robert a day_in_the_life_of_an_egyptian (4)

Post on 11-Jul-2015






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A day in the life of an Egyptian servant

By Robert S.

Good morning Egypt

I wake up and yawn. Boil some water. While the water I boiling I give my prayers to Bes, asking him to protect me from evil spirits . By the time I am done my water is good. I slowly sink onto the floor. Then the thought of food reminded me of my duties. I eat some hummus on stale bread and put on my shift and drink the water. I run as fast as I can to the Nile river to bathe and get water. As I reach the rivers edge I notice a small boy being dragged in by a crocodile. The Nile is important for drinking water so I get my water but decide to skip my bath. When I get back I see a wild dog in my hut. I get a big thick stick and hit it over the head I think to my self this will be at least three days of food. Unless the government officials take it as my taxes.

My work

I am just getting to pharaoh Rollie’s palace. First I go to the kitchen to get him breakfast. On my way out of the kitchen I steal some fresh loaves of bread and stick them in my shift. For work I feed and dress the pharaoh. After I give him his food I go and get his clothes and dress him. My work here is done. I get one 8 ounce diamond for 1 months work. Now to go to my last job. I reach the bakery just in time. I start mixing dough and putting some In the oven when the boss walks in. He says I did such a good job I might get a raise. By the time I am done we have made 300 loaves. He gives me one to keep and gives me a small bag of gold.

After work

After I get paid I spend some money on a hen and two goats. I also buy some beer, broth, and vegetables. Tonight I make soup. I get back to my hut and start a fire and hang the basket over the fire to boil. I cut up the dog and put the broth and dog in. I chop the vegetables and throw them in too. I invite my neighbors over because they just lost their child to a crocodile. I play senet with their little girl until the soup is ready. We eat until we are stuffed and they go home. I go and put my earnings in a small chest buried next to my mat. I think about our greatest accomplishment, the great pyramids. As a slave, I like the barley being noticed part, but don’t care about my pay. I think to my self that my family will only be able to afford a box coffin with nothing fancy about it. No mummification for me. I think Ill slaughter the chicken tomorrow. And with that I roll over and go to sleep.

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