s9,10 fixed asset

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  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset


    AS 10 Fixed Assets

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset


    Session Agenda

    Definition of fixed asset

    Identification of fixed asset

    Component of cost Special cases of valuation

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset


    1. Fixed asset

    It is an asset held with the intention of being

    used for the purpose of producing or

    providing goods or services and is not held for

    sale in the normal course of business.

    Gross block/Net block

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset


    2. Identification of Fixed Assets

    i. Stand-by and servicing equipment

    ii. Spare parts

    iii. Component cost

    i. Stand-by equipment and servicing equipment

    are normally treated as fixed asset.

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset



    ii. Machinery spares are usually charged to the profit and loss

    statement as and when consumed.

    However, if such spares can be used only in connection withan item of fixed asset and their use is expected to be irregular,

    it may be appropriate to allocate the total cost on a systematic

    basis over a period not exceeding the useful life of the

    principal item.

    Example: Rig standpipe purchased for oil rig by ONGC

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset



    In certain circumstances, the accounting for an itemof fixed asset may be improved if the total

    expenditure there on is allocated to its component

    parts, provided they are in practice separable, and

    estimates are made of the useful lives of these


  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset



    For example, rather than treating an aircraft and its

    engines as one unit, it may be better to treat the

    engines as a separate unit if it is likely that their

    useful life is shorter than that of the aircraft as awhole.

    Boeing 787-9 price $218 Mn. (Rs. 981 crore)

    Engine: Rolls-Royce Trent 1000

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset



    An enterprise may decide to expense an item

    which could otherwise have been included as

    fixed asset, because the amount of the

    expenditure is not material.

    Pls. refer to AS 10 document uploaded on FAM

    Folder page no. 4 para 8.1.

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset


    3. Components of Cost

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset


    Components of Cost

    Purchase price

    Import duty/or any other duty

    Transportation charges

    Installation charges

    Consultation /Inspection Charges

    Modification ChargesHandling Cost

    Cost of Ordering

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset


    Components of Cost

    The cost of an item of fixed asset comprises its:

    i. purchase price

    ii. import duties and other non-refundable taxes

    iii. any directly attributable cost of bringing the asset to itsworking condition for its intended use (Example

    installation charges, transportation charges etc)

    iv. any trade discounts and rebates are deducted in arriving

    at the purchase price.

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset



    Administration and other general overhead expenses

    are usually excluded.

    However, in some circumstances, such expenses asare specifically attributable to construction of a

    project or to the acquisition of a fixed asset or

    bringing it to its working condition, may be included

    as part of the cost of the construction project or as a

    part of the cost of the fixed asset.

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset



    The expenditure incurred on start-up and commissioning of

    the project, including the expenditure incurred on test runs

    and experimental production, is usually capitalised as an

    indirect element of the construction cost.

    However, the expenditure incurred after the plant has begun

    commercial production, i.e., production intended for sale or

    captive consumption, is not capitalised and is treated as

    revenue expenditure

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset


    4. Special Cases for valuation

    i. Self-constructed Fixed Assets

    ii. Non-monetary Consideration

    iii. Improvements and Repairs

    iv. Joint Ownership

    v. Several assets are purchased for a consolidated price

    vi. Goodwill

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset


    i. Self-constructed Fixed Assets

    In arriving at the gross book value of self-constructed fixed assets, the same principlesapply as those described earlier.

    Included in the gross book value are costs ofconstruction that relate directly to the specific

    asset and costs that are attributable to theconstruction activity in general and can beallocated to the specific asset.

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset


    Class exercise # 1

    ABC Ltd. is constructing a fixed asset. Following are

    the expenses incurred on the construction:

    Materials Rs. 10,00,000

    Direct Expenses Rs. 2,50,000

    Total Direct Labor Rs. 5,00,000 (1/10th for this work)

    Total admn. Exp. Rs. 8,00,000 (5% for this work)

    Depreciation Rs. 10,000

    (On assets used for this work)

    Calculate the cost of asset.

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset



    Particulars Amount (Rs.)

    Materials 10,00,000

    Direct Expenses 2,50,000

    Total Direct Labor 50,000

    Total admn. Exp. 40,000

    Depreciation 10,000

    Cost of the Asset 13,50,000

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset


    ii. Non-monetary Consideration

    When a fixed asset is acquired in exchange for another asset,

    its cost is usually determined by reference to the fair marketvalue of the consideration given.

    It may be appropriate to consider also the fair market value of

    the asset acquired if this is more clearly evident.

    An alternative accounting treatment that is sometimes used

    for an exchange of assets, particularly when the assets

    exchanged are similar, is to record the asset acquired at thenet book value of the asset given up; in each case an

    adjustment is made for any balancing receipt or payment of

    cash or other consideration.

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    When a fixed asset is acquired in exchange for shares

    or other securities in the enterprise, it is usually

    recorded at its fair market value, or the fair market

    value of the securities issued, whichever is moreclearly evident.

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset


    iii. Improvements and Repairs

    Frequently, it is difficult to determine whethersubsequent expenditure related to fixed asset representsimprovements that ought to be added to the gross bookvalue or repairs that ought to be charged to the profitand loss statement.

    Only expenditure that increases the future benefits fromthe existing asset beyond its previously assessedstandard of performance is included in the gross book

    value, e.g., an increase in capacity.

    Pls. visit fixed asset schedule of jet airways

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset



    The cost of an addition or extension to an existing

    asset which is of a capital nature and which becomes

    an integral part of the existing asset is usually added

    to its gross book value.

    Any addition or extension, which has a separate

    identity and is capable of being used after the

    existing asset is disposed of, is accounted for


  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset


    iv. Joint Ownership

    Where an enterprise owns fixed assets jointly with others, the

    extent of its share in such assets, and the proportion in the

    original cost, accumulated depreciation and written down

    value are stated in the balance sheet.

    Alternatively, thepro rata cost ofsuch jointly owned assets is

    grouped together with similar fully owned assets.

    Details of such jointly owned assets are indicated separately

    in the fixed assets register.

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset


    Class exercise # 2

    A machine costing Rs. 10,00,000 is jointlyowned by ABC Ltd. and XYZ Ltd. in the ratio of70% and 30% respectively.

    Value in the book of ABC:

    70% of 10,00,000 = 7,00,000

    Value in the book of XYZ:

    30% of 10,00,000 = 3,00,000

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset


    v. Several assets are purchased for a

    consolidated price

    Where several assets are purchased for a

    consolidated price, the consideration is apportioned

    to the various assets on a fair basis as determined by

    competent valuers.

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset


    vi. Goodwill

    Goodwill, in general, is recorded in the books only when some

    consideration in money or moneys worth has been paid for it.

    Whenever a business is acquired for a price (payable either in cashor in shares or otherwise) which is in excess of the value of the net

    assets of the business taken over, the excess is termed as goodwill.

    Goodwill arises from business connections, trade name or

    reputation of an enterprise or from other intangible benefits

    enjoyed by an enterprise.

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset


    Class exercise # 3

    Company A with an Asset of Rs. 500 crore and

    liability of Rs. 200 crore (Excluding Capital) was

    aquired by Company B.

    Company B paid Rs. 350 crores to the owners of

    Company A.

    Calculate the amount of Goodwill.

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset


    Class exercise # 4

    X Ltd. purchased Rs. 5 lacs worth of land for afactory side. Company demolished an oldbuilding on the property and sold the material

    for Rs. 10,000. Company incurred additionalcost and realized salvaged proceeds asfollows:

    Legal fees for purchase contract Rs. 25,000

    Title guarantee insurance Rs. 10,000

    Cost of demolition of building Rs. 30,000

  • 7/30/2019 S9,10 Fixed Asset



    Particulars Amount (Rs.)

    Cost of Land 5,00,000

    Legal Fees 25,000

    Title Insurance 10,000

    Cost of Demolition (50,000 10,000) 40,000

    Cost of the Asset 5,75,000

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