
Post on 06-Dec-2015






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INFP-68.21 %INFJ- 66.04%ENFP- 57.48%INTP/ISFP- 56.45%ENFJ- 55.31%INTJ/ISFJ- 54.28%ENTP/ESFP- 45.72%ISTP- 44.69%ESFJ/ENTJ-43.55%ISTJ- 42.52%ESTP- 33.96%ESTJ- 31.79%RESERVEDYou tend to keep your thoughts, feelings, and observations to yourself. Other people may have difficulty reading you, and may not know how you feel about things.This trait is usually associated with an Introversion preference.PRIVATEYoure selective about how you socialize, preferring small groups (or no group at all). You tend to shy away from large parties, and big social events generally leave you feeling drained.This trait is usually associated with an Introversion preference.RECEPTIVEIn most situations, you like to let other people take the lead. You usually dont feel any special urge to take control, and youre happy to let someone else get things started.This trait is usually associated with an Introversion preference.JOYFULWhen good things happen to you, you feel it completely. Youre capable of tremendous joy and enthusiasm and you make the most of the high points in life.This trait is usually associated with an Extraversion preference.ALOOFWhen it comes to making new friends, you prefer to let others come to you. Youre reluctant to approach people, so when you do build new relationships, its usually because the other person took the lead.This trait is usually associated with an Introversion preference.ABSTRACTYou have an abstract way of thinking and tend to focus on ideas, concepts, and theories rather than concrete things.This trait is usually associated with an Intuitive preferencePROGRESSIVEYou love new ideas and you feel that innovation and futuristic thinking is the key to making the world a better place. Youre attracted to politicians with radical ideas and love to imagine how things could be done better.This trait is usually associated with an Intuitive preference.IMAGINATIVEYoure a creative problem-solver who enjoys applying your original ideas to complex problems. Tasks that require no creativity tend to bore you, and you dislike routine work. Youre at your best when faced with a problem that requires you to stretch yourself and take a few mental leaps to come up with a solution.This trait is usually associated with an Intuitive preference.ARTISTICYou have a love of the arts and appreciate a wide variety of cultural experiences. You enjoy anything that elevates your senses and reminds you of the beauty in the world.This trait is usually associated with an Intuitive preference.INSIGHTFULYou enjoy exploring cause and effect, and always ask why. Youre not content to accept things as they are, instead preferring to search for deeper answers and a sense of the big picture.This trait is usually associated with an Intuitive preference.ADVENTUROUSYou love new experiences; the more exotic, the better. Youre often willing to try things just for the sake of novelty, because even the most unlikely activities seem interesting once or twice. On the other hand, you may get bored with experiences as they become routine. You may find yourself abandoning hobbies and interests that begin to feel too familiar.This trait is usually associated with an Intuitive preference.COMPASSIONATEYou are an empathetic person who naturally takes into account the needs of others. When making important decisions, you make sure that your chosen course of action is consistent with your values and your knowledge about whats best for everyone involved.This trait is usually associated with a Feeling preference.COOPERATIVEYou like to work in concert with others, participating to achieve a common goal. Being in sync with other people and working together brings you satisfaction, and you feel that the best achievements are those that you can share with other people.This trait is usually associated with a Feeling preference.ACCOMMODATINGYou do your best to make others lives easy and to adapt to their needs when you can. Youre not usually one to argue, as you have a talent for seeing things from another persons point of view. Even when you dont agree, you tend to support other people in their opinions.This trait is usually associated with a Feeling preference.SENSITIVEYoure extremely tactful, and you always keep others feelings in mind when communicating. Youre reluctant to say things that will hurt peoples feelings, even if theyre true, and tend to be very conscious about what you say and how you say it.This trait is usually associated with a Feeling preference.HUMBLEYoure modest about your accomplishments and often attribute your achievements to hard work, or pure luck, rather than something special about yourself. You dislike special attention and want to appear to be just like everyone else.This trait is usually associated with a Feeling preference.SUPPORTIVEYou feel called to care for others in times of need, and youre always available when someone needs a shoulder to cry on. Your friends and family members know that when they need support and sympathy, they can turn to you.This trait is usually associated with a Feeling preference.FREEWHEELINGYou appreciate a little chaos in your life. You dislike very orderly, structured environments, feeling that life is more interesting when things are a little messy.This trait is usually associated with a Perceiving preference.DRIVENYou would describe yourself as ambitious, and you have many goals that you have set for yourself. You dislike wasting time, as you feel that every moment of your life should be put to good use in moving yourself forward.This trait is usually associated with a Judging preference.

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