rolling prophets newsletter-may2015

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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The Rolling Prophets are a central Ohio chapter of the Christian Motorcyclists Association. Our vision: Changing the world, one heart at a time. We are dedicated to sharing and showing the love of Jesus Christ to motorcyclists -


  • Chapter #1239

    Psalm 91

    Prez says:Hi Folks, Its that time again. Gotta write my column and Im clueless as to what to write about. The stress starts, the wife keeps nagging; you have to write your article! The stress builds more nagging, more stress, why cant I come up with anything, and on, and on

    Then suddenly the voice, you know the one in your head that tells you things you need to know, if youll listen.

    He told me to Take comfort in the Lord. When I did this the stress disappeared and the article came to mind.

    Take comfort in the Lord. Let him guide you through tuff or troubled times, the answer will come, lifes stress will go away and peace will come upon you. So go ahead Take Comfort In the LordPeacefully Yours,

    Your President, Neil

    Officer Contact ListPresident-Neil Rees ........................740-281-4175 .... koalarees@yahoo.comVice President-Ryan Gallinger ........740-644-5397 ...... ryangcma@gmail.comTreasurer-Rhonda Rees ..................740-281-4175 .... koalarees@yahoo.comSecretary-Joann Martin ........................................ grannyjomartin@gmail.comRFS Secretary-Alyce Shane............740-763-0303 ...alyceshane@yahoo.comRoad Captain-Brad Shane ..............740-763-0303 ...alyceshane@yahoo.comChaplain & Webmaster-Jeff Freas .740-334-2806 ......

    Upcoming Events 2015:5/2/15 - CMA Run for the Son - Nationwide event. Local details, ride to Buckeye Express Diner in Bellville, Ohio

    5/2/15 - A.B.A.T.E. of Ohio, Inc. State Motorcycle Awareness Rally - 9:00 AMLocation Start: A.D Farrow - 7754 Oh. 37, Galena, OH 800-252-4537,

    5/24/15 - Rocking for the Cross, Benefit fundraiser for Cross Point Family Relief Fund - 6pm at Crossroads Ministry Center, 2095 W. Fair Ave. Lancaster, OH

    5/25/15 - Gold Wing Cruise-In, Utica Sertoma Ice Cream Festival Ye Olde Mill, 11324 Mount Vernon Road Utica, OH. Starts at 9am.

    5/30/15 - National Road US 40 Yard Sale Days - Eagle Wings Academy, 9100 Jacksontown Rd Jacksontown, OH - Tent/tables/sale items. Starts at 9am-??? All proceeds go toward Run For the Son 2016

    6/4/15 - Rolling Prophets chapter meeting - 7pm at Heritage Hall

    June 2015 (Exact day TBA) - Rolling Prophets group ride to Amish Country Byway

    June 12-14, 2015 - Bikerfest- Rushing Wind Biker Church, 5715 East Pike, Zanesville, OH 43701 - 740-923-5002, Pastor Mike

    June 16-20th, 2015 - CMA 40th Anniversary Eastern National Rally - Georgia Mountain Fair Hiawassee, Georgia

    7/24-26, 2015 - Rev It Up! Revival - SDA Community Church - 701 Linnville Rd Heath, OH

    Aug 7th-9th, 2015 - Ohio State CMA Rally - Lighthouse Camp & Retreat Center272 Jack Oak Point Rd. St. Marys, OH 45885

    Rolling Prophet Meetings:1st Thursday of each month @ 7pm

    TreasurerHey Everyone!So much has happened since the last newsletter Im not sure where to start. We have added 2 new members, Tom Bell and Jenifer Gallinger. Welcome Aboard! We had our Run for the Son Event. It started with helping out at the Abate Function. Then the London Chapter and a couple of the members from the Pataskala Chapter joined us as we rode to Belleville for lunch. We learned some things and apologized to 2 of our members (I wont go into detail-they know who they are). Thanks to everyone who contributed and I cant wait to see Jerrys head shaved!

    Our chapter is still a newer chapter and we are learning daily. However I did recently find out that even though we are new we have strengths in our chapter that other chapters do not. We all learn from each other just as we learn from the Bible and with talking to the Lord.

    Thanks for all the prayers for my 14 yr old granddaughter (Hannah) who was recently diagnosed with thyroid cancer. So far she is doing good. Please continue to include her and my 16 yr old granddaughter (Emily), she is having surgery Friday the 22nd to remove her gallbladder.

    By now everyone reading this knows that Neil and I were just approved and have become Area Reps! We are both so excited to grow in this next chapter of our life.

    We have lots of events coming up, lots of riding time with the nicer weather. Life is GreatGod is Great! God Bless


  • VP says:What a 2nd of May it was this year. Heres a snapshot of that day from my perspective

    It started out meeting with Flee for breakfast as they headed out of town for a live on-air radio interview. After breakfast I headed back to Newark to get my family and head up to Sunbury for our Run For The Son ride.

    We showed up just in time to ride out. Plans had changed a bit as our Road Captain had spent time establishing a route to Bellville. Well, we ended up joining another group headed to the same place, and the route was unexpectedly on the highway (I would have kept my sweatshirt on). Then we headed back to Newark to see Flee perform at a festival downtown on the square. As being the only Christian band in this community eventThe enemy was present. The band handled and persevered all the technical issues with great honor. It may have sounded gargled and distorted (the host was having power and amp issues), but people were coming and listened to the message of the music. There were even two young men with their Mormon name badges who were walking down the street and stood and watched and listened to the performance.

    The events of this day brought to mind Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

    Ha!! The Message puts it this way This is no afternoon athletic contest that well walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels.

    Ill put it like this, suck it up buttercup, therell be another fight tomorrow.

    Ryan Gallinger, Vice-President

    fOUght thE gOOd fightfinishEd thE raCEkEpt thE faithi h

    avE 2 timOthy 4:7

    VERSE DECODER PuzzlesA Verse Decoder is a coded verse from the Bible. Each letter in the puzzle actually represents a different letter. If a coded word was spelled G A C E C in the puzzle, you must substitute letters, through trial and error, until the word makes sense.

    In the above example G A C E C equals J E S U S. The G is actually a J in the puzzle, and the C is actually an S. How would you figure that out? The best way to solve these types of puzzles is the first figure out the small words in the puzzle. Helpful hints to get you started are also provided.


    By examining the coded letters, you see three different cases of the three-letter word GKD. This word is probably THE or AND. By substituting letters, youd find that G-K-D is actually T-H-E. You may now substitute any G in the puzzle for T and change every K into an H and every D into an E. Youre now well on your way to solving the puzzle, which is:In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

    Last months winner was Lynda Lako again. The answer was Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.

    The first Active Chapter member of Rolling Prophets that can tell me ( or (740) 644-5397) what verse is coded below will receive a $10 gas card.

    Hint: In the puzzle below, the letter U is actually an O.


    2013 rts Can am20,000 mi.

    Only $18,000Call Keith


  • Spider Webs and MonstersWritten by Alyce Shane

    She was barely thirteen when her mother left. She had no brothers or sisters, just her parents, and a stubbornness that resembled that of a Pit Bull.Loneliness had never been an issue for her growing up. She had many friends and a knack for finding favor with complete strangers. The loneliness she felt without her mother had grown into a vicious monster of rejection. A monster to be feared, shunned, and avoided. By the time she was fifteen she was running from that monster. She had been in and out of detention centers so much, she knew the police officers by their first names. She knew things had to change if she was ever going to defeat the demons that hounded her.When she was seventeen she was determined to change her life for the better. She took a job at a tree farm. After school she would go to the nursery and help prune branches and vines. During the spring she planted trees and removed brush. Keeping busy was her way of escaping the memory of the woman who had abandoned her. It was her way of hiding from the monster. Her father had given her a dirt bike to make the trip to and from work easier for her. The bike had become her salvation as it was her way out of her world at home, away from her world of memories.Summer had begun and she couldnt wait to get out into the fields and among the trees. She was beginning to earn enough money to look forward to going to college for Natural Resources upon her high school graduation next year. Her grades were on target and things were finally beginning to feel certain. One morning she hurried to her dirt bike and secured her helmet. She noticed that the sky seemed unusual. Even the air didnt seem right. Her dog refused to come out from under the porch. Regardless, she mounted the bike and set off toward the tree farm. When she arrived at the farm the other workers were gathered in the main barn listening to the radio. Whats up? she asked as she entered the doorway. Were under a severe storm warning. Maybe even tornadoes. was the reply. She walked closer to the group and listened to the forecaster. In the distance she could hear a siren giving warning to residents to be ready to take cover. The farms foreman stood up and said, Well, guys. It looks like were going to visit the storm cellar for a bit. Grab your cell phones, something to drink, and lets get ready to head down. The group watched the sky as storm clouds gathered. Sirens continued to sound and the radio announced that a tornado had been sighted. Lets go, folks! the foreman commanded. She found herself in the cellar amongst her coworkers, the farm dog, and two barn cats. Her father called her cell phone just before she went down into the cellar to confirm that she was safe. Thinking back on their brief conversation, she remembered him saying, I just wanted to make sure you werent stuck out there on that bike! MY BIKE!!!! She ran past the others and grabbed the cellar door. The wind was howling and wailing outside. One of her co-workers grabbed her shoulder, What are you doing?My bike! It will get destroyed! She cried as she struggled under the grasp. The foreman stepped in front of the door, You will not be going out there right now! he said. She argued that there was still time for her to retrieve the bike, that there was room for it in the cellar. No one else felt that her supplications were worth the risk and no one would let her pass.The cellar doors began banging and the winds were screaming like insane banshees through the door cracks. She kicked as she struggled against those who held her, tears welled up in her eyes as she realized that her bike was being hammered by the storm.

    Something heavy slammed against the doors from the outside, sending splinters toward the inside occupants. She realized then that there was no hope for her dirt bike, and she sank into a corner, silently crying, and cursing the monster that had transformed itself into a this storm, destroying her world once and for all, removing her only means of escape forever.The group remained in silence. Cell service was nonexistent. Someone was trying to tune in the radio. After what seemed like hours, a voice finally came across the airwaves announcing that the storm had passed. The group worked as a team to push the heavy cellar doors. A cargo trailer had been blown over on its side, partially blocking the doors, requiring the whole group to muscle the doors open. She was slow to walk out into the yard, not wanting to see what had become of her beloved bike. She didnt see it at first, but when she did find it; her heart sank into the pit of her stomach. She felt ill all the way to the soles of her feet. The sight of the rear wheel sticking out from beneath a large tree sent waves of emotion screaming through her mind. Crushed. Like her soul, the bike lay mangled below the trunk of the massive oak. No. Not this. Not now. The crew worked around the yard that day, picking up what they could, removing debris and taking account for all the damage. Trees were down and broken, green houses were smashed. Part of the barn roof was missing. The tree farm would be out of business until further notice.Though she was offered a ride that evening, she chose to walk home. Alone, sad, and sickened, while she walked, she prayed. God, I dont know why you keep doing this to me. What did I ever do to you? You keep putting the smack down on me every time I turn around. You give me a mom, and she leaves. You give me a job, and it gets ruined. You give me a bike, and it gets destroyed. Why dont you just do me in, too? Stop toying with me! She stopped at her mail box before turning into her drive way. The mail box was still intact with the flag upright. A spider web was draped from the base of the flag to the post where the mail box set. The web had withstood the storm and a horse fly was caught in it, struggling and buzzing as it tried to free itself. On the other side of the web sat the spider, still, and in a death grip with a wasp. From the looks of it, the spider had tried to make a meal of the wasp, which had evidently stung the spider. In their battle they both died from the others venom, before or after the storm, she couldnt tell. But what was evident was that the large fly, which would have been a prize for the spider, was not going to meet its fate today, and it eventually slipped from the wet web and flew away.As she studied the situation, it occurred to her that just as the spider had been so desperate to hold onto the wasp, she had likewise been determined to hold onto the bitter sting of her mothers abandonment. Holding on didnt benefit her at all, and as the spider, it was actually toxic to her.OK, God. I am letting go. Prove to me that You have a better plan. She worked around the house during the next few days. She cooked a meal for her father and her to share. They actually sat at the table and talked that night. It was odd to them both at first, but the reconnecting of father and daughter was long over due and enduring. A few weeks later her phone rang. The foreman from the tree farm was calling. He informed her that the farms insurance covered her dirt bike and that he had a check waiting for her. We need to get trees replanted, too. He said. Insurance has covered replacement stock and we need you to come back to work. We so often get our sights set on what we think we need and take off after that goal without any regard to what the Lord has in mind for us. If we can let go of our own agenda and allow God to take control, we will be much more pleased with the outcome. It may take a tragedy or major event in our lives to prove that point, or it may take something as small as a drenched spider web. Either way, let us remember to be open to the Lords voice and be willing to let go and let God.

    Alyce Shane, RFS SecretaryAlyce is also the Author of

    God Is a Farmer available for sale on

  • A Note From the Nomad:Spring has come to Ohio. With it, we are beginning to enjoy the warm days, the cool breezes, the fresh smell of new flowers blooming and fresh cut grass. Winter is but a past memory and the riding season is now in full swing.

    With this gorgeous spring weather, weve been given multiple opportunities to fellowship and share with our brothers and sisters in the motorcycling community. Weve been active in two different bike blessing events working alongside our fellow chapter members and along with other chapters of the CMA too.

    Run For The Son has come and gone and I anxiously await to hear if CMA Ohio has met our goal of $150,000.00 RFS challenge for matching funds. I really look forward to seeing some fresh shaven heads of our state leadership at the CMA State Rally.

    With all of the activities that are coming up, I especially look forward to the opportunities and the privilege of meeting new biker friends and praying with those around us wherever we are called to go and serve. During the past few weeks, Ive met many people of all walks and been blessed to share with them and pray with them too. I see our members and leadership rising up to the challenges that God has placed before them and step up & out in faith, and we are seeing the fruit of their labors.

    As Chapter Chaplain, I am proud to stand with my brothers and sisters in Christ as a biker family in unity and purpose to serve Him, follow where He goes, and Changing the world, one heart at a time.

    God bless!!

    Jeff Freas, Chapter Chaplain

    2 Timothy 3:14-17 (NIV)But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

    Our God Is Hardcore

    The Lord did not put us on top of the food chain to be a bunch of politically correct, tip-toeing, soft boiled eggs. How can we prove the strength and deepness of our conviction if we are afraid of what some non-believers think of us? How convincing is that?

    Now, I do understand that some finesse is needed and, as the worlds worst spazzer, this is a real work in progress between God and me. But Satan is bound and determined to prove God wrong. So, we need to be more convincing to others than he is!

    Non-believers are not worried about offending us. Why are we so uptight and yellow bellied about what they might think? Are patches and stickers enough? Do rehearsed prayers really reach heaven? Are we passing by the money changers tables or flipping them over? God did NOT give us a spirit of fear, so why do we forget that He has our back?

    Jesus wouldnt compromise the truth to appease the masses. We cant therefore call ourselves Christians (Christ like) if we are willing to compromise the kingdom. You are either Christ like or you are not.

    You can buy 100 bikes and talk it up, post their pictures, and show them off, but you are no biker sitting in the garage.

    Brad Shane, Road Captain

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