sales management: 6 strategies to refocus complainers and improve team morale

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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This slide show shows how good Sales Management needs to focus on Complainers and deal with the issues directly, in order to improve team morale and increase job Satisfaction. Follow these 6 strategies to help Chronic Complainers be more positive!


Sales Management: 6 Steps to Refocus Complainers and Improve Morale

Complainers can negatively impact Team Performance…• …Complainers suck the

positive energy out of a team and morale can go down in a flash.

Here are 6 Strategies that You as the Manager should take:

• These will help you to refocus Chronic Complainers and improve morale

1. Let them Vent!

• Let them tell you everything that is wrong with the job.

• Write their complaints down on a Whiteboard.

• Ask to prioritize their issues.

• Let them know that you will work with them to resolve the problem to the best of your ability.

2. Create Task Forces....• Select the top 2-3 issues and create task forces

to address them.

• A Task Force should have 3-5 group members.

• Give the Complainer a Leadership Role.

• Brainstorm, and build a plan around the viable solutions.

• Present the viable solutions to your Executive team.

3. Communicate with Your Team

• Tell your team to bring their complaints and solutions to you.

• Show that you are willing to work with them to improve their job satisfaction.

4. Create a Solutions Board• Set up a White Board in the Team Area.

• Team Members can use the White Board to outline issues and their ideas for solutions.

• Meet your team once a week, at the White Board, for review.

• Create a plan or build Task Forces to solve new issues.

5. Seek HR Support to Build Morale

• Personal complaints need HR Support.

• Work with HR to develop with Team Building Exercises to rebuild morale.

• Set an example of respect and expect all team members to set the same example.

6. Hold a Team Appreciation Day• Get a Thank You Card for each Team Member.

• Have each person write a positive statement, about that person, on the associated Thank You Card. Team members should do this exercise for each of their colleagues.

• Team Members will see how much they are appreciated, once they receive their cards.

What if the Complainer is an Under-Performer?

• Take time to provide additional training and support.

• Have them outline areas where they need help.

• Good Sales Management means realizing that Complainers may need more attention.

• Their Complaints will decrease as their performance increases.

Bottom Line: • We‘re all in this together.

• If you don’t make your complainers wrong, and give them opportunities to find solutions, your complainers will feel valued and see fewer reasons to complain.

• Value your team and they will value you and the job!

• For the full article, see


About the Author• Alicia Assefa has over 25 years of Telebusiness and Sales Management


• Her experience at over 50 companies (including CA, Oracle Corporation, Informix Software, Granicus and Blaze Software, to name a few) has helped her to create a set of field tested best practices that massively ramp sales funnel and revenue.

• Alicia is the Chief Operating Officer at SOMAmetrics, a business consultancy practice that provides effective Inside Sales and Teleprospecting Services.

• If you would like to ask Alicia a question about Inside Sales or Teleprospecting email her or visit

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