role of trade and contracts (nofota and fosfa) · fosfa contract . nofota contract . the terms, the...

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  • Role of Trade and Contracts (NOFOTA and FOSFA)

    MVO Course Food and Feed Safety of Oils & Fats 8 April 2014


  • Subjects: • The Trade; typicality's of the oils & fats market

    • The Associations; differences and approach

    • The Terms, the risks and admin • Arbitration; how does it work and what are the (dis)advantages?

    • Interface with Food and Feed Safety

  • The market – Globalization

    • Geographical spread • Multiple applications • Transportation • Social & Environmental influences

    – Transparency • Commodity Exchange (BM, CBOT, Matif) • Reuters, internet • Brokers • Events

    – Volatility • Supply & demand • Fundamentals; currency, crude mineral, politics/war,

    nature, piracy

  • The market

    • Who are the players in the market? – Producers – Consumers – Trading houses – Brokers – Superintendents – Laboratories – Storage companies – Shipping and transport companies – Insurance companies

  • Other stakeholders • (multi) branche organisations:


    • Multi stakeholder organisations: – RSPO

    • Project organisations: – EPOA

    • Certification scheme organisations: – GMP+ International – EFISC

    • Trade Associations/contract bodies: – UCOGRAS, GROFOR, FOSFA, NOFOTA

  • The Trade Associations (Fosfa & Nofota)

    • What stands FOSFA and NOFOTA for?

    – The Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associations formed in 1971 (predecessor Associations – 1863)

    – Netherlands Oils, Fats and Oilseeds Trade Association 100th Anniversary – 2018

  • The Associations

    NOFOTA Council




    Meat trade

    FOSFA Council

    Peanut trade

    Contracts Committee

    Technical Committee

    Arbitrators Committee

    FOSFA O&F Section


    FOSFA Technical Ctee

    FOSFA Contracts Ctee

    Tank Storage

    Super intendents


    Secretary & Treasurer

  • What is the approach of the Associations (Fosfa & Nofota) • Policy, but not lead the trade

    • Promote practical solutions for fair trade by;

    – Create standard terms & conditions in a simple contract form

    – Inform members via website and circular letters – Provide arbitration service – Organize educational events (seminars) – Organize annual dinner events/Contact days

  • FOSFA contract

  • NOFOTA contract

  • The Terms, the risks and administration

    Special attention: • Do not alter the terms of a standard-form contract,

    until after careful consideration of all (potential) consequences.

    • If a CIF standard-form contract is used as the basis for a C&F sale, special provisions as to insurance are necessary.

    • Do not (ab)use a standard-form contract for purposes for which it is not intended.

  • The Terms, the risks and administration

    • Strings, Circles and Washouts

    Normal string of contracts A B C E F G H I D OIL

    Wash out A B A

    Circle A B D C E F G H A

  • The Terms, the risks and administration


    • Together with delivery of the goods, payment forms the core of any commodity contract.

    • FOSFA: CAD (Cash Against Documents)

    • NOFOTA: provides possibility to pay in advance

  • Arbitrations

    • Although your trade is done under Fosfa or Nofota, always refer specifically to the rules of arbitration

    • Do not step into other legal procedures • Monitor and secure time bars – follow the Rules for Arbitration • If required call in legal assistance • NOFOTA: arbitration committee appoints 3 arbitrators • FOSFA: both parties appoint an arbitrator and the association

    appoints 1 referee (if necessary) • Why arbitration?: quick, cheap and fair (combination of legal

    and experienced business people)

  • Arbitrations

  • Interface with Food and Feed Safety

    • Clauses specifically refer to quality and quality complaints • Reference is made to EU Directives concerning hygiene of

    foodstuffs and acceptable previous cargo lists • NOFOTA and FOSFA standard method of analyses • Technical Committee • Criteria for recognized superintendents, laboratories and

    storage companies (audit programme) • Heating instructions • Quality specifications


  • Thank you for your attention.

    Role of Trade and Contracts (NOFOTA and FOSFA)Subjects:The marketThe marketOther stakeholdersThe Trade Associations �(Fosfa & Nofota)The AssociationsWhat is the approach of the Associations (Fosfa & Nofota)FOSFA contractNOFOTA contractThe Terms, the risks and administrationThe Terms, the risks and administrationThe Terms, the risks and administrationArbitrationsArbitrationsInterface with Food and Feed SafetyDianummer 17

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