russian-british relations Презентация выполнена учителем МБОУ...

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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Russian-British relationsПрезентация выполнена

учителем МБОУ «СОШ №6»гор. Лысьва

Пермский крайМеньшиковой И.Г.

The Russian-British relations began in the mid-16th century

when Russia was ruled by King Ivan IV the Terrible.

In England the King Edward VI was on the throne at that time.

In 1553 the explorer Richard Chancellor was

the first British who came to Russia.

He arrived to the port of Arkhangelsk in the north of Russia.

For five and a half centuries Moscow and London had close diplomatic and economic relations.

In the late 17th century (from 1697 till 1698) the Russian Tsar Peter I got acquainted with the life of the British

and learned the maritime affairs.

Since that time the close contacts between Russia and England were established.

Reigning dynasty of Russia and Britain were related when the daughter of Alexander II Maria married Alfred Ernst, the Duke of Edinburgh and the second son

of Queen Victoria.

Then the Queen Victoria’s granddaughter Alice, became the wife of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II.

She became Orthodox and was named Alexandra.

Perhaps because of the close family ties between Russia and Britain the two countries fought so rarely.

Referring to the current political relations between Russia and Britain they can hardly be called particularly warm or

friendly but rather pragmatic.

-“Russia is a very important partner to the UK in the pursuit of global interests such as Iran, Afghanistan, the Middle East peace

process, energy security and climate change.”

(the British Ambassador Miss Ann Pringle)

Contrary to the cool political climate the business process between Britain and Russia is developing quite successfully.

Despite the difference in culture

and language,

different history

the indisputable fact is that between the two nations there was mutual admiration and genuine interest to each

other in all times.

According to official statistics of the Russian Embassy the UK is now the home of about 150 - 200

thousand Russian people.

Nowadays there are active cultural and tourist exchanges between two countries.

Recently Russia and Britain found an another point of contact - the countries share the experience in the

preparation of the Olympic Games.

Summer 2012 in London

Winter of 2014 in Sochi.

So there are all prerequisites for the improvement and further development of Russia-British bilateral relations.

We believe that Russia and Britain will be friends for centuries.

Thank you for your attention!

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