rochester inner loop rfp

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  • 8/19/2019 Rochester Inner Loop RFP


     Lovely A. Warren, Mayor

    Request for ProposalsInner Loop East Development SitesFive (5) Separate Sites on Union Street

     Available for Sale & DevelopmentIssued March 17 2016 

    City of Rochester, New YorkDepartment of Neighborhood & Business Development

    City Hall, 30 Church Street, Rm. 005-A, Rochester, NY 

    Site 5 Site 4 Site 3 Site 2Site 1

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    30 CHURCH STREET, RM. 005-A

    ROCHESTER, NY 14614





  • 8/19/2019 Rochester Inner Loop RFP




    M ARCH 17, 2016


    Section 1. Schedule and Proposal Submission Instructions ............................................. Page 1

    Section 2. Project Purpose & Site Description  ................................................................... Page 1

    Section 3. Environmental Conditions and Encumbrances ................................................. Page 5

    Section 4. Sale Terms ........................................................................................................... Page 6

    Section 5. Vision and Design Guidelines  ............................................................................. Page 6

    Section 6. Proposal Submission Requirements  ................................................................. Page 8 

    Section 7. Evaluation and Selection Criteria ...................................................................... Page 11

    Section 8. Offer to Negotiate and Request Refined Proposals ......................................... Page 12

    Section 9. General Information ........................................................................................... Page 12

    Section 10. Attachments and Resources  ............................................................................ Page 14 

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    RFP – Inner Loop East Development Sites Page 1 City of Rochester, NY


    Proposed Schedule & Deadlines

    March 17, 2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RFP Release

    March 29, 2016 --------------------------------------------------------------- Information/Question Session

    May 13, 2016 (by 4:00 p.m.) ------------------------------------------- Proposals Submission Deadline

    July 8, 2016 ------------------------------------------------ Review, Interviews (if applicable) & Selection

     August 2016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Negotiate Final Sale Terms

    November 2016 ------------------------Possible City Council Consideration (approval) of Land Sale

    Note: The Inner Loop East Transformation (infill) project is scheduled to be completed in December 2017.

    Proposals Submission Instructions

     A complete electronic copy (on CD or flash drive) of the proposal and ten (10) hard copies of theproposal are to be submitted no later than 4:00 PM on Friday, May 13, 2016 to:

     Anne DaSilva TellaCity of Rochester, 30 Church Street, Room 005-A

    Rochester, NY 14614.


    Proposals submitted after 4 PM on Friday, May 13, 2016 will not be considered.

    Please submit paper proposals on 8.5 x 11 inch paper. At least one (1) copy of the proposal will be

    signed by an officer or trustee of the organization empowered to contractually obligate theorganization. The proposal and any materials submitted shall become the property of the City, andthe City is not obligated to return such documents. Each proposal must include at a minimum, theitems listed in the Proposals Submission Requirements section below.



    The City of Rochester (“City”), through this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) solicitation, seeks proposalsfor the purchase and development of up to five sites on Union Street (Sites) from qualifieddevelopers/teams (“Developer”) to purchase and creatively improve development sites resulting fromthe reclamation of the eastern portion of the Inner Loop. The Sites are the subject of this RFP andpresent five (5) development opportunities along Union Street, between Haags Alley to the north andHowell Street to the south. The development opportunities have been separated into five sites, allfronting on Union Street (eastern boundary):

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    Site 1  – Between Haags Alley and Charlotte Street;Site 2  – Between Charlotte Street and East Avenue;Site 3  – Between East Avenue and Broad Street;Site 4 – Between Broad Street and Savanah Street; andSite 5 – Between Savannah Street and Howell Street.

    Proposals may be submitted for any number of sites from one (1) to all five (5). If submitting formore than one site, please discuss each site in a distinct and separate section from the otherswithin your proposal. Because the City will likely select more than one Developer for the saleand development of all the sites, this will allow easier review of proposals for each site.

    It is the City’s intention to receive development proposals that will lead to the sale of the Sites to

    Developers who present the best use and plan/layout of such uses, and demonstrate the best financial

    capacity to undertake the proposed project(s). The Developers will creatively improve the Sites with

    the necessary land use/mix of uses and all necessary infrastructure to service those uses.

    The $22 million project to remove a portion of the Inner Loop expressway (Inner Loop East

    Transformation project) was intended to remove a barrier separating this part of downtown fromsurrounding neighborhoods. The project is expected to conclude in December 2017. The result will be

    an at-grade, reduced width road that will create new vehicular, pedestrian and cyclist connections from

    the Alexander Street and Park Avenue neighborhoods into downtown. Through this RFP the City

    intends to select development plans that will:


    Present the highest and best use for the location in general, and the Sites specifically;


    Return the sites to the tax roll and increase the City’s tax base; 


    Present high quality design and visually enhance the streetscape;


    Integrate the neighborhoods formerly divided by the Inner Loop highway; and,


    Create permanent job opportunities for city residents.

    Note: While five (5) sites are available through this RFP, you may submit a proposal for one toall five of the Sites in the same proposal). If submitting for more than one site, please discusseach site in a distinct and separate section from the others within your proposal. Because theCity will likely select more than one Developer for the sale and development of all the sites, thiswill allow easier review of proposals for each site. 

    Site Description

    The Sites are located within the former bed of the eastern section of the Inner Loop, on the eastern

    border of the central business district. It is bounded roughly by Howell Street to the south, Pitkin Streetto the west, the Haags Alley alignment to the north, and what will be the newly reconstructed UnionStreet to the east. The Sites enjoy convenient access to Interstate 490. Once completed, the newUnion Street will become a two-lane street with a center turn lane. On the western side of the newUnion Street, immediately adjacent to the development sites, there will be an 8 ft. recessed parkinglane, 5 ft. grass tree lawn, 10 ft. 2-way cycle track, another 5 ft. tree lawn, followed by a minimum 5 ft.sidewalk. There will be playful elements such as whimsical bike racks, chess pieces for bollards,Legos, etc., incorporated in the public right of way around the Museum of Play.

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    The Sites are in the vicinity of a mix of residential, retail, cultural, commercial, institutional, open spaceand parking uses. More specifically, the Sites are within easy walking distance of vibrantneighborhoods such as the East End, East & Alexander, Park Avenue, and Monroe Avenue. Attractiveamenities to be found around the Sites include the East and Alexander bar district, Restaurant 2-Vine,Harts Local Grocers, The Little Theatre, Spot Coffee, Metro Center YMCA, the Eastman Theater and

    The Strong Museum. This neighborhood is an expanding residential and entertainment area.

    Ownership of the Sites is in the process of being transferred to the City of Rochester from the State ofNew York. They were reclaimed from a former below grade expressway, which is being removed andfilled in to create several acres of shovel ready development land.

    Summary of Parcel Data

    Name: Inner Loop East Parcels on Union Street

    Tax IDs: Not yet assigned 

    Ownership: Presently in transition to the City of Rochester  

    Location: Downtown, East End Current Use: Below Grade Highway 

    Zoning: Center City District (CCD) East End 

    Sites Area: The area being offered contains five (5) sites with a combined land area ofapproximately 235,224 square feet or 5.4 acres

    Site 1 (Haags to Charlotte) = 0.52 acres

    Site 2 (Charlotte to East) = 1.37 acres

    Site 3 (East to Broad) = 0.68 acres bisected by a driveway easement for 255East Avenue

    Site 4 (Broad to Savannah) = 0.97 acres

    Site 5 (Savannah to Howell) = 1.99 acres

    Access: Direct access is available from Charlotte Street, Pitkin Street, Union Street andHowell Street. Vehicular access from Union Street is discouraged.

    5 4 3 2


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    Charlotte Square Development

     Another aspect to note whenconsidering options for theredevelopment of the Sites is the currentCharlotte Square development

    immediately adjacent to the Sites, andlocated west of Site 1, on CharlotteStreet. The project is being undertakenby Home Leasing and will include thenew construction of a four storystructure with 72 rental apartments ofwhich 8 will be reserved for personsearning under incomes of 100% ofmedian family income. The secondphase of the project (adjacent to PitkinSt.) will include up to 14 owner-occupied town homes. The project will also include open space on the

    lower level of the structure, 80 enclosed parking spaces, and other tenant amenities. This $15 millionproject commenced construction in August 2015 and will be completed in summer/early fall 2016 .

    Note  that the soon-to-be-constructed owner-occupied townhouses at Charlotte Square are adjacent to Site 1being offered through this RFP. This may offer an opportunity for Developers to consider single family, possiblyhome-ownership development on Site 1 to seamlessly integrate the area formerly bisected by the Inner Loop.

    Development Objectives for Center City

    There are several ways to create lively streets. While restaurant, retail, and entertainment uses are

    among the most desirable, the market for these uses in downtown Rochester is not yet as robust as

    many would like. Therefore, it is important to reinforce the existing nearby urban retail/restaurant

    corridor. Conversely, surface parking and first floor parking garage spaces drain vitality and livelinessfrom the street and should be avoided along East, Union, Broad, and Charlotte.

    The Sites are located within the Center City for which a Center City Master Plan (CCMP) was updated

    in 2014 and adopted by City Council in January 2015. The CCMP is intended to clearly communicate a

    positive future for Rochester and provide specific actions on how to move towards that future. The plan

    is based on the concept that Downtown is a place for living, working, and visiting. The plan is organized

    around seven leverage points and 82 specific actions. “The fundamental vision for Rochester’s Center

    City is an urban community of lively streets and public spaces that is a desirable place to live, a

    desirable place to work, and because of that, a desirable place to visit. Projects, public and private, will

    be evaluated on how much they add life to streets and public places .” To that  end, the CCMParticulates seven (7) leverage points to achieve the vision as follows: Public Spaces; Engagement;

    Heritage; Mobility and Transportation; Places and Neighborhoods; Arts and Culture; and Connecting.

    Please access the whole plan here: .

    Charlotte Square Rendering

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    General - The Sites were generated by filling in a portion of the formerly recessed eight-lane highwayknown as the Inner Loop. The former roadway is being filled in with clean fill meeting the NYSDOTspecification 203.03 – Embankment in Place standard. The result of the fill will be a two lane highwaywith a center turn lane upon completion (Union St), and the sites described in this RFP. There are

    several encumbrances to each site and they are as follows:

    Site 1: Haags to Charlotte

      6’ combined sewer tunnel (underground at approx. 20’ depth); this will create restrictions onfoundation design, weight and access near the easement imposed by Monroe County PureWaters Development Review Office


    Vehicular access restrictions – all access must be from Charlotte Street; parcel is withoutaccess along Union Street;

      Inner Loop Phase 2 may eliminate Pitkin Street along this parcel; and  Future utility connects will be made from Charlotte Street not Union Street.

    Site 2: Charlotte to East  6’ combined sewer tunnel (underground at approx. 20’ depth); Manhole access point for 6’

    combined sewer tunnel (surface level approx. 75 sf; disrupts the Union Street frontage); Thesewer tunnel will create restrictions on foundation design, weight and access near theeasement imposed by Monroe County Pure Waters Development Review Office


    Vehicular access restrictions – all access must be from Pitkin Street;  Utility easement for Monroe County Pure Waters; and  Future utility connects will be made from Pitkin Street not Union Street.

    Site 3: East to Broad


    12” gas line (underground at approx. 4’ depth); 24” steam line (underground at approx. 4’

    depth); 48” combined sewer line (underground at approx. 20’ depth); 27’ wide adjacent parcelaccess (driveway for 255 East Avenue) through middle of parcel;

      Maintenance agreement – buyer will be responsible to maintain (plow, maintenance, replace)the 20’ wide asphalt driveway and curb;


    Vehicular access will be limited to existing driveway apron on Union Street; 

    Property is bounded by streets on only 3 sides; Pitkin Street will be removed in future; 

    Utility easement in the middle for steam (RDH), RGE Gas, MCPW; and  New water connections will be made from Broad Street or East Avenue, not Union Street.

    Site 4: Broad to Savannah  115 KV Electric Line (tentative removal date of 1-2018); and 

    Vehicular access restrictions – all access must be from Savannah Street; parcel is withoutaccess along Union Street.

    Site 5: Savannah to Howell  115 KV Electric Line (tentative removal date of 1-2018); and  Vehicular access restrictions – all access must be from Savannah Street.

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    Sale and conveyance of each of the five distinct sites for a determined type of development will resultfrom the award of this RFP. The Sites will be sold to the Developers that provide the best proposal forthe development of each of the Sites to return them to the tax rolls, enhance the surrounding area, andrely least on public funding. The Sites are presently in the ownership of New York State but they will

    be conveyed to the City prior to sale resulting from this RFP.Purchase Price

    The Sites will be sold at full market value as determined by independent appraisals. Final fair marketvalue purchase price will be determined prior to sale of the Sites awarded under this RFP. Byresponding to this RFP, respondent confirms willingness to pay a minimum of fair market rate for eachparcel as determined by an appraisal yet to be completed.

    For guidance, respondents may choose to use a recent comparable at 14-80 Charlotte Street. The lotstotaled 1.882 acres and appraised for $700,000, equating to a value of $8.54 per square foot.Interested developers may choose to use this estimation as a guide, at their own discretion, as a basis

    for approximating the possible estimated acquisition cost per site.


    With the help of SWBR Architects the following vision was articulated for the general area that includesthe Sites, which are the subject of this RFP, and other sites not included in the RFP. All developersmust familiarize themselves with the general theme and intent of the study materials in preparing theirproposals. Please see the full document titled Land Use and Design Opportunity in the Resourcessection. Highlights include:

      Nationally Renowned Destination for Play & Music filling a Growing Market Niche;


     A New Neighborhood Center & Urban Village Main Street Filled with a Density of New Residents;  Connected Neighborhoods & Destinations;

      Both Visionary (Iconic & Critical Mass) Development and Incremental Development Opportunities;

      Heavily Programmed Neighborhood and Streets;

      Residents with Healthy & Lively Lifestyles;

       A Reputable & Proud Address to Live and to Work; and

      Unique Urban Shopping Experience with Convenience, Specialty Retail, Play, Sports, Music andother Themed Retail.

    Philip Michael Brown Studio  also prepared a document titled Inner Loop East  –  Design Vision andRecommended Principles  (see Resources) that provides an overall conceptual design vision for thefuture development of the Sites. He contends that high standards of architectural and urban designquality should be achieved in the careful development of the Sites. The rendering below is anexample of what the corner of Union Street and the new Charlotte Street extension could look like,when looking southwest from Union.

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     Additionally, designs should promote healthy, playable, engaging and interactive walkableenvironments. Play elements promote community building, health, tourism, and bring families, youngprofessionals and economic development to the area. For examples of play infrastructure, please visit"playable city" resources at

    Inner Loop East Design Guidelines

    The lands created by the Inner Loop East Transformation project offer an unparalleled opportunity forcity building. Well-designed development of the new sites will mend the urban fabric and reconnectneighborhoods that have been divided by an expressway for over half a century.

    The new development shall:

    1. Be forward looking yet acknowledge the context and scale of urban Rochester, in general, and theEast End neighborhood in particular;

    2. Incorporate publicly accessible open/green space. There are opportunities (in order or preference)on Site 2 at the corner of East Avenue and Union; and, on Site 2 by continuing the Vine Streetcorridor; and/or on Site 5 by continuing the Buena Place corridor;

    3 Connect to and reinforce adjacent neighborhoods and public spaces, especially Dr. Martin LutherKing Jr. Memorial Park and the future expansion of Strong Museum of Play;

    4. Consist of buildings that are truly urban;

    a. Appropriate scale bulk and massingb. Variety in building massing and facades; the goal is to prevent monolithic structures

    5. Have active first floor spaces;

    a. Reinforce East Avenue retail corridor with retail spaceb. Employ creative approaches to first floor activity. This can include retail or office space,

    live-work space, and/or ground related residential or other flexible space that can be easilymodified should market demands change

    c. Frequent and active building entrances for pedestriansd. Surface parking or first floor interior parking are usually not considered an active space

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    6. Not propose additional vehicular crossing of the new Union Street separated bicycle lane (cycletrack);

    7. Have architectural features to reinforce prominent corners and gateways, especially theintersection of East and Union;

    8. Use high quality materials;

    a. Authentic clay brickb. Stone and cultured stonec. Full height glass storefronts (where retail is proposed)d. Terra cottae. Woodf. Metal

    9. Support and build upon the Strong National Museum of Play: a nationally and internationally knowninstitution located within the neighborhood.


    Development of the Sites will require a number of approvals from the City of Rochester. At a minimum, thefollowing approvals will be required:

      Rochester City Council (for land sale);  City Bureau of Planning and Zoning (for site plan review and approval); and  State Environmental Quality Review.


    The proposals being submitted must demonstrate a well-planned and detailed development, with high qualityand appropriate design concept relying on the information in the attached documents, and the financial strength

    to undertake the project. The City reserves the right to reject any proposals submitted without the minimumrequirements listed below.

    The minimum items that must be submitted for consideration for the purchase and development of the Sitesare:

    A.  Transmittal letter with the following information:

    1.  Developer’s Name;

    2.  Developer’s Street Address;

    3.  City, State & Zip;4.  Mailing Address if different from Street Address;5.  Contact Person Name, Title;


    Telephone Number;7.  Email Address;8.


    Fax Number;9.


    Federal Taxpayer I.D. Number; and10.  This proposal is for (check all that apply): Site 1 ___; Site 2 ___; Site 3 ___; Site 4____; Site 5____.

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    B.  Summary of Overall Proposal

    1.  Narrative summarizing the overall project/proposal including the need/demand for the proposed use,key benefits (public and private) of the proposal and project development costs;

    2.  Vision statement describing the general development program, architectural style, exterior materials,etc.; and

    3.  Statement as to how/why the proposed development is the highest and best use of the Site(s). The City

    deems mixed use to be the highest and best use of the Sites.

    C. Project Development Plan


    Design concept/rendered drawings and elevations — minimum concept drawings to include:

    -  Site plan including how the proposed building will be oriented on the Sites, and showing buildingelements, landscaping, parking and access (vehicular and pedestrian);

    -  Description of land use types, styles and number of bedrooms/square footage proposed for eachland use type; and

    -  Infrastructure requirements.

    Note: Detailed perspectives, renderings, 3D modeling and electronic presentations are notrequired; however, they may enhance understanding of the proposal.Digital presentation material on CD may be submitted to supplement the proposal hard copies.

    2.   A project narrative describing proposal for each Site:

    -  Number of buildings to be developed on each Site, specifically the types of use for each buildingand number of residential units, commercial units, or whatever is proposed;

    -  Square footage by proposed uses, number and, if applicable, size of housing units broken down byfloor;

    -  Describe your understanding of the 2014 Center City Master Plan Update, the ILE vision, and therecommended design concepts for the Sites and the district as a whole, and state how your designplays to these guidelines;

    - Key development components with an explanation of relevance for each component;

    -  How the project responds to the environmental conditions and findings of the Site; and-   Any unique and/or highlighted features and how these features will be beneficial.


     Access and Parking Demand:

    Provide a preliminary analysis of the access and parking demand associated with the proposed

    development and how the demand will be met. Developers are encouraged to consider multiple

    solutions related to access such as walking, bicycling, transit, car share and private automobile

    (parking). Also consider parking agreements with the owners of nearby existing parking lots & garages.

    4.  Project schedule (proposed) including:

    -  Closing on property sale;-  Design;-   Anticipated permit approvals;-  Funding commitments based on the proposed funding sources;-  Construction start/completion; and-  Occupancy.

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    D.  Project Costs and Funding

    1. Provide cost estimates detailing land acquisition, hard costs and soft costs. Include all assumptions.

    2. Use the attached standardized Sources and Uses Form for summarizing the sources of funds (includingbank participation, owner equity, and any other sources that may be pursued) for both construction andpermanent financing, and uses of the funds.

    There must be no funding gaps.

    The standardized form will assist the selection committee in comparing proposals during the evaluationprocess.

    3. List expected terms for the project financing by source, including loan amounts, interest rates, termlength, and any special loan covenants/requirements.

    4. The proposed financing arrangements must be verified by a letter from the financial source/institutionindicating that the project has been reviewed and the source/institution is willing to favorably consider aloan application to finance the project.

    5. Projects requiring subsidies should identify the other resources that may be sought, specifically notingthe entity names and specific program (such as COMIDA, State of New York, the Federal Home LoanBank, etc.

    6. Developers expecting to apply for COMIDA assistance by way of a PILOT should note that the Cityexpects respondents to apply for the JobsPlus Program (an existing COMIDA tax abatement program).If residential use is proposed, and since JobsPlus does not accommodate residential uses, the City willconsider supporting an application to COMIDA with the same abatement schedule as the JobsPlus(subject to the approval of the PILOT Review Committee). More information on the COMIDA JobsPlusProgram can be found by following this link:  .

    7. Provide a 10 year pro forma showing all revenues, expenses, debt service, rate of return and detailed

    assumptions (vacancy, rents by BR size or per sq. ft. for commercial/retail and if the latter is triple net,etc.).

    E.  Development Team

    1.  Provide a listing of, and an organization chart for the development team members, including thedeveloper, project manager, construction manager, architects/engineers and marketing personnel;


    Provide resumes of the principal participants involved in the project; and3.


    The proposals should include a summary of the experience of the project team, similar projects that thedevelopment team has been involved with and how that experience will be useful in undertaking theproposed project.

    F.  Developer Experience

    1.  Provide a list of all current projects and development commitments for the next 24 months; and2.  Submit a detailed history of all projects that have been completed in the last five (5) years with an

    emphasis on projects similar to those being proposed here

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    G. Marketing plan

    Please include a marketing plan that includes, at a minimum, the following items:


    Rent/lease marketing plan for all uses;2.  Promotion schedule/phasing;3.  Identification of targeted market sector/population that the project is intended to serve;


     A narrative describing how the project will be successfully marketed to reach the intended targetedmarket sector/population ;

    5.   Any applicable pre-sale marketing strategies; and6.


    Marketing team.

    H.  Issues and Concerns

    The proposal should identify any issues or concerns in relation to the project. Any financial assistancerequested from the public sector should be presented in detail.

    I.  Enterprise and Workforce Goals

    1.  During the construction of the project, the Developer will be expected to meet the City’s utilization goals

    for Minority and Women-owned Enterprises of 20% of the total dollar amount of contracts; and2.


    There will also be required workforce hiring goals of 20% minority and 6.9% women of the totalemployment numbers or hours for the project.

    Final Note: The City reserves the right to reject any proposal submitted without the minimum itemsindicated above.


    Each proposal will be evaluated based on the information submitted. A committee will be formed with members

    appointed from various City departments. Proposals received within the stated deadline and containing all

    required information will be evaluated using the following criteria:

    A.  Quality of the Development Plan:1.  Consistency with, and support of, the objectives and design strategies set forth in the Center City

    Master , Design Vision & Recommended Principles, Design Guidelines (listed in this document) andother Inner Loop East studies;

    2.  Design and key features of the proposal;3.  Provisions to address new parking demand as a result of the proposed development; Surface parking is

    discouraged, but if necessary, its placement should not detract from or interrupt active frontage alongUnion Street, East Avenue, Charlotte and Broad Streets;

    4.  Inclusion of affordability component in any proposed housing;5.


    Overall appeal and quality of design and materials proposed;


    Incorporation of publicly accessible open/green space; and7.  Use of sustainable and/or environmentally sensitive construction methods and materials.

    B.  Understanding the Project and Sensitivity to the Recommended Guidelines:1.  Consistency with the vision for the Sites;2.


    Publicly accessible open/green space; and3.  Identification of relevant issues and sound reasoning.

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    C.  Financing Plan:1.  Economic feasibility/financial soundness of project budget/Proforma, with Sources and Uses;2.   Ability to secure project funding/financing (i.e. commitment of funds already in place);3.


    Level of Developer cash equity in the project; and4.


    Impact on the tax base.

    Please note: Preference will be given to proposals showing:

    - The highest economic benefit to the public; and- The lowest or no public subsidy necessary to complete the project.

    D.  Experience:1.  Developer must demonstrate proof of having completed projects similar in scope and size;2.  Developer must demonstrate ability to complete proposed project; and3.  Experience working with public/private partnership.

    E.  Project Schedule:The Developer’s ability to complete the projects in a timely manner .

    Upon initial review of the submitted proposals, the evaluation team may choose to establish a short-list for

    subsequent interviews, may require the submission of more detailed information related to the financialcondition of the development company (company financial statements, personal financial statements, globalreal estate report, etc.). Any additional financial information provided will be confidential and not subject tothe Freedom of Information Law. All RFP respondents will be notified if and when a short-list is established.The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all submissions.


    The Developers selected for consideration under this RFP will enter into a period of exclusive negotiations withthe City of Rochester for a period of time. If the City and the Developers are able to reach an agreement on thedevelopment terms (purchase price, development programs, financing plan, and development schedule), the

    City will move forward with the public and legal processes to sell each parcel for which agreement is reached. Ifthe City and the Developers are unable to reach an agreement, either party may withdraw from the project withno liabilities. The City may open discussion with other Developers at that time.

    The City may request any additional information as it determines appropriate to select Developers whoseProposals are best suited to this project. All Developers are responsible for the cost of preparing all informationin response to this RFP and any additional information as requested by the City.


    Restriction on Communication

    News releases pertaining to this RFP or the services to which it is related will not be issued by anofferor/bidder/proposer or the selected offeror/bidder/proposer without the prior written approval of the City. Inthe event an offeror/bidder/proposer issues a news release pertaining to this RFP or the purposes to which itrelates without the prior approval of the City, the offeror/bidder/proposer may be excluded from consideration.

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    Rights Reserved


    Only submissions that comply with all the objectives, provisions and requirements of this Request for

    Proposals (RFP) will be considered for review by the City of Rochester (City).


    The City reserves the right to independently investigate or request clarification of the contents of anyproposal, including requesting that any prospective purchaser provide additional information, or make apresentation before the final selection is made.


     All materials submitted in response to this RFP become the property of the City, without obligation of theCity to return such materials.

    D.  All determinations of completeness of any submission and compliance with the objectives, provisions andrequirements of this RFP, and the eligibility or qualification of any developer, shall be at the sole andabsolute discretion of the City.

    E.  Subsequent to the submission of the proposals, the City, in its sole and absolute discretion, may enter intoparallel negotiations with two or more developers, may designate two or more developers for “short list”consideration, may request best and final offers and/or may conduct competitive proceedings with respect tothe potential disposition of the property described in this RFP. This is not a competitive process; the Citywill assess proposals and select developers in its sole and absolute discretion.


    The City of Rochester may waive any of the provisions, requirements, terms and conditions of this RFP.G. The City reserves the right to cancel or reissue the RFP at its sole discretion and that the City shall have no

    liability for any costs incurred in preparing a proposal.H.  The City reserves the right to issue an addendum should it become necessary to revise any section of this

    RFP, provide additional information necessary to adequately interpret provisions and requirements of thisRFP, or respond to written inquiries concerning the RFP.


    The City reserves the right at its sole discretion to accept or reject any and all proposals received as a resultof this RFP, to waive minor irregularities, to withdraw from the sale of the property, to elect not to proceedwith the process set forth in this RFP, and to conduct discussions with all responsible respondents, in anymanner necessary, to serve the best interest of the City of Rochester.

    J.  The City has no obligation to discuss its reasons for selecting, accepting or rejecting any proposals with anyproposers or representatives of said proposers.

    K.  The City shall not be liable for any costs or expenses (including but not limited to the foregoing costs andexpenses of legal counsel) incurred by any proposer in responding to this Request.


     All costs and expenses incurred by each proposer in connection with this RFP will be borne by the proposer,including without limiting the foregoing, all costs and expenses in connection with: surveys, reports, plans,designs, schematics, studies, research and any other due diligence work; preparation of each proposal;advice and representation of legal counsel responding to this RFP.

    M. The City reserves the right to withdraw from, or lease any or all of the properties for which the City hasmade a public request for Proposals at any time prior to approval by Rochester City Council.

    N. Proposals shall be accepted from principals only. No brokerage fees, finder’s fees, commissions or othercompensation will be payable by the City in connection with selection of a developer.

    O. Should it become necessary to review any part of this RFP, provide additional information necessary toadequately interpret provisions and requirements of this RFP, or respond to written inquiries concerning thisRFP, the City reserves the right to issue Addenda to the RFP and post it to the City website( –  it is the responsibility of all interested parties to regularly check the City

    website for any Addenda. The City reserves the right to extend the Submission Deadline by a reasonabletime.

    P.  The City of Rochester has the right in its sole and absolute discretion to reject any and all proposals, toaccept any proposal and to elect not to proceed with the process set forth in this Request for Proposals.

  • 8/19/2019 Rochester Inner Loop RFP




    RFP – Inner Loop East Development Sites Page 14 City of Rochester, NY


     Attachments: A.


    Proposal Submission ChecklistB. Standardized Sources and Uses FormatC.


    Survey Maps and Descriptions

    Resources:1.  Land Use and Design Opportunity by SWBR2.


    Design Vision and Recommended Principles by Philip Michael Brown Studio3.


    Public Comments - Inner Loop East Development4.


    Center City Master Plan:  5.  Inner Loop East Transformation Project Documents:  6.


    COMIDA JobsPlus Description: 

  • 8/19/2019 Rochester Inner Loop RFP


    Inner Loop East RFP – Proposal Submission Checklist  

    Attachment A  – Proposal Submission ChecklistPlease include this checkl ist with yo ur subm ission  

    Developer Name: ________________________________________________________

    I am submitting for  (check all that apply):  Site 1 ____; Site 2 ____; Site 3 ____; Site 4____; Site 5____The following items, A to D-7, must be provided separately for each Site check marked above: Yes N/A

     A. Transmittal letter with all 10 items listed in section 6A of RFP (No exceptions)

    B.Summary to include Narrative summarizing overall proposal; Vision; and Justification for highest

    and best use

    C-1 Project Development Plan – Design Concept/Rendered Drawings and Elevations

    C-2 Project Development Plan – Project Narrative

    C-3 Project Development Plan – Access and Parking Demand

    C-4 Project Development Plan – Project Schedule

    D-1 Project Costs and Funding – Cost Estimates including all assumptions

    D-2Project Costs and Funding – Standardized Sources & Uses Form for construction & permanent


    D-3 Project Costs and Funding – Expected terms for all sources for financing

    D-4 Project Costs and Funding – Letter from financial source/institution

    D-5 Project Costs and Funding – Sources of other subsidies sought

    D-6 Project Costs and Funding – Statement about requiring COMIDA/City tax abatements

    D-7 Project Costs and Funding – Ten-year Proforma

    The following items, E-1 to I, below need only be provided once for the entire proposal:

    E-1 Development Team – Listing and organization chart showing development team members

    E-2 Development Team – Resumes of principal participants

    E-3 Development Team – Summary of experience of development team; Description of similar projects

    F-1 Developer Experience – List current projects & commitments for next 24 months

    F-2 Developer Experience – History of all projects within last five years

    G. Marketing Plan

    H. Issues and Concerns

    I. Enterprise and Workforce Goals Plan

    Please include this checkl ist with yo ur subm ission  – No Exceptions  

  • 8/19/2019 Rochester Inner Loop RFP



    Attachment B - Standardized Sources and Uses




    Property Acquisition

    Professional Fees (Arch., Legal, Eng., etc)

    Site Work/Mobilization/Staging

    Construction Costs


    Financing Fees/Carrying Costs/Closing Closing Costs






    Additional Comments: 

  • 8/19/2019 Rochester Inner Loop RFP





    TYPE  SOURCE  AMOUNT  TERMS (Term, Interest Rate) 


    Cash Equity

    Const. Loan







    Additional Comments: 

  • 8/19/2019 Rochester Inner Loop RFP





    TYPE  SOURCE  AMOUNT  TERMS (Term, Interest Rate) 


    Cash Equity

    Const. Loan







    Additional Comments: 

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  • 8/19/2019 Rochester Inner Loop RFP


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  • 8/19/2019 Rochester Inner Loop RFP


  • 8/19/2019 Rochester Inner Loop RFP


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  • 8/19/2019 Rochester Inner Loop RFP


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