s1c2 chapter 2-how did this book originated

Post on 16-Apr-2017



Government & Nonprofit



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Contents of Section 1: Introduction.Chapter 2-How did this book originated.2.1-My experiences in my medicine and paediatric practice made me to write this book.2.2-My experiences, in my life, other than my professional practice, also made me to write this book.2.3-How, did I get these ideas? By the war of questions and answers, in my mind;2.4-Need for reading this book.2.5-Good and bad people:2.6-How people become rich and poor.2.7-‘My views’ to make ‘My India’ a ‘Developed country’,2.8-We are all dependent.

Chapter 2: How did this book originated.2.1 My experiences in my medicine and pediatric practice made me to write

this bookAs usual, any reader who reads any book in his life, when he is spending his valuable time in reading the book, money to purchase the book and his mind to think over the book, will have some questions in his mind like – who is this author? Why did he write this book? How did he get these ideas to write this book? What is there inside the book? Is it really possible to achieve all these goals? How our political, administrative and the people of India will respond to his views?

Of course, these were the frequently asked questions as I spoke about my views on my nation with some of my known people, friends, doctors, engineers, and officials.

Let me answer these one by one at the appropriate chapter.

My experiences in the medicine and paediatric practice made me to write this book. Some of my experiences are here.

1. I am a Paediatrician by my profession, worked at various hospitals like JSS hospital - Mysore, “Holy cross Hospital”- Kamagere - Kollegal Taluk - Chamarajanagar District, Holy cross hospital - Chikmagalur, Hassan Institute of medical college - Hassan, Vaatsalya group of Hospital - Mysore in Karnataka.

2. I had seen many patients coming to our Hospital with various health problems like Pneumonia, Gastroenteritis, meningitis etc. When I saw them for the first time they had some nose golden ring, ear golden ring ect. When I saw them for the next time one of them were missing. Because they might have sold it for the expense that they have to meet for the hospital. I often heard the things like, selling the sheep, cow, house, land for various reasons and they are becoming poorer and poorer day by day. These types of scenarios were commonly seen in the rural places like Kamagere, but not in the urban places like Chikmagalur or Mysore.

3. The baby or the child may be suffering from some disease, so much but, the parents are not ready to admit the baby to the hospital and requesting for some oral medicines, because they are not able to bear down the hospital expenses. These are commonly seen in my rural practice.

4. Many babies are born with the weight around 1.75 to 2.25 Kgs because of intrauterine growth retardation due to poor maternal nutrition. If we look in to the mother, they were anaemic (Hb 5 grms% or even less) and malnourished. Even, if the baby weighs 3 Kgs. or 3.5 Kgs weight at birth, most of the times the weight gain was not up to the mark as we expect. It is again because of improper nutrition to the mother and that leads to inadequate breast secretion and later the child will also get the improper nutrition. These types of scenarios were common prior to 2007 in my rural paediatric practice.

5. Nutrition related problems like Malnutrition and various deficiency disorders are rampant because people have no food in their house or may be due to improper cooking technique. These are common in rural areas.

6. In our OPD we explain ‘take this syrup 1 ml in the morning’, most of the time, people are not able to understand how much is 1 ml, and they may give either more are less. People give wrong dosages, even after demonstration or they will miss the dosage, this may be because of the illiteracy of the care giver or they may not be able to recollect the measurement. They were commonly seen in my rural paediatric practice.

7. We, as doctor give lot of advice to the people like buy these medicines, eat these food etc, but many people in our country are not able to afford the food and medicine that we advice.

8. Many people in our country simply pushing their life with disease (e.g. congenital heart disease in paediatrics). Even though medical science can give remedy for these problems, people cannot afford the treatment and with disease they somehow push the life until the death captures them. Some of the schemes developed in the recent years like ‘Yashaswini scheme’, ‘Suvarna Arogya Chaitanya schemes’ for the school children is serving such adults and children in the recent years.

9. At the time of discharge from the hospital, it is a hell for the poor people. They beg a lot for concession; they roam all over the village to get few hundreds of rupees. It is miserable situation to see and that helpless situation hurts a lot but still we are helpless.

10. Most of the snake bites Scorpion stings etc; are due to poor housing, lack of toilet facilities in the house etc.

11.Most of the poisoning, hanging, suicide etc, are due to upsets in the life, like, not able to repay the loaned money, not able to get suitable job, not able to provide food for the family, loss of crops in the land due to over or under raining etc.

12. Most of the diseases like Malaria, Tuberculosis, Worm infestation etc, are very much prevalent in rural areas. People are getting these diseases following migration for coolly or may be because of poor housing or may be because of improper drainage system.

13. Many patients coming to me are not able to tell the age of the child, not remembering the date of birth, not able to carry out most of the function in the hospital like going from OPD to Lab. Some do not able to read the written and sign boards. They are all common in rural hospitals.

14. Few pregnant women are brought to the hospital after a prolonged bleeding, or after the baby die in the process of delivery etc. If we ask them they give thousands of reasons like no

transportation, rain, waiting for husband, waiting for money, went to some other hospital where doctor was not available etc.

15. People were struggling hard to arrange money for CT scan when their relative / son land up in head injury around the years 1996 – 97. I was thinking ‘They are poor and I am also poor, why is it so?’

16.Baby with congenital heart disease, diagnosed ante natally - the parents refuse to go to cardiology centre to get the echo done for to prognosticate the disease. Kamagere- of preterm baby with RDS, refuse to go to higher centre, to put the baby on ventilator and for surfactant therapy, they tell the paediatrician that ‘you do whatever you want and that is possible at your centre, we are not able to go to the higher centre or else give hundred percent guarantee, then we will sell our property and will get the treatment at higher centre’, these type of talk by them reflects their economy.18.Doctors at peripheral hospital try ambuing for a baby with Meconium aspiration syndrome / congenital pneumonia / Respiratory Distress Syndrome / recurrent prolonged neonatal apnoea, till the baby develops interstitial emphysema, because the parents are not ready to take the child to higher entre for ventilator support, where the chances of baby going for interstitial emphysema is less. 19.Diseases like Tetrology of Fallot is not diagnosed till the age of 3 months, that is till the baby through a cyanotic spell. That baby was delivered in a taluk hospital where there is a paediatrician, but the child was not crossed through the paediatrician from the time of birth, because the child was delivered on Saturday night by the nursing staff and the mother with the child was discharged from the hospital on Monday early morning thus the child was escaped from the eyes of the paediatrician. Next time the baby was taken for to the hospital for BCG immunisation on Thursdays, where there were 100 to 200 children, one paediatrician could not see all the children, so the child escaped the paediatrician’s visit. The DPT 1st and 2nd doses were given at the house, by the field health staff. So the baby was taken to the nearby 100 bedded hospital only after the cyanotic spell with the history of convulsions, where it is diagnosed as TOF and referred to cardiology centre. 20. Is the ear buds selling at the roadside people are prepared with hospital waste cotton used to clean blood and pus? May be possible, some of the microbiologists in pollution control board may say yes for this statement.21.One day, 11 month old baby girl was brought to my OPD, at2 PM with the history of fever since morning and one episode of convulsion 1 hour ago, lasted for few minutes. Both the mother and the grandmother were daily wage coolie working in digging and putting cables for telecommunication services. And they were from Andrapradesh and the baby was kept beside the road over the mattress under a tree, but as the day passed the shade of the tree changed. With fever the baby came under the direct sunlight and thus the temperature of the baby had gone up and thrown convulsion.22.One of the microbiologists was delivering her lecture on biomedical waste management in NIMHANS, Bangalore on 23.3.11. That time she told that, in one family, both the father and his productive son died in the hospital because of hepatitis B infection in a year span. Later it was found that the father went for a walk with a slipper and a needle infected with Hepatitis B virus thrown out of one of the clinic pierced the slipper and he bleed and got the injury to the sole later the same slipper was used by the son and he also got the prick by the same needle and he also bleed and he recognised that there is a needle in the slipper and he removed it. Father died with the diagnosis of

hepatitis B infection and the son died, one year after the death of his father with the same infection. Thus, improper (waste) disposal of the needle from one clinic consumed two productive lives and left the family with no earning members.23.Quality of the drugs are not assured because most of the clinics and nursing homes uses the drugs which are cheap and has got lot of margins between the hospital price and the MRP.24.Most of the hospitals will not maintain some of the life saving drugs like prostaglandin E1 in the hospital pharmacy because, it is costly and if, that drug is not utilized within the expiry, then, it is the loss for the hospital. If some newborn is delivered in such hospital with some duct dependent congenital heart disease, then the child reaching the cardiac centre for further treatment is uncertain.25.Quality is not assured in all the hospital, in all the areas like, no one know how the hospital is maintaining asepsis. Autoclave machine may or may not be present, it might have gone for repair but the work in the hospital will continue as it is. Autoclaved materials may be utilised in the OT, but the dressing try may not be sterilised regularly. No one is sure, that the people working in the lab are using new sets of kits for every sample (some time one kit may be utilised for several samples till it becomes positive and label that patient as positive). Quality of the sisters will not be known and it is not assessed periodically, they may administer wrong dose of medicine, administer syrup in the place of drops, wrong route of administration, not able to recognise the changes in the patient at right time, may not be very serious in infection control like, if they have less supply of gloves / slippers, the sister may be doing dressing wearing one gloves from morning till noon, remove it before taking the lunch, may be another pair gloves in the noon, and doing dressing for hundreds of wounds – removing sutures and so on - thus she may spread the infections like HIV, hepatitis and so on.26.Once the obstetrician at 12.30 am was telling ‘she is sitting in the labour room for the past one and half hours trying for the anaesthetist to do caesarean section. The case was - ‘Primi in labour, 6cm dilated cervix, big caput, overcrowding of cranial bones i.e. the cephalopelvic disproportion in obstruction with foetal distress’. The full time anaesthetist of the hospital was on leave for some of his personnel work, another anaesthetist, who is ready to come to this hospital is engaged in some other surgical emergency in the nearby hospital. The patient was already visited many hospital before they land up in this hospital, the initial hospitals gave trial but not succeeded. In this case a competent obstetrician is ready to work in one of the peripheral hospitals, but she may not get all the supporting staff all the time like anaesthetist, paediatrician and so on. 27.Trained birth attendant giving trail of labour and sending the pregnant women at the last stage when she notice some sign of complication like meconium, decreased foetal movement, excessive bleeding and so on. The time gap between the onset of signs and identifying the same by the TBA and the time they reach the appropriate health care facility will decide the life and death of the two people that is the mother and the baby. 28.Some women may die because of PPH (Post partum haemorrhage – bleeding following delivery of the child, due to improper contraction of the uterus). Such women may reach the hospital with shock, they may get the treatment immediately but they may die within few minutes before the physiology comes to the normal. The people will tell the hospital is not good; patient was alive when she reached the hospital. 29.A child goes to the clinic with cough and fever for three days, gets some medicine, the parents administer the same medicine for 2 – 3 days, the child looked better for them, so they will forget giving the medicines. After some 2 – 3 days they go to another doctor, he will ask about the

medicines given in the last attack of fever and cough, the parents may, neither has the prescription nor has taken the half empty medicine bottles, so the doctors will write some medicines and will send the child home. After some three days the child was looking somewhat not good to the parents, so they take their child to the another doctor in the nearby city and get the token number 60 and the child will be seen by the doctor at 3PM and the doctor will notice respiratory distress in the child and will advise admission at the major centre. The child was brought to the hospital with the mother, and this child instead of going to the higher centre will be taken back home to arrange some money and to take the husband along with them. The husband will come home at 7PM and listen to the wife, then he will go to his owners house / friends house / loan renders house and will be back home at 11PM with or without money since it is the evening time, so the initiation of the treatment will be postponed to uncertain days and the pathology inside the body is progressing to the reversible (with or without sequel / morbidity) or irreversible (mortality) extent. May be in the middle of the night or in the next day the child will reach the major centre with the father having thousand rupees in hand. The doctor examines the child in one of the hospitals in the major city and will tell ‘this baby’s oxygen saturation is very low and it is not maintaining the saturation even with 10 lts / min of free flow oxygen, so it needs ventilator support, we have ventilator suitable for adults but not for small children, so, go to another hospital where paediatric ventilator is available, by the ambulance which has ventilator in it’. But that type of ambulance is not available at that place, so they start their journey for 80 to 100 kms taking risk, after some 2 to 3 hours of intensive discussion. The child may or may not reach the hospital where the paediatric ventilator is available. 30.In, some hospitals 2 – 3 newborns will be put in one open care system (where we are supposed to put only one baby per open care system), when there is lot of deliveries and this may not be seen all the time. In some of the hospitals, many open care systems may be available but not the sick babies.31.The medicines and the equipments which are not used regularly, but they may be the life saving drugs may not be available in the hospital or got expired and which is not looked in to. In small hospitals and PHC, unavailability of laryngoscope, no cells for the laryngoscope, laryngoscope which is not working, laryngoscope which is kept in the almera and locked by the in charge sister to maintain the stock perfectly, absence of proper sized ambu bag mask, absence of appropriate volume ambu bag, cylinders with no oxygen in it, absence of appropriate sized paediatric endo tracheal tubes, are the common scenarios and they may be very essential at some time, but maintaining the same is the costly affair as it is not used frequently and the returns are also less. The attendees will not be willing to pay for the same if the patient dies. 32.An unskilled health person doing ambu to the child in respiratory failure with adult ambu mask and bag, because it is available easily in the hospital may lead to death of the child by the compression of the larynx by the rim of the big ambu bag mask.33.Instruments in the hospital which are not in regular use may not be in good working condition e.g. open care system, ventilators, photo therapy units, laryngoscopes, suction apparatus, oxygen cylinder flow meters, and so on.34.We as the doctors refer the child in respiratory failure to the higher centre just with oxygen (some ambulance may not have the facility of providing oxygen or the oxygen cylinder may be empty) even though that child or adult need the ventilator support, he may or may not reach the higher centre.35.People with high cognition and hard work from the beginning of their study till second pre university education will enter in to the medical profession and become doctors. The get good

training, recognise the problem well and treat the patient well, assess the prognosis well and explain the same to the attendees in an understandable way, but may not be available at the needy time because they might have just gone for having food after working for twelve hours of continuously, they might have just entered in to the sleep in the middle of the night or they may be on the way to their hospital or struck in the traffic. On the other hand the initial resuscitation which is most important will be done by the medical staff who work for six to eight hours in the hospital on shift basis, who have average cognition, not perfectly skilled, not had much opportunity to handle such type of skills and not aware about the minor aspects of the skills e.g. they may not choose appropriate sized ambu bag, ambu bag mask, connector to the oxygen, may leave a minor gap between the mask and the face, thus all the air is leaking from the sides or there is little flexion of the head causing kink in the trachea and thus the air is not effectively entering the chest and not making the chest to rise. 36.Most of the consultants will be visiting three to six hospitals on call basis. They may be working for 12 to 14 hours in a day, but they may be spending 30 to 40% of their working time on the road itself, that means they may be spending three to four hours on the road in their car in most of the major cities to travel from one hospital to another hospital. 37.In small cities and villages most of the doctors will be seeing 200 to 250 patients per day and they may be getting only two to three minutes time per patient as against the recommended time of 10 to 15 minutes of time per patient. Thus they may be working for 10 to 14 hours in a day seeing the routine cases throughout their life may forget, most of the theoretical aspects of the disease.38.The present organisation of nation like scattered villages, single farm houses, scattered houses, at some place away from the main village due to religious / caste reasons consumes lot of semiskilled health working staff to administer the programmes related to health and this also makes the system not to achieve 100 % results in the programme. This type of administration of the programmes becomes costly as one health worker need to spend his whole day just to visit one house in the periphery near some forest walking for many kilometres from his PHC.39.No uniformity in population distribution, no uniformity in the population visiting particular hospital, no uniformity in hospital building – equipments - staff and the facilities available in the hospital, extreme compromise in finance and corruption in government sector, high margins in private sector, unavailability of skilled people all the time, skilled people moving from place to place for various reasons, big hospital and less patients, small hospitals and more patients, more beds and less patients and less beds more patients, referring the patients from hospital to hospital and from city to city for various reasons like unavailability of concerned specialist – unavailability of ventilator – unavailability of diagnostic tests – unavailability of imaging makes the patient to spend lot of time in the ambulance and if it is his precious time, then death can occur in this transportation especially if he is travelling in ordinary vehicle for this type of roaming.40.People sleep in front of the hospital gate leaving their wife and children inside the hospital. Many hospitals do not have any place for the sake of the attendees. e.g.: ‘Husband /son / relative of the female surgical ward or the female medical ward’ or ‘the father / brother of the paediatric ward’ will be made to sleep under some tree / in some open space / in the corridors outside the hospital exposing themselves for the risk of bites of insects / scorpions / snakes apart from the sufferings like excessive cold in the midnight or hot in the noon. Let us look in to the possibilities and think way our people need to suffer like this; the possibilities are,

a. Not affordable.b. Ethical issues.

c. Business of stealing.d. Interference with the hospital work.e. Making quarrel with the staff.f. Possibility of mal handling of the patient on treatment.g. Misconduct with the female attendees and so on.

41. One of the lab in charge of one authorised blood bank was telling that they get only 4 to 5 bags of blood in a week for that they have to do Elisa test for HIV, HCV, HBsAg, and they have to do these tests some time once in 2 to 3 days and its works out costly for the hospital. The conventional Elisa try contains 96 wells, and at a time they can do Elisa test for 92 patients with 2 positive controls and 2 negative controls. If the lab gets more samples then it work out cheaper per investigation, the man power will be utilized well, and the cost for the patient is going to decrease.

42.Very good obstetrician making the diagnosis of the obstructed labour with foetal distress for pregnant women brought from one PHC by the ASHA worker, but will not be able to do caesarean section due to many reasons. 43.Trained birth attendant bringing the pregnant women after a prolonged trail of labour at home to the PHC, when many complications are already set in, to the baby and to the mother and that cannot be managed at that centre. 44.Many women dying of PPH, even after reaching the hospital because that hospital does not have the blood bank with it.Like this the problems related to my professional life will continue and it is endless. Thus we can assess relation between the national economy and the incidence of diseases and treatment outcomes / life expectancy / age of marriage / job opportunity / crime / poverty / life style and so on.

We, especially our leaders - social reformers need to think on such issues when they are making the policies. VPA – MV – MN will give solution for all these things.

2.2 My experiences, in my life, other than my professional practice, also made me to write this book

1. A new house was constructed opposite the old house, on the other side of the road. The aunty of the three year old child shifted their family to the new house. The child was attached to the aunty very much. So, whenever the child gets the chance the child used go to the aunt's house crossing the road present between the two houses escaping the eyes of the mother. Not all the days were same for the child. One day the child was hit by the fast moving bike. In that accident the child had serious injury to the head.2. Two children aged four years were playing together. They saw something is present in one soft drinks bottle, and they thought it as soft drinks and one child started to drink the same. It was organophosphorus poison mixed with some water, brought from one estate to spray on the plants infested with some pests in their house garden by their parents. The child, who drank that poison, stored in the soft drink bottle became sick, became drowsy, had difficulty in breathing, which was noticed by the other child and that child informed the same to the child's mother and then the child was brought to the hospital and treated.

3. People has lot of desire in their mind to work, they work from morning till evening even at the age of 70 Years for very low daily wages because they don’t have any other source of income.4. A man aged 30 Years, with sound body and mind, with good skill is able to earn very less wages which may be sufficient only to feed himself or at the most his family, because the system is like that. Added burdens like diseases – travelling – construction of some small house, will make the person ‘loaned person’ that will remain on his head till his death. Here, it is not possible to blame the owners also, because, he is also not getting good cost for the product that he sells, most of the times he also suffers loss.5. Whenever, I travel through the bus, I see people, that to young and energetic, sit under the tree and chat, because they do not have any other job better than that. But when I talk to them, they have the strong desire to work. But they don’t know what to do.6. Whenever, I travel from Kamagere to Ramapura, the lands on either the side always remain dry without any crop. This I am seeing from my childhood. The situation is same in most of the places, where ever, I travel in south India except for few areas like Kaveri riverbed and other few places.7. I had seen many schools where children learn, teacher teaches under dangerous roof, which may collapse at any time.Like this many more instances we can write and it is endless.VPA – MV – MN will give solution for all these things.

2.3How, did I get these ideas? By the war of questions and answers, in my mind

You have gone through the big list of my experiences in my professional and normal life that triggered the war of questions and answers in my mind. The war of questions and answers are as follows.

Q: Why people are struggling so much for, getting the investigations done / buying the medicines / not willing for admission? Not willing to go to higher centre for further treatment? And so on.

A: Because they may not be having the money with them right now / they may be waiting for the money from someone / they are not aware of the place where the doctor is referring the patient / so on.

Q: Why they are not having money with them? Are they not working? Are they not getting any income from their profession?

A: Yes, they may be working, but that may be sufficient only for leading their normal life, like having two or three time’s food and buying some cloth, sending their children to the schools run by the government or some private school with less fees.

Q: Why they are not getting little more income so that they can manage this type of unexpected events in their life, even if they are not going to construct the house of their won.

A: They are the people, who go to different places for daily wages / they have little land with them and they do the agriculture looking at the sky (Rain) / they follow unscientific methods of agriculture / they undergo repeated loss in agriculture due to lack of rain – infestation of the plants – low price for their products – so on.

Q: Why these people need to depend only on the rain, they can dig some well and get the water / they can store their products till they get the good rate for products / so on.

A: Rain is uncertain / he already digged, some two to three open wells and two to three bore wells in his 4 to 5 acres of land, each worked only for two to three months and then dried / he sprayed the pesticide for his land, and may times for his crop, with this, the yield is also less, and every year, the same infestations, attacks the plant / the farmer compares the interest with the rise in price for his agriculture product / the rise in price is uncertain and he cannot overcome the marketing mafia / he also has the fear that, he may lose the products with the insect and pest attack of his agriculture product, if he stores the things in his old damaged kattcha - tailed house/ taking RCC air tight Pakka house for rent and storing the agriculture product may workout costly for the ‘farmer with loan’, so, he thinks better to sell the products for whatever rate he gets and let me free from the burden of loan, with this type of earning, he may find difficulty in leading the life, leave about the savings.

Q: Is it so? Then how to improve their income?

A: Better irrigation, adoption of good agricultural methods, good rate for their products, good preservation technology, and agriculture related industries to add value to their products grown.

Q: Better irrigation for agriculture needs water? Open wells are dry / bore wells are also dry / water in the canals is not flowing all the time / there are scarcity of water and lot of disputes related to the water due to insufficient generation of water due to less rain. So, what to do for the water?

A: Earth’s surface is covered more with water, than the land. So, get the water from where ever it is present.

Q: Water is present more in the sea? Will you get it from their?

A: No, it is not good for domestic use, and it is not going to flow with gravity, it is the end station for the water.

Q: Then, from where you will get water? Will you go to the other end, which is the origin of the river?

A: No, because, at the starting point of the rivers the water is less / they are the forest areas in the peaks of the hills / the land inclination is more and thus that places are not suitable for creating the canals / we will not get continuous belt of land for creating the canal to make the water to flow to the drought prone areas, so we have to titrate the level where there is more flow of water is available / continuous belt of land is available for creating the canal / which is at the borders of the forest and agriculture lands / which gets all the water generated in that river catchment area.

Q: Oh, is it so, that mean you are targeting the river, somewhere in its course, where the flow of water is more, is it so?

A: Yes we need to depend on the rivers to irrigate the drought prone areas.

Q: It is already done in the society, government has already constructed many dams and supplying the water, then what is the new thing that you are going to achieve?

A: Many dams are present in the nation, many water related disputes are also present in the nation, and lot of area is suffering with the drought is also present, that means the present dams and reservoirs are not full filled the need of all the places of India, especially those which are drought prone, presence of disputes indicates that the water that we store or the storing capacity of our present reservoirs are less than the demand of the society / states, dams store limited amount of water and which depends on the rain water in the rainy seasons, any excess water which generates above the capacity of the reservoir will automatically join the sea without any useful contribution to the people, and the stored water in the dams becomes empty may be in the beginning or the middle of the summer, so all the dams put together may be serving the population to certain extent but not to the full extent. So we need to go for alternate methods of irrigation, also utilising the present system of all irrigation related structures to fulfil the irrigation related need of the people.

Q: Oh, that mean you will depend on one big river which is able to fulfil the irrigation need of all the places of this nation.

A: No, we cannot depend on only one river, for all our irrigation related activity, sometimes there is more rain in one river catchment area, which leads to flood, sometimes there is no rain or less rain in the same catchment area which leads to drought like situation, because of this reason we cannot depend on only one river irrigating all the lands of the nation.

Q: That mean which all rivers, you depend for your irrigation project.

A: Of course all the rivers of the nation, so that when there is rain in one river catchment area, then this river will feed all the areas of the other rivers, and on the other hand if there is less rain or no rain in one river catchment area then this river will receive the water from the river with more rain in its catchment area, and over this the backup of water will be done by the ever flowing rivers like Ganga and Yamuna, and the deficiency in created by utilisation of these water to the different parts of the nation will be fulfilled by the Brahmaputra river water at it level below 250 / 300 mts AMSL.

Q: That means your irrigation project will supply all the parts of India?

A: Yes, my present plan covers all the needy parts of the India; I need to see the State J & K, in detail, so, at present I have not concentrated on J & K.

Q: If you supply water to all the lands of India, will they become better and will this nation becomes developed, all the problems of the people will solve?

A: No, only the lands get sufficient water with this irrigation project. The nation becomes better only when all the people in the nation gets sufficient food for their life, gets good education, and leads good life. All these are possible only by the cooperation, coordination in the work, which leads to productivity.

This type of war of questions and answers went in my mind for many years, and every instance as I mentioned earlier triggered me to come out with some solution, that made me to write thesis like book, and then go behind the leaders to get my ideas to become the reality.

I thank the Indian Postal service for its sincere service at least in the process of making this message reaching the offices of all the ministers of the central government, all the chief ministers’ and all the

governors’ of the states. Now I am using this book as the weapon to create awareness among all the people, so that I could see some positive change in the society when I am alive.

2.4Need for reading this bookReading a book involves many stages, like, getting information regarding the book (through media, newsletters, friends, teachers, well wishers, or through ads), searching for it, purchasing it, reading it, analyzing it, then, either remembering the contents of the book or forgetting it.

Sometimes, we are forced to remember the contents of the book, may be for the sake of giving exams on that subject or, we may have to use the skills and knowledge present in the book to lead the life or, we may have to remember the contents of the book in order to teach (if we are in the teaching profession) or, we enjoy remembering the subject (if we really love and involve in the subject).

Somehow, we will come to know about the availability of the book, we try to get it, and read it. After reading, we may forget the contents of the book, if it is not pricking to our mind. We may have different types of expressions while reading and after reading, depending on the contents of book and also on how we perceive the book in our mind. Most of the times we give our appreciation about the book to whoever is ready to listen to us, like’ wonder full, marvellous, nice book, genius, informative and others’ and the story ends there.

But, this book is not like that, if you have a mind, you will weep while reading this book, you will shout if you look in to some of the facts and figures, you feel relaxed when you see the simple solution for the problems, you look at your child and the younger generation when your mind starts imagining the “model village and model nation concept”, and you will develop ‘strength to build this nation’ as you complete the reading.

The content given here applies to all of us, like, me, my family, you, your family, and all of us. I feel this is the book, you will never going to forget in the rest of your life, because it is your life – my life – and the life of our nation.

I am writing this book, because my special senses sensed the nation and myself are in terrific way, my mind got lightened by the various scenes that, I had seen in the nation, and by the words that I had heard - which made me to think about myself and about my nation.

I accept that, I am responsible for whatever thoughts that I have expressed and for whatever plan that I had written in this book. Since I had written this book, you, the readers, and the responsible citizens may ask me to go ahead with the work that I had mentioned in this book to make our country a developed nation (if, all of you feel that implementing this book will make our nation a developed one). In that case, I have to accept the task that, I had explained in the book and I need to involve in all the works of all the fields like property documentation, survey, creation of RCS, revolutionizing the field of agriculture and industries, modification in the field of education and health, and my final goal of achieving the model village and model nation concept.

I accept the truth that I am not a good father to my children, but I am a good thinker for my nation, because I spend less time with my children and more time for writing this book.

Since, I hear only sliding answers from all the top people without having a strong power of thinking and vision to build the developed nation, I am utilizing this book to create awareness in the minds of all the people, about the possible ways, by which we can improve our selves and the nation in which we live and I accept this truth in front of all the people, that I am using this book as the weapon to solve all the problems in our nation. I have a hope that, soon after the publication of this book, all those people who read this book will raise their voice to build the nation.

If I am given the responsibility of carrying out this precious work, then I have to do all the works, “by ordering (like a divan), as well as working (like a Jaw an)’, ‘teaching as well as listening’, ‘preaching as well as studying’, ‘writing as well as digging’, ‘ maintaining white collar, as well as involving in the precious soil’. And this is the work which requires love for the nation even during the deepest of sleep, affection in work in all the time of the day, perfection in the work in every step of activity, enthusiasm for work which never exhausts, sacrificing the life for maintaining the unity and “Dharma of the world” on the base of “Truth and non violence” as it was practiced by our “Mahatma Gandhi”.

2.5Good and bad people.This world and the society is a mixture of many good and very few bad people. A person becomes good or bad in the society by the type of thoughts that generates with in his mind, the various actions that he executes with the influence of his thoughts that is generated in his brain, and by the action induced influences on others physical – mental – social - economic life.

As one thought arises in our brain, another thought also arises simultaneously telling the first thought that it is bad or good and thus indirectly influences the action to be carried out. The thought which is responsible for the initiation of the action may be called as the ‘First thought’, the thoughts which arises simultaneously with the first thought in our mind, influencing or instructing the first thought, like either to go ahead with the action or not (or the first thought is right or wrong), depending on the type of first thought, is the ‘inner soul’ or the ‘inner conscious’. When the first thought is bad and the second thought instructs the first thought not to carry out the action since it is going to harm others physical – mental – social –economic life and if the first thought is not listening to the second thought and executes the action, then the person becomes bad in the society.

If we act according to our inner soul, then most of the time we will not be committing any mistakes in our life and thus we will not become bad in the society. But still there is a possibility of committing mistake in every one’s life and this can happen without the knowledge of the person who executes the action. A person who executes actions knowingly which is considered as bad in the society and he does it even after his inner soul telling him that not to carry out that action because that can lead to damage to others physical - mental – social - economic life, but still he commits the action and that becomes the ‘sin’.

If we listen to the inner soul (second thought) present in our mind, then we will not become bad in the society. Since some people, neither listen to the inner soul, nor logically think on their own, but still carry out the work by some influence, thus they commits mistakes and becomes bad in the society and get the mind disturbance because of many reasons like getting more money in short

time, property by any means, becoming famous through any body’s work and others and thus they makes the population group of ‘Bad people’.

A good person who gets the problem because of the actions of the bad person will be disturbed, but temporality and the memory may vanish as he is out of the problem.

The memory of the action that the bad person executed is going to remain inside his brain permanently, because it is going to be a strong long term memory as the person is going to remember the event repeatedly as he sees the person somewhere, as he listen’s the person through some body or any event or the material which is present in the scene will make the bad person to recall the event and thus there is war of thoughts begins inside the mind of the bad person. This war between the first thought and the second thought continues and there is repetition and recurrence of bad memory in his mind till his death and this leads to the loss of concentration, disturbances in the peace, loss of logical thinking, inability in assessing the consequences in his life.

A person who moves close to the bad person will move in front of him without any change in his mental status even though he had undergone temporary disturbance, because he is not aware of the process of disturbance and that disturbance was temporary. But the mind which created the problem will soon be disturbed, because that mind knows how it created the problem.

Most of the persons who commits the mistakes listening only to the first thought of their mind, thinks that they are wise and can fool anybody in the world, and thus they plan the action thinking that the others in the world will not come to know about the process. Most of the time the person who created the problem will try to divert the concentration of the people thinking that by this he can escape from that situation and this itself will leads to the clue to identify the culprit. It is true that, both the truth and the lies leave their foot prints along the path it walks. We are all very small in front of the world, and it is not possible to cheat the entire population all the time, the course and consequences will take its own way and nobody knows what happens at what time, and the world will take its own turn as the consequences arise.

Some of the bad people will have fixed thoughts, they will not move beyond their level of thinking and if it is a wrong perception then it is going to cause more harm to the people. 100 ordinary people having a wrong fixed thought will not cause much harm to the society, but one top person of the society having a fixed thought will cause severe damage to the society. It is very much necessary to analyze our thoughts from time to time with our experiences in life. It is necessary to accept the truth that everybody wants to lead their life in their own way they want, not harming the others. Any one, especially the top people- leaders - people in power- policy makers - decision dictators should not come to a conclusion with a fixed thought telling that ‘this is not possible’ or ‘it has to be done only in this way’ and others, until they analyze the complete situation, the root cause, the evaluation of the problems, many solution options available for the problems, and advantages and disadvantages of each solutions.

2.6How people become rich and poor.People become rich by two ways: legally becoming rich or illegally becoming rich.

The path of legally becoming rich is a difficult path. To become legally rich, the person has to work hard for long hours, has to sacrifice many ambitions in his life, will not be able to enjoy luxurious life, and if this person leads a simple life, then he may save some money, and becomes legally rich.Few people becomes rich by various ways, these people may earn money in all the possible ways. These people do not give more money to the people, who are working under them, even if he is getting more money from them. These groups of people does not mind to tell lies, manipulate things, harm someone, kill someone or do whatever they want to become rich. This person becomes rich and those people who are coming in contact with such person as the workers or as the customer are going to become poor. People become poor by many ways. People becomes poor by their own mistakes like not working hard, not underestimating themselves, spending more money on various materials which are not at all required for leading simple life, trusting bad people in the ambition of becoming rich early, investing all the money in the hand of bad man and so on. Many people may be working with the bad person, and the bad person may be getting lot of income from them but the bad person will not give anything to anyone even after working for many years under him.This world and the society is a mixture of many good and very few bad people. A person becomes good or bad in the society by the type of thoughts that generates with in his mind, the various actions that he executes with the influence of his thoughts that is generated in his brain, and by the action induced influences on others physical – mental – social - economic life.

As one thought arises in our brain, another thought also arises simultaneously telling the first thought that it is bad or good and thus indirectly influences the action to be carried out. The thought which is responsible for the initiation of the action may be called as the ‘First thought’, the thoughts which arises simultaneously with the first thought in our mind, influencing or instructing the first thought, like either to go ahead with the action or not (or the first thought is right or wrong), depending on the type of first thought, is the ‘inner soul’ or the ‘inner conscious’. When the first thought is bad and the second thought instructs the first thought not to carry out the action since it is going to harm others physical – mental – social –economic life and if the first thought is not listening to the second thought and executes the action, then the person becomes bad in the society.

If we act according to our inner soul, then most of the time we will not be committing any mistakes in our life and thus we will not become bad in the society. But still there is a possibility of committing mistake in every one’s life and this can happen without the knowledge of the person who executes the action. A person who executes actions knowingly which is considered as bad in the society and he does it even after his inner soul telling him that not to carry out that action because that can lead to damage to others physical - mental – social - economic life, but still he commits the action and that becomes the ‘sin’.

If we listen to the inner soul (second thought) present in our mind, then we will not become bad in the society. Since some people, neither listen to the inner soul, nor logically think on their own, but still carry out the work by some influence, thus they commits mistakes and becomes bad in the society and get the mind disturbance because of many reasons like getting more money in short time, property by any means, becoming famous through any body’s work and others and thus they makes the population group of ‘Bad people’.

A good person who gets the problem because of the actions of the bad person will be disturbed, but temporality and the memory may vanish as he is out of the problem.

The memory of the action that the bad person executed is going to remain inside his brain permanently, because it is going to be a strong long term memory as the person is going to remember the event repeatedly as he sees the person somewhere, as he listen’s the person through some body or any event or the material which is present in the scene will make the bad person to recall the event and thus there is war of thoughts begins inside the mind of the bad person. This war between the first thought and the second thought continues and there is repetition and recurrence of bad memory in his mind till his death and this leads to the loss of concentration, disturbances in the peace, loss of logical thinking, inability in assessing the consequences in his life.

A person who moves close to the bad person will move in front of him without any change in his mental status even though he had undergone temporary disturbance, because he is not aware of the process of disturbance and that disturbance was temporary. But the mind which created the problem will soon be disturbed, because that mind knows how it created the problem.

Most of the persons who commits the mistakes listening only to the first thought of their mind, thinks that they are wise and can fool anybody in the world, and thus they plan the action thinking that the others in the world will not come to know about the process. Most of the time the person who created the problem will try to divert the concentration of the people thinking that by this he can escape from that situation and this itself will leads to the clue to identify the culprit. It is true that, both the truth and the lies leave their foot prints along the path it walks. We are all very small in front of the world, and it is not possible to cheat the entire population all the time, the course and consequences will take its own way and nobody knows what happens at what time, and the world will take its own turn as the consequences arise.

Some of the bad people will have fixed thoughts, they will not move beyond their level of thinking and if it is a wrong perception then it is going to cause more harm to the people. 100 ordinary people having a wrong fixed thought will not cause much harm to the society, but one top person of the society having a fixed thought will cause severe damage to the society. It is very much necessary to analyze our thoughts from time to time with our experiences in life. It is necessary to accept the truth that everybody wants to lead their life in their own way they want, not harming the others. Any one, especially the top people- leaders - people in power- policy makers - decision dictators should not come to a conclusion with a fixed thought telling that ‘this is not possible’ or ‘it has to be done only in this way’ and others, until they analyze the complete situation, the root cause, the evaluation of the problems, many solution options available for the problems, and advantages and disadvantages of each solutions.

2.7 ‘My views’ to make ‘My India’ a ‘Developed country’In this book, I am trying to focus on various problem that are existing in the present India with some of the references quoted as “facts and figures,” the effects of these problems on the development of the nation and on the family economics, and the solution for these problems. Other than references, all those views mentioned in this book are my own personnel views for the development of this nation. And this I am bringing out in the form of a book in order to create awareness among

the responsible citizens of the nation to think in this way, and I am just writing a board to the path which leads our country to the developed status. This may not be the only path to achieve the goal of developed status; there may be other paths also available to achieve this goal. I request, those who are interested in the development of the nation to read this book, especially those who are working for it, including our leaders and officials.

Government of India may also be going through this book and they may consider this book to implement at national level. Sometimes, some of you may feel that the views written in this book are not good, in that case you write to the GOI with reasons, if possible before GOI considers my project at your own risk. Or, if you feel that the views present in this book are good then also you can write the letter to the GOI at your own risk, telling that the views are good, in that case GOI may consider my project for implementation, thus I may get a chance to do this precious work.

I request all the readers not to come to a conclusion till you read the entire book, understanding it, analyzing it and think about the overall productivity. I also request the readers not to create groups in order to support the views or to oppose the views, and start doing the strike to take up the project or not to take up the project. Let us become more scientific and practical, you (or the group) also write the book in a scientific way with reasons, your plans for the problems and how you are going to achieve the developed status of the nation and if your solutions are good, then GOI may consider your views to reach our country to the developed status.

I don’t mind, which project is going to achieve the status of developed country and who is going to achieve that goal. I chose this path of writing the book to create awareness among the people, after listening to many people’s helplessness to achieve these goals.

I already mentioned in this book that it is just a ‘sign board’ to the path; we need to pass through the entire path to reach the destiny of ‘Developed stage’. There are lot of works have to be done during this course. We may have to write hundreds of books of this type to guide the people working for this project from the grass root level till the policy maker level. This book is just the beginning and not the end. It is necessary to interact with many allied specialties, and involving all the people of different segments is necessary to achieve our goals.

It is also important to consider the people causing obstacle to any of the development. It is not at all possible to change the mind set of some of the bad people. We need to be more careful in tackling such situations arising at different stages. I feel all the people of the nation will identify such personalities and teach them a proper lesson at correct time so that they don’t create problem for the progress. People’s participation at right time is very essential to identify evil person early and to take necessary action before that person causes damage to the society, and thus all of us can participate in the growth of the nation and for our personnel growth.

I am writing this project after thinking a lot, analyzing many experiences, listening to many people, understanding the human physiology – emotions – sex – relationships – attachments – involvement – degree of their work – love and affection. The world exists, not only for me to live, but all of us has to live. A child cannot live without the support of the care taker; a student cannot become wiser without the support of the teacher, a political party cannot exist without the supports of the members, a nation cannot function smoothly without the support of all the states and all the nations. In the sense ‘We are all dependent’.

My request to all the readers is, don’t come to a conclusion until you completely read this book; understand the contents, and analyzing the total outcome. In between in the process of reading, you may feel that you are not going to benefit from this project because you are already rich; this project is going to decrease my income, only the poor is going to benefit and others are not going to benefit from it and so on. This may be the possibility, if I was concentrating only on division and re division of resources and not thinking on the process of productivity. The project aims at increasing the overall productivity by utilizing the every second of the entire population, every square centimetre of the land available, every technology which helps in the acceleration of the productivity in an efficient and coordinated fashion, with no loss in the process of processing, transportation, storage and ultimately, quality products and quality life is achieved in an affordable, smooth, hygienic way. The benefit of increased productivity is not only going to benefit the poor, but the share also goes to the rich. Only disadvantage may be for the segment of the people who use their crooked skills to earn easily by illegal ways, not working in a productive way, escaping from tax and so on, such people will have problems because all the events are going to be recorded spontaneously in all the fields like agriculture, industry, education, health, business ect.

2.8 We are all dependent.Any living organism in this world cannot lead the life independently without the help of the nature. I repeat ‘we are all dependent’. A single cell living organism ‘Amoeba’ need the help of the nature for its nutrition and oxygen; A nation needs the help of another nation, a family need the help of another family, a person need the help of another person and so on.

May be because of geographical reasons and administrative purposes the world is divided in to nations, national administration aims at the development of the nation. The development of the nation is directly and indirectly going to influence the development of the individual and the development of the individuals is going to influence the development of the nation.

For example the life style of an individual depends on the salary that he is getting; the salary of his group of similar individuals is decided by the economy of the nation. If an individual earns more, the nation gets more tax, and the nation is at the benefit. If the nation gets more tax, then there is better public infrastructure like roads, better mileage and less repair of the vehicles, more saving with better life style for an individual and this benefit the individual.

A nation is a composition of living and non living things. Living includes the population, animals, plants, and trees. Non living includes ores, mines, land, rivers, lakes, buildings, infrastructure, and others. The composition of the nation can also be listed as villages, towns, cities, forest, agriculture land, and others. A nation with better natural resources, better technology, and better working atmosphere takes the nation to a developed status. The natural resources are the god’s gift and we may not be able to increase it. If we use it effectively, economically and in a proper way, the natural resources helps the nation to reach the developed status, if we do not use the natural resources in an eco friendly way we will land up in problems. Utilization of the nature needs knowledge, skill, technology, and experience.

Knowledge comes from education, skill comes from repeated doing, technology comes from better thinking, and experience comes from remembering the past. For all these thinks we need a better

mind with a strong body. We need to construct our mind with the help of education and we need to build our body with the help of hard work. For constructing the better mind and a strong body, the basic requirement is health. Health is a continuous state of physical, social, and mental well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity and the person should be able to lead economically productive life. Health depends on the genetics, health of the father and the mother, nutrition in pregnancy, absence of disease in pregnancy, delivery, neonatal, childhood, adolescent and adult periods, care and nutrition, absence of disease in the individual, lifestyle of an individual, exercise, environment, and others.

Nation is a composition of individuals. The entire population can be classified into productive and dependent population. The dependent populations are the children and the elders; the productive population are the young adults. We need to shape the children for the sake of future, and we need to get the experiences of the elders to minimize the injuries on ourselves in the process of experimentation.

Education gives knowledge, knowledge gives us the power of better thinking, better thinking helps in the evolution of technology, better technology increases the velocity of productivity. The economy depends on the speed of productivity and the quality (Life and the functioning of the material produced).

A nation with one hundred crores loving people will not bring any change in the nation. A nation with one hundred crores people without love and affection for the nation with the mind to work hard and earn more makes the nation a site for internal quarrel and unhappiness. One intelligent, educated, influential man is sufficient to disturb the peace of the entire nation and the world. So the development of the nation depends on the ‘people of the nation who loves the nation and at the same time thinks better for the construction of the nation by utilizing their education, knowledge, experience, technology, and most important is, involving in the work with love and affection’. Involvement with love and affection will increase the speed of productivity and thus the economy. A person with many qualification, high knowledge, and lot of experience without involvement is equivalent to a dead man. Education, gaining knowledge, getting experience, developing technology, involving in the work all needs concentration. Concentration is the phenomenon of mind, which needs the peace and health of the mind. Peace basically depends on the thoughts we have in our brain, and also depends on the process of forgetfulness. It is easy to forget if somebody harms you (the peace in us may be disturbed for a moment), but it is difficult to forget if you harm somebody and our brain will remember the event till its death and thus the peace is disturbed permanently. So, the concentration depends on how much mistakes that we do in our life - ‘the more the mistake the less the concentration’. Concentration determines the involvement and the efficiency in the work. Without the concentration we may not be able to involve in the work, it also affects the efficiency. Involvement and efficiency determines the productivity, productivity determines the individual economy, and all the individuals put together determines the national economy.

So, it is necessary to guide our younger generation like our children and the adolescents through suitable education, where they have concrete type of thinking and chances of going wrong is high, and thus we need to create a society of people with ‘less mistakes’.

Create the thoughts in the minds of common people like ‘that they are living, because they are working, but not because of someone is helping them’ and it is possible for everyone to lead a descent life if they work better and if they get good returns for their work, thus they will be able to have good house, better education for their children, and will be able to manage the financial crisis due to ill health, and there is no place for the word like ‘loss’.

Now, everyone is working on their own, thus there is productivity and thus there is sustainability. Sustainability with better quality is possible only for minority of the people, but not for the majority of the people. The aim of this project is to bring coordination among the various segments of work force by utilising all the man power effectively, bring massive increase in the productivity, and bring the reality of quality, sustainable life for all the people.

If a person is staying at one nation he should be the citizen of that nation both physically and mentally, and he should love his nation when he is awake and also in his dreams.If a person staying in one nation and if, he is the citizen of that nation physically - in his voters id and if he is mentally the citizen of some other nation, then that nation who gives shelter to him is at danger, even if this number is single, and if this number is more, then the nation is at more danger. This applies to all the nations, and if the national leaders are ‘mentally retarded in this aspect’ and not able to identify such people in the nation, then the sufferers are the people of the nation including the leaders.They are, ‘My views’ to make ‘My India’ a ‘Developed country’, I wish you will accept it.

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