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Saint James the Great Anglican Church Smiths Station, Alabama

A Mission of the Anglican Province of America

Fr John Klein can be reached at (334) 663-2985 /

Newsletter #16 - September 21, 2017 - St. Matthew's Day

Saint James' Choir Edition

Traditional, orthodox Anglicanism – Catholic and Evangelical – for modern people.

Liturgical music at Saint James' Church is a joyful experience, work indeed, but filled with satisfaction that so small a congregation with a four-voice choir has been able, by God's grace, to do so much. Our choristers - Mary Elizabeth Wagnon, Carmen Mosley, Jessica Hughes, and Linda Wilkins Klein - really work well together. They are ably led by Alexey Trushechkin, our Russian pianist and choir director, who is studying piano performance at Columbus State University.

When Alexey is off on tour performing such pieces as Rachmaninoff's Second Piano Concerto in Moscow or California, or more recently and locally works for piano by Claude Debussy or Franz List, then we are so blessed to have Weilu Liu from China at the piano, leading liturgical singing.

Saint Paul wrote to the Ephesians 5:19 encouraging them to address "one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody

to the Lord with your heart," and again to the Colossians 3:16, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God." And, whether or not Saint Augustine of Hippo said, "He who sings prays twice," the saying is absolutely true. And that is what we are trying to do with music in our worship - honor, praise, and thank God for, as the Prayer Book says, "our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life; but above all, for thine inestimable love in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ." Our congregational singing focusses on Healey Willan's 1928 Missa de Sancta Maria Magdalena, which we do throughout the year simply omitting the Gloria (used in the Missal position after the Kyrie) during Advent and Lent. With an average attendance of twelve people this is remarkable indeed. We have continued the practice of singing Patrick Appleford's (b. 1924) Communion Hymn "Living Lord," lately alternating with St. Thomas Aquinas "Humbly I adore thee" Adoro Devote. The choir is working on a number of anthems or motets, most of which are unison settings, or very simple parts. Those we have sung in church are the first listed, after the line are those I have planned for the future. We always welcome those who would like to audition. Our choir is a Christian ministry for volunteers who want to learn to glorify God through "singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs." We are very proud of them. Fr. John Wm Klein

Our Anthems 1. Ave Verum Corpus by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. This piece was superb at the Christmas Midnight Mass. With its strongly incarnational and sacramental theme, it can be used at Epiphany, the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Transfiguration, and at any Eucharist 2. "O Rest in the Lord" from Felix Mendelssohn's [1809-1847] The Elijah. We used this piece during Lent. It was recommended by Rigney Cofield of Saint Stephen's Episcopal Church, Smiths Station. Our choir devoted much practice to it and it paid off with a beautiful presentation at the offertory.

3. "Oh, How Amiable are thy Dwellings" by Ralph Vaughan Williams [1870-1958]. This was by far the hardest piece we worked on, arguably the most beautiful as well. It was chosen to be used on many occasions at the Eucharist or Evensong. No doubt the Bishop's Annual Visitation would be another. 4. "I Vow to thee My Country" lyrics by Sir Cecil Spring Rice [British Ambassador to the United States 1914-1918] and music of Gustav Theodore Holst [1874-1934]. This is suitable for virtually all patriotic occasions and certainly for the burial of any veterans. Most of our congregation have ties to the U.S. Army. Of course, this anthem is a favorite of the Royal Family as well. 5. Panis Angelicus by Marc-Antoine Charpentier [1643-1704]. This is not the ever-popular setting by Cesar Frank, rather one seldom recorded, but perfect for us. We will use it at Mass, Eucharistic Adoration and Exposition, and just as a Communion Anthem. Our choir is currently working on this. 6. "Christians to the Paschal Victim" Victimae Paschali, plainsong sequence for Easter Day, Mode I, ascribed to WIPO of Burgundy, c. 1030, was sung at Easter by the priest alone, but members of our choir have sung it before. We shall next Easter as well. ________________________________________________ 7. Te Deum Laudamus or "We Praise thee O God" canticle for Morning Prayer with two Anglican Chants arranged in A/B/A pattern by [A] William Henry Monk [1823-1889] musical editor of Hymns Ancient and Modern / [B] William Croft [1678-1727] who succeeded John Blow as organist of Westminster Abbey / and [A] Monk again. This is the much-loved form of the Morning Prayer canticle universally employed in the 1940-60s. It is wonderful, versatile, and practical. We can use it when the priest is away and Colonel Bowman reads Morning Prayer as well as at occasions of Thanksgiving. This is essential for us! 8. "O Food of Men Wayfaring," Latin 1661 translated by Athelstan Riley, to the tune O Esca Viatorum by Louis Bourgeois, 1549. Most of our choristers and congregation have sung this before. We are singing this simple, beautiful motet in English using the arrangement in The Hymnal 1940, number 192. It also makes an excellent offertory anthem for use at the Eucharist at any time, and it will work well in Lent as well.

9. "God be in my head, And in mine understanding" from the Sarum Primer, 1558. We are singing this to Sir Sydney Nicholson's [1875-1947] wonderful tune Lytlington found in The Hymnal 1940 at number 466. Nicholson studied under Charles Villiers Stanford, was Warden of the Royal School of Church Music, organist of Manchester Cathedral, and later Westminster Abbey. This is about as English as one can get. It is a very brief and simple anthem but wonderful for Baptisms, Confirmations, and retreats or quiet days at church. In the sixteenth century it was used as a private devotion before the Daily Office - Morning or Evening Prayer. 10. "Day by Day," Saint Richard of Chichester's [1197-1253] prayer set to the music by Stephen Schwartz for the musical Godspell. We will be using it in the very familiar form but without the longer repeats. Well, I know, but the choir has to have some fun too. Besides everybody, even Continuing Anglicans, secretly like it. 11. Psalm 121 Levavi oculos to the beautiful Anglican Chant by Sir Henry Walford Davies [1869-1941], among other accolades he was organist of Saint George's Windsor and Master of the King's Music. This is a double chant with single higher voice on the first half of the first verse, and a lower voice on the first half of the second, the choir in full following both intonations. This psalm is used at funerals and on any number of other devotional or Eucharistic occasions. For a beautiful rendition by the Choir of Westminster Abbey see: Well these are our anthems and motets chosen for the widest possible usage and the greatest sing-ability by our non-professional but wonderful four-voice choir. There is always a compromise in choosing what is within our attainability, most beautiful, and capable of being used on multiple occasions. Paramount, however, is singing to the greater glory of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, throughout the liturgical year. Amen. JWK+

Some passages require thought and hard work. Alexey has largely reworked Mason Marten's arrangement of Charpentier's Panis

Angelicus. In our opinion it is much better.

In a small congregation everyone has habitual tasks to perform.

Linda Wilkins Klein puts up the numbers on the hymn board.

Cynthia Bowman is our altar flower arranger.

Father Klein was re-admitted to the Societas Sanctae Crucis On Holy Cross Day, September 14, 2017, at Belleville, Illinois

Fr. Arthur E. Woolley SSC (left) presented Fr. Klein SSC to the Master of the American Province, Fr Michael Godderz SSC. Fr Wooley had been nominated and presented by Fr. Klein thirteen years ago when they ministered together at Mount Calvary, Baltimore. Fr. Woolley has now returned the favor. Fr. Christopher Cantrell - a fellow peregrino to Santiago de Compostela - interceded on Fr. Klein's behalf. Thanks be to God.

SSC stands for Societas Sanctae Crucis - the Society of the Holy Cross. The Society was founded in London in 1855 by a small group of Anglo-Catholic priests led by Father Charles Lowder. At a time when the Catholic Revival in the Church of England was threatened by persecution and misunderstanding, these priests came together for support, mutual prayer and encouragement. Fr Lowder spelled out the objects of SSC: ‘To defend and strengthen the spiritual life of the clergy, to defend the faith of the Church, and to carry on and aid Mission work both at home and abroad. The members of this society, meeting together as they did in prayer and conference, were deeply impressed with the evils existing in the Church, and saw also, in the remedies adopted by St Vincent de Paul, the hope of lessening them.’ The Society has now spread throughout the world and is organized in autonomous Provinces under Provincial Masters elected by their Brethren. Within each Province are various Regions headed by Regional Vicars, and the work of the Society at local level is carried forward in Chapters led by their Local Vicars. Priests of the Society live under a common Rule and meet together in their local SSC Chapters every month or two for prayer, Mass and some kind of study or conversation. Presiding over the Society worldwide is a Master-General who has a special responsibility to ensure an on-going fidelity among the Brethren to the spirit of the Society. The Americas Province is the province in the Western Hemisphere, with the majority of its members living in the USA and Canada.

SSC is not a devotional guild, but takes its stance upon a shared vision of ‘a disciplined priestly life fashioned after a definite spiritual rule.’ It is this Rule of Life which unites the Brethren in their various priestly ministries and lives. They are required to ‘consider their obligation to the Society as a close spiritual bond...which takes precedence to that of any other voluntary society.’ This obligation includes a commitment to attend local SSC Chapter meetings and annual Regional and Provincial Synods. The life of the Society is experienced primarily through the local Chapter, and attendance at Chapter is of obligation unless prevented by genuine pastoral duties. The fortunes of the Society have waxed and waned since the early days of the Catholic Revival, but for its members it has always been an important source of priestly formation, discipline and fraternity. Many of the best-known and best-loved priests of our Anglo-Catholic tradition have been brethren of SSC. Priests of the Society can be recognized by the small gold lapel cross that they generally wear. On it is inscribed the motto of the Society - in hoc signo vinces - in this sign, conquer!

Master-General Fr. Nicolas Spicer SSC His webpage

Master of the Province of England and Scotland Fr. Nicolas Spicer SSC,

Master of the Province of Wales Fr. Tudor Hughes SSC,

Master of the Province of the Americas Fr. Michael Godderz SSC

Master of the Province of Australasia Fr. Stephen Salmon SSC

Webmaster Fr. Christopher Cantrell SSC

Father Klein’s Pilgrimage to the Holy Land January 31 – February 9, 2018

Time to sign-up is running out. Tell all your friends about this. Better yet,

come see Galilee and trace the footsteps of Jesus. Join me on a journey to

Jerusalem and the holy sights of our Lord’s ministry next year. If you have a

mom or dad who has always wanted to go to the Holy Land, give them this

gift. Perhaps friends who go on cruises every year, this is the best ever. I think

all Christians, if they can afford the time and treasure, owe it to themselves to

go on pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

The package price - including airfare on Delta Airlines, four star hotels,

breakfast and dinner daily, all entrance fees, a trained guide and Father

Klein as the spiritual director of the pilgrimage - is $2945.00 per person.

There will also be some airport taxes and gratuities to the driver. This is a

ten day religious pilgrimage in a traditional, orthodox Anglican manner. We

will pray Morning and Evening Prayer daily, celebrate the Eucharist at

major holy sites including the “Sermon on the Mount” site and the Garden

Tomb, and sing sacred hymns in the holiest settings. We will even carry a

wooden cross along the Via Dolorosa as we walk the Way of the Cross. Come

and see, see so many places that will enlighten your understanding of the

Bible and our Faith For the itinerary see:


You can find plenty of Ikons to purchase in Jerusalem's Old Market.

The Anglican Province of America has a wonderful web page with

much useful information such as the upcoming Anglican Joint Synod, which

is October 2-6 in Dunwoody, Georgia. See:


Eugene Wagnon, September 22nd

Victoria Elizabeth Thornburg, September 30th

The Departed:

We pray for Sandra Thornburg's mother, Marlene Branson Coats, who

departed this life on Tuesday, September 5th. Rest eternal grant to her,

O Lord + And may light perpetual shine upon her. Amen.


Wednesday Eucharist and Bible Study “Signs and Sayings” at 6:00 P.M

Sundays, Eucharist at 11:00 A.M. (EDT) followed by Coffee Hour-Adult

Class. We continue with Rod Dreher’s book The Benedict Option.

“Supper with the Saints” – will be on Friday evening soon to be

announced, after supper, which begins at 6:00 P.M. We will continue

to watch Mary of Nazareth, an epic film on the Mother of Christ,

eminently suitable for inviting guests.

Anglican Joint Synod, which is October 2-6 in Dunwoody, Georgia.




We are reading Rod Dreher’s new book: The Benedict Option. This is where

he goes to his Eastern Orthodox Church in Louisiana. This is Dreher's priest

Fr. Matthew. Notice the building and all the little children. Come join us every

Sunday at the coffee hour class following our 11:00 a.m. (ET) Eucharist; we

would love to have you do so.

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