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Testing of Chemicals as Mycobactericidal Agents

Syed A. SattarCentre for Research on Environmental Microbiology (CREM), Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada



Tuberculosis (TB), already among the most common infectious diseases with 6–9 million new clinical cases globally [1, 2], is an even greater threat now due to the combined influence of the AIDS pandemic [3–6], solid organs transplanted from infected donors [7–9], induced immunosuppression for cancer therapy and organ transplantation [10], malnutrition [11], faster and more frequent international travel [12], higher population density and other on-going societal changes [13–15]. In addition, multidrug-resistant (MDR-TB) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR-TB) strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are an added challenge to chemotherapy and infection control [16, 17]. Mil-lions more around the world harbor M. tuberculosis as latent and asymptomatic cases and contribute further to the pool of poten-tial sources of the pathogen. Mycobacterium bovis, primarily a pathogen of bovines, can infect humans as well [18], mainly through the consumption of unpasteurized dairy products [19, 20]. In contrast, leprosy, caused by Mycobacterium leprae, has

already been eliminated from many once-endemic regions [21] and it may soon be eradicated.

Apart from those three pathogens, the genus Mycobacterium includes many other species variously referred to as “atypical mycobacteria”, “mycobacteria other than tuberculosis” (MOTT) and “non-tuberculous mycobacteria” (NTM). This chapter will refer to them as “environmental mycobacteria” to signify their saprophytic and environment-based nature. Such organisms are also called “perikairots” to indicate their environmental origin and opportunistic nature as human pathogens [22]. Environmental mycobacteria are generally slower-growing organisms that achieve prominence in engineered and disinfected systems due to reduced competition from other faster-growing and more readily inacti-vated bacteria. Thus, ironically, they can benefit from low levels of disinfectant application, for example in potable water. Remarka-bly, environmental mycobacteria appear to infect humans only upon direct exposure to an environmental source, but are not known to cause secondary cases [23]. Many of the 145 known species of environmental mycobacteria [24] are common in bio-films [25] and there are examples of emerging pathogens being

Russell, Hugo & Ayliffe’s: Principles and Practice of Disinfection, Preservation and Sterilization, Fifth Edition. Edited by Adam P. Fraise, Jean-Yves Maillard,

and Syed A. Sattar.

© 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2013 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Introduction, 131Spread of mycobacteria, 132Microbicides and mycobacteria, 132Testing microbicides against mycobacteria, 132Types of tests for mycobactericidal activity, 132Standard test protocols for mycobactericidal activity, 133Guidance on testing and registration of chemicals as mycobactericides, 135Conclusions, 136Acknowledgments, 139References, 139

Bacterial Sensitivity and Resistance to Microbicides6

Section 1 Principles


formation by organisms such as Mycobacterium immunogenum [49–51], released into indoor air to decontaminate surfaces and pieces of equipment [52, 53], applied on hard, non-porous envi-ronmental surfaces [54], and are used for manual [55] or machine [56] disinfection of medical devices and skin antisepsis. This chapter will discuss only the last three types of uses, with particu-lar focus on information generated in the past decade. The reader is referred to earlier reviews [57, 58] and book chapters [59, 60] for additional details. Any coverage of standard methods and test guidelines for government registration of products with claims of mycobactericidal activity will be limited to those in Europe, Canada and the USA.

Testing chemicals for effectiveness against mycobacteria can be more demanding than similar tests against many other types of organisms. This is primarily due to the hydrophobic nature of mycobacteria that causes them to readily clump together. This clumping phenomenon is more marked with some species of mycobacteria than with others; M. bovis is a case in point. Without careful controls, this can result in the overestimation of mycobac-tericidal activity. Even for other target mycobacteria, it is desirable to include a surface-active agent after disinfectant contact to promote mycobacterial dispersal and proper enumeration of survivors.

Types of tests for mycobactericidal activity

The following types of methods are used to assess the effective-ness of chemicals against mycobacteria.1. Suspension tests. In general, one part of the microbial suspen-sion is mixed with nine parts of the test formulation (for control, saline or a buffer is used instead) and the mixture held at the specified temperature for the required contact time, neutralized to quench any remaining microbicidal activity and then assayed for viable organisms to determine percentage or log10 reductions in relation to the control [23, 61]. Although such testing is simpler to perform, it is also a weaker challenge due to an excess of the test formulation, which can more readily inactivate the target cells in suspension even in the presence of an added soil load [61]. Therefore, suspensions tests are more suitable for screening during product development and in establishing the initial promise of formulations for eventual government registration. However, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) accepts data based on suspension tests for registering mycobactericidal claims [62]; Health Canada’s recent guidance document on human-use antiseptics lists suspension tests among the protocols for testing the mycobactericidal activity of hand antiseptics [63]. Health Canada’s guidance document on disinfectant drugs [64] refers to the somewhat dated standard of the Canadian General Standards Board [65], which includes a suspension test.2. In vitro carrier tests. In these protocols the test organism is first dried on an inanimate carrier for subsequent exposure to the test formulation or a control fluid [54]. The carrier may be placed directly in a recovery broth (with proper neutralizer) or first

found in increasing numbers and in a widening variety of infec-tions in immunosuppressed and also otherwise normal hosts [26]. Lung infections by environmental mycobacteria necessitate addi-tional differential diagnosis to rule out TB [27, 28].

Spread of mycobacteria

Tuberculosis spreads primarily by air [29]. While mycobacteria may survive on environmental surfaces for days to months [30, 31], there are no credible reports of their transmission when such contamination is resuspended and inhaled. Water and soil are the main reservoirs for environmental mycobacteria, with the nose and mouth as well as damaged soft tissue and skin being major portals of entry. Environmental mycobacteria in biofilms in rinse water [32, 33] or inside automated endoscope reprocessors (AERs) themselves can contaminate semicritical medical devices, leading to iatrogenic infections [34, 35], pseudo-outbreaks [36, 37] or misdiagnoses [38]. Improperly reprocessed semicritical devices such as gastroscopes and bronchoscopes can be iatrogenic means of TB spread [34]. Inhalation of environmental myco-bacteria in metal-working fluids is a well-recognized cause of hypersensitivity pneumonitis, a debilitating and potentially fatal occupational hazard [39]. An emerging area of concern is that of personal service settings as increasing numbers of cases due to environmental mycobacteria are being reported from improperly processed sharps in tattooing [40], contaminated needles in acu-puncture [41] and ill-maintained footbaths for pedicure [42].

Microbicides and mycobacteria

Mycolic acid in mycobacterial cell walls gives them a waxy, hydro-phobic and generally less permeable character. This also makes them generally more resistant to penetration by microbicides than other non-sporulating bacteria [43]. In addition, mycobac-teria might also be protected from disinfection by their ability to reside and replicate inside eukaryotes such as free-living amoebae [44, 45] (see Chapter 8). A recent report that ascribed the higher resistance to endospores in mycobacteria [46] has been refuted [47], although adequate studies of differences in disinfection sen-sitivity between actively growing and stressed mycobacteria have not been conducted.

The information summarized above highlights not only the continuing significance of M. tuberculosis but also the rapid emer-gence of environmental mycobacteria as human pathogens. In view of this, the term “tuberculocidal” should be replaced with “mycobactericidal” to more accurately reflect a chemical’s micro-bicidal activity against Mycobacterium as a genus.

Testing microbicides against mycobacteria

Chemicals are used to inactivate mycobacteria in water for drink-ing [48, 49], are added to metal-working fluids to suppress biofilm


Chapter 6.3 Testing of Chemicals as Mycobactericidal Agents

(ATCC 19420) and confirmatory tests with M. bovis (BCG or equivalent; Organon Teknika Corp., Durham, NC).

ASTM internationalASTM International (formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials) has been active for nearly three decades in developing consensus-based standards for testing chemicals as microbicides [70]. It is the only such North America-based organ-ization dealing with antiseptics as well as disinfectants. Several of its standards are now referenced by Health Canada [63, 64], the FDA [72] and the World Health Organization [74]. The Organi-zation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is now adapting an ASTM method (no. E-2197) for harmonized testing of hard surface disinfectants in its 31 member states [75].

Table 6.3.1 lists ASTM standards for testing the mycobacteri-cidal activity of disinfectants. While it currently does not have any specific standards for testing antiseptics against mycobacteria,

eluted with an eluent/neutralizer and the eluate assayed for viable organisms. Such protocols represent a stronger challenge to the test formulation as it must first penetrate through the dried inoc-ulum to access the target, a scenario more akin to field conditions [54]. However, carrier test protocols vary widely in the nature and type of carriers, the ratio between the volume of the test formula-tion and the surface area of a given carrier, the type and level of added soil load, microbial load on carriers, potential for wash-off of viable organisms, and, quite importantly, the level of quantita-tion feasible for an accurate and reproducible assessment of microbicidal activity in relation to the product performance cri-terion to be met [54]. In Canada, quantitative in vitro carrier testing is now referred for registering environmental surface and medical device disinfectants [64].3. Ex vivo tests. Here, the test organism is first placed on pieces of tissue excised from humans or animals, the inoculum is then dried and exposed to the test formulation to assess its action. Common substrates in ex vivo tests are pieces of pig skin [66] or sections of human skin removed during plastic surgery [67, 68]. Ex vivo testing is particularly suitable for experimenting with microorganisms and/or chemicals with undocumented or ques-tionable safety for use on human subjects. There are no published reports describing the use of ex vivo methods to assess microbi-cides against mycobacteria.4. In vivo tests. In these methods, the skin of intact animals or human subjects [69] is experimentally contaminated with the test organism, the inoculum is then dried and exposed to the test formulation. Only recently has in vivo testing using human sub-jects been recommended for registration of antiseptics claiming activity against mycobacteria [63, 70].5. Simulated use testing. In this type of protocol external and internal surfaces of semicritical medical devices such as flexible endoscopes are experimentally contaminated with organisms including mycobacteria, and subjected to manual [71] or machine reprocessing [56]. Such testing is required by both Health Canada and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [72] for regis-tration of endoscope disinfectants meant for single use or reuse.

Standard test protocols for mycobactericidal activity

The following bodies in Europe and North America have devel-oped standardized protocols for testing chemicals against myco-bacteria to be used on environmental surfaces and medical devices.

AOAC InternationalOnly one method relating to mycobacteria is listed in the 18th edition of the Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International [73]. It is entitled “Tuberculocidal Activity of Disinfectants” (no. 965.12) with First Action status and is awaiting upgrading to Final Action soon. The method, which has not been validated for glutaraldehyde-based products, uses porcelain penicylinders as carriers. Presumptive testing is with Mycobacterium smegmatis

Table 6.3.1 Methods of ASTM International [70] relating to tests against mycobacteria.

Designation (year of last approval)

Title Scope

E-1837 (2007) Standard Test Method to Determine Efficacy of Disinfection Processes for Reusable Medical Devices (Simulated Use Test)

Designed for experimental contamination of reusable medical devices with a variety of microorganisms, including mycobacteria, to assess their reductions in manual or machine reprocessing

E-2111 (2005) Standard Quantitative Carrier Test Method to Evaluate the Bactericidal, Fungicidal, Mycobactericidal, and Sporicidal Potencies of Liquid Chemical Microbicides

Uses the inside bottom surface of glass vials for contamination with the test organism with or without an added soil load. It is designed for use in product development

E-2197 (2011) Standard Quantitative Disk Carrier Test Method for Determining the Bactericidal, Virucidal, Fungicidal, Mycobactericidal and Sporicidal Activities of Liquid Chemical Germicides

Uses disks of brushed stainless steel as prototypical hard, non-porous surfaces. A soil load is required for testing. Adaptable to other materials with validation

E-2362 (2009) Standard Practice for Evaluation of Pre-saturated or Impregnated Towelettes for Hard Surface Disinfection

This standard practice is designed to test the combined effect of wiping and disinfection to decontaminate glass slides as representative hard, environmental surfaces. The six test organisms listed include two mycobacteria (M. bovis and M. chelonae)

Section 1 Principles


eluent is diluted as needed and the samples are membrane filtered for the recovery and enumeration of colony-forming units. Log10 or percent reductions in the viability of the test organisms are then calculated. Since QCT-1 uses a relatively smooth surface as a carrier and also incorporates a higher volume of test substance in relation to the microbial inoculum, it is recommended for use during product development.

ASTM standard E-2197 [54, 70] is the second tier of the quan-titative carrier test (QCT-2). The main steps in the procedure are summarized in Figure 6.3.1. The default carriers in QCT-2 are disks (1 cm in diameter) of magnetized and brushed stainless steel (AISI type 430) to represent the uneven surfaces often encoun-tered in the field to better assess the ability of the test substance to effectively disinfect them. Such disks can be contaminated with a relatively small (10 µl) and precisely measured volume of the challenge organism and also exposed to only 50 µl of the test substance. The magnetized nature of the disks enables one to hold them in place in the carrier vial with the help of a magnet during the washing and rinsing steps of the test procedure. Such disks

Health Canada (see below) recommends the fingerpad method for bactericidal activity (no. E-2276) to test antiseptics against mycobacteria [63] using Mycobacterium terrae and Mycobacte-rium avium as surrogates.

Quantitative carrier tests of ASTM internationalASTM International lists two protocols for testing the mycobac-tericidal activity of environmental surface and medical device disinfectants [70] and they have been described in detail previ-ously [54].

The first of these methods (no. E-2111), referred to as the first tier of the quantitative carrier test (QCT-1), uses the inside bottom surface of flat-bottomed glass vials as the carrier. Ten microliters of the test microbial suspension (with or without an added soil load) is placed in each vial, the inoculum dried and then exposed to 1 ml of the test substance. At the end of the contact time, 9 ml of a diluent/eluent with a neutralizer is added to the vial and a magnet with a knurled surface used to scrape off and recover any inoculum remaining on the glass surface. The

Figure 6.3.1 Main steps in the disk-based quantitative carrier test 2 (QCT-2).

Prepare suspension of test mycobacterium with soil load

↓Place 10 µL of inoculum onto each carrier and allow to dry

↓Place disk into a plastic carrier vial with the inoculated side facing up

↓Cover inoculum with 50 µL of test microbicide; control disks receive same volume of sterile

normal saline (pH 7.2 to 7.4)

↓Hold for required contact time at specified temperature

↓Add 9.95 mL of sterile Saline-T, or a neutralizer containing 0.1% Tween-80

↓Vortex for 60 seconds

↓Make 10-fold dilutions of test eluates as needed; eluates from control disks always require several

10-fold dilutions to obtain countable colonies

↓Using a separate filter for each eluate or dilution to be filtered, and using a total rinse volume of about

100 mL for each, rinse each vial several times with saline; also rinse filter funnel walls with saline and

pass eluate and rinses through the same filter

↓Place each filter on a separate plate of recovery agar; seal plates

↓Incubate plates for the required period for countable colonies to develop

↓Count colonies and determine log10 reductions


Chapter 6.3 Testing of Chemicals as Mycobactericidal Agents

can be readily sterilized by either autoclaving or dry heat and are recommended for a single use. Similar disks of other types of carrier materials can be used depending on the label claim(s) and the requirements of the target regulatory agency.

Mycobacteria are either discharged in body fluids or embedded in biofilms. Even though medical devices, in particular, are required to be pre-cleaned before disinfection, there are wide variations in the quality of such pre-cleaning. Therefore, QCT-2 also requires a standardized soil load in the challenge microbial suspension to simulate the presence of residues of body fluids or other contaminants on pre-cleaned articles to be disinfected [54]. The soil load is a mixture of a large molecular weight protein (bovine albumin), a mucoid substance (bovine mucin) and polypeptides (tryptone or yeast extract) in phosphate buffer with a total protein content roughly equal to that in 5% bovine serum.

Each carrier disk is contaminated with only 10 µl of the micro-bial suspension in an added soil load and the inoculum dried before exposure to 50 µl of the test substance. The contact time and temperature can be adjusted as needed for testing. The myco-bactericidal action of the chemical is arrested immediately at the end of the contact time by the addition of 9.5 ml of an eluent/neutralizer to dilute the test substance 200-fold while chemically neutralizing its activity. Thorough rinsing of the filter holder and the filter membrane itself after the passage of the eluate further reduces the risk from the residues of the test substance.

The member filters are placed separately on the surface of a recovery agar medium and incubated, colonies counted and log10 reductions calculated. QCT-2 can be readily adapted to test for-mulations to be applied as liquid or foamy sprays on environmen-tal surfaces.

Comité Européean de NormalisationComité Européean de Normalisation (CEN), also called the Euro-pean Committee for Standardization, consists of 31 countries working together to develop voluntary European standards in a variety of areas including methods for testing chemicals as micro-bicides (Technical Committee no. 216) [76]. The European Medical Devices Directive is the European legal framework that covers regulation of these products and European Norms (ENs) are being developed to assist manufacturers who wish to place their product on the market in Europe. Table 6.3.2 lists CEN methods designed to test antiseptics and disinfectants against mycobacteria.

Guidance on testing and registration of chemicals as mycobactericides

Health CanadaDisinfectantsIn August 2007, Health Canada issued an updated guidance docu-ment for the testing and registration of hard surface and medical device disinfectants [64]. While it refers to the Canadian General Standards Board’s standard CAN/CGSB-2.161-97 [65], it also

Table 6.3.2 CEN [76] standards relating to testing of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics for mycobactericidal activity.

Designation (year of approval)


EN14204 (2004) Quantitative Suspension Test for the Evaluation of Mycobactericidal Activity of Chemical Disinfectants and Antiseptics used in the Veterinary Area – Test Method and Requirements (phase 2, step 1)

EN14348 (2005) Quantitative Suspension Test for the Evaluation of Mycobactericidal Activity of Chemical Disinfectants in the Medical Area Including Instrument Disinfectants (phase 2, step 1)

EN14563 (2008) Quantitative Carrier Test for the Evaluation of Mycobactericidal or Tuberculocidal Activity of Chemical Disinfectants used for Instruments in the Medical Area – Test Method and Requirements (phase 2, step 2)

considers other scientifically valid test protocols in applying this guidance. For instance, it will accept data generated using ASTM’s quantitative carrier tests E-2111 and E-2197 (see Table 6.3.1).

AntisepticsA more recent guidance document from Health Canada concerns the testing of various categories of antiseptics as microbicides [63]. As shown in Table 6.3.3, the organisms listed include two species of mycobacteria and the recommended test protocols are in vitro and in vivo tests of both CEN and ASTM. Please refer to Chapter 13 for additional details.

United States environmental protection agencyAs of January 2009, the EPA’s B List of registered products con-tains 162 claiming activity against M. tuberculosis; in List E, 37 of these products are given as claiming activity against M. tubercu-losis, HIV-1 and hepatitis B virus [62]. The actives listed are caprylic acid, chlorine dioxide, ethanol, glutaraldehyde, hydro-chloric acid, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, iso-propanol, para-chlorometaxylenol, peroxyacetic acid, phenolics, quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs), sodium bromide, sodium chlorite, sodium dichloroisocyanurate, sodium hypochlo-rite and thymol.

The BEAD (Biological and Economic Analysis Division) Lab of the EPA is currently retesting products with tuberculocidal claims. The methods used for the purpose are summarized in Table 6.3.4.

United States food and drug administrationThe FDA has the responsibility for the review and registration of sterilants and high-level disinfectants to be used for the reprocess-ing of medical devices [72]. High-level disinfectants must show mycobactericidal activity in potency as well as simulated-use tests. Potency testing is based on the AOAC’s modified (quantified) Tuberculocidal Activity of Disinfectants Method no. 965.12 or

Section 1 Principles


Table 6.3.3 Health Canada’s [63] requirements for testing antiseptics against mycobacteria.a

Product category In vitro (suspension) test In vivo (fingerpad) test


Personal use: self-selected for use by an individual in a domestic settingb

EN14476 with a ≥4-log10 reduction

ASTM 1052 with a ≥4-log10 reduction

EN1499 (for washes) and EN1500 (for rubs) with a ≥2-log10 reduction

E-2276 with a ≥2-log10 reduction

Commercial use EN14476 with a ≥4-log10 reduction

ASTM 1052 with a ≥4-log10 reduction

EN1499 (for handwashes) and EN1500 (for handrubs) with a ≥2-log10 reduction

E-2276 with a ≥2-log10 reduction

Professional food-handler use EN14348 with a ≥5-log10

Not applicable EN1499 (for washes) and EN1500 (for rubs) with a ≥3-log10 reduction

E-1174 with a ≥3-log10 reduction

Professional healthcare use EN14348 with a 5-log10 reduction

Not applicable EN1499 (for washes) and EN1500 (for rubs) with a ≥3-log10 reduction

E-1174 with a ≥3-log10 reduction

a Testing against both Mycobacterium avium and M. terrae is required.b Applies only to products beyond the scope of Antiseptic Skin Cleanser Monograph by Health Canada.

Table 6.3.4 Test methods used by the Environmental Protection Agency to assess the mycobactericidal activity of microbicides [62].

Title Particulars Standard operating procedure (date)

Tuberculocidal Activity of Disinfectants. II Confirmative in vitro Test for Determining Tuberculocidal Activity

Based on AOAC International’s Method no. 965.12 part II; test organism is M. bovis (BCG) dried on porcelain penicylinders

MB-07-05 (March 16, 2010)

Quantitative Suspension Test for Determining Tuberculocidal Efficacy of Disinfectants Against M. bovis (BCG)

Based on the method of Ascenzi et al. [77] MB-16-01 (February 6, 2009)

Disinfectant Towelette Test Against M. bovis (BCG) This carrier method, which uses glass slides, is a modification of AOAC method no. 961.02 (2009)

MB-23-01 (February 26, 2010)

Testing of M. bovis (BCG) using the Germicidal Spray Products as Disinfectants

This carrier method, which uses glass slides as carriers, is an adaptation of AOAC methods no. 965.12 and 961.02

MB-24-01 (February 26, 2010)

Ascenzi’s quantified suspension test [77]. A 6-log10 kill of either M. bovis or M. terrae is required under the test conditions used. The use of other species of mycobacteria is also permitted so long as test data or literature references can be provided to indicate that the resistance of the selected organism to the tested chemical is similar to that of M. tuberculosis var. bovis. For simulated-use testing [71], the most resistant species of Mycobacterium is rec-ommended and a minimum 6-log10 reduction in its viability required.

As of March 2009, the FDA lists 30 products registered as high-level disinfectants with general claims for processing reus-able medical and dental devices [78]. Such formulations must first show acceptable mycobactericidal activity to qualify as high-level disinfectants. Nearly 57% (17/30) of these products contain 1.12–3.6% glutaraldehyde either alone or in com-bination with isopropanol or phenol/phenate. The next most common active is ortho-phthalaldehyde (0.55–5.75%) as the sole active in 13% (4/30). Ten percent (3/30) contain a mixture of hydrogen peroxide (1.0–8.3%) and peracetic acid (0.08–7.0%). Only one products is based on a mixture of hypochlorite and hypochlorous acid, giving a free chlorine level of 6.75 parts per million.

Table 6.3.5 is a summary of information from selected publi-cations (2001–2010) on the mycobactericidal activities of chemi-cals [71, 79–89].


TB has re-emerged as a significant threat to global health [13, 90]. Its drug-resistant strains are a particularly serious challenge as chemotherapy is no longer a viable option in dealing with them; progress in developing a safer and more effective vaccine against the disease has also been agonizingly slow [91]. Under the cir-cumstances, interrupting the spread of TB through environmen-tal control presents itself as a viable option. In this regard, proper filtration of indoor air and/or its disinfection using ultraviolet technology show considerable promise in clinics and hospitals, as examples.

Proper chemical disinfection of semicritical medical devices constitutes another crucial aspect of any effective and generic preventive strategy. Even today, many settings either do not reprocess heat-sensitive endoscopes properly or rely upon disin-fectants with questionable activity against pathogens such as M.

Table 6.3.5 Summary of studies on the mycobactericidal activities of microbicides: 2001–2010.

Reference Mycobacterial species tested (ATCC number)

Microbicide(s) tested Test method Contact time

Summary of results

Bello et al. (2006) [7]

M. smegmatis (19420); M. tuberculosis H37Rv; clinical isolates of M. fortuitum, M. chelonae and M. abscessus

Cidex (2% glutaraldehyde); Cidex-OPA (0.55% o-phthalaldehyde); K-Iler (0.16% dimethyl benzyl lauryl ammonium bromide); Gardex (10% dimethyl benzyl lauryl ammonium bromide); Microplus-Action (5% polymethylene urea); Microplus-Action (5% polymethylene urea)

Quantitative suspension test prEN 14348 in “clean” and “dirty” conditions

5–60 min Products tested registered as tuberculocides in Venezuela and used in clinical and laboratory settings. Only Cidex and Cidex-OPA produced a >5-log10 reduction in the viability of all species tested in 5 min. All other products failed to do so even after a contact time of 60 min. Authors caution that using ineffective products could result in iatrogenic infections

Garcia de Lomas et al. (2008) [80]

M. terrae (15755) 2-Butanone peroxide (0.5%) as an aqueous solution

Quantitative suspension test EN14476. Soil load was 3 mg/ml bovine serum albumin and 0.03 ml/ml sheep erythrocyte. Product diluent was water with 300 mg/kg CaCO3

60 min Disinfectant found difficult to neutralize with conventional chemicals; membrane filtration and washing of filters was adopted for the purpose. Mycobactericidal activity was obtained after 60 min at 20°C. Quite likely, the product would require an even longer contact time to meet the generally accepted product performance criterion of ≥6-log10 reduction in viability, thus making it unsuitable for use under most field conditions.

Hernández et al. (2005) [81]

M. tuberculosis H37Rv (25618); M. kansasii (12478); M. chelonae (35752); M. avium-intracellulare (clinical isolate)

2% Korsolex (15.6% dodecyl bispropylene diamine + 5.1% lauryl propylene diamine); prepared and used within 2 h. Concentrations and contact times tested were 1% for 60 min, 2% for 30 min and 3% for 15 min. Acceptable activity was ≥5-log10 reduction

Quantitative suspension as well as carrier tests. Borosilicate disks were used as carriers; a soil load of 7.6 g/l was added to the microbial suspension; distilled water was used instead of the product on control disks. Distilled water and standard hard water (200 ppm CaCO3) were used as the diluent in suspension and carrier tests, respectively

60 min Minimum of 60 min with a 1% solution was needed in carrier tests against all organisms tested

Hernández et al. (2003) [82]

M. tuberculosis H37Rv (9360); M. avium-intracellulare (clinical isolate)

Perasafe (0.26% peracetic acid); Cidex (2% glutaraldehyde)

Disinfection of flexible fibreoptic bronchoscopes at room temperature after manual cleaning with a neutral detergent. The bacteria were suspended in sputum for experimental contamination of the scopes. Perasafe diluted in tap water to prepare use dilution

10 min Perasafe proved effective (>4.0-log10 reduction) in 10 min while Cidex required 20 min

Hernández et al. (2008) [83]

M. avium (15769) Tristel Sporicidal Wipes (200 ppm chlorine dioxide) to disinfect non-lumened semicritical medical devices under clean conditions (0.3 g/l bovine serum albumin)

Modified quantitative carrier test prEN14563 with frosted glass as carriers

30 and 60 s The wipes were mycobactericidal in 30 s with mechanical action and 60 s without mechanical action;30 s of wiping needed for a ≥4-log10 reduction

Miner et al. (2010) [84]

M. bovis var. BCG (Organon Teknika); M. terrae (15755); glutaraldehyde-resistant M. chelonae var. abscessus (14472)

≤2.1% glutaraldehyde only, glutaraldehyde in combination with ≤12.0% w/w isopropanol or in combination with ≤5.0% potassium acetate, and glutaraldehyde in combination with both isopropanol and potassium acetate

Suspension test with M. bovis and M. terrae and suture loop test of AOAC International (966.04) for M. chelonae; soil load 5% fetal bovine serum; test temperature 20 and 25°C

2–30 min Combination of 1.8% w/w glutaraldehyde with 10.6% w/w isopropanol and 4.2% potassium acetate was the most rapidly mycobactericidal, killing 7-log10 of M. terrae within 2 min at 25°C in suspension; the same formulation reduced the viability titer of M. chelonae on polyester suture loops by 6-log10 within 10 min at 20°C

Section 1 Principles


Reference Mycobacterial species tested (ATCC number)

Microbicide(s) tested Test method Contact time

Summary of results

Omidbakhsh and Sattar (2006) [85]

M. bovis BCG; M. terrae (15755)

ACCEL TB (0.5% accelerated hydrogen peroxide)

Tested against M. bovis and M. terrae using a quantitative suspension test and first tier of the quantitative carrier test (QCT-1; ASTM E-2111), respectively, at 20°C. Soil load was either 5% fetal bovine serum or a mixture of three types of proteins in phosphate buffer

5 min The formulation reduced the viability titer of M. bovis by 6.8-log10 in 5 min in suspension. In QCT-1, M. terrae titer was reduced by >6.0-log10 also in 5 min

Rikimaru et al. (2002) [86]

Clinical strains of multidrug resistant M. tuberculosis; M. tuberculosis H37 Rv

Povidone-iodine (PVP-I), cresol, akyldiaminoethyl glycine hydrochloride (AEG) and glutaraldehyde

Suspension test; 0.05 ml of mycobacterial suspension was added to 0.45 ml of disinfectant. Soil load was 2% human serum

1–5 min PVP-I (0.1–0.2%) required no more than 2 min to reduce the viability titer of all strains tested by ≥3-log10. Cresol (0.5–3%) took 1–5 min to achieve the same level of activity whereas 60 min were needed by AEG (0.1–0.5%). Glutaraldehyde (2%) required 10 min for a 3-log10 kill. There was no quantifiable difference in the disinfectant resistance of sensitive and multidrug resistant strains

Sattar et al. (2002) [71]

M. terrae (15755) 7% stabilized hydrogen peroxide

A stress test protocol was used in combination with QCT-1 to assess the activity of the disinfectant after 14 days of reuse. Soil load consisted of 2% fetal bovine serum added to the disinfectant bath

25–35 min The disinfectant collected after 7 days of stress could reduce the viability titer of M. terrae by >6.5-log10 after a contact time of 25 min at 20°C. After 14 days of stress, a contact time of 35 min was needed for the same level of mycobactericidal activity

Steinhauer et al. (2010) [87]

M. terrae (15755) + gfpm

2+ gene.1.5% peracetic acid; a product consisting of a combination of 14% cocospropylenediamine guanidine diacetate, 35% phenoxypropanols and 2.5% benzalkonium chloride

Quantitative carrier test prEN14563. Soil load consisted of 3 mg/ml bovine serum albumin and 0.03 ml/ml sheep erythrocytes

5–60 min The fluorescence enabled determination of mycobactericidal efficacy within 15 days instead of 21 days

Wang et al. (2005) [88]

M. tuberculosis H37Ra; CMCC(B) 93020; M. chelonae subsp. abscessus CMCC(B) 93326

Formulations tested separately contained iodophor (10–40 mg/l), glutaraldehyde (0.25–1%), chlorine (10–80 mg/l), peracetic acid (0.05–2%) and alcohol (30–60%). Distilled water used to prepare in-use dilutions

Suspension test; 0.1 ml of mycobacterial suspension added to 5 ml of disinfectant

1–20 min M. chelonae subsp. abscessus proved more resistant to chlorine than M. tuberculosis while the two strains showed similar resistance to iodophor, peracetic acid, alcohol and glutaraldehyde. M. chelonae subsp. abscessus has the potential as a surrogate for M. tuberculosis in evaluating mycobactericidal efficacies of disinfectants

Zafer et al. (2001) [89]

M. terrae (15755) + pBEN(gfp) plasmid

7.5% stabilized hydrogen peroxide; 2.4% alkaline glutaraldehyde; 10% acid glutaraldehyde and 15.5% phenolic

Quantitative suspension test at 22°C

10–20 min There was good correspondence between the intensity of fluorescence and the numbers of viable organisms in test suspensions, thus allowing for rapid screening of mycobactericidal activity of tested formulations

Table 6.3.5 (Continued)


Chapter 6.3 Testing of Chemicals as Mycobactericidal Agents

culture. Moreover, infections by environmental mycobacteria are not reportable and so no adequate records are kept. With the well-recognized and growing limitations of chemotherapy, and in the continued absence of effective vaccination, environmental control through the proper use of microbicides is among the limited options available. However, for optimal benefit, better test methods and regulations are needed to select for and use safer and more effective mycobactericides.


I thank my colleagues Susan Springthorpe and Jason Tetro for their valuable input and assistance in the preparation of this chapter. I am also most grateful to my family for giving me the time to work on this document.


1 Glaziou, P. et al. (2009) Global burden and epidemiology of tuberculosis.

Clinics in Chest Medicine, 30, 621.

2 Lonnroth, K. et al. (2010) Tuberculosis control and elimination 2010–50: cure,

care, and social development. Lancet, 375, 1814–1829.

3 Harries, A.D. et al. (2010) Tuberculosis 3. The HIV-associated tuberculosis

epidemic-when will we act? Lancet, 375, 1906–1919.

4 Lalloo, U.G. and Pillay, S. (2008) Managing tuberculosis and HIV in sub-

Sahara Africa. Current HIV/AIDS Reports, 5, 132–139.

5 Laserson, K.F. and Wells, C.D. (2007) Reaching the targets for tuberculosis

control: the impact of HIV. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 85,


6 Vitoria, M. et al. (2009) The global fight against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and

malaria current status and future perspectives. American Journal of Clinical

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7 de Castilla, D.L. and Schluger, N.W. (2010) Tuberculosis following solid organ

transplantation. Transplant Infectious Disease, 12, 106–112.

8 Garcia-Goez, J.F. et al. (2009) Tuberculosis in solid organ transplant recipients

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Proceedings, 41, 2268–2270.

9 Winthrop, K.L. et al. (2004) Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis via

lung transplantation. American Journal of Transplantation, 4, 1529–1533.

10 Guida, J.P.S. et al. (2009) Tuberculosis in renal transplant recipients: a brazilian

center registry. Transplantation Proceedings, 41, 883–884.

11 Cegielski, J.P. and McMurray, D.N. (2004) The relationship between malnutri-

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animals. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 8, 286–298.

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of drug-resistant TB. Travel Medicine and Infectious Diseases, 6, 177–181.

13 Dye, C. et al. (2009) Trends in tuberculosis incidence and their determinants

in 134 countries. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 87, 683–691.

14 Falkinham, J.O. (2010) Impact of human activities on the ecology of nontu-

berculous mycobacteria. Future Microbiology, 5, 951–960.

15 Sattar, S.A. et al. (1999) Impact of changing societal trends on the spread of

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17 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2009) Plan to combat extensively

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tuberculosis. This is due to certain deficiencies in the test methods mandated and used to generate data for product registration. Not surprisingly, QACs, with virtually no mycobactericidal activity on their own, still figure prominently as actives in numerous prod-ucts registered for sale. The rationale for the continued marketing of benzalkonium chloride-based antiseptics has been questioned in the face of numerous cases of iatrogenic infections due to mycobacteria [92].

Environmental mycobacteria are already recognized as signifi-cant human pathogens [43, 93, 94] and their impact is likely to increase further with on-going environmental and societal changes [14]. For example, when a community replaces chlorine with monochloramine to disinfect its water for drinking to reduce the levels of regulated disinfection by-products, the types and numbers of environmental mycobacteria in the drinking water distribution system increase [95, 96], likely due to a reduction in the numbers of competing bacterial species.

Unlike the tubercle bacillus, which spreads mainly through air [29] and is not known to replicate outside human or animal hosts, environmental mycobacteria are classic perikairots [22] with a very wide distribution in biofilms in natural and engineered environments [50]. They are inherently more resistant to micro-bicides and many chemotherapeutic agents as well. Glutaraldehyde-resistant environmental mycobacteria were first isolated from automated endoscope reprocessors by van Klingeren and Pullen [97] and their observations were soon confirmed [98]. More recent reports on the health problems caused by such resistant organisms in Brazil are quite alarming [99, 100] and have much broader implications in view of the continuing use of glutaralde-hyde as a high-level disinfectant. It is worth noting here that such microbicide-resistant organisms are showing increased resistance to antibiotics as well [99, 100]. This calls for a critical and imme-diate assessment of the situation to forestall any further expan-sion of the already serious problem of microbicide resistance and its potential to generate cross-resistance to antibiotics [101].

The debate on a suitable surrogate for M. tuberculosis for testing microbicides is less intense now, possibly because in Europe and in North America there is general consensus on using M. terrae and/or M. avium for this purpose [54, 102]. It has also been argued that the choice of a surrogate is only one of many factors in the design of a proper microbicide test protocol and that the incorporation of several levels of stringency are essential to abrogate any inherent differences between the actual target pathogen and its surrogate [54]. Since [87] common surrogates for M. tuberculosis are relatively slow growing, the fluorescent protein gene has been incorporated into them to reduce the time for disinfectant testing [89].

Mycobacteria as a group present many unique challenges to human health. The re-emergence of drug- and microbicide-resistant strains of the tubercle bacillus is a major setback inter-nationally [103]. Additionally, the true role of environmental mycobacteria in the etiology of many types of diseases is likely underestimated because the routine methods for the processing of clinical samples do not cater to the special needs for laboratory

Section 1 Principles


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