rules for bringing innovations to market

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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Rules for Bringing Innovations to Market

Renaissance Strategic Consultants


Nature of Networked Markets

Characteristics of Networked Markets

Challenges for Innovators

Framework for entering into Network market

Nature of Market’s

• Markets resist new ideas & products

– Television acceptance in Mass Media

– Launch of PC’s, Mobile phones

• Despite the risks, companies love innovations as they drive profits,

growth and Shareholder value

Why do markets resist innovation?

Markets are adverse to innovation as they crave for EQUILIBRIUM

Nature of Market’s


Equilibrium is a situation where every player in the market believes that he or

she is making the best possible choices & that every other player is doing

the same

Nature of Market’s

• Equilibrium in the market lends

– Stability to the players expectations

– Validation to their choices

– Reinforcement to their behavior

• When Innovation enters the market

– It upsets the players expectations and choices

– Introduces uncertainty in decision making


change the

Equilibrium, which

is why markets

resist them”

Nature of Networked Market’s

In a networked

market, hostility to

innovations becomes

stronger when players

are interconnected

Virtual connections

between players can

also affect the

adoption of products

Nature of Networked Market’s

Once enough players in a

networked market decide to

switch to a new product,

other players motivation to

do so becomes stronger

Characteristics of Network

Network Effects



Characteristics of Network

Network Effects:

a) Products that have large networks around them are often cheaper to use than

products than products that have small network around them

b) Products value to each user increases as the size of the network grows

“Hence companies with superior products often can’t topple market leaders!!! “

Characteristics of Network

Equilibrium: Networks look for Equilibrium

a) Companies must choose their strategies only after systematically considering

the decisions that other players will make.

b) As the interconnection between players increases, the payoffs on their choices

depend even more on others’ decisions.

Characteristics of Network

Network Hubs

a) As the network becomes bigger, the interconnections between players tend to

cluster around just a few, also known as network hubs

b) Power distribution within networks is mostly concentrated in the hubs because

of the efficiencies that come with that concentration

c) By tapping the most powerful parties in a network, innovators can reach

virtually everyone in the network “Small world Phenomenon”

Challenges for Innovators

They have to unravel the



They have to create a new

Equilibrium where many

players have adopted the

innovation and believe

they are better off because

of it

Framework for entering the Networked Market

Begin at the endgame

Complement the power players

Offer incentives

Preserve flexibility

Begin at the End Game

Begin with the end in mind….

Think several steps ahead and work back from

the endgame wanted

The endgame is plausible but

speculative guess

Innovator should implement only those strategies

that maximize its chances of getting

to its desired endgame

Complement the Power Players

To get the desired Endgame, the innovator

has to change the behaviors of many

players in the market

A few Power players can help this


The network hubs can help propagate

an innovation’s benefits because of

their ties with many other players

Offer coordinated switching incentives

• Players need to be convinced that their best choices ought to be

different because choices of other participants have changed

Maintain Flexibility

• Every potential endgame is based on its expectations about events

that will happen or on the behavior of other players, which creates


• Flexibility is essential in the plans


Imagine the future while reasoning back, complement powerful

players while creating change, offer incentives – & remain flexible at

all times……..

Individual Behavior

For a student the way he solves a problem during exams he always

feels it to be the right way and his friends are also using the same


“What happens if someone tells him a new method of solving the problem…..”

Individual Behavior

The student is comfortable with his method of solving the problem

– He has validated his method

– He has confidence in it

“The new method would make him move away from his comfort zone and so

he is not willing to accept the new method”

Challenge to the Innovator

• Understanding why is he comfortable with the old method

• Show him that the new method is better!!!

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