sal tford hall 2001.pdfabtlon otnmunity ls/ii~iatiod issue no 36 feb200 1/mar200 1 sal tford hall...

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aBtlon otnmunity lS/Ii~iatioD

Issue No 36 FEB200 1/MAR200 1


Built in the 50's and 60's by all sectors of the community, this year sees the 40th anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone. The intervening years have been full and eventful reflecting the many and varied activities associated with what has become the centre of community life in the village. It is therefore appropriate that we should recognise this undoubted success story in a commemorative record to be published later this year. Whether you were present at the laying of the foundation stone or have the community since is no matter as as you let us know of something that has even last month, that you feel should be a record and we will

it due consideration. Send your offering telephone or post to: David Roberts at 46, Boyd Saltford, Bristol BS31 3AU (Tel: 01225 874081 ) or Richard Davies at "Y-Deri" High Street, 01225 872699)

Bristol BS31 3EJ (Tel:

IN THIS ISSUE *************

New for Pleasure Club Page 3

Parish Council News 12 13

Golf ub Morning February 5

St Mary's Church Book Sale 24th February 15

St Mary's Church Coffee Morning 9th February Page 19

Bridges Society 13th - 17th February Page 17 Son et Lumiere

Recorded Music Society 40th Anniversary

1st Page 3



Barber 37, High Street,


(entrance by Brew Shop)

CHIROPODIST State Registered

Mrs Kay Riddell D.Pod.M.

Saltford Medical Surgery appointments Tel: 01225 873245

Emergencies: 0117 955 6911

Member of The Society of Chiropodists

Bring your waddlers and loddlers 10 ..


PHOTOGRAPHER Roger M. Clark Impa

Keynsham tel: fall 0117 986 4855 Imaging Photo-restoration

Wedding, Portrait and Industrial

Weddings on CD


Independent family practitioner offering a personal service

Full range of NHS and Private Routine Examinations Free insurance on all new <:n&u~tsU'''I., ...

Also in Dyslexia. learning Difficulties, Migraine and Colour Vision Disorders

7. Bath Hill. KEYNSHAM Bristol BS31 1 EB Telephone 986 5066

Also at Hanham and Redfield

Day Nursery & Nursery school offering: separate baby unit full security qualified teaching & nursery nurse staff lunchtime afterschool facility

Please ring 01225 872088 for an appointment to discuss details

480. Bath Road, Saltford Bristol BS31 3DJ


Association & Other News - List of S.C.A. Contacts Hon SCA Mrs SHarrow 0117 986 6038 SCAN Distribution Stan Hamblin 01225 872389 SCAN Copy & Advertisements Richard Davies, 01225 872699

"Y-Ded" Street, Sallford Bristol BS31 3EJ SCAN Editor & Raymond Moore 01225 872080

A. & Section News

SAL TFORD RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY The will hold its next meeting on Thursday, 1 February, at 7.45 pm in the Avon Room, when a programme entitled "The Other Track" will be presented Mr Eric Meadley. New members and visitors will be very welcome.

Saltford Recorded Music Society celebrates its 40th Anniversary

On 9 February 1961 the Musical Appreciation al Sa It ford came into being. Minutes of that meeting record an attendance of 15 plus two SCA representatives. These and

minutes are very formal, make fascinating and provide an excellent reminder of life at thai lime. For example: "It was resolved that for the current season, members be invited to pay 51-and non-members attending the Society

be charged an admission of 1/-" met twice a month, the

musical programmes discussed and approved by the Committee. M iss Hester Harris is the member of the group, joined in 1963. She became in 1969 and acted in that capacity at various times until 1991. To mark its 40th anniversary, the descendent group The Saltford Recorded Music Society is an


Anniversary Evening on 1 March 2001 at 7.45 pm in The Avon Room at Saltford Hall. The selection of music that was used at the meeting on 23 February 1961 will be as wcll as other music relevant to that timescale. It will be an evening 10 nol only of musical nostalgia, but also reminiscences of life at that lime. New members and visilors will be very welcome.

LlGlITlNG OF THE CHR1ST~lAS TREE - THANKYOU We extend our thanks to all those who generously contributed to the collection. This came to a Iota I of £85.00 which has now been sent to the Keynsham Branch of the Bath & Wansdyke for the Blind.

SALTFORD PAINTING FOR PLEASURE CLUB This is a new club which will start in March al salt ford Hall and it aims al providing a where artists and wanna-bees can meet or learn 10 paint or draw in any media wish. If you can't paint or draw but would like to have a try. you will be very welcome. The pleasure will be from meeting. painting &. discussing a rewarding and relaxing hobby. The fee will be minimal and the fun will be The time will be 2 to 4.00pm on afternoons in the Kelston Room. For further information telephone 01225 873773 .... COnliflued on page 5



Ring David Meaking for more information: 01225 873876 or Mobile 0771420 9554

Rob Bishop

General Building, Roofing and Decorating

Free Estimates (Without Obligation)

30, Manor Road, SaJtford, Bristol BS31 3DN Tel: (01225) 874346 Mobile: 0498 666215

AGE Concern



3 ABBEY GREEN, BATH BAI IMW Tel: 01225 443279/466135

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or 0780 126 1646 (Mobile)

...... continued from page 3 SALTFORD SINGERS What joy it gave us to see so many at our concert "Sing for Joy" on the 8th & 9th December, also for the many kind words of appreciation. You did seem to have recognised an improvement in our abilities under our new conductor, Rosalyn Hodson, and liked the variety within her programme, including the piano solo's from Josephine Reece (So did we') Thank you for coming. Enjoyment too for our" other audience" , on 14th December, when we joined with the young ones from Saltford Primary School for the "Lighting of the Christmas Tn;c " in Salt ford Hall. The children's version of the "Twelve days of Christmas" was a joy to behold! Hopefully we can arrange a date when the whole school can be present next year . Our next Concert is on the 18th & 19th May and rehearsals are under way. We have three new prospective members, but there is still room for more, so come and join us. The bass line is growing nicely but we would like more tenors. Come and sit in during rehearsals on Tuesday nights in the Wansdyke Room at Salt ford Hall from 7.30pm to 9.3Opm. No charge, no commitment. After a few weeks, if you like the idea, you may care to join us. It is not expensive - less than £1.00 a week. We don't bite! You will be very welcome.

A NEW AGE E-Mail, computer and Internet

Just how they work I quite forget; I cannot fathom what they do

But, then, I'm old and ninety two. Oh, yes, I know it's up to me,

Perhaps I'll try when ninety three!

Sincerely, Roger HO'rYel/s



In aid of

Lime Grove School Bath for children with special needs

To be held at the Clubhouse on

Thursday 22nd February 200 I Doors open IO.OOam

Admission 50p includes coffee & Biscuits

Stalls include Home made cakes, Plant Stall, Books,

As new clothes & Tombola Plus many more

An Engaging Cou pie Jane and Joe had long been courting. In fact for over fifteen years, They were even childhood sweethearts But Jane, rightly, had her fears .

So, one day when they were walking, Shc said in quite a kindly way, "Isn't it time that we got married , We're gelling older every day?"

Joe stopped and gently stroked his head, (He wa n't one to make a fuss) , "It is" , he quietly replied, "But who on Earth would have us') "

Sincerely, Roger Hov.'el/s

****************** DON'T FORGET TO COME TO


l\>1ARCH AT 7.30pm ******************


Plumbing & Heating Corgi Registered Gas Installer

Registration No 95352

2, Montague Road, Saltford, Telephone: 07778 776568

Dr Paul Veale M.B.,Ch.B.,B.D.S.,L.D.S., R.C.S,

Dental Surgeon

1, Norman Road, Saltford Telephone 01225 872106

• Preventative Family Practice

• Hygienist in attendance

• All treatment available

• Orthodontics

This Practice continues to provide NHS dental Care

.JOUN (~HlJnB, nl~fORA'I'Olt

Professional Painter & Decorator Long Established Business

High standard of work

Reasonable Prices

Telephone 01225 873920 for a free quotation



Have your hair cut, blowdried, wet Gut, permed, highlighted,and finished In the comfort of your own home

Monday - Saturday 9,OOam - 6,OOpm Telephone: 01225 872421

(After 6,OOpm)

Est 1964 501, Bath Road, Saltrord Tel: 01225 872056

Plaiting and Bridal work specialists

+ Special rates for Students

+ Senior Citizens Discounts on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

+ Watch our blackboard for discounts and promotions

APPOINTMENIS NOT ALWAlS NECESSARY Easy parking outside the Salon

The Salon for ALL the famj~y


Painter and Decorator

Property Maintenance, UPVC Fascias. Soffits. Gutters. Oadding & Barge


For Free Estimate Please Telephone 01225872775 {Mobile 07971 9287031

REGULAR WEEKLY ACTIVITIES AT SALTFORD HALL Please nOle :- Dales , limes and venues may change - check with organiser if important.

Mondays 1.30pm Saltford Shon Mat Bowls Club Hall

2.00pm Line Dancing (Advanced class) Wansdyke

7.30pm Saltford Scrabble Club Kelston

7.30pm Saltford Drama Club Avon

8.00pm Saltford Badminton Club Hall

Tuesdays 9.30am Ladies Badminton Hall

(Some) 9 .30am Patchwork Somerset

(1 st & 3rd only) 7.00pm Saltford Parish Council Avon

7.00pm Slimming World Somerset

7.3Opm Avon Badminton Club Hall

7.30pm Saltford Singers Wansdyke

Wednesdays 9.00am Lace Group (Fortnightly) Somerset

9.30am Wed Morning Badminton Group Hall

1.30pm Saltford Shan Mat Bowls Club Hall

3.30pm Keyford Dancing School Somerset

7.30pm Saltford Young People's Club Wansdyke

7.3Opm Saltford Seq & Old T. Dance Club Hall

Thursdays 10.00am Fitness & Stretch (K. F.A.) Hall

(2nd & 4th Thurs only) 1.30pm Welfare Clinic Avon

Resumes 1/3/01 7.00pm ReeboklYoga Class Wansdyke

8.00pm Saltford Badminton Club Hall

Fridays (some) 1.30pm Saltford Shon Mat Bowls Club Hall

Fridays (some) 7.30pm Saltford Drama Club Avon/Hall

~e Wlsbbone fustaurant jfuUp Iicrmrb j9atb l\AJab, &altforb J}ristn[ "~31 3:1;la

David & Rosemary Turner M.H.C.I.M.A. Home Cooked Lunches Wed to Sun - 12.00 - 2.00pm Sp8cia/ Two Course Lunch Wed to Saturday - £5.50

Dinner Friday & Saturday Evening from 7.00pm Parties catered for

Full ~ la Carte Menu available Private Dinner Parties - Small Weddings - Anniversaries,

Birthdays and Retirements Catered for - 01225 873108 for reservations




Complete Property Services "Inside and Out"

* Painting & Decorating *Fencing/Repairs *Stone Walls

*General Building * Patios/Repairs

* Paths & Repairs *Gravel & Barked Areas

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*Water Features

Phone Chris for free Estimate on 01225 400163 or mobile 07760 390389

(City and Guilds A warded)

"THE BIRD IN HAND" ......................... Hieh Street. Salrtord. Bristol· Tel: (01225) 873335


EverY evening from 6.30 . 9.30pm Reservations not necessarY but tables can be reserved at 12pm & 7pm

Why not have a walk by the river. a ride on the cYcle track. maybe a eame of Petanque and then visit us for a delicious meal in our conservatorY or a tasty snack accompanied by superb ale or a elass of wine in the unique atmosphere of a 'real Enelish countrY' pub and the welcome that eoes with it? WE OPEN Mon · Thurs Ilam· 3pm 6.30· Ilpm

Fri & Sat Ilam ·3.30pm 6pm · Ilpm Sunday 12pm . 3.3OPm 6.30· 10.30pm



See notes at t.he top of the Weekly Activities Table

First Monday 7.30pm Saltford Photographic Club Wansdyke

Second Monday 7.30pm Saltford Quilters Somerset

Second Monday 7.30pm Saltford Painting Club Wansdyke

Third Monday (Feb only) 7 .30pm Saltford Photographic Club Wansdyke

Third Monday 9.30am Saltford T. Guild Craft Group Kelston

First Tuesday 9.30am Salt ford Ladies Gardening Group Avon

Second Tuesday 2.30pm Saltford Afternoon T. Guild Wansdyke

Second Tuesday 7.30pm Saltford Evening W.1. Avon

Third Tuesday 2.00pm Saltford Women's Institute Avon

Fourth Tuesday r-------.

2.00pm Saltford Floral Club Hall

Second Wednesday 9.00am Japanese Embroidery Wansdyke

Third Wednesday (Feb only) 2 .00pm Inner Wheel Club of Keynsham Wansdyke

First Thursday 7.45pm Saltford Recorded Music Society Avon

Second Thursday 9.45 am Salt ford Morning T. Guild Wansdyke

Second Friday 7.30pm Keynsham & Salt ford Wine Somerset Circle

First Saturday 7.30pm Saltford Seq . & D.T. Dance Club Hall

Fourth Saturday 2.30pm Historical Model Railway Society Wansdyke



Free pre-sales advice and unrivalled local knowledge

Contact: Stephen Morris

489, Bath Road, Saltford. Tel: 01225 872802 - Fax: 01225400401 also at 5, High Street, Keynsham

TEAM offices in Balh, Bristol, Chew Magna & Midsomer Norton

BOOKING SAL TFORD HAll All enquiries for booking Saltford Hall should be made using our

special telephone number which is 01225 874081


LITTLE GEMS PRE-SCHOOL (Formerly Corston Pre-School)

Children from 2 Y2 to 5 years accepted

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9.00am to 1.00pm

Places Available

Telephone for details and prospectus Beverly Mackreth - 01225 872410

(Mobile 07968 693663) Oualified teaching Staff

Member of the Pre-school Learning Alliance

LITTLE GEMS PRE-SCHOOL (Formerly Saltford St Mary,s Pre-School)

Children accepted from 2 % years to 5 years

Opening hours 9.15am to 12.15pm Monday to Friday

Taking Bookings for Sept 2001 Start

For further details ring Beverly on 01225 872410 (Mobile 07968 693663) Oualified teaching Staff


Selected Events in FEBRUARY 2001 The calendar highlights a selection of events taking place .. It should be noted that thes

are not all public meetings - please check with the organisers. Times given are booking times - events may start later & are not all open to the public

2nd Keynsham Talking Newspaper Slide Show & 6.00 pm Avon Party







21 st





Pre-school learning Alliance Training Course

Bath & N.E. Somerset Labour Association Meeting

Salt ford Painting Club Workshop

Keynsham Orchestra Concert

The Ramblers Association Mtg & Buffet Lunch

Saltford Painting Club Workshop

Pre-school learning Alliance Training Course

British Sugarcraft Guild

Bath Ouilters

Pre -school learning Alliance

Bath Guild of Embroiderers

St Mary's Church Coffee Morning etc.

Saltford Painting Club Workshop

S.C.A. Council Meeting

Wansdyke Labour Party Meeting

Historical Model Railway Society

Salt ford Painting Club Workshop


9 .15 am Kelston

7.30 pm Kelston

10.00 am Wansdyke

6 .00 pm Hall

9 .45 am Avon

10.00 am Wansdyke

9.15 am Kelston

7 .00 pm Wansdyke

9 .30 am Wansdyke

9 .00 am Kelston

10.00 am Wansdyke

9 .00 am Hall

10.00 am Wansdyke

7 .30 pm Avon

7.30 pm Somerset

2.00 pm Wansdyke

10.00 am Avon

SAL TFORD PARISH COUNCIL NEWS Clerk - Mrs M L M Sobey, 489, Bath Road, Saltford, Bristol BSJ} JBA Td: 400058 YOUTH ACTIVITY AREA, SALTFORD HALL The Parish Counci I has held a number of informal meetings with the ~ports Club, S. C.A., residents in the area and young people, to lonk again at all the possibile sites near Salt ford Hal l for a seating area and "kickabout " wall for young people. At the time of writing, discussions are still taking place, but a preferred site has been identified, behind the chi ldren's play area on Wedmore Road, hy the side of the Hall and Sports Cluh changing rooms. B&NES Council is being consulted to e5tablish whether planning permission would be required for these two items of equipment on land which is already used for recreation . SWEEPERfI lANDYPERSON Martin [ngs from Keynsham has recently started working for the Parish Council as its second sweeper/handyperson, working with Mervyn Thompson . The Parish Council now provides 28 hours of direct sweeping service in Saltford in addition to B&NES Council's vi~its by machine, usually weekly. By employing its own sweepers (mostly funded by B&NES council) particular problem spots can be dealt with more effectively. GRANTS The Parish Council agreed a number of grants at its December meeting . Salt ford Scouts heve been given a grant to repair the access to the Scout Headquarters in Chelwood Road. Saltford Community Association has had a grant towards the cost of enclosing the fire escape at Saltford Hall. The Saltford Brass Mill project also received a grant towards the cost of clearing up after the recent floods at the Brass Mill in The Shallows. PLANNING APPLICATIONS - VIEWING OF PLANS The Parish Council's Planning Committee usually meets on the 1st and third Tuesday of each month at 7.15 pm (Saltford Hall Avon Room) to consider its views on any planning applications received by B&NES Council's Development Control section. An agenda is placed on the main noticehoard outside the Post Office the previous Wednesday, setting out any plans received at that time. An arrangement has now been made with Salt ford Library, 50 that the Parish Council's copy of the applications are available there for any residents to have a look at them there until the library closes on the Saturday (I pm) hefore the meeting. [f you want to see any plans relating to Salt ford at any other time, please contact the Clcrk to check when they are available . A copy of the Parish Council's agendas and minutes are also available at Saltford Library . PARISH MEETING This year 's Parish Meeting will be held on Tuesday 3rd April at 6.30 pm in the Avon Room, Saltford Hall. This meeting is another opportunity for any Salt ford resident to comment on the work carried out by the Parish Council in the village and to put forward suggestions or ask questions on any matters relating to Saltford. Representatives of local organisations have also been invited to give a short report of their activities over the past year. PRECEPT 200112002 The Council Tal( hill issued by B&NES Council each year includes a precept - the amount requested by the Parish Council for its service!>. This will remain the same for this financial year starting April 2001, at £14.32 per household per year for a Band D dwelling. Madeleine Sobey. Clerk




The Green Box Collection is now a year old and B&NES have given Saltford residents a pat on the back as about 70% of households are now using their boxes - congratulations to everyone. Here are some Do's and Don'ts to increase the effectiveness of recycling and so help towards reducing the environmental impact and high cost of waste disposal. '*' Put the box out by 8.30am where it can easily be seen from the road. '*' Separate materials within the box so it is quicker for collectors to sort at the vehicle. The collection can take:

* '" '" '" * *

All types of paper ~cardboard, window envelopes, brown or wax~d paper. All glass bottles and jars but nQ other elass . All types of cans and tins - washed out and preferably crushed . Clothes, sheets, blankets, (shoes tied in pairs). Not pillows or quilts. Oil filters, sump oil (wrapped in plastic bags) and car batteries. Aluminium foil (washed and crushed).

5mBller boxes Bre BVBilBbie. ContBct the Action Line on 01225 394041 for Bny queries.

PHYSIOTHERAPY at Saltford Medical Practice

Back and neck pains? Sports Injuries? Joint "aches and pains"? Headaches?

Jo Gotley MCSP, SRP Chartered and State Registered Physiotherapist

Medical Insurance Approved Appointments - Telephone 01225 873245

The Weighbridge Newton 5t. Loe Telephone: 01225 872657

Letterheads Invoices Leaflets Posters

Business Cards Newsletters

(),"r=tf7~ Vl2r="

For all your printing requirements


Brochures Compliment Slips

Roger & Tricia would like to welcome you to

The Jolly Sailor Mead Lane Saltford BS31 3ER - Tel 01225 873002

Open Hours - Bar 11 .00am - 11 .00pm Mon - Sat & 12 noon - 1 0.30pm Sunday

A cosy bar with log fire. a non-smoking conservatory. full disabled facilities, riverside patio with new large parasols.

Varied selection of real ales, fine wines and freshly prepared home­cooked food served by friendly staff

The Floods have gone and we're here again!

2nd February 9th February 16th February

23rd February 2nd March 9th March 16th March 23rd March 30th March

14th February

22nd February 25th March

Dates for your diary

Accoustic Blues with Keith Davis Live Music - Alamo Leal Sue Clare & Vicky Moogridge -

Singer/Song Writers Cindy Stratton & Marius Frank Keyboard Blue Man - Daniel Smith Peppercorns Jim Ramsey Alan Karder with Thomas Wright

Bar Fools

Special Events

Valentine Night - Bookings being taken

Douggie's Quiz Night Mothering Sunday

- Bookings being taken



Affiliated Organisation News

SALTFORD EVANGELICAL CHURCH We would like to invite you to come along to our church. You would be very welcome at any of our regular meetings. Main Church Meetings Our Sunday Services start at II am and 6.30 pm . A Missionary Prayer Meeting is held on the second Monday of every month , starting at 8 p.m . Our Bible Study and Prayer Meeting is held on Thursdays at 8 p.m. Young People's meetings Junior church takes place on Sunday mornings from II am until 12. 15 pm. Mini Seekers (5's - 7's) and Seekers (7's - II's) meet at 6 .30 p.m. on Fridays during term time for crafts and activities, lots of games and fun, singing and a Bible story . After 8's (II +) meet at 8 p.m. on Fridays during term time for indoor activities, including snooker, table tennis, darts, football, netball and other games and a Bible based talk lasting approximately 20 minutes. Regular outdoor activities include: ice skating, Quasar, ten pin bowling and weekends away . (Contact Pete or Kate Baker for more details on: 01225 874938) A Teens Group (14+) meets on alternate Saturdays evenings in ~ople's homes to enjoy a wide range of social activities and Biblical discussions. Once a month we have a short discussion on a biblical view of contemporary issues , followed by refreshments and maybe games or a video ' Outdoor activities also take place once a month and include: Adventure Caving, Abseiling and weekends away. (Contact Pete or Kate Baker on 01225 874938)


Other meetings: Saltford Under 3's, for parents/carers and their tots, meet on Tuesday and Thursday mornings 9.30 - 11 .30 a.m. during term time. Our ladies meet together informally in houses every other Tuesday evening for a Bib le study. The proposed dates for the next two months are: 6 and 20 February and 6 and 20 March . If you would like to join us please contact Sue Barlow on 874707 for details, including venue. If you would like further information on any of the above please contact Mrs Debbie Parsons on 01225 872252 (Pastor: Rev Steve Barlow, 01225 873059 {Office}) ST MARY'S CHURCH SAL TFORD BOOK SALE Saltford's Annual Book Sale takes place in the Church Hall, High Street, Saltford on Saturday 24th February between 9.30 am and 5.00 pm . If you have any good quality books, C .d . ' s Tapes etc., that you are willing to donate , could you please deliver them to the Church Hall early evening on the 23rd February which is the Friday prior to the sale. This is Saltford's major fund raising event for one or two guud causes, usually in Africa or India . Once again the proceeds raised will be split between medical needs that St Mary's Church. Saltford has supported in the past but for the first time this year a portion of it will go ·to Sight Sa vers International. Sight Savers aims to treat and relieve the dreadful agony of Trachoma where the victim's eye lashes turn inwards and sc rape the eyeball , eventually causing blindness. This disease is eas ily treated and cost about £ I .20 per patient.

..... cont inued on page 17

AJ S ELECTRICAL Domestic, Commercial and Industrial

Electrical Installations Complete rewires

Extra points - Electric Showers Fire and Intruder Alarms - Electric Showers - Central Heating Repairs

Telephone NICEIC 01225872257 APPROVED

ID EAL FELT 49 . Manor Road.

ROOFING Saltford

All types of Roofing Work Undertaken

Over 25 years experience Highest standard of workmanship

TILES SLATES FELT Flat and Pitched 01225 872421

John Hudson The Photographer


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SERVICES Door & Window Co

• Doors - Windows - Conservatories. • Locksmith work and Security Advice.

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For a FREE estimate contact Steve Allan

Tel: 01225873733 Mobile: 07974 694601 Fa,,: 01225400900


The Specialists for *Showers

*Bathrooms *Tiles

* Fitted Bathroom Furniture

Showroom at 54, Redcliffe Street, Bristol, BS1 6LS Tel: 0117 929 9227

For expert advice contact your local representative

Sandra Wilton 01225 400171

· .. continued from page 15 KEYNSHAM ORCHESTRA On Saturday 10th February at 7.30 pm in Salt ford Hall Keynsham Orchestra presents an evening of popular cfassics. with music by Mendelssohn, Dvorak and Brahms. Kathrine Chappell is our guest soloist and will be playing the well known violin concerto by Max Bruch. Do come

and support your local orchestra and our talented soloist who comes from Weston-super-Mare. Tickets price £5.00, (£3.00 and £1.00 for

children, arc available at Drapery, from Orchestra

members or at the door.

The Bridges Society proudly present


at St John's Parish Church

Keynsham 13th - 17th February 200 1

at 8.00 pm

KEYNSHAM'S SOUND & never mind the weather

it's all indoors Tickets £4

from 0117 986 8544 or Stroud & Swindon

SAL TFORD MORNING TOWNSWOMENS' GUfLD December saw a relaxed Christmas meeting. After the conclusion of business


mince quiz was with much merriment. Carols and

followed and at the end each lady went home with

a small Christmas present from a lucky dip. On a cold morning the January

was very well attended to hear Mrs Fussell talk on her return to Romania in 2000. As well as bringing pictures of the improved conditions in the orphanage she first visited several years ago, she also gave a account of her travels in Romania. The speaker will be Mr Bob Parton and his subject the City of Wells. Visitors welcome in the Wansdyke Room

8th February at 9.45 am. Group which has become

a open to any ladies in the area who are interested in gardening. The

take place on the first Tuesday of the month at 9.30 am in the Wansdyke Room.

SALTFORD EVENING W.1. The December meeting was followed by our Christmas party when members and

enjoyed an American supper and entertainment by some of the Avon Belles Barber Shop Choir who delighted members with their appearance and singing. January 2001 was our 315t birthday meeting ... a more muted celcb~ation than we had last year for 30 successful years. Peter James of the RS.B.P. gave an illustrated and talk of "Birds in your Garden". Details were finalised for the trip to the ballet at Bristol Hippodrome an January 29th. A visit to Bristol Police Headquarters al Portishead is planned for 25th at 6.00 pm and

.... ..... continued on page 19

List of Organisations Affiliated to the S.C.A.

Keynsham M ethodist Church R G Street

Salt ford Evangelical Church

St Mary's Church

St Dunstan's Roman Catholic Church

Avon Badminton Club

Avon County Rowing Club

Christian Viewpoint

Hinton Close Day Care Centre

Inner Wheel Club of Keynsham

International Friendship League

Keynsham & District Ladies Circle

Keynsham & District Society for the Mentally Handicapped

Keynsham & District Round Table

Keynsham & District Tangent Club

British Sugarcraft Guild Keynsham & Salt ford Branch

Keynsham & Salt ford Gardeners Assosiation

Keynsham & District Labour Party

Keynsham & Saltford Wine Circle

Keynsham Light Opera Group

Keynsham Orchestra

Lions Club of Keynsham

National Auricula & Primula Society

Rotary Club of Keynsham

Rotary Club of Keynsham (Chew Valley)

Salt ford Badminton Club

Salt ford Conservative Association

Salt ford Fair Way Cricket Club

Salt ford Floral Club

Salt ford Golf Club

Salt ford Guides, Brownies & Rainbows

Salt ford Ladies Badminton Club (Wednesdays)

Salt ford Lawn Tennis Club

Salt ford Parish Council

Salt ford School PTA

1 st Salt ford Scout Group

Saltford Scrabble Club


Debbie Parsons

Rev G R W Hall

Father M Larkin

Fiona Crockett

R M C Leach

Mrs C Sayer

Mrs D Crouch

Mrs A Webb

R C Clark

Mrs J Kelly

J Hudson

N Hawkins

Mrs L Evans

Mrs H Lewis

Miss R Reed

G Hobbs

D S Bigwood

Mrs J Windmill

Mrs S Linfield

P Dando

P G Ward

R Webb

P Bishop

R G Street

R Stock

Ted MacKenzie

Mrs S Showering

The Secretary

Mrs A Barnes

Mrs C Lappin

Mrs Anne Smith

Mrs M Sobey

J Pine

Please Advise

Mrs F R Sheppard


01225 872252

01225 872275

0117 983 3930


01275 332465

01225 872745

01225 872714

01225 872228

01225 425897

01225 872239



01225 873296



01225 401975

0117 977 7328


01225 873917

01225 872893

01225 872228

01225 874089

01225 873516

01225 874038

0117 937 3807



01225 874032


0117 986 2845

01225 400058

01225 872185

01225 873773

Salt ford Club Social Section A Tanner 01225 872520

Saltford Branch Toc H Miss P Cheale 01225872528

Salt10rd Townswomen's Guild (Mornings) Mrs C Brooks 01225872440

Salt10rd Townswomen's Guild (Afternoons) Mrs M Hanson 01225 872176

Saltiord Under 3's Mrs D Parsons 01225 872252

Saltiord Walkers Don Hollister 011 7 986 1933

Saltiord Womens' Institute Mrs M Chambers 01225 872386

Saltford Evening Womens' Institute Ms Julie Selman 01225 873957

Saltford Young People's Club Mr & Mrs Coli 01225 400177

K & N E Somerset Twinning Association J Dunford 01225873231

list of Sectional Organisations of Saltford Community A88()Ciation

Saltiord Drama Club

Salt10rd Painting Club

Saltford "t. ....... \:1 ........ ~ Club

Saltiord Recorded Music Society

Saltiord Short Mat Bowls

Saltiord Singers

..... continued from page 17 the Annual Dinner is arranged for May 22nd. . this is fixed later than usual to take advantage of the lighter nights at this delightiul Next Meeting: 13th February at the Avon Room at Saltiord Hall at 7.30 pm. The speaker will be Mr Horler on -My life with Shire Horses" The sales table will be Home Produce. ST MARY'S CHURCH Pram Service This will be hed on Friday February 9th & March 9th at 11.00am in the church. Any pre-school children most welcome. Youth Young peoples group meet regularly at St Mary·s. Climbers and Scramblers (aged 3-n Explorers (aged 7-11) and Pathfinders (aged 11 -14) meet on the second, third and fourth Sundays from 9.30 a_m. until 10.40 a.m. in the Church Hall. CYFA (aged 14-18) meet at various times. Services You are welcome to come to any of our services. We meet at the following times:


Liz James 0117 986 3530

Mrs C Day 01225 872379

A Thompson 01225 873301

Patricia Guy 0117 986 5285

W Luker 01225 873994

Mrs J Davison 01225400951

First Sunday 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 9.30 a.m. Family Service 6.30 p.m. Evening Prayer Second Sunday 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 9.30 a.m. Family Communion 6.30 p.m. Evening Prayer (Lay Led) Third Sunday 9.30 a,m.Parish Communion 6.30 p.m. Evening Praise Fourth Sunday 9.30 a.m. Parish Communion COFFEE MORNING This will be at Saltford Hall on Monday 19th February from 1 O.OOam to 12 noon. Bring & buy stall including cakes. provisions. white elephant & raffle. Proceeds to Dorothy House. Do join us. BOOK SALE - 24th FEB SEE PAGE 1 5 If you would like further information on any of the above please contact the Rector, Rev. R.Hall on 872275


NOTICE ****** ***



Once again at the A.G.M . we shall be looking for people who are able to devote orne time to helping to run the Association, and in particular, Salt ford Hall. Do come along on Thursday 22nd March to find out whcre you could fit in! We need assistance from members of all ages, from those who cou ld help with practica l th ings to those who could serve on our committees.


If you are already an elected Council Member you should inform me be fore the meeting if you are avai lable and willing to stand for re-election . Tea and biscuits will be served at the conclusion of the AGM and about 20 minutes later the newly ekded Council of the Association will meet to clect standing committee members for the coming year.

C B Harrow Honorary Secretary SCA 14, Hardington Drive, Keynsham, Bristol, BSI8 IYA Tel : 01179866038


I. Minutes of the AGM 2000 2. Matters arising 3. Statement of Accounts to 31 January 2001 4. Annual Report on the A ssociation's Activity 5. Resignation of Council Members 6. Election of Officers 7. Election of members to the Council of the Association 8. Appointment of Auditors 9. Any Other Business


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