road accidents, 2015

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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What were the top 10 causes of fatal or serious road accidents in

Wales during 2015?

Source: Statistical Services, Welsh Government, June 2016

There were 5,543 road accidents involving personal injury recorded by the police

105 people were killed

1,081 people were seriously injured (referred to hospital)

These accidents had a personal–injury reported to the police

Source: Statistical Services, Welsh Government, June 2016

Overall – in Wales the number of road accidents and casualties is decreasing, whilst the volume of traffic on roads is increasing

Source: Statistical Services, Welsh Government, June 2016

These statistics refer only to accidents where a casualty was killed or seriously injured.

Police officers on scene at the time of the accident identify possible causes.

The 10 most common causes were…

Source: Statistical Services, Welsh Government, June 2016

10. Exceeding the speed limit

9. Pedestrians failing to look properly

8. Driver/ rider impaired by alcohol


Source: Statistical Services, Welsh Government, June 2016

7. Travelling too fast for conditions

6. Road layout

5. Driver/ rider was careless, reckless or in a hurry 12



Source: Statistical Services, Welsh Government, June 2016

4. Poor turn or manoeuvre

3.Driver/ rider failing to judge other person’s path or speed

2. Loss of control

Source: Statistical Services, Welsh Government, June 2016

The most common cause of road accidents in Wales is…

1. Driver or rider failing to look properly

Source: Statistical Services, Welsh Government, June 2016

Want to know more?For more analysis see our release, Police recorded road casualties, 2015:

Other Welsh transport statistics publications:

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