safety without (easa), the...

Post on 07-Aug-2020






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safety without limits




W W W . F L I G H T S A F E T Y . O R G

Aviation safety has no boundaries. The common goal: Make the entire system as

risk-resistant as possible.

Flight Safety Foundation (FSF) fosters the development of a global aviation community

in which strong safety leadership, bold risk management initiatives and robust

communication thrive. In such a community, free and open exchange of information

predominates — region to region; nation to nation; large operator to small operator;

top management to operations and operations to top management; competitor

to competitor.

Repetitive accidents, similar in nature, are unacceptable. The Foundation is determined

to make all accident-preventing, life-saving knowledge fully available to everyone,

everywhere, all the time.

Across the Industry, Around the World

Membership in Flight Safety Foundation

is your visible commitment to the

aviation community’s core value — a

strong, effective global safety culture.






: © C




W W W . F L I G H T S A F E T Y . O R G

Since its official founding in 1947, Flight Safety Foundation has been a catalyst for the

continuous improvement of aviation safety. Independent and nonprofit, the Foundation

provides a forum for the aviation industry to meet in a collaborative environment to

identify safety concerns, devise approaches to reduce risk and implement initiatives to

improve safety.

The FSF Board of Governors and its Executive Committee, aviation leaders from around

the world, reflects the Foundation’s global, impartial commitment to safety.

A dedicated staff at FSF headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia, U.S.A., provides the

technical, communications and administrative skills that are the organization’s


The Foundation has international presence, with a regional office in Melbourne, Victoria,

Australia, and with affiliate organizations in Russia, Nigeria, Japan, Greece and Taiwan.

Independence and Impartiality

Foundation members are part of a

worldwide, cooperative system that

creates a multiplier effect for their

individual safety practices.

W W W . F L I G H T S A F E T Y . O R G

Your membership in the

Flight Safety Foundation is a cost-effective

way to stay abreast of safety information

and best practices.

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Flight Safety Foundation’s publications, electronic media, seminars and workshops

propel safety information everywhere in the world where aircraft are flown. Its monthly

journal, AeroSafety World, as well as special reports and seminar proceedings, are

read by an ever-increasing worldwide audience. AeroSafety World articles, frequently

reprinted in crewmember magazines, are also read in a Chinese-translated edition. A

Spanish-language version is planned.

The FSF Web site, <>, exerts a strong multiplier effect. It provides

electronic access to FSF publications and member services, as well as linking to hundreds

of other relevant Web sites.

When safety is in the news, the Foundation offers a risk reduction perspective to

counterbalance political theater and litigious interests. Its voice is heard in legislative

hearings and noted in journalism.

Information at the Speed of Flight

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Flight Safety Foundation offers independent safety audits and internal evaluation

programs for airlines, corporate aircraft operators, airports and repair stations. Highly

qualified and experienced personnel conduct these safety services objectively, with

complete confidentiality.

Flight department audits are a well-established service. An FSF aviation safety audit

examines not only the technical side of an operation, but organizational and human

factors aspects as well.

The Foundation has earned worldwide respect that enables it to influence industry

standards. For example, the final report of the FSF Fatigue Countermeasures Task Force,

“Principles and Guidelines for Duty and Rest Scheduling in Corporate and Business

Aviation,” has formed a benchmark for many flight departments and is frequently cited

in aviation human factors literature.

Confidential Audits, Visible Influence

Membership in Flight Safety Foundation

is an investment with a tangible return

in safe, cost-effective flight operations.

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W W W . F L I G H T S A F E T Y . O R GW W W . F L I G H T S A F E T Y . O R G

International airlines, whose large jets span the vast distances between continents,

benefit from Flight Safety Foundation’s commitment to safety through better technology,

improved operational procedures and increased knowledge of human factors.

The FSF International Advisory Committee (IAC) raises issues that are pertinent to

long-haul operations and trans-border flights.

Many of these issues come to light at the FSF International Air Safety Seminar (IASS),

held annually in various locations around the world. The IASS is held in a joint meeting

with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the International Federation of

Airworthiness (IFA).

The Foundation and IATA produced a joint product, the Runway Excursion Risk Reduction

Toolkit, to make widely available the results of the FSF-led Runway Safety Initiative.

In addition to working with IATA and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO),

the Foundation sponsors meetings and workshops on such subjects as approach and

landing accident reduction, controlled flight into terrain, threat and error management,

and safety management systems.

Safety in the Long Run

Membership in Flight Safety

Foundation lowers international

operations risk while increasing safety

networking opportunities.

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Membership in the Foundation brings

risk mitigation benefits to all regions

and focuses attention where it is needed.

W W W . F L I G H T S A F E T Y . O R G

Aviation safety is worldwide. And aviation safety is local.

Flight Safety Foundation recognizes the regional differences within the global aviation

system — and understands that local issues, not just universal issues, must be addressed.

The Foundation has focused attention on the world’s less-developed regions, which

have identified their own issues. FSF International Air Safety Seminars have been held in

Cape Town, South Africa, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where regional concerns and issues

were shared. FSF safety workshops and meetings also have been held in Iceland, Jordan,

China, Russia, Libya and Taiwan. These meetings help deliver information about region-

specific safety needs.

The FSF European Advisory Committee, including members from all sectors of the industry

in that region, focuses on airline and corporate operations in Europe, establishes the

theme and selects the papers for the annual FSF European Aviation Safety Seminar

(EASS), presented with the European Regions Airline Association (ERA) and Eurocontrol.

Speaking Locally and Vocally

W W W . F L I G H T S A F E T Y . O R GW W W . F L I G H T S A F E T Y . O R G

As aviation assumes an ever-greater role in international business, corporate aviation

conducts flights as long — both in time and in distance — as international airlines.

The Corporate Flight Operational Quality Assurance (C-FOQA) program is designed to

provide corporate aircraft operators with the safety and economic benefits of flight

operational quality assurance (FOQA) already used extensively by airlines.

Since 1955, the Foundation has presented the annual FSF Corporate Aviation Safety

Seminar (CASS), which gathers specialists to share knowledge and insights of particular

concern to corporate operators. In recent years, the CASS has been co-presented with

the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA).

The Foundation’s activities and policies in this industry segment are guided by the FSF

Corporate Advisory Committee, comprising business-aviation leaders who identify

current safety problems and areas of concern.

Incorporating Aviation Safety

Membership in Flight Safety

Foundation guards against

compromised risk management

in periods of economic contraction.

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W W W . F L I G H T S A F E T Y . O R GW W W . F L I G H T S A F E T Y . O R G

Flight Safety Foundation is a powerful voice in global efforts to significantly reduce

accident rates.

Priorities are determined with guidance from the FSF Board of Governors, committees

and industry-wide task forces. The greatest efforts must go into reducing the types

of accidents that exact the greatest loss of life. Currently, these accidents include

controlled flight into terrain (CFIT), approach and landing, and loss of control — all of

which are influenced by human factors.

The Foundation’s CFIT Task Force has issued significant recommendations and distributed

important products, such as the FSF CFIT Checklist and the CFIT Education and Training Aid.

The Foundation’s Approach-and-landing Accident Reduction (ALAR) Task Force and Runway

Safety Initiative have distributed information through a variety of media.

The Foundation increasingly coordinates industry-wide safety strategies so that efforts are

not duplicated and key areas are not omitted. The Foundation is facilitating a broad initiative

to develop an integrated worldwide safety strategy involving the European Aviation Safety

Agency (EASA), the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and its members, the

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the U.K. Civil Aviation Authority and others.

The Foundation serves on the executive committee of the Commercial Aviation Safety Team

(CAST), which has developed a safety-improvement agenda as a result of an integrated effort

by both government and industry sectors of the U.S. aviation and air transport industries.

The world aviation industry created Flight Safety Foundation more than 60 years ago,

and the Foundation continues to create new opportunities to make flying safer for all

who travel through the skies.

Vision Into Advocacy

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Join the other 1,000-plus

members that currently support

the Foundation.

W W W . F L I G H T S A F E T Y . O R G

There is much more to do to continue the Foundation’s

tradition of quality research, auditing, education, advocacy and

publishing. Effective action requires long-term planning and

a secure financial base. You can help with a gift to the Flight

Safety Foundation Endowment Fund. Your investment today

is an investment in the future of aviation safety. For further

information, call Susan M. Lausch, director of development, at

+1 703.739.6700, ext. 112.




601 Madison Street, Suite 300 Alexandria, VA 22314-1756 USA

Tel.: +1 703.739.6700 Fax: +1 703.739.6708


Brochure Photography: © Chris Sorensen Design: Ann L. Mullikin/FSF

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