road to independence_close_the_gaps

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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The Road to Independence CLOSE THE GAPS

Name:___________________________ Pd:______ Date:________________

WHO PAID FOR THE FRENCH & INDIAN WAR?Proclamation of 1763 Pontiac Appalachian ignored war debt Quartering Act frontier Sugar Act Redcoats assemblies Thomas Gage

In 1763, in response to _______________________'s Rebellion and to stop war

with Native Americans, King George III forbade colonists settling WEST of the

_____________________________________ Mountains. This is known as the

______________________ ___ ______. Ten thousand (10,000) British

________________ enforced the Proclamation. The colonists were angered and

____________________ the order like teenagers when told to clean their bedrooms.

Therefore, General _____________ ______________was put in charge of the

concentration of soldiers in NY to rush to "hot spots" (areas of trouble) along the


A couple years later in 1765, the British redcoats required housing. As a result,

the ____________________ ________ of 1765 required colonists to quarter troops.

This means to provide housing and supplies for the British soldiers.

Britain begins to tighten control over the 13 colonies. Despite getting a "W"

in the French and Indian War, the British piggy bank (treasury) was empty. King

George III and Parliament believed the colonists should pay for the war since the

British redcoats protected them. Therefore, a series of unpopular taxes were

imposed for 2 major reasons: to pay the ___________ ____________ and to pay for

the soldiers on the frontier.

The _______________ ____________ of 1764 put a three-cent tax on foreign

sugar, molasses, and increased taxes on coffee, indigo, and certain kinds of wine.

It banned importation of rum and French wines. The British actually lowered the

price of sugar to decrease smuggled goods (illegal goods). This is the first time

Britain taxes all 13 colonies to raise money directly for the crown. The colonists

are dismayed and angered. Britain had left them alone for years (this is Known



as salutary neglect) and their own political ________________/legislatures already

taxed them.

How did the colonists resist injustice?

petition Colonial assemblies Boycott Stamp Act Congress tarred & feathered

Redcoats Adams protestsStamp Act No taxation without representation

Funeral of the Stamp Act Sons & Daughters of Liberty Declaratory Act

In 1765, the ______________ ______________ was the first British tax on goods

that the colonists made for themselves. This tax on newspapers, legal documents

(i.e., deeds), diplomas, and even playing cards resulted in colonial resistance.

The colonists did not send representatives to the British Parliament, therefore,

their rally cry was "____ ___________________ _________________

_____________________." That same year, Colonial representatives met at the in

New York to tell Parliament that they were not the boss of them. They drew up a

______________ protesting the Stamp Act, declared that the right to tax belonged

solely to the _________________ _________________. This meeting is called the

_________________ ____________ ____________ This act unified the colonies and they

also refused to buy British goods. The refusal to buy goods is called a

___________________. Additionally, secret societies known as the ______________

____ ______________ ____ _______________ led by Sam _____________staged

___________________, burned stamped paper and _______________ ______

_____________ customs officials. Customs officials collect taxes. Tarring and

feathering often led to extreme pain, infection, and death. Most Sons of Liberty

were lawyers, merchants, & artisans (the people most affected by the Stamp

Act.). In 1766, Parliament responded to colonial resistance by cancelling the

Stamp Act. This became known as the "________________ ______ _________

_________________ ________________." However, Parliament made sure to tell the

colonists that they were still the boss of them by passing the

_________________________ _______ which declared Parliament's right to rule and tax

the colonists in "all cases whatsoever."



What Was the Boston Massacre?

tea repealed Townshend Acts acquitted casualty Redcoats branded Boston MassacreWrits of Assistance John Adams Crispus Attucks

Since 1760, Redcoats used search warrants checking for smuggled goods

called ___________ ____ _________________. These writs gave unlimited search

rights to British officers. Colonials believed that unlimited searches violated their

natural rights. In 1767, the _______________ _______________taxed glass, paper,

paint, lead, and tea. This tax had to be paid in gold or silver to pay the salaries of

royal officials working in the colonies. The colonists were enraged because now

they had no way to punish bad officials. In 1770, Parliament

_______________________ the Townshend Acts & ended all taxes except on imported


There are 2 sides to every story and in some cases multiple POVs. The

____________________ ____________________ is one such event. __________________

often worked side jobs for less money than the colonists because they did not

make much money as a soldier. As a result, the Sons of Liberty led riots and

protests against the redcoats. On March 5, 1770 at the Customs House in Boston,

a gang of youths & dockworkers threw snowballs, ice, sticks, and stones at

redcoats, taunting them yelling, "lobsters" and "lobsterbacks." Inadvertently, one

soldier fired. In the end, 5 men died including ______________ __________________.

Attucks was a runaway slave and the 1st ________________ of the American

Revolution. The soldiers were arrested for murder and defended by the Patriot,

_______________ _______________, the 2nd President of the USA, and Josiah Quincy.

Adams believed that everyone deserved an honest defense. Seven redcoats

were _________________(found not guilty) and 2 were found guilty of manslaughter



and had the thumb on their right hand _____________________. That is why we have

to raise our right hand in a courtroom.

who partied like it was 1773?

monopoly tyranny tar and feather Tea Act coerce King George Intolerable Intolerable Acts Daughters of Liberty

The 13 colonies protested the British tax on tea through boycotts. As a


in 1773, the British East India Company had a surplus of tea that they needed to

sell or 18

million dollars worth of tea would be wasted! British Prime Minister Lord

Frederick North and Parliament passed a new law. The __________ _________ of

1773, allowed the British East India Company to be the only company that sold

tea in the Colonies. Their tea was less expensive than smuggled tea even with

the tax. The Tea Act gave the British East India Company a _____________________

on the tea trade. The jobs of colonial shippers and merchants were threatened

because the British East India Company would ship and sell the tea themselves,

thus cutting out the middle-man. Rebellion is brewing and the Sons of Liberty

threaten and ______ ______ ___________ East India Agents.

On December 16, 1763, about 7,000 colonists meet in Boston. Sam Adams,

leader of the Sons of Liberty, rallied the crowd, "Tea stands for ______________."

The _____________ ___ ___________________ make Mohawk costumes for the Sons of

Liberty's evening excursion to Griffen's Wharf. They party like it's 1773 and cry,

"Rally Mohawks! Bring out your axes! Tell __________ ___________ we'll pay no

taxes!" as they dump 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor.

King George III believes the colonists are children that need to be punished.

Boston Harbor is closed until the tea is paid for! The Massachusetts

representative government is restricted and General Thomas Gage is appointed



governor of Massachusetts! Additionally, British commanders could house troops

wherever necessary and British officials would stand trial in Britain rather than

the colonies. This became known as the ___________________ ________ also known

as the Coercive Acts. _______________ means unbearable. To ___________ someone

means to force.

Who Wins Lexington and Concord?Patrick Henry Georgia John Lockeminutemen militia redcoatsFirst Continental Congress Paul Revere retreatban Lexington "shot heard round the world"

In 1774, representatives from every colony except _____________________

met in Philadelphia at the _____________ _______________________

___________________. The Congress decides to _________British goods and to begin

training soldiers. John Hancock was in charge of the Committee of Safety and had

the power to call out the ______________________ in Massachusetts. A militia is an

army of ordinary citizens.

In 1775, ___________________ _________________ risked his life to defend the

natural rights of man in his famous speech to the Virginia House of Burgesses,

"Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!" We should not forget who inspired our

founding fathers and mothers! During the Enlightenment, _____________

______________ declared that all men are born with natural rights. Locke is quoted

in Common Sense by Thomas Paine and the Declaration of Independence by


To ensure public safety in Boston, Sam Adams' spy network watched British

activities. General Thomas Gage learned from his spies that __________________,

citizen soldiers ready at a minutes notice, stored guns in Concord, MA. Gage

ordered his men to destroy the supplies and arrest Hancock and Sam Adams. In

April 1775, Patriot leader ______________ ______________ discovers that British

soldiers will soon attack & capture Hancock and Adams in Lexington. On the



night of April 18, 1775, Patriots use two lanterns in the Old North Church to warn

others that the Redcoats were coming by sea (Boston Harbor). Revere begins his

ride at 11 pm yelling, "The ____________ are coming!" William Dawes and Dr.

Samuel Prescott joined Revere but Revere was captured. He was released but his

horse was seized. The midnight ride of Paul Revere warns the minutemen and

they are ready for the Redcoats on April 19, 1775. At Lexington, 700 Redcoats

ordered 70 minutemen to drop their muskets and within minutes 8 colonists lay

dead. 700 Redcoats against 70 Minutemen? Seems like Target Practice to me…

The British continued the march to Concord, destroyed the military

supplies, and a battle broke out at North Bridge. Four thousand MINUTEMEN


with musket fire which resulted in the British __________ to Boston. A British

soldier wrote, “It seemed as if men came down from the clouds." Lexington and

Concord is the FIRST BATTLE of the American Revolution. It is also know as the

"________ ____________ ___________ _______ __________________" - Ralph Waldo


Why do THEY wait to fire till they see the whites of

their Eyes?

Washington Philadelphia Continental ArmyContinental Congress Battle of Bunker Hill peace

slaveryDon't Fire Till You See the Whites of Their Eyes artilleryLondon Olive Branch Petition Thomas PaineCommon Sense independence Thomas Jefferson

In May of 1775, The Second _______________ _____________ meets again in

_________________. Some of the reps include: JOHN ADAMS, SAM ADAMS, JOHN


Congress agreed to form a _________________ _______________ and

___________________ was selected as its commanding general. In June of 1775, the

Patriots moved to occupy the peninsula near Boston and turned it into an armed

camp. At the __________________ ____ __________________ __________________ the

Patriots had to conserve their gun-powder. Therefore, COL. WILLIAM PRESCOTT’S

ORDERED, "_______ _________ _________ ________ _______ ______ _________ ____



_________ _________!" British General William Howe formed assault lines with

2200 men and after 2 attempts retook Bunker and Breed's Hill because the

Patriots ran out of gun-powder.

In July of 1775, the Continental Congress made one last effort for __________

& sent a letter to _______________ requesting King George III to stop the war. This

letter is known as the ___________ _____________ ______________ . He refused.

Consequently, in January 1776, Washington moved his army to Dorchester

Heights and bombarded Boston with artillery until the British fled.

In January of 1776, the Patriot and gifted writer, ______________

______________, wrote a persuasive pamphlet encouraging the 13 Colonies to

declare ___________________. His pamphlet was titled, ______________

______________. Soon afterward _____________________ ________________________

wrote, "all men are created equal and they are endowed by their creator with

certain inalienable rights that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of

happiness." Unfortunately, the passage condemning ______________ was cut from

the final document.



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