rob & christine

Post on 03-Apr-2016






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September 8th 2012


SEP T 8 2012

Christine - The last seven years have been the best of my life. I think

about how far we’ve come from the days when you called me your “man friend” because you thought calling me your “boyfriend” was strange. I smile when I remember how insecure we were about saying “I love you” and how we just said L-bomb instead. I was so lucky to have a “Lady Friend” like you. You’ve had me out of my comfort zone since day one, and I think it would take nothing less that an odyssey to ind it again. You’ve been my best friend and my biggest fan. You make me laugh and always inspire me. You use words that are so big...I swear you’ve made them up. You introduced me to swiss chocolate and helped me rationalize every single bite. You always impress me. So I will always try to impress you.

Christine, I will always make you my number one priority. I will be your

partner in crime and adventure. Your sous-chef and your beast of burden. I will hold your hand while we sleep when it’s too warm to embrace. I will do whatever it takes to make you smile. Because I am truly happy when you’re happy. I will never say “I told you so,” because let’s be honest, how often does that opportunity come up? I will celebrate your successes and

hug you through your struggles. I will not use my thumb as a utensil at restaurants, but I might let it slide at home. I will have faith in you every. single. day. I will love your wrinkles and your extra navicular bone. I will encourage you to be weird and will love you more each day because of it. I will lead when you need me to and follow when you want me to. I will always maintain the ability to bench press you.

And most importantly, I will give you the best of myself: My hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward, for as long as we both shall live.


Not to worry, folks. Looks like we may have some incoming L-bombs.

Christine, I love you. I love you. I love you.

- Rob

Rob - I remember when I looked at you years ago and said “I could have made you up.” You are funny, honest, talented, deeply empathetic and have thighs bigger than mine. Added bonus you can bench press me. How am I so lucky to be marrying the man of my dreams?

I think Rumi 13th century Muslim poet had it right: “The minute I heard my irst love story,I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was.Lovers don’t inally meet somewhere.They’re in each other all along.”

I think that is it. When we met each other we found ourselves. You’ve made it OK for me to be me. You’ve made me better. You are my calm, my support, my voice of reason. And though we’ve been together for seven years in our love story from beefcake to best friend, everyday feels new with you. I love you for the man you were, the man you are, and the man you have yet to become.

So we are getting married today I need to make you some promises here in front of all of our friends and family. I promise to make US a priority, ALWAYS. I promise to make elaborate meals and use every dish in the kitchen in the process. I promise to be there for you when you aren’t there for yourself. I promise to make packing for the beach feel like we’re preparing for a two week expedition. I promise to be wary when you give the beneit of the doubt. I promise to make our home a place where you can feel safe and loved when the world around us is crazy. Rob, I promise I will be here for you always as your love, your best friend, and your wife.

- Christine

On behalf of the Bajohr and Warner families, I would like to welcome all of you to this joyous occasion. You’ve come from many places to join in this celebration of a union between two wonderful individuals. Shanghai, Iceland, Ireland (they get the mileage prize), Portland and Seattle, Durango and Santa Cruz, New York (of course), Park City, Sarasota, Sedona, Shelby and Canton (that would be Michigan), and then there are the local natives. This is not only a special day for Christine and Rob, but also for Jean and myself. For on this day39 years ago, I wed the love of my life. Our minister shared with us something that has stayed with us ever since and something we want Rob and Christine to know. He said “It just keeps on getting better!” Last night, my son-in-law reminded me how special this day is by giving me an anniversary card for Jean that he happened to find. This is what I like about Rob. He is a thoughtful, calm, and helpful man. He is also a man of action, not just words. Ann and Don, you must be very proud of your son. Christine has always been a driven person who wants to have many, varied life experiences. She takes after her mom! We feel so lucky that Christine and Rob found each other in this big world of ours. Of course, it took seven years, living and working together, several travel adventures, and a move from New York to Santa Monica to get to this point. But now (sigh of relief) they are ready to commit themselves to each other and the task of working together to make their way on this journey called life. We hope they will continue to come home from the demands of their day to each other for love, companionship, cooperation, understanding, and tranquility. So, I would like to toast the couple with: in richer and in poorer, in sickness and in health, may you two come to know that it just keeps on getting better.

- Al

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