running record question

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/30/2019 Running Record Question


    5. Describe the process of doing a running record on a child s reading. How would

    you do this? How are you going to administer a running record procedure, and how

    will you interpret the results of a running record of a child s reading?

    This question asks me to describe the process of performing a running record on a

    childs reading. I first feel the need to define what a running record is and explain what kinds of

    things are contained within one. Then I can describe this process being used on a child that is

    reading, for example what I would be looking for and recording. The second part of the

    question asks me how I would administer this procedure, which to answer this I will have to

    consult my Pearson Custom Educationtextbook in the section about running records. Once I

    have done my research I can include this with specific detail into the answer with paragraphformat. The third part of the question asks how I will interpret the results of the running

    record which again this will take some research in my textbook.

    A running record is used quite frequently with the youngest group of readers in the

    emergent literacy programs. It is essentially an assessment that we use to measure a childs

    performance, comprehension, and sometimes even behavior during a selected reading. It is a

    very powerful observation tool when done correctly and can almost take you into the mind of

    the child to see exactly how they interact with printed words and letters! During a running

    record you look for things like omissions, repetition, self-corrections, and substitutions just to

    name a few. The handy thing about these records is that one can often find books that already

    have the format for doing a running record, what I mean is that the text from the book is

    already on the teachers copy that comes with the book! Also, they often come with their own

    results page and symbol sheet that one can refer to but it would be more helpful to use the same

    symbols every time that a person is familiar with and an educator needs to use their own

    professional judgment because they know the kids best.

    To start off the process of administering the running record one will need to find a place

    that you are able to work quietly one on one with the child, do not take them into a place where

    they have to fight to keep focus as it will give you false results! It is also a good idea to be

    seated on a side of the student that is comfortable and allows one the position the paper away

    from the view of the student. At this point, the person administering the running record should

  • 7/30/2019 Running Record Question


    already have some different leveled books picked out so now they can explain to the student

    that they want them to read the book aloud. It is also a good point to warn them that you will

    be writing a few things down but not to worry about it. Select the grade-level book and ask the

    child to start reading and to try their best to spell out words but if they cannot than move on.

    You should already have the symbols known and memorized so once the child has begun the

    reading you should be able to listen very carefully to each word and have your record following

    along and noting all of the little things you hear.

    After you have marked all the errors on the running record you can move to a place

    where a child cannot see the scoring so you will be more comfortable. In running records there

    are often boxes to the side that allow you to state what kind of information the child used in

    making self-corrections and errors. The options are usually M-eaning, V-isual, S-elf C-

    orrection, and S-yntax in which you could just write the first letter in the appropriate column.

    To note these kinds of things you will have to keep your eyes on the child at all times. For

    example, if they child is using visual cuesyou will need to see them examining the illustrations

    and getting words mixed up or wrong. If the child was using meaningthan you can probably

    easily note this because they know the subject matter of the story and may just be filling in

    when they are unsure (almost like a child that cannot read and makes up a story). Self-

    correctionsare much more obvious because the child may say a word and realize it is incorrect

    and later find the correct word.

    After you have done the marking of the students reading and you have noted the

    different cues the student used in making the errors and self-corrections than you can begin to

    score and calculate. There is usually a box that allows you to total the number of errors and

    self-corrections at the end of the columns in most of the ones I have seen. Then after you have

    filled in these columns you can calculate the error rate, accuracy rate, and self-correction rates.

    The accuracy rateis one of the most important because it lets the educator know whether or not

    the reading was appropriate, it compares the total words read with the errors in most formulas

    that you will see. Most of the time one will see the accuracy rate in a percentage form. The self-

    correctionrate is how many errors the student corrects by themselves which is usually noted as

    a ratio. The error ratedenotes that out of every error how many words following were read


  • 7/30/2019 Running Record Question


    Now that you have started the scoring process you can begin to look towards the

    results and how you wish to use them in the childs reading process. Obviously you can use the

    results to know the childs accuracy, error, and self-correction rates as previously discussed but

    a lot of educators use it to find out exactly what cues or patterns the particular student uses

    most when he or she reads. It is a good idea to know where your children are in their reading

    development and if you pay attention to everything during the running record than you will

    come out with very good insight into the way they read. I think that using this running record

    to keep progress of your students as you help them along is also appropriate if done accurately.

    It would be a hands-on way to see progress or regression in the students reading. One more

    way that the running records are often used are to place the child in an instructional level of

    reading, because of the fact that you can use various leveled books and find that area that isnt

    easy, hard, or frustrates. There are many ways that an educator can use the running record


    In this question I was asked to describe the process of a running record, explain how it

    is used with a student who is reading, the administration of the running record, and how one

    could interpret the results. A running record overall is a wonderful tool to use with young

    readers because they are an almost secretive way to observe them reading and recording what

    mistakes, cues, and self-corrections they are making. I would have a paper with the text from

    the book on it with enough room to make recordings and note behaviors that I see from the

    childs reading. This is a one-on-one process that allows you to discover how the child is

    reading and whether or not they are making progression. The results inform you of accuracy

    rates, self-correction rates, and error rates and through all of this you are often able to find an

    instructional level of reading. Running records are widely used because not only are they a

    handy tool to have around but allow us into the mind of the child while he or she is reading!

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