s j'cra - historical papers, wits university · s j'cra transvaal: the following unions...

Post on 04-Dec-2019






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The following Unions are at 107 Lenvic House.1 Kerk Street,JOHANNESBURG.

Metal Workers' Union S.A.R. & H. Workers' Union.Domestic Workers' Union.Tvl. Glass Workers' Union.City & Town Council Workers' Union.African Building Worjers' Industrial Union.Printing & Alleid Workers' Union.Farm, Plantation & Allied Workers' Union.General Workers' Union.

The following Unions are at P.O. Box 17133,Hillbrow,JOHANNESBURG.

Furniture, Mattress & Bedding Workers' Union.°hop and Office Workers' Union.S.A. Toy, Plastic & Allied Workers' Union.National Union of African Laundering, Cleanin' & Dyeing Workers. African Food & Canning Workers' Union *Tvl. Branch).


National Union of Laundering, Cleaning & Eyeing Workers,19/22 Moseley Buildings,President Street,JOHANNESBURG.

The Secretary,Food & Canning Workers' Union,Transvaal Branch,19/22 Moseley Buildings,19 President Strefe-̂ ,JOHANNESBURG.

The Secretary,S.A. Clothing Workers' Union,P.O. Box 7288,JOHANNESBURG.

The Secretary,Transvaal Dairy Workers' Union,P.O. Box 7288,JOHANNESBURG.

The Secretary,Textile Workers' Industrial Union, S.A.219 Union Centre,31 Pritchard Street,JOHANNESBURG.

The S.A. Congress of Trade Unions,P.O. Box 17133,Hillbrow,JQHA- NESBURG.

The Secretary,Pretoria Local Committee,490 Boom Street,Asiatic Bazaar,PRETORIA.

The Secretary,Witwatersrand Local Committee, JOHANNESBURG.

The Secretary,African Commercial & distributive Workers' Union, 203 Union H0use,Queen Victoria Street,CAP.-; T CWr;«

.The Secretary,Sweet Workers1 Industrial Union,70 Dayal Road,Texuno Hall,D U R B A N .

The Secretary,Local Committee, P.O. Box 987,PIETERMARITZBURG.

Mr. Joseph Mokolutlo,General Workers' Union,P.O. Box 3&9>ODENDAaLSRUS. OF.3.

. The Secretarj’-,African General Workers' Union,10 Montshiwa Road,Galeshevre Village,KKIIIBERLEY.

C A P E :

The foil.owing Unions are at 203 Union H0use,Queen Victoria Street,CAPE TOWN.

.Food & Canning Workers' Union.

.African Food & Canning Workers' Union.S.A.R. & H. Workers' Union.

.Cape Western Province Local Committee.Hospital Workers' Union.Brick, Quarry & Cement Workers' Union.


S.A. Tin Workers' Union,P.O. Box CAPE TOWN.

S.A. Canvass & Rope Workers' Union,P.O. Box 3390,CAPE TOWN.

.Textile Workers' Industrial Union (S.A).Cape Town Branch,302 Albert Road,WOODSTOCK.

National Union of Laundering, Cleaning & Dyeing Workers,14 Stal Plein Buildin s,151 Plein Street,CAFE TOWN.

.The Secretary,Port Elizabeth Local Committee,P.O. Box 1294,PORT ELIZABETH.

N A T A L :

The following Unions are at 311 Lakhani Chambers,2 Saville Street, D U R B A N .

Metal Workers' Union.General Workers' Union.African Match Workers' Union.Tobacco Workers' Union.Biscuit & Baking Workers' Union.African Tea & Coffee Workers' Union.Tea & Coffee Workers' Union.S.A. Tin Workers' Union.Hcspital Workers' Union.Chemical Workers' Union.African Municipal Workers' Union.Natal Box, Broom & Brush Workers' Union.Twine & Bag Workers' Union.S.A.R. & H. Workers' Union.Dairy Workers' Union.■affican Tin Workers' Union.African Sugar Workers' Union.S.A. Clothing Workers' Union (Hammarsdale Beanch).

• Durban Local Committee.,


Textile Workers' Industrial Unionr Texuno Hall,70/76 Dayal Road,Clairwood. Durban.

Durban Indian Municipal ^nployees' Society, P.O. Box 36 5,DURBAN.


The President,American Federation of Labour & Congress of Industfcial Organisations,AFL - CIO Building,815 - 16th Street, N.W.WASHINGTON 6. P.O. U.S.A.

The Secretary-Treasurer,Automobile, Aircraft & Agricultural Implement Workers of America,SO00 E^st Jefferson Avenue,DETROIT 14. MICHIGAI-I. U.S.A.

The SecretaryTTreasurer,National Maritime Union of America,346 West 17th Street,New York 11, N.Y.UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

The Secretary-Treasurer,Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen,1370 Ontario Street,Cleveland 13, Ohio,UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

The Secretary-Treasurer,International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union,1710 Broadway, New York 19, N.Y.UN1T-D STaTSo OF AI^HICA.

The Secretary-Treasurer,United Furniture Workers of America,700 Broadway, New York 3, N.Y.UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

The Secretary-Treasurer,United Packinghouse, Food & Allied Workers,608 South Dearborn Street,Chichago 5, m . ,UNITED STATES OF " AMERICA.

The General Secretary,Histraduth,Arlosoross Street,TEL AVIV. ISRAEL.

Tne Secretary,Landsorganisationen i Sverige,Bamhusgatan 18,JTOCKI-ICLk. C. d.jSDEH.

The Secretary,The All-India Trade Union Congress,4 Ashok Hoad,NEW DELHI. INDIA.

The Secretary,Trades Union International of Workers of The Building Wood & Building Materials Ind P.O. Box 281,HELSINKO. FINLAND.

The President,Landsorganisationen i Finland,Paasivuorenkatu 5 B 4 Kerros,HELSINKI. FINLAND..

The President,Suomen Ammattiyhdistysten Keskusliittc Paasivurorenkatu 5,HELSINKI. FINLAND.

The Secretary,Confederation Generale du Travail,International Department, 4213 Rue Lafayette,PARIS, 10. FRANCE.

The Secretary,Confederazione Generale Italiane de Lavoro,25 Corso D 1Italiane,RCMA, ITcLY.

The Secretary,Oil, Chemical & Atomic Workers International Union,Local 16 - 601,5550 East Hastings Street,North Burnaby, British Colombia,C A N A D A .

The Secretary,International Union of Mine, Mill & Smelter Workers,1219 Queen Street West,Toronto 3, Ontario,C A N A D A .

The President,United Electrical Radio & Machine Workers of America,292 Jarvis Street,Toronto 2,C A N A D A .

The Secretary,International Longshoremen's & Warehousemen1s Union,255 Ninth Street,San Francisco 3,CALIFORNIA, U.S.A.

Mr. Arnold Selby,Fritz Heckert University,Bernau bei Berlin,GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC.

Fir. Juul Poulsen,International Union of Food & Allied Workers' Associations,15 Rue Necker,GENEVA. SWITZERLAND.

The President,Landsorganisationen i Danmark,Rosenoms alle 14,COPENHAGUEH. DENMARK.

The President,Landsorganisasjonen i Norge,Youngs gate 11,OSLO. NORGE.

Mr. Kurt Frokop,Vienna 1,H Qhenstaufengasse 10,i t U S T R I A.

Mr. N. Jeffrey,Box 71,P.O. Balmain,SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA.

The General Secretary,Australian Council of Trade Unions,25 Lygon Street,Carlton, N.S.W.A U S T R A L X A .

The General Secretary,Scottish Trades Union Congress,12 Woodlands Terrace,GLASGOW. C.3. SCOTLAND.

The General Secretary,International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, 37 - 47 Rue Montagne Aux Herbes Potageres,brussel i . b e l.-:-u i -_.

The Joint Secretaries,Irish Congress of Trade Unions,Lower Merrion Street,DUBLIN, EIRE.

The General Secretary,New Zealand Federation of Labour,P.O. Box 6l6l,Te Aro, Wellington,NEW ZEALAND.

Mr. D. Goodman,6 Chichester Chambers,Chichester Rents,Off Chancery Lane,LCiUCN. ,;.j 1i . En g l a n d .

The General Secretary,Trades Union Congress,Congress House,Great Russell. Street,LONDON. ,..J.l. EMSLAHD.

The Secretary-General,Ghana Trades Union Congress,P.O. Box 701,ACCR.;. GHANA.

The Secretary-General,U.G.T.A.N.,P.O. Box 191,CONAKRY. GUINEA.

The Secretary,Kenya Federation of Labour,P.O. Box 10326,NAIROBI. KENYA.

The General Secretary,Independent United Labour Congress, 78 Agege Motor Road,Idi - Oro,.Lagos,N 1 G it I a.The General Secretary,United Trade Union Congress,P.O. Box 652,KITi'iE. NORTHERN RHODESIA.

The Secretary,Tanganyika Federation of Labour,87 Livingstone Street,DaR E3 SALAAM, TANGANYIKA.

The Secretary,Uganda Trade Union Congress,P.O. Box 2889,KAMPALA'. UGANDA.

The Secretary,Basutoland Workers' Union,P.O. Box 26,Mohale's Hoek,BASUTOLAND.

The Secretary,Bechuanaland Trade Union Congress,P.O. Box 28,PALAPYE. BECHUANALAND.


Mr. A.D. Long,Meatures Editor,London Daily Herald,P.O. Box 196,LONDON. -.0 . 2. ENGLAND.

The News editor,Sunday Express,I Sain Street, JOHANNESBURG.

The Chairman,The Liberal Party of South Africa, Harvard Buildings,Joubert Street,JOHANNESBURG.

The Secretary,Progressive Party of South Africa, P.O. Box 8625,JOHANNESBURG.

The News Editor, The Star, President Street, JOHANNESBURG.

The National Secretary,National Union of Distributive Workers, P.O. Box 2623,GAPE TOWN.

The News Editor, The World,P.O. Box 6663, JOHANNESBURG.

The Branch Secretary, .National Union of Distributive Workers, P.O. Box 7135,JOHANNESBURG.

The News Editor,Golden City Post,P.O. Box 3413,JOHANNESBURG.

The News Editor,The Sunday Times,Main Street, JOHANNESBURG.

The News Editor,The Rand Daily Mail, 174 Main Street,JOHANNESBURG.

The News Editor,The Cape Argus,122 St. Georges Street,CAPE TOWN.

The News Editor,The Cape Times,77 Burg Street,CAPE TOWN.

Mr. M. Kagan,2 High Court Chambers,Fox Street,JOHANNESBURG.

The Chairman,The Black Sash,3rd Floor Harvard Buildings,Joubert Street,JOHANNESBURG.

H. Urwin, Regional Secretary,Transport House, 211 Broad Street,BIRMINGHAM 15. LONDON.

D. Fairbaim, Secretary,Confederation of Ship Building & Engin. U. Transport House, oLondon Road, ̂

*_................ioG’L/fAJPT.G.W.U. Record, ----- ------Transport House, Smith Square,London, S.W. 1,ENGLAND.

The News Editor,Eastern Province Herald, Baakens Street,PORT E LIZABETH.

The News Editor,ELlanga lase Natal,128 Umgeni Road, D U R B A N .The News Editor,The Natal Witness,P.O. Box 362, PIETERMARITZBURG.

The Nev/s Editor,The Friend, Bloemfontein,ORANGE FREE STATE.

Collection Number: AD1137


PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive

Location:- Johannesburg



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