s10 line bot awards

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Expand Your Innovation

An open competition for spurring the development of LINE chatbot and user penetration, offering up to JPY 10 million in prize money to individuals and

businesses alike.


Grand PrizeOne winner


Category Awards One winner for each category


Student Category One winner


Microsoft AwardOne winner


HelpfulnessClients’ OA or LINE@For bots that interact with users, the most important thing the judges will consider is whether or not they are helpful to users.

User Adoption We will digitally count how many LINE friends you have made

LINE SpiritWe want to see bots that LINE users will want to use, such as bots that can be used in groups or ones that explore various message types with buttons and carousels.

ImpactWe hope to see bots that will truly leave an impact on users, changing people's daily lives or even how society works.

Long Term ViabilityFreeThere are plenty of great short-term ideas for bots, but we will pay special consideration to those bots who show the ability to continue in the long-term after the BOT AWARDS to help create new business.

Judging Criteria

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