roshan licht

Post on 18-Jan-2015






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The Big Sleep



Roshan Licht 3ero 2da T.M.


The girl giggled suddenly, and put her thumb in her mouth like a baby

The General stared at me. “Look at this, and have some more brandy”.

“I hate big dark handsome men like you.” Vivan Regan



Philip Marlowe is a private detective who was asked to deal

with a blackmailing case for the General Sternwood,  who

has two daughters called Vivian and Carmen. The General

teld him that Rusty Regan, Carmen’s husband, went away

without saying goodbye. Since that moment, someone was

sending him a package threatening. Inside the packet was

card with the name Arthur Geiger, Specialist Bookseller.

After that, he promised he would investigate.


Marlow went to the Geiger’s store to investigate him. He

entered in the store and asked a woman if Geiger was

there, but she answer that he was not there. He waited

Geiger a few minutes when the door open. He took a packet

and went out again. The detective followed him. Marlow

saw he left a packet between some houses. He picked up it.

When he opened the packet, he saw many books of

pornography. Geiger’s store was a library of ugly dirt.



kiked in a window, and

stepped through it into

the house.


The detective was watching Geiger’s store wile he was

drinking whisky. After waiting an hour Geiger left the store

with his car. He followed him. Geiger was going home to

Laverne Terrace. He parked his car in a garage and entered to

the house. After a few hours a red car stopped and a woman

got out and went into Geiger’s house. Marlow knew that car,

he saw it in the Sternwood’s house. Then he heard a bright

light, a terrible scream and three shoots provenience to


the house. Someone came out of the house and went by car.

He broke a window and entered into the house. There were

two peoples: Geiger who was on the floor dead and Miss

Carmen Sternwood who was naked, drugged and asleep.

The bright light has come form the camera and the scream

from Carmen, but the three shots came from someone else.

He found Geiger’s notebook with a lot of names in it and

put it in his pocket. Then Marlow took Carmen to home.


The big black car had been pulled out of the water onto a boat

“The Sternwoods have lots of mony, all it brings us is trouble.


Marlowe received a call from Bernie Ohls, who had gotten the job with General Sternwood. Bernie said that one of the cars of Sternwood was sunk at sea and had a subject completely dead inside. Marlowe went to sea in Lido Pier where the body was. He had a broken neck and a head wound that as the doctor had been brought before the car entered the water. He was the driver of the Sternwood. Ohls said his name was Owen Taylor and told him he had tried to escape with Carmen but Vivian stopped them. Marlowe returned to Geiger's store. The detective noted that a guy was packing all the books in boxes Geiger and uploading them to a truck.


Marlowe took a taxi and followed the truck. When he arrived he saw a building that had boxes labeled with the name of Joe Brody, who was the one who the general had paid $ 5,000 to leave Carmen alone. Marlowe went to his office, where was waiting Vivian Regan. She already knew about what Owen Taylor, but she was more interested in knowing why his father had hired him. He refused to talk about the subject, until she showed him a photo taken by Geiger in which she was naked. She said that the blackmailers asked for a lot of money and if she didn´t give him the money, they would publish the picture in the newspaper. Marlowe told vivan that get the money fast and did not tell police. She agreed to borrow money from Eddie Mars, whose wife had run away with Regan.


Search this guy,” Eddie

Mars said. “Get his gun”.


Marlowe went to the Geiger ´s garage to investigate. When he arrived he found with Carmen Sternwood. The detective started asking questions about what happened last night in the house. Marlow asked if she was there to find the photos and who had killed Geiger was Brody and she nodded with a smile. Marlow told him to go home and not said nothing. As he was leaving the house came Eddie Mars. Surprised asked to speak with him. He asked who it was and he said he was a detective who worked for Sternwood. Eddie Marlowe accused of providing protection to Geiger. Then Marlow told Eddie what was doing Geiger's people.



armen was on her hands

and knees, trying to find

her gun



arlowe went to the home of Joe Brody. knocked on the door and

ask for Geiger. Brody said he did not know him and tried to close

the door. Marlowe put his foot in and told him that he knew about

the books. Brody agreed to let him in and talk to him. He sat

down and shot him a cigar to Marlow and Brody pointed with a

weapon. Joe began questioning Marlowe, who reuse talking until

he left the person behind the curtains. Was the same girl from

Geiger's store. His name



as Agnes. Marlowe told him who he was and what he

wanted. He could convince Brody that if he gave the photos

the Carmen convince not to testify against him. Achieving

convince Brody that if he gave the photos to Marlow, he

convince Carmen to not testify against him. Brody pointed

to Brody but it was Agnes who was targeting Marlowe. was

a mess and Marlow ended the 3 guns.



fter Carmen left, Marlowe stayed talking to Brody, who said the

photos took them off to Owen Taylor but had not killed him.

after that the doorbell rang. Brody went to see who it was and

executed through the gate. Marlowe under the stairs and found

a guy running. Marlowe followed him as he hid behind two cars.

Marlowe took Carmen´s gun and threatened him in the back.

He got into his car and forced him to drive. The detective ask

for his name and he told



is name was Carol Lundgren. Marlowe said he had killed the

wrong man as Joe Brody didn´t killed Geiger. They came to the

Geiger´s house . Marlowe asked Carol to open the door, but he

reuse and Marlowe knock him out and dragged him to the house.

and put him in handcuffs and inspected the house. Marlow found

the Geiger's body in Carol's room. Ohls then called and asked if

Owen Taylor had a gun . Ohls nodded and headed toward the

house of Geiger



read all the newspapers

next morning


Ohls and Marlowe took Carol to the police station, where he was arrested. Marlowe said what he knew except some details about the General Sternwood and his family. The detective also told them that Taylor had killed Geiger because he did not like what he was doing with Carmen and Carol hid the body because he was afraid of the police, then went to the store and saw someone carrying the books to Brody then thought Brody killed Geiger and so he shot her. Ohls asked Marlowe if he had said all this to the police and he said no because he wanted to protect his client. Marlow gave one of the books of Geiger, to the cops. When the pocie opened it, they shocked when thy see the face of women drugged. They agreed that the name


of Sternwood would be out of the papers. Later Eddie Mars called Marlowe and asked if he had mentioned his name to the police and the answer was no. Then he asked who had killed Geiger, but Marlow did not answer clearly. Mars told him if he wanted to find Regan he will help he. After this, Marlowe called the house and leave a message to Vivan Sternwood saying that the photos were safe.

The next morning the newspapers said that Brody had killed Geiger and Carol had taken over. Also said that Taylor was stabbed in the back, got into a bag and threw himself into the sea.



arlowe went to see Captain Gregory in "Missing persons" and

said he was looking for Regan. Sternwood, was afraid that Regan

was embers involved with blackmail. Gregory told Marlowe that

Regan had disappeared on 16 September and that his car was

found outside the apartment of Mona Mars, who had also

disappeared. Eddie and Mona had separated before she died.

Marlowe thought that Regan had bored Vivan and found

someone he likes more. Leaving realized



hat a gray car was following him. He went to his office and Bulter

called it telling that General was not very well but he had read

the newspaper and Marlowe's work was done, and to would send

a checke with 500 dollars. Marlow went to the Eddie´s club to ask

for Regan. Marlowe had a little talk with Eddie. Before leaving he

ask Eddie if he knew who was chasing him in the gray car. Eddie

said that he didn´t know but his expression was one of srprise

and concern.



ivan had sisteen

thousand dollars in front

of her. A lot of mony to



Marlowe went to see Vivian as playing roulette. Vivian had won 1000 dollars. At that time, Marlowe left the club, when he heard a man threatening to Vivian with a gun in exchange for giving him all the money. Vivian asked him what he was doing there and answer that Eddie Mars called him thinking he was looking for Regan. then they went to drink at a bar. Marlowe began questioning what you know about Mars? Why let you play and then takes your money? She evaded the questions. They drove along the coast, where Marlow kissed Vivian. Then, Vivan accused Marlow a murderer.


I´m Harry Jones,” he

said. “Agnes sent me. I

´ve got something to




arlowe woke up and went to his office. The gray car followed and

a short man came. his name was Harry Jones and he had

something to sell: information about Regan. He said that Eddie

Mars sent to killed him and Brody try to get money from

Sternwood and Mars. also spoke about Lash Cannino, the bully of

Mars. He said he knew where to find Mona and offered

information in exchange for money. He told him to go talk to

Agnes, who would give him the information.



sat Agnes in her grey

Plymouth as she told me

her story



arlow went to the Fulwider Building to find Agnes. When he was

in the elevator, he heard a convertation with Harry and Canino.

Canino forced him to say where was Agnes and the he killed him.

At this moment the phone rang. It was Agnes. Marlow told to her

and they agreed on a place to meet and talk about Mona. Agnes

told him the story about Mona: “Joe and I were out driving the

Sunday before last. We passed a broen car an I saw the girl who

was driving it. Eddie


ars´s wife. Canino was with her. Joe followed the car.

There´s a small garage, wich is owned by a man

called Art Huck. She is in that house”. Marlow went

to find Mona Mars. He stepped to the garage door

and Canino hit him and he fainted.



s he turnes towards my

voice, i shot him



he Marlow got up, he found beside him Mona Mars. She

asked him why he was here, and he answer that he want to

talk with Eddie. Then she got back with a knife and cut his

ropes. She freed him and Marlow told her to come with him,

but she didn´t want. He went outside and saw Canino. He

hid behind the car, but Canino watched him. Marlow took a

gun andhe shoot four times. Canino fell to the floor dead.



laughed at her. Iwalked

towards her and she

fired the gun at me



arlow was talking with the Capitan of the Missing People,

Gregory. He told him that he thought that Canino killed Rusty

Regan. Marlow asked General what happend to Mrs Mars, and he

told him that the police let her go. Marlow drove home. When he

got home, the phone rang. It was Norris. He told him that the

Genral Sternwood wanted to see him. He went to The Sternwood

´s house. The General was in bed and he did not look very good.

The General asked to Marlow that



ontinue looking for Rust Regan. When he was leaving the

house, he found Carmen. Carmen asked him if he could

teach him how used a gun. They went to the old oil-wells.

Marlow gave Carmen her gun and started teaching.

Marlow started to walked back towards her and when he

was a few meters from her, she showed him her sharp little

and pointed the gun at him, and she started to shoot.



arlow was talking with Vivian. She asked him what happend

with Carmen, and he told her. Then Marlow told the story of

what happened: “Geiger was using Carmen to blackmail your

father, but Eddie Mars was behind Geiger, just using him. Your

father didn´t pay Geiger, wich showed that he wasn´t frightened

of him. Eddie wanted to know that. He had it over the General,

too. If he had, to would bring him a lot of money very quickly. If

not, he would have to wait



ntil you got our halg of the familiy fortune. Own Taylor killed

Geiger, because Owen love your sister. Eddie didn´t care. Only

you, Eddie and Mr tough guy Canino knew what game Eddie was

playing. Rusty Regan disappeard, and Eddie his his wife out at

Realito so that people would think Rusty has tun off with Mona.

Eddie knew what has really happened to Rusty, but he didn´t

want the police to know. When Marolw grabbed the gun, he

realized there were no bullets.



arlow realized thar Carmen tried to shoot him and



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