punctuator n. punctuation n.


e.g. He chatted freely, punctuating his remarks as often as possible with the interviewer’s first name.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement



Translate the following sentence into English:教授在讲演中不时插入几个恰当的笑话。

The professor punctuated his lecture with a few well-chosen jokes.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

ecstatic adj.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

showing great joy

e.g. The new president was greeted by an ecstatic crowd.


ecstasy, exaltationEcstasy means a feeling of extreme happiness. Exaltation is a strong feeling of happiness.


e.g. I wasn’t exactly ecstatic about being woken up at two o’clock in the morning.

ecstasy n.


Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement



Translate the following sentence into English:这个收藏家买到了这只古董后,高兴得就像个孩子得到了一只小狗一样。

Having purchased the curio, the curator was as happy as a child ecstatic over a new puppy.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

bless v.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

to ask God to show favor toe.g. The priest blessed the people in the church, saying “God be with



be blessed with something


blessing n. blessed adj.


e.g. Fortunately we were blessed with fine weather.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement



Translate the following sentences into English:1) 这个人的优点就是脾气很好。

2) 我这个人身体很健康,头脑又聪明,真是个运气格外好 的人。

He is blessed with nice characters.

Having a healthy body and a sound mind, I consider myself twice-blessed.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

joyous adj.

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

full of joy

e.g. Don’t miss this chance to buy twenty joyous songs together on one album.


glad, happy, cheerful, joyful, joyousGlad means pleased and happy about something. (It can not be put before a noun.)Happy means having feelings of pleasure, for example because something good has happened to you or you are very satisfied with your life.


e.g. Sara’s party was a joyous occasion — there were hundreds of people there.

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement



Cheerful means happy, or behaving in a way that shows you are happy.Joyful and joyous means very happy, or likely to make people very happy.

joy n. joyless adj. joyfully adv.


I can’t wait to hear joyful news from her.

a. lighthearted b. cheerful c. happy d. glad

Please pick up the word that CANNOT replace the underlined word in the following sentence:



Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

the Holy Ghost

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

the Third Person of the Trinity, also Holy Spirit 圣灵


Trinity means the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost as three divine persons in one Godhead according to Christian religion 三位一体,即基督教中的圣父、圣子、圣灵

Vocabulary analysis Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Writing practice

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Vocabulary analysis

I. Word discrimination

II. Word practice

III. Word Study

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises


Vocabulary analysis

Translation exercises

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Word discrimination

Group 1: A. member B. membership


Member means a person or country that belongs to a group or organization.


e.g. a club member


e.g. He made up his mind to apply for membership in the Party.

Membership means all the members of a club, group, or organization or the number of people who belong to a club, group, or organization.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Grammar exercises

Vocabulary analysis

Translation exercises

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Group 2: A. escort B. attend C. accompany D. convoy


Escort means to take someone somewhere, especially when you are protecting or guarding them.


e.g. The picture shows the party chairperson escorting the candidate through the crowd.


e.g. The speech was attended by wild applause.

Attend means (formal) to happen or exist at the same time as something.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Grammar exercises

Vocabulary analysis

Translation exercises

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities



e.g. She went to Europe, accompanied by her colleague.


e.g. Warships convoy merchant vessels across the Atlantic.

Convoy means to travel with something in order to protect it.

Accompany means to go somewhere with someone.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Group 2: A. escort B. attend C. accompany D. convoy

Grammar exercises

Vocabulary analysis

Translation exercises

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Group 3: A. serene B. still C. quiet D. calm


A.e.g. He remained serene in the midst of turbulence.


e.g. The house was completely still.

Still means not moving or quiet and calm.

Serene means very calm or peaceful.Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Grammar exercises

Vocabulary analysis

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities



e.g. Mary is a strange, quiet girl.

D.e.g. calm acceptance of the inevitable

Calm means relaxed and quiet, not angry, nervous, or upset.

Quiet means not making much noise, or making no noise at all or not saying much or not saying anything.

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Group 3: A. serene B. still C. quiet D. calm

Grammar exercises

Vocabulary analysis

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Group 4: A. weep B. wail C. shout D. cry



e.g. I weep for what I’m like when I’m alone.


e.g. The women began to wail together; they mourned with shrill cries.

Weep means (formal or literary) to cry, especially because you feel very sad.

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Wail means to say something in a loud, sad, and complaining way.


Grammar exercises

Vocabulary analysis

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities



e.g. He is rather far away, but if you shout, he may hear you.


e.g. When he died, the little children cried in the streets.

Shout means to say something very loudly.

Cry means to produce tears from your eyes, usually because you are unhappy or hurt.

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Group 4: A. weep B. wail C. shout D. cryGrammar exercises

Revolve means to move around like a wheel, or to make something move around like a wheel.

Rotate usually to turn with a circular movement around a central point, or to make something do this.

Vocabulary analysis

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Group 5: A. swirl, whirl B. revolve, rotate C. turn, roll D. swing, spin


A.e.g. The flood waters swirled wildly under the bridge.


e.g. The wheel began to revolve.

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Swirl means to move around quickly in a twisting circular movement, or to make something do this.

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Whirl means to turn or spin around very quickly, or to make someone or something do this.

e.g. whirling snowflakes

e.g. The top rotated with decreasing speed as the spring wound down.

Grammar exercises

Swing means to make regular movements forwards and backwards or from one side to another while hanging from a particular point, or to make something do this.

Spin is to turn around and around very quickly, or to make something do this.

Turn means to move around a central or fixed point, or to make something move in this way.

If something rolls, especially something round, or if you roll it, it moves along a surface by turning over and over.

Vocabulary analysis

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities



e.g. a planet turning on its axis


e.g. The ship’s lanterns swung violently in the raging storm.

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Group 5: A. swirl, whirl B. revolve, rotate C. turn, roll D. swing, spin

e.g. The logs rolled down the cascading river.

e.g. He spun round, flung up his arms, and fell on his back, shot through.

Grammar exercises

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Group 6: A. rise B. raise C. climb D. mount


A.e.g. The river rises every spring.


e.g. People raised the loads with a crane.

Rise means to increase in number, amount, or value.

Raise is more often used transitively and means to move or lift something to a higher position, place, or level.

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Grammar exercises

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities



e.g. The mercury in the thermometer has climbed to 105 degree.

D.e.g. The blood mounted to her cheeks.

Mount means to increase gradually in amount or degree.

Climb means to move or lift something (temperature or prices) to a higher position, place, or level.

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Group 6: A. rise B. raise C. climb D. mount

Grammar exercises

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Group 7: A. happy B. joyous C. ecstatic D. contented



e.g. That was not a very happy remark on the wedding.


e.g. I heard a joyous laughter when I came into the room.

Joyous means very happy, or likely to make people very happy.

Happy means having feelings of pleasure, for example because something good has happened to you or you are very satisfied with your life.

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Grammar exercises

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities



e.g. After winning the gold medal, he was for a long time in the ecstatic state.


e.g. I felt warm, cozy and contented.

Ecstatic means feeling extremely happy and excited.

Contented means happy and satisfied because your life is good.

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Group 7: A. happy B. joyous C. ecstatic D. contented

Grammar exercises

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Word practice1. give Some phrases related with give: give in, give way, give up, give out, etc.

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


1 )三楼地板在机器的重压下坍了下去。The second floor gave way under the weight of the machines.

Chinese-English translation:

2) 这些嫌疑犯投降了。The suspects gave themselves up.

3) 电脑发出持续的嗡嗡声。The computer gave out a steady buzzing.

4) 你已经没有机会了,你现在投降屈服还不晚。You are running out of chances, and it is not too late for you to give in.

Grammar exercises

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


2. cost Other form of cost: costly

1 ) 参加罢工让我失去了工作。Participating in the strike cost me my job.

Chinese-English translation:

2) 你的罪行将会让你付出生命的代价。Your crime will cost you your life.

3) 他牺牲自己的生命挽救了女儿。He saved his daughter at the cost of his life.

4) 许多人的牺牲才换来这场战斗的胜利。The battle was won at (a) great cost of life.

Grammar exercises

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


3. blame Other forms of blame: blameable, blameless, blamed

1 )政府把危机归咎于计划不周。The government blamed the crisis on poor planning.

Chinese-English translation:

2) 警方公正地把事故的责任归于司机。The police laid the blame for the accident squarely on the driver’s shoulders.

3) 停电的起因是一场特大暴风雪。

A freak storm was to blame for the power outage.

Grammar exercises

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


4. differenceOther forms of difference: different, differentiable, differentiate

1 )体育锻炼使她的健康有显著的提高。Exercise has made a difference in her health.

Chinese-English translation:

3) 在一些发达国家体力劳动和脑力劳动的差别正在缩小。

The differences between manual labour and mental labour are diminishing in some developed countries.

2 ) 必须教导年轻人学会区分善与恶。Young people must be taught to learn the difference between good and evil.

Grammar exercises

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


5. rather Some phrases with rather: would rather, rather than

1 ) 我们宁可租这幢房子,也不愿直接买下它。We would rather rent the house than buy it outright.

Chinese-English translation:

2 ) 我希望我的女儿能上公立学校。I would rather my daughter attended a public school.

3 ) 我宁可死,也不愿意当奴隶。I’d rather be dead than be a slave.

4) 美国的年轻人宁愿从陌生人那里获取建议。

American young people would rather get advice from strangers.

Grammar exercises

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


6. worth Some phrases with worth: be worthy of, be worth doing

1 ) 这个地方值得参观。

It is a place worth visiting.

Chinese-English translation:

2 ) 他值得我们表扬。

He is worthy of our praise.

Grammar exercises

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Word Study

1. sweep


1) He swept the sponge over the tile.


to clean the dust, dirt, etc. from the floor or ground, using a brush with long handle; to force someone or something to move in a particular direction; if winds, waves, fire, etc. sweep a place or sweep through, across, etc. a place, they move quickly and with a lot of force


Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

2) The conductor swept her baton through the air.


3) The flood waters swept away everything in their path.


Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

2. deceive


1) He deceived her into thinking he could drive a car.


to cause someone to believe what is not true

2) He has deliberately deceived us.



3) He deceived me by pretending to be a famous movie star.

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement


Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


1) Professor Smith knew he was earnestly listened to as his lecture was constantly punctuated by questions and discussions.




他讲话时常常插入一些他的母语(西班牙语)的词汇。3) He punctuated his speech with phrases in his native Spanish.

2) The professor punctuated his lecture with a few well-chosen jokes.

Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

3. punctuate

Explanation: (literary) to be interrupted by something, especially when this is repeated

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

4. preach


1) He was always preaching exercise and fresh air.


to talk about a religious subject in a public place, especially in a church during a service

2) The dictator preached war as a means of making the country great.




3) To save the reindeer, the Swedish preached himself hoarse.

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Vocabulary analysis

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

5. moan


1) A lot of people moaned about the parking problems.


(informal) to complain in an annoying way, especially in an unhappy voice and without good reason; to make a long low sound exprerssing pain, unhappiness, or sexual pleasure

2) The prisoner moaned out a prayer for mercy.



Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

3) The sick child moaned a little, and then fell asleep.



Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Grammar exercises

I. The -ing participle clauses

II. The passive voiceExercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Whatever Happened to Manners?

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


The -ing participle phrase is usually used to introduce an action which accompanies, ensues or is considered less important than the main verb used in the sentence. When using the -ing participle phrase, the writer needs to ensure that the logical subject of the -ing participle should be consistent with the subject of the main verb, otherwise a dangling modifier is formed.

I. The -ing participle phrases

e.g. Swimming in the lake, a stone cut my feet. The sentence sounds awkward as the subject of the sentence a stone is not the logical subject of the verb swim.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading



I. Please join the following sentences together by using the -ing participle phrases.

1. So I sat there calmly in the hot, crowded church. I waited for Jesus to come to me.

Key: So I sat there calmly in the hot, crowded church, waiting for Jesus to come to me.

2. I began to be ashamed of myself. I held everything up so long.

Key: I began to be ashamed of myself, holding everything up so long.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Key: I began to wonder what God thought about Westley, who certainly hadn’t seen Jesus either, but who was now sitting proudly on the platform, swinging his knickerbockered legs and grinning down at me, surrounded by deacons and old women on their knees praying.

3. I began to wonder what God thought about Westley, who certainly hadn’t seen Jesus either, but who was now sitting proudly on the platform. He swung his knickerbockered legs and grinned down at me, surrounded by deacons and old women on their knees. The deacons and old women prayed.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


II. Please revise the following sentences with dangling modifiers.

1. Walking on the street, three car accidents were seen.

2. Cutting through the forest, the hut was finally found by the explorers.

Key: Walking on the street, I saw three car accidents.

Key: Cutting through the forest, the explorers finally found the hut.

3. Crying continuously for two hours, her eyes were swollen.

Key: Crying continuously for two hours, she had swollen eyes.

4. Seeing from the top of the hill, the park was incredibly beautiful.

Key: Seeing from the top of the hill, people found the park incredibly beautiful.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


The passive voice is formed by putting the verb be into the same tense as the active verb and adding the past participle of the original verb. Normally the doer of the action is omitted in the passive voice.Active voice: People speak English all over the world.Passive voice: English is spoken all over the world.

II. The passive voice

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


The passive voice may be used in the following cases:

1) The speaker wants to stress the thing done rather than the doer of it.

2) The doer is unimportant or unknown.3) The speaker does not want to identify the doer (perhaps out of modesty, etc.).4) The speaker does not need to identify the doer.5) The speaker wants to avoid an awkward change of subject in the middle of a sentence.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


1. The announcer gives weather reports once a day.

2. I’ll have to strengthen the balcony.

Key: Weather reports are announced once a day.

Key: The balcony will have to be strengthened.

3. Perhaps the clerk overlooked the order.

Key: The order may have been overlooked by the clerk.


Turn the following sentences into passive voice.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


4. In my college, the Director draws up the year’s programme.

5. They allowed him to carry some extra credits this semester.

Key: In my college, the year’s program is drawn up by the Director.

Key: He was allowed to carry some extra credits this semester.

6. Someone had better stop them before it’s too late.

Key: They’d better be stopped before it was too late.

When the chairman announced the election results, the whole assembly clapped and cheered, and the meeting hall broke into a sea of great joy.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Translation exercises

Translate each of the following sentences into English, using the word or phrase given in the brackets. Inflect the word or phrase where necessary.1. 大会主席宣布选举结果后,全场沸腾起来,顿时成了欢乐的

海洋。( break into a sea of )

Break into means to suddenly start doing something.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Notes :


Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Chinese-English translation:

1 ) 观众们爆发出一阵欢呼,醉汉鞠了一躬。

The crowd broke into cheers and the drunk bowed.

2 ) 他突然开始唱歌了。

He suddenly broke into song.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Take somebody’s name in vain means to talk about someone without showing respect for them.

He has a very bad reputation, for he often takes other people’s names in vain.

2. 他名声很不好,因为他常常背后说别人闲话。( take somebody’s name in vain )


Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

3. 这条新马路的修建因天气恶劣而受阻了。( hold up )

Here “hold up” is usually used in passive voice and means to delay someone or something.

The building of the new road has been held up by the bad weather.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading



Chinese-English translation:


Sorry, I’m late. — I was held up at work.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

(British English) if someone or something increases, develops, etc. by leaps and bounds, they increase, etc. very quickly.

The tertiary industry in our country has been developing by leaps and bounds since the reform and opening drive started.

4. 自改革开放以来,我国的第三产业突飞猛进。( by leaps and bounds )

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading



Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Chinese-English translation:

1) 秘书骄傲地宣布,会员人数大幅度增长。

The secretary announced with pride that membership was going ahead by leaps and bounds.

2) 这家公司的业绩大幅度提高。The business of the company has grown by leaps and bounds.

Exercises for integrated skills

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


At Jemes I came to the end of my childhood. There were no schools within easy reach. I had to go nearly thirty miles to (1)

at Bernalillo, and one year I lived away in Albuquerque. My mother and father wanted me to have the benefit of a sound (2) for college, and so we read through many high school catalogues. (3) long deliberation we decided that I

(4) spend my last year of high school at a military academy in Virginia. The day before I was to leave I went walking across the river to the red mesa, (5) many times before I

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skillsFill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading






Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


had gone to be alone with my thoughts. And I had climbed several

times to the top of the mesa and looked among the old ruins there

(6) pottery. This time I chose to climb the north end,

perhaps because I had not gone that way before and wanted to see

what it was. It was a difficult (7) , and when I got to the

top I was spent. I lingered among the ruins for more than an hour,

I judge, (8) for my strength to return. From there I

could see the (9) valley below. It was all very beautiful,

and the (10) of it filled me with longing.






Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


School here is used as a verb, meaning to go to school.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


Prepare means to be ready beforehand for a specific purpose, as for an event or occasion and a sound preparation refers to a solid and thorough arrangement for a certain matter.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


After is a conjunction used to introduce a temporal adverbial clause, meaning following or subsequent to the time in the main clause.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


Should here is used as a modal verb indicating obligation or duty.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


Where is used as a relative adverb in an attributive clause, indicating at what or which place.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


For is used in a phrase “look for”, meaning to search for or seek.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


Unlike other verbs, climb can also be used as a noun, meaning an act of climbing or an ascent, especially one which is tiring or time-consuming.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


Wait means not to do something until something else happens.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


Whole means containing all components or complete.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


Sight means something seen; a view, especially something worth seeing or a spectacle.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Oral activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

II. Retell Langston Hughes’ story from the point of view of either his aunt or the minister at the revival.


I. The following is a self-introduction to his job by an English teacher Rufino. Read the passage and then fall in pairs and tell each other what Rufino said. Make any necessary changes in person, tense, use of words, etc. to make your retelling of the story logical, meaningful and comprehensible.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


“My name’s Rufino and I teach English in a secondary school in Spain. My students are mostly the 13-14 age range. English language learning begins at the age of 8 here so my classes have been studying English for six years. I work in a small town in the north of Spain. There is a strong awareness of language in this region of Spain as we have two languages in the community here, Spanish and Basque. English is the third language we learn and it’s a foreign language. There is very little exposure to English in society here. Even Sky News on the TV is dubbed. I suppose teachers themselves are a major resource for the teaching and learning. We do a pre-service course at university,

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


either a three- or four-year course, so we are trained and qualified teachers. There are also some opportunities for in-service training, for example, in seminars organized by local teachers’ centres, or by the publishers. However, these are all voluntary and sometimes they are expensive and traveling is involved. We are well-resourced in schools. I have a blackboard, an overhead projector, a cassette player, and a video in my classroom, and there is a self-access centre in the school. This isn’t so common in schools but depends on the enthusiasm of teachers as it takes time and energy to set up a centre and to encourage pupils to use it. Personally I’ve put a lot of my own efforts into developing these kinds of resources because I think the age group I teach benefits tremendously from opportunities for organizing their own learning.”

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

That day my nephew Langston was almost thirteen and he went to a special meeting held in the church for them. You know that kind of “bringing the young lambs to the fold. ” He was seated at the front row and placed on the mourner’s bench with other boys.

I had told him that Jesus would save him and come to his life if he saw a light in the process. And also I had told him that Jesus would be always in his soul. He always trusted me. Besides, other people probably had told him the same thing.

It was really hot. And the preach, not surprisingly, did a good sermon. He told us about all the miseries in the hell and sang us about the story of the one little lamb left out in the cold. He beckoned the kids to join him. Some kids went directly to him. But Langston was still on the bench with others.

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


A Model Essay on Topic Two:

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

I was worried to see that Langston remains the only one on the bench but Wesley, that rounder’s son. What irritated me was that finally Wesley also joined the rank of being saved. Langston was all along as everyone is praying for him. I couldn’t help crying when the minister asked me who that boy was.

Finally, Langston, to everyone’s relief, stood up and joined us. Everyone shouted their happiness. I threw my arms to hold him before he was led to the platform by the minister. People said “Amen”, and the joyous singing filled the room.

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Besides coherence, a passage has to have cohesion, which means those structure features of the writing which link different parts of sentences or larger units of discourse. Cohesion is a powerful tool against redundancy. Usually, the lexical cohesion and the referential cohesion are mostly used.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Writing practice

Additional information

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Lexical cohesion is achieved mainly through substitution, which means the elegant variety in the context when the same word is repeated many times. The substitution entails many forms, including hyponymy, synonym, metonymy and recurrence, etc.


Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Referential cohesion mainly refers to the pronouns and relative pronouns used to avoid repetition and redundancy.


Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Fill in each of the blanks in the following passage with a logical connector.


Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


(1) Princeton, New Jersey, is the location of a world-famous university, it is still a quiet small town of family homes and trees. It is not a place where anyone would expect to see strange characters on the street. That is why one woman will never forget the day in 1940 when, (2) a child, she suddenly saw a funny-looking man coming toward her. “I remember,” she tells her children now, “how wild his white hair looked — (3) it had been electrified. He was short. His clothes seemed baggy, (4) they were just



as if____as if____

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


pulled on to keep him covered, (5) a blanket to keep one warm. He had a big nose, a stiff mustache, and deep-set eyes. He was staring, thinking deeply. (6) he came near, he accidentally noticed me and gave me a very pleasant smile. (7) then he walked on and went on thinking. I noticed he was wearing his bedroom slippers. He had forgotten to put on his shoes. I thought I had imagined him, and that somehow he had stepped out of my book of fairy tales and had passed me like a spirit there on the street under the trees of Princeton, New Jersey. That night at dinner (8) I told my family about the strange, funny man I had seen, my father put down his knife and fork and looked at me and said the most unbelievable thing: ‘My child, remember this. Today you saw the greatest man in the world.’ That man was Albert Einstein.”





Exercises for integrated skills

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


Although is a transitional word which is used to introduce a statement that makes your main statement seem surprising or unlikely.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


As here means when someone was in a particular age group.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


As if indicates the meaning of in a way that makes it seem that something is true or that something is happening.

as if

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


Like means similar to something else.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


When means at the time that something happens.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


But is used to connect two statements or phrases when the second one adds something different or seems surprising after the first one.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Four: Consolidation Activities


When means at the time that something happens.


Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


You are going to hear an American woman talking about how her mother taught her music, and how she used to sing with her family, and how that became a service to the community.

A. Listen carefully and answer the following questions:

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Listening exercisesOur Singing

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading



1. Where did she live?

2. What did her father do?

She lived out in the country, somewhere in the Midwest._______________________________________________

She doesn’t say exactly, but he worked in education._____________________________________________

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


3. What does she think about the musical education she received?

4. How did their singing develop into a community service?

She seems to think that her mother provided her with a very good musical education.____________________________________________________________________________________________

They used to sing at funerals for people in their community.____________________________________________________

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

B. Listen again; then complete the following outline.OutlineI. Background of my parentsA. Musical background 1. Mother

a. played

b. majored in in college


the piano and organ_________________


2. Father

a. played

b. had a beautiful

c. sang in men’s

the violin and mandolin____________________

bass voice_________

glee club_________

script ■

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


B. Religious background

1. Mother — was a daughter

2. Father — had studied to be before he went into



a minister _________

II. My education in music

A. Mother — teaching

1. gave us a good education in all kinds of music from to2. to us what the music was all about while playing3. was very




Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


B. We — practicing sang alto or soprano

III. Church service

A. put on in church

B. harmonized on hymn-singing

special musical programs ______________________

IV. Community service

sang music for funerals________

See music has always been very much a part of my life, of my family life. My mother played the piano and the organ. And she was a musical major in college and my father played the violin and the mandolin. And he had a beautiful bass voice and he sang in the men’s glee club in college. And then we were always very much involved with the church as we were growing up. Because my father had studied to be a minister before he went into education. And then my mother was a minister’s daughter and of course there wasn’t a lot of social life around that part of the country out in the Midwest at that time. We sort of lived in what you call a Bible Belt.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Our Singing


Vocabulary analysis

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Grammar exercises


We had family music sessions around the piano at home. Whenever someone felt like having music, my mother would play anything from classical to pop. She would play opera and anything that, you know, that we were interested in hearing. As a matter of fact this was how we got a good education in music just from the different types of music. She would play and explain to us what it was all about. She was very patient. She was a teacher also. So one of us would sing alto or a couple sing alto a couple soprano and we would get involved in singing in church putting on special musical programs. Or we’d be sitting in our pew at church and whoever was in charge of the music would call on my sisters and myself to sing a whole verse of a hymn. Just harmonized on it.


And then one of the amusing aspects of this musical ability was the fact that back in those days and out in the country there was very little music for funeral services. So whenever there was a funeral and there was no music available we were called out of class to come and sing music for the funerals. So we became very adept at just picking up anything whatever we could and doing what we had to do. But it was a very interesting time. And then it was interesting in later years when members of the family would die. It just seemed to be sort of symbolic for us all to gather at the church and gather round the piano or the organ and the organist would play anything that favored hymns of whoever happened to be deceased at that time. And everybody gathered round and we would harmonize and just have a jolly time. It was just like a celebration of the life of this person.

Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises

Translation exercises

Oral activities

Writing practice

Listening exercises

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Exercises for integrated skills

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Lead-in questions Supplementary reading

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Lead-in questions



What is your most possible reaction when you meet something apparently dangerous and beyond your understanding?Do you think it is barbarian for the colonists to catch Africans to be their slaves?

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Lead-in questions

Supplementary reading

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Memorable quotes

The Capture of Kunta Kinte

As he always did whenever he felt some need to come here after a night’s lookout duty. Kunta stood awhile at the edge of the bolong, today watching a gray heron trailing its long, thin legs as it flew at about a spear’s height above the pale green water, rippling the surface with each downbeat of its wings. Though the heron was looking for smaller game, he knew that it was the best spot along the bolong for kujalo, a big, powerful fish that Kunta loved to catch for Binta, who would stew it for him with onions, rice, and bitter tomatoes. With his stomach already rumbling for breakfast, it made him hungry just to think of it.

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Alex Haley

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

A little farther downstream, Kunta turned away from the water’s edge along a path he himself had made to an ancient mangrove tree that he thought must know him, after countless visits, as well as he knew it. Pulling himself up into the lowest branch, he climbed all the way to his favorite perch near the top. From here, in the clear morning, with the sun warm on his back, he could see all the way to the next bend in the bolong, still carpeted with sleeping waterfowl, and beyond them to the women’s rice plots, dotted with their bamboo shelters for the nursing babies. In which of them, he wondered, had his mother put him when he was little? This place in the early morning would always fill Kunta with a greater sense of calm, and wonder, than anywhere else he knew of. Even more than in the village mosque, he felt here how totally were everyone and everything in the hands of Allah; and how everything he could see and hear and smell from the top of this tree had been here for longer than men’s memories, and would be here long after he and his sons and his sons’ sons had joined their ancestors.

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading


Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading

Trotting away from the bolong toward the sun for a little while, Kunta finally reached the head-high grass surrounding the grove where he was going to pick out and chop a section of tree trunk just the right size for the body of his drum. If the green wood started drying and curing today, he figured it would be ready to hollow out and work on in a moon and a half, about the time he and Lamin would be returning from their trip to Mali. As he stepped into the grove, Kunta saw a sudden movement out of the corner of his eye. It was a hare, and the wuolo dog was after it in a flash as it raced for cover in the tall grass. He was obviously chasing it for sport rather than for food, since he was barking furiously; Kunta knew that a hunting wuolo never made noise if he was really hungry. The two of them were soon out of earshot, but Kunta knew that his dog would come back when he lost interest in the chase.


Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Kunta headed forward to the center of the grove, where he would find more trees from which to choose a trunk of the size, smoothness, and roundness that he wanted. The soft, mossy earth felt good under his feet as he walked deeper into the dark grove, but the air here was damp and cold, he noticed, the sun not being high enough or hot enough yet to penetrate the thick foliage overhead. Leaning his weapons and ax against a warped tree, he wandered here and there, occasionally stooping, his eyes and fingers examining for just the right trunk, one just a little bit larger — to allow for drying shrinkage — than he wanted his drum to be.

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading


Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

He was bending over a likely prospect when he heard the sharp crack of a twig, followed quickly by the squawk of a parrot overhead. It was probably the dog returning, he thought in the back of his mind. But no grown dog ever cracked a twig, he flashed, whirling in the same instant. In a blur, rushing at him, he saw a white face, a club upraised; heard heavy footfalls behind him. Toubob! His foot lashed up and caught the man in the belly — it was soft and he heard a grunt — just as something hard and heavy grazed the back of Kunta’s head and landed like a tree trunk on his shoulder. Sagging under the pain, Kunta spun — turning his feet — and pounded with his fists on the faces of two black men who were lunging at him with a big sack, and at another toubob swinging a short, thick club, which missed him this time as he sprang aside.

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading


Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

His brain screaming for any weapon, Kunta leaped into them

— clawing, butting, kneeing, gouging — hardly feeling the club

that was pounding against his back. As three of them went down

with him, sinking to the ground under their combined weight, a

knee smashed into Kunta’s lower back, rocking him with such p

ain that he gasped. His open mouth meeting flesh, his teeth clam

ped, cut, tore. His numb fingers finding a face, he clawed deeply

into an eye, hearing its owner howl as again the heavy club met

Kunta’s head.

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading


Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Dazed, he heard a dog’s snarling, a toubob screaming, then a sudden piteous yelp. Scrambling to his feet, wildly twisting, dodging, ducking to escape more clubbing, with blood streaming from his split head, he saw one black cupping his eye, one of the toubob holding a bloody arm, standing over the body of the dog, and remaining pair circling him with raised club. Screaming his rage, Kunta went for the second toubob, his fists meeting and breaking the force of the descending club. Almost choking with the awful toubob stink, he tried desperately to wrench away the club. Why had he not heard them, sensed them, smelled them?

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading


Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Just then the black’s club smashed into Kunta once again, staggering him to his knees, and the toubob sprang loose. His head ready to explode, his body reeling, raging at his own weakness, Kunta reared up and roared, flailing blindly at the air, everything blurred with tears and blood and sweat. He was fighting for more than his life now. Omoro! Binta! Lamin! Suwadu! Madi! The toubob’s heavy club crashed against his temple. And all went black.

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading


Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Alex Haley (1921- ) He is a native of Tennessee who dropped out of college after two years to join the Coast Guard. He began writing to pass the time at sea, and after eight years of trying and hundreds of rejection slips, finally began selling occasionally articles. He eventually became Chief Journalist in the Coast Guard, but he retired in 1959 after serving twenty years. He continued working as a writer. In 1965, he began to make a travel of approximately 50, 000 miles, spending twelve years researching his bestseller, Roots. As an excerpt from Roots, this text tells of the capture in Africa of Haley’s ancestor, Kunta Kinte, by white slave traders and their black collaborators.

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading


Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

in the hands of Allah in Allah’s care Allah is the Arabic name for the Supreme Being of the religion of Islam. The word is a compound of al (the) and ilah (god). 阿拉,真主

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading


Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

a moon and a half about a month and a half. A moon is a period of 28 or 29 days counted from one new moon to the next. The Indians counted time by moons.

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading


Mali a large country in western Africa. The Sahara, Africa’s great desert, covers the northern half of the country. Rolling grassland spreads across most of the rest of Mali.

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading


remaining pair circling him with raised club one black and one of the white men joined together, going around him with raised club ...

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading


He was fighting for more than his life now. He was fighting not for his life but for his hatred of white slave traders and their black collaborators.

Lead-in questions

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Memorable quotes

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading


Lead-in questions

Memorable quotes

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Questions for discussion:



How were nursing babies taken care of by their farming mothers?What part did Kunta’s dog play in the action?Why does Haley use African words like kujalo, bolong and toubob?The narrative begins in a quiet, slow, almost dreamlike way, but it concludes in frantic action. Where exactly does the turning point occur?

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading

Answers to the questions for reference:


Lead-in questions

Memorable quotes

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Supplementary reading





While they were working, their nursing babies were put in the ba

mboo shelters nearby.

The dog fiercely attacked the kidnappers to protect his master.

Haley uses African words like kujalo, bolong and toubob to give t

he narrative an authentic flavor.

He was bending over a tree trunk when he heard the sharp crack o

f a twig.


Lead-in questions

Supplementary reading

Memorable quotes

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Memorable quotes

Please paraphrase the following quotes:Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for God knows best what is good for us.

— Socrates

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading


Lead-in questions

Supplementary reading

Memorable quotes

Section Four: Consolidation Activities

Section Five: Further Enhancement

Section One:Pre-reading Activities

Section Two: Global Reading

Section Three:Detailed Reading

Pray as if everything depended on God, and work as if everything depended upon man.

— Francis Cardinal Spellman


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