round 6 6:00pm room 3113 iation: aco^^y...prop ^ te a m c o d e # : t ) judge's name:_ irpt q. \ 0...

Post on 27-Jan-2021






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  • PA R L I D e b a t e

    Kornfein, Justin (*26)Round 6 6:00pm Room 3113Gov : 15 Wu - Ha l l

    Opp: 9 Sawhney - YuP a r i ! D e b a t e

    PROP ^T e a m C o d e # : t )

    Judge's Name:_ irpT Q. \ 0

    Judge's School Affiliationi a t i o n : A c o ^ ^ y

    Prop Speaker #1_

    Prop Speaker #2_

    Team Code #:

    Opp Speaker #1,

    Opp Speaker #2_

    D P I

    ^ ĈuJ A

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale:30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Good

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for elimination rounds) j26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • PA R L l D e b a t e

    Round 5 6:00pm Room 3113Gov: 15 Wu - HallOpp: 9 Sawhney - YuP a r i ! D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:_

    Judge's School Affiliation:.

    P R O PTeam Code

    Prop Speaker #1

    Prop Speaker #2_

    Team Code #:

    Opp Speaker #1.

    Opp Speaker #2_

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scâ30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Good

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualifî for elimination rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • Round 5 6:00pm Room 3113Gov : 15 Wu - Ha l l

    Opp: 9 Sawhney - YuP a r i i D e b a t e

    P R O PTeam Code #:

    Prop Speaker #1. WProp Speaker #2 lAJi

    ^ J PA R L I D e b a t eJudge's Name:

    Judge's School Affiliation:_

    Team Code #:

    Opp Speaker #1_

    Opp Speaker #2_

    ihr\j?u ptsT^S

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale: /30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = VêGood27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify M elimination rounds)

    26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor on the ̂ wins this debate.(Prop gr Opp)

    R E A S O N F O R D E C I S I O N : / ; ; „ i A'RqIIo^


  • PA R L I D e b a t e

    Chin, Liru (*15)Round 5 6:00pm Room 3114Gov : 14 F l o res - Peon

    Opp: 13 Chetlapalli - BhardwajPar i i Deba te r ' i .

    Ucv; <P R O P

    Te a m C o d e # : I

    Judge's Name:_ ru CXlJudge's School Affiliation:.

    Prop Speaker #1. . ^ I L S

    Prop Speaker #2 KC>0^

    Team Code #:

    Opp Speaker#!

    Opp Speaker #2_

    a ^ b .

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale: /30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = VeryGQda

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for eMination rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • PA R L I D e b a t e

    Kovitz, Bo (*6)Round 5 6:00pm Room 3114Gov: 14 Flores - PeonOpp: 13 Chetlapalli - BhardwajParii Debate

    Judge's Name:_ 'g ICd

    Judge's School Affiliation:. AoUoo^

    P R O PTeam Code #: Team Code #:

    Prop Speaker #1_

    Prop Speaker #2_

    p i s O p p S p e a k e r # 1

    p t s O p p S p e a k e r # 2

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale: y30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = VeryĜ d

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify forolimination rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • C o o f n n c u M > ^ c t U o i j O ' f z > C C U i n c u . 0 ^ S k . t ) l fi .tU^jodr ()^dv USĴ .

    ("T ûŝ jH^ ̂ Afr) ̂ utiJ J\oi\ji lâ Ua,'irzdr.jj tUji ''ViAcimrt. ̂ .e^Vu^CJAxJ a^Mire-Ss -f̂ Ciccsu^̂ : cT'f̂ CsruCr-e,u.Tce-/r cytJiiyvL LOdyLd̂ n̂cJl HciM̂k/VLpj f>d/Vn̂ . ̂ eccûse /botU. SyD

  • PA R L I D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:_

    Judge's School Affiliation:

    P R O PTeam Code #:

    Prop Speaker #1

    Prop Speaker #2_

    Team Code #:

    pts -12.7 Opp Speaker #1_pts Zy Opp Speaker #2

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale: /30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Verŷod

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify fop̂imination rounds)26-25 = Fair • 24-20 = Poor 7

    P r o p 2 : O p p 2 :

    ' icesT} UP'TH^

    TEAM CODE #: A3 on the f wins this debate.REASON FOR DECISION: zLtL

    ' ^ 1 a % h r f r & ^ u c r k i ^

  • PARLI Deba te

    Judge's Name:.

    Judge's School Affiliation:.

    P R O PTeam Code #:

    Prop Speaker #1

    Prop Speaker #2_

    T e a m C o d e # : m /

    Opp Speaker #1

    Opp Speaker #2. / pts 2'^Please award each speaker points based on the following scale: /

    30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = VeryGp(od27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for elifnination rounds)

    26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor ̂ alyze the topic and the arguments

    o f f e r e d d u r i n g t h e d e b a t e /• Evidence: How appropriately and efficiently the d̂aters support arguments with

    evidence—̂which may include facts and referenĉ to authority as well as general knowledge• Argumentation: How directly and effectivelŷe debaters respond to the arguments madeb y t h e o t h e r s i d e /• Points of Information: How relevant and ̂ective were the questions and the answers

    • Delivery: How well the debaters speak ,itL̂ organized, communicative style that is pleasantand easily understandable /

    • Courtesy: How courteous and respectml the debaters were to opponents and judges

    Using the above criteria, please ofTeî ompliments and/or suggestions for improvement toe a c h d e b a t e r : . . . j / \

    P r o p 1 : o p p 1 : j ^P r o p 1 : O p p 1 ; j P t fi w e r H ,

    0|Ood.VoNvirve.'i ovvA\n aewtvoJi, 9po

  • Fahmawi, Bassam El (*14)Round 5 6:00pm Room 3202Gov: 5 Holt - BroganOpp: 26 Saxena - DuncanP a r i ! D e b a t e

    PARjjuI DebateJudge's Name: Sh

    Judge's School Affiliation: | ̂O P P

    Team Code #: nS-A

    pfsj^Sj^ Opp Speaker #1 Vn Cpts'^S-S Opp Speaker #2 S ^ -P W

    P R O PTeam Code #:

    Prop Speaker #1.

    Prop Speaker #2 ̂.^23.

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale: /30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Cka(od

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for ejimination rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor . . . ocK/\

  • • ' I ^ v \ / 7 s J ^

    ClO^JM^—> «\

  • PA R L I D e b a t e

    Judge's Name: Qe/pL

    £ROPTeam Code #: ̂

    Prop Speaker #1.

    Prop Speaker #2.


    Judge's School AfSliationij.

    7 7 ^Team Code #:

    Opp Speaker #1

    Opp Speaker

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale: /30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = VeryG

  • (*22)Round 5 6:00pm Room 3203Gov: 27 Silver - EscarcegaOpp: 15 Wilcox - SuttonP a r i ! D e b a t e

    U /het i / /J pîee/t0/yjf h ^ A / ' a / j .

    Judge'a i ^ £ r a A i m A r / L <

    7 PA R L I D e b a t e

    s N a m e :

    Ige'ŝ d̂ |̂AffiIiation:_P R O P

    Te a m C o d e # :

    Prop Speaker #1_

    Prop Speaker #2j

    Team Code #:

    pts. 12 Opp Speaker#!p t s O p p S p e a k e r # 2 P t s

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale: /30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Ve;yGood

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualifŷ elimination rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • Bearfoot, Sheelah (*8)Round 5 6:00pm Room 3203Gov: 27 Silver - EscarcegaOpp: 15 Wilcox - SuttonP a r i i D e b a t e

    PA R L I D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:

    Judge's School Affiliation:,

    P R O PTe a m C o d e Team Code #:

    Prop Speaker #1 ptsĵ l̂ Opp Speaker #1 'Sm 1̂ ?) AProp Speaker #2 C) I I ̂ pts ̂ Opp Speaker #2 lô /rx. nts 9-

  • PA R L I D e b a t e

    -Holt, ■lftnnvL.(*5y>Round 5 6:00pnn Room 3203Gov: 27 Silver - EscarcegaOpp: 15 Wilcox - SuttonPari! Debate

    Judge's Name:

    Judge's School Affiliation:)1 Affiliation: 0P R O P O P P

    Team Code #: Team Code #:

    Prop Speaker #1. t'btoji _pts Opp Speaker #1Prop Speaker #2 ̂ pts ̂ Opp Speaker #2

    Opp Speaker #1_

    Opp Speaker #2 kJ].«33>

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scâ30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28=̂ryGood27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualî for elimination rounds)

    26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • PA R L I D e b a t eRound 6 7:30pm Room 3202Gov: 13 Barma - SinghOpp: 15 Wu - HallP a r i ! D e b a t e

    Team Code#:P R O P

    Prop Speaker #1

    Prop Speaker #2_

    pts_̂ 2j|pts '2^

    J u d g e ' s N a m e : ' «■

    Judge's School Affiliation:_

    O P PTeam Code #:

    Opp Speaker #1_

    Opp Speaker #2_

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale:30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Good

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for elimination rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poof


    w i n « f h i «


    on the _j_)j2_L_wins this debate.(Prop or Opp)

  • Miller, Dana ^27)Round 6 7:30pm Room 3202Gov: 13 Barma - SinghOpp: 15 Wu-HailP a r i ! D e b a t e

    Team G)de #:

    5 / y w 5 W - / i f^ t X c c e ^ / ' - / U j t . U . $^ PARLI Debate

    Judge's Name:_

    Judge's School Affiliation:, 1/1^6^P R O P.

    Team Code #:

    Prop Speaker#!

    Prop Speaker #2

    p ts jJptsj^

    bpp Speaker#!

    Opp Speaker #2_

    \ Mu)^

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale:30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Good

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for elimination rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • T W . U S ^ Q - ^ / D O J ^ ^ U h^ 1 ^ ^ ( ^ i X - d w j K g i ( X C O L ^ U ^S k / 5 r \ r 0-OJllup, Duruk

    Rounds 7:30pm Room3202Gov: 13 Barma - SinghOpp: 15 Wu-HallPari! Debate

    P R O PTe a m C o d e # :

    Prop Speaker#!

    Prop Speaker #2_

    PA R L I D e b a t e

    Judge's Name: l-treA

    Judge's School Affiliation:

    Te a m C o d e # :

    P tS^ bpp Speaker #1_Opp Speaker #2_ 'lA^u

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale:30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Good

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for elimination rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor V ( P & X J L J ^ A J . / ( \ i I a Lt h i s d e b a t e ,

    ( A y - c / x 6 ^ t -

    on the Opp wins this debate.(Prop̂ ofdppi)

    R E A S O N F O R D E C I S I O N : . ^ / / ^ L n H o ^

    O^ai YWjJ., \H>^ aUA3

  • Brown, Cassidy (*26)Round 6 7:30pm Room 3203Gov: 7 Yau-Weeks - Porter-McAvoyOpp: 13 Kaushik - HuangP a r i i D e b a t e

    PA R L I D e b a t e

    P R O PTeam Code #:

    Judge's Name

    Judge's School Affiliation:,

    Team Code #:

    ) D n o y H a

    Prop Speaker #1_ A\/̂ l| pts_2̂ bpp Speaker#1 ̂ .ptsProp Speaker#2 Wec (\

  • Round 6 7:30pm Room 3203Gov: 7 Yau-Weeks - Porter-McAvoyOpp: 13 Kaushik - HuangParii Debate

    P R O PTeam Code #:

    PA R L l D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:_

    Judge's School Affiliation:

    Te a m C o d e # :

    Prop Speake

    Prop Speaker #2 PtsliOpp Speaker#!

    Opp Speaker #2_

    1 *̂ Kauah\Vl

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale: /30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very (̂d

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for ̂ unination rounds)2d-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • Rizvi, Alyna (*17)Round 6 7:30pm Room 3203Gov: 7 Yau-Weeks - Porter-McAvoyOpp: 13 Kaushik - HuangParii Debate

    P R O PTeam Code #:

    Prop Speaker #1

    Prop Speaker #2 its3*S

    PA R L I D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:_

    Judge's School Affiliation:

    Team Code #:

    bpp Speaker #1_

    Opp Speaker #2_

    ,i'lc pts dĴ

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale:30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Good

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for elimination rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor iA bAftdt CJU dil9fuCA.t PtbiYi LbiPl- /Aaaa bt. LoS H . /AflAi

    (Prop or/Opp)

    T U

    C M I c o u A d S t f t l LW not

  • Round 6 7;30pm Room 3204Gov; 13 Chetlapalli - BhardwajOpp: 6 Cramer - GriffinP a r i ! D e b a t e

    3 ^Cto r

    P R O PTeam Code#:

    Prop Speaker #1_ 619. h

    Prop Speaker #2

    P A R L I

    Judge's Name:_

    Judge's School Affiliation:

    Team Code #:

    bpp Speaker #1.

    Opp Speaker #2

    AyCo ( Jfm

    p t s


  • U / ( P

    A U» (f> ^


  • MacKinnon2, Jesse (*7)Round 6 7:30pm Room 3204Gov: 13 Chetlapalli - BhardwajOpp: 6 Cramer - GriffinP a r i i D e b a t e

    PA R L I D e b a t e

    P R O PTeam Code#:

    Prop Speaker #1 ̂ ̂'̂ 3̂Prop Speaker #2 r.i/\̂A'\ rj/W 111

    Judge's Name

    Judge's School Affiliation:

    Team Code #:

    bpp Speaker#!

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale:30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Vpr5^Good

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qaal̂for elimination rounds)2d-25 = Fair * 24-20 = Poor 4 y ^ J l W i f y W" ^ I / J 7 - ( i , i ( o .

    TEAM CODE #: / ^ on the ^wins this debate.REASON FOR DECISION:

    o n t h e ' ^ i w i n s t h i s d e b a t e .

    (Prop or Opp)

    ■ * r ' « K ' t ,^ i h . H i / f

  • •7i< Uip^ ^Ul4 SCcjn:jrcaAi ^ ^Qian, Yuyun (*8)Round 6 7:30pm Room 3204Gov; 13 Chetlapalli - BhardwajOpp: 6 Cramer - GriffinP a r i ! D e b a t e

    PA R L I D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:_ r

  • Park, Kenny (*17)Rounds 7:30pmRoom3205Gov: 26 Maciorowski - GreenbergOpp: 5 Stamm-Kirk - BurshteynP a i i i D e b a t e

    P R O P .Team Code#:

    PA R L l D e b a t e

    Judge's Name: [AM

    Judge's School Affiliation:

    GPP ^Team Code #: 6

    bpp Speaker #1

    Opp Speaker #2_

    Prop Speaker #1

    Prop Speaker #2

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale:30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Good

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for elimination rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • Gov: 26 Maclorowski - GreenbergOpp: 5 Stamm-KIrk - BurshteynParii Debate

    PA R L I D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:_

    P R O PTeam Code #:

    Judge's School Affiliatioii:

    Team Code # :

    5oyjMYA__̂ ' 1̂IViation: I RviiMG70A/

    Prop Speaker#1̂ • 0\'̂JLf\ho'̂ _ Pts ̂Prop Speaker #2, ̂ MctfOlQcJL>si/' pts.

    bpp Speaker#!,

    Opp Speaker #2_

    Please award each speaker points based on the foUowing scale:30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 =/\i'ery Good

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for elimination roimds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • { / J a c ^ / fPA R L I D e b a t e

    Rounds 7:30pm Room 3205Gov: 26 Maciorowski - GreenbergOpp: 5 Stamm-Kirk - BurshteynParii Debate

    J u d g e ' s N a m e : t / V / ^ ^

    Judge's School Affiliation: lx/€̂ / ̂Team Code #:

    P R O P 7 ( O F F ^T e a m C o d e # : ^ ^ T e a m C o d e # :

    Prop Speaker #1 (j"I; C, rV<

    TEAM CODE #: on tĥ ^̂ ^̂ wins this debate.REASON FOR DECISION:

    A f ^ O ^ f(^CAjia^ /-» ^ cyicr(rxA~

    t . ^ . s l '

  • Griffith, Kevin ^6)Rounds 7:30pm Room 3113Gov : 15 W i l cox - Su t t on

    Opp: 27 Miller - AmantP a r l i D e b a t e

    Team Code#:

    PA R L I D e b a t e

    Judge's Name

    Judge's School Affiliatioii: O&KICBtd?]P R O P / r Team Code # ;

    Prop Speaker #1_

    Prop Speaker #2_

    0 r\ pts 7^> X . . u i ?

    bpp speaker#!.

    Opp Speaker #2_

    O P P

    n r

    f, 2-f■

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale:30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Good

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to quaUfy for elimination rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • Rounds 7:30pm Room3113G o v : 1 5 W i l c o x - S u t t o n

    Opp: 27 Miller - AmantP a r i ! D e b a t e

    PA R L I D e b a t e

    Judge's School Affiliation: V/̂ •P R O P

    Team Code #:

    Prop Speaker #1_

    Prop Speaker #2_

    Team Code #:

    bpp Speaker #1_

    Opp Speaker #2_


    Please award each speaker points based on the following scaler30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Good

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for elimination rounds)26-25 = Fair * 24-20 = Poor

  • stone, Kenny (*17)Round 6 7:30pm Room 3113G o v : 1 5 W i l c o x - S u t t o n

    Opp: 27 Miller - AmantP a r i i D e b a t e

    PA R L I D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:

    Judge's School Affiliation:

    P R O PTeam Code #:

    O P PTeam Code #:

    Prop Speaker #1_

    Prop Speaker #2_ H^acoxbpp Speaker # 1 V-̂ Aijt/V

    pts Opp Speaker #2 A"

    Please award each speaker points based on the foUowing scale:30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Ver̂ood

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for elimination rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor oc rnM. fU ivoiur oatTEAM CODE #:_53REASON FOR DECISION:

    ' * •


  • « to Why

    S » M , r f t e S " "■


  • Panda, Kamal (*9)Round 6 7:30pm Room 3114G o v : 2 6 S a x e n a - D u n c a n

    Opp: 6 Curl - FeinbergPari! Debate

    PA R L I D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:_

    6^ pam^ I or\^Team Code#:

    Judges School Affiliation:k P e ^ n d U v E F f T ^

    Team Code #:

    Prop Speaker #2_ . p „ ^Opp Speaker #1_

    Opp Speaker #2 Ir&nhmPlease award each speaker points based on the following scale:

    30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Gô27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for elWnation rounds)

    26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor 7n. -^pi^

    Dppl: 0CmfMhs £\p wh- mM

    orMn'i-peAr, i/^i^

    Opp 2 : lAxas (\p6iC/ eiA\k Q0n-̂


    w o p hMcrnS^ ^ OP) nWri^ fW tided^\69nOB^dc?

    c|J|w i n s t h i s d e b a t e .


    ^ i a c i t > a L I h o ^ e M m ^A-. % on .he PW wins this deba.P'̂ f^ o r O p p )R E A S O N F O R D E C I S I O N : P O S f . - ' ^ s ^

    'y^ f&^a^ J&^hnm -^le, 0ff' dij {py'hi i/fn^ O0JOQ.49 (}4JO&I0^ e^m^m §f\rhg7>s^ (^\^er^\pe^e PnAmf & m M O i m O m i s P l h e i d s e

    \ j j O fi U \ t m e - \ A ^ o n . m e i s t j e w ^ e t d s L P

  • Vengerova, Maria (*15)Round 6 7:30pm Room 3114G o v ; 2 6 S a x e n a - D u n c a nOpp: 6 Curl - FeinbergP a r i i D e b a t e

    PA R L I D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:_

    Judge's School Affiliation:

    P R O PTeam Code #: 2.

    Prop Speaker #2 QcCi

    Team Code #: o

    pts 2 ̂ bpp Speaker # 1PtSî ̂ Opp Speaker #2_

    Pts^ ^

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale: /30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Good /

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for elimination niwds)16-15 = Fair 24-20 = Poor "

  • Chen, Angel (*14)Round 6 7:30pm Room 3114G o v : 2 6 S a x e n a - D u n c a n

    Opp: 6 Curl - FeinbergP a r i i D e b a t e

    PA R L I D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:

    Judge's School Affiliation:,

    Team Code#:PROP ^

    Team Code #:

    P r o p S p e a k e r # 1 p t s

    Prop Speaker #2 .QC/>(. pts 2-̂Opp Speaker #1,

    Opp Speaker #2_

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale:30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Good

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for eliminatipn rounds)20-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

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