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© Avalara

Sales Tax Audit and Appeals

Joseph N. Endres, Esq.Hodgson Russ LLP

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Making sales tax less taxing

Summary of Topics

• Section 1: The Lay of the Land - Overview of Issues that

Typically Arise during An Audit

• Section 2: The Sales Tax Audit – Process and


• Section 3: Appealing an Adverse Assessment


Making sales tax less taxing


Section 1


Making sales tax less taxing

Section 1: Typical Audit Issues

• When does a company have to comply with a state’s tax


• In other words, when does a company have to worry

about an audit?


Making sales tax less taxing

Section 1: Typical Audit Issues

• Nexus, what is it?

– Nexus is a fancy word for “connection.” In order for a state to require an

out-of-state seller to collect its sales tax, there must be a requisite level

of connection between the state and the seller.

• Quill v. North Dakota, 504 U.S. 298 (1992)

• The “Bright Line” Test: Physical Presence

• Do you have any people or property in the state?

– Offices

– Employees or independent contractors

– Inventories

– Other property – servers and Texas


Making sales tax less taxing

Section 1: Typical Audit Issues

• Can a third party’s activity in a state confer nexus on an

out-of-state seller?

– Yes. Affiliate or Click-Through Nexus!

– Scripto, Inc. v. Carson, 362 U.S. 207 (1960)

– Tyler Pipe Industries, Inc. v. Washington Dep’t of Revenue, 483 U.S.

232 (1987)

– Several states now impose some sort of click-through or affiliate

nexus, including Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut,

Georgia, Illinois (currently unconstitutional), Kansas, Minnesota,

Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania,

Rhode Island, Texas and Vermont.


Making sales tax less taxing

Section 1: Typical Audit Issues


NY’s Amazon Litigation

1. Two out-of-state sellers with no physical presence in New York (no

offices, employees, or property), and,

challenged the constitutionality of New York’s law.

2. Nearly five years after the initial challenge, New York’s highest appellate

court, the Court of Appeals, issued a decision on March 28, 2013. See,

20 N.Y.3d 586.

3. In late 2013, the Supreme Court refused to hear a challenge to New

York’s Affiliate Nexus laws.

Making sales tax less taxing

Section 1: Typical Audit Issues

• Sales Tax is Considered a “Transaction Tax” and a

“Destination Tax”

– Liability for the tax occurs at the time of the transaction, not when

the debt is paid.

– The transaction occurs when:

• there is a transfer of title or possession (or both) of TPP.

• a service is rendered.

– Location of change of possession or rendering or service

determines both the incident and rate of tax.

• Auditors should not use out of state sales to determine in-state



Making sales tax less taxing


• What is your primary concern around sales tax


A. Staying up to date on rate and rule changes.

B. Changing/new nexus laws.

C. Adapting compliance to new business operations.

D. The burden to accurately prepare and file returns.

E. Other


Making sales tax less taxing

Section 1: Typical Audit Issues

• Sales Tax is a “Form Over Substance” Tax

– This can work both for and against taxpayers.

• Separate corporations (even if related) are treated as separate

taxpayers under the sales tax law.

• Work performed by one corporation for another may be taxable.

• But this does allow for structuring opportunities!


Making sales tax less taxing

Section 1: Typical Audit Issues

• Bundled Transactions

– If you bundle taxable items together with nontaxable items for

one charge, the taxable items taint the nontaxable items and

cause the entire charge to be taxable.

• Most state taxing authorities take the position that it’s not their job to

determine what’s taxable from what’s nontaxable.

• Some auditors will allow allocation.


Making sales tax less taxing

Section 1: Typical Audit Issues

• States maintain various exemption certificates, including

the following primary forms:

– Exempt Organization Exempt Purchase Certificate

– Resale Certificates

– Contractor Exempt Purchase Certificate

– Certificate of Capital Improvement

– Exempt Use Certificate

• You have to keep an exemption certificate on file for as

long as an audit risk exists and some states (e.g., FL)

require that certificates be updated periodically.


Making sales tax less taxing

Section 1: Typical Audit Issues

• Exemption Certificate Issues – an exemption certificate

will shield the seller from potential liability if the certificate

is valid!

• A certificate will be considered valid if:

– It is timely received (typically 45 to 90 days from the transaction)

– It is properly competed (all required entries were made)

– It is accepted in good faith (no actual knowledge to the contrary)

• But lack of a certificate does not turn an exempt

transaction into a taxable one.


Making sales tax less taxing


• How does your company handle exemption certificate


A. Maintains a paper copy of all exemption certificates.

B. Maintains a digital copy of all exemption certificates

C. Maintains a paper and digital copy of all exemption certificates.

D. What’s an exemption certificate?


Making sales tax less taxing

Section 1: Typical Audit Issues

• Asset Sales – 2 Primary Issues:

– Is the Asset Sale Subject to Tax?

• In most states, no. There is an “isolated” or “occasional” sale


• But in some states, such as NY, YES!! If tangible assets are

transferred and no exemption applies, the assets will be subject to


– Does the sale expose the purchaser to successor liability?

• Yes! In most states, the purchaser may be held liable for the seller's

outstanding sales tax liability up to the selling price of the assets or

their fair market value, whichever is greater.


Making sales tax less taxing

Section 1: Typical Audit Issues

• What Qualifies as an Asset Sale?

– In many states, any transfer of assets outside the normal course

of business will trigger a bulk sale filing. In others, a specific

amount of the business assets have to be sold.

• Note that a purchase or the transfer of consideration is not required.

• Successor liability can be imposed even in instances in which the

assets are gifted.

• Successor liability applies regardless of whether the assets

purchased are tangible personal property (whether taxable or

exempt), intangible property, or real property. In other words, even

if the transaction is a nontaxable one, the bulk sale rule still applies.


Making sales tax less taxing

Section 1: Typical Audit Issues

• Asset Sales: to avoid successor liability, the purchaser

must comply with various notice requirements:

• This notice allows the state taxing authorities to

determine, before the assets are sold, whether the seller

has any unpaid sales or use tax liabilities.

• Purchasers are typically required to withhold or escrow

the purchase money until the taxing authority has issued

a certification that the seller does not have any

outstanding liability and the sale can proceed.


Making sales tax less taxing

Section 1: Typical Audit Issues

• Asset Sales: Practical Considerations

– Private Indemnifications and Escrow Accounts.

• Is this really a solution?

• Applications to escrow can be difficult and time consuming.

• The application might be contested = litigation.

• It can be difficult to estimate a “safe” escrow amount.


Making sales tax less taxing


• Has your business ever bought or sold business assets

outside the normal course of business?

A. No, never.

B. Yes, frequently.

C.Yes, but rarely.

D.Yes, once. And now that I know these rules, I have to go call my



Making sales tax less taxing


Section 2


Making sales tax less taxing

Section 2: The Sales Tax Audit –Process and Procedure• How does a business get chosen for audit?

– Audits of other taxpayers

– Whistleblower Issues

– Technology!!

• Corporate tax return sales v. sales tax return sales

• Consistent taxable percentage

• Drastic changes in filing pattern

• New “self-audit” letters based on ratios and “typical” use tax liabilities.

• Information from more sources (franchisers, insurance companies, liquor

distributors, and financial institutions)

• Compare returns of similar businesses operating within the same geographic


• lottery traffic vs. low sales

• cash/credit card ratio out of sync with similar businesses


Making sales tax less taxing

Section 2: The Sales Tax Audit –Process and Procedure• Auditors look at a few key areas:

– Tax reconciliation

– Expenses - usually recurring - use of test period or statistic

sample preferred.

– Sales - usually sampled, depends on level of sales activity:

guest checks - register tapes - taxable ratio.

– Capital acquisitions - full detail usually preferred, items usually

reconciled with cash disbursements journal and federal

depreciation schedule.


Making sales tax less taxing

Section 2: The Sales Tax Audit –Process and Procedure• Major Audit Issues:

– Where to hold audit

– Responsible officer questionnaire

– Access to information

• LLCs be especially careful in NY

– Consent to extend

– Statute of Limitations

– Timing Issues


Making sales tax less taxing


• Most audits result in some liability, even if just a small

amount. If your company has been audited in the past,

where did the auditors find most of the liability?

A. Tax Account Reconciliation.

B. Sales – we didn’t know our sales were subject to tax.

C.Sales – we didn’t know we had nexus in a state.

D.Disallowed exempt sales (problems with exemption certificates).

E. Expense purchases where tax wasn’t paid.

F. Capital purchases where tax wasn’t paid.


Making sales tax less taxing

Section 2: The Sales Tax Audit –Process and Procedure• Audit Methodology

– Direct Audit

• What qualifies as “adequate records?”

• Typical for non-cash businesses

• Test Period Consent

– Indirect or Estimated Audit Methodologies

• Records must be requested and deemed inadequate

• Observation Test

• Purchase Markup Test

• Cash to Credit Card Test

• Industry Indices Test (e.g., rent to sales ratio)

• Beware income tax issues!


Making sales tax less taxing

Section 2: The Sales Tax Audit –Process and Procedure• Concluding an Audit

– Audit Work Papers

– Overlapping Audit Policy

– Collecting Tax from Customers

– Presumption of Correctness and Burden of Proof Issues

– Penalties and Interest

– Closing Agreements

– Follow-Up Audits


Making sales tax less taxing


Section 3


Making sales tax less taxing

Section 3: Appealing an Adverse Assessment• Immediately Following the Audit

– The Use of FOIL

– Taxpayer Rights Advocate’s Office

– Review Consents to Extend the Period for Assessment

– Mailing Rules – assessment must follow certain procedures

• Timely and Proper Mailing

• Last Known Address

• Proof of Mailing


Making sales tax less taxing

Section 3: Appealing an Adverse Assessment• Informal Protest

– Courtesy Conferences

– Mediation

• Still working with the auditors

• Can be binding on the taxing authority

• Usually not binding on the taxpayer


Making sales tax less taxing


• If your company has gone through a sales tax audit,

which one of the following statements best describes

your experience?

A. The auditors were fair and reasonable and concluded the

audit in a timely manner.

B. The auditors were hyper aggressive and used a methodology

that artificially inflated the liability.

C.The rules and record keeping requirements are so onerous

it’s impossible for businesses to fully comply with the law.

D. I loved our sales tax audit and can’t wait for the next one!


Making sales tax less taxing

Section 3: Appealing an Adverse Assessment• Formal Protests

– Administrative Hearings

• Still within the taxing authority

• May or may not be binding on the taxing authority

• No longer working directly with the auditors

• Before an Administrative Law Judge

• Quasi Trial - Usually sworn testimony with transcript

• May provide for a further internal appeal


Making sales tax less taxing

Section 3: Appealing an Adverse Assessment• Formal Protests (con’t)

– State Court Proceeding

• Full legal procedures, rules of evidence, etc.

• May go right to appellate level court

• Costly and Time Consuming


Making sales tax less taxing

If you have further questions or if you need additional assistance, please

feel free to contact:

Thank You forAttending Today’s Seminar

Joseph N. Endres




Making sales tax less taxing

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• Processes billions of transactions annually

• Recommended by software application

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