rome chapter 5. beginning p. 150 800 b.c. – latins migrate to italy (tiber river) initially;...

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Chapter 5

Beginningp. 150

• 800 B.C. – Latins migrate to Italy (Tiber River)• Initially; shared Italy with Greeks and

Etruscans• Romans kicked out Etruscans in 509 B.C.• Etruscans had advanced civilization

-learned alphabet, the arch, engineering

The Republic

• Res publica -That which belongs to the people• Gov’t where citizens selected some officials• Patricians v. Plebians• Tribunes (how did they help Plebians?)-veto anti-plebian laws• Laws of Rome -12 Tablets (tables)-allowed appeal of Patrician judgements

Growing• 270 B.C – entire Italian peninsula…how?• Diplomacy – allowed non-Romans to become

citizens• Military – well trained army (paid) • Punic Wars – 264 B.C to 146 B.C.-1st Rome won: Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia -2nd Hannibal, invaded Italy via the Alps (218 B.C.)Rome checks with invasion of Carthage (15 year campaign)-3rd Destruction of Carthage – salted the land

The Roman Seap.156

• Punic Wars gave Rome N. Africa, Lower Spain, Med. Islands

• Imperialism…what is it? [establishing control over foreign lands and peoples]

• Rome also took territory to the east• Gracchus bros (133 B.C.) –distribution of land,

other pro-plebian policies

Republic Gone – Empire to Pax Romana(p. 173)

• Rise of Dictators (originally only called up in times of war)

• Julius Caesar (48 B.C.-44 B.C.)• 31 B.C. Rise of Octavian (Augustus – Exalted

One)-see Pax Romana until death of Marcus Aurelius in 180 A.D.

Split Empire – beginning of the End

• 284 A.D. Diocletian and Maximillian become co-emperors

• 312 A.D. Constantinople is founded on Byzantium

• 410 A.D. Sack of Rome – rapid decline follows• 476 A.D. “Fall” of Rome with rise of Germanic

tribes in seat of power. -Military Attacks, Political Turmoil, Economic Weakness, Social Decay

When was the Fall?P. 177

• Fall was a gradual change – not rapid• 476 is more “point of no return”• Eastern Roman Empire

(Byzantium/Constantinople) falls in 15th Century

Growth of Englandp. 245

• 400-500 A.D. Angles and Saxons (Anglo-Saxon)• 1066 – King Edward Dies (no heir) – nobles choose Harold (Ed’s Brother in Law)• William, Duke of Normandy -received Papal backing-Invaded England – Battle of Hastings-William the Conqueror-Bayeux Tapestry

Crusadesp. 255

• 1096, Alexius I (Byzantine) requests support from Pope Urban II to fight Turks (Muslim)

-Muslims (Turks) were steadily advancing to Byzantine lands

• 1st Crusade captures Jerusalem in 1099-recaptured in 1187 (Saladin)-Third Crusade – Jerusalem is opened to Christian pilgrims• More crusades to follow, but no success • Crusades are much more then a series of battles


Spanish Reconquista p. 260

• “Reconquest” of Spain from the Moors (Muslim)

• 1085 – first success at Toledo• Ferdinand and Isabella-focused on retaking final strong point (Granada)-1492-Reconquest is finished• Ferdinand and Isabella continued to push all

Non-Christians out of Spain w/ Inquisition • Many exiled were skilled, educated people

who contributed to Spain’s economy

100 Years Warp.271-273

• Between 1337-1453 • Edward III of England claimed French crown• Initial English Victories (Longbow)• 1429 – Joan of Arc appealed to Charles VII • Turn the tide (Cannon v. strong points)• 1443 – English forces pushed to Calais

Impact of 100 Years Warp.273

• Growing Nationalism in France• English turning to Parliament (power of the

purse)• Decline of Feudalism

English Reformationp.428-430

• King Henry VIII-Previous “Defender of the Faith” (Luther)• 1527 – Henry has no sons • (Catherine of Aragorn)-daughter (Mary Tudor)-wished to annul marriage, Pope refused (feared offending

Charles V of Spain)• 1533 Henry marries Anne Boleyn (Elizabeth)• 1534 – Act of Supremacy -(Head of Anglican Church)

English Reformation Cont…

• Henry dies 1547, only one son Edward VI (sickly)• Passed Pro-Protestant reforms (Book of Common

Prayer)• Edward VI dies as a teen, Mary Tudor takes over -Pro-Catholic, attempted return to Catholicism• 1558, Mary Dies – Elizabeth takes over-Elizabethan Settlement, compromise between two faiths

in practices with Anglican Church-Resulted in England becoming firmly Protestant


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