rwd lecture chiang mail pete hillman

Post on 28-Jan-2015






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What is RWD? why is it important? How can do we use it?


RWDResponsive Web Design

Web Creative

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please note there may be some differences between this pdf slide and the presentation

Online Since 1992

Online Since 1992

Online Since 1992

What is a web creative

programmer coder web designer graphic designer





WHATResponsive Web Design

A responsive design is composed of three distinct parts: !A flexible grid. !Flexible images. !Or more specifically, images that work in a flexible context (whether fluid themselves, or perhaps controlled via overflow). !Media queries. !The final layer of a responsive design, media queries optimize the design for different viewing contexts, and spot-fix bugs that occur at different resolution ranges.

Responsive web design is a web design approach aimed at crafting sites to

provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a

minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices. ...

Ethan Marcotte


Demos of !

static liquid

adaptive responsive

Real world examples

“A consistent user experience across devices.”

“Not a consistent appearance across devices.”


What happens when we lose 80% of traditional screen space?


Lose 80% of your screen space?

Examples from

WHYResponsive Web Design


User Experience

Future Internet Usage

Device type explosion and viewport size

Future Internet Usage

• mobile data use to increase by a factor of 26 by 2015

suggests that 40% of smartphone net use happens in the home, 25% at work, and the remaining 35% in transit

•more widely available than electricity in the Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia

Average smartphone usage doubled: 79 MB per month, up from 35 MB per month in 2009

Cisco report 2013: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2012–2017

•more mobile devices than people on earth end of 2013

User Experiencenavigation


Walmart Canada recently unveiled its new responsive design, the first enterprise e-commerce site in the country to make the switch. !Conversion’s up 20%, mobile orders up 98%.

Device explosion

Viewport size variation

HowTo Use Responsive Web Design

Take note that small failures can have big effects

CNN site failure

Design Flow content strategy !!

!typical design strategy !

client designer content creator

PSD > developer / coder > website !!fixed

pixel perfect !

folds and magazine desktop mentality !


Responsive Design Flow !!

Client interview share insight knowledge

how what where when why !

current site analysis of users, target audience.

No fixed layouts (PSD's)No pixel perfect layouts and expectations


in Browser design and development. !

Iterate > Client > iterate* !

Costly as more work involved labour intensive, more time pre planning as well as


Content is king

!what does the user want and need (on that device)

!e.g. data, images, product, etc….

!fluid mindset

How Google does it:

So from the basic core message develop up and then relate all the following content to the core message to stay simple / on track

message mission essence

user context

Look and feel

finishing touches fine details

media queries !

wiki !

Media Queries is a CSS3 module allowing content rendering to adapt to conditions such as screen resolution (e.g. smartphone vs. high definition screen). !It became a W3C recommended standard in June 2012 and is a cornerstone technology of Responsive Web Design. !examples of supported properties: !!device-aspect-ratio aspect ratio !device-height length height of the output device !device-width length width of the output device !resolution resolution ("dpi" or "dpcm") resolution !width width of the rendering surface

media queries !

examples: !<link rel='stylesheet' media='screen and (min-width: 701px) and (max-width: 900px)' href='css/medium.css' /> !linking to stylesheet if meets criteria here its 701 px and max width 900 px !or directly into the page: !screen and print differences !@media screen { body { width: 75%; } }

@media print { body { width: 100%; } }

!@media all and (max-width: 699px) and (min-width: 520px), (min-width: 1151px) { body { background: #ccc; } }

compounded media queries

Common media query breakpoints

These breakpoints cover about 95% of use cases.


Large Desktop - Default styles if designing for desktop-first

Small Desktop - 1440px width

Laptop - 1280px width

Tablet Landscape - 1024px width

Tablet Portrait - 768px width

Mobile Landscape - 480px width

Mobile Portrait - 320px width

The Viewport Meta Tag

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

no Viewport Meta Tag


iOS Safari assumes a webpage is 980px wide, zooming out in order to fit the whole lot within the available (iPhone 4) 320px. The content is then much less readable, unless you zoom in.

By stating that the width of your layout is equal to the device width, you'll run into problems when a device is used in landscape.


<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

In Windows 8, there are two “modes” of use: Metro mode and classic mode. !!When snapped, IE10 ignores the meta viewport tag for any viewport smaller than 400 pixels in width (which it is, when in snap mode). This in turn messes up your beautifully set responsive plans and results in the same kind of smart scaling you see on non-optimized sites on an iPhone or Android device.

Problem Microsoft Windows 8

While the specification states that device-width should return the width of the “rendering surface” of the device, Windows 8 doesn’t seem to adhere to that when in snap mode. Unless they are claiming that in snap mode the “rendering surface” is just the snapped portion of the screen.

Progressive enhancement

Graceful degradation

Browser wars

the rise of internet explorer

the dark lord and evil to all web developers

massive market share

Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 21.14% Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.0 15.71% Chrome 33.0 12.67% Firefox 27 10.55% Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0 8.76% Microsoft Internet Explorer 10.0 7.12% Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 4.15% Firefox 28 2.83% Safari 7.0 2.61% Chrome 32.0 1.79%

Desktop Browser Version Market Share

Market Share of Safari 7.0 Safari 7.0 34.29% Market Share of Android Browser 4.0 23.04% Market Share of Chrome 33.0 Chrome 33.0 7.14% Market Share of Safari 6.0 Safari 6.0 6.22%

Mobile/Tablet Browser Version Market Share

IE slow version release issue

Graceful degradation

ie 10 ie 9 ie 8 ie 7

failing with grace

dealing with reduced browser capabilities

Progressively Enhance

design from the core elements simply and increase complexity

so basic html, css then js (why designers need some code!)

mobile first








Different layout examples

User Context Dependent


User demographicsproduct / service being shared

i.e. know your user, how the come to the site, what they want, and when they want it

dan’s example

Flat Design

What is it?

Flat Design

skuemorphic flat design


flat design examples


• simple access to the content on mobile device

• Loads faster as no complex graphic images

• Less distracting

• Easier for the developer ? folds easier?


Problems with coding for responsive design



bandwidth / load time

the picture or element is still loaded even though not visible

the whole image is loaded even if the image needed is small. problem for retina devices that demand high rez.

chewing up data plans and load times that are slow create none returners. (note the time for a website to load before

a user goes to your competitor = 3.5 sec)

Responsive Image solns

WHAT IS THE `PICTURE` ELEMENT? !The picture element is a markup pattern that allows developers to declare multiple sources for an image. By using media queries, it gives developers control as to when and if those images are presented to the user. !SAMPLE MARKUP FOR `PICTURE` <picture> <source media="(min-width: 40em)" srcset="big.jpg 1x, big-hd.jpg 2x"> <source srcset="small.jpg 1x, small-hd.jpg 2x"> <img src="fallback.jpg" alt=""> </picture> !!!WHAT IS THE `SRCSET` ATTRIBUTE? !The srcset attribute is an extension to the img and source elements that provides a concise method for delivering high-res assets to high-density displays only, while allowing the user to override requests based on a preference or available bandwidth. !SAMPLE MARKUP FOR `SRCSET` <img src="fallback.jpg" alt="" srcset="photo.jpg 1x, photo-hd.jpg 2x">



Users expect 2 seconds. !!

After 3 seconds, 40% will abandon your site. ! !!

75% of shoppers who experience an issue will not buy from that site.


!>56% of shoppers left for a competitor’s site

rather than suffer delays. !

Below is a copy of the 1992 version of the World Wide Web that Berners-Lee had stored on a floppy drive since the early days. Last

year, it was re-uploaded onto CERN's servers

An example of fluid responsive website design with a very fast load time

First website:

Modern average web page:1.4mb

(size of my three years at university and my degree research project)

Size matters

Ford Model T October 1, 1908 highly economical

simple to maintain / make

Range Rover 2014 economical 0

complexity high dependency


Model Tmore mpg


progress does not necessarily mean efficiency

What happened?

desire for Rich media = increasing complexity

graphic designers brought imagerydemanded layout control

video images

js effects

So with increasing complexity:

dependency on externalities

html css js databases video

controlled layouts

browser variations

adaptive variation to deal with these demands

higher bandwidth more server calls

Browser specific prefixes and kinks

Browser strengths and weakness’s

Variable Browser support for new properties and tech

also software wars e.g. Adobe v Apple flash

Result of all this

Polyfills (often js)

-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5 min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5 -o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3/2

unknown support




images = compress / optimisesize / scale : retina devicesserver detection = serve correct size scale browser detection = serve correct size (problem http requests delay)

Dont set image size use auto height and 100% width

PNG: for transparency (PNG-24), or there are few colours (PNG-8).

JPG: for tons of colours (like photos). No transparency.

GIF: very heavy Most animations can be replaced with CSS3.

Image types

Lazy Load = js (also place js at end)

minify and compress (clean code)

Gzip = correct server settings

Reduce HTTP requests

how a browser renders a page !Render path that this page takes before it gets displayed.... !• browser downloads the html file • browser reads the html and sees that there are one css file, one javascript file and one

image • browser starts downloading the image • browser decides it can not display the webpage without first getting the css and

javascript • browser downloads the CSS file and reads it to make sure nothing else is being called • browser decides it still can not display the webpage yet until it has the javascript • browser downloads the javascript file and reads it to make sure nothing else is being

called • Browser now decides it can display the webpage

Stop calling in extra scripts, styles and fonts combine them to reduce the need for multiple http requests

Critical render path

Most websites have absolutely terrible render paths because they are calling so many things that the browser must load before the webpage can be displayed. The two most common are the CSS files and the javascript files.

development solutions



Custom code creation and design




Zurb Foundation etc…

Box Sizing

Width padding border included inside the width of the element

*, *:before, *:after { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; }


An em value is calculated against the font-size of a current element, so boxes sized with it will consequently scale as font sizes are adjusted by

the element or its ancestors.


1em is equal to the current font size.

Problem the classic nested em scaling problem.


• 16px from the root html element

In translating the pixel size of the heading to ems, we apply the target ÷ context = result formula (24px ÷ 16px) to arrive at a relative and scalable font-size of 1.5em

create a H1 (24pxl) tag in ems


avoids the classic nested em scaling problem.

rem is defined as the font-size of the root element. So, all references to rem will return the same value, regardless of ancestor font size

"root em"

To calculate its size relative to its parent, which is the H1 tag, you have to use the same target ÷ context = result formula, where target is 11 pixels, and the size of the H1 tag (the context) is 24 pixels. This gives you 11 ÷ 24 = 0.458333333333333em.


what if we want to create a page element (e.g. link) relative to its parent, which is the H1 tag?

html { font-size: 100%; } /* Browserdefault, 16px */ h1 { font-size: 1.75rem; } /* 28/16 = 1.75 */

h2 { font-size: 1.375rem; } /* 22/16 = 1.375 */ p { font-size: 0.875rem; } /* 14/16 = 0.875 */

Why is this a big deal?

totally changed the size of the elements easily

@media only screen and (min-width: 1060px) {

html { font-size: 10px; } .content-area { width: 70%; font-size: 1.6rem } .sidebar { width: 30%; font-size: 1.4rem; } }

} no need to re-calculatenew widths and font sizes using

pxs or ems


many types: flexible - fixed width

navigation patterns

“Web designers will have to look beyond the layout in front of them to envision how its elements will reflow & lockup at various widths while maintaining form & hierarchy.” ! Trent Walton

Creatives developed ways of folding websites depending on the scale and viewport size

Most common wordpress etc…

navigation pattern examples

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