safa & marwa islamic school volume 17, issue...

Post on 09-Apr-2018






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MISSISSAUGA – Ehsaan Mahmud Khan, Grade 7, won the Second Place in the 7

th annual Mathelatics


School Taking students to a new SciTech world, the Mississauga Chapter of Professional Engineers Ontario Saturday, Nov. 8, hosted its Mathletics Chal-lenge 2014 at Tomken Middle School in Missis-sauga.

More than 100 Grade 6-8 students from 10 different Peel schools participated in the contest.

It was the seventh annual Mathletics competition, which involved engineering questions requiring maths, science and problem-solving skills.

“It’s not an ordinary math competition,” said Lisa

Macumber, chair of Mis-sissauga Chapter PEO. “It’s also a problem-solving competition that explains a lot more about concept of engineering at the same time.”

Giving an example, Macumber said, “If a con-sultant needs to drill holes in an area for de-velopment to avoid con-tamination due to environ-mental reasons, here we will simplify as to how many holes he will have to drill to meet the standard.”

The objective of the event is to help students become familiar with engineering tasks and to create a pas-sion in the application of mathematics in solving daily life, scientific and en-gineering problems.

“It’s a great event to show-case engineering to the

students and encourage them to pursue their studies in maths and science,” said Brett Chmiel, chair of the Education Committee of Mississauga Chapter PEO.

He said overall interest of both boys and girls is very balanced and both equally participate in the competition every year and that students receive specialized studies in maths and science at an advance level. (from Mississauga

News by Nouman Khalil)

Mathletics Challenge takes students to new SciTech world

Dua’a of the Month

ن يا حسنة وفي ) رب نا آتنا في الد(اآلخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار

“Our Lord! Give us in

this world that which

is good and in the

Hereafter that which

is good, and save us

from the torment of

the Fire”

Green Standards Donation We would like to thank

Green Standards Dona-

tion for providing much

needed resources for our

school. Through their do-

nation program, we have

been able to receive many

items including desks, ta-

bles, chairs, cupboards,

whiteboards, and fridges.

These items will help fa-

cilitate a better learning

environment for our stu-

dents and staff.

Safa & Marwa Islamic School

Inside this issue:

Protecting Yourself From Cold



Spelling Bee 2

Basketball Tournament 3

International Day 3

Gr. 8 to Gr. 9 What to Expect! 3

Volume 17, Issue 3

January—February 2015

Safa & Marwa Islamic School 5550 McAdam Road, Mississauga, ON L4Z 1P1, Telephone: (905) 566-8533

Hadeeth of the Month

قال رسول اهلل صلى اهلل عليه وسلم اتقوا النار ولو بشق تمرة فمن لم "

( ( متفق عليه ) ) " يجد فبكلمة طيبة"Messenger of Allah

PBUH said, "Guard

yourselves against the

Fire (of Hell) even if it

be only with half a date-

fruit (given in charity);

and if you cannot afford

even that, you should at

least say a good word."

Safa & Marwa Islamic School will be hold-

ing an Open House on Friday, January

30, 2015 between 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm.

Please come register for the 2015/2016

School Year and meet the staff.

Spread the word!

To reduce the risk and protect yourself

from extreme cold conditions, Health

Canada advises:

Wear appropriate clothing. Choose

clothes that are appropriate for the

weather; dress in layers with a wind-

resistant outer layer; choose warm

socks, gloves, hat and a scarf; and

change into dry clothing as soon as

possible if clothes get wet.

Use sunglasses, lip balm and sun-

screen on sunny days. Wear

a facemask and goggles if you are ski-

ing, snowmobiling or skating to protect

from frostbite and windburn and keep

moving to keep blood flowing.

Find shelter. If there

aren't any buildings

around, look for a small

cave, a ditch, a hollow

tree or a vehicle to re-

duce the chance of

frostbite or hypothermia.

If you're active outside

on your feet or bike,

there are ways to make sure you stay

as warm as possible.

Exercising/running. You want to keep

warm but without sweating as sweat in

your clothes can lead to a chill. It is

advisable to dress like it is a few de-

grees warmer. So your run will start out

cold, but your body will surely heat up

due to the physical exertion. Wearing

easily removable layers and jackets with

front zippers will allow cooling off or bun-

dling up as needed.

Cycling. Chilling winds and icy condi-

tions can make winter cycling more dan-

gerous. So, before heading out, make

sure your bicycle is in perfect working condi-

tion. Don’t forget your lights, reflective gear

and bell. Protect your face and skin by cov-

ering up as much as possible. Like runners,

remember that your body will produce its

own heat so take that into account.

Mr. Haris Mallick

against a grade level

higher or lower. A list

of words was pro-

vided for the students

to practice from; If

three winners were

not selected from this

students would be

asked to spell words from an unseen list.

For many grades it was an intense compe-

On December 15th students from

grades 1 to 8 participated in an

exciting spelling bee competence.

Students had an enjoyable compe-

tition which they academically

benefited from, and it was a very

successful experience for them as

well. To start off, five students from

each grade were chosen to compete

tition, but in the end three winners were se-

lected from each competition round. Grades 1

and 2 competed, 3 and 4 were against each

other , five and six and last but not least the

seventh and eighth grade classes competed.

Everyone had an enjoyable fun experience

and even those who weren't participating

learned something from this.

~Kashf Jawaid Gr8

Page 2

Friends of the Masjid club.

Spelling bee

SAM Newsletter followed the activities of the

Friends of the Masjid club. Currently, the 8th grad-

ers are in charge of keeping everything in order in

the masjid. This includes organizing the rows during

Salah time and ensuring that the Quran and the

books are neatly aligned on the shelves. In addition,

they organize the shoes outside the Mussalah. The

most critical contribution that the 8th graders make to

the Masjid is grabbing the attention of the younger

students and helping them focus on the Khutbah

and/or Halaqah. We appreciate the hard work that

the 8th graders have put forth, keep up the great


Volume 17, Issue 3

Islamic M


Protecting yourself during the frigid weather

Education is a shared

commitment between

dedicated teachers,

motivated students and enthusiastic parents with

high expectations.

A Good Neighbor

For your neighbors, lend a hand

Show them that you understand

They have rights we must protect

Show them kindness and respect

For your neighbors try to care

When they're troubled, help repair

Lend an ear and listen too

If they're worried, help them through

For your neighbors give a smile

Spend time with them for a while

Look after your neighbor's needs

And Allah will reward your deeds

Safa & Marwa Islamic School

Wednesday December 17th , and

Thursday 18th 2014 was a very im-

portant and exciting day for the

SAM basketball teams in the winter

basketball tournament that took

place at As-Sadiq Islamic School in

Vaughan, ON.

SAM girl’s grade 7 & 8 basketball

team played remarkably well , win-

ning their first three games against

ISNA, Olive Groove and Al Falah

Islamic schools! They were so close

to first place, tied against the other

two leading teams but unfortu-

nately, there weren’t enough play-

ers available and the girls ran out of

fuel to keep going.

SAM Boys grade 6, 7 &

8 played amazingly well

and did their best, work-

ing just as hard!

SAM teams tried their

best and even if they

didn’t win the amount of time and

effort these hardworking players put

into attending and working hard at all

practices makes them all winners!

One outstanding player we would like

to call out is one of the dedicated

players on the girl’s team, playing six

games in a row without being subbed

out even once we would like to ap-

preciate the amazing efforts of

Kashf Jawaid the MVP of the tour-

nament!. Overall the basketball

tournament was a very exciting and

successful event, good job every-


~Maheen Raja & Sidra Ahsan Gr. 8

Page 3

International Day

Basketball Tournament!

Grade 8 to Grade 9, What to Expect!!

clothing to share and teach all

of their guests about their

country. It was a very exciting

and fun day for everyone.

While still having fun, students and

parents learned a lot of new things. It

was a fun, enjoyable and educational

way to spend the day. International

day was very successful and fun.

~Reem Mustafa Gr8

On December fifth all the classes

came together to celebrate different

cultures from all around the world.

Each classroom was set up to re-

semble a specific country. Students

with the help of the teacher while

students and parents are free to

visit and learn about different parts

of the world. Students brought food,

decorations and wore traditional

Dear Grade 8 students!

As a current grade 9 student, I am writing

this open letter to advise you about the

academic changes you will experience in

high school. Firstly, I want to stress that

you will have to work much harder than

grade 8. If you continue to work at the

same pace you did in grade 8, your mark

will fall by 15-20%! The high school

evaluation system is far more compre-


There are several tests so I suggest you

maintain good notes to perform well.

Look over your work and make sure you

edit everything before you hand it in.

The exam is a huge test that is com-

pleted at the end of the term and a mini-

mum of 2 hours is spent on completing

them. The exam is worth 30% of your

final mark. I suggest keeping all your

assignments, which is a good way to

study for your exams.

Also, the classes are much longer! 75 min-


The most important aspect about high

school is that you keep calm because at

times it may seem that everything is going

horribly wrong but it is not as bad as it

seems, so remember to have fun!


~Mowlid Kulmiye Gr.9

5550 McAdam Road,

Mississauga, ON L4Z 1P1

Dear Readers, Assalam Alekum,

We received many answers for the last question, and Alhamdullah, all was correct. A draw has been applied to the answers and the winner for the month of December question was Khudija Saleem, grade 4A. The prize is a free compo meal of chicken or pizza of her choice.

Now, it’s the time for the next win-ner, whoever wants to participate, can send the answer to the following email address

A random draw will be applied to the correct answers to choose the win-ner. The winner’s name will be pub-lished in the next newsletter issue,

and a symbolic present will be given to him/her. There will be one winner

every month.

Good luck in advance!!

Question of the Month

Phone: 905-566-8533


From the Parent’s Handbook

At Safa & Marwa Islamic School, our commit-

ment to providing an exceptional education

experience is built into everything we do –

from our exceptional curriculum to the

unique opportunities we provide to our stu-

dents. We offer a great blend of academic ex-

cellence, creative expression and athletic

achievement with opportunities for leader-

ship and community engagement both inside

and outside the class-



The true sign of intelligence is not

knowledge but imagination

Albert Einstein

The winner of the month

What are the characteristics of

Ibadurrahman (servants of Al-

lah ) and in which surah was

mentioned ?

Upcoming Events

PD Day for Elementary and Kinder-garten

January 19 no school for only Elementary and Kindergarten

Volleyball Tryouts

January 20-23

Open House January 30

Turn Around day for High School

January 30 no School for only the High School

Arabic Spell-ing Bee

February 12

Family Day February 16 no school for all

If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t under-

stand it well enough

Albert Einstein

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