safe driving tips

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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When I think about safe driving I think about how I keep my emotions under control.

I am well aware that is much easier said than done.

This is especially true when you have drivers cutting you off, stress from family, school,

work, and every other thing that just likes to make your day more challenging.

With that said though the ability to drive safe is paramount.

With safe driving commuters can get into accidents that can cause severe damage or


With that said certain legal problems can be added to the number of things that you must take care of if you choose to not drive safe.

When driving in high volume traffic on the highway, it’s best to keep a safe following distance and beware of cars making quick

lane changes trying to get into the fast lane going 5mph.

So be careful, think and look before you lane change because once you cross the line

there is no going back.

One thing I have learned while driving is it only takes one inch or one split second to make the difference in everyone getting

home safe or someone getting carried on a stretcher.

That’s the reality of being on the highway whether you’re going 60mph or 5mph you should keep the same safe driving instincts.

Driving in a school zone can be a dangerous act if you’re not following the speed limit or

staying focused.

Not only can it cost you almost twice as much as a regular speeding ticket, but you could possibly run over an innocent young

kid trying to cross the road.

Then you won’t be as worried about being late to pick up your kid.

Also in school zones it is illegal to text or talk and drive.

The reason for this is that when you are focused on your phone you won’t be able to see that 3 foot tall kid bent over in your lane.

Construction zones can be a big hazard to you and the construction workers.

So the speed limit is at least 20 mph less in the construction zone for your own safety.

When going through a construction zone, beware of anything in the roadway or anything they could be entering the


The reason being is big equipment can be crossed, entering or blocking the road and

the last thing you want to do is run into something weighing ten or more tons more

than you.

With these tips driving safe shouldn’t being a worry for anyone.

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