rob regan: a history of mine safety in nsw

Post on 27-Jan-2017



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Rob Regan former Director Mine Safety Operations & Chief Inspector September 2015

Mechanisation 1890 - 1925 Mechanisation commenced in a limited manner

First coal cutting machine installed at Greta in 1890 Electricity introduced 1893 for a motor driven pump Royal Commission 1907-08 ensured new mines would be

powered by electricity Slow progress;

‒ hand worked mines unsuitable ‒ old customs die hard ‒ mining unions employment fears

By 1925 coal cut by machines 20% in NSW vs 71% in the USA.

A History of Mining in NSW

A History of Mining in NSW

Mechanisation 1925 - 1946 Full concept of mechanisation from 1935

Continuing slow progress ‒ Machine cut coal from 20% to 22.6%

First mobile coal loading machine installed 1935 1945 only 26% coal underground machine cut & loaded Opposition to use of machines in pillars Ban caused loss of considerable tonnages of coal Significant progress when ban lifted in 1954

A History of Mining in NSW

Mechanisation 1946 - 1950

Coal Industry Act 1946

Critical shortage of coal during war years 1939 to 1945 & after Commonwealth Board of Inquiry into the Coal Mining Industry Commonwealth & NSW Governments each passed a Coal Industry Act in 1946. Established the Joint Coal Board with wide powers over the coal industry Also established the Coal Industry Tribunal Introduction of first Joy Continuous Miner in the country in 1950 Joint Coal Board encouraged open-cut mining and exploration

A History of Mining in NSW

Mechanisation 1950 - 1963 Complete Mechanisation Mechanised cutting, loading & transport increased steadily to 2 mtpa

‒ mechanisation, efficiency, open cut expansion, more manpower, far fewer strikes.

1951-52: nearly 1 mtpa increased national consumption 1952-53: coal available for export 1954: ban on the mechanical extraction of pillars lifted 1959: coal mechanically loaded rose to

‒ 39% of underground production and ‒ open cut production increased 91% to 1.6 mtpa

1961: 30% of daily output from mechanised extraction of pillars 1963: mines had commenced two-shift operations

A History of Mining in NSW

Mechanisation to 2015 Significant Changes in Mechanisation Coal cutters & separate loaders with rail mounted mine cars Hauled by battery or trolley-wire electric locos or diesel locos Development of trackless mining rubber tyre shuttle cars ceased Recommenced in 1950 with introduction of continuous miners Reinforced use of conveyor belt haulage 1960: mechanised longwall extraction systems attempted 1980: successful establishment of longwall operations 1984: CM coal declined from 83% to less than 24%, and

LW coal increased from 17% to about 76% 1990: CM production nearly 56% & longwall 44% 2000: Development of bolter-miners 2014: CM production 12% & LW 88% of 74.4mtpa ug coal

A History of Mining in NSW

A History of Mining in NSW

Legislation: 1854 - 1912 The critical activities regulated Mine ventilation Inspections for detection of methane Gas & dust explosion suppression Use of explosives Use of electricity in coal mines. Appointment certified managers and others to mines The issue of a summary of the Act to all employees. Appointment of Coal Mine Inspectors Appointment of a Chief Inspector of Coal Mines

A History of Mining in NSW

Legislation: 1912 - 2015 Ongoing upgrading to deal with critical risks of roof & sides, gas, dust, new technology

Systematic timbering rules Use of cutting and welding apparatus Water reticulation to the mining place Installation and use of belt conveyors Fire precautions and fire fighting organisation Gas monitoring Rules and schemes for prescribed activities at a coal mine Concepts of duty of care and risk management Nationally consistent WHS(Mines)Act 2013 & Regulation 2014

A History of Mining in NSW


Changes based on data analysis

Use of targeted notices

Specific equipment examples

Guideline development

Standards development

Investigation of serious incidents

25 years of mechanical engineering action

A History of Mining in NSW

Mechanical Engineering Safety Seminars initiated by Leo Roberts Managers of Mechanical Engineering meetings Targeted workshops for winders, drill rigs, high pressure fluids Presentations

– Mining Mechanical & Mining Electrical Engineering Society – Check Inspectors, Mine Managers Association of Australia – Commercial conferences, e.g. IIR for conveyors – AS1755 for belt conveyors for Regulations

Safety alerts & significant incident reports Small mines, quarries & Opal mining mechanical engineering Mine Safety Officers basics of mechanical safety

Mechanical Engineering Communications

A History of Mining in NSW

Search of National & International fatality databases Complaints from CIs, MMEs & OEMs Coal Services Pty Ltd Workers Compensation Insurance data Reportable incidents involving mechanical plant & equipment Audits of underground coal mines conveyors, winders, LHD doors,

shuttle car brakes, canopies on continuous miners Targeted inspections of higher frequency reported surface and

underground plant & equipment Outcomes of diesel explosion protection workshops, and Risk assessments

Changes Based on Data Analysis

A History of Mining in NSW

Mechanical Compendium MDG30 Shuttle car oil immersed brakes USA canopy test requirements adopted for continuous miners Load haul dump vehicles required to have doors Large tyres deflated before wheel assembly removed Highway type truck & trailer cover fitting & removal Approval of diesel engine systems assessed by AAA’s AS4240 “Remote controls for mining equipment” Safety guideline for machine mounted drilling rigs Fires on open cut mobile equipment New two-handed rib bolter controls standard

Use of targeted notices A History of Mining in NSW

Automatic parking brakes Apr 1993 MESS presentation on need for automatic park brakes

Oct 1995 Chief Inspector of Coal Mines required automatic brakes to apply when operator leaves compartment

Jan 1996 Inspectors investigate misuse of automatic park brakes

Mar 1996 Review of underground free steered vehicle incidents presented at the Mechanical Engineering Safety Seminar.

JCB data review showed injuries reduced from +300 per year for 88/89 & 89/90 to average of 206 per annum for 92/93, 93/94 & 94/95

2015 update from Coal Services database shows a much reduced total of 264 injuries for the last 10 years

Specific equipment example

A History of Mining in NSW

Initiated for internal Inspectorate use for consistency

Industry engineers wanted access

Industry input needed to improve guidelines

OEMs wanted involvement for an edge in development & sales

Industry engineers, union representatives and OEMs involved

Coal Mines Insurance data & notifiable incidents were used to progress improvements

Many guidelines have become Australian Standards, i.e. winder ropes, UG air compressors & remote control equipment

Guideline Development

A History of Mining in NSW

A/NZ and International Standards are a key part of mechanical engineering safety. Examples of standards developed and/or improved over the last 25 years include:- Tyre and Rim Underground Air Compressors Conveyors Remote isolation Pre-start warning & continuous lanyards Winder rope retirement Improvement in the small scale FRAS belt test standard Improvements in all testing standards for belts Improved assessment of FRAS for conveyor belting & other FRAS materials Diesel engines for use in underground coal mines - explosion protection, fire

protected, maintenance and emissions control Elevated work platforms, Cranes and lifting equipment

Standards Development A History of Mining in NSW

Wyee drift haulage rope failure

Metropolitan shearer pulling face conveyor chain sling breakage

Angus Place high pressure hydraulic oil sampling

Appin underground scaffold collapse

Gretley Longwall chock leg high pressure fluid escape

Oakdale LHD protective device too low and not a canopy

Ellalong LHD park brake not applied and LHD moved uncontrolled

Karuah truck runaway

Wambo major conveyor fire

Serious incident investigation

A History of Mining in NSW

Safety Management System

Contractor Management Plans

Principal Hazard Management Plans

Principal Control Plans

Specific Control Measures

Emergency Management Plans

WHS (Mines) Act 2013 & Regulation 2014

A History of Mining in NSW

Principal Control Plans


Mechanical engineering

Electrical engineering


A History of Mining in NSW

WHS (Mines) Act 2013 & Regulation 2014

Electrical, Mechanical & Mining Engineering Safety Prevention of unplanned falls of strata, Prevention of inrushes of mud, water, gas, Prevention of gas and dust explosions, Prevention of electric shock and burns, Prevention of fires, Prevention of uncontrolled explosives blasts, Prevention of injury and death from unintended operation of equipment, Prevention of high pressure hydraulic fluid injection Provision of electrical safeguards with a correct safety integrity level

(reliability vs. failure on demand or failure per hour), and Prevention of health risks from airborne pollutants such as diesel

particulate matter, diesel exhaust gases, coal and silica dust

A History of Mining in NSW WHS (Mines) Act 2013 & Regulation 2014

Management System Approach

Systematic, Rigorous & Auditable Approach System functional safety Hierarchy of risk control Critical controls with details Control owners

The above is used to provide: Fit for purpose equipment High focus on hazardous area equipment Competent people Proper procedures

A History of Mining in NSW

Action Sample Question Legislative Support 1. Consultation What do workers think about

safety? WHS Act 2011, s 46-49; WHS Reg 2011 ch 10 (applies to mines)

2. Hazard Identification What are the possible dangers? WHS Reg 2011 c 34

3. Risk assessment How serious are the risks to workers which arise from these dangers?

WHS Reg 2011 c33

4. Risk Management

What can be done to eliminate or reduce those risks?

WHS Reg c 35, 35, 37, 38

5. Information What do workers need to know to be safe?

WHS Act 2011 s 19(3)(f), 22 (4) & (5).WHS Reg 2011 c 39

6. Instruction & Training

How can I train workers to identify and deal with risks? Who will own the control?

WHS Act 2011 s 19 (3) (f) WHS Reg 2011 c 39

7. Supervision What management structure is in place to see that safe procedures are being followed?

WHS Act 2011 s 19 (3) (f)

8. Monitoring Have I checked to see that my risk management is working?

AS/NZS 4360:2004

9. Review Is my risk management plan still valid in light of changing conditions?

WHS Reg 2011 c 38

10. Revising Do I need to change anything? Have I changed what I need to change?

WHS Reg 2011 c 38



Rob Regan former Director Mine Safety Operations & Chief Inspector September 2015

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