sacred heart girls’ college...“the feast of the sacred heart reminds us that god author unknown...

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Sacred Heart Girls’ College Newsletter

1 July 2019 No. 360

“The Feast of the Sacred Heart reminds us that God loved us first: He is always waiting for us, welcoming us into His heart, into His love.” Pope Francis

Your Love

Bless us with Love, O Merciful God;

That we may Love as you Love!

That we may show patience, tolerance,

Kindness, caring and love to all!

Give me knowledge; O giver of Knowledge,

That I may be one with my Universe and Mother


O Compassionate One, grant compassion unto us;

That we may help all fellow souls in need!

Bless us with your Love O God.

Bless us with your Love.

Author Unknown

Term Dates for 2019

TERM 1: Friday, 1 February – Friday, 5 April

TERM 3: Tuesday, 16 July – Friday, 20 September

TERM 2: Tuesday, 23 April – Friday, 28 June

TERM 4: Monday, 7 October – Thursday, 5 December

The Weeks Ahead Monday 15 July

Term 3 Commences Staff Professional Learning Day – NO CLASSES

Monday 22 July

Year 10 Careers Interviews

Tuesday 16 July

Classes Commence Year 10 Careers Interviews

Tuesday 23 July

Year 10 Careers Interviews Parent VCE Information Evening

Wednesday 17 July

Year 10 Careers Interviews

Wednesday 24 July

Years 9 to 11 Ski Camp Year 10 Careers Interviews

Thursday 18 July

Year 10 Careers Interviews

Thursday 25 July

Years 9 to 11 Ski Camp Music Camp SCSA AFL Year 10 Careers Interviews

Friday 19 July

Year 10 Careers Interviews

Friday 26 July

Years 9 to 11 Ski Camp Music Camp

Saturday 20 July


Saturday 27 July

Music Camp

Sunday 21 July


Sunday 28 July


continued Monday 29 July


Friday 2 August

Year 10 Dance Lesson #2

Tuesday 30 July

SCSA Volleyball SEGAP Intermediate Netball and Volleyball

Saturday 3 August


Wednesday 31 July

Year 10 Immunisations SEGAP Junior Netball and Volleyball

Sunday 4 August


Thursday 1 August

Open Morning House Netball Competition

In this Issue >

Message from The Principal

Deputy Principal – Wellbeing

Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching

Mission and Ministry Team

Student Exchange in Italy

Year 7 News

Year 8 News

Humanities News

Bridge Building Competition

Mountains to the Sea



Alumnae and Archives

Year 12 Retreat

Principal On the last day of term the College community celebrates the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the College patronal feast day. The devotion to the Sacred Heart was promoted by St Margaret Mary Alacoque and St Claude La Colombiére from the mid 1670’s. It was a special devotion for Euphrasie Barbier who took the name of Marie du Coeur de Jesus (Mother Mary of the Heart of Jesus). A name that is significant in the life of the Congregation of Our Lady of Missions as the Sisters named many of their schools around the world, Sacred Heart. This Sacred Heart Day we again reflect on the compassionate love of God through Jesus who offers us a way of life centred on love. A reflection from Sister Monica Kavanagh rsj captures the essence of this feast: Once again this year we look forward to welcoming students and teachers from Sacred Heart College Sorrento, Western Australia and Sacred Heart Girls’ College, Hamilton New Zealand. We welcome

On this day, we celebrate God’s creative love bursting forth into the heart of creation, into the heart

of humanity. It is a day to reflect on the boundless love that God has for each person. In essence

it speaks of the great tenderness of a God who stoops down and lifts us up when life is filled with

challenges and suffering. God’s love reaches out to us, invites us, and draws us into the very

heart of God where our lives are transformed into being the hands and feet, the gentle voice and

the listening ear of Christ in the world today.

In essence the feast of the Sacred Heart is about celebrating the goodness, kindness and

compassion that was at the heart of Jesus’ ministry. A way to celebrate this feast would be for us

to give recognition to the many acts of random kindness and goodness that we see around us

each day. For it is in the daily activities of life that people continue to give witness to the

compassionate face and heart of God. Compassion calls us to be a beloved Christ-like presence

in our world today.

Sacred Heart College, Sorrento Imogen Trewhella, Head Girl Luke Giglia Smith, Head Boy Saoirse Byrne, Social Justice Captain Jasmine Gal, Faith and Liturgy Captain Sienna Bilchuris, Wellbeing and Inclusion Captain Mr Adrian Goh, Year 12 Dean Ms Nicole Dodgson, Religious Education Teacher

Sacred Heart Girls’ College, Hamilton, New Zealand Beth Raapiri Caitlin Te Pula Nani Soon Ms Catherine Gunn Principal Ms Daisy Morris Director of Religious Education

As well as the Eucharistic celebration, the House Arts Festival and the Dulangan Menubo Walkathon, the McBride Centre will be blessed by Sister Marie Thérèse Ryder RNDM, Province Leader. Sister Marie Thérèse will be visiting from Perth for this special celebration. The Physical Education and Health facilities on the corner of Earlstown and Kangaroo Roads are named after Sister Maureen McBride RNDM. Sister Maureen was the previous Congregational Leader of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions who died suddenly two and a half years ago near the Sisters’ Retreat Centre in Saint-Rambert-en-Bugey, France.

Recently, one of her school friends in New Zealand heard that we were planning to name this centre after Sr Maureen and she wrote the following tribute:

Sister Marie Thérèse in her greetings to the College for Sacred Heart Day expressed:

I would like to take this opportunity to say what a fantastic teammate Maureen was. Maureen played all sports that were provided for us when we were at Sacred Heart. Maureen excelled at all sports, winning most of the events she participated in. She always supported and encouraged us to play our best and enjoy our sport. We had several happy years playing sport with our friend and classmate Maureen McBride. Vale Sister Maureen. May you now rest in peace.

Dear Chris, Staff and Students, As you gather to celebrate this feast of the Sacred Heart, I thank God for the many and diverse ways in which you give expression in the College to this wonderous love of Christ for all – especially for those on the ‘edges’ in our world; and for the way students are challenged to develop and use their gifts to make our world, our country, a better place. Both Euphrasie Barbier and Maureen McBride were two women, gifted by God in different ways, who were called to cross boundaries where differences divided and be missionaries of communion ... and this is what I pray for today for us all… Blessings to each of you, Marie Thérèse Ryder RNDM

Thanks to our wonderful Year 8 students who hosted clients and their support workers from Calvary Care for morning tea on Thursday, 20 June 2019. I received this very appreciative letter from Gayle Alexander, Director of Mission at Calvary Aged and Community Care Services. And a lovely reflection from one of the Calvary Care clients

Dear Chris

Re: SHGC High Tea 2019

Thank you for another truly special experience at Sacred Heart Girls’ College yesterday!

It was a privilege to again witness the maturity and confidence of your Year 8 Students! The Clients and Support Workers were all delighted and impressed by the level of organisation that went into this wonderful event and thoroughly enjoyed the companionship and entertainment provided by the girls. It was lovely to listen to the engaging conversations between students, clients and support workers and experience the genuine interest in those connections.

What an amazing day!

Special thanks again for your wonderful support, the engagement of your leadership team, the Year 8 teachers, the Food Tech Team and the commitment of so many “behind the scenes” who contributed to the success and enjoyment of a most memorable day for all who were present!

Dear Principal Many thanks re giving me the opportunity via Calvary Care to visit Sacred Heart Girls’ College on June, 20th. I thoroughly enjoyed my time spent with Claudia, Alana, Alessandra, Tayla, Amelie, Aalia and Giulia. I hope each one reaches her ambitions re her school years at the lovely Sacred Heart Girls’ College! The food was delicious, and the entertainment was great! I even remembered “Over the Rainbow” and the songs from “Sound of Music”! Again, thank you for a lovely experience.

Congratulations to our Year 10 students who have recently completed their Work Experience Program. This program provides the students with the opportunity to be in work environments that interest them as possible career pathways. How pleasing it is to receive reports from their supervisors in their work places that reflect the quality of the young women of Sacred Heart. Thanks to our Year 10s for being such excellent representatives of the College

Congratulations to Stuart Fisher (Instrumental Music – Guitar) and his wife Shelley on the birth of their baby boy Theodore. A warm Sacred Heart welcome to Theodore.

Every blessing for a safe and relaxing term break. Christopher Dalton Principal “Dear young people, I would like to tell each one of you: God loves you; never doubt it, whatever happens to you in life, under any circumstances, you are infinitely loved.” PopeFrancis@Pontifex, 21 June 2019

It has been an absolute pleasure having the girls here with us this week. We moved into our new office in April and haven’t had time to do a lot of the administrative things that can quickly accumulate, and the girls have been a massive help in getting some of these things done. Nothing has been too much to ask of them and they haven’t said no to anything at all – always willing to help. Also, Eden baked brownies for us!!!!

I wanted to drop you a short note to let you know that it has been a delight having Georgie in with us in the office this week. She has been conscientious, enthusiastic, polite and eager to learn. It is evident that she is a bright student with a promising future ahead. She has been a wonderful ambassador for your school, and I thought that it was important to be recognised.

I just wanted to reach out and let you know what a delight it was to have Maria join us. Across the week she worked in various departments and approached each opportunity provided to her with contagious enthusiasm. Maria proved herself to be a diligent worker and showed personal initiative in making the most of her experience by not only observing but asking questions of those around her. She exuded a mature confidence which we rarely see in high school students, and everyone she came across commented on her cheerful nature. I have no doubt Maria has a bright future ahead of her, in whatever field she chooses. If you could please pass my comments on to her teachers and coordinators, as I’d love for her to get the recognition she deserves.

Deputy Principal – Wellbeing The Term 2 break is a wonderful opportunity for students to ‘recharge’, enjoy time with family and socialise with friends. As students mature, the social activities are more likely to be away from home. With this in mind, the following information is provided to assist students and families with ideas for safe partying; building upon the previous newsletter item regarding travelling safely on public transport. Please read through the tips from the Better Health Channel and consider those that are relevant to your daughter’s social patterns and level of maturity. There are some practical ideas that you may wish to incorporate into conversations with your daughters. Please also have a look at this site for more information on safe partying: tips for teenagers and practical resource…..

Safe partying for guests at a home party

If you’ve been invited to a party at someone’s home, safety suggestions include:

Don’t advertise the party via SMS or social media. You risk gate-crashers and violent situations.

Arrange for your parents to drive you to the party and pick you up at a designated time.

Give your parents the host’s phone numbers.

Take soft drink, not alcohol.

Don’t keep quiet and allow unsafe behaviour. If you are concerned at all, speak to the host, the host’s parents or the designated ‘responsible adults’.

Safe partying at home

If you are throwing a party at home, safety suggestions include:

Register your party with your local police at least one week in advance.

Insist that the party is ‘invitation only’ to reduce the risk of gate-crashers. Ask your guests not to spread the word to others via SMS or the internet.

Indicate clearly on the invitation whether the party is ‘alcohol free’ or if alcohol is provided or is BYO. Say whether cigarette smoking is permitted. State firmly that illegal drugs are not welcome.

Invite parents of party guests to call beforehand for more information.

Ask parents of guests to provide transport to and from the party.

Secure all valuables on your property.

Make sure you have responsible adults on hand to monitor the party.

Make sure that you, as the host (and your parents, carers or other responsible adults), remain sober so you can deal with any problems quickly and safely.

Consider hiring a security guard – it may seem extreme, but it could give you (and your guests) additional peace of mind.

Serve plenty of food. Guests are more likely to get drunk on an empty stomach. Avoid salty foods, which may encourage guests to drink.

Serve plenty of water and soft drinks.

Be vigilant if you have a swimming pool – intoxicated guests may fall in.

Turn the music down after midnight.

Have a plan of action if a guest becomes drunk or ill. This might involve arranging for them to get home safely, or calling 000 if they’re seriously ill.

Ask gate-crashers to leave immediately or threaten that the police will be called. Follow through with your threats.

Call the police if you feel that a situation is beyond your control. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate students on their hard work this semester and hope that they are proud of their individual growth and achievements along the way. It has been a semester with many community events – House Swimming Carnival, House Athletics Carnival, House Cross Country, sports, performing arts, Sacred Heart Day and much, much more. The more we involve ourselves and take on challenges that make us grow, the more connected and strengthened we become as individuals and a community. I hope everyone enjoys time with family and friends, time on their own and come back in semester 2 ready to challenge themselves again Carmel Feeney Deputy Principal – Student Wellbeing

Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching

2020 Subject Selection is Upon Us As Term 2 draws to a close, I would like to draw subject selection process to the attention of all Year 8 to 11 parents. One of the foci of Term 3 for all current students in Years 11 to 8 is subject selection and pathways planning for 2020. This process provides a valuable opportunity for discussions with your daughter regarding her goals for the future and encouraging reflection upon her interests and academic strengths. A summary of the timeline accompanies this article, but all parents and students will be able to access and download the relevant 2020 Subject Selection Handbook from PAM in the first week of next term after 16 July. Within these handbooks, parents will be able to find an overview of the content and structure of learning program at each year level as well as detailed information regarding the subjects available for students. I would strongly encourage parents and daughters alike to familiarise and discuss the options available to our students in 2020. In the first week of Term 3, all Year 8 to 11 students will be attending a Subject Selection forum, conducted by myself, to support and clarify the contents of these handbooks. Current Year 10 parents will receive an invitation via Care Monkey to attend the VCE Information Evening and Subject Expo (Tuesday, 23 July), as well the VCE Transition Interviews (Wednesday, 7 August) at the beginning of the term. Both of these events are an integral part of the College’s transition to VCE program and we would expect all Year 10 students with their parents to attend both of these events. More detail will be included in the invitation but please keep these dates free. Year 11 students and parents are also welcome to attend the Subject Expo on Tuesday, 23 July from 8:00–8:30pm in Kendell Hall if they would like to discuss subject options with a Learning Leader. Please feel free to contact the Careers Co-ordinator, individual Learning Leaders or myself if you have any specific questions or concerns regarding the next stage in your daughter’s schooling.

Week Beginning Tuesday, 16 July

Subject Selection Handbooks available SIMON/PAM Year 11, 2020 Careers Interviews begin Year 9, 2020 Subject Selection Briefing

Wednesday, 17 July Year 11, 2020 Subject Selection Student Assembly

Thursday, 18 July Year 10, 2020 Subject Selection Student Assembly

Friday, 19 July Year 12, 2020 Subject Selection Student Briefing

Tuesday, 23 July Year 11, 2020 Careers Interviews conclude

Tuesday, 23 July (evening)

Year 11, 2020 Subject Selection Parent Information Night & Subject Expo

Tuesday, 29 July VCE Year 9, 2020 Subject Selection 2nd Student Briefing

Wednesday, 7 August VCE Transition Interviews (Current Year 10 students & parents)

Friday, 9 August Online Subject Selections open (Years 9 to 12, 2020)

Friday, 16 August Online Subject Selections close (Years 9 to 12, 2020)

Tuesday, 20 August Years 9 to 12, 2020 students return parent signed subject selection receipts to Homeroom teacher

Semester 1 Reports Reminder Semester 1 reports will be released via the Parent Access Module (PAM) in SIMON on Tuesday, 2 July. (Printed copies will be available on request). I would also like to again remind parents that, with the introduction of our new continuous reporting model this year, end of semester reports will look quite different to previous years. As outlined in earlier newsletters, these reports will not contain any written comments, as parents have been provided with written feedback across the semester. These reports will include your daughter’s achievement against both the Victorian Curriculum Standards and College’s Work Habits Rubric (available on PAM) and a summary of the Assessment Task results for the semester in each Learning Area. A Homeroom report will still be included as will details of student attendance for the semester and at compulsory Year level and College activities, and a summary of commendations where applicable. Julie Swanson Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching Year 12 Retreat

On Tuesday, 18 June we all arrived at school pumped and ready for our two day Year 12 Retreat. The bus ride to Forest Edge was filled with excitement, and the serenity of the lush greenery and fields of Neerim South contrasted with that of the busy Melbourne city. Upon arrival, we were greeted by the friendly Forest Edge staff and shown our wonderful cabins/lodges. We then began our first activity; meditation. Not only was mediation a nice relaxation activity after our long bus ride, it was a way for us to transition into a more faith centred mindset.

Our guest speakers, Sr Kate O’Neill RNDM and Philippa McIlroy, spoke to the topic of strong women and were an inspiration to us all as they recounted personal experiences in Australia and the Philippines. Students were then given the opportunity to ask questions of the women and learn from their experiences and teachings.

Following the speaker presentations, we broke up into groups and participated in different Social Outreach activities. Activities included knitting squares to create blankets to donate, creating Bags of Hope for disadvantaged women that are facing hardship and the Poverty Simulation, where students debated the break-up of the world’s natural resources among the different societal classes. These activities not only provided an opportunity for some interactive fun, but also served as a reminder of how fortunate we all are and to provide support for those less fortunate than ourselves. That evening, the year level came together for a competitive game of trivia! It was a close game, but 12 Red came away with the win, followed closely by 12 Blue. It was an entertaining end to our reflective day and added an element of teamwork and fun.

On our second day, we concluded our retreat with a beautiful student-led liturgy, focused on the theme of ‘Courageous Women, Strong Voices’. The year level sang a medley of songs led by our Arts Captain, Elinia Topetai, which was a beautiful moment of togetherness for all of the students. We left back for Melbourne tired, but happy. The retreat was an enjoyable getaway from our studies and provided the students with some much needed time of reflection. Thank you to Mrs Peluso and Mrs Clarke for organising the retreat and all the hard work they put in. Thank you also to all the accompanying teachers and the Forest Edge staff.

Bana Tut, Ebony Kellett and Abi Rayen

Mission and Ministry Team

Social Justice Matters

Reconciliation Week Activities >

Although participation in the College’s outdoor Reconciliation Week activity was limited by the wet weather, many classes participated in a mapping the colonial frontier wars activity ( Students walked silently around the slightly rain affected map of Victoria locating the site of a massacre that corresponded to notes they each had. Meanwhile, students also commanded the clapping sticks to set a reverent mood. The students responded thoughtfully and respectfully. Each student then read the notes of the massacre that took place where they stood and lit a candle. We then joined in a prayer of remembrance for all the victims of the Frontier Wars.

Reconciliation Week Prayer for Healing and Compassion

Almighty and loving God, you, who created ALL people in your image, lead us to compassion as we listen to the stories of our past.

You gave your only Son, Jesus, who died and rose again so that sins will be forgiven. We place before you the pain and anguish of dispossession of land, language, lore, culture and family kinship that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have experienced. We live in faith that all people will rise from the depths of despair and hopelessness.

Lord hear our prayer. Images > Students of 12 Silver participating in the Colonial Massacres Map Activity

Vinnies Winter Appeal

WINTER IS HERE! TIME FOR VINNIES WINTER APPEAL! We will begin our participation again this year in the annual Vinnies Winter Appeal from the end of Term 2 and over the holiday break. The Vinnies Winter Appeal helps fund Vinnies’ programs across the country that support 1.3 million vulnerable Australians each year, as well as directly providing goods for people who are homeless and vulnerable in the local area.

WE CAN do better

Refugee Week 2019 > Message from Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum (

‘During Refugee Week we visited people across the Catholic community and heard their message to people seeking asylum, loud and clear – “You are welcome”. Australia’s treatment of people seeking asylum ought to reflect our collective values of solidarity, compassion, respect for human dignity, and our desire to do good – not harm. When we offer 12,000 Syrians safe haven, we do good and honour our values. When we send people seeking safety to an unsafe environment on Nauru and Manus Island, we do harm. We can do better. The Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum (CAPSA) calls for the government to stop putting people in harm’s way. CAPSA calls for better treatment of people in need, and policies that reflect our common values.’

Underpinning CAPSA’s stance are the fundamental Catholic principles of respect for human dignity and of solidarity within and between nations that makes the flourishing of the weakest the concern of all. At our College, we make this support explicit in the daily life of our community through prayer, activities and programs that help to shape a society that respects the human dignity of the poor and most vulnerable through solidarity. Image > College staff participating in a previous Refugee Week activity in solidarity with Refugees.

The holiday break is an excellent time to tidy out cupboards for suitable items for donations. What can I donate? When considering whether something can be donated to Vinnies, our rule of thumb is if you would give it to a friend, then it is okay to give to Vinnies. > Men’s, women’s and children’s clothing and accessories > Homewares, including manchester and blankets > Non-perishable food items Our Vinnies Student Leaders will be collecting donations during the first two weeks of Term 3 from Homerooms and points towards the 2019 House Cup awarded on the basis of these donations. For further information please see: or contact Leigh Shelley. Leigh Shelley Mission and Ministry Team (Social Justice) St Vincent de Paul Leader Teacher of Religious Education

Italy – Student Exchange

Student Exchange in Italy During 2018, Year 11 student Petra Bartha had the opportunity to experience student life in Italy, in the northern Italian city of Bologna. Petra’s experience in Italy is part of a student exchange program between Sacred Heart Girls’ College and Liceo Malpighi. The College has hosted two students from Liceo Malpighi in the past, but Petra is the first from the College to study at Liceo Malpighi. Whilst in Italy, Petra was hosted by Liceo Malpighi student Caterina Velez and her family. Next term, Caterina will be coming to Australia and will be hosted by Petra and her family while she attends Scared Heart Girls’ College.

Insight into Our Italy > Here Petra gives some insight into her time in Italy. Buongiorno a tutti, my name is Petra Bartha and last year I was on student exchange in Europe. I spent about six months in Hungary, the home country of my family, and then, I spent about three months in Italy. I am doing Units 3 & 4 in both Hungarian and Italian. I went to Liceo Malpighi in Bologna which is a science-oriented school. School there is a very different to here, the main difference is that it is co-ed school. In Italy, they start school at eight but finish at 1:30. They have five classes every day and about eight subjects in total including philosophy and Latin. English lessons were particularly interesting for me, they were very advanced. The Italian students were studying Macbeth in English. During my time there, I visited Florence and Milan; they are less than an hour away from Bologna. They are beautiful cities and I went with my friendship group. There were a few interesting things I realised during my time in Italy. The main one is that no one uses their indicator on the road so you could imagine how stressed out I was on the back of that scooter on our way to school when cars would just swerve into our lane. It was truly an experience. The people that I met there were the best part of my time. The friends and family were such kind and warm-hearted people; I was immediately accepted. Luckily, most of them spoke English so that when I did not know how to say something in Italian they would happily help me out. Like most things in Italy, many friendships revolve around food. Almost every day, afterschool, the gang would meet up and go to someone’s house and cook lunch and eat together, then study together. It was some of the best food I have ever eaten. Nonna would come over every second day and would cook dinner for the family. There were eight people in my host family, two girls and four boys. It was a close-knit family and I miss them loads. I still keep in touch with my friends overseas and I do this in Italian, my Italian has improved a lot and I feel much more confident with my Italian skills. I do recommend to anyone that has the chance to go on exchange to do it, it’s an unforgettable experience develop as a person and become much more independent. Arrivederci.

‘The people that I

met there were the

best part of my time.

The friends and

family were such

kind and warm-

hearted people; I

was immediately


Year 7 News

7 Blue Class Mass The Preparations On Monday the 13th of May, 7 Blue had a class Mass in the SHGC prayer room. Fr Andrew Madry from Saint Justin’s Parish was the celebrant of the Mass. To prepare for the Mass our class split into different groups to construct each part of it. The people in charge of the spectacular decorations were: Celine, Sneha, Daisy, and Thivya. The wonderful musicians were: Gisele (vocals), Ellana (vocals), Amandha (keyboard, vocals) and Claudia (violin, vocals) The students who flawlessly recited the prayers were: Tess, Alannah, Lucy and Ava R. The creators of the stunning Mass booklet were: Akhila, Mayumi, Iliana and Amy. The students who made the elaborate formal invitations were: Ava C, Lauren, Lucia and Claudia. The careful altar servers were: Lucy and Lauren The students who performed the Offertory procession were: Rosario and Tess. The marvellous photographers were: Mayumi and Iliana. The guests that came to our Mass were Mr Dalton and our Homeroom teacher, Ms Pritchard. The Mass’ theme was Compassion, Forgive and Give. The Mass Father Andrew started the Mass of with a jovial welcome and we knew that he would be an amazing priest. There was a lot of singing and we all actively participated in it. Everyone had an opportunity to shine and we had a lot of fun. It was celebrated and enjoyed by all as we performed each and every step in the Mass. The theme Compassion, Forgive, Give was heavily mentioned during the Mass. Overall, it was a great experience which we all learned at least one thing about the Mass. Father Andrew was a great priest and we would love to have him celebrate a Mass with us in the future. Thanks for reading!! By Jenna and Rosario. 7 Blue

7 Purple Class Mass

On Tuesday, 21st May, 7 Purple had a class Mass in the

prayer room at Sacred Heart Girls’ College. The theme

for 7 Purple’s class Mass was ‘Compassion, Give and

Forgive’. All of the students had their own roles and had

to put in a huge amount of effort to make this Mass

memorable. Some of the roles included singing, altar

serving, Offertory procession and many more. The

Mass was celebrated by Father Dominic.

Mr Stewart, our RE teacher, 7 Purple and six other

teachers made up the congregation. Overall, it was a

wonderful experience for all involved!

Year 8 News

Year 8 News > June It has been a very busy week and I am extremely proud of the way the students have conducted themselves during several very public events, how they have worked together and also coped with the on-going demands of school-work and co-curricular activities. The Year 8s have certainly earned a relaxing term break. The following is a snapshot of just two of the Week 9 events! Over 80 Year 8 students volunteered to assist with the Calvary Home Care Morning Tea held at the school on Thursday, 20 June. Food Technology classes prepared and presented a splendid selection of delicious foods for guests to enjoy, other students escorted guests from the carpark to the hall despite inclement weather, and many more hosted tables or added to the ambience with wonderful musical performances. Social Justice is one of the seven pillars of the i-ECSSAL Wellbeing program and this wonderful experience enabled our students to demonstrate compassion, their developing soft skills and learn from people with diverse backgrounds and life situations.

Students’ Voice

The experience of Calvary care was wonderful. We met people from different backgrounds and people with many interesting stories. It was all very rewarding to see happy smiles on their faces. Meenu

The Calvary Care morning tea was a fantastic experience. It gave all the Year Eights an opportunity to engage in conversations with the people from Calvary Care, and we all learnt so much from this wonderful day. This morning tea provided everyone with a great opportunity to improve our social skills and I feel very privileged to have had the chance to be a part of the Calvary Care morning tea. Alana Stillman

The Calvary care Morning tea was an amazing way to interact with new people. I made a real connection with some of the clients. I was a bit shy at first but once I got the feel of it the conversation flowed. I believe it really opened my eyes in the way that how much people do and that we are so privileged to have what we have. The respect the workers have for their clients is so heart-warming and special. I had an amazing time and would definitely recommend this for next Year 8 next year. Thank you for the chance to enjoy such a beautiful day. Mia Ciorciari

Spending the morning with the Calvary Care guests

was an enjoyable experience. I was fortunate

enough to get to know the visitors over some

delicious morning tea prepared by my fellow Year 8

classmates. It was interesting to learn about their

lives and they loved hearing about my life as a

student too. We talked about our hobbies and

interests too! Our classmates then entertained us

with some lovely music. I also got the chance to talk

to some friendly Calvary Care support staff. They

told me all about what their role entailed and how

much they love what they do. Through this

experience, I learnt so much about what Calvary

Care does for our community and so many others

across Australia.


Today we hosted the Calvary Care morning tea; we all had such a wonderful time meeting and getting to know people of all different ages and abilities. We loved hearing their stories, and their experiences, and we were so grateful for this opportunity. Many of the people we met said to us at the end, that they can’t wait until they come back for next year’s Calvary Care morning tea, and we felt exactly the same way. Claudia Heil

I was one of the lucky students who got to be a table hostess for the Calvary Care client visit. On my table, there were two clients, John who is 93 years young and Joyce, John’s carer. I learnt that John was once in the air force and was an amazing marathon runner. I also learnt about Joyce, who was a flight hostess for seven years. John told many funny stories about trying to impress girls ‘back in the day’ and I even got some love advice for future boyfriends! The afternoon was full of interesting conversation and laughs and by the end, I was glad I had signed up in the first place. I personally had one of the best afternoons in a long time and was happy to be of service to both John and Joyce. This experience has taught me much more than just John and Joyce’s life in school, but also how, even with such a large age gap John, Joyce and I were able to get along and have an interesting conversation. Nikita Hill

Enthusiastic Year 8 students scurried to the Dance Studio during recess on Tuesday, 18 June for the popular Semester 1 Wellbeing concert. Students in the Dance, Drama and Music electives keenly displayed their talents in front of their excited peers. The four dance classes demonstrated original choreography to the well-known music from Queen, High School Musical and Hairspray. The audience was enthralled by two dramatic performances and lastly the music electives gave hearty renditions of the songs they had been preparing for the Years 7 & 8 Music Evening. The Arts are also key pillar of the Year 8 Wellbeing Program and an area that all students at SHGC are encouraged to become involved in. Students learn new skills, develop lasting friendships and come to understand the importance and impact of commitment and good time management. Next week many students will again display their performing art talents in the House Arts competition on Sacred Heart Day. Fantastic work Year 8! Kate de Lacy Year 8 Level Leader


Humanities News

On Monday, 17 June, a group of Year Eleven’s made our way to Mater Christi College, to take part in a Constitutional Convention. It was a day packed with politics and debate. Upon our arrival, we did ‘icebreaker’ activities to familiarise ourselves with the other participating students. In small groups we soon developed a stance on the day’s debate topic which was “A general election should be immediately called if a Prime Minister is deposed by their party”. We then got to hear from guest speaker, Sami Shah, a comedian, writer and radio presenter, originally from Pakistan. Shah spoke on history, politics and immigration. He was inspiring and quite amusing; it was a rewarding experience for us all to meet and hear from him. Afterwards we separated into groups again, this time determined by our now more informed stance on the topic, to negotiate how we would prepare for the debate. We brainstormed arguments and rebuttals and got to know what life would be like at another school before heading off to lunch. For the debate, teams elected two representatives to present their case to the four schools, before being asked a series of questions and how their team would tackle them. Although nerve-racking, it was a great opportunity to get out of our comfort zones, and certainly sparked some tension. From this experience, not only did we learn something new about Australia’s political environment, but how well we can do in difficult scenarios, potentially leading to other conventions and even a career like Sami Shah’s.

Mia Basile and Mia Rourke Legal Studies Students

National Schools Constitutional Conventions

‘From this experience, not only did we learn something new about Australia’s political environment, but how well we can do in difficult scenarios, potentially leading to other conventions and even a career like Sami Shah.’


Bridge Building Competition

Year 8 & 9 Bridge Building Competition This year 45 Year 8 and 9 students took part in the Bridge Building Competition which ran throughout Term 2. A further 10 senior students took on leadership roles and helped to run the competition. The competitors formed teams and their first task, new for this year, was to research a bridge which had made a difference to a community. This was then presented as a poster. The second task was to construct a bridge that would span a gap of 30cm using 25 bamboo skewers, 3 cardboard tubes, 3m string and craft glue. There was the option to also submit a digital design of this bridge using Sketchup. Building sessions ran twice a week and the students learned about design, construction techniques, constraints and limitations, problem solving, project management and working in teams. These are exactly the kinds of things that engineers have to deal with every day. It’s been said that the job of an engineer is “to make dreams come true” - to take an idea and figure out what is needed to make something new. Students put this into practice with the creation of 14 bridges that were put on display in the library. Whilst on display the bridges were judged on the quality of their designs (which comprised their workmanship, innovation, aesthetics and functionality). On Monday, 24 June the teams gathered in Lower A for the final efficiency testing stage of the competition. Weights were added progressively to each bridge until they collapsed, the most efficient bridge being the one that could bear the greatest load for the lightest bridge weight. Peter McClive Science Learning Leader

The final results were >

Best Make A Difference Poster & Bridge: Tijana Mejia

8 Purple, Alana Stillman 8 Green and Rosie Ellwood

8 Green. They have now won the opportunity to represent

the College at the STEM Mad Showcase on October 10.

Digital Design Awards: Georgia Rivans 9 Silver, Beiliya

Zhang 9 Blue and Chloe Wong Leung Ki 9 Blue.

Claudia Heil 8 Red, Francine Francis 8 Red and Mya

D'Souza-Le 8 Red.

Best Bridge Design: Claire Duckett 9 Red, Samantha Yeo

9 Silver and An Nguyen 9 Gold.

Overall Winners: Georgia Rivans 9 Silver, Beiliya Zhang

9 Blue and Chloe Wong Leung Ki 9 Blue. This team were

the defending champions and their bridge bore a load of

47.3 kg; 10 kg more than their previous bridge last year.

They have now won the opportunity to represent the

College at the State Bridge Building Competition at

Scienceworks in September. This year’s median weight

borne was 11.3kg. Congratulations to all students who took


Best Poster & Bridge

Best Design

Digital Design Award and Second Overall

Digital Design Award and Overall Winners

Mountains to the Sea

The Year 9 Outdoor Education elective, Mountains to the Sea offers

students a variety of experiences beyond the walls of the classroom. A

high ropes course in Belgrave, Victoria; ‘Trees Adventure’, is an activity

that challenges students to think beyond the structures of everyday city

life. It gives students the opportunity to experience freedom and

personal exploration in the tree tops of the lush Belgrave rainforest.

Students are challenged to navigate various ropes courses of different

levels of difficulty. Located close to the iconic ‘Puffing Billy’ railway

station, students can breathe in the fresh mountain air, glance around

at the beautiful rainforest flora and fauna and imagine a life where

gravity is no object. This excursion links closely with Unit 3, ‘Risk

Taking’, a unit where students are challenged with positive risk taking

in supported and safe environments. A successful excursion that asks

students to go beyond their perceived limitations. Thank you to

Ms Di Maria and Ms Stokes.

Year Nine Mountains to the Sea Excursion > Trees Adventure Park, Belgrave Victoria.


News and Reviews from > The Music Department

Years 7 and 8 Music Evening On Thursday, 20 June, in occasion of our annual Year 7 and Year 8 Music Evening we celebrated the amazing achievements of all our Year 7 and Year 8 students who engaged in their curricular music subject during the first semester of the school year. It was beautiful to seeKendell Hall packed with families and friends of our College’s community and witness the enthusiasm and the professionalism that our students showed; performing a challenging program which showcased songs from different genres and styles at different levels of difficulty. While thanking our Music teachers - Ms Nichaud Munday (flute), Mr Gordon Li (basses), Mr Malberg (saxes), Mr Morrisey (clarinet), Mr Tropea (brass), Mr Townsend (Percussion) - for their wonderful work with the Year 7 Band Program, we do believe all our Year 7 students should be commended for their positive attitude and engaged participation in the program. It has to be acknowledged, in fact, that learning a new musical instrument and not having had any previous experience with music, is not an easy task. Most of our students really found themselves having to face this new challenge while, in the meantime, settling in their new school and facing all the new and demanding tasks of secondary education. We are very proud of our younger students who not only were able to achieve great capability in playing their instruments, but were also able to show their understanding of “performance etiquette”. After last years’ experience of learning a musical instrument, our Year 8 students this semester have focussed on singing technique and choral music in their Singing Classroom Program. Recent studies have shown how providing students with a participatory music experience may help to promote a holistic learning environment by helping them restore a sense of balance to their emotional well-being as well as reinforce a sense of community in the classroom. Our Year 8 students’ performance during the night was perfect evidence of this. Our students sang beautifully while demonstrating elegance and professional commitment during their performance on stage. We are extremely delighted with the support the choir received by fellow students Emma Sik, who offered to accompany the students at the piano on “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perry, and Meenu Shanmugalingm who played the drums on “Ho! Hey!” by The Lumineers.

Last acts of the soirée were performed by our “Barbier Concert Band”, an ensemble that is participated by students from Year 7 to Year 9 who have engaged in learning instrumental music as a co-curricular activity in the College’s Music Department and as an outcome of our Year 7 Band Program. The band, who rehearse once every week at lunch-time under the direction of Ms Calo and Mr Townsend, thrilled the audience with the dramatic “Shadow Warriors” by Chris M. Bernatos, and the famous, spicy “Mambo n. 5” written in 1957 by Perez Prado. We would like to thank our Year 7 Level Leader Ms Noonan, Year 7 Homeroom teacher Ms Maguire, Year 8 Level Leader Ms de Lacy for their assistance and support during the night, as well as our Head of Arts Mr Minack. Thanks also to Mr Dalton and Ms Swanson for their support on the night. Special thanks to our Mr Martin for AV support and a heartfelt thanks to our music teachers Campbell Phillips and Daniel Brinsmead for accompanying our students. Vv

Year 7 Band

Kendell Hall during the concert

Year 8 Class Vocal Ensemble

Barbier Concert Band


Lunchtime Concert > Term 2 On the same day, in the Music Studio, College staff and students were delighted with performances from our music students who volunteered to join in the Term 2 Lunchtime Concert. The concert started with intense vocal solo performances by Tina Le (“I don't wanna be you anymore” by Billie Eilish), and Maya Salib (“Jealous” by Labrinth”) to continue with dreamy instrumental music performed by two string duos featuring Lisa Vu and Mai-Anh Nguyen (“In dreams” from “Lord of the Rings”), and Natalie Chan and Samantha Yeo (“The Flower Duet” by Delibes), and an awesome piano solo by Letitia Yeo who played a beautiful arrangement of jazz standard “Misty” by Errol Garner. Our Barbier Concert Band closed the performance showcasing a fizzy rendering of Mambo N. 5 by Perez Prado. We want to express our heartfelt thanks to all the students who offered to perform and let us enjoy our lunch in a very enjoyable and friendly setting.

Congratulations to Tiffany Carlson for her achievements in Hawaii; representing Australia at the Global Dance and Cheer Games. We are proud of your hard work and commitment, Tiffany. Keep up the great work. In late May 2019, I attended the Global Dance and Cheer Games in Hawaii. I was part of one of the teams representing Australia. A number of countries, with many teams, competed at the games, including USA, Canada, New Zealand, China and of course, Australia. In cheer-leading there are 6 levels with multiple divisions. My team completed as Level 2 Senior Team, called Outlaws Bullets. We had to perform over a two-day period. We practiced for many months and multiple hours per week. This paid off as we came first for our Senior division in Level 2, which was extremely exciting as we completed against a number of teams. Then with our score so high we also managed to be awarded Level 2 Grand Champions; which meant we had the highest score over all the teams who competed in Level 2 regardless of division. We brought home a first place trophy and Grand Champion Banner. Also as Grand Champions we were given special rings to commemorate the success. Tiffany Carlson

Student Achievement Tiffany Carlson – 10 Blue

Alumnae and Archives

Lynne Evans Alumnae and Archives Co-ordinator

“Oneli and Liana were absolutely delightful. They conducted the tour with such professionalism, beautiful smiles and were very informative. It was fabulous to have the students themselves give the tour.” Stacey Alleaume

R. I. P. > Kathleen Canavan

The SHGC Past Students’ Association would like to acknowledge the sad passing of past student Kathleen Canavan who tragically lost her life in a light aircraft accident on 8 June 2019. We extend our deepest sympathy to her family; parents, John and Karen and siblings, Joseph, Bridget, Mary-Anne, John Paul and Bernadette. Kathleen’s sisters, Bridget (Class of 2016) and Mary-Anne (Class of 2017) are also past students of the College.

We were delighted to welcome past student and renowned opera singer, Stacey Alleaume, back to the College on Thursday, 30 May. Stacey is from the Class of 2003 and has recently been in Melbourne performing the lead role of Gilda in ‘Rigoletto’ at the Arts Centre. We were thrilled that she found time to visit us prior to heading off to Austria to perform her first international lead, also in the role of Gilda. Stacey’s visit commenced with morning tea in the staff lounge where our Principal, Christopher Dalton, and Head of Music, Nancy Calo, formally welcomed her. Stacey then enjoyed a chat with a number of her former teachers, including Julie Ohis, Ros McMorrow, Hayley Watson, Pina Perna, Angelina Peluso, Jan Grant, and Carmel McConnachie. Stacey also enjoyed reminiscing with Nicole Unwin, both being members of the Class of 2003. Following morning tea, two of our Year 9 Tour Guides, Oneli Buthgamuwa and Liana Montibeller, took Stacey on a tour of the College. Stacey provided feedback to us about her thoughts on coming back to the College after sixteen years.

‘Thank you so much for inviting me to Sacred Heart today and for the beautiful gift. I was very moved by the incredible changes the school has made. Having chosen a career in music I was very impressed especially by the improvements made to all areas in the arts (music, drama, visual art, photography etc.) including new performance spaces and facilities. Having a small glimpse into a music/drama class, I particularly loved how students had the opportunity to regularly showcase their work as well as learn how to work lighting for performances as this can lead to other career opportunities. I love how there is a broader range of subjects offered at SHGC and also the addition of French as a language, and the new interactive boards in the classrooms are amazing, as well as the interactive spaces!’ Stacey Alleaume (30 May 2019) “Renowned for her voice of remarkable beauty, warmth, character and expression, Australian-Mauritian Soprano Stacey Alleaume is embarking on a promising and exciting operatic career”.

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