salesconnect executive update

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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One tool. One view. One team.

SalesConnect Executive Update

Steve Schumer, SalesConnect Enablement Executive, North America & GlobalNovember 17, 2016

© 2016 IBM Corporation2

Cadence simplification reliant on full adoption of SalesConnect The combination of the two enables increased selling time

© 2016 IBM Corporation3

Cadence Rules of Engagement

© 2016 IBM Corporation4

Engaging Executives: 2016 Focus

© 2016 IBM Corporation5

Executive Testimonial: Martin Jetter, Senior VP, GTS

© 2016 IBM Corporation6

Executive Testimonial: Robert LeBlanc, Senior VP, Cloud

© 2016 IBM Corporation7

Executive Testimonial: John Dunderdale, GM, Worldwide Software Sales

© 2016 IBM Corporation8

Executive Testimonial: Stephen Leonard, GM, North America

© 2016 IBM Corporation9

Executive Testimonial: Phil Guido, GM, GTS North America

© 2016 IBM Corporation10

Executive Testimonial: Bob Hoey, GM, Financial Services Market, North America

September 14, 2016

© 2016 IBM Corporation11

Executive Testimonials: Karl Sandreuter, Managing Director, Walgreens Boots Alliance Integrated AccountBea Elbert, Managing Director, State Farm Integrated Account

© 2016 IBM Corporation12

Ayman Antoun, GM, GTS Canada: “Steve spent an hour with me on the executive dashboard which was very helpful for me....growing up in PCD and STG, disciplined execution by metrics is part of my DNA and for the first time ever, we finally have a tool that is actually executive-friendly and shows the relevant metrics to help us run our's how we run GTS Canada today and will continue to be. Just thought you may appreciate feedback from the front lines. Thanks.”

Todd Bacon, VP Worldwide Sales, Security: "All, was just taken through the latest revisions of Sales Connect and while we're still working through a few issues, just wanted to take the time to say that it is really coming along now. Thank you for all of the effort in the SalesConnect improvements. Much appreciated.”

Bill Battino, VP, Communications Sector, North America: “I did a one on one session with Steve Schumer last week. It was extremely helpful. I was encouraged to see the new features.”

Andrew Brown, VP, Worldwide Sales, Hybrid Cloud : “I am now very much actively using Sales Connect. It is clear from the session that the capabilities of SalesConnect have moved forward considerably. The ability to have multi-level views and drive the business using real time data works. All in all I am pleased to have this as the basis from which I can now run the business.”

Carey Drader, VP, Enterprise & Commercial, Canada: “Steven, thanks for the tutorial and hints and tips. The session was worthwhile and helpful. SalesConnect is our single source of truth for driving a disciplined weekly sales management system and teaming across IBM. Important that we leverage it's full value.”

John Dunderdale, GM, Worldwide Software Sales: “I spent a couple of hours with the team last week. It was extremely worthwhile and I was impressed with the advances in SalesConnect since the last time I had gone through it.”

Natasha Engan, VP Security Services North America: “Thank you for the wonderful session to better understand SalesConnect and how I am able to customize for our business. I'm very excited to drive real time behavior throughout our organization - sales through delivery.”

Ernie Fernandez, GM, Public Market, North America: “Just a quick note to let you know the time invested with Steve was worth the hour. Kathy thanks for the suggestion. SalesConnect has continued to improve, and with the added functionality, it's worth taking time to learn how to get the most out of it . New to me were the ability to follow opportunities, searching by Global Buying Group, and the ability to Preview the opportunity, among a few other tips Steve shared with me.”

Phil Guido, GM, GTS North America: “I wanted to drop a quick note following our session last week with Steve as we continue to drive the benefits and culture change SalesConnect offers us in GTS NA. Steve shared the latest capabilities and highlighted some of the additional areas each of you and the transformation team have been working. As a follow-up action, I have asked Steve to get with each of the GTS NA Sales leaders to help coach them as we drive greater adoption. Thank you for your partnership and Steve's continued support in helping GTS NA embrace the culture change and productivity benefits that SalesConnect offers.”

Roger Hasson, GM, Communications, Media & Entertainment, Energy & Utilities, CSI, GTS North America: “ I wanted to pass along my thanks for a training session Steve conducted for myself and my team.  Finally, a simple view on how to use SalesConnect to manage my business.  I really do appreciate the power of the tool and the flexibility and insight I can gain from the forecast dashboard. Thanks for your team’s support.”

Additional Executive Testimonials: 2016 (1 of 2)

© 2016 IBM Corporation13

Richard Hearn, VP, Worldwide Sales, Commerce: “Thanks for the tutorial, Steve. I am a huge fan of running the business from one consolidated CRM system. The system is in place and seems to be mostly used correctly. I look forward to continuing the push towards it being a roadmap and not having off CRM spreadsheet calls for plan. I will be moving Commerce in this direction in Q4.”

Bob Hoey, GM Financial Services Market, North America: “I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the time that was invested in teaching me to use some of the advanced functions of SalesConnect. While I still have more to learn, the FSS NA team is amazed at how much I know about their opportunities without wasting their valuable time asking for updates. This has enabled me to get the data that I need to manage the FSS business as opposed to managing transactions. To be sure, SalesConnect played an important part in FSS NA achieving our revenue objectives and delivering YTY Growth in 2014 and 2015. This would not have been possible without SalesConnect because the data in this system enabled rapid identification of areas of weakness that needed to be fixed, areas of strength that needed to be replicated and increasing seller productivity by reducing time spent in sales cadence calls.”

Karen Hudson, Client VP, Distribution Market, North America: “Hi Steve - thank you for the two one on one tutoring sessions that you held for me. The two sessions helped me improve my SalesConnect skills tremendously. As a result, I decided to eliminate spreadsheets from my bi-weekly cadence calls and we use SalesConnect directly. The first session was a little bit rocky as the client executives and I learned how to navigate the system in real time. However, we quickly figured it out and the feedback from the client executives has been positive. Eliminating the spreadsheets improves everyone's productivity. I am also finding that looking directly at the SalesConnect records helps the client executives keep their records up to date and improves their collaborations with their brand sellers. The direct line from the brand seller's representation of the individual opportunity to the Roadmaps to our senior leaders is very healthy and keeps us all on the same page.”

Frank Luksic, VP Software, North America: “Thanks. The 1-on-1 session was useful. I have been playing around already. Lets grab 30 more minutes next week.” Fran O’Sullivan, GM, Global Operations, GBS: “Thank you again for the ‘hands on’ walk through of SalesConnect. I was able to log on and drill down on several

deals as we were going through our GTM calls today! I especially like the follow this deal function! I will be sure to reach out with more questions. ” Rachael Sepcic, VP, Analytics Software Sales, North America: “Steve spent some time with me walking thru some of the 'executive' views and explaining some of

the key features that helps us as an organization embrace the 'One Tool' approach. Great stuff and very helpful for me as an executive to see the high level views/dashboard. Appreciate all you have done to get the sales organization to embrace SalesConnect. ”

Katrina Troughton, GM Social and Smarter Workforce Solutions: “With the latest evolutions which further simplify accessing forecasts, roadmap views and getting to important information with just 1 or 2 clicks, I feel confident to drive our team faster to leveraging SalesConnect first and calls/mail and cadence second as the right route to the information I need to run our business. The mobile environment is great, and particularly like being able to follow either an opportunity or a line item in an opportunity where it is a key deal or one I have been closely involved in. I am also confident this is a major part of how we move to change the way we work from sales manager through to sales executives... and that is vital for us to achieve so our team is able to spend time and energy focused on the client rather than all the internal stakeholders they may need for their success.”

Additional Executive Testimonials: 2016 (2 of 2)

© 2016 IBM Corporation14

SalesConnect Manager Forecast Worksheet Video Series

Subject: New video series for Managers to help fully exploit SalesConnect's roadmapping capabilitiesSent 5/9/16 to managers, executives and delegates in SalesConnect Forecast Hierarchy (FCH)

© 2016 IBM Corporation15

SalesConnect Top Tips: Single link for all SalesConnect education, how-to and help resources!/wiki/W7b847d841582_4423_bc7e_205c3135fff8/page/SalesConnect%20Top%2010%20Survival%20Tips

© 2016 IBM Corporation16


17 SalesConnect © 2016 IBM Corporation

SalesConnect Overview & Chronology 2H 2013: Replacing CRM Siebel with much more than just a better opportunity management system 1H 2014: Driving awareness of SalesConnect CAMSS [Analytics, Mobile & Social] features 2H 2014: Integrating roadmapping into SalesConnect for Sellers 1H 2015: Integrating roadmapping into SalesConnect for Sales Managers

Simple: Easy to use

Analytics: Engage experts,

Find collateral,360 View of Client

Social selling:

Collaborate within the tool

Notes integration Collaboration Social features











Integrated: Lotus Notes and Web

Mobility: Access anytime, anywhere


18 SalesConnect © 2016 IBM Corporation Internal use only

SalesConnect as IBM’s single source of deal status informationTransforming Sales Management VideoFrom: Jim KavanaughDate: April 14, 2015To: IOT Leaders, IOT CFOs, IMT GMs, IMT CFOs, IBM Sales Team, IOT Brand UnitCc: Arvind Krishna, Bill Creighton, Bob Picciano, Brendan Hannigan, Bridget A van Kralingen, Bruno Di Leo, Colleen Arnold, Deepak Advani, Diane J Gherson, Erich Clementi, John E Kelly III, Jon Iwata, Ken Keverian, Martin Jetter, Martin Schroeter, Michael D Rhodin, Michelle H Browdy, Robert LeBlanc, Steve Mills, Tom Rosamilia

Subject: New guidelines that simplify cadence


Our journey to transform IBM depends on having the right structure, process and tools to get work done with greater speed and focus. I want you to know about changes we are making to the sales management process, specifically new guidelines to simplify cadence for our sellers and sales managers worldwide. On behalf of the entire senior leadership team, we are committing to the following effective immediately:

1. One cadence review a week. Period. Sellers and sales managers meet with their unit/brand management to progress deals. 2. Integration reviews between S&D and units/brands are not cadence meetings in disguise. They are for, as the name suggests, uniting to get it done--collaborating,

coaching, resolving pervasive issues, sharing expertise to progress deals, close gaps and pursue new business opportunities. 3. Common formats will be used in both meetings to minimize preparation time. 4. Sales Connect will be the single source of deal status information. With the new manager roadmap capabilities, all sales teams can see the deal status, win plan, and

activities of their opportunities real time. This visibility promotes self-service and reduces ad hoc requests to our sellers and sales managers. We are re-launching the tool this week.

These guidelines affect all of our sales teams around the world, particularly the interactions between S&D and the new business units. They are being driven by the transformation of our industry and our company--which requires us to move with greater speed and focus. While some cadence is necessary, excessive reviews are not only counter-productive, they wear people down and take time away from clients. All that said, the experience for our sellers on the front lines will not change, unless we, as leaders, work differently. And that's as much about committing to the new guidelines, as it is about leading by example, with trust and personal responsibility. I'm asking each of you to cascade these guidelines to your teams. In the meantime, and for as long as it takes, please send me an email to this ID if you experience old behaviors. It's just one way we'll hold ourselves accountable for driving new ways of working.

James J. KavanaughSenior Vice PresidentTransformation and Operations

© 2016 IBM Corporation19

Engaging Executives: 2015 Focus

1. Demo SalesConnect live to leader and his/her leadership team Show key Roadmapping, Mobile, Social, Analytics and other capabilities from a Seller/FLM perspective

2. Enable leader personally on SalesConnect Show how they can review key deals in real-time (roadmap, comments, Win Plan), follow opportunities, view client

analytics, etc.

© 2016 IBM Corporation20

Lou Attanasio, GM, IBM Systems Middleware Sales: "Just want to say thanks for what you and team are doing around SalesConnect....I am using it now for all my forecast calls.....If its not in SalesConnect...then, its not in forecast...period.”

Greg Close, VP Global Sales GTS Technical Support Services: “Thanks, appreciate the demo today. It was very helpful. SalesConnect is becoming the centre piece of our agile sales management and cadence processes. I am finding the iPad app very helpful as I travel around to the various sales offices, and use the SMS-based reports exclusively in our sales reviews. We are moving further towards sales cadence on the glass.”

Laurence Haziot, GM, Global Distribution Sector: "The real-time access to client analytics has saved significant time for me and my team in preparing for client meetings and proposals. We can bring an opportunity team quickly up to speed since we have instant access to IBM spend, IBM and Competitive install base, and even predictive buying analytics that will estimate the likelihood the client will buy! And when we walk into a client, we can now look smart about all our recent touch points like campaigns and Digital Sales contacts,  or even any complaints that have occurred. The SalesConnect capabilities also utilize external market intelligence through OneSource for business and industry information or access to our CRDB references. We really look like One IBM. We could do this before, but it was fragmented.  The mystery is gone and the time to prepare goes from hours to minutes.  And when teams use this to find experts and collateral… we save hours in research!"

Stephen Leonard, GM Hardware Sales IBM Systems: “Thanks for the SalesConnect 1-on-1 session. It was really insightful and useful.” Ross Mauri, GM Global z Systems: “I asked for a SalesConnect demo and wow!!! did I get more than I asked for!! Having only seen a few screen shots and heard

others talk about the function, integration, social aspects, etc....I couldn't have imagined how well SalesConnect has come together...The proof to me was seeing the demo and the value this tooling provides. Bravo! I will spread the word to my sales force and anyone else that will listen to me.“

John Mesberg, GM, Offering Management & Strategy, IBM Commerce: "I now use SalesConnect routinely to go track down deal information and to assess how we are progressing on our forecast."

Richard Patterson, GM GTS Infrastructure Services: "In mid-April I directed my teams to conduct all Large Transaction Progression Clinics using SalesConnect real-time for transaction status. There was no need for individual Deal Sheets or ppt chart preparation. GTS-IS Sales teams are now directed to have all information in SalesConnect…from roadmap status to Win Plan to Steps to Closure.  Instead of reviewing charts, they are all in the tool viewing the deal real-time.  This is concrete time savings in preparation and eliminating redundant, one–off comments!"

Dan Pelino, GM Global Public Sector S&D: “Team, today I got a demo of SalesConnect. I like it for many reasons: One Voice - everyone can see and comment on the opportunities; We can see the value props - test them and contribute far more effectively and it is simple; Flexibilty – i.e. on your mobile / smartphone device you can follow your large deals. How far along are you with your education on SalesConnect?”

John Teltsch, GM Global Enterprise & Midmarket S&D: “I do appreciate the investment in time to get me started!! I look forward to using our tools in my client visits and with the discussions w/our ESU leaders to see how deep we are really using our productivity tools!!! Now that you have trained me look out!!! :)”

Global Executive Testimonials: 2015

© 2016 IBM Corporation21

Bill Brooks, VP, Mid-Atlantic Region, S&D Enterprise/Midmarket North America: "For now and the future, Sales Connect will be the most important tool for every executive to better manage, coach and operate their business. We have all struggled in the past with different systems that possessed separate pieces of information relative to our PV's, Next Steps, Win Plans, Brand perspectives, etc, etc. Sales Connect brings all of these elements together, in a format that can be navigated and managed by every leader. The ability to track your top 10 deals real time is an incredible capability. My team has only been using Sales Connect for our weekly cadence and it clearly has streamlined our discussions around PV's, Key Deals and Next Steps."

Shelly Byrne, VP, SMS North America:  “I have just spent the last four hours getting enabled 1-on-1 with SalesConnect.  I am so excited about what I saw and learned.  I have a million ideas of how to do things differently and provide value to our sales leaders.  I can now direct the sales leaders to different capabilities in the tool.  For me this was a great learning experience.  I am energized and enthusiastic about the tool!”

Bob Hoey, VP Financial Services Sector North America: “You are helping make IBM sales executives like me more agile and I am already seeing this my RESULTS. While I am a new user and still learning about the capability of this system I have to tell you ‘I love it’ as members of my team are now asking me ‘How did you know about this opportunity?’ and telling me things like ‘OK, you're right. I have understated (or overstated) the revenue and will fix it along with putting a comment in the system.’ It's not about me ‘finding error’ with data in SalesConnect but about enabling more specific coaching discussions through greater understanding of the facts which should result in improved sales performance. SalesConnect is making FSS US a more agile organization and this will benefit our clients, IBM and our employees. This system will help improve the sales management process. Thank you for enabling my use of this system in an increasingly agile IBM.”

Steve LaFleche, VP, Public Sector, S&D North America: "I will leverage this tool much better going forward. I was impressed with many of the functions including the social aspects. I look forward to seeing the work the team is doing to get the entire revenue forecast into the tool. I am encouraged by the progress your team has made in making SalesConnect the system of record for forecasting and deal progression across all of our lines of business. It is critical to our future success."

Sherry Lautenbach, VP, Distribution Sector, S&D North America: "I truly appreciated and valued the personalized one on one session I had. I think this will help me greatly to run the business much more effectively.“

Laurie Tropiano, VP, Business Development, GTS North America: “Thank you for the tutorial today on Sales Connect. I am now armed and ready with so much information, I am going to follow these top ten opportunities from my team and by doing so, I hope to force usage of SalesConnect within my team."

Abiy Yeshitla, VP, Analytics North America: "Clearly a great tool. Intuitive and friendly. You did a nice job in sharing some of the tips and techniques designed to increase efficiency and better use of the tool. The first line manager view was a particular interest to me and one that I can benefit from the most."

North America Executive Testimonials: 2015

22 SalesConnect © 2016 IBM Corporation

SalesConnect Essentials courses for Sellers and Managers

Link to coursesOne Tool

One View


Link to intro video (2 min)

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