
Post on 20-May-2015






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IE Brown EMBA Application: Show us an activity you enjoy doing. Tell us how you think it contributes to your personal and professional development.


IE Brown EMBA application

Show us an activity you enjoy doing. Tell us how you think it contributes to your personal and professional development

2013: No longer do I want to run for myself…

Running has defined me as a person in life and at work.

Circa 1981. The half-asleep child

Adrenaline rush for cities in the world

ING New York City Marathon, 2010

BMW Berlin Marathon 2012

Auckland Marathon 2013

Disclaimer: No professional athlete here…

Humbling journey here. Where you meet passionate runners who are eager to share their experience – knowing that you have travelled THAT far to run in the same race.

At my first overseas race in NYC, a lovely couple from Memphis were so ecstatic for me – they told me 2010 was their 7th NYC race. I was inspired.

Having ran three races in NYC, Berlin and Auckland, the most amazing feeling was having school bands performed and supporters lined the entire 42.195km randomly cheering you by your first name, “Linda, almost there!”



Brokenness in the body

Excitement in spirit

With shear determination, willpower, strength and discipline

Just. Euphoria.

These are qualities and emotions I know I can manage – in life and at work. Indeed, we are more capable of so much more than we thought.

4 months of clocking miles1 month of no alcohol

The dreadful and tough training is the H-U-G-E missing gap.

The alone-time to cultivate discipline, patience and clear our cluttered minds.

Life = Likeminded People =Community

Over the years, people around have joined me on my journey as they learnt of my stories…

In Shanghai with co-workers (who became friends)

In NYC with friends and my lovely sister,


In Berlin with fellow runners

In Auckland with the best friend and family

(Dad and sister)

And sometimes, you meet an unexpected friend along the way. @36km, when my feet

were injured, an English girl, Jen Creaser, picked me up and we bonded over 8km of walking

after… and completed the race.

Back home in Singapore with Team Wesley from church

A little closing narrative… Date (Hire) a girl who runs. She is aware of her posture, likely straight and tall. Aware of her stride, hopefully meaningful ones. Aware of her breathing, always too short. She has never stopped running since she was a child. Where it all begun with her daddy's almost-daily 5pm runs. It was the only sport she could afford - with just a pair of shoes. It was just part of her life, not a routine.

A girl who loves running is always stepping forward. Sometimes, she loses focus and trips. But each time, she stands up and pushes on. A girl who runs has at least three pairs of running shoes - refusing to dump the pair from her first marathon, a special edition from her last race and the last pair to alternate between races. She can never find her socks and sometimes wear different ones because she was in the rush for her runs. Her toe nails are ugly and pampers herself with pedicure sessions and foot massages. Not Jimmy Choos.

Her freckled face and her scarred knees with overstretched ligament were hardly excuses for her absence for runs. Because she loves the wind against her face during her quiet time. It clears her head. Expends all the pent-up energies from the tough week. She used to run with her iPod but realised that the best run is listening to the nature. Yes, she loves running alone. Accompanied by the sounds of waves, the leaves rustling, the footsteps and sometimes, short breaths of other male runners who are eager to out-run a girl. Don't try talking to her during a run. If she has that breath, she'd rather put this into her next step forward. Maybe after.

Ask her about her most memorable race. Ask her when and where is her next race. She will speak of the Boston marathon bombing and how that has affected her deeply. At the start line, she prays and enjoys the high from not being able to sleep well the night before. Thinking if she ate enough breakfast, whether her gel is enough for her to sustain her throughout the race, if her clothing are warm enough for sub-10 degree celsius and yes, if she needs to go to the toilet again. She is encouraged by the cheers from the spectators calling out her name, the music from random bands on the streets and frankly, looking forward to the next water point. That very night, she wears her race medal to bed for a good 12 hours, at least.

She is living her dreams by conquering each race, each year. A girl who runs has passion for life, has the determination to slog through at least 16-week training, has the patience to see her Personal Best reducing by the minutes each time on a good race. She loves that her friends and strangers are running too but it will never bother her if her friends never understood why she just kept running. She does not expect her future partner to run the same race - afterall, there are thousands of runners next to her. But she wants to inspire her children like what her dad has done for her - They will see her run her annual races even as a mother of four. Someday, she will run a local race with them in her brand new Asics and Nike or adidas apparel in neon colours.

Date (Hire) a girl who runs. You know that she has that fighting spirit and heart. Like all relationships (and new jobs), the adrenaline rush kicks in for the first three miles. Everyone is on a high, even with doubts, there is positivity. You might be prepared with your most trusted shoes and sufficient gel packs but when life throws you a challenge, you can never be ready. But a girl who runs knows that she just need to charge on to finish the race after all that hard work. She recognises that love (success) does not have a finishing line but a common goal.

Love (Partner/Collaborate with) her like how she will never give up on you because she is a finisher. She will understand that you need breaks at times because that how she completes her long runs. She knows it is never just about the speed or timing but the journey. She only looks ahead and forgets about her pains. As long as she does her best and even if just one person appreciates her spirit and heart, that is enough for her. Date (Hire) a girl who runs and your lives will never stop at the same place but packed with hope, positivity and love (success, drive and enjoyment) for a long long time. Because you can be her best supporter.


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