salford quays image edits

Post on 18-Jun-2015






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Salford Quays Image EditsBy Charlotte Bracken


This photograph is one I had taken at Salford Quays. The goose is in mid flight and is the original which I will be editing using Adobe PhotoShop.

Step 1

At first, the only thing I changed within the photograph is the brightness and contrast to make the image a little lighter than it already was. Now you can see the colours more within the goose in mid flight.

Step 2

Then, after thinking about what to do with the photograph to make it look a little different and unique, I clicked on Image, Adjustments and then made the photograph to see how it would look as I like the effect.

Step 3

The photograph looked a little wide so instead I had cropped the photograph as to me there was too much water. Making this crop, I have put the focus now more onto the goose in mid flight.

Step 4

I cropped the image again, as I thought that there was too much on the top of the photograph. It seemed like I needed to narrow down the view on the photograph.

Step 5

For a final touch on the photograph, I added my favourite filter which is Lens Correction which is found in Filter, Distort. Using this particular touch to the photograph, narrows down your view and makes you look more directly at the goose.



This photograph is one I had taken on a bridge at Salford Quays. Without editing it at all, you can see that the image is bright and has some nice colours within it. This is one reason why I had taken this specific photograph.

Step 1

This photograph was originally bright and filled with certain colours but on the first edit I did to it was up the brightness and contrast just a little bit to see it if would make any difference and it did some good as it made the green go a little more vibrant.

Step 2

Even though using the brightness and contrast made the photograph a little more vibrant, I still went to vibrance found in Image, Adjustments to make the colours stand out a little more because I felt like it was a nice photograph to make the colours stand out in.

Step 3

Having up the vibrance up a little I felt like it wasn’t enough so I had a little play around with the HDR Toning which make the greens and blues and yellows within the image stand out even more and as I have made them stand out more I have felt this image was perfect.



This photograph is an original photograph that I have taken when I was out at Salford Quays.

Step 1

To start of the editing process for this photograph I have gone on to the Hue/Saturation and played about with the colours as I thought the photograph was a little plain and could do with brightening up with colours.

Step 2

After the Hue/Saturation I decided to make the colours more vibrant and brighter as I went on Brightness/Contrast. I have added more contrast to the photograph than brightness as I thought it was bright enough.

Step 3

By going on Vibrance I have made the colours purple and hints of yellow stand out within the photograph so the building in the photograph looks different and colourful.

Step 4

As I enjoyed looking at the photograph and thought nothing else could have been added, I added the final touch of the Lens Correction to focus the view onto the building in the middle.



Step 1&2

Within the first thing I had to within this photograph was straighten out the photograph as it looked slightly bent and leaning to one side. Having to do Free Transform and then using the Selection Tool then Cropping the photograph to get it right.

Step 3

After the cropping of the photograph I then felt the need to change the Brightness/Contrast to make it a little brighter and make more of the colours stand out.

Step 4

After making the photograph brighter I would experiment with the Colour Balance to see what I could do to enhance the colours or slightly change them and I ended up making the blues more deep within the water. And a lighter touch has been added within the sky.

Step 5

I felt like I could make the colours more deeper and better s it looks like a nice peaceful photograph. So by doing this I went on Brightness/Contrast and lowered the brightness a little and then brought up the contrast by a little bit.

Step 6

After making the photograph brighter again, I went back to the Colour Balance to add ,ore depth within the colours on the photograph and I thought I could do no more to it as I liked it the way it was.

Step 7

For the final touch, I have added the Lens Correction again to make the photograph look better around the corners and make the middle focus.


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