salmun draft reso - topic a - saudi arabia

Post on 30-Jan-2016






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Draft Resolution no# Signatories: Saudi Arabia

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolutions 2191 (2014), 2178 (2014), 2170 (2014), 2139 (2014) and 2233 (2015),

Also Recalling the 1970 UNESCO’s Convention on the Mean of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property,

Reaffirming that terrorism in all forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security and that any acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable regardless of their motivations, whenever and by whomsoever committed

Remaining determined to contribute further to enhancing the effectiveness of the overall effort to fight this scourge on a global level,

Expressing grave concern at the current security situation in Syria and Iraq resulting from the large-scale offensive perpetrated by the terrorist organization of Da’esh, better known by the english acronyms of ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) and ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), and the horror and inequity spread by this group in the Middle East and between the international community, while establishing international networks and extending its acts of terrorism to other continents,

Keeping in mind the political instability in the region, the civil war in Syria and the totalitarian features of its current government, besides of the influence of many geopolitical issues on the formation, financing and motivations of terrorist groups acting in the region,

Contemplating the socioeconomic and humanitarian issues on dealing with the terrorist group, mainly regarding the democratic rights of the syrian people and stability of the global oil markets, which destabilization could trigger enormous injury to the international conjuncture,

Gravely distressed by the continued deterioration of the devastating humanitarian situation in Syria and the refugees crisis induced by it,

Deeply concerned about foreign citizens who attempt to travel to Syria or Iraq in order to become foreign terrorist fighters,

Expressing concern over the use of communication technology for the purposes of spreading extremist ideology, recruiting and inciting other to commit terrorist acts, financing and facilitating the travel and subsequent activities of foreign terrorist fighters, and underlining the need for Member States to act cooperatively to prevent terrorists from exploiting technology and communications to its insidious means,

Expressing its appreciation for the efforts of INTERPOL to address the thread posed by foreign terrorist fighter enabled by the use of its secure communications network, databases and procedures to track stolen, forged identity papers and travel documents,

Strongly condemning hostage-taking and kidnapping acts planned and executed by the aforementioned terrorist organization in order to finance its operations and stressing the necessity of oppose to these means,

Having regard to and highlighting the situation of individuals of more than one nationality who travel to their states of nationality for the purpose of the perpetration, planning, preparation of, or participation in, terrorist acts or the providing or receiving of terrorist training, and urging States to take action,

Having in mind the ISIS ability to resupply itself due lack of vigilance of Syrian and Iraqi borders by their neighboring nations and the necessity of cut off the terrorist group’s supply routes,

Welcoming further regional cooperation, including by military, humanitarian, political and economy means, specifically from the Arabic League, and expecting it to surpass soon foreign intervention,

1. Reiterates its demand that ISIS and all other terrorist groups and associations linked to the acts of war and instability in the region ceases immediately all violence and terrorist acts, and disarm and disband with immediate effect;

2. Encourages all member states to set up or uphold the creation of youth support institutions, in order to prevent the risk of recruitment or violent radicalization and discourage travelling to Syria and Iraq for the purpose of supporting or fighting for ISIS and other terrorist group that may be present in the region;

3. Calls upon all member states to take internal measures to suppress the flow of foreign terrorist fighters, bringing to justice any member of ISIS, and other terrorist groups caught attempting to internationalize its terrorist acts within the applicable international law. 3.1. Urges all states to stablish efficient physical and virtual vigilance structures in order to stop terrorist group’s members to recruit civilians to fight for their cause;

4. Encourages all member states to cooperate with INTERPOL operations aiming the tracking, identification and listing of possible, suspected or confirmed terrorist or terrorist groups’ member, by exchanging information expeditiously and improving cooperation among national or international competent authorities;

5. Calls upon all member states to stablish effective borders control measures in order to prevent the movement of terrorist or terrorist groups from and to their territories, the supply of weapons for terrorist and financing that would support terrorists;

6. Urges all nations bordering Syria and Iraq to reinforce immediately border control, aiming cutting off ISIS supply routes, stopping the flow of weapons and resources, which benefits the terrorist group; 6.1. Recalls its resolutions 2165 (2014) and 2139 (2014) mainly on which concerns the demand of all parties to allow the access of humanitarian aid through its borders and enable the rapid, safe and unhindered evacuation of all civilian who wish to leave.

7. Calls upon the establishment of screening stations around the Syrian and Iraqi border to control the flow of refugees and correctly submit them to their final destiny, previously defined by these stations accordingly to the countries policies and numerical and resource limits; 7.1. Calls upon the establishment of refugee receiving stations within the countries that are willing to receive and attend the refugee.

8. Deplores the wicked crimes perpetrated by ISIS and similar terrorist organizations to finance its acts of horror, as kidnapping innocent people for ransoming, and stealing and selling art

pieces considered part of the early human history and hence tangible heritage of humanity; 8.1. Recommends civilians to avoid traveling the region without military escort; 8.3. Further Recommends nations in the region to take security provisions to avoid having its nationals kidnapped by any terrorist cells aiming so; 8.2. Calls upon all nations to increase fiscalization on the art regular and black markets, in order to track ISIS’s financers and bring them to law;

9. Recommends all member states to monitor the country’s formal financial sector and investigate and track suspect donations; 9.1. Further recommends all member states that adopt the aforementioned measure to block these suspect donations, preventing the private financing of ISIS and similar terrorist organizations;

10. Condemns the totalitarian and antidemocratic traces of the Syrian Shia government and determines it as one of the causes of the popular support of ISIS between the Sunni, which numbers around 60% of the Syrian population.

11. Calls upon regional cooperation to fighting ISIS, including by the addressing of the matter to the recently established Arab joint military force, aiming hereafter replacing of the foreign intervention to the conflicts in Syria and Iraq, better fulfilling the principles contained in the charter of the United Nations, stabilizing the international community and helping to settle wider cooperation frameworks at the Middle East, preventing and suppressing forthcoming conflicts;

12. Encourages all nations to provide financial, medical, logistic, and strategical aid, training, and equipment to the Kurds and said rebel troops fighting ISIS in the region; 12.1. Encourages neighboring nations to host training programs to the aforementioned troops;

13. Reiterates the necessity of providing humanitarian aid to the civilian affected by the conflicts;

14. Decides to stay actively seized on this matter.

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