river ferry terminal

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 River Ferry Terminal


    Avicennia marina.

    Avicennia marina, commonly known as

    grey mangrove or white mangrove, is a species of

    mangrove tree classified in the plant family Acanthaceae

    (formerly in the Verbenaceae or Avicenniaceae). As

    with other mangroves, it occurs in the intertidal zones of

    estuarine areas.

    Adaptation Diagram

    cept illustration -

    ney Street Ferry Terminal landscape plan

    Concept illustration -

    Sydney Street Ferry Termina roof plan

    0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 20.0m2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 20.0m

  • 8/13/2019 River Ferry Terminal


    Diagram Legend

    Single Floating Pontoon - DualBerthing

    Waiting area with Go-Card activation and integrated signage

    Waiting Area with Furniture, drinking water and signage

    Opportunity for rainwater tank

    Potentiallocation for City Cycle docking station

    Existing Building Retained

    Seating nook overlooking Brisbane River

    Retractable debris screen

    Vehicle set down area

    Inclinator Gangway

    Existing Gangway

    VerticalLift (Not within current scope of this project)

    Existing Cycle and Pedestrian Paths upgraded in compliance with AS 1428

    Driver Amenities Pavilion with Toilet and Handwashing facilities

    Brisbane LilyBelgium. Meise.

    National Botanic Garden.Proiphys amboinensis The

    genus Proiphys belongs to the Liliaceae family and

    comprises three species, P. alba, P. amboinensis and

    P. cunninghamii. The genus was known as Eurycles for

    many years. These plants occur in light shaded areas

    of the rainforest or in open forest bordering rainforest

    regions, extending beyond Australia to South-East Asia.

    ydney street during the day







    6 7

    y n y t r t

    University of Queensland Terminal

    7 Sydney Street Terminal

    6 Holman Street Terminal

    4 (QUT) Gardens Point Terminal

    b Dutton Park Terminal (Mooring)a University of Queensland (Mooring)

    2 The Regatta Terminal 3 North Quay (1) Terminal 5 River Plaza Terminal

  • 8/13/2019 River Ferry Terminal


    We lay in open ground near the

    river, down New Farm way, among

    bamboos and mosquitoes... we

    watched the prawn fishers raise

    nets of intricate gold streaming

    against the candles. The nets

    were on fire, they gushed with

    orange-gold, then only a few

    tattered sparks welled from them.

    Hidden in spikes of grass, we

    heard the small sodden bumps ofthe prawns on the woodwork of

    the flat boat.Jack Lindsay, Life Rarely Tells

    1. Maximise use of existing structures.

    2. Simple, direct, flexible equitable access.

    3. Robust, simple flood damage mitigation.

    4. Simple, cost effective and time efficient flooddamage repair.

    5. A distinctive poetic character which respondsto and is of the riverside/ waters edge locationand their role as part of a distinctive rivertransport experience.

    6. A synthesis of architecture, landscapeand engineering.

    7. Beyond a normalised sustainable design.eg. biomimicry/ authentic nature.

    8. An adaptable system that allows a diverseresponse to each place and provides forprefabrication and economy of scale.

    9. Part of a wider and integrated with an urbandesign experience- buses, walking, taxis,bikes, dropoff, landscape, sightlines.

    10.A safe, secure, friendly connectedcommunity place.

    Bill Short Engineering & Project consultants

    c art and local narratives Brisbane Lily Ferry terminal fabric roof canopy

    + =


    dney street at night

    Canopy Ferry terminal concept


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