romeo and juliet acts 4 and 5 review review the following questions and answers. write down...

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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Romeo and Juliet Acts 4 and 5 ReviewReview the following questions and answers. Write down questions/answers you do not know, and spend time focusing your studying on those.


• Why is Paris at Friar Lawrence’s cell at the beginning of Act IV?

•To Plan his wedding to Juliet

• How long is the sleeping potion supposed to take effect?

•42 hours

• Where will Juliet be placed once her family thinks she is dead?

•The Capulet Vault

• According to Friar Lawrence’s plan, who will be waiting for Juliet when she wakes from the potion?


• If the potion does not work, what back-up plan does Juliet have?

•Stab herself with a dagger

• How is Romeo supposed to know about Juliet and Friar Lawrence’s plan with the potion?

•Friar John will deliver a letter to him that explains what is going on

• On what day of the week is Juliet supposed to marry Paris?


• On the morning of the wedding, who goes to wake Juliet?


• Which character tells the Capulet family that Juliet is better off in heaven?

•Friar Lawrence

• How do the wedding preparations change after Juliet is found dead?

•Everyone begins arranging a funeral

• How does County Paris react to Juliet’s death?

•He is devistated

• How does Lord Capulet know Juliet is “dead”?

•he notices her body is cold and her joints are stiff

• Who brings news to Romeo that Juliet is dead?


• What does Romeo go purchase once he hears that Juliet is dead?


• How long will it be before Juliet is supposed to wake up at the beginning of Act V?

•3 hours

• In the text version of the play, why does Romeo not get the letter?

Friar John is not allowed into Mantua because he has been exposed to the Plague

• In the film version of the play, which character do we not see die at Juliet’s tomb who does die in the text version of the play?


• Why does Paris fight with Romeo at the Capulet vault?

He thinks Romeo is there to disturb Juliet’s bodyRomeo told Paris to go away and listen to the warning of a madmanHe does not think any Montagues should be at a Capulet vault

• Romeo’s fatal flaw is which of the following?

•He acts before he thinks things through

• Who has died by the end of the play (not just in Act V)?

•Mercutio, Tybalt, Romeo, Juliet, Paris, Lady Montague

• When Juliet awakens from the potion, where does Friar Lawrence want to take her?

•To his cell

• How does Juliet kill herself?

•by stabbing herself with Romeo’s dagger

• When the watchmen (guards) arrive at the Capulet vault, whom do they suspect is the murderer?

•Friar Lawrence

• At the end of the play, Prince Escalus discovers every detail about what happened from which four accounts?

•A letter Romeo wrote, Balthasar, Friar Lawrence, and the Page Boy

• When Prince Escalus says at the end of the play, “All are punishéd,” what does he mean? (V.iii.295)

•Everyone has already been punished because they have all lost someone close to them

• What event is the climax of the play?

•Romeo’s banishment from Verona

• What are some of the main themes in the play?

•Love, Destiny, Choice

• What literary devices is Shakespeare using when Romeo says to Juliet’s “dead” body:

• “Death, that hath sucked the honey of thy breath, Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty. Thou art not conquered. Beauty’s ensign yet is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks, and death’s pale flag is not advanced there” (V.iii.92-6).


• An example of what type of irony is when Romeo takes his own life because he thinks Juliet is dead, but we (the audience) know that she is not.


• Shakespearean tragedies have a delicate balance of cause and ________.


• In a Shakespearean tragedy, the order of life is disrupted and must be _________ by the end of the play

• restored

• The setting in a Shakespearean tragedy is usually where and when?

•A distant time and place (long ago and far away)

• How do Shakespearean tragedies usually end?

• In death of several of the main characters

• What will happen to the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues now that Romeo and Juliet are dead?

• It will be over!

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