roman wood - the side projects - portfolio - 16

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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Freelance portfolio of Roman La’Voy Wood-

Graphic Design • Drawing • Painting • Art Direction

LOGOS-Logos for a variety of clients

Roman L. Wood

HAVDALAH-A musical modern folk version of Havdalah, a liturgical Jewish service that signals the end of the Sabbath. This project was developed for Jewish young adult groups and families. The music, art and layout was done by myself.

Adobe InDesign, Photoshop. 2012

Roman L. Wood

LECHA DODI/-A mystic liturgical Jewish prayer sung on Friday nights to welcome in the Sabbath. It consist of nine stanza’s and these are my visual renditions of each one using mikron pens.

Roman L. Wood

LAST FOREST IN THE CITY-Album cover for an indie soul/folk record my wife and I had released in Nov 2012. Track 7 “Miserable” was featured on Showtime’s Shameless, season two. Drawings were done by Heather Albini. Graphic design and layout by myself.

Adobe Photoshop. 2012

Roman L. Wood

PAINTINGS-From left to right. Tzfat Night, canvas using acrylic paints. Blue Star Cafe production in Seattle, my piece is the lower left corner, aerosol paint. Ken’s Market production in Seattle, my piece is the lower right corner, aerosol paint. Mopar Collection mural in Seattle, using aerosol paint.

Roman L. Wood

ANIMATION-This is a short animated character I had created in Adobe After Effects CC. The character was first built in Illustrator and then pieced over and rebuilt in After Effects. You can watch the 22 second animation here on YouTube.

Roman L. Wood

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