saint edward’s & saint paul’s · 2020-02-02 · saint edward’s & saint paul’s up...

Post on 30-Mar-2020






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Saint Edward’s & Saint Paul’s Up Coming Events

Thursday, February 13th - 5 PM @ Saint Paul’s - Men’s Group

Saturday-Sunday February 15&16th - Guest Speaker– Deacon Greg Kandra Catholic Near East Welfare Association Second collection will be done

Tuesday, February 18th - 3:30 PM @ Saint Paul’s SVdP , Saint Rose of Lima Conference

Thursday, February 20th - 5 PM @ Saint Paul’s - Men’s Group

Sunday, February 23rd- 9 AM @ Saint Paul’s Religious Education Class

Wednesday, February 26th - 12:30 - 2 PM @ Saint Paul’s Release Time Religious Education

ASH WEDNESDAY MASSES 8:30 AM @ Saint Edward’s

6:15 PM @ Saint Paul’s

Thursday, February 27th - 5 PM @ Saint Paul’s - Men’s Group

Saturday, March 7th - 9 AM @ Saint Edward’s - Mary Group

Please Pray for our Confirmants

Taylor and Payton Week "Lord, bless and watch over Payton and Taylor as they prepare to receive the Holy Spirit. Guide them in heart and soul to learn your will. May they grow in each of the 'Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit'…Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Forti-tude, Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of the Lord. Amen.”

Please Prayer for our First Communicant

Brooklyn Ruyak

Saint Rose of Lima Conference

Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 18, 2020

3:30 PM @ Saint Paul’s

SECOND COLLECTION February 15th & 16th

As part of the Mission Cooperation Plan, Deacon Greg Kendra will speak

at all Masses on the weekend of February 15th &16th on behalf of the

Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA). The Catholic Near East Welfare Association is a

papal agency established in 1926 by Pope Pius XI, and dedicated to giving pastoral and humanitarian support to

Northeast Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and India.

Checks can be written to church and will be forwarded as one check to CNEWA.

PARKING @SAINT EDWARD”S The front driveway and parking lot

WILL NOT be PLOWED. The back and side paring lots will

continue to be maintained. This is a cost effectiveness measure for the church.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Catechetical Institute Day All are welcome and encouraged to join us for the Catechetical Institute Day that is being held on Saturday, February 22nd at St. Joseph's in Grand Rapids. Through a generous CREED grant we are able to bring Bill Keimig in to the diocese for this day of formation to learn more about how we can better utilize the Catechetical Institute in our parishes! Last year we became a partnering diocese with the CI, which allows us access to fantastic formation in the areas of catechesis, evangelization, youth ministry, RCIA, and more throughout the entire year. This day will be fruitful for those who are both working/volunteering in parishes, as well as those who are simply interested in learning more about their faith! There is no cost for participants, but we ask that you register at This event is sponsored by the diocesan Office of Catechesis.

Saint Vincent de Paul Poor Boxes are now installed in both churches.

Please consider a donation of change or use an envelope for a recorded donation.

Thank you for your donation. Parishioners of Saint Edward’s

and Saint Paul’s

Our Giving Envelopes are available for you to pick up at your convenience.

We did however miss a National Collection during this time, Collection

for the Church in Latin America. Please feel free to hand this envelope in at

anytime in the next few weeks. Thank you for your patience

in this matter. Deb Stock


Valentine’s Day

Lenten Retreat Opportunity Ox Herding: Living amidst Ambiguity with

Purpose and Peace. Father Edward Vebelun will enhance Benedictine

Spirituality for all with insights from Zen. The retreat is March 27 (Fri. 5:30 PM) - March 29 (Sun. 1:00 PM) at the Saint John’s Abbey Guest-house, Collegeville, MN. Cost: Single room, $195; double room, $170 per person, suite double, $190

per person. Meals are included. Please register at

lenten2020/ or call for more information and assistance: 320.363.3929

(Spiritual Life Office, Abbey Guesthouse).

MEN'S CONFERENCE Monday, February 17 is the priority date to register for

the Men of Faith conference for $30. Registrations received after February 17 will be $40.

Monday, February 24 is the deadline for on-line registration for the Men of Faith conference scheduled for next Saturday, February 29th at Marshall School in

Duluth. Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers will be the featured speaker. The registration fee is $40. A limited

number of walk-on registrations will be accepted.

WOMEN'S CONFERENCE The eighth annual Women of Faith Conference is scheduled March 28, 2020, at Marshall School in

Duluth. This year's theme is "Worthy," and the event will feature nationally acclaimed motivational speaker,

TV contributor, radio host, and life activist Deby Schlapprizzi.

Register On-Line -

Special Intentions of Pope Francis - February Dear Jesus, We pray that you and we would hear the

cries of migrants in every country throughout the world. May these cries of our migrant brothers and

sisters, victims of criminal trafficking, be heard, considered and never forgotten.

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