rive alley school...terry fox run raised over $600.00 leslie cooper-shand thank you for your...

Post on 12-Oct-2020






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There are a multitude of opportunities that arise throughout the year where we engage students in conversa-tions and actions that expand their understanding of different perspectives, capitalizing on the idea that every-one matters. A few examples from the past month include our participation in the Terry Fox run, and Orange Shirt Day, whose theme is “Every Child Matters”. Many powerful conversations happened and continue to happen, in classrooms around this idea.

From a global perspective we recognize the importance of our First Responders, and this has become very pertinent in the face of the pandemic. At the school level we consider parents our line of First Responders that we connect with for everything from a “whoops” on the playground to an emerging illness. Particularly at this time we appreciate the ability to work together with families to ensure the safety and wellness of our whole school community. To continue to help us in this regard, can we ask that you please:

1. Ensure demographics are up to date, including pre-existing conditions/ Covid test results 2. Continue to use the health screening tool each morning before your child comes to school 3. Utilize the CESD flowchart when determining next steps if your child seems ill 4. If your child is absent please advise if they are ill or excused for an appointment

You will note that Parent-Teacher Interviews are early again this year (October 19,20,21) which enables us to begin building those important connections with you early on. We plan to navigate interviews through Google Meets, and your child’s teacher will be in touch with a schedule. If internet connection is an issue for you, please let your child’s teacher know and together you can connect the old fashioned way - the telephone As always, I am open to your questions, concerns, and conversations about your kids. Feel free to call the office to connect at any time.


Leslie Cooper-Shand


Everyone Matters. . .

River Valley School

October 2020

Terry Fox Run raised over $600.00

Thank you for your support!

River Valley School

October 2020

Important tips for all our grownups navigating child(ren)s health: Ask really specific questions that help your child reflect on how they are actually feeling…

For example: Is your nose runny, like you need a kleenex OR is your nose stuffy, like you feel you can’t breathe? For example: Is your throat sore right now while we’re talking OR is your throat sore only when you have to eat or drink something?

**Note that on the flowchart there is a big difference in next steps based on the symptoms of runny nose vs. stuffy nose and sore throat vs. painful swallowing.

For example: Do you feel sick to your stomach like you might throw up OR do you feel sick to your stomach like nervous butterflies? (If the latter, then explore what might be making them anxious.) **Note that students do not need to stay home if they are anxious, but nausea is on the flow chart as a symptom of illness.

River Valley School

October 2020

Legion National Poster Contest

Sadie Winters (Grade 4) placed second in the 2019 Legion National poster contest. Her picture will hang in the Legion's national offices in Ottawa for the year and be displayed in the Parliament Buildings during Remembrance Week this year.

Kindergarten Drop-Off: Drop -off in the mornings moves from 8:00AM to 8:10AM starting October 05, 2020

If your child is away: If your child is away for the day, please let the office know when you call to excuse them (or leave a message on the answering machine) whether they are ill, or away for an appointment etc. This helps us greatly with monitoring the general health of the school as a whole - Thank you! If your child is away but is able to complete school work, please have them connect to their Homeroom Google Classroom where the main learning of the day will be posted.

Growly: Growly will start October 13 - yay!! Please see a modified menu and a change in days that students may attend on the calendar included here. Please note that the vending machine remains closed at this time.

Monthly Newsletter: The monthly newsletter is only sent out digitally. If you require a paper copy, please let your child’s teacher know.

Some Friendly reminders…...

Crayola ColorCycle Program

RVS continues to take part in a program called Crayola ColorCycle. The program repur-poses used markers of any brand (Crayola, dry erase, Sharpie, highlighters, etc.) rather than sending them to landfills! In each classroom, students and teachers will be collecting used markers that are dried out. You can support our efforts by sending your kids to school with any used markers you may have (no pens). They can drop them in their class-room drop-box. The ColorCycle program has repurposed more than 70 tons of expended markers in the USA and Canada since 2013. They use the most advanced plastic conver-sion technologies available today to make wax compounds for asphalt and roofing shin-gles, as well as to generate electricity that can be used to heat homes, cook food, and power vehicles.

River Valley School

October 2020

Crayola ColorCycle Program

Did you know that Sundre Nutrition for Learning Society serves breakfast 5 days a week to about 100 stu-dents at the Sundre High School and snacks 3 days a week to about 650 students at River Valley School? On average it costs us about $1.50 per student per day that is served. That is $3675 per week! This pro-gram operates on grants and donations so there is NO CHARGE to the students. Our mission is to promote a healthy lifestyle to all in our community by providing healthy food choices and nutritional education, and give an opportunity where positive interaction between youth, parents and community can occur while oper-ating a universal program to ALL students. Unfortunately volunteers are not able to support us this year as snacks need to be pre-packaged.

For more information please contact Carla at 403-638-8545 (call or text) or c.valentine@sundrenutrition.org

School Picture Retakes

Tuesday October 21, 2020

DATE: Tuesday October 20, 2020 TIME: 3:30 pm

LOCATION: Google Meet


Attention ALL School Parents ... Please GET INVOLVED in the Parent Council! Attending a school council meeting enables you to:

get involved with your school

advise the principal on the school’s education plan

recommend programs and events for the school

provide input into the school budget

Attend one meeting or many... have a say in your child’s education and enhance your school community

Nutrition for Learning. . .

Parent Council AGM. . .

River Valley School

October 2020

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Day 5 2 Day 6

5 Day 7

Kindergarten Drop-Off Now 8:10AM

6 Day 8 7 Day 1 8 Day 2 9

Collaborative Day

No Students


Thanksgiving Day

No Students

13 Day 3

Growly Opens

14 Day 4 15 Day 5

Band AGM

Google Meet 7:00PM


16 Day 6

19 Day 7

Parent Teacher


20 Day 8

Parent Teacher


21 Day 1

Picture Retake Day

Parent Teacher


22 Day 2 23

1/2 Day Collaborative

1/2 Day Non Instructional

No Students

26 Day 3 27 Day 4 28 Day 5 29 Day 6 30 Day 7

Important October Dates to Remember. . .

River Valley School

October 2020

Happy to be learning in our safe and caring schools A Message from the Superintendent Now more than ever, ensuring everyone in our school communities are surrounded by caring professionals within safe settings is paramount. Teaching and learning in the midst of a pandemic is a new experience, and our entire team has worked to ready ourselves for shifts in practice that may be required as we move forward. We are able to accomplish this because of our caring culture and our resilient students. We have heard that our students are happy to be back together and enthusiastic about their learning. We consider our Inclement Weather procedures to be another important example of our safe and caring fo-cus, and we will soon be navigating the challenges that winter weather can throw at us. We want to remind parents and staff of these Inclement Weather procedures, and encourage you to refer back to the information in the months ahead as we continue to refine our approach to ensure upmost safety for everyone in our Chi-nook’s Edge school communities. As always, we are also pleased to provide this link to the latest Board eNews. Kurt Sacher Superintendent of Schools

River Valley School

October 2020

TREX Exhibition SCRAPS - September 3rd until September 30th Below is a little about the artist and some samples of her artwork. Curated by Xanthe Isbister Developed by the Esplenade Arts and Heritage Centre This exhibition features twenty paintings by emerging Calgary-based artist Geneva Haley. Haley encourages viewers to develop relation-ships with her paintings through their own experiences. What can the landscape teach you about yourself? This is the question Haley asked herself as she developed this series of hand-painted illustrations. Through visual metaphors, these works express the struggle to balance chaos and control. Haley explains that “as a lifelong Albertan, I believe that examples of our own performativity leak into the ways in which we represent and manipulate our landscape, which many of us consider an aspect of our collective identity.” These works were inspired by Haley’s graphic novel that explores teenage-hood in rural Alberta. Her series of illustrations conveys isola-tion, fragility, and destruction in small-town Alberta, and the impact these things have on our subconscious and consciousness. The slightly melancholy subject matter is balanced by an upbeat aesthetic, influenced by her wicked sense of humour and “don’t take life too seriously” attitude. The spectrum produces endearing imagery and a relatable visual narrative of her life in small-town Alberta. Geneva Haley is originally from Olds, Alberta, where she grew up on a fifteen-acre barley farm. Be-ing the youngest and the only girl in a family of five children, she spent a lot of time on her own exploring her imagination in this rural habitat. Haley studied at the Alberta Uni-versity of the Arts, completed her Bachelor of Design in illustration in 2016, and currently runs her own illustration studio in Calgary.

River Valley School

October 2020

Please check out the Employment Section on the CESD website under Quicklinks, for positions such as Custodial Support, Substitute Educational Assistants, and Casual Classroom Supervisors (excerpt below).


Chinook’s Edge School Division is now accepting applications for Casual Classroom Supervisors across the Division. Working under the direction of an administrator, the Casual Classroom Supervisor supervises students and maintains a positive learning environment in the event that a teacher is absent and a certified substitute teacher is not available. Casual Classroom Supervisors are not teachers. As such they do not plan lessons, evaluate students or report to parents. The successful candidate will have a minimum of three (3) years experience supervising and working with children or youth. Preference will be given to candidates with a Bachelor’s degree, a diploma in a field related to youth, education, social work, recreation, or more than ten (10) years supervising students in school settings.

River Valley School

October 2020

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