rtcm in a connected world of search and social

Post on 12-May-2015






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Updated version of my real time content marketing (RTCM) presentation, with additional slides and information. Most material is excerpted from my book, "Search and Social: The Definitive Guide to Real-Time Content Marketing."


Real-Time Content Marketing in a Connected World of Search and Social

January 17, 2013


Search and Social: The Definitive Guide to Real-Time Content Marketing



• Anyone who tweets the hashtags #searchsocial and #smg will receive a promo code for discount tickets online for the Studio Movie Grill

• One randomly selected tweet will receive two free tickets




Without content, search engines and social

networks do not exist






• Unsung pioneers in real-time, search and social

• The basics of real-time content marketing

• How search and social are becoming one

• Why social signals are important to search

• Why search is a strategic component of social

• A list of social signals, and what signals engine pick up on

• Google+: Author and Publisher Markup




Key thinkers in network theory, real time marketing,

search, and social


Dr. Manuel Castells and the Space of Flows

1995: “Networks transcend communications traditionally ruled by the space of places…which enables real-time communication across global boundaries…”



How Regis McKenna Defined “Real-Time Marketing” in 1995 for Harvard Bus. Review

• “To build customer loyalty...companies need to keep their customers engaged in a continuous dialogue.”

• “Companies must keep the dialogue flowing and also maintain conversations with suppliers, distributors, and others in the marketplace.”

• “[Real-time marketing must replace] the broadcast mentality.”

• “[Real-time marketing must focus] on real-time customer satisfaction, providing the support, help, guidance, and information necessary to win customers’ loyalty.”

• “Real-time marketing requires...being willing to learn how information technology is changing both customer behavior in marketing and to think in new ways about marketing within the organization.”

• “[Real-time interaction] allows the customer and the producer to learn from each other and to respond to each other.”

• “The customer still does all the work, hunting and pecking for information. But a real-time marketer would bring the information to the customer.”



It begs the question…


Is Regis McKenna one of the unsung pioneers of what we now call “social media marketing”?




Sir Tim Berners-Lee

“there is some really exciting work to be done on automatic algorithms to make multi-level searches.”

Sir Tim Berners-Lee; May 14, 1992. www.w3.org/History/19921103hypertext/hypertext/WWW/FAQ/KeepingTrack.html



Dr. Manuel Castells

1995: “We are becoming a networked society”


© 2012 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited

2010-2013: The era of pervasive interactivity

In other words, the expectations of your audience and customers have changed. They are “always addressable,” and they expect you to address them in real-time.



Real-time implications on content publishing


Fact: If you have a web site or any web presence, then you are a publisher


New Reality: To meet the expectations of the always addressable consumer, social marketers

must become real-time content marketers


Being a real-time content marketer means being always present with useful and engaging

content for the always addressable consumer


Elements of Real-Time Content Marketing

• Organizational shifts from passive to real-time engagement

• A redefining of audience

• A redefining of brand to include the audience

• In some cases, a redefinition of business practices

• A greater commitment to sincerity

• A reworking of the definition of social media to become more inclusive of search principles

• A deep understanding and executional capability in search and findability issues

• A deep understanding of building out earned attention in social networks

• A redefinition of the word publishing

• A commitment to being a “marketer as media publisher”


Real-time content marketing is not complete without a deep strategic,

tactical, and logistical understanding of search and social together



How Search and Social are Becoming One


Natural Language

• Language reflects the words, voice, tone, and tastes of audience

• Used to find and connect with your audience through content and conversation

• Language is a living concept, and SMMs are on the forefront of real-time audience linguistics

• Enables of the spirit of your audience into brand of business conversation





Increased Opportunity: Social-only vs. SEO-only vs. Both


Choice: 2nd Tier SERP Visibility

Why are Social Signals Important to Search?


Shift in Linking Measurement: Social impact on SEO

• Links are the cornerstones of natural search algorithms, and now social is a cornerstone as well

• But influence of links has shifted greatly from webmasters and technical influencers, to the average Internet user

• As a result, the social graph has taken a massive bite out of the link graph

• Examples of this include:• Tweeting (not a direct link)• Publishing via blog CMS such as

WordPress or Blogger• Rating, commenting, posting• +1s, Likes, various types of shares• Bookmarking• Etc.



Social Signals Reveal High Velocity Content and Interests

Content Distribution: Passive


Content Distribution: Active


Why is Search a Strategic Component of Social?

Search engines perform deep network analysis


Search data provides market research and show your audience’s tastes


Search metrics reflect content performance


Social networks have become algorithmic



Selected list of social signals and synergies



Key social signals in Bing and Google


Additional Considerations for Social Media Marketers

Keywords are connections to people




Live participation is optimization




Recency is the new relevancy




Increased network reach is an SEO tactic




Real-time user experience is real




“Optimization” is an external usability issue for both search and social networks, and not “gaming” the system




People who use search engines also use social networks, and vice versa




Google+ Authorship and Publishing Markup


One thing you need to know about Google+:


Google+ is not a destination – it’s a platform


The Author Graph

• Measures influence, authority, and theme, just the way Google measures other digital assets

• Your influence is reflected by the quality and theme of the publications you write for, and by the relative social signals for those properties



Publishers: Get a Google BadgeRemember: If you have a website, then you are a publisher

• Google Badge is a way to connect your website directly to your Google profile

• Google “strongly recommends” that webmasters and publishers make this connection.

• Google also refers to it as an “enhanced version of the +1 button”

• In effect, it creates a sort of handshake between your main web asset and your Google+ presence and verifies your web presence with Google as a publisher

• Read more about Google Badges at https://developers.google.com/+/plugins/badge/config.



A few last thoughts

• Knowing the interdependencies of search & social is the difference between being a good social media marketer, and a great one

• Social media marketing now requires understanding of algorithmic optimization

• With the proper understanding of SEO, social media marketers can take credit for some SEO visibility

• Real-time expectations from your audience begets real-time content marketing strategies

• Search engines and social networks do not exist without content

• Be socially relevant



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