rtc 14 - report on 50 states broadband programs, policy, data

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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Rural Telcon Congress 14: Report on 50 states as to Broadband Status by Galen Updike


The Following Worksheets provide data about State broadband Programs, Policy, Funding and broadband availability. Through this information, Providers, Policy makers, and broadband Program leaders will hopefully become better educated about other States' programs, including info which will lead to Best Practices, solutions to legal issues, and comparisons with similar sized programs. The 10 Attributes are an adaption of a speech by Rachelle Chong, a former FCC and California State PUC Commissioner, whose advice regarding the necessary ingredients for a successful State Broadband program are invaluable. She has "walked the talk". She was a Keynote speaker at the RTC 2010 Conference, providing the "The Secret Sauce to Rural Broadband". It has had impact in the subsequent design of many State programs.

The first Worksheet hereunder is entitled Attributes Overview, and it identifies the level of adherance by State Programs to the 10 Attributes identified.

The next Worksheet lists the SBDD/SBI grants for each US State (excluded are the US Territories and DC.). Links are provided to all web aspects of each program, including to the respective State Quarterly reports to NTIA.The next worksheet identifies all of the SBDD awards, in an easily perused format.The next worksheet identifies all of the BTOP Infrastructure (Middle Mile) ARRA Broadband grants from both Round1 and Round2. With only a few exceptions, these projects ended Sept 30, 2013. But their impact of have meant a significant increase in Broadband Availability in the US. The final worksheet in this grouping of grant info, provides a per capita analysis of population and total BTOP grant dollars for each state.

The next series of Worksheets identify policy, governance, and state by state legislative actions regarding Broadband, through 2013.

These are followed by worksheets which show capacity and connection speed increases to end users in each State between 2011 and 2013. These data sheets are derived from AKAMAI Statistics obtained in 2013.

Finally some US Maps are provided, depicting where the USDA BIP infrastructure grants were located, followed by Map depicting a State by State picture of the combined total of BTOP and BIP grants.

Downloads of these worksheets are available for no cost from the Rural Telecom Congress (RTC) Website. Hopefully the data will be useful for awhile.

State by State status as defined by 10 Attributes for Successful State Broadband Programs

Comment Comment Comment Comment Comment Comment Comment Comment



AZ N N N N N N 5 Thru COGs N N



CO N Y N N N N Y thru LTPT Y N

CT N Y N N N N N Spotty N N








IN 5 Y N N N N N N N

50 ST's & DC

ONGOING State BB Leadership Org or

Council to Coordinate with Rural BB

Champions and Providers ?

Is the State BB Map Identifying deficit areas

per identified standards available for use by the public and

Policy makers?

Are State and Regional BB Plans created and being

widely used?

Is there a Separate State BB PPO for

Financing, Bonding & Grants in Deficit


Are there State Funding Programs for

Matching $ and for Financing grants/loans

to Political subs & Providers?

Is Formal Coordination taking

place with State PUC to reduce

Regulatory barriers for providers?

Is there adequate Collaboration W/

Rural political sub-divisions on ROW

issues and for Aggregation of

Demand for Providers?

Is there Formal State Collaboration with Health & Education

Institutions (USF LEA's) to optimize FCC


Are there Sustainable Infrastructure

Programs directed at Unserved and

Underserved through a State USF fee?

1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


Connect-Alabama til 2014

Uof Alabama Takes map after

2014Very active to


Connected Alaska & BB Task

ForceAlaska BB Task


Digital AZ Council Inactive after


Cogs Use Now - After SBI ends to

ASU for MaintWritten but

not used

SB 1403 Passed in 2012 ibut

Gov /Leg Leaders nixed

Separate ADOA Program

Connect Arkansas

Connect Arkansas

Arkansas Capital Corp

Group ( ACCG)

Calif. Broadband Council and CPUC Calif. Advanced

Services Fund Program

CPUC broadband map

CPUC CASF grants and

loans CPUC CASF - grants, loans

CASF and California Emerging

Technol Fund (CETF)

California Emerging

Technology Fund, Calif Broadband


California Telehealth

Network, CETF

CO Office of IT & CBDDP Active

thru 2013CO Office of IT &

CBDDPThru Local

Tech Planning Teams (LTPT)

Pending Legislation

Separate Telemed

Legislation 2013 -responds to BB


CBICC Ended 1-Jul-2011

Institute of Pub Admin & OIT

Active thru 2013

Univ of Delaware runs

some programs

At least not thru BB Program

After 2014 Tied to E-Rate Office

After 2014 Tied to E-Rate Office

Digital Georgia Program part of GA Technology


GTA, Sanborn & Univ of Georgia

provide Map Standards

12 Regional Commissions are

provided BB Tech Asst funds

Georgia Tehnology

Authority is a PPO

Digital Georgia enhances GTA

funding for Econ Projects

GTA, Dept of Health & Georgia Tech & GA K-12 Collab for Health

& Ed BB Assist

Dept of Comm & Consu Affair &


Enabled into future thru Leg Act 259 in 2012

LinkIdaho Until Oct 2014

LinkIdaho Until Oct 2014

Plans Created - No Funding to

fully Implement

Only an Advisory

Council - No Funding

Active thru Advisory Council

Broadband Deployment


Partnership for Connected


OIT - but no Website Presence

Comment Comment Comment Comment Comment Comment Comment Comment

50 ST's & DC

ONGOING State BB Leadership Org or

Council to Coordinate with Rural BB

Champions and Providers ?

Is the State BB Map Identifying deficit areas

per identified standards available for use by the public and

Policy makers?

Are State and Regional BB Plans created and being

widely used?

Is there a Separate State BB PPO for

Financing, Bonding & Grants in Deficit


Are there State Funding Programs for

Matching $ and for Financing grants/loans

to Political subs & Providers?

Is Formal Coordination taking

place with State PUC to reduce

Regulatory barriers for providers?

Is there adequate Collaboration W/

Rural political sub-divisions on ROW

issues and for Aggregation of

Demand for Providers?

Is there Formal State Collaboration with Health & Education

Institutions (USF LEA's) to optimize FCC


Are there Sustainable Infrastructure

Programs directed at Unserved and

Underserved through a State USF fee?

1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


IA Y Connect Iowa Y Y N N N Y Y N



LA Y Last met in 2012 Y Y N N N N N N


MD Y Y Y Y N N N Y Thru Coop N


MI Y Y Y N N Y N N Informal only N



MO Y Y Y Y ? Y Thru COGs Y Y


NE Y Y Y N N Y Y 5 N

NV Y Connect Nevada Y N N N 5 Y N


Connect Every Iowan

Need to Coordinate ICN


Kansas Statewide BB Initiative -

Part of Dept of Bus & Econ Dev

Focus on Google around


Kansas BB Advisory Task

Force is retired (New


Some Rural Develop

features BB upgrade

Not thru SBI Program

KY Office of BB Outreach & Dev

As part of 6 regional Strat


Collab. With Dept of Health &


No plans after Oct 2014

Focus on Tech Asst

Connect ME Authority wa - pre-SBI in 2007

Ongoing State and Local Planning

ConnectME Authority

Maryland Broadband

InitiativeMaryland BB

CoopMaryland BB


Mass Broadband Insititute (MBI)

Connect Michigan thru Michigan PUC

Collab with MI State Plan & Regional Dev


Broadband Advisory Task

Force - but No Funding Auth.

Program is part of PUC

Task Force and Regional Orgs

Connect Minnesota

Collab with MN Dept of Employ

& Econ Dev Programs

Broadband Advisory Task

Force - but No Funding Auth.

Task Force and Regional Orgs

6 Univ. EXTension


Broadband Now (active thru

2012, less so currently)

Mapping used with Cogs

Regional Tech Planning Teams

Broadband Now

Separate Org under Broadband

Now - RHBI

Montana BB Program

FirstNET will use Maps after 2014

BTOP Program for Libraries is

separate Programs

Nebrask BB as part of NB Info

Tech Commission

Provides granualar views to 8 BB Regions

Univ of Nebraska does State-wide & 8

BB regions

NE BB Formally

Partners wih NE PUC re


Aim Institute & NE Dept of

Econ Develop assist w/ Outreach

No Formal Collaboration gut Awareness and


Broadband Taks Force and

Regional Cmttees

Regional plans thru

Broadband Task Force

Nevada TeleHealth

Intitiatives are Robust

NH Broadband Mapping &


Data analysed and Released

Thru Univ of NH

Comment Comment Comment Comment Comment Comment Comment Comment

50 ST's & DC

ONGOING State BB Leadership Org or

Council to Coordinate with Rural BB

Champions and Providers ?

Is the State BB Map Identifying deficit areas

per identified standards available for use by the public and

Policy makers?

Are State and Regional BB Plans created and being

widely used?

Is there a Separate State BB PPO for

Financing, Bonding & Grants in Deficit


Are there State Funding Programs for

Matching $ and for Financing grants/loans

to Political subs & Providers?

Is Formal Coordination taking

place with State PUC to reduce

Regulatory barriers for providers?

Is there adequate Collaboration W/

Rural political sub-divisions on ROW

issues and for Aggregation of

Demand for Providers?

Is there Formal State Collaboration with Health & Education

Institutions (USF LEA's) to optimize FCC


Are there Sustainable Infrastructure

Programs directed at Unserved and

Underserved through a State USF fee?

1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or



NM Y Y Y N N N N 5 N









SC Y Y N N N N 5


TN Y Y Y 5 N N 5 N N

Thru Office of IT - NJ Broadband Map & Planning


Per 2013 report has identified

Rural deficits in NJ

Need to Organize a BB

Advisory COOP

Recognized as Vital in Recent

BB Report

NM Broadband Program - Part of


2013 Creation of Broadband

Working Group

BB Working Group is initiating Outreach

New York BB Program Office

Substantial Planning

(Recent 60 page Plan for


Round One - $6 Million for Upstate NY

$25 Million Connect NY


Substantial Collab w/

Regional Econ Dev Councils

NC Broadband ends as of 2014

Many effective Regional Programs


After 10 Years E- NC was

terminated by NC Legis in


E- NC was terminated by Legis in 2013

Many effective Regional Programs


BB ND is part of State OIT

ND OIT applies SBI activities for joint

use by FirstNet starting in 2013

No projects listed after

2012 on Website

Connect Ohio(CN) thru

Ohio OIT

Every Citizen On line is a use for

BB Map

Tech Asst by Connect OH is Major focus -

training smaller OH comm.

A number of BB PPO's operate

in Ohio Not associated with SBI Grant

Many Fiber projects now extant in OH requiring co-


Heavy focus by Connect OH -

Other Programs also


Ohio'sOne Community very active - separate fom Connect OH

OK Comuunity Anchor Network

(OCAN)Supports efforts

of OCANOCAN deals

mainly w/ Govt entities in OK

Only ARRA BB Grant - finished

by 2013

But Political Subs are focus


Statewide Fiber install requires

PUC Collab

Fiber Net involves Pubilc Ed and

Health but no USF

Oregon BB Planning

Planning Pilot with 8 Comm-


PA Broadband Program under Dept Comm &

Econ Dev

BOAF is inactive as of


BBRI moved to Office of Digital


Rhode Island has few

Regional Issues

Most BB Issues in RI are about


Working thru Affordable Care

Act Issues

Connect South Carolina works with Gov Office

Outreach to SC with 10

Regional BB Teams

Some Issues handled thru

SC BB Advisory Council

Uses Clemson and Univ of SC

for Issue Identification

Clemson and Univ of SC outreach

BB SD is maint. Bureau of

Information Tech (BIT)

BB Advisory Team includes cross section of

SD citizens

Connected Tennessee

Used at State-wide Summits and Regional


Specific work with each TN's

95 Counties

Connected TN works with a

number of PPO and Providers

No other State funding sources

- only SBDD Grant

Co-ord thru TN BB

Steering Comm. & Reg


Co-ord thru TN BB Steering

Comm. & Reg Councils

Comment Comment Comment Comment Comment Comment Comment Comment

50 ST's & DC

ONGOING State BB Leadership Org or

Council to Coordinate with Rural BB

Champions and Providers ?

Is the State BB Map Identifying deficit areas

per identified standards available for use by the public and

Policy makers?

Are State and Regional BB Plans created and being

widely used?

Is there a Separate State BB PPO for

Financing, Bonding & Grants in Deficit


Are there State Funding Programs for

Matching $ and for Financing grants/loans

to Political subs & Providers?

Is Formal Coordination taking

place with State PUC to reduce

Regulatory barriers for providers?

Is there adequate Collaboration W/

Rural political sub-divisions on ROW

issues and for Aggregation of

Demand for Providers?

Is there Formal State Collaboration with Health & Education

Institutions (USF LEA's) to optimize FCC


Are there Sustainable Infrastructure

Programs directed at Unserved and

Underserved through a State USF fee?

1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


1-10 or


TX Y Y Y N N 5 N N

UT Y Y Y N N Y 5 Y 5



WA Y Y Y N N ? N Y N


WI Y Link Wisconsin Y Y N Leg Pending N Y Y Y N

WY Y LinkWyoming Y Y N N N 5 5 N


Connected Texas thru Texas Dept of Agriculture

Works with 24 TX CoGs & Dept of Ag

TX BB Advisory Council is not

Funded Separately

Co-ord thru TX BB Adv Council&

Dept of AG

Co-ord thru TX BB Adv

Council& Dept of AG & CoGs

ST of UT BB Project - Part

ofGov office of Econ Develop.

Collab with UT Assoc of Gov't to form 7 Regional

BB Councils

UEN is a PPO which works Ed issues with BAC

Mapping under PUC

A Collab of VT Cent for Geo

Info, &VT Telec Auth

Mapping by VT Cent Geo Info &VT Dept Pub


Created by VT PUC pre-SBI

Per VT State Broadband


Office of Telework and BB


Under BB Advisory Council


Creation and Support of Rural BB

Council (RBC)

Collab. With Dept of Health IT to

seek grants and increase BB in VA's

Health Industry

WA State Broadband Office

- part of DOComm

Broadband & Map Programs end Oct

31, 2014- may partially Xfer to


Outreach to various local

activities thru series of Grants

Funded only through original

SBDD grant

BB Office works with

Providers and Politcal Subs at


Thru other Commerce Dept


West Va BB Deployment

Council Active to end of Dec 2014

BB Deployment Council thru Dec 31, 2014 Article31-15C

Within Scope of Council - No


Within Scope - Many agencies

report to Council

Agencies report BB Needs to


Task Group but No Funding

Wisconsin PUC runs Link


Formal Task Groups and

Regional Orgs Coord

Thru Regional Councils and State

Task Group

Plans Created No Funding to

fully Implement

Thru Task Force

Task Force tied to Health Orgs

State by State status as defined by 10 Attributes for Successful State Broadband Programs

Comment Comment

N ADECA Minimal $ 112,882,940

Y $ 71,464,944

Y ACCG $ 102,131,393

Y $315M $ 350,064,330

N $ 112,772,612

N $ 93,855,029


N $ 17,457,764

N $ 55,902,591

5 GTA $ 48,400,851

Y $ 33,972,800

5 $ 8,169,716

State PUC Y $ 173,923,501

N $ 39,397,487

Are there Sustainable Infrastructure

Programs directed at Unserved and

Underserved through a State USF fee?

Is there frequent Legislative

Collaboration for BB Policy Initiatives and Program Leadership


Dollar$ made available

from State Source for BB


Amount of Federal BB ARRA DollarS

granted to each State - BTOP Infrastructure

1-10 or


Funding Through Alaska BB Task Force

Pending Legislation

$0.00 Other BIP & BTOP grants awarded

AzUSF for Low Income only

Thru ATIC - a Non Profit - ties


$500K Tele-medicine

Arkansas Capital Corp Group


CASF fund, surcharge has

ranged from .014%

to .25% surcharge on

intrastate telecom


California Broadband Council and


Some Pending 2014Legislatio


Unserved % considered very


$0.00 Other BIP & BTOP grants awarded

BAAC reports to Legis.

up to $10 Million

Advisroy Council and

LinkIdaho Staff Confer with but

No Funding

Thru many channels

Comment Comment

Are there Sustainable Infrastructure

Programs directed at Unserved and

Underserved through a State USF fee?

Is there frequent Legislative

Collaboration for BB Policy Initiatives and Program Leadership


Dollar$ made available

from State Source for BB


Amount of Federal BB ARRA DollarS

granted to each State - BTOP Infrastructure

1-10 or


Y $ 33,945,037

$ 998,419

Y $ 535,308

N $ 89,759,799

Y $ 25,402,904

5 $ 115,240,581

Y $40Million $ 77,517,537

N $ 108,574,985

Y $25Million $ 36,200,630

N $ 102,364,489

? $ 71,745,250

N 0 $ 13,796,640

N $ 11,547,866

N $ 26,713,723

5 Some $ 44,480,992

Gov newest Initiatives

$2.2Million for ICN


East KY Fiber Net Pending -

A PPOEst at a $100M

ME USF not for BB

AVG $3 to $4 Million per Year since


Pending Leg for Infrastruct

Build out

E-BEAT< $1.0 M

Report Periodically to


Comment Comment

Are there Sustainable Infrastructure

Programs directed at Unserved and

Underserved through a State USF fee?

Is there frequent Legislative

Collaboration for BB Policy Initiatives and Program Leadership


Dollar$ made available

from State Source for BB


Amount of Federal BB ARRA DollarS

granted to each State - BTOP Infrastructure

1-10 or


N $ 39,638,152

N $ 76,978,670

Y $25Million $ 38,938,988

? Pending $ 120,685,297

N $ 10,781,157

Y $ 147,437,046

N $ 83,470,346

$ 20,548,476

N $ 128,444,692

N $ 21,739,183

$ 9,604,840

N $ 20,572,242

N $ 15,865,636

Does not use ST USF but thru ST

Econ Dev funding

Governor's office & BB

program Office

Non St USF programs have

funding (Universities


Gov & Legislature

foster a number of

Initiatives OH BB Caucus

OCAN supports a $78Million

Grant for FiberNet

Mainly adoption of Broadband

No other State funding sources - only

SBDD Grant

Comment Comment

Are there Sustainable Infrastructure

Programs directed at Unserved and

Underserved through a State USF fee?

Is there frequent Legislative

Collaboration for BB Policy Initiatives and Program Leadership


Dollar$ made available

from State Source for BB


Amount of Federal BB ARRA DollarS

granted to each State - BTOP Infrastructure

1-10 or


N $ 67,698,503

N $ 31,048,683

Y $ 45,649,894

Y $ 92,995,941

Y $ 166,058,182

Y $ 129,525,056

Y $ 57,969,654

Y $ 10,671,802

Collab with Providers - No


$3.1 Million in 2013 thru

VTA to Providers

Only "Lifeline" wired Phone

Service is subsidized

Collab-oration But No Funding

Council reports to Legislature

Leg Pending Maybe Not thru

ST USFGov Walker High on BB

Pending Legislation

Task Force and Regional


STATE by STATE Links to Mapping and Planning Initiatives

(This Table is a resource to investigate opportunities for Broadband build-out in each State.)

State's BB Website

Current 334.242.5100

Current (877) 846-7710

Current State of AZ - GITA


Current California PUC 415-703-2265

Current State of CO - OIT

Current (860)-827-2905

2012 DE-DIT & Univ of DE DE-DIT & Univ of DE 302-831-8971

Current DC Office of CIO DC Office of CIO

Current (877) 846-7710


Current HI DCCA-Broadband

Current Gover nor's Office

Current info@broadbandillinois.org (217) 886-4228


Current (877) 846-7710

For a quick sample of State by State mapping of BroadbandAvailability click here:

http://www.statetechmagazine.com/article/2014/02/united-states-broadband-50-beautiful-maps-connectivity(We thank and Acknowledge CDW for this Feb 18, 2014 sampling of State Broadband maps in State Tech Magazine by Jimmy Daly.)

NTIA Link to State byState Grant DATA

State's Mapping Link

Website Last


NTIA Designated Grantee

State Agency Responsible

Email or Contact for More Infromation

Phone Contact

Alabama AL Broadband Map Connecting-AlabamaAlabama Dept of Econ & Community Affairs (ADECA)

ADECA info@connectingalabama.gov

Alaska AK Broadband Map Connect Alaska Connected Nation/Connect Alaska Alaska BB Task Force info@connectak.org

Arizona AZ Broadband Map Digital Arizona (Mapping and Planning) State of Arizona - ADOA/ASET

Arkansas AR Broadband Map Arkansas State Resource - a PPO ACCG-Connect Arkansas

Connect Arkansas Broadband Act signed into law 2007

Arkansas Capital Corporation Group (ACCG)

California CA Broadband Map ServiceCA California Advanced Serv Fund California PUCRobert Wullenjohn rw1@cpuc.ca.gov

Colorado CO Broadband Map CO State BB Resource State of CO - OITmegan.chadwick@state.co.u


Connecticut CT Broadband Map CT State Resource Now CT Dept of Energy & Enviroment

Now CT Dept of Energy & Enviroment


Delaware DE Broadband Map DE Broadband Program

District of ColumbiaDC Broadband Map DC Broadband Program (202) 727-2277 

Florida FL Broadband Map FL BB State Resource Florida Department of Management Services Florida Broadband Initiative info@connect-florida.org

Georgia New GA BB Mapping Digital Georgia Program Georgia Technology Authority Georgia Technology Authority

Hawaii HI Broadband Map Hawaii Broadband Program HI Dept of Commerce & Consumer Affairs

Idaho ID Broadband Map LinkIdaho - Broadband Initiative EdLabs Group / sub to Link America


(208) 867-2004 & 208-332-1876

Illinois IL Broadband Map Broadband Illinois Partnershiip for a Connected Illinois (PCI)

State of Illinois - Office of Governor & PCI (a

PPO)Indiana IN Broadband Map State Resource Indiana Office of Info

Technology Indiana OIT/GIS gio@iot.in.gov (317) 234-5889 

Iowa IA Broadband Map Connect Iowa Connected Nation/Connect Iowa

Iowa Economic Development Authority


State's BB WebsiteNTIA Link to State byState Grant DATA

State's Mapping Link

Website Last


NTIA Designated Grantee

State Agency Responsible

Email or Contact for More Infromation

Phone Contact

Current (877) 846-7710


Current LA Dept of Admin

Current (207) 624-9970



Current (877) 846-7710

Current (877) 846-7710

2012 MS Governors Office 602 -432-8113


Current 406-444-2601

Current Charlotte Narjes: 402-472-1724

Current (877) 846-7710

Current Univ of New Hampshire

Current New Jersey Office of IT New Jersey Office of IT

Current NM Dept of IT

Current David Salway (866) 322-5787

Current E-NC NC Dept of Commerce

Kansas KS Broadband Map KS Statewide BB Initiative Kansas Dept of Commerce

Kansas Broadband Task Force

Kentucky KY Broadband Map KY State BB Program KY Finance & Admin Cabinet

Office of BB Outreach & Development (OBOD)broadband@ky.gov (502)564-4421 

Louisiana LA Broadband Map LA State Resource LA Broadband Initiative

Maine ME Broadband Map ConnectME State BB Program State of Maine / Connect MeAuthority Connect Maine Authority

Maryland MD Broadband Map MD State Resource MD Dept of Business & Economic Devel. MD Broadband Initiative mapinfo@mdbc.us 410-341-MDBC


Massa-chusettsMA Broadband Map Massechussetts BB Institute MASS Broadband Institute (MBI) Massechussetts Broadband Institute (MBI)- a MA PPObroadband@masstech.org (508) 870-0312 

Michigan MI Broadband Map MI State BB Program Connected Nation /ConnectMI Michigan Public Service Commissioninfo@connectmi.org

Minnesota MN Broadband Map MN State ResourceConnected Nation/Connect Minnesota

MN Dept of Employ&Econ Devel (DEED)-Office of BB Develinfo@connectmn.org

Mississippi MS Broadband Map MS State Resource Broadband for Mississippi gary.rawson@its.ms.gov

Missouri MO Broadband Map MO State Resource Missouri Office of Administration - ITSD Missouri Broadband Now mobroadbandnow@oa.mo.gov

Montana MT Broadband Map MT State Resource Montana Department of Commerce (Now at ITS) Montana Broadband Program

Trudy Skari, Program Specialist


Nebraska NE Broadband Map Nebraska Broadband Nebraska Public Service Commission (NPSC) Nebraska Broadband Initiative (Part of NITC & Under NPSC)

Nevada NV Broadband Map (Connected Nation)NV State Resource (Connected Nation)Connected Nation/Connect Nevada Nevada Broadband Task Forceinfo@connectnv.org

New HampshireNH Broadband Map (slow)NH BB Mapping and Planning Program University of New Hampshirecontact@iwantbroadbandnh


New Jersey NJ Broadband Map NJ State Resource

New Mexico NM Broadband Map NM Broadband Program NM Office of IT NMBROADBAND@state.nm.us 505-827-1663 

New York NY Broadband Map NY State Broadband Program OfficeNY State Office of Cyber Security & Critical Infrastructure (NOW ITS)

NYS Broadband Program Office

North Carolina Broadband Map NC Broadband Program NC Broadband 919-250-4314 

State's BB WebsiteNTIA Link to State byState Grant DATA

State's Mapping Link

Website Last


NTIA Designated Grantee

State Agency Responsible

Email or Contact for More Infromation

Phone Contact

ND Info Tech Dept

Current (866) 881-9424

Current OK Dept of Finance

Current Oregon PUC



Current Governor Office (877) 846-7710

Current (605) 773-4165

Current Governor's Office (615) 242-9508

Current Governor's Office (877) 846-7710

Current broadband@utah.gov 801-538-8742





Current (608 )267-9138

Current (307) 777-5648

North Dakota  ND Broadband Map Broadband ND2012

except for FirstNet

ND Info Tech Depthttp://broadband.nd.gov/


Ohio OH Broadband Map Connect Ohio (CN) Connected Nation and OH OIT OH Office of Information Technologyinfo@connectohio.org

Oklahoma OK Broadband Map Oklahoma BB Inititiative & OCAN Oklahoma Broadband Initiative

Oregon OR Broadband Map OR State Broadband Program Oregon PUC puc.broadband@state.or.us 503-373-7486 

Pennsylvania PA Broadband Map PA Broadband Initiative PA Dept of Community & Econ Devel PA Dept of Community & Econ Develbroadband@newPA.com 717-787-4147 

Rhode Island RI Broadband Map  Broadband Rhode Island (BBRI)Rhode Island Econ Development Corp (RIEDC)

Broadband In RhodeIsland bbri@riedc.com 401-278-9100 

South Carolina SC Broadband Map Connect South Carolina Connected Nation/ Connect SC


South Dakota SD Broadband Map Broadband.SD.GovSouth Dakota Bureau of Information & Telecom 

Governor Cabinet - Bureau of Information and Telecombroadband@state.sd.us

Tennessee TN Broadband Map Connected Tennessee Connected Nation / Connect TN


Texas TX Broadband Map Connected Texas Connected Nation / Connect TX


Utah UT Broadband Map State Resource Utah Public Service Commission Governor's Office of Economic Devel

Vermont VT Broadband Map Broadband Vermont Vermont Center for Geographic Information VT Telecommunications Authority

Virginia VA Broadband Map Wired Virginia Center for Innovative Technlgy & WIRED VAVA Center for Innovative Technology - Broadband

Washington WA Broadband Map WA State Broadband Initiative WA State Dept of Info Services ST of WA Commerce Dept - Broadband ProgramWaBroadband@dis.wa.gov

West Virginia WV Broadband Map WV State Broadband Program West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey WV Broadband Deployment Council

Wisconsin WI Broadband Map LinkWisconsin - Broadband InitiativeWI Public Service Commision & Link America

WI Public Service Commission & Link WisconsinWisconsin@linkamericaalliance.com

Wyoming WY Broadband Map Link Wyoming-Broadband Initiative EdLab Group/Link America @LinkWYOMING Wyoming@linkamericaalliance.com

States Recipient Total AwardAlabama Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs $4,874,142 Alaska Connected Nation (Alaska) $6,378,198 Arizona Arizona (Transferred to Dept of Admin - ASET) $6,358,179 Arkansas Connect Arkansas $6,175,366 California California Public Utilities Commission $7,981,304 Colorado Colorado Governor's Office of Information Technology $5,382,082 Connecticut Connecticut Department of Public Utility Control $3,782,938 Delaware Delaware Department of Technology and Information $3,080,450 Dist of Columbia DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer $4,041,816 Florida Florida Department of Management Services $8,877,028 Georgia Georgia Technology Authority $5,229,940 Hawaii Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs $4,349,940 Idaho EdLabs Group Foundation /Costquest $4,486,214 Illinois The Partnership for a Connected Illinois $6,554,641 Indiana Indiana Office of Technology $3,294,766 Iowa Connected Nation (Iowa) $5,769,942

Kansas $6,371,514

Kentucky Commonwealth of Kentucky Office of Technology $5,302,717 Louisiana State of Louisiana Division of Administration $6,649,679 Maine State of Maine, ConnectME Authority $4,978,492 Maryland Maryland Broadband Cooperative $4,755,768 Massachusetts Massachusetts Broadband Institute $6,162,554 Michigan Connected Nation (Michigan) $4,755,684 Minnesota Connected Nation (Minnesota) $4,470,035 Mississippi Office of the Governor, State of Mississippi $7,011,691 Missouri Missouri Office of Administration $6,573,382 Montana Montana Department of Commerce $6,084,826 Nebraska Nebraska Public Service Commission $5,662,785 Nevada Connected Nation (Nevada) $3,993,441 New Hampshire University of New Hampshire $6,113,338 New Jersey New Jersey Office of Information Technology $4,926,106 New Mexico New Mexico Department of Information Technology $4,762,287 New York NY State Office of Cyber Security & Critical Infrastructure $8,923,532 North Carolina North Carolina Department of Commerce (Transferred from Rural Eco $6,610,996 North Dakota North Dakota Information Technology Department $3,664,087 Ohio Ohio Office of Information Technology $7,025,762 Oklahoma Oklahoma Office of State Finance $3,815,185 Oregon Public Utility Commission of Oregon $5,658,302 Pennsylvania PA Department of Community and Economic Development $7,356,301 Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Governor’s Office $2,533,678 Rhode Island Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation $4,544,787 South Carolina Connected Nation (South Carolina) $3,979,832 South Dakota South Dakota Bureau of Information & Telecommunications $5,729,415 Tennessee Connected Nation Tennessee $4,479,620 Texas Connected Nation Texas $8,026,000

NTIA SBDD - State Mapping and Planning Grant Recipients - 2009 - 2014

Kansas Department of Commerce (transferred from Connected Nation)

Utah Utah Public Service Commission & Commerce Authority $5,196,025 Vermont Vermont Center for Geographic Information, Inc. $3,542,996 Virginia Center for Innovative Technology $8,099,979 Washington Washington State Department of Information Services $7,314,042 West Virginia West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey $4,749,181 Wisconsin PUC of Wisconsin (managed by Costquest) $4,540,152 Wyoming EdLab Group Foundation (Formerly known as Puget Sound Center for $4,153,833


NTIA BTOP Infrastructure Grants (Round 1 & Round 2) June 2010 - Sept 2013

State Name Recipient Project Name Project Award Recipient Project Name Project Award Recipient Project Name Project Award

Nationwide $62,540,162 1 $62,540,162

Alabama $112,882,940 4 $59,258,545 Troy Cablevision, Inc. $26,068,284 $21,286,914

JKM Consulting, Inc. $6,269,197

Alaska $0

Arizona $71,464,944 2 GovNET, LLC $39,274,877 $32,190,067

Arkansas $102,131,393 1 $102,131,393

California $350,064,330 6 $154,640,000 Digital 395 Middle Mile $81,148,788 NV $50,593,551

$46,619,757 $13,770,240 Level 3 EON, LLC $3,291,994

Colorado $112,772,612 2 $100,635,190 $12,137,422

Connecticut $93,855,029 1 $93,855,029

Delaware $0

$17,457,764 1 $17,457,764

Florida $55,902,591 3 Ubiquitous Middle Mile $30,142,676 $23,693,665 Level 3 EON, LLC $2,066,250

Georgia $48,400,851 3 North Georgia Network $33,490,537 $13,483,004 Level 3 EON, LLC $1,427,310

Hawaii $33,972,800 1 $33,972,800

Idaho $8,169,716 5 First Step Internet $2,393,623 $1,862,197 Nez Perce Tribe $1,569,109

Idaho (cont) $1,360,653 $984,134

Total State BTOP Award

# of BTOP


Other States

Other States

University Corporation for Advanced Internet


United States Unified Community Anchor Network


Trillion Communications, Inc.

South Central Alabama Broadband Commission


Southeast Alabama SmartBand - Rural Broadband for Economic Development

and Energy ManagementAppalachian Valley

Fiber NetworkAppalachian Valley Fiber


Alabama (cont)

Project BEAR (Broadband for East Alabama Region)

*** SACCNet – Arizona Critical Middle Mile

Navajo Tribal Utility Authority

Navajo Nation Middle/Last Mile Project: Quality Broadband for the

Navajo People


University of Arkansas System

The Arkansas Healthcare, Higher Education, Public

Safety, & Research Integrated Broadband


Los Angeles Regional Interoperable

Communications System Authority (LA-RICS)

Los Angeles Public Safety Broadband Network: LA-

SafetyNetCalifornia Broadband

Cooperative, Inc.Motorola Solutions,


The San Francisco Bay Area Wireless Enhanced

Broadband Project (BayWEB)

California (cont)

Central Valley Independent Network,


The Central Valley Next Generation Broadband Infrastructure Project

Plumas Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative

Plumas-Sierra Telecommunications Middle Mile Fiber Project

Expanding Broadband Access Across California

Centennial Board of Cooperative Educational

Services (CBOCES) transferred to Eagle-Net


*** Colorado Community Anchors

Broadband Consortium-Connecting Colorado’s

Middle Mile - NOW EAGLE-NET

Adams County Communications Center,

Inc. (ADCOM)ADCOM 911 – DIA Regional

Broadband Network

Connecticut Department of Information


Access Connecticut: Expanding the State’s

Education and Public Safety Network

District of Columbia

District of Columbia Government

DC Community Access Network

North Florida Broadband Authority

Florida Rural Broadband Alliance

Florida Rural Middle Mile Networks - Northwest and South Central


Expanding Broadband Access Across Florida

North Georgia Network Cooperative, Inc.

Columbia County Georgia Information Technology

DepartmentColumbia County Community

Broadband NetworkExpanding Broadband Access Across Georgia

University of Hawaii System, Ke Ala ‘Ike

Ke Ala ‘Ike: Connecting Hawaii’s Public Schools,

Community Colleges and Libraries

Central North Idaho Regional Broadband Network Expansion

Digital Bridge Communications - Cassia

County, Idaho

Last Mile Broadband for Underserved Portions of Cassia, Jerome, and Twin Falls Counties,


Nez Perce Reservation Broadband Enhancement

Digital Bridge Communications - Twin Falls

County, Idaho

Last Mile Broadband for Underserved Portions of

Cassia, Jerome, and Twin Falls Counties, Idaho

Digital Bridge Communications - Jerome

County, Idaho

Last Mile Broadband for Underserved Portions of Cassia, Jerome, and Twin Falls Counties,


State Name Recipient Project Name Project Award Recipient Project Name Project Award Recipient Project Name Project AwardTotal State BTOP Award

# of BTOP


Other States

Other States

Illinois $173,923,501 5 $61,895,282 Northern Illinois University $46,114,026 $31,515,253

$22,534,776 $11,864,164

Indiana $39,397,487 2 Zayo Bandwidth, LLC $25,140,315 $14,257,172

Iowa $33,945,037 2 Iowa Health System $17,714,919 $16,230,118

Kansas $998,419 1 Level 3 EON, LLC $998,419

Kentucky $535,308 1 $535,308

Louisiana $89,759,799 2 $80,596,415 Nexus Systems, Inc. $9,163,384

Maine $25,402,904 1 Three Ring Binder $25,402,904

Maryland $115,240,581 1 $115,240,581

$77,517,537 3 $45,445,444 OpenCape Corporation $32,072,093

Michigan $108,574,985 3 Merit Network, Inc. $69,639,291 MN, WI Merit Network, Inc. $33,289,221 $5,646,473

Minnesota $36,200,630 3 Enventis Telecom, Inc. $16,822,437 Zayo Bandwidth, LLC $13,382,593 County of Carver $5,995,600

Mississippi $102,364,489 3 $70,055,000 Contact Network, Inc. $20,725,022 $11,584,467

Missouri $71,745,250 2 BlueBird Media, LLC $45,145,250 Sho-Me Technologies, LLC $26,600,000

Montana $13,796,640 1 Montana West $13,796,640

Nebraska $11,547,866 1 NebraskaLink, LLC $11,547,866

Nevada $26,713,723 2 $19,643,717 Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe $7,070,006

$44,480,992 1 $44,480,992

New Jersey $39,638,152 1 $39,638,152

$76,978,670 4 $38,699,997 Texas $16,460,815 Texas ENMR-Plateau Middle Mile $11,252,066


New York $38,938,988 1 $38,938,988 PA, VT

$120,685,297 3 MCNC $75,757,289 MCNC $28,225,518 City of Charlotte CharMeck Connect $16,702,490

Illinois Department of Central Management


Illinois Broadband Opportunity Partnership –

East Central RegionIllinois Broadband Opportunity Partnership Northwest Region

Delta Communications, dba Clearwave


Illinois Broadband Opportunities Partnership

– Southern

Illinois (cont)

Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois

Urbana-Champaign Big Broadband

DeKalb County Government

DeKalb Advancement of Technology Authority Broadband

Indiana Middle Mile Fiber for Schools, Communities,

and Anchor InstitutionsEducation Networks of

America, Inc.Broadband Access and Equity for

Indiana Community Anchor Institutions

Iowa Healthcare Plus Broadband Extension

ProjectIowa Communications

NetworkBridging the Digital Divide for

Iowa's Communities

Expanding Broadband Access Across Kansas

City of Williamstown, Kentucky

Deployment of Broadband to Corinth, Ky., and Other Areas in Grant and Owen

County, Ky.

State of Louisiana Board of Regents

Louisiana Broadband Alliance

Louisiana “Piney Hills” Parishes Broadband Infrastructure Project

Maine Fiber Company, Inc. (transferred from

Biddeford Internet Corp. d.b.a. GWI)

Maryland Department of Information Technology

One Maryland Broadband Network (OMBN)


Massachusetts Technology Park

The Massachusetts Broadband Institute: MassBroadband 123

OpenCape Corporation Middle Mile Project

REACH Michigan Middle Mile Collaborative II

REACH Michigan Middle Mile Collaborative

Bloomingdale Communications Inc.

Van Buren County Fiber Ring

Greater Minnesota Broadband Collaborative

Connect Anoka County Community Broadband Network

Carver County Open Fiber Initiative

Executive Office of the State of Mississippi

Mississippi Education, Safety and Health Network

(MESHNet)South Central Mississippi Broadband Infrastructure Project

Contact Network, Inc.

Mississippi Delta Broadband Infrastructure Project

Northern Missouri Ultra-High Capacity Middle Mile

MoBroadband “Sho-Me MO” Middle Mile Project

Ronan Telephone Company

Connecting Nebraska Communities

Nevada Hospital Association

Nevada Broadband Telemedicine Initiative

Pyramid Lake Paiute: Natukwena Nagwesenoo

New Hampshire

University System of New Hampshire

Network New Hampshire Now

New Jersey Department of Treasury

The State of New Jersey Broadband Network

New Mexico

New Mexico Department of Information


New Mexico Statewide Interoperable Radio

Communication Internet Transport System (SIRCITS)

ENMR Telephone Cooperative, Inc. dba

ENMR-PlateauExtending the Middle Mile: ENMR-

Plateau Middle Mile CCI Project

ENMR Telephone Cooperative, Inc. dba


New Mexico (cont)

North Central New Mexico Economic Development


Regional Economic Development Initiative (REDI


ION Hold Co., LLC transferred to ION

NewCo Corp.ION Upstate New York Rural

Broadband Initiative

North Carolina

North Carolina Rural Broadband Initiative

Building a Sustainable Middle Mile Network for Underserved Rural

North Carolina

State Name Recipient Project Name Project Award Recipient Project Name Project Award Recipient Project Name Project AwardTotal State BTOP Award

# of BTOP


Other States

Other States

$10,781,157 1 $10,781,157

Ohio $147,437,046 4 Horizon Telcom, Inc. $66,474,247 OneCommunity Transforming NE Ohio $44,794,046 Com Net, Inc. $30,031,849

Ohio (cont) $6,136,904 PA

Oklahoma $83,470,346 2 $73,998,268 $9,472,078

Oregon $20,548,476 3 $8,325,530 County of Clackamas $7,804,181 $4,418,765

$128,444,692 2 $99,660,678 $28,784,014

$21,739,183 OSHEAN Inc. BEACON 2.0 $21,739,183

$9,604,840 1 County of Oconee $9,604,840

$20,572,242 1 $20,572,242

Tennessee $15,865,636 3 DeltaCom, Inc. $9,385,452 OnWav $5,184,447 Level 3 EON, LLC $1,295,737

Texas $67,698,503 5 $28,825,356 Rio Grande Valley Fiber Network $15,697,856 Connect Southwest Texas $11,946,728

Texax(cont) Texas Pipes $6,550,775 Level 3 EON, LLC $4,677,788

Utah $31,048,683 3 UTOPIA $16,229,321 University of Utah $13,401,096 Ute Indian Tribe $1,418,266

Vermont $45,649,894 2 Vermont Fiber Link $33,393,402 $12,256,492 NY, NH

Virginia $92,995,941 9 $22,698,010 BIT Wireless Broadband Initiative $18,983,648 $16,044,290

$10,023,247 $9,237,760 $6,993,399

$5,540,000 Nelson County of Virginia $1,826,646 $1,648,941

Washington $166,058,182 3 $84,347,997 $54,452,347 $27,257,838

$129,525,056 2 $126,323,296 Hardy AnchorRing $3,201,760

North Dakota

Dakota Carrier Network, LLC

DCN's CCI Broadband Project

Connecting Appalachian Ohio Middle Mile

ConsortiumGigE PLUS Availability


Zito Media Communications II, LLC

Northeastern Ohio and Northwestern Pennsylvania

Fiber Ring Project

Oklahoma Office of State Finance

Oklahoma Community Anchor Network (OCAN)

Pine Telephone Company, Inc.

Broadband Grant for Isolated Southeastern

Oklahoma/Choctaw Nation - Rural/ Non-Remote Areas

Lane Council of Governments

Oregon South Central Regional Fiber Consortium Lighting the Fiber Middle

Mile Project

Clackamas Broadband Innovation Initiative

Bend Cable Communications, LLC

(BendBroadband)Central Oregon Fiber



Keystone Initiative for Network Based Education

and Research

Pennsylvania Research and Education Network


Executive Office of the Commonwealth of

PennsylvaniaEnhancing Connectivity in

Northern Pennsylvania

Rhode Island

South Carolina

Oconee FOCUS (Fiber Optics Creating Unified Solutions)

South Dakota

South Dakota Network, LLC

Project Connect South Dakota

East Tennessee Middle Mile Fiber Broadband Project

Five County Broadband Interconnected Training Access

Expanding Broadband Access Across Tennessee

Peoples Telephone Cooperative

East Texas Medical and Educational Fiber Optic

NetworkValley Telephone

CooperativeRegion 18 Education

Service Center

Texas A&M University System

Expanding Broadband Access Across Texas

UTOPIA Community Partnership Project

Utah Anchors: A Community Broadband Project

Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation Fiber Optic Infrastructure Project

Vermont Telecommunications

AuthorityVermont Telephone

CompanyVermont Broadband Enhanced

Learning Link (VT BELL)

Bristol Virginia Utilities Board

Southwest Virginia Middle Mile Project

Buggs Island Telephone Cooperative

Mid-Atlantic Broadband

Cooperative – Southern Virginia

Middle Mile Expansion for Southern Virginia

Virginia (cont.)

Mid-Atlantic Broadband Cooperative

Middle Mile Expansion for Eastern Virginia

Citizens Telephone Co-Operative

New River Valley Regional Open Access Network

County of Rockbridge

Connect the Dots: Rockbridge Broadband


Virginia (cont.)

Virginia Tech Foundation, Inc.

Allegheny Fiber: Extending Virginia’s Open Access Fiber Backbone to the Ridge and


Nelson County Virginia Broadband Project

Page County Broadband Authority

Page County Broadband Project

Northwest Open Access Network (NoaNet)

NoaNet BB Infrastructure Project

Northwest Open Access Network (NoaNet)

State of Washington Broadband Consortium

Public Utility District of Pend Oreille County

Pend Oreille County Public Utility District (PUD) Broadband Network

West Virginia

Executive Office of the State of West Virginia

West Virginia Statewide Broadband Infrastructure


Telecommunications, Inc.

State Name Recipient Project Name Project Award Recipient Project Name Project Award Recipient Project Name Project AwardTotal State BTOP Award

# of BTOP


Other States

Other States

Wisconsin $57,969,654 3 $29,884,914 $22,978,367 $5,106,373

Wyoming $10,671,802 2 $5,608,179 Idaho $5,063,623

$3,378,082,720 119 $2,370,380,975 $738,608,082 $269,093,663

University of Wisconsin - Extension Service UWEX

Building Community Capacity through

Sustainable Broadband Adoption

State of Wisconsin Department of Administration

Wisconsin’s Education and Library Broadband Infrastructure Buildout

The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System

Metropolitan Unified Fiber Network

Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc.(1)

Expanding Greater Yellowstone Area

Broadband OpportunitiesSilver Star Telephone

Company(2)Delivering Opportunities: Investing

in Rural Wyoming Broadband

Primary State Recipient Project Project Award

50 States United States Unified Community Anchor Network (US UCAN) $ 62,540,162

Alabama South Central Alabama Broadband Commission (SCABC) $ 59,258,545

Alabama $ 26,068,284

Alabama Appalachian Valley Fiber Network $ 21,286,914 GeorgiaAlabama Project BEAR (Broadband for East Alabama Region) $ 6,269,197

Arizona SACCNet – Arizona Critical Middle Mile $ 39,274,877

Arizona $ 32,190,067 New Mexico, Utah

Arkansas $ 102,131,393

California Los Angeles Public Safety Broadband Network: LA-SafetyNet $ 154,640,000

California Digital 395 Middle Mile $ 81,148,788 Nevada

California $ 50,593,551

California The Central Valley Next Generation Broadband Infrastructure Project $ 46,619,757

California Plumas-Sierra Telecommunications Middle Mile Fiber Project $ 13,770,240

California Expanding Broadband Access Across California $ 3,291,994

Colorado $ 100,635,190

Colorado ADCOM 911 – DIA Regional Broadband Network $ 12,137,422

Connecticut $ 93,855,029

District of Columbia DC Community Access Network $ 17,457,764

Florida Ubiquitous Middle Mile $ 30,142,676

Florida Florida Rural Middle Mile Networks - Northwest and South Central Regions $ 23,693,665

Florida Expanding Broadband Access Across Florida $ 2,066,250

Georgia North Georgia Network $ 33,490,537

Georgia Columbia County Community Broadband Network $ 13,483,004

Georgia Expanding Broadband Access Across Georgia $ 1,427,310

Hawaii $ 33,972,800

This Table provides a list of all 120 BTOP Infrastructure grants announced by NTIA in all rounds. The grant recipient name is linked to information about that grant, including a link to all BTOP progress reports filed by the recipient to date.

Other States Partner or $Amount Shared

University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development

Trillion Communications, Inc.

Troy Cablevision, Inc. Southeast Alabama SmartBand - Rural Broadband for Economic Development and Energy Management

Appalachian Valley Fiber NetworkJKM Consulting, Inc.GovNET, LLC

Navajo Tribal Utility Authority Navajo Nation Middle/Last Mile Project: Quality Broadband for the Navajo People

University of Arkansas System The Arkansas Healthcare, Higher Education, Public Safety, & Research Integrated Broadband Initiative

Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Communications System Authority (LA-RICS)

California Broadband Cooperative, Inc.

Motorola Solutions, Inc. The San Francisco Bay Area Wireless Enhanced Broadband Project (BayWEB)

Central Valley Independent Network, LLCPlumas Sierra Rural Electric CooperativeLevel 3 EON, LLC

Centennial Board of Cooperative Educational Services (CBOCES) transferred to Eagle-Net AllianceColorado Community Anchors Broadband Consortium-Connecting Colorado’s Middle Mile

Adams County Communications Center, Inc. (ADCOM)

Connecticut Department of Information TechnologyAccess Connecticut: Expanding the State’s Education and Public Safety Network

District of Columbia GovernmentNorth Florida Broadband AuthorityFlorida Rural Broadband AllianceLevel 3 EON, LLCNorth Georgia Network Cooperative, Inc.

Columbia County Georgia Information Technology Department

Level 3 EON, LLC

University of Hawaii System, Ke Ala ‘Ike Ke Ala ‘Ike: Connecting Hawaii’s Public Schools, Community Colleges and Libraries

Primary State Recipient Project Project Award Other States Partner or $Amount Shared

Idaho Central North Idaho Regional Broadband Network Expansion $ 2,393,623

Idaho $ 1,862,197

Idaho Nez Perce Reservation Broadband Enhancement $ 1,569,109

Idaho $ 1,360,653

Idaho $ 984,134

Illinois Illinois Broadband Opportunity Partnership – East Central Region $ 61,895,282

Illinois Illinois Broadband Opportunity Partnership Northwest Region $ 46,114,026

Illinois Illinois Broadband Opportunities Partnership – Southern $ 31,515,253

Illinois Urbana-Champaign Big Broadband $ 22,534,776

Illinois DeKalb Advancement of Technology Authority Broadband $ 11,864,164

Indiana $ 25,140,315

Indiana Broadband Access and Equity for Indiana Community Anchor Institutions $ 14,257,172

Iowa Iowa Healthcare Plus Broadband Extension Project $ 17,714,919

Iowa Bridging the Digital Divide for Iowa's Communities $ 16,230,118

Kansas Expanding Broadband Access Across Kansas $ 998,419

Kentucky $ 535,308

Louisiana Louisiana Broadband Alliance $ 80,596,415 Louisiana Louisiana “Piney Hills” Parishes Broadband Infrastructure Project $ 9,163,384

Maine Three Ring Binder $ 25,402,904

Maryland One Maryland Broadband Network (OMBN) $ 115,240,581

Massachusetts The Massachusetts Broadband Institute: MassBroadband 123 $ 45,445,444

Massachusetts OpenCape Corporation Middle Mile Project $ 32,072,093

Massachusetts BEACON 2.0 $ 21,739,183 Rhode Island

Michigan REACH Michigan Middle Mile Collaborative II $ 69,639,291

Michigan REACH Michigan Middle Mile Collaborative $ 33,289,221

Michigan Van Buren County Fiber Ring $ 5,646,473

Minnesota Greater Minnesota Broadband Collaborative $ 16,822,437

Minnesota Connect Anoka County Community Broadband Network $ 13,382,593 Minnesota Carver County Open Fiber Initiative $ 5,995,600

Mississippi Mississippi Education, Safety and Health Network (MESHNet) $ 70,055,000 $102,364,489Mississippi South Central Mississippi Broadband Infrastructure Project $ 20,725,022

First Step Internet

Digital Bridge Communications - Cassia County, IdahoLast Mile Broadband for Underserved Portions of Cassia, Jerome, and Twin Falls Counties, Idaho

Nez Perce Tribe

Digital Bridge Communications - Twin Falls County, IdahoLast Mile Broadband for Underserved Portions of Cassia, Jerome, and Twin Falls Counties, Idaho

Digital Bridge Communications - Jerome County, IdahoLast Mile Broadband for Underserved Portions of Cassia, Jerome, and Twin Falls Counties, Idaho

Illinois Department of Central Management Services

Northern Illinois University

Delta Communications, dba Clearwave Communications

Board of Trustees of the University of IllinoisDeKalb County Government

Zayo Bandwidth, LLC Indiana Middle Mile Fiber for Schools, Communities, and Anchor Institutions

Education Networks of America, Inc.Iowa Health SystemIowa Communications NetworkLevel 3 EON, LLC

City of Williamstown, Kentucky Deployment of Broadband to Corinth, Ky., and Other Areas in Grant and Owen County, Ky.

State of Louisiana Board of RegentsNexus Systems, Inc.

Maine Fiber Company, Inc. (transferred from Biddeford Internet Corp. d.b.a. GWI)

Maryland Department of Information Technology

Massachusetts Technology ParkOpenCape CorporationOSHEAN Inc.

Merit Network, Inc. Minnesota, Wisconsin

Merit Network, Inc.Bloomingdale Communications Inc.Enventis Telecom, Inc.Zayo Bandwidth, LLCCounty of CarverExecutive Office of the State of MississippiContact Network, Inc.

Primary State Recipient Project Project Award Other States Partner or $Amount Shared

Mississippi Mississippi Delta Broadband Infrastructure Project $ 11,584,467

Missouri Northern Missouri Ultra-High Capacity Middle Mile $ 45,145,250

Missouri MoBroadband “Sho-Me MO” Middle Mile Project $ 26,600,000

Montana Montana West $ 13,796,640

Nebraska Connecting Nebraska Communities $ 11,547,866

Nevada Nevada Broadband Telemedicine Initiative $ 19,643,717

Nevada Pyramid Lake Paiute: Natukwena Nagwesenoo $ 7,070,006

New Hampshire Network New Hampshire Now $ 44,480,992 New Jersey The State of New Jersey Broadband Network $ 39,638,152

New Mexico $ 38,699,997

New Mexico Extending the Middle Mile: ENMR-Plateau Middle Mile CCI Project $ 16,460,815 Texas

New Mexico ENMR-Plateau Middle Mile $ 11,252,066 Texas

New Mexico Regional Economic Development Initiative (REDI Net) $ 10,565,792

New York ION Upstate New York Rural Broadband Initiative $ 38,938,988

North Carolina North Carolina Rural Broadband Initiative $ 75,757,289

North Carolina $ 28,225,518

North Carolina CharMeck Connect $ 16,702,490

North Dakota DCN's CCI Broadband Project $ 10,781,157

Ohio Connecting Appalachian Ohio Middle Mile Consortium $ 66,474,247

Ohio Transforming NE Ohio $ 44,794,046

Ohio GigE PLUS Availability Coalition $ 30,031,849

Ohio $ 6,136,904

Oklahoma Oklahoma Community Anchor Network (OCAN) $ 73,998,268

Oklahoma $ 9,472,078

Oregon $ 8,325,530

Oregon Clackamas Broadband Innovation Initiative $ 7,804,181

Oregon Central Oregon Fiber Alliance $ 4,418,765

Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Research and Education Network (PennREN) $ 99,660,678

Pennsylvania Enhancing Connectivity in Northern Pennsylvania $ 28,784,014

Rhode Island BEACON 2.0 $ 21,739,183

Contact Network, Inc.BlueBird Media, LLCSho-Me Technologies, LLCRonan Telephone CompanyNebraskaLink, LLCNevada Hospital AssociationPyramid Lake Paiute TribeUniversity System of New HampshireNew Jersey Department of Treasury

New Mexico Department of Information TechnologyNew Mexico Statewide Interoperable Radio Communication Internet Transport System (SIRCITS)

ENMR Telephone Cooperative, Inc. dba ENMR-Plateau

ENMR Telephone Cooperative, Inc. dba ENMR-Plateau

North Central New Mexico Economic Development District

ION Hold Co., LLC transferred to ION NewCo Corp. Pennsylvania, Vermont


MCNC Building a Sustainable Middle Mile Network for Underserved Rural North Carolina

City of CharlotteDakota Carrier Network, LLCHorizon Telcom, Inc.OneCommunityCom Net, Inc.

Zito Media Communications II, LLC Northeastern Ohio and Northwestern Pennsylvania Fiber Ring Project

Oklahoma Office of State Finance

Pine Telephone Company, Inc. Broadband Grant for Isolated Southeastern Oklahoma/Choctaw Nation - Rural/ Non-Remote Areas

Lane Council of Governments Oregon South Central Regional Fiber Consortium Lighting the Fiber Middle Mile Project

County of Clackamas

Bend Cable Communications, LLC (BendBroadband)

Keystone Initiative for Network Based Education and Research

Executive Office of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania


Primary State Recipient Project Project Award Other States Partner or $Amount Shared

South Carolina Oconee FOCUS (Fiber Optics Creating Unified Solutions) $ 9,604,840

South Dakota Project Connect South Dakota $ 20,572,242 Tennessee East Tennessee Middle Mile Fiber Broadband Project $ 9,385,452

Tennessee Five County Broadband Interconnected Training Access $ 5,184,447

Tennessee Expanding Broadband Access Across Tennessee $ 1,295,737

Texas East Texas Medical and Educational Fiber Optic Network $ 28,825,356

Texas Rio Grande Valley Fiber Network $ 15,697,856 Texas Connect Southwest Texas $ 11,946,728

Texas Texas Pipes $ 6,550,775 Texas Expanding Broadband Access Across Texas $ 4,677,788

Utah UTOPIA Community Partnership Project $ 16,229,321 Utah Utah Anchors: A Community Broadband Project $ 13,401,096

Utah $ 1,418,266

Vermont Vermont Fiber Link $ 33,393,402

Vermont Vermont Broadband Enhanced Learning Link (VT BELL) $ 12,256,492

Virginia Southwest Virginia Middle Mile Project $ 22,698,010

Virginia BIT Wireless Broadband Initiative $ 18,983,648

Virginia Middle Mile Expansion for Southern Virginia $ 16,044,290

Virginia Middle Mile Expansion for Eastern Virginia $ 10,023,247

Virginia New River Valley Regional Open Access Network $ 9,237,760

Virginia Connect the Dots: Rockbridge Broadband Initiative $ 6,993,399

Virginia $ 5,540,000

Virginia Nelson County Virginia Broadband Project $ 1,826,646

Virginia Page County Broadband Project $ 1,648,941

Washington NoaNet BB Infrastructure Project $ 84,347,997

Washington State of Washington Broadband Consortium $ 54,452,347

Washington Pend Oreille County Public Utility District (PUD) Broadband Network $ 27,257,838

West Virginia West Virginia Statewide Broadband Infrastructure Project $ 126,323,296

West Virginia Hardy AnchorRing $ 3,201,760

Wisconsin $ 29,884,914

Wisconsin $ 22,978,367

Wisconsin Metropolitan Unified Fiber Network $ 5,106,373

Wyoming Expanding Greater Yellowstone Area Broadband Opportunities $ 5,608,179

Wyoming Delivering Opportunities: Investing in Rural Wyoming Broadband $ 5,063,623 Idaho

County of OconeeSouth Dakota Network, LLCDeltaCom, Inc.OnWavLevel 3 EON, LLCPeoples Telephone CooperativeValley Telephone CooperativeRegion 18 Education Service CenterTexas A&M University SystemLevel 3 EON, LLCUTOPIAUniversity of Utah

Ute Indian Tribe Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation Fiber Optic Infrastructure Project

Vermont Telecommunications Authority

Vermont Telephone Company New Hampshire, New York

Bristol Virginia Utilities BoardBuggs Island Telephone Cooperative

Mid-Atlantic Broadband Cooperative – Southern Virginia

Mid-Atlantic Broadband CooperativeCitizens Telephone Co-OperativeCounty of Rockbridge

Virginia Tech Foundation, Inc. Allegheny Fiber: Extending Virginia’s Open Access Fiber Backbone to the Ridge and Valley

Nelson County of VirginiaPage County Broadband AuthorityNorthwest Open Access Network (NoaNet)Northwest Open Access Network (NoaNet)Public Utility District of Pend Oreille CountyExecutive Office of the State of West VirginiaHardy Telecommunications, Inc.

University of Wisconsin - Extension Service UWEX Building Community Capacity through Sustainable Broadband Adoption

State of Wisconsin Department of Administration Wisconsin’s Education and Library Broadband Infrastructure Buildout

The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System

Silver Star Telephone Company, Inc.(1)Silver Star Telephone Company(2)

Primary State Recipient Project Project Award Other States Partner or $Amount Shared

$ 3,399,821,903

BTOP Grant by $Total by State Population

State ST 2013 Population

$62,540,162 316,128,839 $ 0.198

Alabama AL $112,882,940 4,833,722 $ 23.55 12Alaska AK $0 735,132 $ 0.20 50Arizona AZ $71,464,944 6,626,624 $ 10.98 30Arkansas AR $102,131,393 2,959,373 $ 34.71 4California CA $350,064,330 38,332,521 $ 9.33 35Colorado CO $112,772,612 5,268,367 $ 21.60 14Connecticu CT $93,855,029 3,596,080 $ 26.30 8Delaware DE $0 925,749 $ 0.20 51District Of DC $17,457,764 646,449 $ 27.20 7Florida FL $55,902,591 19,552,860 $ 3.06 43Georgia GA $48,400,851 9,992,167 $ 5.04 41Hawaii HI $33,972,800 1,404,054 $ 24.39 10Idaho ID $8,169,716 1,612,136 $ 5.27 40Illinois IL $173,923,501 12,882,135 $ 13.70 22Indiana IN $39,397,487 6,570,902 $ 6.19 38Iowa IA $33,945,037 3,090,416 $ 11.18 28Kansas KS $998,419 2,893,957 $ 0.54 48Kentucky KY $535,308 4,395,295 $ 0.32 49Louisiana LA $89,759,799 4,625,470 $ 19.60 17Maine ME $25,402,904 1,328,302 $ 19.32 18Maryland MD $115,240,581 5,928,814 $ 19.64 16Massachuse MA $77,517,537 6,692,824 $ 11.78 26Michigan MI $108,574,985 9,895,622 $ 11.17 29Minnesota MN $36,200,630 5,420,380 $ 6.88 36Mississippi MS $102,364,489 2,991,207 $ 34.42 5Missouri MO $71,745,250 6,044,171 $ 12.07 25Montana MT $13,796,640 1,015,165 $ 13.79 21Nebraska NE $11,547,866 1,868,516 $ 6.38 37Nevada NV $26,713,723 2,790,136 $ 9.77 34New Hamps NH $44,480,992 1,323,459 $ 33.81 6

BTOP Infrastructure Grant Total $

State $ per

person + Ucan

State Ranking

BTOP $ per Person

UCAN Project

All 50 States

State ST 2013 PopulationBTOP Infrastructure Grant Total $

State $ per

person + Ucan

State Ranking

BTOP $ per Person

New Jersey NJ $39,638,152 8,899,339 $ 4.65 42New Mexic NM $76,978,670 2,085,287 $ 37.11 3New York NY $38,938,988 19,651,127 $ 2.18 47North Caro NC $120,685,297 9,848,060 $ 12.45 24North Dako ND $10,781,157 723,393 $ 15.10 20Ohio OH $147,437,046 11,570,808 $ 12.94 23Oklahoma OK $83,470,346 3,850,568 $ 21.88 13Oregon OR $20,548,476 3,930,065 $ 5.43 39Pennsylvan PA $128,444,692 12,773,801 $ 10.25 33Rhode Isla RI $21,739,183 1,051,511 $ 20.87 15South Caro SC $9,604,840 4,774,839 $ 2.21 46South Dako SD $20,572,242 844,877 $ 24.55 9Tennessee TN $15,865,636 6,495,978 $ 2.64 45Texas TX $67,698,503 26,448,193 $ 2.76 44Utah UT $31,048,683 2,900,872 $ 10.90 31Vermont VT $45,649,894 626,630 $ 73.05 1Virginia VA $92,995,941 8,260,405 $ 11.46 27Washingto WA $166,058,182 6,971,406 $ 24.02 11West Virgin WV $129,525,056 1,854,304 $ 70.05 2Wisconsin WI $57,969,654 5,742,713 $ 10.29 32Wyoming WY $10,671,802 582,658 $ 18.51 19

$3,378,082,720 316,128,839 $10.69

STATE BY STATE - Governor's 2014 State of State Speech citing improved Broadband Availability or Adoption as a Major goal

Governor's Name Context or Program Name Number of Dollar$

Alabama Robert Bentley R N

Alaska Sean Parnell R Y Y Not Mentioned Y

Arizona Janet Brewer R N NArkansas Mike Beebe D NA No Speech GivenCalifornia Jerry Brown D N

Colorado John Hickenlooper D Y Y Substantial Y

Connecticut Daniel Malloy D NDelaware Jack Markell D NDistrict Of Columbia N/A D Not a StateFlorida Rick Scott R N

Georgia Nathan Deal R Y Y $44.8M

Hawaii Neil Abercrombie D N

Idaho C.L Butch Otter R Y Y $34.7M

Illinois Patrick Quinn D NIndiana Mike Pence R N

Iowa Terry Brandstad R Y Y Substantial Y

Kansas Sam Brownback R N

Kentucky Steve Beshear D Y Y ?

Louisiana Bobby Jindal R NMaine Paul Lapage R NMaryland Martin O'Malley D N

Massachusetts Deval Patrick D Y Y

Michigan Rick Snyder R NMinnesota Mark Dayton D N No Speech Given Yet - Delayed by Hip SurgeryMississippi Phil Bryant R NMissouri Jay Nixon D NMontana Steve Bullock D NA No Speech GivenNebraska Dave Heineman R NNevada Brian Sandoval R NA No Speech GivenNew Hampshire Maggie Hassan D Y Y Continue "Network New Hampshire Now" None NoNew Jersey Chris Christie R NNew Mexico Susana Martinez R NNew York Mario Cuomo D Y Y Education Need for all schools -21st Century $2 Billion Y

AS of March 2014 50 STATES (and DC)

Political Party R / D

Mention of "Broadband",

"Internet", "Digital Econ",

etc. (Y or N)

New Action

Legislative Action


Alaska Digital Teaching Initiative as part of new programs for 21st Century Learning

Legislsation to bring parity to Rural CO access to Internet. Better Internet for State Govt. Need to reform Telecom Laws in Colorado

Connect classrooms ..., including those in rural areas, to the internet and digital resources - Digital Learning Task Force

Idaho Digital Learning Academy, Idaho Ed Net to all schools by 2015

Connect Every Iowan Act, Need for Gigabit Connection like Cedar Falls, repurpose Iowa Communications Network to become PPO to connect rural Iowa

High Speed Broadband Access, as part of SOAR, in East Central Kentucky

As part of Infrastructure expansion - Innovative Technology Clusters require Broadband Expansion. Need last mile expansion to unserved and Rural areas

North Carolina Pat McCrory R NA No Speech GivenNorth Dakota Jack Dalrymple R NA No Speech GivenOhio John Kasich R NOklahoma Mary Fallin R NOregon John Kitzhaber D NA Not Yet Given. No Mention in 2013 Speech

Pennsylvania John Corbett R N

Rhode Island Lincoln Chaffee D N Mentions Infrastructure but not specific program or type

South Carolina Nikki Haley R NSouth Dakota Dennis Daugaard R NTennessee Bill Haslam R NTexas Rick Perry R NA No Speech GivenUtah Gary Herbert R NVermont Peter Shumlin D NVirginia Terry Mcauliffe D NWashington Jay Inslee D N

West Virginia Earl Ray D Y N

Wisconsin Scott Walker R N

Wyoming Matt Mead R N N None N

Only a passing reference to a 21st Century education for all students.

Mentioned "Broadband" in passing as part of Infrastructure list to be concerned about

None in 2014. Reported in 2013 -700% Increase in connection speeds in Schools

Alabama Broadband Initiative


Alaska Broadband Task Force

Digital Arizona Council

Arkansas Broadband Advisory Council

State Government Level Broadband Inititiatives & Policy Activities Prior to or as part of SBDD (thru 2011)

All 50 State Governments have created either a task force, commission, or broadband projects. Some states have created programs to identify underserved and unserved areas through online public mapping websites, while others have established task forces or commissions to provide input on the development of a statewide broadband framework and promote public-private sector participation. At least 14 states have enacted these initiatives and authorities through legislation.

Current/Active STATE Broadband Task Forces, Commissions, or Authorities

In May 2008, Governor Bob Riley signed Executive Order #42 creating the Alabama Broadband Initiative (ALBI). This effort was launched to extend the benefits of advanced broadband technology to every community in the state through collaborative partnerships with governmental and private sector stakeholders. The scope of this project includes broadband research, mapping, deployment and adoption across all 67 counties of the state. ALBI will contract with an organization to implement a statewide deployment strategy and adoption effort to ensure ubiquitous access to reliable and affordable high-speed Internet service. The effort will also improve technology literacy, increase computer ownership and use among residents and businesses, establish local grassroots technology teams to improve technology use across multiple community sectors, and create an environment that fosters broadband access and technology investment.

ConnectingALABAMA is a statewide-initiative launched in 2008 under the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs to promote the deployment and adoption of broadband internet access across Alabama as part of the Alabama Broadband Initiative. The goal of the project is to provide mapping of where broadband service is available, as well as to work with state leaders to develop a strategy for broadband deployment in Alabama. The ConnectingALABAMA team is also working with State and Regional Broadband Action Teams to determine barriers to deployment and adoption.

On February 23, 2011, the Alaska Broadband Task Force was formed to work with the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development (DCCED) on a plan to provide every citizen of Alaska with 100 mbps broadband connectivity by 2020. The Task Force is supported by Connect Alaska, which provides research and benchmarking activities on broadband needs, usage, and barriers in local communities and also measures the impact of broadband implementation over time. The Alaska Broadband Task Force uses the research from Connect Alaska to determine how to fund innovative e-government and web 2.0 applications via a sub-grant process that will make government services and data more readily available to Alaska's communities.

The Digital Arizona Council was created in 2011 as part of the Arizona Strategic Enterprise Technology division of the Arizona Department of Administration’s Digital Arizona Project. The purpose of the Council is to provide governance, advice, and balanced representation for Arizona’s diverse broadband stakeholders.

Current/Active STATE Broadband Task Forces, Commissions, or Authorities

California Broadband Council

Colorado Broadband Data and Development Program

Connecticut Broadband Mapping Program

Delaware Broadband Mapping Project

On March 28, 2007, Governor Beebe signed Act 604 into law creating the Arkansas Broadband Advisory Council (re-named the Arkansas Broadband Council by Act 947 of 2009) and encouraging the non-profit Arkansas Capital Corporation to create a non-profit Connect Arkansas. While Connect Arkansas’s initiatives are focused on broadband education and facilitation, the Arkansas Broadband Council advises the Governor and the General Assembly on policies related to making affordable broadband available to every Arkansas home and business. The council also monitors the broadband based development efforts of other states and nations in areas such as business, education, and health. The expiration date of the council was removed by an amendment under 2011 H.B 1312.

The California Broadband Council was created by 2010 SB 1462 (Cal. Gov. Code § 8885) to promote broadband deployment in unserved and underserved areas of the state, and broadband adoption throughout California. The council is charged with reviewing implementation of the 2008 Broadband Task Force Report recommendations and improving coordination among state agencies. The council assists applicants in becoming more competitive for federal funds made available through the National Broadband Plan, building on the $420 million in broadband infrastructure grants from the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and the $57 million in California Advanced Services Fund grants already awarded in the state.

The Colorado Broadband Data and Development Program was created under the Governor’s Office of Information Technology in 2010 through a grant from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) for the purpose of broadband mapping and planning. The grant provides approximately $1.6 million over two years to continue Colorado's assessment of broadband deployment across the state and its development of a comprehensive and verified geographically-based inventory and database of broadband availability. The grant provides approximately $500,000 over five years for the Colorado Broadband Data and Development Program (CBDDP) to engage in planning and outreach activities with local groups to promote broadband adoption and enhance broadband market information. The CBDDP gathers data wire line, wireless, mobile, and middle mile broadband data directly from broadband services providers across the state to create the Colorado Broadband Map.

The State of Connecticut Public Utility Regulatory Authority (PURA), with funds from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) State Broadband Data and Development Grant Program (SBDD), created the Connecticut Broadband Mapping Program in 2010. The Connecticut Broadband Mapping Program aids the PURA in determining broadband availability and services and identifying infrastructure need for the requirements of the Broadband Data and Development grant program. The data collected by the state is updated through the input and cooperation from broadband providers, municipalities, and community anchor institutions. The state’s principal geo-data development consultant, Applied Geographics, Inc., is working closely with the PURA, the Department of Information Technology, other state agencies, municipalities, and community anchor institutions to meet the data collection standards and reporting requirements of the NTIA and the award.

Current/Active STATE Broadband Task Forces, Commissions, or Authorities

Broadband Florida Initiative

Georgia Broadband Mapping Program

Hawaii Broadband Initiative

Hawaii Broadband Map Initiative


The Delaware Broadband Mapping Project was initiated in 2010 by the Department of Technology and Information. The project’s work includes data collection, the development of a statewide broadband availability map, transmission of that data to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) for the development of its national broadband map, and the long-term maintenance of this data by the state. To date, DTI, working with selected vendors, has provided NTIA with two data sets that include broadband providers and community anchor institutions (K-12 schools, universities, libraries, etc.) in Delaware. DTI has also created an interactive map for citizen use to identify broadband coverage based on citizen-entered parameters.

2009 SB 2626 (Fla. Stat.§364.0135) authorizes the Florida Department of Management Services to apply for grants and lead broadband planning and development efforts in Florida. The Department used the funds from federal grants to establish the Broadband Florida Initiative. The initiative leads collaborative efforts in broadband capacity building across local, regional, and state public and private institutions. The Broadband Florida Initiative includes a grant development team and an E-rate program team. The E-rate team provides direct support to eligible community anchor institutions so that Florida can best leverage available funding opportunities. The initiative also created the now defunct Florida Broadband Joint Work Group , which produced the Florida’s Broadband Strategy White Paper in June 2009. The Broadband Florida Initiative also created the Florida Broadband Mapping Project. The Florida Broadband Mapping project is mapping landline and wireless services using information from providers and other sources. The collected and verified broadband mapping information will support the broadband development objectives identified in Fla.  Stat. §364.0135.

In 2009, the Georgia Technology Authority received a $5.2 million grant from the US Commerce Department for the statewide Georgia Broadband Mapping Program. The goal of the program is to partner with Georgia telecommunications carriers to collect broadband data on coverage and speeds across technology types to assess unserved and underserved areas. The program creates maps, analysis, and tabular data twice a year, including the Georgia Broadband Map.

Following the sunset date of the Hawaii Broadband Task Force, an executive memorandum by the governor in August 2011 created the Hawaii Broadband Initiative. The memorandum directs the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism and the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs to lead the Hawaii Broadband Initiative in providing all of Hawaii’s citizens with access to ultra-high-speed gigabit broadband services at affordable prices by 2018.

In 2010, Hawaii's Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) was awarded a grant to assist the state in gathering and verifying data on the availability, speed, location, and type of technology broadband services through the Hawaii Broadband Map Initiative. The data collected and compiled under the initiative is used to develop the publicly available statewide Hawaii Broadband Map. This activity is to be conducted on a semi-annual basis between 2010 and 2014, with the data to be presented in a clear and accessible format to the public, government, and the research community. To facilitate the Hawaii Broadband Map Initiative, DCAA has teamed with University of Hawaii’s Pacific Disaster Center.

Current/Active STATE Broadband Task Forces, Commissions, or Authorities

LinkIDAHO Broadband Advisory Team

Illinois Broadband Deployment Council

Indiana Broadband Mapping Program

Iowa Broadband Deployment Governance Board

Connect Iowa

Connect Kansas

LinkIDAHO is a statewide project launched by the governor and funded through a federal grant. The project team is accountable to the governor’s office and the offices of the Idaho CIO and GIO. The project is designed to address Idaho’s broadband priorities and related federal data submission requirements regarding the development of a national broadband map.

The LinkIDAHO Broadband Advisory Team (LBAT) is convened under the Idaho Rural Partnership and the LinkIDAHO project. The LBAT interacts with policy makers and informs them about broadband needs and benefits in Idaho, providing input on the statewide broadband framework. The LBAT also develops and suggests strategic partnerships and funding opportunities to improve broadband availability and use in Idaho.

The Illinois Broadband Deployment Council, established by Executive Order No. 9 in 2005,  exists to improve access to broadband networks for public, private and not-for-profit organizations all across the state. The council assists in Illinois broadband policy formation and serves as an information clearinghouse on broadband funding and projects in Illinois.

The Indiana Office of Technology (IOT) created the Indiana Broadband Mapping Program with grants from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) in 2009. The Program is a multi-year, multi-agency effort to map areas in the state currently served by broadband providers. The results will be integrated into both the Indiana Broadband Map and a national broadband availability map, and will provide a foundation for future broadband deployment efforts at the state and national level.

2009 S.F. 376 provided an appropriation of $25 million to the Iowa Telecommunications and Technology Commission (ITTC), in conjunction with Iowa Department of Economic Development (IDED), and Iowa Utilities Board (IUB), to establish the Iowa Broadband Deployment Governance Board. The Iowa Broadband Deployment Governance Board’s promotes the deployment and sustainability of high-speed broadband access in the state. The board consists of eleven voting members representing educational users; urban and residential users; cable, wireline, and wireless providers; the Iowa Utilities Board, Economic Development Board, and Telecommunications and Technology Commission; and four non-voting members representing the Iowa House and Senate. The Governance Board's duties include establishing a comprehensive plan for the deployment and sustainability of high-speed broadband service for Iowa. The board is currently on hiatus and all board member terms are set to expire in July 2012.

Connect Iowa has been instituted as a subsidiary of Connected Nation and operates as a non-profit. Connect Iowa was commissioned by the Iowa Utilities Board to work with all broadband providers to create an Iowa Broadband Map in order to accurately pinpoint remaining gaps in broadband availability in Iowa. The map project will support the activities of the Iowa Broadband Deployment Governance Board, which includes developing a statewide plan for the deployment and adoption of broadband in the state.

Connect Kansas was commissioned by the Kansas Department of Commerce to work with all broadband providers in Kansas to create detailed maps of broadband coverage to accurately pinpoint remaining gaps in broadband availability in Kansas. Connect Kansas will continue to develop and update broadband data as it is collected and to identify the services that can be made available to public and private entities as well as citizens.

Current/Active STATE Broadband Task Forces, Commissions, or AuthoritiesConnectKentucky

Louisiana Broadband Advisory Council

Maine ConnectMe Authority

Maryland Rural Broadband Coordination Board

Massachusetts Broadband Institute


ConnectKentucky, Kentucky's technology-based economic development partnership, is an alliance of technology-minded businesses, government entities, and universities working together to accelerate technology in the Commonwealth. ConnectKentucky supports statewide broadband infrastructure expansion, technology planning, and public policy.

The Louisiana Broadband Advisory Council was created by 2004 H.B. 1265 (La. R.S. §51:955.3). The Louisiana Broadband Advisory Council was created to help guide state leaders toward the ultimate goal of providing broadband access to all of Louisiana's citizens as outlined by the National Broadband Plan. The council consists of twenty-four members, including six ex-officio members, one member appointed by the president of the Senate, one member appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives, and sixteen members appointed by the governor. The council manages broadband research and coordinates statewide broadband activities for the state.

The Maine ConnectME Authority (35 M.R.S. §9201) was created by the legislature with the goal of expanding broadband access in the most rural, unserved areas of the state that have little prospect of service from a traditional provider. The authority’s purpose is to identify unserved areas of the state; develop proposals for broadband expansion projects, demonstration projects and other initiatives; and administer the process for selecting specific broadband projects and providing funding, resources, and incentives. The authority is funded by a 0.25 percent surcharge on instate retail communications services and funds proposals through grants, direct investments, or loans made on behalf of, in partnership with, or in support of, one or more communications service providers.

The Maryland Rural Broadband Coordination Board was established in July 2006 by S.B. 753. The board reviews and approves the disbursement of funds from the Rural Broadband Assistance Fund, and through cooperation with other public, private, and nonprofit entities, obtains further resources for establishing broadband communication services in rural and underserved areas in Maryland. The board consists of nine members, including the Secretary of Business and Economic Development; the Secretary of Transportation; a representative from the Department of Information Technology; the chair of the Rural Maryland Council; and the chair or designee from five regional councils. The board is staffed by the Rural Maryland Council. Authorization for the board extends through June 30, 2020; however the board ceased meeting in 2010. The board issued a final report in August 2010.

2008 H.B. 4864 (ALM GL ch. 40J, § 6B) established the Massachusetts Broadband Institute (MBI) as a new division within the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative. The act gives the MBI the authority to invest up to $40 million of state bond funds in necessary and long-lived infrastructure assets, such as conduits, fiber-optic cable and wireless towers. As the state entity for broadband mapping and availability, the MBI is collecting, verifying and mapping detailed information about the current levels of broadband availability in Massachusetts to create the Massachusetts Broadband Map. The MBI is also developing broadband adoption programs for veterans and small businesses.

Current/Active STATE Broadband Task Forces, Commissions, or Authorities

Michigan Collaborative Broadband Committee

Minnesota High-Speed Broadband Task Force

Mississippi Broadband Task Force

Mississippi Broadband Connect Coalition

Missouri Broadband Now Initiative (MoBroadbandNow)

Connect Michigan is a subsidiary of Connected Nation and operates as a non-profit in Michigan. Connect Michigan partnered with the Michigan Public Service Commission to engage in a comprehensive broadband planning and technology initiative as part of the national effort to map and expand broadband. The program began by gathering provider data to form statewide broadband maps and performing statewide business and residential technology assessments, but has since progressed to working with localities on community plans through the Michigan Collaborative Broadband Committee.

The Michigan Collaborative Broadband Committee is a statewide task force formed under the Connect Michigan partnership that works closely with the Michigan Public Service Commission and public-private stakeholders. The Collaborative Broadband Committee has representatives from K-12 education, higher education, broadband service providers, non-profits, tourism, business, agriculture, government, and other organizations that have an interest in improving Michigan's broadband availability and meaningful adoption. The committee's overall mission includes strategic planning, and the historical leadership of the PSC ensures its long-term impact.

Minnesota created the High Speed Task Force when the legislature passed 2008 S.F. 1918. The task force is responsible for making recommendations to the governor and legislature regarding the creation of a statewide high-speed internet access goal, and creating a plan for implementation by 2015. The Minnesota Ultra High-Speed Task Force acts in an advisory capacity to identify the level of broadband service needed and to determine appropriate goals regarding technical and financial aspects of statewide broadband Internet access. 2010 H.F. 2907, Chapter 277 set state goals, including those of the task force, for broadband  deployment and speed. Goals include, for example, that by 2015, the state be in the top five states of the U. S. for broadband speed universally accessible to residents and businesses, the top five states for broadband access, and the top 15 when compared to countries globally for broadband penetration.

The Mississippi Broadband Task Force (MBTF) was created by Governor Haley Barbour in April 2009. The task force was charged with overseeing the state’s broadband technology strategy for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, otherwise known as “the stimulus package.” Stimulus broadband funding has been made available through the State Broadband Data and Development (SBDD) program and the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP). Beginning in 2009, the Mississippi Broadband Task Force (MBTF), in conjunction with BroadMap, reached out to providers supplying broadband service available in Mississippi. Following the initial outreach, the team worked collaboratively with the providers to standardize the information compiled and created a geographic representation of their coverage via the Mississippi Broadband Mapping Initiative.

In September 2010, Mississippi received funds under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to develop the Mississippi Broadband Connect Coalition (MBCC). MBCC is a non-profit group focused on producing a comprehensive statewide strategy for improving digital literacy, increasing access to broadband, and enabling greater adoption of broadband in the state. The MBCC consists of eight committees. These groups met throughout 2011 to create targeted recommendations for their areas of study. The recommendations were included in the 2011 report titled “Mapping Mississippi’s Digital Future.”

Current/Active STATE Broadband Task Forces, Commissions, or Authorities

Montana Broadband Program

Nebraska Broadband Initiative

Nevada Broadband Taskforce

New Hampshire Broadband Mapping and Planning Program

MoBroadbandNow, a private-public partnership, was launched in 2009 under the Transform Missouri Initiative established through Executive Order 09-12. The MoBroadbandNow Initiative is a five-year project to expand broadband accessibility from 79.7 percent to 91.5 percent of the total population with federal funds, under the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). In pursuing these objectives, the initiative has established regional teams to develop grassroots-level strategic broadband plans and holds an annual broadband summit. The initiative also collects broadband data to produce semi-annual interactive mapping information and reports on the status of other broadband infrastructure projects.

The Montana Broadband Program is funded through the State Broadband Data and Development (SBDD) program that is administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). This project, working in collaboration with the Montana Department of Administration, was originally funded for broadband planning activities and two years of data collection. In September of 2010, this project was amended to extend data collection activities for an additional three years and to identify and implement best practices. Using the data collected, the information is compiled into the Montana Broadband Map. The Montana Broadband Program is currently developing a broadband advisory council.

The Nebraska Broadband Initiative, funded through a grant to the Nebraska Public Service Commission by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration, was created to increase broadband access and adoption through better data collection and broadband planning. Under the Nebraska Broadband Initiative, the Broadband Planning Oversight Team meets quarterly with the entire Public Service Commission team and provides an official report to the Public Service Commissioners at regularly scheduled meetings. One major project of the initiative has been the Nebraska State Broadband Map. The collected and verified broadband mapping information will be used to support future broadband development objectives.

On July 15, 2009, the Nevada Broadband Task Force was created by executive order (amended by executive order 2011-22). The Nevada Broadband Task Force consists of eleven members appointed by the governor. The governor also appoints one member as chairman. The mission of the task force is to identify and remove barriers to broadband access and identify opportunities for increased broadband applications and adoption in unserved and underserved areas of Nevada. The task force also oversees all necessary duties and responsibilities to reach the goal to expand broadband technology including the application of federal funding/grants, grant compliance, mapping and data management. The task force is set to expire July 1, 2015.

The New Hampshire Broadband Mapping and Planning Program (NHBMPP) is a comprehensive program that seeks to understand where broadband is currently available in New Hampshire, how it can be made more widely available in the future, and how to encourage increased levels of broadband adoption and usage. Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), the NHBMPP comprises two main components: a broadband availability inventory and mapping effort, and a suite of planning and technical assistance initiatives. Technical assistance initiatives include establishing broadband stakeholder groups that will focus on collecting and analyzing relevant information, identifying barriers to broadband deployment, promoting collaboration with service providers, and facilitating information sharing.

Current/Active STATE Broadband Task Forces, Commissions, or AuthoritiesNew Jersey Broadband Mapping Program

New Mexico Broadband Executive Committee

New York Broadband Development and Deployment Council

NC Broadband

North Dakota Broadband Mapping Program

Connect Ohio

Oklahoma Broadband Initiative

Using funding from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration's (NTIA) State Broadband Data and Development Grant Program (Broadband Mapping Program), the New Jersey Office of Information Technology (OIT) created the New Jersey Broadband Mapping Program in 2010. Under the program, OIT works with facilities-based providers of broadband services, as well as local government organizations and community anchor institutions, to collect, validate, verify and deliver certain data on broadband services available to end user locations in the state through the creation of the New Jersey Broadband Map.

The New Mexico Broadband Executive Committee is a statewide collaborative committee formed under the Department of Information Technology’s New Mexico Broadband Program. These groups form a core component to a number of conferences and focus forums to identify gaps, clarify issues, and provide action items toward solutions (legislation, funding, construction, regulation, etc.). All of these efforts are incorporated into the New Mexico Broadband Strategic Master Plan.

The New York Broadband Development and Deployment Council was established in 2009 by Executive Order 22 and provides strategic oversight for the New York State Universal Broadband Initiative. Thirteen members are appointed to serve on the council, which is charged to provide strategic direction to ensure all New Yorkers have access to high-speed Internet networks. The council coordinates state and federally funded broadband projects to stimulate broadband development, close the digital divide, and increase digital literacy levels in underserved and unserved urban and rural communities.

The North Carolina Department of Commerce created the NC Broadband Division in 2011 after the e-NC Authority transferred its ARRA federal funds and authority to the North Carolina Department of Commerce. The broadband division of the North Carolina Department of Commerce is a new initiative dedicated to encouraging the adoption and use of broadband Internet, identifying unserved and underserved areas and working to promote greater broadband availability across the state.

North Dakota received an initial grant in 2009 of approximately $1.3 million to map broadband services under the State Broadband Data and Development Grant Program to fund the North Information Technology Department’s North Dakota Broadband Mapping Program. The program serves as a state broadband program office to oversee the data collection for the North Dakota Broadband Map and technical assistance projects. It  also coordinates broadband planning activities across the state.

Governor Ted Strickland on Dec. 17, 2007 launched Connect Ohio, a public-private partnership that seeks to expand broadband services across the state by working with local communities and providers to map gaps in access. Connect Ohio’s three-year strategy involves a partnership between the state and broadband providers to create detailed maps of broadband coverage in order to accurately pinpoint remaining gaps in broadband availability in Ohio. Connect Ohio will also work to establish public-private partnerships that will assist in supplying computers to areas that have broadband service but lack computer access.

Current/Active STATE Broadband Task Forces, Commissions, or Authorities

Oregon Broadband Advisory Council

Pennsylvania Broadband Map

Broadband Rhode Island Initiative

Connect South Carolina

South Dakota Broadband Advisory Team

Oklahoma was awarded a grant in January 2010 under the State Broadband Data Development (SBDD) program to fund the Oklahoma Broadband Initiative. The first phase of the initiative is the Oklahoma Broadband Mapping Project, which includes the collection of the necessary data to identify broadband assets, gaps in broadband services, and opportunities for expansion of broadband services. This data has been consolidated into the Oklahoma Broadband Map and depicts what areas of the state are served, underserved and unserved by broadband. The second phase of this initiative is the Oklahoma Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) grant application to build the Oklahoma Community Anchor Network (OCAN), a 1,005 mile middle-mile infrastructure that will connect 32 anchor institutions in underserved or unserved areas of the state.

The Oregon Broadband Advisory Council was created by 2009 H.B. 3158. The council’s mission is to develop and ensure the implementation of a statewide broadband network with a focus on extending broadband access to unserved and underserved communities across Oregon. The council aims to ensure that Oregon citizens can take full advantage of the commerce, education, and health and safety benefits provided by broadband Internet access. The council also will encourage public-private partnerships to promote the deployment of broadband and will report to the legislature on the affordability and accessibility of broadband technology in all areas of Oregon.

In 2010, the Pennsylvania Department of Community Economic Development (DCED) and its contractor Michael Baker Jr., Inc., with funds from the federal State Broadband Data and Development (SBDD) Program, began the development of the Pennsylvania Broadband Map. The project is aimed at encouraging adoption by certain constituencies and more vulnerable communities through implementation of the state broadband plan, regional working groups, measurement of broadband utilization, identification of barriers to adoption, and awareness and outreach efforts, including hosting of a state broadband summit.

Broadband Rhode Island (BBRI) is an initiative of the Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation that works to create new opportunities by expanding broadband use and digital literacy across Rhode Island. One of BBRI's purposes is to map and verify broadband throughout Rhode Island. BBRI is funded through December 2014 by the State Broadband Data and Development Grant Program as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. BBRI’s programs address public awareness and education about broadband and study and develop plans to increase broadband adoption and usage. The first BBRI white paper, "Broadband Policy for Rhode Island, Achieving Competitive Advantage in the Internet Age," published in January 2012, calls for the creation of a Governor’s Broadband Policy Advisory Board.

Connect South Carolina is a subsidiary of Connected Nation and operates as a non-profit in the state of South Carolina. Connect South Carolina was commissioned by the Office of the Governor to work with each of the state's broadband providers to create detailed maps of broadband coverage and to assess the current state of broadband adoption across the state. Connect South Carolina's efforts are funded by the U. S. Department of Commerce's State Broadband Initiative (SBI) Grant Program through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. Connect South Carolina works under the direction of the Governor's Office, and previously in coordination with the South Carolina Broadband Advisory Committee.

Current/Active STATE Broadband Task Forces, Commissions, or Authorities

Tennessee Broadband Task Force

Connected Tennessee

Connected Texas

Texas Broadband Task Force

Utah Broadband Advisory Council

Vermont Telecommunications Authority

The South Dakota Broadband Advisory Team is made up of a cross section of education and medical groups and telecommunication businesses, as well as other business leaders throughout the state. The group assists the South Dakota Bureau of Information and Telecommunications (BIT) staff in coordinating outreach projects, including broadband technology events and meetings with stakeholders across government, private industry, and the general public.

The Tennessee Broadband Task Force was created by 2005 H.B. 2152 (Tenn. Code Ann. § 7-52-408). In its initial recommendations to the governor and the General Assembly, the task force cited the model established by Connected Nation in Kentucky and encouraged the initiation of similar efforts in Tennessee. The Task Force is still in existence through statute, but has not been active since 2009.

In 2007, Connected Tennessee was established as an independent non-profit organization after the recommendation of the Tennessee Broadband Task Force. Connected Tennessee aims to accelerate the availability and use of technology towards creating a better business environment, more effective community and economic development, improved healthcare, enhanced education, and more efficient government. Under the Connected Tennessee Initiative, the state establisheda Steering Committee comprised of public and private partners representing all sectors from across the state to provide an environment for interactions that support and generate statewide and regional economic development and measures that benefit the public.

Connected Texas is a subsidiary of Connected Nation and operates as a non-profit. Connected Texas was commissioned by the Texas Department of Agriculture to work with all broadband providers in the state to create detailed maps of broadband coverage in order to accurately pinpoint remaining gaps in broadband availability in Texas. Connected Texas will work with Texas Councils of Governments (COGs) and establish approximately 29 planning teams at a regional or local level. Both planning teams and the Texas Broadband Task Force will participate in annual statewide strategic planning meetings to share best practices and identify and resolve any new barriers or challenges.

The Texas Department of Agriculture created the Texas Broadband Task Force in 2009 to guide efforts to make broadband services available across the state. The Texas Broadband Task Force assists the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) and the Public Utilities Commission in maximizing broadband programs created through the Broadband Data Improvement Act of 2008 and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

The Utah Broadband Advisory Council was formed in June 2011, and meets monthly to examine the condition of broadband adoption and deployment in the state. The council will provide the governor and legislature with recommendations and policy guidance. Members of the council represent a diverse group of interests including legislators, state and local government, healthcare, education, libraries, and public safety, economic development, and tribal entities.

Current/Active STATE Broadband Task Forces, Commissions, or Authorities

Virginia Office of Telework Promotion and Broadband Assistance

Virginia Broadband Advisory Council

Washington State Broadband Office

West Virginia Broadband Deployment Council


The Vermont Legislature enacted 2007 H.B. 248, Act 79, creating the Vermont Telecommunications Authority (VTA), charging it to ensure that high-speed Internet and cell phone service is available in every corner of Vermont by the end of 2010. The VTA was charged with the following powers and duties: to issue revenue bonds up to $40 million to fund broadband and wireless telecommunications projects; gather data on wireless and broadband infrastructure and services; provide financial assistance in the form of loans, grants, guarantees and other financial instruments to fill in gaps in wireless and broadband coverage; incorporate one or more non-profits to take advantage of grants and other financing available only to non-profits; own, lease, and contract for telecommunications facilities and services for unserved areas; provide assistance to municipalities to deploy infrastructure and attract services; and waive fees required for access to state-owned transportation rights of way for broadband and wireless telecommunications providers in exchange for comparable value to the state.

In 2006, Governor Kaine signed Executive Order 35 creating the Office of Telework Promotion and Broadband Assistance. The duties of the office include promoting and encouraging use of telework alternatives for public and private employees, including appropriate policy and legislative initiatives, and supporting the efforts of both public and private entities within the commonwealth to enhance or facilitate the deployment of, and access to, competitively priced, advanced broadband services.

The Virginia Broadband Advisory Council was created by 2009 S.B. 1336 (codified in Va. Code Ann. § 2.2-2699.3) and expires July 1, 2018. The Broadband Advisory Council was established to help determine the Commonwealth's goals for broadband and how best to achieve them. It is comprised of eleven members: four legislators, two ex-officio members, five citizen members, the Secretary of Technology, and the Secretary of Commerce and Trade.

In 2009, the Washington Department of Information Services (DIS) created the Washington State Broadband Office through supplemental grants to increase Washington’s existing broadband program capabilities for a total of five years. In the third through fifth years of the grant, $250,000 will be used annually to develop and support local technology planning teams. Semiannual data collection and updates to the broadband map will continue. The total funding for the program from American Reinvestment and Recovery Act Broadband stimulus funds is $7.3 million, administered by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).

The West Virginia Broadband Deployment Council was created by 2008 H.B 4637 (W. Va. Code § 31-15C-3). The purpose and function of the Broadband Deployment Council is to administer and oversee broadband deployment in the state, especially in regard to bringing broadband service to unserved or underserved areas. As part of this function, the council provides consultation services to project sponsors for the planning, acquisition, improvement, construction or development of any broadband deployment project. In doing so, the council is authorized to make and execute contracts, commitments and other agreements, including the hiring of consultants, to assist in the mapping of the state, categorization of areas within the state, and evaluation of project applications. In support of this mission, the West Virginia Legislature has appropriated $5 million dollars per year for the next three years toward the administration and oversight of broadband deployment. Under W. Va. Code §31-15C-14, the council is set to expire on December 31, 2014.

Current/Active STATE Broadband Task Forces, Commissions, or Authorities

Wisconsin Steering Committee

Wyoming Broadband Planning Advisory Committee

LinkWYOMING Initiative

Arizona Broadband Advisory Committee

California Broadband Task Force

LinkWISCONSIN is a statewide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband Internet access.The first phase of the project includes development of a comprehensive broadband coverage map and the identification of strategies for broadband expansion and adoption – particularly in historically unserved or underserved areas. In November, 2009 the U.S. Department of Commerce awarded a grant under the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) State Broadband Data Development Program (SBDDP) to the Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC). Through an RFP process, the PSC selected the LinkAmerica Alliance, a consortium of mapping and planning service providers, and the project’s primary contractor. The grant is funding the state’s efforts to comply with federal requirements relative to the submission of data in support of the NTIA’s national broadband map and to develop Wisconsin broadband service maps and regional broadband plans.

The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin has formed a steering committee under the LinkWisconsin initiative to guide the development of a statewide broadband plan. Members of the steering committee were selected to be representative of each of nine Regional Planning Teams. The purpose of the plan is to define specific actionable initiatives that, if implemented, will improve broadband availability, adoption and application throughout the state. The steering committee held its first meeting on March 12, 2012.

The Wyoming Broadband Planning Advisory Committee (WBPAC) was formed under the LinkWYOMING Initiative. WBPAC’s mission is to provide oversight, input, sponsorship and policy‐level support in the advancement of broadband across the state that will benefit all citizens of Wyoming. Its work is dedicated to the development and execution of well-designed, high quality and high‐impact efforts designed to advance access, adoption and application of broadband necessary in the economic development, quality of life and standard of living. WBPAC works closely with the office of the governor and the Department of Enterprise Technology Services (ETS). Members of the WBPAC are appointed by the governor and/or the governor’s representatives in ETS.

LinkWYOMING is a statewide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband Internet access. The first phase of the project includes development of a comprehensive broadband coverage map and the identification of strategies for broadband expansion and adoption – particularly in historically unserved or underserved areas. LinkWYOMING is a statewide project launched by the Office of the CIO and funded through a federal grant. The project team is accountable to the Wyoming Office of the CIO. The project is designed to address Wyoming‘s broadband priorities and related federal data submission requirements regarding the development of a national broadband map.

 Previous/Inactive (Before 2009) Broadband Task Forces,Commissions, or Authorities

The Arizona Broadband Advisory Committee (ABAC) was formed in 2009 to provide expertise and advice to the governor's office on broadband grant applications. ABAC consisted of a representative from ten different state agencies with the Government Information Technology Agency (now Arizona Strategic Enterprise Technology, a division of Arizona Department of Administration), serving as the lead agency.

Current/Active STATE Broadband Task Forces, Commissions, or Authorities

Connecticut Broadband Internet Coordinating Council

Hawaii Broadband Task Force

Indiana Broadband Development Program

Maine Broadband Strategy Council

Maryland Task Force for the Deployment of Broadband in Rural Maryland

Governor Schwarzenegger in November 2006 signed an executive order to create a the California Broadband Task Force that brought experts from government and business to work together to identify and eliminate obstacles to making broadband Internet access ubiquitous in the state. Within the Broadband Task Force were six working groups: Build-Out, Economic Development, Education, Emerging Technologies and New Applications, Health Care, and Public-Private Partnerships for Community Development. The working groups developed recommendations for consideration by the task force. The Task Force issued its Final Report in January 2008.

The Connecticut Broadband Internet Coordinating Council was established pursuant to Section 3 of Substitute House Bill No. 7282, Public Act No. 07-254, C.G.S. 4d-100. The legislation passed after  a December 2006 study by the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering entitled, “Advanced Communications Technologies.” The council's charge was to monitor trends and developments in the state's efforts to develop a statewide world-class communications infrastructure. The statutory provision establishing the Connecticut Broadband Internet Coordinating Council was repealed effective July 1, 2011, by section 140 of Public Act 11-80.

2007 H.B. 310, Act 2 (Special Session 2007) established Hawaii's Broadband Task Force. The task force was directed to remove barriers to broadband deployment by using a technology-neutral approach to encourage lower prices for broadband services and create more consumer choices. The task force's purposes were to gain wider access to public rights-of-way; identify opportunities for increased broadband deployment and adoption, including very high speed broadband services; and enable the creation and deployment of new advanced communication technologies in Hawaii. The Task Force issued an initial report in 2007 and a final report in 2008. The Hawaii Broadband Task Force expired on June 30, 2009 as specified in the original legislation.

The Indiana Broadband Development Program was created by 2005 S.B. 381 (Ind. Code Ann. § 8-1-33-15). It created a coordinating body to determine the feasibility of implementing a statewide broadband network, and dissolved July 15, 2007.

The Maine Broadband Strategy Council was formed after Governor Baldacci signed Resolve, Chapter 108, LD 1012 requiring the ConnectME Authority to establish a special council to advise the authority on broadband opportunities available under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, and the University of Maine System on matters pertaining to the sale or lease of excess capacity as a result of the conversion of the education broadband spectrum. The council terminated on December 1, 2010.

Current/Active STATE Broadband Task Forces, Commissions, or Authorities

Michigan Broadband Development Authority

New York State Council for Universal Broadband

The Maryland Task Force for the Deployment of Broadband in Rural Maryland was established during the 2003 General Assembly session, and in 2005, the General Assembly extended it through June 2006. The task force examined what works best in other regions of the country to expand broadband communications to rural communities. Next, the Task Force considered resources, infrastructure, and cost structures available in Maryland's rural regions to develop or access broadband communications. To establish and enhance broadband communications in the state's rural areas, the task force developed proposals and made recommendations to meet predetermined goals for deployment of effective broadband communications in unserved and underserved areas of the state. The task force recommended legislation, budget provisions or amendments, and changes in state procurement policy. During the 2005 General Assembly session, the Task Force sunset was extended to June 30, 2006 (SB 454 / HB 963).

The Michigan Broadband Development Authority (MBDA) was created by 2001 SB 881 (MCL § 484.3204) as an independent state government agency within the Department of Treasury. The goal of MBDA was to attract investment to the state and provide affordable broadband access to Michigan communities. In 2004, MBDA was responsible for granting $12 million in loans that went to 150 cities in 45 counties across Michigan. The authority had the power to issue taxable and tax exempt bonds and provide assistance for companies. The powers and duties of the MBDA were transferred in 2008 to the Public Service Commission and the Michigan State Housing Development Authority through Executive Reorganization Order No. 2008-4.

Missouri Rural High-Speed Internet Access Task Force 

Missouri Governor George Blunt created, by executive order, the Rural High-Speed Internet Access Task Force in November 2007 to identify opportunities to increase access to technology across the state. Blunt directed the task force to: 1) assess the current level of high-speed Internet access available in Missouri; 2) identify barriers to deployment to underserved areas including economic, geographic, regulatory, and market barriers; 3) identify potential options to increase the deployment of high-speed Internet access in underserved communities; 4) review best practices in other states to increase high-speed Internet access; and 5) recommend statutory, regulatory, and policy changes needed to increase the availability of high-speed Internet services across the state. The task force expired on June 30, 2008

Nebraska Broadband Services Task Force 

Established by 2005 L.B. 645 in October 2005, the Nebraska Broadband Services Task Force discussed issues related to broadband services in Nebraska. The task force identified trends regarding broadband deployment, changing consumer demands, and evolving technologies that impact both wholesale and retail broadband services. The task force concluded that private broadband providers are successfully deploying facilities to serve Nebraska’s needs and that competition by public power suppliers in providing wholesale broadband services was unnecessary at the time. However, future technological developments require the state’s attention to ensure citizens have access to changing broadband offerings. The Broadband Services Task Force's Final Report was released Nov. 22, 2006. In 2009, L.B. 154 eliminated the Broadband Services Task Force. 

Current/Active STATE Broadband Task Forces, Commissions, or Authorities

North Carolina e-NC Authority

Ohio Broadband Council

South Carolina Broadband Advisory Committee

Virginia Broadband Roundtable

The New York State Council for Universal Broadband was created by Governor Elliott Spitzer in 2007. The council was charged with creating, through a competitive grant process, integrated and inclusive public/private partnerships to rapidly deploy affordable broadband services. The council recommended a comprehensive statewide strategy that charted a course towards affordable broadband access throughout the state. The approach sought to leverage existing resources, consider new ways to extend high-speed Internet access beyond traditional means, and recommend approaches to increase digital literacy in underserved urban and rural communities. The council was replaced by the New York State Broadband Development and Deployment Council in 2009 by Executive Order 22.

On Aug. 2, 2000, the North Carolina General Assembly created the Rural Internet Access Authority through 2000 S.B. 1343. The bill created this organization to study and report on North Carolina's telecommunications infrastructure and to increase Internet use. The authority was  given additional powers under 2003 H.B. 1194 and 2005 S.B. 1741. Those bills created the e-NC Authority to continue the work of the Rural Internet Access Authority and extended the sunset of the e-NC Authority to Dec. 31, 2011.

In August 2009, the e-NC was designated by the governor as the broadband mapping entity for North Carolina for purposes of the State Broadband Data and Development Grant under the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) of the U.S. Department of Commerce. In 2010, e-NC was awarded $6.6 million in federal funding, until 2014, to support planning, capacity building, adoption and use across North Carolina. In 2011, H.B. 200/N.C. Sess. Laws,Chap. 145 required the e-NC to transfer the remaining federal funds to the Department of Commerce to continue the broadband mapping activities.

On July 27, 2007, Governor Ted Strickland signed Executive Order 2007 - 24S, creating an Ohio Broadband Council to coordinate efforts to extend access to the Broadband Ohio Network to every county in Ohio. In addition to developing a plan for statewide broadband deployment, the Ohio Broadband Council was charged with coordinating all state-funded broadband initiatives, pursuing additional federal investments in broadband, promoting public and private broadband initiatives and addressing the digital divide in Ohio’s rural and urban areas. The council expired in 2010 with the end of Governor Strickland’s term.

South Carolina Broadband Advisory Committee was created in 2009 under the South Carolina Department of Commerce to manage, oversee and monitor use of the state Rural Broadband Fund. The committee, chaired by the state’s Secretary of Commerce, prioritized funding to areas of the state that have been underserved by the existing telecommunications infrastructure. The committee’s most recent action was deliberating and commenting on the state’s behalf during the second award of NTIA funds. Having fulfilled its primary purpose, the committee’s activity has ceased.

South Carolina Broadband Technology and Communications Study Committee 

The South Carolina Broadband Technology and Communications Study Committee was created by 2007 Act 169. The committee's final report, completed in February 2008, recommended that the state create a public-private partnership to promote the deployment and adoption of broadband services in the state to evaluate the state's broadband communications infrastructure, and to assess the availability of and need for broadband services in unserved and underserved areas.

Current/Active STATE Broadband Task Forces, Commissions, or Authorities

On June 13, 2007, Governor Kaine announced the formation of the Virginia Broadband Roundtable to accelerate the attainment of his economic strategic goal of having affordable broadband connectivity to every business in the Commonwealth by 2010. The Broadband Roundtable was charged with delivering a “blueprint” to assist communities with broadband planning and deployment. Roundtable members included local, national, and international leaders with a strong track record of innovating in the telecommunications industry.

State Broadband Statutes

Last update: Dec. 16, 2013

State Statute Description Category

Arkansas Establishes "Connect Arkansas" and the Arkansas Broadband Council.


Arkansas Definition/ Regulation


Arizona Funding



California Funding/Regulation




Broadband is considered by many to be a fundamental vehicle for new services and applications—such as telemedicine, telecommuting and online education—that require high speed Internet connections. State legislative involvement has been an important factor for successful implementation of broadband in the states. This table provides examples of various types of state broadband initiatives.

Ark. Stat. §4-113-101, et seq. Coordination and Leadership

Ark. Stat. §23-18-801, et seq.Enables Broadband over Power Lines. Permits an electric utility, an affiliate of an electric utility, or a person unaffiliated with an electric utility to own, construct, maintain, and operate a broadband system and provide broadband services on an electric utility's electric delivery system.

Gov’t Ownership and Operation

Ark. Stat. § 23-17-401/ 2013 S.B. 297, Act 442

Ensures continued broadband expansion in rural areas within the state; provides 911 emergency service to rural areas within the state; enhances the 911 emergency system and assists its funding; defines Interconnected VoIP service; provides for the implementation of a specified plan in certain circumstances; makes changes concerning Arkansas High Cost Fund charge levels, funding categories, intrastate Carrier Common Line charges, universal service, the phase out of the High Cost Fund, and certain rates.

Ark. Stat. § 25-4-125/S2013 S.B. 926, Act 1168

Creates a state broadband manager to promote, develop, and coordinate broadband expansion and appropriate broadband infrastructure for all areas of the state.

Coordination and Leadership

Ariz. Rev. Stat. §41-3508; §15-1261

Establishes the “Statewide E-rate Program Fund” and requires all school districts and charter schools that receive e-rate funding to establish an e-rate fund, which may be used to reimburse the school district or charter school for broadband Internet and telecommunications costs.

Cal. Gov. Code §61100(af)Authorizes community services districts to construct, own, improve, maintain, and operate broadband facilities and to provide broadband services until a private person or entity can acquire and operate facilities and provide broadband service at a cost and quality of service comparable to that offered by the community services district.

Gov’t Ownership and Operation

Cal. Gov. Code § 8885-8889Establishes the California Broadband Council. The purpose of the Council is to promote broadband deployment in unserved and underserved areas of the state and broadband adoption throughout the state. The act also imposes duties on the Council and specifies the membership of the Council.

Coordination and Leadership

Cal. Pub. Util. Code § 281

Increases the amount the Public Utilities Commission is authorized to collect of a surcharge deposited into the State Advanced Services Fund. Requires deposits into the Broadband Infrastructure Grant Account for grants for infrastructure projects to provide broadband universal service. Provides applicants and challenging parties the opportunity to demonstrate broadband service in a project area. Provides for the Broadband Public Housing Account and last-mile broadband access to unserved areas. Requires that a specified amount of additional moneys collected that are deposited into the Broadband Infrastructure Account, be used to support programs designed to increase adoption rates for broadband service for residents of publicly supported communities, and not more than a specified amount of funds in additional funds in the account be used to connect broadband networks to publicly supported communities.

Colo. Rev. Stat. §24-37.5-101 et seq.Creates the Office of Innovation and Technology and charges the office to investigate and develop methods for maximizing broadband access throughout the state.

Coordination and Leadership

Conn. Gen. Stat.Creates the Broadband Internet Coordinating Council, whose duties involve monitoring trends and developments in the state's efforts to develop a state-wide world-class communications infrastructure; and issuing any reports it deems necessary to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to technology.

Coordination and Leadership§4d-100

District of Columbia

D.C. Official Code § 1-1403

Provides that the Office of the Chief Technology Officer shall develop and implement solutions designed to ensure that residents and businesses in all areas of the District have reasonable, affordable access to high-speed Internet services, including obtaining and expending federal grant funds for digital inclusion efforts and awarding sub-grants to nonprofit entities established in the District for the purpose of supporting digital inclusion efforts.

Coordination and Leadership/Funding

Fla. Stat. §445.046 Encourages the development of a network access point, which is defined to be a carrier-neutral, public-private Internet traffic exchange point.

Coordination and Leadership

State Statute Description Category


Georgia Definition


Hawaii Regulation

Idaho Creates a tax credit for qualified broadband expenditures. Funding

Illinois Illinois' High Speed Internet Services and Information Technology Act.





Indiana Regulation

Indiana Regulation

Iowa Provides that the treasurer of state may issue and sell bonds for public broadband. Funding

Iowa Regulation

Kansas Definition

Ga. Code §36-66B-1

Creates the Advanced Broadband Collocation Act. Provides for streamlined processing of applications for collocation or modification of certain wireless facilities and requires that such applications be reviewed for conformance with site plan and building permit requirements, including zoning and land use conformity. Requires a local governing authority to make its final decision concerning such applications within a specified number of days.

Coordination and Leadership

Ga. Code §46-5-221Defines 'broadband service' as a service that consists of the capability to transmit at a rate not less than 200 kilobits per second in either the upstream or downstream direction and in combination with such service provide either: (A) Access to the Internet; or (B) Computer processing, information storage, or protocol conversion.

HRS §226-10.5Sets forth objectives and policies with regard to telecommunications and information technology directed toward positioning Hawaii as a leader in broadband communications and applications in the Pacific Region.

Coordination and Leadership

HRS § 27; HRS § 46 / 2013 H.B. 635, Act 264

Requires the state and the counties to approve, approve with modification, or disapprove all broadband-related permits within specified business days of submitting a permit application and a fee; provides that if no action is taken on the next business day, the application will be deemed approved; relates to cable installation, tower construction, placement of broadband equipment in the road rights-of-way, undersea boring, or the landing of an undersea communications cable.

Idaho Code §63-3029I

Ill. Rev. Stat. Ch. 20 §661/1 et seq. Coordination and Leadership

Ill. Rev. Stat. ch. 20, §661/20

Relates to broadband deployment, telecommunications services, and cable and video services. Makes changes concerning the analysis of broadband markets, telecommunications rates and services, interstate switched access rates, basic local exchange service, telecommunications devices for persons with disabilities, billing statements, contracts containing early termination fees for residential cable or video services, regulation of interconnected VoIP services, and various other matters.

Coordination and Leadership

Ill. Rev. Stat. Ch. 20 §2712/5-1 et seq.Requires Illinois to create a plan for transmitting high speed data services on all passenger rail systems in Illinois.

Coordination and Leadership

Ind. Code §8-1-33-1 et seq.

Creates the Indiana Broadband Development Program, which aims to encourage the provision of affordable broadband services and networks that will ensure the long term growth of and the enhancement and delivery of services by the business, educational, medical, commercial, nonprofit, and governmental entities in underserved areas in Indiana; and benefit residential, commercial, public, governmental, and nonprofit entities in underserved areas in Indiana.

Coordination and Leadership

Ind. Code §5-28-33Requires the Economic Development Corporation to develop a high speed Internet service deployment and adoption initiative, creates a statewide geographic information system of telecommunications and information technology services and exempts from the state gross retail tax certain tangible personal property used to provide broadband services.

Coordination and Leadership

Ind. Code § 6-1.1-12.5

Provides for the establishment by counties of infrastructure development zones in which natural gas, broadband and advanced services, and water infrastructure are exempt from property taxation; allows certain electric customers to petition for rate discounts; authorizes a utility that provides electric or gas service to petition to recover transmission, distribution, and storage improvement costs; provides for coordination of public right-of-way use for transportation infrastructure improvement projects.

Ind. Code § 8-1-2.6-1.3 / 2013 S.B. 492

Provides that a communications service provider is not eligible for property tax exemptions for broadband service if the facilities or technologies are used in a location where wireline broadband service is provided.

Iowa Code §12.87

Iowa Code § 476.1D Requires telephone utilities to offer digital subscriber line broadband service in specific circumstances.

Kan. Stat. Ann. §66-2005

Defines ‘‘broadband network’’ as a connection that delivers services at speeds exceeding two hundred kilobits per second in both directions and "underserved rural areas’’ as an area where no more than 15 percent of potential broadband customers in a census tract are capable of receiving broadband of at least 386 kilobits per second in both directions. Requires broadband service providers to show the geographic areas where customers can receive broadband services and the commission to compile this information into a report for the Legislature.    

State Statute Description Category



Kentucky Exempts a number of telecommunications systems from regulation, including broadband service. Regulation

Louisiana Creates the Louisiana Broadband Advisory Council.

Maine Regulation

Maine Regulation

Michigan Assessment

Michigan Creates the Michigan Broadband Development Authority.



Missis-sippi Funding


Nebraska Creates the Nebraska Internet Enhancement Fund; sets terms for the fund's use. Funding

Nevada Regulation

Nevada Regulation

Ky. Rev. Stat. §147A.023

Makes it the duty of the Kentucky Department for Local Government to Track the deployment and adoption of broadband and information technology in Kentucky; Enable public-private partnerships among broadband providers and relevant government entities to encourage the deployment and adoption of advanced broadband services; Serve as a resource for all citizens, broadband providers, and technology businesses regarding broadband and information technology issues; Report progress on deployment and adoption to the Legislative Research Commission upon request and at least annually; and Ensure notification to the public of the availability of public funds for broadband and information technology investments prior to awarding any contracts or grants.

Coordination and Leadership

Ky. Rev. Stat. §224A.1121

Creates an  incentive program to give highest funding priority to those projects which most effectively provide broadband service to the greatest number of unserved Kentucky citizens and at the lowest cost. Funding shall not be used for projects with an intent to deploy broadband service to areas where broadband service already exists; however, it may consider funding for projects that, in providing broadband service for an unserved area, create an overlap in existing broadband coverage for less than twenty percent (20%) of households in the proposed coverage area.

Coordination and Leadership

Ky. Rev. Stat. §278.546 et seq.

La. Rev. Stat. §51:955.1 et seq. Coordination and Leadership

Me. Rev. Stat. § 9202-AEstablishes the state broadband policy. Requires development of target prices and competitively neutral discounts to customers in areas where services are more expensive than the average metropolitan rates and requires the ConnectME Authority to develop target prices for broadband services and establish discounts in rural areas.

Me. Rev. Stat. § 9216Establishes the requirements of the  Broadband Sustainability Fee and Fund. An entity that purchases, leases or otherwise obtains federally supported dark fiber from a dark fiber provider is subject to the following broadband sustainability fees

Mich. Comp. Laws §125.1432

Requires the State Housing Development Authority to conduct an annual review of all loans, financial instruments that require repayment, or lines of credit with the Michigan Broadband Development Authority. Specifies that the review is to include an analysis of the Michigan Broadband Development Authority’s ability to repay all of its debts to the Authority. Requires an analysis of the number of authority assisted or financed developments and homes purchasing high-speed internet connections at substantially reduced rates. 

Mich. Comp. Laws §484.3201 et seq. Coordination and Leadership

Minn. Stat. §237.012

Establishes a goal for the state that by no later than 2015, all state residents and businesses have access to broadband that provides specified download and upload speeds. Requires annual reports by the Commissioner of Commerce that identify barriers impeding the achievement of those goals and suggests strategies to overcome those barriers, and requires the commissioner of commerce to appoint and convene a broadband advisory group.

Coordination and Leadership

Miss. Code §57-87-1 et seq.Declares Mississippi's policy is to provide incentives for "telecommunications enterprises" to invest in the infrastructure needed to provide broadband technology throughout the state to keep Mississippi competitive and to promote economic development within the state.

Coordination and Leadership

Miss. Code §27-65-101Extends the sales tax exemption on sales of equipment to telecommunications enterprises that is used in the deployment of broadband technologies. Extends the ad valorem tax exemption for equipment used in the deployment of broadband technologies by telecommunications enterprises.

Mo. Code § 67.5090 to 67.5102./ 2013 H.B.  331  1

The Uniform Wireless Communications Infrastructure Deployment Act. Intended to encourage and streamline the deployment of broadband facilities and to help ensure that robust wireless communication services are available throughout Missouri.

Coordination and Leadership

Neb. Rev. Stat. §86-579 et seq.

Nev. Rev. Stat. §704.684Exempts broadband service from regulation by the Nevada Public Utility Commission except under certain circumstances.

Nev. Rev. Stat. §04.6878 / 2013 A.B 486

Revises provisions relating to telecommunication providers; authorizes competitive telecommunication providers to apply to the State Public Utilities Commission for relief from the obligations and status of a provider of last resort when alternative services are available; revises provisions relating to the regulation of Internet Protocol-enabled service or Voice over Internet Protocol service.

State Statute Description Category


New Jersey

Definition, Regulation


Regulates the provision of broadband services by cities.

Ohio Regulation

Oklahoma Regulation


Rhode Island




Utah Funding


Vermont Rights-of-way



Virginia Regulation

New Hampshire

N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 12-A:59Establishes the position of Director of Broadband Technology Planning and Development in the Department of Resources and Economic Development and provides that the director's duties include the development of a comprehensive broadband plan for New Hampshire.

Coordination and Leadership

New Hampshire

N.H. Rev. Stat. §§ 38:38 38:39, 38:40, 38:41

Allows municipal areas to charge Broadband Access Tariffs. Those tariffs are then placed into a fund that may be used to repair, expand, or replace broadband infrastructure.

New Hampshire

N.H. Rev. Stat. §12-A:46Extends the telecommunications planning and development initiative; changes certain provisions of the telecommunications planning and development advisory committee.

Coordination and Leadership

N.J. Rev. Stat. §40:9D-1 et seq.Authorizes local units to construct, own or operate broadband telecommunications infrastructure to provide broadband telecommunications service via a wireless community network; or provide broadband telecommunications service via a wireless community network.

Gov't Ownership and Operation

North Carolina

N.C. Gen. Stat. § 62-3 Defines broadband, provides that broadband service provided by public utilities is not to be regulated by the Public Service Commission.

North Carolina

N.C. Gen. Stat. § 62-113Permits certain broadband services providers to offer voice grade service along with broadband service outside the providers' service territory or franchise area.

North Carolina

N.C. Gen. Stat. §§160A:340 et seq. Gov't Ownership and Operation

North Carolina

N.C. Gen. Stat. § 143B-437.01Creates the Industrial Development Fund; provides funds to assist local government units of the most economically distressed counties in the state in creating and retaining jobs in certain industries. Allows funds to be used for high-speed broadband.

North Carolina

N.C. Gen. Stat. § 153A-349.60Provides that counties may provide grants to unaffiliated qualified private providers of highspeed Internet access service, as that term is defined in G.S. 160A-340(4), for the purpose of expanding service in unserved areas for economic development in the county

Oh. Rev. Stat. § 4905.02Revises state regulation of telephone companies, including any broadband service offered by a telephone company.

Okla. Stat. tit. 17, §139.110Prohibits the Oklahoma Corporation Commission from placing  any regulation upon a provider of high speed Internet access service or broadband service.

Ore. Rev. Stat. §403.100Declares Oregon's policy is to encourage and support the rapid deployment of broadband telecommunications services in areas of the state where the services do not exist.

Coordination and Leadership

R.I. Gen. Laws § 39-28-1 et seq.Creates a broadband deployment and investment act designed to implement regulations and oversight of broadband across the state.

Coordination and Leadership

Tenn. Code Ann. §§ 7-59-315, -316Creates the Tennessee broadband deployment fund to promote the deployment of broadband Internet service to unserved areas of the state. Authorizes telecommunications joint ventures to provide broadband services to areas that have been determined to be historically unserved.

Tenn. Code Ann. §§ 65-5-201, -202, -203Establishes the Broadband Business Certainty Act of 2006 to ensure that Tennessee provides an attractive environment for investment in broadband technology by establishing certainty regarding the regulatory treatment of that technology.

Tex. Util. Code §43.001 et seq.Encourages the deployment of Broadband over Power Lines (BPL) by permitting affiliates of the electric utility, or permitting unaffiliated entities, to own or operate all or a portion of such BPL systems. Provides the appropriate framework to support the deployment of BPL.

Coordination and Leadership

Utah Code §63M-1-2301 et seq.Creates a Rural Broadband Service Account. Provides for grants to assist providers that want to deploy rural broadband service.

Vt. Stat. tit. 30, §8079 Authorizes the Vermont telecommunications authority to build infrastructure to meet the cellular and broadband needs of unserved Vermonters.

Coordination and Leadership

Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 30, §8090 et seq.

Requires electric or gas utility companies to allow communications service providers access to their infrastructure for the installation and maintenance of communications facilities. Specifies that the communications service provider is responsible for any costs that the electric or gas utility company incurs to obtain easements or other property rights necessary for the installation and operation of communications facilities.  

Va. Code Ann. §§ 2.2-225, 2.2-2218 et seq.

Merges the Innovative Technology Authority and the Research and Technology Advisory Commission into a single entity named the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Investment Authority (IEIA).  The IEIA is responsible for monitoring trends in the availability and deployment of and access to broadband communications services.

Coordination and Leadership

Va. Code Ann. § 2.2-225.1Establishes the Office of Telework Promotion and Broadband Assistance which aims to encourage telework as a public policy that promotes workplace efficiency and reduces strains on the transportation infrastructure.

Coordination and Leadership

Va. Code Ann. § 2.2-1150.2Requires state agencies to lease or convey an interest in a state-owned communication tower or site to qualified providers of wireless broadband service to deploy broadband Internet service in areas that are not receiving adequate broadband service.

State Statute Description Category


Virginia Funding


West Virginia

West Virginia


2013 updates by Cassandra Kirsch

Va. Code Ann. §§ 2.2-2699.3-2699.4

Establishes the Governor's Broadband Advisory Council whose purpose is to advise the Governor on policy and funding priorities in order to expedite deployment and reduce the cost of broadband access.

Coordination and Leadership

Va. Code Ann. § 15.2-2419 et seq.Creates the Broadband Infrastructure Loan Fund which empowers local governments to build or facilitate the building of wired or wireless broadband infrastructure to areas currently unserved by broadband services.

Wash. Rev. Code §§ 43.330.403 to 43.330.409

Creates a broadband mapping account, coordinates use of funds. Authorizes creation of a geographic information system map with broadband adoption information, availability information, type of high-speed internet deployment technology, and available speed tiers for high-speed internet based on any publicly available data.

Funding, Coordination and Leadership

W. Va. Code §31-15C

Establishes the Broadband Deployment Council and creates the Broadband Deployment Fund. Directs the Council to develop a strategy to provide universal broadband access by stimulating demand for broadband services and by constructing the necessary infrastructure. Requires a report describing the existing broadband infrastructure owned, leased, used, or operated by the state; broadband infrastructure purchased by the state; the demand for the infrastructure in the state; and whether or not that infrastructure is available to the public.   Protects proprietary information submitted to the Council from disclosure.

Coordination and Leadership

W. Va. Code §64-10-2 Authorizes the Broadband Deployment Council to promulgate a legislative rule relating to broadband deployment grants programs.Funding/Coordination and Leadership

Wis. Stat. §66.0422States that local governments to meet a number of requirements before enacting an ordinance or adopting a resolution authorizing the local government to construct, own, or operate any facility for providing video service, telecommunications service, or broadband service, directly or indirectly, to the public.

Coordination and Leadership

1 On August 27, 2013, the Circuit Court of Cole County, Missouri enjoined and stayed HB 331.

NCSL Contacts:  Pam Greenberg and Jo Anne Bourquard, NCSL Denver Office, 303-364-7700.

State Statute Description Category

Alabama Government Ownership

California Compliance

California Universal Services




Colorado Policy Framework

Connecticut Taxation


Florida Taxation

Florida Taxation

Florida Deregulation

Georgia Taxation

Georgia Taxation

Hawaii Taxation

Idaho Taxation

Illinois Assessment

Illinois Financing

Indiana Deregulation

Indiana Deregulation

Indiana Financing

State Legislative Actions pertaining to Broadband Availability or Adoption prior to 2011

Code of Ala. § 11-50B-1 et seq. Provides for ownership and/or operation of internet services by municipalities.

Cal. Pub Util Code § 709.7 Orders compliance with provision of broadband over telephone lines.

Cal. Pub Util Code § 883 Mandates that Public Utility Commission investigate the inclusion of high-speed communication and internet services in universal services.

C.R.S. 29-27-103 Prevents local governments from providing telecommunications services except in limited circumstances.

Limits on Municipality Ownership

C.R.S. 29-27-201 Requires referendum before local government can provide telecommunications services.

Limits on Municipality Ownership

C.R.S. 29-27-202 Allows local governments to provide service only if they request service from a provider and that provider does not respond within 60 days.

Limits on Municipality Ownership

C.R.S. 29-27-101 Declaration of intent to ensure consistent policy framework for telecommunication providers.

Conn. Gen. Stat. § 12-412 Exempts sales tax on items used to provide telecommunications, high-speed data transmission or broad-band Internet services

Fla. Stat. § 350.81 Allows a government entity to provide high-speed-Internet-access-service only after 2 separate public hearings.  Any government entity providing communications services may not price the service below cost.

Limits on Municipality Ownership

Fla. Stat. § 212.08 Exempts development projects sponsored by non-profit or government "eligible sponsors" to increases access to high-speed broadband capability for rural communities with enterprise zones from sales tax.

Fla. Stat. § 220.183 Provides income tax credits for any project designed to provide increased access to high-speed broadband capabilities which includes coverage of a rural enterprise zone.

Fla. Stat. § 364.013 Protects broadband services from local government regulation and specifically prohibits the regulation of Voice Over Internet Protocol.

O.C.G.A. § 48-7-29.11 Offers tax credit to both employees and employers who participate in telework programs.  Effective July 1, 2007.

O.C.G.A. § 48-7-40.2 et. seq. Offers telecommunication companies a state tax credit for existing telecom infrastructure. Tax credits are one percent, three percent, or five percent depending on location.

HRS § 235-110.51 Offers tax credit to build or improve high-speed telecommunications.

Idaho Code § 63-3029I Offers income tax credit to service providers for investment in broadband equipment installed between January 1, 2001 and December 31, 2005.

220 ILCS 5/13-407 Mandates monitoring of broadband deployment and utilization statistics.  Sunsets 7/1/2007.

220 ILCS 5/13-301.3 Creates special fund for the construction of high-speed data infrastructure in underserved areas.   Sunsets 7/1/07.

2006 Ind. ALS 27 Establishes that the Indiana utility regulatory commission does not have jurisdiction over broadband services and relies on  market forces to encourage innovation and investment.

IC 8-1-2.6-1.3 Establishes that broadband services are not subject to regulation by the Public Utilities Commission

IC 8-1-33 Provides for government financing to developers who build broadband infrastructure in underserved areas of Indiana.

Kentucky Deregulation

Kentucky Financing

deployment of broadband service to unserved areas.

Louisiana Financing




Maine Financing

Maryland Financing

Maryland Financing

Maryland Rights-of-Way

Massachussett Financing



Michigan Assessment

Michigan Financing

KRS 278.5462 Requires that “the provision of broadband shall be market-based and not subject to state administrative regulation...with respect to...(a) the availability of facilities or equipment used to provide broadband services; or (b) the rates, terms or conditions for, or entry into, the provision of broadband service.”

KRS 224A.1121 Establishes broadband deployment account to assist government and private sector entities to construct infrastructure for the

La. R.S. 51:955:5 Establishes the Broadband Infrastructure and Information Technology Fund to expand broadband services in Louisiana.

La. R.S. 45:844.43 et seq. Allows local governments to provide high-speed internet services only if a preliminary public hearing is held and if a required feasibility study is approved and demonstrates that the annual revenues will exceed the annual costs by at least enough to meet any bond obligations.

Limits on Municipality Ownership

La. R.S. 51:955.1-4 Creates the Louisiana Broadband Advisory Council and tasks the council with providing strategic guidance for broadband deployment.

Coordination and Leadership

35-A M.R.S. § 9201 et seq. Creates the ConnectME Authority to stimulate investment in broadband infrastructure in unserved or underserved areas.

Coordination and Leadership

35-A M.R.S. § 9201 et seq. Creates the ConnectME Authority to stimulate investment in broadband infrastructure in unserved or underserved areas.

Md. Ann. Code art. 41 § 21-101 et seq. Establishes the Maryland Rural Broadband Coordination Board and tasks board with assisting to deploy broadband infrastructure in rural and underserved areas.

Md. Ann. Code art. 83A § 5-1902 Creates Rural Broadband Assistance Fund to assist with the establishment of broadband communication services in rural and underserved areas

Md. TRANSPORTATION Code Ann. § 8-654 Prohibits rights-of-way charges to non-profits for installation of broadband infrastructure in rural and underserved areas.

ALM GL ch. 40J § 6C Establishes the Wireless and Broadband Development Fund to finance the activities of the wireless and broadband development council.

ALM GL ch. 23A, § 3 Creates a division of wireless and broadband development within the MA office of business development (MODB).  The director is responsible for creating a plan to ensure that services are deployed throughout the state. 

Coordination and Leadership

ALM GL ch. 40J, § 6B Establishes a wireless and broadband development council to foster the development of wireless internet, cellular and broadband infrastructure. The council is tasked with promoting access to high speed internet connectivity and telecommunications across the commonwealth, with a special interest in enhancing and increasing wireless internet, cellular and broadband coverage in underserved communities, to promote economic development, meet the commonwealth's homeland security and emergency preparedness needs, improve government efficiency, and improve residents' quality of life.

Coordination and Leadership

MCLS § 125.1432 Directs the State Housing Development  Authority to conduct an annual review of all loans, financial instruments that require repayment, or lines of credit with the Michigan broadband development authority that analyzes of the number of authority-assisted or -financed developments and homes purchasing high-speed internet connections at substantially reduced rates as a direct result of loans from the Michigan broadband development authority.

MCLS § 484.3201 et seq. The MICHIGAN BROADBAND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ACT creates the Michigan Broadband Development Authority and allows the authority to finance and partner with private sector entities with the goal of expanding broadband services.


Michigan Government Ownership

Michigan Rights-of-Way

Minnesota Alternative Regulation

Mississippi Taxation

Missouri Taxation


Nebraska BPL

Nebraska Financing

Nebraska Financing

MCLS § 484.3114 Public hearing must be held before a county or municipality can construct broadband facilities or provide them through another entitites facilities.  Municipality must prepare cost-benefit analysis and accounting records and cannot undercharge or limit right-of-way access to other service providers.

Limits on Municipality Ownership

MCLS § 125.1657 Allows the Downtown Development Authority to contract for broadband service and wireless technology service for the downtown districts of Michigan municipalities.

MCLS § 484.3101 et seq. Metropolitan Extension Telecommunication Right-of-Way Oversight Act (METRO) creates a telecommunication rights-of-way oversight authority  to help standardize right-of-way access by evaluating and administering fees paid to municipalities.  Service providers are required to include route maps indicating their location and other information in their application for a right-of-way permit.  To fund the Authority, providers pay a one time $500.00 administrative fee and are charged $.05 per linear foot annually as a maintenance fee.

Minnesota Statutes 237.76 et seq. Provides for alternative regulation for providers who commit to expanding broadband services over a period of not less than six years.

Miss. Code Ann. § 57-87-1 et seq. The Mississippi Broadband Technology Development Act provides investment tax credits, ranging from 5% to 15% over ten years, and sales tax exemptions, ranging from 50% to 100%, with the greater credits going to those companies investing in the least populous regions of the state. The incentive package is available for investments made between June 30, 2003 and July 1, 2013. The tax credit can be used for nine consecutive years after the year in which it is earned.  The bill also amends a section of the state code to allow the sale of equipment to telecommunications entities made during the eligible period and installed for use in broadband deployment be exempt from one half of the sales tax. For the same sale made for use in the most rural areas, the sales tax is waived.

77. § 135.535 R.S.Mo. Provides tax credits for the high-speed telecommunications equipment expenses of companies relocating to economically distressed areas.

Mont. Code Anno., § 2-17-601 et seq. Prohibits government entities from providing internet services except in limited circumstances, such as where no private provider is willing to provide service.  Also strongly encourages government entities to publish their internet service requirements and utilize the services of a private provider.

Limits on Municipality Ownership

R.R.S. Neb. § 86-594 Prevents state agencies or political subdivisions other than public power supplier from providing broadband services.  This prohibition end on December 31, 2007.

R.R.S. Neb. § 86-579 Created the Nebraska Internet Enhancement Fund to provide financial assistance to install and deliver broadband or other advanced telecommunications infrastructure and service throughout the state.

R.R.S. Neb. § 86-580 Directs the Public Service Commission to establish an application process for counties or municipalities to apply for financial assistance from the Nebraska Internet Enhancement Fund. The process shall allow the county or municipality to obtain a service provider for broadband or other advanced telecommunications services in an exchange or other area defined by the county or municipality where such telecommunications services are to be delivered at rates of service agreed upon between the service provider and county or municipality.  Applicants must provide matching funds of at least twenty-five percent of the total projected cost.


Nevada Deregulation

New Hampshir Financing

New Hampshir Government Ownership

North Carolina Broadband Recognition

Oregon Broadband Recognition

Oregon Assessment

Pennsylvania 66 Pa.C.S. § 3014 (link not available) Alternative Regulation

South Carolina Deregulation

South Carolina Financing

Texas BPL

Texas Rural Access



Virginia Financing

Virginia Financing

R.R.S. Neb. § 86-599 Creates the Broadband Services Task Force and directs the Task Force to study competition among providers; the implications of provision by government entities and public power suppliers; regulation and taxation issues;  the current deployment of broadband services throughout the state; and the feasibility of utilizing the public power infrastructure to provide broadband services throughout the state.

Coordination and Leadership

Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 704.684 Limits state regulation of broadband to determining rates charged by a public utility, addressing complaints, and collecting annual assessments.

RSA § 38:38 et seq. Allows municipalities to charge access tariffs for broadband services.  Any tariffs collected are to be kept apart from other revenues in a broadband fund to be used only to defray the cost of building or maintaining broadband infrastructure.

RSA § 33:3-g Allows municipalities to issue bonds to be used for broadband infrastructure financing.

N.C. Gen. Stat. § 143B-437.44 Recognizes the importance of keeping pace with technological changes and the value of continuing to promote broadband deployment in underserved areas.

ORS § 759.016 Recognizes the value of promoting broadband deployment in the state.

ORS § 759.036 Requires the Public Utilities Commission to report on the availability of broadband services, the rates charged for broadband services, the demand for broadband services and the usage of broadband services.

Provides alternative regulation for telecommunications carriers who commit to specific broadband deployment goals in underserved areas.

S.C. Code Ann. § 58-9-280 Eliminates regulation of broadband except when competition is insufficient to protect the public interest.

S.C. Code Ann. § 12-10-85 Provides that one use of the Rural Infrastructure Fund is to provide financial assistance to local governments for deploying infrastructure and improving public and private telecommunications systems.

Tex. Utilities Code § 43.001 et seq. Permits electric utilities to own and operate BPL systems or to allow a third-party entity to provide BPL services using its facilities.  Provides that no additional easements or consideration are required prior to installation of a BPL system.

Texas PURA § 26.143 This Public Utility Commission of Texas subchapter addresses the need and the methods for telecommunications service providers to provide, when requested, rural telecommunications services at comparable costs and conditions to urban services.

Utah Code Ann. § 10-18-201 et seq. Allows municipalities to provide broadband services only after conducting a feasibility study and holding public hearings.  A public referendum may also be called.  An exemption in the bill allows wholesale or municipal networks, as long as retail services aren't sold. The city can't be the party selling cable television, or broadband, or phone service to a homeowner.  The Utah law also allows interlocal cooperation entities to cross state borders

Limits on Municipality Ownership

3A V.S.A. 30-7 Directs the Agency of Commerce and Community Development to play leadership role in the state's broadband deployment efforts.

Coordination and Leadership

Va. Code Ann. § § 2.2-2233 Creates the Advanced Communications Assistance Fund, to be administered by the Innovative Technology Authority, to help underserved localities in the Commonwealth take full advantage of advanced communications services.

Va. Code Ann. § § 2.2-115 Creates the Governor's Development Opportunity Fund to be used to attract economic development prospects and secure the expansion of existing industry.  Funds may be used for public and private utility extension or capacity development on and off site; public and private installation, extension, or capacity development of high-speed or broadband Internet access.

Washington Financing



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Rev. Code Wash. § 82.14.370 Provides that sales and use taxes may be collected by rural counties to support the building and maintenance of telecommunication infrastructure.

Wis. Stat. § 66.0422 Prohibits government entities from providing internet services except where specific requirements are met or if the entity was providing the service as of November 1, 2003.

Limits on Municipality Ownership

Wis. Stat. § 196.204 Waives requirement that the total service long-run incremental cost used to determine pricing take into account taxes, pole rentals, rights-of-way, licenses, and similar costs when a government entity provides broadband services.

Limits on Municipality Ownership

Legislative Reference Explanations or commentary provided by MuniNetworks.org






States with Municipal Pre-emption Issues

Statute: Alabama Code § 11-50B-1 et seq.

Short Explanation: Alabama has a variety of restrictions imposed on municipalities to prevent investment in community broadband networks. Among other barriers, it requires a referendum before offering cable services and requires each communications service (phone, Internet access, and television), to be self-sustaining in isolation from the others.

Commentary: Referendums are typically one-sided affairs where incumbents outspend community network advocates anywhere from 10:1 to 60:1. Local governments are typically prohibited from encouraging voters to take one side or the other. The requirement for self-sustaining singular services makes bundling (triple-play) more difficult and is unheard of among private providers.

Statute: Florida Statutes § 350.81

Short Explanation: Florida imposes taxes uniquely on municipal telecommunications services. Additionally, Florida requires a plan to ensure the network breaks even within four years.

Commentary: Telecommunications networks require expensive up-front investments, especially for full fiber-to-the-networks, that are rarely able to break even so quickly. An approach that focuses solely on breaking even that quickly comes at the expense of building/operating a high quality network - technical support budgets are among the first to be cut when a network owner puts revenues above community needs. Further, such a one-size-fits-all approach is hardly appropriate for a state with such diversity among its cities.

Statute: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 45:884.41 et seq.

Short Explanation: Louisiana requires a referendum as well as imputing a variety of costs and renders incumbent franchise obligations void until a variety of benchmarks are satisfied.

The Louisiana law (at RS 45:844.47) additionally forbids _any_ public-private partnership. This was decisive in shutting down New Orleans public WiFi network and forcing them to give what the community had built and supported over to a private owner who subsequently got out of the business, abandoning the network. This provision strips the patina of ideology off such laws--it is intended to preserve the status quo ante and to protect the incumbents from _any_ competition whatsoever. There is no "free enterprise" involved.

Statute: Mich. Comp. Laws Ann. § 484.2252

Short Explanation: Michigan requires communities to issue an RFP for a network and only build if they receive fewer than 3 qualified bids. If the community builds it, they must adhere to the terms of the RFP.

Statute: Mo. Rev. Stat. § 392.410(7) and Mo. Rev. Stat. § 71.970

Short Explanation: Missouri cities and counties are barred from selling telecommunications services to the public though they may sell cable services after a successful referendum.

Legislative Reference Explanations or commentary provided by MuniNetworks.orgStates with

Municipal Pre-emption Issues


Attempts, butNot Currently restricted

North Carolina


Nevada Statutes § 268.086 and Nevada Statutes § 710.147

Short Explanation: Nevada prohibits municipalities with populations greater than 25,000 and counties greater than 50,000 from offering telecommunications services.Commentary: Banning broadband provision by the public sector forces communities to beg private companies to invest in needed infrastructure. Such policies encourage the private sector to invest in wealthy areas and ignore low-income areas.

New Hampshire

A recent in-depth article from the Keene Sentinel updates us on the status of New Hampshire's HB 286, which would expand bonding authority for local governments. New Hampshire law currently restricts bonding authority for Internet infrastructure to towns with no access to the Internet, but nearly all communities have at least some slow broadband access in a few pockets of town. http://www.muninetworks.org/tags-177

Statute: NC Statutes Chapter 160A, Article 16A [pdf]

Short Explanation: With the exception of certain grandfathered networks, cities cannot provide communications services unless they comply with numerous onerous procedural and substantive requirements. For example, public entities must comply with a panoply of legal requirements that do not apply to them, inflate their rates to unattractive levels by adding phantom costs that unspecified private providers might pay if they provided comparable services, forgo use of popular methods of financing public projects, hold a referendum before providing services, and make commercially sensitive information available to inspection by private competitors.

Commentary: Under rules like these, communities are left with all the disadvantages of both the public and private sector with no advantages from either. These laws are rigged to ensure the public cannot build a network, allowing existing providers to monopolize the community.

Statute: 66 Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. § 3014(h)

Short Explanation: Communities may not provide broadband services unless the local telephone company has refused to provide the requested speed - regardless of the prices charged.

Commentary: This is a de facto prohibition on community broadband networks - leaving communities at the mercy of existing providers who have little incentive to make prices affordable.

Legislative Reference Explanations or commentary provided by MuniNetworks.orgStates with

Municipal Pre-emption Issues




Statute: Tennessee Code Ann. § 7-52-601 et seq

Short Explanation: Tennessee places many administrative requirements in the way of communities that want to build broadband networks via public power utilities. They must complete an explicitly detailed process to meet a bar not set for private providers intending to offer like services.

Commentary: In a state with the great legacy of the Tennessee Valley Authority, these burdens on publicly owned essential infrastructure are a disgrace to the great investments of those who came before us. This restriction harms communities that might otherwise be able to solve their own problems locally.

Statute: Texas Utilities Code, § 54.201 et seq.Short Explanation: Texas prohibits municipalities and public power utilities from offering telecommunications services to the public.

Statute: Utah Code Ann. § 10-18-201 et seq.

Short Explanation: Utah places many administrative requirements in the way of communities that want to build broadband networks. They must conduct feasibility studies to show the network will cash flow in the first year and that separate services will each cash flow separately. Wholesale-only networks are exempted from some of the above requirements.

Utah has some additional restrictions that cause significant headaches. Per Utah Code 10-18-302, "not more than 50% of the average annual debt service of all revenue bonds described in this section to provide service throughout the municipality or municipal entity may be paid from the revenues described in Subsection (3)(a)(ii)." Not being able to bond for more than 50% of the total cost of the network is crippling at best. One of the reasons UTOPIA has struggled so much is that the shared portions of the network ate up a significant chunk of the first round of money, yet that scale of project is required to effectively attract service providers. That UTOPIA manages to get anything done with this restriction is a small miracle.

Legislative Reference Explanations or commentary provided by MuniNetworks.orgStates with

Municipal Pre-emption Issues



Statute: VA Code § 15.2-2108.6, VA Code § 56-265.4:456-484.7:1, and VA Code § 56-484.7:1

Short Explanation: Municipal electric utilities may offer telecommunications services (but not cable television) subject to a variety of reporting requirements and other hurdles not required of the private sector. Cable services may be only offered after showing the network will cash flow in the first year.

Commentary: Virginia's stringent requirements for a public entity to offer cable services are a de facto prohibition on publicly owned broadband networks (though BVU's OptiNet was grandfathered). By requiring unattainable cash flow requirements to offer cable services, communities are unable to build any modern high-speed broadband networks as they typically require the revenues generated by a triple-play offering.

In Virginia, two open access networks have been in operation for years despite the fact that the state was an early leader in making it difficult for local governments to get involved in telecommunications. nDanville (www.ndanville.net) is starting its third year of operation and has been very popular with businesses in the city of Danville, and The Wired Road (www.thewiredroad.net) has been in operation for eighteen months. Neither network has been challenged by incumbents because all services are provided by private sector companies, and the incumbents were all invited to use the networks. nDanville is owned and operated by the City, and The Wired Road is a regional authority with two counties and a small city (Galax) as the primary partners.

Statute: Wash. Rev. Code Ann. § 54.16.330Short Explanation: Public Utility Districts may not provide telecommunications services directly to customers.

Commentary: The Washington approach of requiring a wholesale-only model severely limits community opportunities to build broadband networks because the wholesale-only model typically results in lower revenues than direct retail sales, which makes debt repayment more difficult.

Legislative Reference Explanations or commentary provided by MuniNetworks.orgStates with

Municipal Pre-emption Issues

STATES with Statutes Limiting or Disallowing Municipal Owned Broadband for Public Use

AKAMAI Speed Test Data - 2013


42 ALABAMA 6609 6.6 13 1949 ALASKA 5187 5.2 8.2 1535 ARIZONA 7100 7.1 12 2151 ARKANSAS 4384 4.4 16 2117 CALIFORNIA 9169 9.2 13 2730 COLORADO 7828 7.8 9.1 2810 CONNECTICUT 10427 10.4 13 243 DELAWARE 11864 11.9 12 174 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 11344 11.3 11 28

28 FLORIDA 7908 7.9 12 2129 GEORGIA 7852 7.9 15 2839 HAWAII 6795 6.8 17 2550 IDAHO 4960 5.0 9.0 1420 ILLINOIS 8481 8.5 10 2616 INDIANA 9181 9.2 12 2236 IOWA 7058 7.1 17 3545 KANSAS 6026 6.0 12 2243 KENTUCKY 6138 6.1 15 3948 LOUISIANA 5697 5.7 12 2632 MAINE 7431 7.4 7.9 138 MARYLAND 10591 10.6 13 316 MASSACHUSETTS 10725 10.7 15 31

18 MICHIGAN 8752 8.8 14 3027 MINNESOTA 7909 7.9 3.2 3147 MISSISSIPPI 5939 5.9 12 2238 MISSOURI 6978 7.0 12 3144 MONTANA 6034 6.0 11 1937 NEBRASKA 7031 7.0 12 2133 NEVADA 7392 7.4 3.3 8.12 NEW HAMPSHIRE 11968 12.0 18 289 NEW JERSEY 10504 10.5 15 34

Speed Rank

Download Avg kbps

Download Avg Mbps

2012Q4 -2013Q1QoQ Change %

2012 - 2013 YoY Change %

StateSpeed Rank

Download Avg kbps

Download Avg Mbps

2012Q4 -2013Q1QoQ Change %

2012 - 2013 YoY Change %

41 NEW MEXICO 6669 6.7 7.8 3312 NEW YORK 10114 10.1 13 3521 NORTH CAROLINA 8359 8.4 10 2314 NORTH DAKOTA 9625 9.6 34 4324 OHIO 8196 8.2 25 4234 OKLAHOMA 7263 7.3 12 1919 OREGON 8596 8.6 8.4 2615 PENNSYLVANIA 9503 9.5 16 3111 RHODE ISLAND 10286 10.3 10 2125 SOUTH CAROLINA 8024 8.0 13 2122 SOUTH DAKOTA 8357 8.4 22 2326 TENNESSEE 7992 8.0 12 2231 TEXAS 7803 7.8 13 305 UTAH 10991 11.0 16 291 VERMONT 12685 12.7 18 407 VIRGINIA 10688 10.7 22 36

13 WASHINGTON 9738 9.7 15 2446 WEST VIRGINIA 6003 6.0 12 1823 WISCONSIN 8198 8.2 12 2340 WYOMING 6684 6.7 15 21

AKAMAI Speed Test Data - Q1-2013 % Connections >10Mbps

State Rank State Unique IP Count

43 ALABAMA 108,838 10 -3.5 11350 ALASKA 18,058 6.7 -15 4537 ARIZONA 305,266 12 4.5 9651 ARKANSAS 45,830 3.4 2.8 9317 CALIFORNIA 2,791,556 21 5.6 5820 COLORADO 521,400 19 2.5 15810 CONNECTICUT 318,368 27 2.2 1017 DELAWARE 90,410 32 -1.9 952 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 534,609 33 -3.2 87

27 FLORIDA 1,127,857 16 4.7 11329 GEORGIA 619,463 16 12 12047 HAWAII 35,799 7.6 12 8249 IDAHO 27,102 6.8 -10 4118 ILLINOIS 990,325 20 10 11316 INDIANA 435,966 22 8.3 7842 IOWA 94,002 10 2.5 9045 KANSAS 65,799 7.9 8.2 18048 KENTUCKY 77,163 7.0 31 11846 LOUISIANA 137,649 7.7 5.3 9034 MAINE 55,704 12 2.2 548 MARYLAND 570,058 31 8.1 1464 MASSACHUSETTS 1,055,255 32 2.7 89

21 MICHIGAN 611,086 19 20 14323 MINNESOTA 373,554 18 15 11944 MISSISSIPPI 46,052 8.8 2.2 8039 MISSOURI 276,472 12 18 12840 MONTANA 42,634 12 -3.3 17541 NEBRASKA 75,006 10 8.5 3019 NEVADA 191,364 20 4.1 561 NEW HAMPSHIRE 136,417 34 -4.0 71

% above 10 Mbps

QoQ Change %

YoY Change %

State Rank State Unique IP Count % above 10 Mbps

QoQ Change %

YoY Change %

3 NEW JERSEY 1,097,632 33 12 20335 NEW MEXICO 69,776 12 -0.9 1299 NEW YORK 2,109,443 28 9.2 141

24 NORTH CAROLINA 553,885 18 8.9 9828 NORTH DAKOTA 23,096 16 -5.5 7336 OHIO 481,372 12 0.0 11433 OKLAHOMA 132,743 13 4.4 6715 OREGON 377,938 22 6.0 9312 PENNSYLVANIA 1,144,816 24 3.3 1305 RHODE ISLAND 169,729 32 3.9 102

30 SOUTH CAROLINA 185,634 15 4.3 9822 SOUTH DAKOTA 67,975 19 -18 13526 TENNESSEE 321,458 17 6.0 11331 TEXAS 1,159,916 14 2.8 7711 UTAH 341,770 25 8.7 556 VERMONT 46,628 32 -8.0 78

14 VIRGINIA 769,577 23 1.4 6413 WASHINGTON 685,339 23 2.1 7132 WEST VIRGINIA 57,247 13 1.1 7225 WISCONSIN 377,929 17 0.7 9038 WYOMING 25,858 12 -10 78

AKAMAI Speed Test Data - Q1-2013 % Connections < 4 Mbps


35 ALABAMA 65 35 6.3 1246 ALASKA 52 48 4.2 1427 ARIZONA 68 32 12 1751 ARKANSAS 33 67 24 3625 CALIFORNIA 69 31 6.3 1524 COLORADO 69 31 9.5 218 CONNECTICUT 81 19 4.9 142 DELAWARE 90 10 3.0 -2.7

11 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 75 25 4.9 1110 FLORIDA 76 24 5.4 1432 GEORGIA 66 34 8.3 2021 HAWAII 71 29 16 2949 IDAHO 42 58 13 2434 ILLINOIS 66 34 4.5 1630 INDIANA 67 33 4.4 9.848 IOWA 48 52 16 1443 KANSAS 54 46 8.3 2237 KENTUCKY 64 36 8.4 6645 LOUISIANA 53 47 11 2513 MAINE 73 27 4.3 8.96 MARYLAND 82 18 4.9 159 MASSACHUSETTS 77 23 3.6 11

12 MICHIGAN 73 27 6.3 1531 MINNESOTA 67 33 7.0 2847 MISSISSIPPI 52 48 8.1 1126 MISSOURI 68 32 7.5 2244 MONTANA 54 46 5.5 1139 NEBRASKA 62 38 10 1729 NEVADA 67 33 4.8 8.6

State Rank

% Connects above 4


% Connects below 4


QoQ Change %

YoY Change %

StateState Rank

% Connects above 4


% Connects below 4


QoQ Change %

YoY Change %

1 NEW HAMPSHIRE 90 10 4.0 6.85 NEW JERSEY 84 16 4.9 12

41 NEW MEXICO 61 39 7.3 347 NEW YORK 82 18 5.2 15

22 NORTH CAROLINA 70 30 5.2 1438 NORTH DAKOTA 63 37 18 3036 OHIO 65 35 5.1 1842 OKLAHOMA 60 40 6.9 1323 OREGON 70 30 5.5 1716 PENNSYLVANIA 73 27 5.9 133 RHODE ISLAND 87 13 5.0 7.3

18 SOUTH CAROLINA 72 28 6.4 8.717 SOUTH DAKOTA 73 27 14 9.820 TENNESSEE 72 28 4.4 1233 TEXAS 66 34 6.7 1819 UTAH 72 28 8.9 264 VERMONT 86 14 4.9 6.5

15 VIRGINIA 73 27 5.8 1314 WASHINGTON 73 27 5.0 9.650 WEST VIRGINIA 42 58 7.8 1428 WISCONSIN 67 33 6.0 1140 WYOMING 61 39 11 24

STATE Network Name URL

AK AK20 Network

AL Alabama Research and Education Networ

AR Arkansas Research and Education Netwo

AZCA Cal-RENCO EAGLE-NetCT Connecticut Education Network (CEN)DE Department of Technology InformationFL Florida Lambda RailGA PeachNetHI Hawaii State Department of Education (HDOE)IA Iowa Communications NetworkID Idaho Regional Optical Network (IRON)IL Illinois Century Network (ICN)IN Indiana Higher Education TelecommunicaKS Kansas Research and Education NetworkKY Kentucky Regional Optical NetworkLA Louisiana Education and Research Network (LEARNET)MA Massachusetts SEGP http://www.mecnet.net/ and http://www.umass-miti.net/ MITI represents higher ed and MEC k12

MD Maryland Research and Education NetwME Network MaineMI Merit NetworkMN Minnesota Statewide Education Group Network (MSEG)MO MOREnetMSMT METnetNC MCNCND StagenetNE Network Nebraska

NH NH K-12 Connectivity ConsortiumNJ NJEdgeNM New Mexico Council for Higher EducatioNV NevadaNetNY NYSERNetOH OarnetOK OneNetOR Network for Education and Research in

R&E Networks by State and CAI segments served : TotalCAIs

Updated May, 2011 -- Questions about the data below? Please contact James Werle, Director, Internet2 K20 Initiative jwerle@internet2.edu 360-499-2069 --
































PA MAGPIRI OSHEAN/RINET http://www.oshean.org and http://www2.ri.net/

SC SC Light Rail


TN Tenessee SEGPTX Lonestar Education and Research NetworUT Utah Education NetworkVA Network VirginiaVT Learning Network of VermontWA WA K20 NetworkWI WISCnetWV WvnetWY Wyoming Equity Network













List of Connected Orgs Founded Primary Contact Name

John Monahan

Randy Fulmer

Mike Abbiatti

Dragana VasicSherilyn Shiotsu EvansDenise Atkinson-ShoreyScott Taylor

Veronica SarjeantJohn ScovilleDavid LassnerJoseph CassisVictor E. BraudLori SorensonMarianne ChitwoodRandy StoutAllen LindLonnie Leger

http://www.mecnet.net/ and http://www.umass-miti.net/ MITI represents higher ed and MEC k12 Paul KeleherGuy JonesJeff LetourneauElwood DowningMyron LoweJohn Gillespie

Tim PoeKim Owen

2006 Tom Rolfes

Bev StranevaSherri PupisNorma GrijalvaEd AndersonLarry GalleryAnn ZimmermanJames DeatonDavid Crowe

Updated May, 2011 -- Questions about the data below? Please contact James Werle, Director, Internet2 K20 Initiative jwerle@internet2.edu

















Heather Weisse Walshhttp://www.oshean.org/Page/View/Members/ a 1999 George Loftus (OSHEAN) an

Kate Mace, Clemson Univers

Claude Garelik

2006 Bob CollieCarol WillisDennis SampsonCrowder, Jeff

http://stats.wa-k20.net/k20cgp/ and http://www.wa-k20.net/ Noah PitzerDavid LoisArnold R. Miller





Email Phone

jdmonahan@alaska.edu 907-590-0376 516 50

rfulmer@asc.edu 1,622 1,200

mike.abbiatti@areon.net 1,150 0

2,266 0sevans@cenic.org 10,242 9,714enise.shorey@eaglenet.net 1,837 296Scott.Taylor@uconn.edu 1,163 1,100

248 0VSarjeant@admin.fsu.edu 4,229 209john.scoville@usg.edu 2,562 2david@hawaii.edu 290 285joseph.cassis@iowa.gov 515-725-4600 1,528 400victor.braud@ironforidaho.net 208-350-6543 750 50lori.sorenson@illinois.gov 217-557-6565 4,451 4,077chitwood@ilight.net 812-855-0164 1,995 1,737rstout@ksbor.org 1,451 878allen.lind@ky.gov 502-573-1555 x305 1,560 1,403lonnie@lsu.edu 1,660 1pkeleher@meccorp.mec.edu 617-957-9190 1,902 350gjones@usmd.edu 1,470 1,250jeffl@maine.edu 675 595ejd@merit.edu 4,175 257mlowe@umn.edu 2,347 1,402gillispiej@more.net 2,446 2,147

1,089 0841 0

tpoe@mcnc.org 2,347 2,249kim.owen@ndsu.edu 531 451tom.rolfes@nebraska.gov 402-471-7969 1,159 950

bstraneva@keene.edu 603-357-0101 499 0Sheri.Prupis@njedge.net 2,622 154norma@nmsu.edu 867 2eandrsn@nevada.edu 625 0lgallery@nysernet.org 4,723 800annz@oar.net 4,012 3,557jed@onenet.net 1,812 791crowed@nero.net 1,318 759

K-12 Public Schools


Internet2 K-12 Public Schools

hweisse@magpi.net 3,281 2,468george@oshean.org and sharon@staff.ri.net 333 333kate1@clemson.edu 864-656-7975 1,219 0

laude.Garelik@sdbor.edu 740 0

bcollie@ena.com 1,764 1,226carol.willis@esc13.txed.net 9,217 6,639dsampson@uen.org 801-585-9037 1,064 800crowder@vt.edu 540-231-3900 2,071 401

330 0noahp@u.washington.edu 206-221-7121 2,345 2,185davelois@wiscnet.net 2,311 1,988miller@marshall.edu 304-696-2677 772 697

372 0TOTALS 100,799 53,853

216,367 66,494



10% 53 3 6%

74% 133 128 96%

0% 245 0 0%

0% 227 0 0%

95% 968 958 99%

16% 178 16 9%

95% 166 160 96%

0% 19 0 0%

5% 67 1 1%

0% 180 1 1%

98% 1 1 100%

26% 364 12 3%

7% 115 0 0%

92% 871 714 82%

87% 294 291 99%

61% 320 211 66%

90% 174 174 100%

0% 69 0 0%

18% 352 3 1%

85% 24 12 50%

88% 312 13 4%

6% 553 8 1%

60% 340 233 69%

88% 524 513 98%

0% 152 0 0%

0% 431 0 0%

96% 116 116 100%

85% 195 171 88%

82% 256 198 77%

0% 179 0 0%

6% 616 5 1%

0% 89 0 0%

0% 17 0 0%

17% 698 153 22%

89% 614 600 98%

44% 539 348 65%

58% 194 147 76%

Percent K-12 Public Schools Internet2


K-12 Public School

Districts (2008-09)

Internet2 K-12 Public School


Percent K-12 Public School

Districts Internet2 Connected

75% 501 381 76%

100% 33 33 100%

0% 85 0 0%

0% 167 0 0%

70% 136 100 74%

72% 1033 854 83%

75% 41 40 98%

19% 134 14 10%

0% 292 0 0%

93% 295 293 99%

86% 427 386 90%

90% 55 50 91%

0% 48 0 0%

53% 13,892 7,341 53%


0 0 0% 53

0 0 0% 318

15 0 0% 139

19 0 0% 241

192 56 29% 2640

83 0 0% 266

6 0 0% 294

1 0 0% 96

0 0 0% 1429

16 0 0% 518

0 0 0% 107

10 0 0% 215

0 0 0% 90

205 0 0% 1116

30 0 0% 636

0 10 0% 192

18 0 0% 268

0 0 0% 342

86 0 0% 574

0 0 0% 582

0 0 0% 138

57 18 32% 712

64 0 0% 466

0 4 0% 540

0 0 0% 184

21 0 0% 80

64 0 0% 466

42 0 0% 42

37 15 41% 198

0 0 0% 137

1 0 0% 786

0 0 0% 135

0 0 0% 84

37 0 0% 1615

107 67 63% 764

0 0 0% 144

20 0 0% 312

K-12 Regional Education

Agencies (2009-2010)

Internet2 K-12 Regional Education


Percent Internet2 K-12 Regional

Education Agencies

K-12 Private non-profit (2008-2009)

105 23 22% 1704

4 0 0% 112

13 0 0% 264

5 0 0% 73

0 0 0% 427

20 0 0% 1030

4 0 0% 104

68 0 0% 492

0 0 0% 109

10 7 70% 439

16 0 0% 846

0 0 0% 121

0 0 0% 30

1,376 200 15% 22,670

622 53 9% 90

2073 1328 64% 211

1549 0 0% 45

2753 0 0% 81

14042 10728 76% 167

2364 312 13% 101

1629 1260 77% 195

364 0 0% 19

5725 210 4% 60

3276 3 0.09% 59

398 286 72% 1

2117 412 19% 539

955 50 5% 102

6643 4791 72% 634

2955 2028 69% 238

1963 1099 56% 327

2020 1577 78% 116

2071 1 0.05% 68

2914 353 12% 370

2076 1262 61% 15

1125 608 54% 272

5497 283 5% 380

3217 1635 51% 128

3510 2664 76% 140

1425 0 0% 47

1373 0 0% 80

2993 2365 79% 128

810 622 77% 80

1 1650 1164 71% 271

815 0 0% 231

4025 159 4% 303

1091 2 0.18% 92

726 0 0% 19

7073 953 13% 755

5497 4224 77% 241

2495 1139 46% 115

1844 906 49% 125

Internet2 K-12 Private Non-



TOTAL Internet2 K-12

TOTAL Percent Internet2 K-12

Public Library Central Libraries

5591 2872 51% 452

482 366 76% 48

1581 0 0% 41

985 0 0% 126

2327 1326 57% 187

11300 7493 66% 562

1213 840 69% 55

2765 415 15% 79

731 0 0% 180

3089 2485 80% 55

3600 2374 66% 379

948 747 79% 97

450 0 0% 23

138,737 61,395 44% 135,968

17 107 1 1%

79 290 28 10%

170 215 0 0%

126 207 0 0%

941 1108 0 0%

149 250 0 0%

51 246 44 18%

14 33 0 0%

464 524 0 0%

332 391 300 77%

50 51 51 100%

20 559 0 0%

39 141 0 0%

158 792 458 58%

197 435 300 69%

50 377 289 77%

80 196 1 1%

265 333 0 0%

109 479 350 73%

171 186 175 94%

6 278 187 67%

280 660 71 11%

234 362 39 11%

220 360 330 92%

191 238 0 0%

30 110 0 0%

234 362 12 3%

10 90 30 33%

17 288 1 0.35%

5 236 0 0%

151 454 1 0.22%

26 118 1 1%

68 87 0 0%

316 1071 177 17%

484 725 0 0%

91 206 110 53%

92 217 10 5%

Public Library Branches

Total Public Libraries

Internet2 Total Public Libraries

Percent Internet2 Public Libraries

177 629 1 0.16%

25 73 73 100%

148 189 0 0%

36 162 0 0%

104 291 1 0.34%

305 867 0 0%

62 117 37 32%

263 342 26 8%

3 183 0 0%

279 334 112 34%

80 459 301 66%

76 173 147 85%

52 75 0 0%

7,547 16,676 3,664 22%

Public 2-year Total 2-Year

2 1 3 2

27 0 27 27

22 2 24 0

20 2 22 0

116 8 124 109

16 1 17 0

12 4 16 12

3 2 5 0

47 1 48 2

48 2 50 16

6 0 6 6

16 3 19 15

4 0 4 0

48 8 56 50

15 2 17 14

26 2 28 18

16 0 16 16

35 2 37 37

16 5 21 16

16 0 16 4

7 3 10 0

31 1 32 8

31 1 32 29

25 7 32 26

15 0 15 0

12 1 13 0

31 1 32 32

6 1 7 5

8 4 12 6

7 1 8 0

20 8 28 19

20 0 20 7

1 1 2 0

36 37 73 0

29 13 42 3

30 0 30 30

17 0 17 12

Private 2-year non-profit

Total Internet2 2-Year

17 33 50 4

1 2 3 1

20 2 22 0

5 4 9 0

39 2 41 0

64 5 69 0

8 1 9 6

24 4 28 28

1 1 2 0

27 3 30 30

17 4 21 18

14 0 14 0

7 0 7 0

1,081 185 1,266 608

Public 4-year Total 4-Year

67% 3 1 4

100% 14 19 33

0% 11 12 23

0% 4 11 15

88% 36 148 184

0% 13 14 27

75% 11 20 31

0% 2 4 6

4% 27 60 87

32% 27 34 61

100% 4 5 9

79% 3 34 37

0% 4 5 9

89% 12 87 99

82% 15 43 58

64% 8 22 30

100% 8 28 36

100% 17 11 28

76% 14 82 96

25% 14 23 37

0% 8 12 20

25% 15 51 66

91% 12 36 48

81% 14 54 68

0% 9 11 20

0% 6 4 10

100% 12 36 48

71% 8 5 13

50% 7 18 25

0% 5 14 19

68% 14 26 40

35% 8 4 12

0% 6 2 8

0% 45 169 214

7% 37 71 108

100% 17 14 31

71% 9 26 35

Percent Internet2 2-Year

Private 4-year non-profit

8% 44 112 156

33% 2 9 11

0% 13 26 39

0% 7 7 14

0% 9 47 56

0% 45 56 101

67% 7 3 10

100% 15 36 51

0% 5 17 22

100% 16 20 36

86% 14 30 44

0% 13 10 23

0% 1 0 1

48% 670 1,589 2,259

Total Museums

1 25% 147

21 64% 284

0 0% 159

0 0% 238

45 24% 1344

0 0% 320

24 77% 354

1 17% 86

5 6% 477

37 61% 330

0 0% 94

5 14% 245

0 0% 113

92 93% 905

29 50% 331

17 57% 261

16 44% 274

13 46% 215

9 9% 608

11 30% 360

11 55% 263

39 59% 342

28 58% 282

52 76% 355

0 0% 148

0 0% 170

48 100% 371

4 31% 170

13 52% 299

0 0% 167

26 65% 334

12 100% 186

0 0% 118

25 12% 855

15 14% 903

31 100% 467

7 20% 239

Total Internet2 4-Year

Percent Internet2 4-Year

Total Internet2 Museums

24 15% 1080

11 100% 59

4 10% 248

0 0% 208

2 4% 169

20 20% 631

6 60% 172

9 18% 655

0 0% 289

13 36% 529

29 66% 477

0 0% 166

0 0% 112

755 33% 17,609

31 2 33 120

130 69 199 161

109 70 179 109

123 17 140 110

465 268 733 443

106 54 160 226

50 0 50 111

13 0 13 9

260 141 401 272

187 85 272 181

32 2 34 6

126 137 263 123

53 46 99 49

233 219 452 369

176 62 238 191

165 176 341 72 159

121 147 268 173

234 106 340 108

120 1 121 268

75 0 75 25

50 39 89 26

184 152 336 179

147 77 224 115

151 350 501 177

121 164 285 147

66 48 114 59

137 82 219 140

51 60 111 25

97 130 227 83

34 11 45 4

104 0 104 211

69 12 81 97

57 6 63 23

242 8 250 202

254 13 267 356

170 41 211 182

66 60 126 51

Health Care-Hospitals

Health Care-Clinics

Total Health Care


Total Internet2 Health Care

Total Public Safety

244 61 305 89

19 69 88 72

88 112 200 89

67 60 127 45

151 54 205 166

646 321 967 598

55 18 73 62

128 53 181 134

16 15 31 8

122 131 253 71

147 47 194 154

68 54 122 54

35 17 52 56

6,595 3,867 10,462 72 6,888

148 14

458 67

502 75

90 15

478 57

270 62

30 0

57 3

411 66

535 154

1 3

947 99

200 44

1,299 102

567 91

627 104

419 118

303 60

45 5

157 23

22 16

533 83

854 87

952 114

296 82

129 54

548 100

357 53

530 93

13 10

324 21

101 33

19 16

618 57

938 88

594 77

242 36

Total Internet2

Public Safety

Municipal Governments

(above XX pop.)

Total Internet2 Municipal

Governments (above XX


County Governments & Stat. Eqv.


Total Internet2 County

Governments & Stat. Eqv.


1,016 67

8 0

268 46

309 66

347 92

1,209 254

242 29

229 95

45 14

281 39

592 72

232 55

99 23

19,491 0 3,034 0






































Total Local Government

Total Internet2 Local
















Alabama AL Alabama Formulas to Vlookup by State Name or by InitialAlaska AK Alaska Index by: e.g. entry: Vlookup resultArizona AZ Arizona State Name = Vermont VTArkansas AR Arkansas State Initial = CO ColoradoCalifornia CA CaliforniaColorado CO ColoradoConnecticut CT ConnecticutDelaware DE DelawareDistrict Of Columbia DC District Of ColumbiaFlorida FL FloridaGeorgia GA GeorgiaHawaii HI HawaiiIdaho ID IdahoIllinois IL IllinoisIndiana IN IndianaIowa IA IowaKansas KS KansasKentucky KY KentuckyLouisiana LA LouisianaMaine ME MaineMaryland MD MarylandMassachusetts MA MassachusettsMichigan MI MichiganMinnesota MN MinnesotaMississippi MS MississippiMissouri MO MissouriMontana MT MontanaNebraska NE NebraskaNevada NV NevadaNew Hampshire NH New HampshireNew Jersey NJ New JerseyNew Mexico NM New MexicoNew York NY New YorkNorth Carolina NC North CarolinaNorth Dakota ND North DakotaOhio OH OhioOklahoma OK OklahomaOregon OR OregonPennsylvania PA PennsylvaniaRhode Island RI Rhode IslandSouth Carolina SC South CarolinaSouth Dakota SD South DakotaTennessee TN TennesseeTexas TX TexasUtah UT UtahVermont VT VermontVirginia VA VirginiaWashington WA WashingtonWest Virginia WV West Virginia

50 STATES & Distict of Columbia

STATE Initial

50 STATES & Distict of Columbia

Wisconsin WI WisconsinWyoming WY Wyoming

Formulas to Vlookup by State Name or by InitialVlookup result

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