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  • From the Big Bang to Evolution: Gas and More Gas

    Copyright 2014 Steve Sabz

    Available online 2014, March 7 (

    Keywords: Nucleus, Prokaryote, Eukaryote, Phagocytosis, Endosymbiosis, Eukaryogenesis


    ! In their endeavors to explain the emergence of the first multi-celled, nucleus-containing organism (eukaryote) from a single-celled (prokaryote) ancestor, Evolutionists often rely on inferred relationships based on physical and genetic characteristics as evidence of the occurrence of this giant leap from prokaryote to eukaryote. Numerous hypotheses exist to explain the possibility of such a feat (i.e., eukaryogenesis) via natural means. This paper will expose their futile attempts to break through the eukaryogenesis impasse, as referenced in their most widely accepted Chimeric models, by citing evidence from their own research.

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  • 1. Introduction

    ! Over the years, Evolutionists have offered several hypotheses on the formation of life on Earth. This includes possible extraterrestrial origins, called panspermia (Panspermia, 2014), to a primordial soup consisting of non-living matter, referred to as abiogenesis (Abiogenesis, 2014). Thus far, a conclusive description for the origin of life via natural means has evaded the scientific community.

    ! However, in their quest to substantiate a natural explanation for the origin of the first, simple form of life, Evolutionists have also attempted to solve the problem of how complex life evolved from a single-celled microorganism (Eukaryote, 2014, sec. 5).

    ! Presently, the most common and widely accepted hypotheses claim that a pair of single-celled organisms, classified as Bacteria and Archaea, merged to become a new, complex form of life (Forterre, 2013, p. 3). Of the two class of organisms, Archaea are said to have arrived on the primordial scene first.

    ! That the Archaeon pre-dates the Bacterium isbased on the discovery of older rocks where the Archaeas chemical signature has been detected (Archaea and Evolution, n.d., para. 2). Archaea seem to fit this hypothesis well since they are the only known organism capable of living in Earth's early atmosphere,which supposedly lackedoxygen and wasrich in ammonia and methane gas (Atmosphere of Earth, 2014, sec. 6).

    ! As we shall see, an Archaeal predecessor for complex life adds uniformity to the Big Bang (Big Bang, 2014) and Evolution (Evolution, 2014) theories, with noxious gases as a recurring theme. However, does this mean that complex life evolved from a single-celled ancestor (eukaryogenesis)? We will answer this question in the proceeding paper.

    2. Formation of Our Sun and Earth

    ! According to the nebular hypothesis (Nebular hypothesis, 2014), about 9 billion years after the Big Bang, a nearby star inside the Milky Way Galaxy exploded, producing an enormous shockwave. This shockwave triggered the collapse of a huge molecular gas cloud. Gravitational forces and high pressure within the core of the cloud compressed these gases, generating increasingly more heat. This resulted in nuclear fusion (Sun, 2014, sec. 5.1). Thus, our Sun, the roundest object ever measured (Jones, 2012), was born.

    ! Shortly after the formation of our Sun, leftover particles from the gas cloud coalesced to form large clumps of debris. In due time, these clumps of debris grew to become as big as asteroids. Gravitational forces caused these asteroids to collide with one another, eventually forming our Earth, the largest and most dense of the terrestrial planets, and the only one with a hydrosphere (Earth, 2014, sec. 6.1).

    ! In it's primordial state however, about 3.8 billion years ago, Earth was a lifeless, volcanically active planet. It was then, in this harsh environment, absent in oxygen and rich in ammonia and methane gas (Atmosphere of Earth, 2014, sec. 6), that gave rise to what Evolutionists call our Last Universal Ancestor (LUA). That is, the organism from which all current forms of life descended (Last universal ancestor, 2014).

    3. Emergence of Life

    ! Enter the Archaeon (Figure 1). Archaea, Greek for "ancient", are single-celled microorganisms. Their fossilized chemical signatures have been found in sediments from West Greenland (Figure 2). These sediments are the oldest known rock in the world and are thought to have formed about 3.8 billion years ago (Archaea and Evolution, n.d., para. 2).

    Steve Sabz From the Big Bang to Evolution: Gas and More Gas March 2014


  • Figure 1: Archaea swimming in vitro (Source video: Berkeley Lab, 2013).

    Figure 2: Precambrian shield of West Greenland (Source: Ilulissat Icefjord, 2008).

    ! Today, Archaea are at home in some of the most hostile environments on Earth that would otherwise kill other life-forms outright; hence, they are appropriately referred to as extremophiles (Extremophile, 2014), because they love to live in extreme places. For example, like Sulfolobus (Figure 3), which thrive in acidic and sulphur-rich hot springs; or, Staphylothermus marinus (Figure 4), found in hydrothermal vents and surviving in water temperatures of up to 98 degrees Celsius; or, Halococcus salifodinae (Figure 5), found in waters with lethal salt concentrations; and, Methanococcoides burtonii (Figure 6), which live in temperatures below -2.5 degrees Celsius (Archaea, n.d.).

    Figure 3: Sulfolobus (Source: Science Photo Library, 2014, Eye Of Science).

    Figure 4: Staphylothermus marinus (Source: Science Photo Library, 2014, Wolfgang Baumeister).

    Figure 5: Halococcus salifodinae (Source: Science Photo Library, 2014, Eye Of Science).

    Steve Sabz From the Big Bang to Evolution: Gas and More Gas March 2014


  • Figure 6: Methanococcoides burtonii (Source: Science Photo Library, 2014, Dr. Keith Wheeler).

    ! Ironically, this Last, supposed, Universal Ancestor of ours, like Methanosarcina rumen (Figure 7), is also found living inside the digestive tract of humans where they produce flatulence (Methanogen, 2014), also known as, gas.

    Figure 7: Methanosarcina rumen (Source: Science Photo Library, 2014, Eye Of Science).

    4. Evidence of Eukaryogenesis

    ! Eukaryogenesis refers to the supposed, natural process that resulted in the beginning (or origin) of the eukaryotic cell, that is, the transformation of a simple life-form to the first complex organism containing a nucleus (Eukaryote, 2014, sec. 5.3).

    ! Organisms are grouped into one of two categories (Figure 8): Prokaryote (Figure 9) or Eukaryote (Figure 10).

    Figure 8: Grouping of organisms.

    Figure 9: Prokaryote cell (Source: Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc., 2005).

    Figure 10: Eukaryote (animal) cell with nucleus (Source: Animal cell, n.d.).

    ! Eukaryotes posses a nucleus while prokaryotes lack a nucleus. For example, Archaea and bacteria are single-celled, and since they dont contain a nucleus are referred to as prokaryotes (Prokaryote, 2014). Plants and

    Steve Sabz From the Big Bang to Evolution: Gas and More Gas March 2014


  • animals, however, do contain a nucleus and are therefor called eukaryotes (Eukaryote, 2014).

    ! The nucleus (Figure 11) is a complex and highly specialized organelle that functions as the control center within the eukaryotic cell (Cell nucleus, 2014).

    Figure 11: Simplified diagram of eukaryote cell nucleus (Source: Ruiz, 2006).

    ! Evolutionists use a phylogenetic tree (Figure 12) to illustrate the supposed evolutionary relationships among prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

    Figure 12: Evolutionists phylogenetic tree (Source: Gaba, 2006).

    A phylogenetic tree or evolutionary tree is a branching diagram or "tree" showing the inferred evolutionary relationships among various biological species or other entities - their phylogeny - based upon similarities and differences in their physical and/or genetic

    characteristics (Phylogenetic tree, 2014).

    ! For the purpose of this paper, well use a simplified phylogenetic tree (Figure 13) representing the three domains of life, with our supposed Last Universal Ancestor (LUA), a gas-producing archaeon, located at the root of the tree.

    Figure 13: Simplified phylogenetic tree with the LUA at the root.

    ! If Evolution is true, how did multi-celled organisms containing a nucleus, evolve from a single-celled, gas-producing archaeon? There are numerous hypotheses that attempt to describe the emergence of the first eukaryotic cell from a simpler life-form.

    Hypothesis: a proposed explanation for a phenomenon. For a hypothesis to be a scientific hypothesis, the scientific method requires that one can test it (Hypothesis, 2014).

    ! Some of these hypotheses include, viral eukaryogenesis, Autogenous models. Chimeric models which encompass the hydrogen hypothesis, syntrophy hypothesis, and the serial endosymbiotic theory. And a more recent proposal, the exomembrane hypothesis. The most common and widely accepted scenario is described in their Chimeric models.

    Chimeric models claim that two prokaryotic cells existed initially - an archaeon and a bacterium. These cells underwent a merging process, either by a physical fusion or by endosymbiosis, thereby leading to the formation of a eukaryotic cell (Eukaryote, 2014, sec. 5.3.2).

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  • Endosymbiosis: a type of symbiosis in which one organism lives inside the other, the two typically behaving as a single organism (Collins English Dictionary, 2003).

    The story proceeds as follows (Figure 14):

    ! About 2 billion years ago when the Earth was still poor in atmospheric oxygen (still 1), and while asteroids fell from the sky (still 2); somewhere deep, deep under the primordial seas, a bacterium, probably frightened by the tumult of asteroid bombardment above (still 3), merged with and was engulfed by a phagocytic archaeon. Some time after, the bacterium evolved into a nucleus inside the host archaeon. Thus, the first eukaryote was born (still 4).

    Figure 14 (still shots of video animation showing eukaryogenesis).

    Phagocytic: having the ability to phagocytize (i.e, to eat or devour) foreign particles (Phagocyte, 2014).

    Geneticist Steve Jones explains the supposed evolution of multicellular forms of life:

    There's a strange dichotomy within the theory of Evolution... between what is sometimes called Evolution by "jerks" versus Evolution by "creeps"... I was always a bit of a "creep" in my time... which was that actually Evolution is a bit like a clock, it ticks slowly around... it speeds up, it slows down a bit. The "jerks" line was that Evolution went slowly most of the time and then, WHOOPY! There was a wonderful moment when it took a dizzying leap into the void and leapt over into a new form of life. But actually I hate to say it, it causes me great pain to say this.

    There are some cases where it's clear that a dizzying leap was made in Evolution (BBC, 2011, time 1:10).

    ! Is there any evidence for this supposed dizzying leap in Evolution that resulted in the first eukaryote?

    ! First, lets update their phylogenetic tree with the evidence we expect to find if Evolution is indeed true (Figure 15):

    Phagocytic archaeon capable of physical fusion or engulfment

    Stages, or mechanism of eukaryogenesis Intermediate or transitional forms leading up to


    Figure 15: Phylogenetic tree with necessary evidence if Evolution is true.

    ! In a paper titled, Reconciling an archaeal origin of eukaryotes with engulfment: a biologically plausible update of the Eocyte hypothesis, published in October 2010, authors Poole and Neumann find that:

    (Panel D) currently lacks cell biological evidence because no archaea are known to be capable of phagocytosis, and no archaea have been documented to harbour any bacterial endosymbionts (Poole & Neumann, 2010, p. 72).

    Endosymbiont: any organism that lives within the body or cells of another organism, i.e. forming an endosymbiosis (Wikipedia).

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  • ! Panel D on page 73 (Figure 16) illustrates the engulfment of a bacterium by way of a non-existent archaeal mechanism leading to the first eukaryote.

    Figure 16: Panel D illustrating absent mechanism in eukaryogenesis (Source: Poole & Neumann, 2010).

    ! And, on page 74:

    under actualism (interpreting past events by reference to mechanisms in action in the present) the archaeal mode of engulfment involved in Panel D is currently unsupported (Poole & Neumann, 2010, p. 74).

    ! Lets update their phylogenetic tree with the evidence so far (Figure 17):

    Phagocytic archaeon capable of physical fusion or engulfment

    Stages, or mechanism of eukaryogenesis Intermediate or transitional forms leading up to


    Figure 17: Phylogenetic tree illustrating non-evident phagocytic archaeon.

    ! And, what about the stages, or mechanism of eukaryogenesis?

    Comparative molecular and cell biology has painted a surprisingly sharp picture of LECA* as a modern eukaryote cell (Table 1), but evolution has left no trace of the intermediate stages (Poole & Neumann, 2010, p. 72)._______* LECA: last eukaryote common ancestor

    ! Lets make another update to their phylogenetic tree (Figure 18):

    Phagocytic archaeon capable of physical fusion or engulfment

    Stages, or mechanism of eukaryogenesis Intermediate or transitional forms leading up to


    Figure 18: Phylogenetic tree illustrating non-evident engulfment/fusion mechanism and non-evident phagocytic archaeon.

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  • ! What about those intermediate forms?

    the process of eukaryogenesis from an archaeal ancestor to the LECA requires an enormous number of intermediate forms, none of which are represented among the modern diversity of eukaryotes (Poole & Neumann, 2010, p. 74).

    ! And again:

    As there are no intermediate forms among extant lineages, we have no way of directly observing the exact evolutionary steps leading to the origin of the modern eukaryote cell (Poole & Neumann, 2010, p. 74).

    ! Time to update their phylogenetic tree again (Figure 19):

    Phagocytic archaeon capable of physical fusion or engulfment

    Stages, or mechanism of eukaryogenesis Intermediate or transitional forms leading up to


    Figure 19: Phylogenetic tree illustrating non-evident intermediate forms, non-evident engulfment/fusion mechanism, and non-evident phagocytic archaeon.

    ! What about that supposed dizzying leap in Evolution?

    Under any evolutionary model, these myriad complex features did not arise in a single step (Poole & Neumann, 2010, p. 74).

    Myriad: innumerable; a large indefinite number (Collins English Dictionary, 2003).

    ! If these myriad complex features did not arise in a single dizzying leap, how could eukaryogenesis ever have occured at all?

    ! In a recent review article titled, The Common Ancestor of Archaea and Eukarya Was Not an Archaeon, published in September 2013, author Patrick Forterre expounds upon Poole and Neumanns findings when he states:

    Such [fusion] scenarios require no less than several miracles for the emergence of eukaryotes, miracles that occurred only once in 2-3 billion years of coexistence between archaea and bacteria (Forterre, 2013, p. 5).

    Miracle: an unusual or wonderful event that is believed to be caused by the power of God (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2014).

    ! When did these miraculous, supposed evolutionary events occur?

    In a recent review, Martijn and Ettema called the period that experienced the emergence of ESFs^ (so before LECA): the evolutionary dark ages of eukaryotic cells [21]. This denomination well illustrates the complexity of the complexity problem in eukaryotic evolution (Forterre, 2013, p. 2)._______^ ESFs: eukaryote specific features (e.g., the nucleus)

    ! How did a complex and highly specialized organelle, like the nucleus, emerge?

    Some of them [the ancestors of eukaryotes] invent the nucleus (Forterre, 2013, p. 13).

    Invention: a device, contrivance, or process originated after study and experiment (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2014).

    Contrivance: a machine or piece of equipment made with skill and cleverness (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2014).

    ! Lastly, what about the genetic information (DNA, 2014) required to produce the nucleus? How did the non-existent phagocytic archaeon acquire it?

    Steve Sabz From the Big Bang to Evolution: Gas and More Gas March 2014


  • ! For the Evolutionist, this is not a problem, because after all:

    these genes are supposed to be derived from genes present in bacteria that were eaten by protoeukaryotes (you are what you eat, [118]) or in bacterial endosymbionts of ancestral eukaryotes [20] (Forterre, 2013, p. 10).

    ! Evolutionists attempt to circumvent their lack of evidence by invoking the power of a supposed proto-typical (Prototype, 2014, sec. 15) eukaryote, or protoeukaryote, that was once capable of phagocytosis, yet completely lacks registry in their so-called, fossil record (Fossil Record, n.d.).

    ! Panel C on page 73 of Poole and Neumanns paper (Figure 20) illustrates the engulfment of a bacterium by a non-existent protoeukaryote.

    Figure 20: Panel C illustrating engulfment of a bacterium by non-existent protoeukaryote (Source: Poole & Neumann, 2010).

    ! This should be expected, since their definition of a phylogenetic tree allows for other entities.

    Entity: something that exists by itself, although it need not be of material existence. In particular, abstractions and legal fictions are usually regarded as entities. In general, there is also no

    presumption that an entity is animate (Entity, 2014).

    5. Conclusion

    ! As weve clearly seen in this paper, From the Big Bang to Evolution: Gas and More Gas, the evidence we expected to find, in order to prove Evolution true, is all together absent from their own research. Evolution falls apart at its very beginning.

    No phagocytic archaeon capable of physical fusion or engulfment

    No stages, or mechanism of eukaryogenesis No intermediate or transitional forms

    ! Instead, what we did find in their research can only be compatible with a Creation event. This includes evidence of:

    Miracles and - Inventions that could only have come about by

    way of a single, omniscient - Designer

    ! Weve also seen that the Evolutionists phylogenetic tree is not a viable representation of the observable, natural world and inevitably falls apart. Also, their most common and widely accepted eukaryogenesis models prove to be false by their own research. Furthermore, physical and genetic similarities among organisms is not evidence for an evolutionary relationship, as organisms of the same domain can also be radically different. Rather, similarities among organisms is evidence of a common design invented by a single, SUPERnatural Creator.

    ! The mere existence of the many varieties of extremophilic microorganisms reveal that there are no empty or too extreme-to-survive and thrive places anywhere on our planet. For example, Deinococcus radiodurans (Figure 21) is one of the most radioresistant organisms known. This bacterium can withstand an acute 15,000Gray dose of ionizing radiation. A mere 5Gray dose can kill a human. It can also survive cold, dehydration, vacuum, and acid, and is therefore known as a polyextremophile. Its even listed as the world's toughest bacterium in The

    Steve Sabz From the Big Bang to Evolution: Gas and More Gas March 2014


  • Guinness Book Of World Records. Its nickname is Conan the Bacterium and was discovered in 1956 by Arthur W. Anderson (Deinococcus radiodurans, 2014).

    Figure 21: Tetrad of the bacterium Deinoccocus radiodurans (Source: photo by Dr. Michael Daly).

    ! The writers of the Bible seem to have been aware of microorganisms long before their discovery in 1675 by Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek (Microorganism, 2014, sec. 1.3).

    ! In the third book of the Bible, Leviticus (13:1-29, KJV), we are introduced to the symptoms of leprosy, or a similar disease called Tzaraath (History of leprosy, 2014, sec. 2). The passage prescribes quarantine, shaving ones head, and placing a covering over ones mouth (13:45-46), as well as burning the clothing of one stricken with the disease (13:52). It even describes a cleansing ritual that incorporates medicinal plants (14:1-8), such as cedar [Cedrus libani] (Kizil, M., Kizil, G., et al., 2002) and hyssop [Origanum syriacum] (Bekta, T., Dimitra, D., et al., 2004). Compare this with other ancient cultures such as Egypt, Greece, China, whose treatments included drinking or bathing in the blood of virgins and children as a remedy, practiced until at least 1790 (History of leprosy, 2014, sec. 3).

    ! Today, we know that leprosy is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae

    (Mycobacterium leprae, 2014), and Tzaraath is caused by the fungus Trichophyton violaceum (Magill, S.S., Manfredi, L., et al., 2006), both of which are microorganisms; hence, the reason why medicinal plants were part of the cleansing process in Leviticus 14:1-8. David the psalm writer corroborates hyssops medicinal properties when he declares, Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow (Psalm 51:7, KJV). Furthermore, WebMD tells us that You can catch it [leprosy] only if you come into close and repeated contact with nose and mouth droplets from someone with untreated leprosy. (Leprosy Overview, 2013). Tzaraath is also transmittable from human to human (Magill, S.S., Manfredi, L., et al., 2006); hence, the reason for quarantine and covering ones mouth as specified in Leviticus 13:45-46 in an effort to halt the spread of the pathogen.

    6. Invitation

    ! The fact that we find all of these unique, microscopic forms of life flourishing in the most inhospitable places is a testament to the authenticity of the Bible where it states:

    For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord; and there is none else (Isaiah 45:18, KJV).

    ! Since the Bible accurately describes the reality of our natural world, we can also trust the Bible in regards to the SUPERnatural and eternity.

    ! The good news is, that part of Gods perfect plan is to save us from our sins. This was evident after Adam and Eve sinned in Genesis:

    Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them (Genesis 3:21, KJV).

    ! God graciously took it upon Himself to perform the first sacrifice by shedding the blood of an innocent creature of His own creation, and

    Steve Sabz From the Big Bang to Evolution: Gas and More Gas March 2014


  • thereby providing a temporary covering for the sins of the guilty.

    ! Isaiah echoes the requirement of a covering for sin before a Holy God when he emphatically declares:

    I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels (Isaiah 61:10, KJV).

    ! For God so loved the world, that He performed the final and ultimate sacrifice by shedding the blood of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, so that we can have a permanent covering for our sins and thereby inherit everlasting life.

    ! For there is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved, as John the Baptist testifies:

    The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world (John 1:29, KJV).

    ! Because God is Holy, He will one day judge unbelievers for rejecting the atoning work that has been gifted to them through the redeemer, Jesus Christ.

    And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:11-15, KJV).

    ! God has called us to be freed from the chains of sin by repenting and believing in the perfect work of His resurrected Son, Jesus Christ:

    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Romans 10:9-10, KJV).

    ! If we will be saved, then, and only then, can we have rest in Jesus promise of eternal security:

    My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Fathers hand. I and my Father are one (John 10:27-30, KJV).

    ! The weight of sin on ones shoulders is a heavy burden to bear, but the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, promises relief:

    Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30, KJV).

    Steve Sabz From the Big Bang to Evolution: Gas and More Gas March 2014


  • 7. Conflict of Interests

    The author declares that there is no conflict of interests.

    8. Acknowledgments

    ! The author wishes to thank his family, friends, and brothers and sisters in Christ for their support and encouragement in the writing of this paper and in the making of the video of the same title, as well as Atheists and Evolutionists for partaking in discussions in attempts to discover the truth concerning our natural world.

    ! Special thanks to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for imparting His knowledge and wisdom to the author and allowing the same to partake in the furtherance of His blessed gospel and everlasting kingdom here on Earth.

    9. References

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    In the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ March 2014

    Steve Sabz From the Big Bang to Evolution: Gas and More Gas March 2014


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