rime showcase issue 2

Post on 12-Mar-2016






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Magazine on Films, Music, Sports and Entertainment.




Special!!! Top 10

films to spook


R Showcase October 2010




Plus great influential interviews with:

Marc Ozall Acting, Life and The


Christie Silver & Paranormal Storivity – Riveting Activity?

Cameron Smith talks about The Fifth

and Cinematography!

Adam Pluse lets us in on his secret on

inspiration and music

Jonathan Haselden the

underlying attraction of Miss Pretty


where inspiration,

music and art


Reviews and news from Sport, Fashion, Music and writers from across the globe!!!

Special Concert



EDITORS NOTE..........................................pg3


CHRISTIE SILVERS.......................................pg9

JONATHAN HASELDEN...............................pg13

FLETT BERTRAM.........................................pg16

ADAM PLUSE..............................................pg20

DAMIEN FERNANDEZ.................................pg24




MOVIE, THEATRE & BOOK REVIEW............pg37



ALBUM REVIEWS......................................pg44

GIG REVIEWS............................................pg46

SPORTS: NHL.............................................pg54

FOOTBALL PREMIERESHIP........................pg65


GUNS N’ ROSES .........................................pg71


BORIS KARLOFF..........................................pg81

Editors Note:

Welcome to the 2nd issue of RIME Showcase. Last month was amazing – so much support from our readers and even

more who want to get involved with the magazine. Thank you so much…

For those who missed out on the first issue – we had great interviews from Canadian Epic Indie band You vs Me,

Author - Camy Tang; Artist – Jamie Paul and Cosmic Gypsies and so much more reviews and news from around the


This issue brings more… I’d say on reflecting, the great interviews we have lined up, I’m sure people will be inspired.

Such as interviews with Richter, Cameron Smith, Adam Pluse, Marc Ozall with The Autumnkind, Christie Silver and

Jonathan Haselden; reviews and of course RIME Showcase’s Retro Section… get ready for a Halloween Special –


This issue also includes NHL news by our Canadian Correspondent and reviewer Carla Julianna Sama and The

Barclaycard Premiereship Football News by George Georgiou – RIME Showcase would like to apologise for not

mentioning his great World Cup contribution in the last issue – you did great George, keep up the good work, we all

loved it!

ALSO!!!! We have some great gig and concert reviews. RIME Showcase are celebrating the return of, yes, you heard it

MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE after a five year break! GUNS N’ ROSES’ comeback to London! And, ALTER BRIDGE! I should

also mention a band that need to be bigger than they are...The Autumnkind!

This issue is big and it’s MENTAL!

Enjoy this issue and get to know more great talent we have in the world…

Melissa & Rita


Actor, Singer & Frontman

Marc Ozall, Lead singer of The Autumnkind. RIME met him along with the lovely lads back in

April this year, and there were a few things that stood out to us about this interesting person...

why not let others learn about him and a brilliant band...

RIME Tell us a bit about how you got into acting?

Marc It was kind of a happy accident. I was sitting round the house when I was 14 and my mum told me to go out

and do something. I went to the local leisure centre to join a karate class but it was full, so I went into the local amateur theatre group next door and signed up there instead. I loved it as soon as I started and ended up studying

acting at college, university, drama school in London and then in America. During that time I just auditioned for anything I could and was quite lucky to get in some decent productions. If not for an oversubscribed class, I wouldn’t know a thing about acting but would be very good at kicking things.

RIME From the interview you did with your band The Autumnkind, you mentioned you lived in New York, what

was the experience like – was it different from the UK?

Marc It was by a long stretch the happiest, most inspiring time of my life, which is surprising considering the first few

months there. Due to a combination of extreme naivety and bad luck I found myself homeless and sleeping on the subway for a while – thankfully before too long I made a few friends at acting school and was able to go from couch to couch, stretching the goodwill of everyone to its limits, for a couple of months until I had saved up enough money from a play I was doing to get a place in Brooklyn. Other than those initial teething problems it was just amazing – I got to perform with some great people whilst studying every day at a place I'd wanted to go to since I had started acting. I had a great group of friends who I’m still in contact with today, and just in terms of the lifestyle it was friendlier, more fun and more interesting than anywhere else I’ve lived. The stereotype of New Yorkers is that they are quite rude and unfriendly but I found them all really friendly and helpful, which may have been a byproduct of September 11th (I was living there when it happened) but even before that I felt at home there in a way I have never done anywhere else.

RIME How did you fall into music, was it always something you had an interest in?

Marc Not at all, another happy accident really. I'd always left that side of things to my Dad and Sister, who were

professional musicians and had done quite well for themselves. I messed around with bass guitar and a little bit of guitar but acting was my main focus. In 2005 I made the decision to stop devoting my energy to acting because I was getting really good work in America and Germany but not really in England, so I decided it was time to be sensible and get a 'proper' job. That mindset lasted about 2 months before I realised I was deeply unhappy without a creative outlet so I picked up an acoustic guitar and wrote a song, and it all went from there.

RIME How long after acting did you realise that music was for you, or are you still interested in acting as well?

Marc I didn’t really take music seriously in that I just wanted to do something that filled the creative void left by

acting. About 6 months after I had started living what I thought would be a normal life I wrote a song that my sister really liked and she offered to record it and said I should put it on Myspace. I did, and it was really popular, which I wasn’t expecting at all, and from that point on the idea of being a musician became realistic to me. It also made the decision not to act a lot easier, and I’ve not been involved with acting since then. The stereotype of men not being able to multitask is quite true for me in that to really do something well I need to focus all my energy on it, and whereas some people can act, do music, do a day job and write books at night I have to be focused on one thing to feel I can make it succeed. At first it was acting, then solo acoustic music and then the band.

RIME What should someone prepare for if they want a career in music or acting – is there a difference?

Marc I think they do have similarities in that they both require an enormous amount of work, a very thick skin to

deal with the setbacks and disappointments (of which there will be many), the motivation to keep believing through difficult times and the belief that you can and must strive to always be better. In terms of the physical performance styles they couldn't be more difficult. As an actor you are essentially wearing a mask, and this is an enormously liberating thing which allows you to really explore both your own psyche and understand others', whilst always having the fallback of being able to say 'this isn’t me, it’s just the character'. Onstage as a musician, you might as well be naked. There's nothing to hide behind – it's your voice, your accent, your clothes, your words, your songs, your performance. For me it's a lot scarier, but I think more fulfilling when it goes well because you can say to yourself

“the audience weren’t enjoying Shakespeare's words, or the designers set design or the directors funny take on a play … they were enjoying what I created and performed for them”

RIME Do you think you would ever move back to the States or do you have other countries in mind?

Marc I would love to live in America again, and especially to travel around the country. It’s so vast, and of the few

different cities I’ve been too they are all very unique experiences. That’s the same with every country I know, but the physical distance between say Nashville and San Francisco is so great that they may as well be separate countries. I lived in Germany as well for a while, and I found that a very eye-opening experience – realising how ridiculous the stereotypes English people have regarding Germany and Germans are, and meeting some wonderful people. I’d like to spend some more time there for sure.

RIME Tell us more about your band, The Autumnkind, what should our readers expect from the band?

Marc Well, we are a 4 piece Indie/Rock band with a whole bunch of different influences so describing what we sound

like is often quite tricky. Maybe a cross between early Radiohead and Doves, with a little bit of John Mayer thrown in. We do have websites (www.thautumnkind.com, www.facebook.com/theautumnkind and www.myspace.com/theautumnkindmusic ) so it’s a lot easier to go to them to get an idea of our sound. We have released one EP and are about to release another one, which we feel shows the direction we're going in … although the more time we work together, the more the sound is changing … getting a bit darker and a little starker … so it’s a working progress right now.

RIME The Autumnkind have an album – where can the readers of RIME Showcase buy it?

Marc Ah, well we were going to have an album but for reasons too boring and plentiful to go into, we decided to

release a 6 track EP “Words and Sound” instead. We hope to have physical copies of it available by November and rather than go the traditional iTunes/Amazon route we may sell it digitally through our website as we can ensure that the digital downloads are of the quality and format that people want them in. At the moment our first EP “The Shipping Forecast” is available through iTunes and all stores like that but there are links to it on all our websites so if you wanted to get hold of a copy it shouldn't be too hard to do so!

RIME How has the exposure been so far with the band and what’s still to come from The Autumnkind.

Marc It’s been very positive so far. We have been asked to play some well-known venues in London and are doing a

support slot for The Dandies on October 14th before they go off on their European Tour so we seem to be heading in the right direction - working with talented musicians like Caleb, James and Simon has made me really have to raise my game as a songwriter and when I write now I really try to write with the whole band in mind, whereas before I just concentrated on the rhythm guitar and vocals. We have written 5 or 6 new songs since “Words and Sound” that are taking us down a slightly darker and rockier route, but I imagine they won’t be recorded for a while – we will be gigging and keeping in touch with the world through the multitude of social networking sites we are on. One of the things that is really important for all of us is remembering it is the support of our fans that has got us where we are, and if we are to push on to the next level it will be mostly due to those fans too. With that in mind, we do everything we can to thank them, give them free stuff or discounts on anything we sell, keep in touch with them and let them know we are very grateful for everything they do, whether it be coming to gigs, writing emails of support, buying the CDs etc.

RIME Any messages for our readers that you would like to share? (i.e.- website details, mention any projects

your currently working on + where to buy the album).

Marc Just a big thank you to everyone who's supported us in the last couple of years, and hopefully some more

people reading this will go to our websites and have a listen and hopefully enjoy what we're doing. If you happen to like us enough to come to a gig (the next ones are October 14th at the George Tavern in London and November 3rd at The Horn in St Albans) be sure to come over and say hi – we're a friendly bunch and love making new friends!

The Autumnkind (L to R: Simon, Caleb, Marc & James)

An American based Author, with a Paranormal flair, shares with the readers of RIME Showcase her

inspiration and what Paranormal Fiction is all about...

RIME How long have you been writing and

what inspired you to become an


CS I‟ve been a writer since the age of 5. Or

at least that‟s the earliest sample of my

writing I have found. Writing was always

second nature to me throughout school

and it wasn‟t unusual for me to be at the

top of my class and in several advanced


After my marriage and the subsequent

births of my children, writing took a back

seat for many years. It wasn‟t until 2005

that I decided to pick it back up and write

small stories for my children. Then in

2006 an acquaintance introduced me to

writing professionally online. I‟ve been at it

ever since.

RIME Your genre is the paranormal. What is it

about the paranormal that made you

decide this was the genre for you?

CS I‟ve always been a lover of the paranormal

and supernatural. As a child I was the

only one who would happily watch horror

movies with my dad. Nothing scared me

like it did my younger siblings.

It wasn‟t long before I went from reading

little girl books to jumping into the straight

horror and paranormal genre. And then I

met the world of Lestat written by the

talented Anne Rice! That was is, I was

lost in the world of vampires, witches,

ghosts and werewolves.

RIME Your books have vampires and

werewolves in them. Was this

influenced by the Twilight Saga and the

current craze surrounding vampires

around now due to the Twilight Saga

movies and books?

CS The simple answer is, no. The more

extensive answer is, I‟d never even heard

of the Twilight Saga when the first book in

my first series release in October 2007. It

wasn‟t until 2009--and three book releases

later--that I broke down and read the

Twilight Saga.

My oldest daughter was interested in

reading Twilight, and at the time I wasn‟t

sure if it was age appropriate for her.

Therefore, I decided to read the books

before handing them off to her. In the

end, I‟m not a fan of the series--vampires

don‟t sparkle--but my daughter loves them.

As for the “craze” surrounding vampires

and werewolves, there has always been a

craze. Only now you hear more about it

due to the ear-piercing squeals of

thousands of pre-teen and teenage girls

waiting to see Jacob‟s shirt come off.

RIME Who are your favourite authors?

CS I have lots of favorites. Every year I am

introduced to and meet new ones.

However, my tops are Anne Rice,

Charlaine Harris, Lori Handeland, Jasper

Fford and Jennifer Armintrout.

RIME Tell us a little bit about your new book

which is out in October 2010.

CS Kill Me Next Week is the second book in

the Liz Baker series. Liz is a tough, rowdy

Georgia girl who doesn‟t take any slack

from the people around her. In book 1,

Time for Death, she was forced into the

dark underworld of vampires when

introduced to her true parentage.

In book 2, she struggles with the murder

she committed in book 1 while dealing

with her new life in the paranormal world.

Here she discovers more creatures she

never knew existed and fights for her life

against a wendigo who has been split in

two by a gypsy witch.

Liz is tough, though with a weakness to

the sexy men in her life. Her longtime

beau is on her case for a commitment, but

she‟s being pulled toward the bouncer at

her bar. She‟s also a lover of nail

polish…any shade, any brand, any price


RIME You have a family and four dogs. How

do you find the time to sit down and

write? Do you find that you set aside

„writing‟ time at the same time everyday

or does it work around the family


CS How do I find time to write? Hmmm…

Well, that‟s a hard one as I never seem to

be able to find enough time to write. Yet

somehow it just happens.

No, I never write at the same time every

single day. Most of my writing time

revolves around whether or not the

children are home, the husband is asleep

or at work, the phone is ringing all day, or

someone has an emergency they think

only I can handle.

However, my youngest child started

school last month and I‟ve had a lot more

time during the day to get my writing done

since then. I never thought I‟d get to the

point where I had 6 full hours, 5 days a

week to enjoy my work. I‟m in heaven!

RIME We have many readers who aspire to

write but due to having young children,

they don‟t find the time to write. What

would you advise them?

CS I‟ve definitely been there! Life can be

hectic with small children, but there is

always a way to work around that. Write

when they‟re napping, eating lunch,

playing outside, spending a night with the

grandparents, etc. You have to want it

bad enough to find the time, even in small


You may not crank out the next bestseller,

but you‟ll be able to get the idea on paper.

Simply getting the story out of your head

will be an accomplishment. You can

always edit, rewrite and change it up later.

Take what you can get, when you can get


RIME You enjoy socialising on Facebook with

your fans. Do you find that Facebook

has been a great source for you, as an

author to interact with your fans and

also promote your books?

CS Oh yes, I thoroughly enjoy socializing on

Facebook. Over the years I've joined and

participated on numerous networking

sites, but none as successful as

Facebook. I get to share bits about my

world, books and writing process while

also being approachable, friendly and

getting to know my "friends" on their own

terms. However, I'm not one of those

people who push and push and push their

work until people get sick of seeing them.

Nope, I like chatting, gossiping, discussing

topics and sharing likes and dislikes...with

a few book advertisements here and


RIME Are your characters in your books taken

from total fantasy or do you build your

characters from certain people you‟ve

met in your own personal life which add

shape to the character?

CS Like most writers, I observe the world and

people around me. That lady with the

crying baby at Wal-mart is just as

intriguing as the balding, 50-something

man at the bank. While many of my

characters are pure fantasy, others do

have characteristics of strangers I've come

across, friends, family and myself. It's this

combination of pieces here and there that

create new, interesting people for my

fictional world.

Oh, and yes, I do love nail polish as much

as Liz Baker does. She just has a bigger

collection than I do.

RIME Many of our readers may like to know

where they can purchase your books

and find out more information about

you. (please use this opportunity to

promote yourself and your books).

CS All of my books are available through

Amazon.com and ChristieSilvers.com. If

you'd prefer to purchase from a local

bookseller, simply have the book

information handy (title, author, ISBN) and

they will be able to order a copy for you.

All books are available in trade market

paperback and Kindle editions, as well as

numerous other e-book formats through


For more information, stop by

www.ChristieSilvers.com . There you'll

find my personal blog, complete book

information, freebies, giveaways, photos,

my personal reading list and links to all of

my favorite socializing sites.



The Underlying Beauty of

Miss Pretty A new recording star in the making. Jonathan is a breath of fresh air to the music industry. With his catchy tune Miss

Pretty, Jonathan was determined to be the first unsigned recording artist to have a number one. Unfortunately this

didn’t happen but unphased by this, Jonathan has gained a huge fan following and has the talent to make a

comeback and succeed.

RIME Has music always been a passion of

yours? If so at what age did you realise that you wanted to pursue a career in music?

JH Music has been a passion from day one,

the moment I picked up the guitar at the age

of 11 I wanted to have a career in music

RIME How would you describe your sound?

JH Live pop sound with rock influences

RIME Miss Pretty was the title of your debut

single. You decided to release this as an unsigned artist. How did you find it bringing the video, single and promotion of it all together? You received a lot of support, did this surprise you?

JH The support did surprise me, but it was

very difficult, I knew it would be hard, but

possibly not as hard. It was hard, but also

rewarding, to see a finished product was


RIME Although Miss Pretty didn‟t make

Number One as we had all hoped (it was a great track), how do you feel about feedback you received from the press and fans?

JH Feedback was great, it genuinely shocked

me the support and feedback I received. I

think it was a great learning experience and

know how to move things forward.

RIME Upon reflection, has the hard work and

effort you put into the Miss Pretty project made you more determined in your career, knowing that you gained many fans and support during the project? JH Absolutely, if it wasn‟t for such fantastic support and positive feedback from friends and fans alike I wouldn‟t know what to do. It‟s given me the encouragement to carry on, knowing there are a lot of people out there that like my music and what I‟m doing

RIME Outside of music, what do you enjoy


JH Relaxing and socialising with my friends.

It‟s important for me to go out and switch off

when I can. I‟m a social person so need to

see people and have conversation

RIME What/who inspires you when you make


JH Generally experiences and mostly women /

love. I really like watching situations and

writing about what I see, it‟s a great way to

convey my thoughts

RIME Do you write all your own songs?

JH Yep all of them, music and lyrics! Where appropriate I will work with other writers, I‟d be stupid not to!

RIME What does the future hold for Jonathan

Haselden? Do you have any plans in the pipeline that you wish to share with our readers?

JH Ha! I have a few ideas but not quite ready

to share just yet! Firstly, I‟m going to move flat

and think about a new car!! Then who knows

RIME Where can our readers hear more of

your music and find out more info on you? (this is the chance to promote yourself and all your websites) JH www.jonathanhaselden.com this is the best place for all the latest news and to hear all my music

Flett Bertram:

A Labour of


Written by Carlotta Brentan

FLETT BERTRAM, newly graduated from the

prestigious London College of Fashion, already has at

least one fan you’ve probably heard of: none other

than Diana Vickers, of X-factor fame. After attending

Bertram’s AW2010 graduate show, the songstress was

so enraptured with the designs that she hand picked a

skirt straight off the catwalk and wore it on the red

carpet at the 2010 Scottish Fashion Awards. Not a bad

claim to fame for the young designer, whose graduate

collection has already earned her high praise (and

prizes!) in more than one quarter.

In fact, the skirt worn by Diana [Pic 1], epitomizes the

essence of Flett’s entire collection: it’s a delicate

creation of tasselled pale blue taffeta, which

simultaneously exudes a frail lace-like quality, and yet

retains a structured, powerful edge due to its strong

tailoring, which also makes it eminently wearable. The

whole collection, from tight mini-dresses to flowy

skirts, intricate pull-over tops and delicately decorated

jewellery, is centred around the same recurring

elements: cream and black are everywhere used to set

off the signature pale blue taffeta. Besides the colour

palette, the ubiquitous tassels are the most noticeable

feature, and whilst individually these might just have

looked like they were ripped off of your grandma’s

curtains, the sheer number of them adorning the

clothes makes them work beautifully. [Pic 2]

So where was Flett looking to for inspiration when

designing this collection? The 23-year-old describes

how she’d been studying different Memento Mori –

artworks designed to remind the onlooker of their

own mortality – and begun focusing specifically on

Victorian mourning jewellery. “The Victorians made

jewellery weaving hair,” she explains, “and that was

the starting point for the tasseling and knotting of

textiles.” Moreover, carved jet brooches, another

staple of Victorian mourning jewellery, informed the

leatherwork in the jewellery pieces.

The visual reference to spidery, knotted strands of

hair is in fact undoubtedly present throughout the

collection, everywhere evoked by innumerable pulled

threads and the fragility of the hanging tassels. Yet,

the overall effect is far from macabre: it rather

suggests a fantastical, delicate ‘tea-party’ quality. This

might have something to do with the muted colour

palette, which was a product of gradual

experimentation. Flett explains how she initially

started with mossy greens and greys but as the

collection evolved, she eventually ended up with the

current pale blue and cream palette. “In the end, it

ended up being a little more cute and girly than I had

originally imagined,” says Flett – and we are certainly

not complaining!

Looking closely at the detailed embroidery of each

single piece in Flett’s collection, one can’t help but be

awed by the evident painstaking handiwork that went

into crafting virtually every centimetre of material on

display. [Pic 3] It’s evident that the designer didn’t

simply train in womenswear: in fact, she graduated in

Fashion Design Technology, specifically Surface

Textiles. This specialist degree, in Flett’s own words,

gave her all the training she needed as the basis for

her creations. I’m curious then, which piece took her

the longest to complete? “I think the longest piece to

make was the tasselled pullover [Pic 4], but only

because it was the first time I had made the textile on

such a large scale and hadn’t worked out all the

technicalities!” confesses Flett. Besides this specific

piece, she continues, “it was the preparation that took

the longest, drawing all the threads out of the fabric,

brushing out all these bits of fine wool before they

could be used, and making tassels.”

A real labour of love then, this collection, and above

all a fine showcase of Flett’s noteworthy technical

skill. It’s certainly not a coincidence that she was

recently awarded first prize in the prestigious Hand &

Lock embroidery award for her AW2010 collection,

which she considers her proudest professional

moment so far. This award, which seeks to

internationally recognize exceptional talent in the

skills of hand embroidery, comes with the prize of

further mentoring by Hand & Lock themselves - which

will hopefully mean more of Flett’s embroidered

creations for us to drool over.

Back to her graduate collection, it’s evident that each

piece was very carefully chosen: the group as a whole

is impressively coherent, with the creative vision

remaining strong and single-minded throughout – a

strikingly mature approach for a graduate collection.

[Pic 5] “It didn’t start off quite so coherently!”

protests Flett, “You’re right, there was a lot of editing,

I made many changes to the line-up, swapping

garments round and chucking them away. I’m not sure

if it’s maturity,” she adds, “I think I just prefer

collections which are really obviously collections and

not just a random bunch of clothing.” In this case, the

outcome is that any single item from her collection’s

line up – including the accessories – would

unmistakeably be known as her own even if displayed


Of course, I couldn’t let Flett go without bringing up

that Diana Vickers red carpet spotting; considering

who her garments are being worn by, did she have an

ideal woman in mind when she was designing the

collection? “I did have a kind of ideal woman in my

head,” replies Flett, and not surprisingly reveals that

this fantasy woman was “really romantic, dramatic,

passionate…someone who went for walks across the

moors in the rain and ran about on hill tops, like Cathy

from Wuthering Heights!” A fine inspiration that, and

one that still shines through the streamlined yet old-

fashioned decadence of the clothing.

Flett Bertram’s collection is undoubtedly a breath of

fresh air, and that might be a direct consequence of

her somewhat unusual background. Rather than

professing a life-long vocation as a fashion designer,

Flett actually started out by completing an Art

foundation course in Switzerland, and eventually

ended up on a textiles course since she couldn’t, in

her words, “face the freedom of something like fine

art.” This broader artistic, rather than strictly fashion-

oriented, background clearly informs her approach to

designing clothes: each one of her pieces is first and

foremost a beautiful, decorated object – a piece of art

that just happens to be wearable, too.

So what’s next for this exciting young talent? “I think

I’d really like to be a freelance textile designer,” says

Flett, “or work in the textiles department of a large

fashion house. I like the idea of being commissioned

to do stuff for people!” And with her distinctive skill

and unique vision, there’s little doubt that there’s

going to be a line queuing up at her door soon


For more info please visit:

http://showtime.arts.ac.uk/FlettBertram or contact

her directly at flett.bertram@gmail.com

Image credits: Photographer Eoghan Brennan

Who is....

Adam Pluse is yet another great talent that RIME has come across. From Newcastle, this man’s songs

have been featured in Hollyoaks and we believe that following this, there are many more great things

to come from him...

RIME - How did Adam Pluse start his journey

as a singer, songwriter and Musician?

Adam - Well at a very early age it became

apparent that I had a passion for playing

music, it all started when I picked up my

Dad’s guitar at the age of 12 and well … I just

wanted to play it. The singing came secondary

to this, I just sang to accompany myself

playing the guitar in the beginning and then

the more and more I sang I developed my

voice. So originally I was just a guitarist,

that’s why if ever I’m on stage now - just

singing into a microphone without a guitar

(which is very rare) I feel very uncomfortable,

not only because it’s a little out of the ordinary

for me but also because I have no idea what to

do with my hands!

RIME - What musicians did you grow listening


Adam - There’s a few, it’s strange because

the artists I grew up listening to are the artists I

still listen to, to this very day. My main

influences are bands that I’ve followed around

the country for years watching them gig so

often I know their Set List off by heart. Artists

such as The Goo Goo Dolls, The Fray, Howie

Day, Lifehouse & Newton Faulkner are a huge

inspiration to me.

RIME - Was music something you were

always interested in or did/do you have a few

aspirations that you’d like to explore?

Adam - For me music was always number

one, there was absolutely nothing else I

wanted to do and there wasn’t really much else

I was good at, haha. So yeah music was

always something I wanted to do in one way

or another, whether it be a guitarist in a band,

or a singer/songwriter … anything that didn’t

involve me driving myself crazy sitting behind

an office desk 9 to 5.

RIME - What interests do you have outside of


Adam - Well currently there isn’t much time

for any hobbies as I’m acting as my own record

label: distributing my music, planning tours,

recording sessions, attending management

meetings, rehearsals not to mention the

performance side of things, so as you can

imagine its hard to fit anything else into a diary

that’s so full but when I do find the time to

relax my other interests include going to the

gym and socialising with good friends over a

few drinks.

RIME - One of your songs was featured in

Hollyoaks, how did this come to be and how did

you feel hearing it?

Adam - I knew that the musical director at Lime

Pictures was interested in using my songs for a

few scenes in Hollyoaks and he expressed in

emails that my songs would fit well with the

scenes but the funny thing was he never told me

that he was definitely going to use the songs and

also never told me the date it was going to be

aired. I’m a fan of Hollyoaks and always try and

watch it on a day to day basis when I can but

when that particular episode that featured my song

came on I had no idea it was going to be featured

and when the song first came on in the scene I

thought “I recognise that tune” but didn’t actually

realise it was my own at first. It was a very weird

and wonderful experience I must say.

RIME - How has the support been from the general


Adam - Fantastic! People only know who I am

through word of mouth from fans on the Internet.

People who like my music tell their friends - who

tell their friends and so on, Word of mouth has

proven to be the most powerful tool for me and I

cant thank people enough for helping my music

connect with new people all around the world.

RIME - Any future gigs planned around the

UK/the world?

Adam - I’m currently in talks with my

Management about the idea of a “Uni Tour”

Basically I plan to go all around the Universities

in the UK putting on a show on each main campus

but you will have to keep posted for more news on


RIME - Where can we buy an album?

Adam - You can buy my album from


And from iTunes or Amazon if you prefer

RIME - What should we expect from Adam

Pluse in the future?

Adam - Well I hope to sign with the right

Major Label soon and hopefully that will open

doors to new things for me. Everything I’ve

done on this smaller scale will hopefully be put

into action on a far larger scale and will enable

me to do things that just aren’t possible at the

moment such as TV appearances, creating

official music videos and

staging World Tours. At present I’m just looking

forward to the great things that the future holds.

RIME - Any messages for our readers that you

would like to share?

Adam - I just want to say thanks for reading

everyone and please do check out my music at

www.adampluse.com, I’m also on Facebook and

Myspace so please feel free to search for me and

hook up with my music that way too!


Damien Fernandez

„The remix king‟ of Adelaide – the world wide „mix tape‟ prodigy

Speaks about his upcoming album

‘Attack of the killer Robots’

It‟s been three years after taking the hip hop world by

storm releasing what was earned its place in the urban

scene, a mixtape – „World is Mine‟, remixes that

contained the original artist and hooks that created a

high demand on digital downloads and sparked the

intrigue of international fans world wide. He‟s

formerly known as Six3, a prodigy that had numerous underground releases, hitting the internet world

in frenzy, became internationally famous and branded the name „The Remix King‟.

“The remixes were purely vehicle, I saw a lot of Dj‟s at the time getting quite popular remixing songs,

come to think of it, Pitbull was my inspiration for doing the mixtape. I didn‟t realize at first that the

„International takeover‟ mixtape remixes were his own edits, I thought they were official…so, I set to

work creating my own remixes, that to the untrained ear sounded legit and thus gain some notoriety in

the urban scene. My first mixtape did nearly a million downloads worldwide, my remix of Chris Brown‟s

hit single, Forever – got 260,000 downloads in 36 hrs, beating Billboards estimate of Usher – My Way

(album‟s illegal downloads) which was 500,000 in a week….those numbers let me know I‟d made a mark

and it was time for me to get serious”.

Establishing such a great success, Damien was never a stranger to music. At the age of five, he learned

his first chords on the guitar with the help and encouragement of his uncle, Ian Fernandez who was

Damien‟s guitar teacher and as well, a gifted musician. Years later, at the age of fourteen, he competed

in the “Battle of the Bands” performing in front of 1500 spectators, a solo of Jimi Hendrix‟s, „Little Wing‟

on the electric guitar. Unfortunately, luck wasn‟t on his side until Fernandez created a rock band of his

own and returned to the “Battle of the Bands” the year after, and won. His perseverance was

admirable, at the age of 16, Fernandez scouted bands to engineer, cutting low budget demos in a

recording studio in Port Adelaide to in return, use the studio for his own forthcomings.

At the present time, this singer, songwriter, and producer established his own record label, Damien

Fernandez Music Group, embracing his passion by making music that beams through the life of his

fans as well as his own. “Well, I‟m completely indie. I make every song myself, lyrics and music. I do my

own marketing online, my own promotions and web. So, I figured to start my own label literally, just to

maintain control form in a business perspective. I‟m not

looking to sign artists or find the next Justin Beiber… that

is why it‟s called Damien Fernandez Music Group; my

music is the only thing I‟m focused on”.

Not only does Fernandez lie in glory, he takes pleasure on

mastering indie electro with an 80‟s progressive rock

flare. Following this artist for some time now, he will keep

thriving in his acceptance by the electro dance/ hip hop

community by keeping his fans full of surprises and

constantly striving for more. It‟s as if he finds his fans,

and reintroduces himself. Dying - the first hyperactive

single released as well as Never too Far, were praised

and gained an audience that truly responded to his music.

“Dying and Never too far were an exclusive download release over the summer. Dying broke Fresh 92.7

Fm‟s record for the most requested song on the station for nearly six months and became one of the

biggest songs for me so far. It was extremely validating because it was my first full endeavor into dance

music and I was greeted with open arms and gained a whole new audience”. The dance –driven tracks

flaunted lyrics such as, „Hit me like a ray of sun, with a feeling I can‟t wash away, Losing love it only

hurts the first time, But I guess you‟ll never find out‟ – Dying, blasted an intensity of vocal blend that is

beyond distinction. “As for my songs, many things inspire me. Life, relationships, learning and growing

as a man, melody inspires me...making people want to dance and forget about their worries. That alone

is an amazing job, so it‟s not hard to find inspiration. For me the best way to write a song is, what is

the simplest and most honest way to convey my emotion, no ego no bull****…How do I strip my lyrics

of conceited self adoration and just be absolutely naked to the listener. I‟ve never been big on ego and

stuff and that lack of ego has left me free to be honest as I can with people. When you pretend your

something amazing, some superstar who has a different girl everyday and drives a quarter million

dollar car… that really restricts how honest you can be with people. You need to maintain this perfect

image you‟ve created. I‟m just a normal guy like everyone else, fumbling through life seeking approval

& love like we all are on the same level everyday. When I write hip hop or perform music of that

nature I take on a cocky persona, but that‟s really a part of that culture you come into hip hop without

some level of ego and you‟ll get eaten alive…but I love that, I love that I can still be cheeky and express

myself in that way (hip hop) and say things I could never sing”. Songs taken from the album, „Attack of

the Killer Robots‟ such as, Drive(being released next year as a single on the album), Missing Pieces,

Space train, Sleepwalker, and Forever have emerged on the internet concluding in thousands of

downloads and remarkable amount of blogs endorsing his new music. “I always test my material on the

internet before I even go into the studio to record a polished version…It‟s the greatest free focus group

any artist could ask for”. Another track released, which is one my favorites – Tonight (1982). A song

taken to another level inspired by the late 70‟s influence into a synth driven masterpiece. “This town

don‟t care, never cared about you and me. Turn around and around and around and keep trying but

we never break free, We watched my poppa get old, long before his hair was turning grey, This place is

a suicide trap, bought a one way ticket and we‟re never coming back”. The lyrics were taken into

another direction oppose to the other songs on the album and were experimented towards a „classic‟

new age sound. “ I always write outside of the box, for this particular song I was listening to a lot of

Bruce Springsteen and desperately wanted to capture that feeling of a guy working hard in a small

town feeling like there‟s more out there for him and his girlfriend, but had no idea „what‟ or „how to

get it‟. It has a real late 70‟s Americana vibe to it that I love and a real honesty and vulnerability I find

resonates with people a lot”.

Online marketing has played a vital role in completing his debut album tentatively due sometime next

year. Damien stays connected to fans world wide through social networking websites such as, Twitter,

Facebook, and Myspace, until the whole world hears, Damien Fernandez is a real as it gets. Being his

first solo debut release world wide with commercial radio support, this album is expected to have a

variety of music principles making a bold statement in the music industry today. “Realistically, I just

wanna make a great album. Something I‟ll still be proud of when I‟m done in this business and all I

have is the body of work contributed”. Stated in another interview, “I‟m completely in my element now

cause I‟m in a creative space where I can do anything I want and trust it….cuz I‟ve realized, all I have to

do is be me, no body can be better at that than I am…except a killer robot that looks like me”

In a world that has so many outstanding artists, Fernandez sure takes the spotlight. He‟s not just a

singer, or a great musician, he‟s also a talented writer that devotes his life to music. Overall, I look

forward to the next chapter of his stardom and will continuously be devoted in following his journey.

“I just do it for the lights, I just do it for the crowd, I just do it for the noise, when I do I do it loud, Do

it till you get enough, till you say you had too much, I ain‟t never gonna stop, I ain‟t never slowing

down” – Drive. Damien Fernandez literally practices what he preaches and that alone is what is behind

his constant success.

Now for the fine details, while fans anticipate the debut of „Attack of the Killer Robots‟ they can sample

unpolished accomplishments that are currently available on www.damienfernandez.com ; his entire

catalog is available for streaming and downloading.

Written by Carla Juilianna Sama

RIME Showcase Welcomes

Irene Booth

Ms Irene has been in the dance industry for over forty one years. From an early age,

Irene devoted her time in learning all aspects of the dance

world. Now, with over 29 years of teaching experience

Irene shares the joy of dance with her students, staff

members and colleagues. Irene is a mentor and

registered teacher with the Royal Academy of Dance,

operates an established dance school on Vancouver Island,

British Columbia and enjoys adjudicating competitions and

festivals all across Canada.

If you would like to ask Ms Irene questions on dance

related topics, please send your enquiries to RIME



Dear Ms Irene

I want to take dance classes but do not want to take ballet. Why is it important to

take ballet?

I would answer this question.

Choosing a Dance Studio that is right for your child.

If your child has shown an interest in

exploring dance classes, spend some

time researching the local schools in

your area. Ask neighbors, colleques and friends for references. Check with

your local paper, websites or yellow

pages. Whether your child spends one

hour at dance studio or ten, you will

want to be certain that this is the most comfortable place for your child to

attend. All dance schools are different

and offer many choices in terms of

disciplines and styles of dance. The more information you have on hand,

the better experience your child will

have. Here are some simple guidelines

that will help you make your choices.

Studio Setting

The dance studio should be located in a safe part of town, with easy access for

parking and a drop off area close to the

main entrance. Once you enter the

facility you will want to feel welcome and secure. Look for a school that

offers a professional setting yet a

pleasing and comfortable atmosphere

that feels warm and inviting. Once

inside, most facilities will contain a waiting room, a reception and or office

area, and an open space for parents to

sit while the child is dancing. The

dance studio should be clean and well

maintained. To prevent injuries be sure

the dance floor is raised, cushiony and

has a non slip surface. It should not be

resting over concrete and should not be laminate or tile. The dance studio itself

should be spacious with windows,

proper heating elements, mirrors and

barres on the wall. Know where the

change rooms and bathroom facilities are so your child is comfortable with

these areas.

Tuition and Fees, Registration


When you enquire about a specific

school, you should be provided with a

written layout on class schedules, tuition costs and fees that you are

responsible for throughout the year.

The school should provide you with a

parent handbook or package that consists of information that pertains to

their school. Become familiar with the

schools philosophies, rules and

guidelines and check to see if this information is easily available on the

schools website. If you are asked to

sign an agreement policy, be sure to

know what the policies are to avoid

disappointments later on. Expect to pay a registration fee. Registration fees

hold a place for your child in the

appropriate dance class for the season.

When you sign up for dance classes, you are signing up for the season and

are expected to complete the year.

Most importantly, ask about the

withdrawal penalties.

Qualifications of Instructors

All dance teachers are different. You

will find that each one posses their own

unique styles and methods of teaching.

A quality dance teacher will have strict

guidelines and expectations that they

have set for their classrooms. As not

all teachers are alike, it is important for

a parent to research not only the school

and its philosophies but the

qualifications of the teacher. This will

have an impact on what your child

learns in class and the overall

experience over time. Ask what the

qualifications of the instructor are? Be

sure the instructor is not a student.

You want to be certain that your child

learns proper technique and receives

quality instruction. Choose a studio

that offers qualified dance instructors.

This includes certification to teach

dance, a professional background with a

company or a degree in dance studies.

Overall Expectations

Whether you are first time parent or an

experienced dance mom, the choice you

make is crucial to your child’s future as

a dancer. Each dancer deserves

proper instruction that is trained and

cared for. If you want your child to

learn proper technique and receive

quality instruction, choose a

professional dance studio with qualified

and trained instructors.

Irene Booth




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Richter DJ and talented musician is a huge success in both Japan and Europe. RIME chats to Richter to

find out more about this talented musician and to delve deeper into the mind of a genius.

Who is Richter? (Give an insight into the artist and the man behind the music)

I'm a person who thinks everything in this universe has a meaning.

I'm a person who tries to find a meaning and a purpose for my life, like everybody does. I have a love and hate relationship with this world. I love people because they can often prove your life is worth living, and at the same time I’m scared, because I’ve seen some of them doing horrible things I couldn't even imagine a human being could.

I’m deeply in love with music and all the incredible feelings it can give to the people and I consider myself extremely lucky to be able to express myself with it and even get paid because of it.

How long have you been part of the music industry and how would you describe

your sound?

I started to work in the music business at 12 years old as a classical concertist. I did it until 20, and then I decided to get into electronic music since the idea of playing somebody else's music for the rest of my life wasn't so interesting to me. Since then I’ve used several nicknames and work on many different styles. My sound as Richter is a mix of all my musical influences. I love analog synths and 80's music, especially ebm, synth pop, industrial and new wave but also darkwave, so you can feel this in my music very clearly. I also love classical and Japanese music and especially when it’s about chords and harmonies, this have some influence on my sound. My personality does the rest: so I think you can always feel some melancholy in it, but also describe my music as floating, since I’m a dreamer.

Who/What inspires you musically?

Anyone with soul in their music and are always willing to follow new paths

and open to experiments. I cannot stand bands or artists which keep on having the same sound and playing the same song for years. A huge inspiration for my music comes from videogames. They are parallel worlds were I like to go with my mind when I don't have to deal with the "real" one, which generally doesn't inspire me so much. Besides even if some people still thinks of them as something for kids or immature people, those are a summa of many art forms.

They surely allow me to recharge my batteries and affect my creativity a lot. I could say the same about books. I love to read about esoterism and philosophy and this surely inspires me a lot.

You also deejay, how did that happen? Was it a career path you always wanted to follow?

It happened naturally. The deejay figure has changed a lot in the late 20 years and nowadays be a deejay means be like a real musician or even more. Good deejays can give to the people who's listening to them the same feelings real musicians do and like those, they are the ultimate link between the music itself and the crowd. I was always fascinated to see how some deejays could interact with people, make them trip with their mind and move their body and the special links exists between deejays and the crowd. It's like a shamanic ritual, where the deejay is the shaman. The feelings you can try when you're able to make people dance and feels all of this are just incredible.

What are your interests outside of work?

Japanese videogames and Japanese culture in general, from anime to music, from literature to movies. I have a huge love and respect for this country and its culture, also because in many ways is similar to Italian. I'm a big sci-fi fan too and I’m into gothic culture, especially literature and way of life.

You have travelled to many places in your career, which countries hold a special

place in your heart and why?

I love all the places I had chance to play so far, for many different reasons. I think Japan is my favourite since I can totally interact with crowd as I love and people is really open minded about music. This year I had great time playing also in Malta and in some place in Germany, especially Stuttgart. In both of those places I had a lot of fun thanks to the crowd and to the top level's promoters I know there. Can't wait to play again in London or the UK though.

What does the future hold for Richter?

I don't know. I live my life day by day although I’ve to plan things for my job in advance, most of the time. The future holds lots of new music, and projects with some very talented musicians and producers. Always looking forward to meet new people and start exciting collaborations!

How would you describe your fans?

Cannot say, to be honest. Among my fans there are different type of people. I just want to thank them for their loyalty and promise them I will always do my best for them.

Is there any artist you would love to collaborate with that you haven’t as yet?

My dream would be collaborating with Depeche Mode,Roland H.Kirk or other ex

members of Cabaret Voltaire and Gary Numan. It would be amazing also having the chance to collaborate with Koji Kondo on some Nintendo game's music and Joe Hisaishi.

What are your 3 tips to aspiring DJ’s and musicians looking to break into the industry?

Be yourself, always. Copying other people doesn't improve your skills and doesn't take you anywhere. Never give up. Music business is really hard nowadays and is getting harder. But if you really do your best you can do anything you want. Watch your back but at the same time be not too suspicious. It’s full of sharks and people who promise you the moon out there. At the same time there are also people who are in this business because they truly love music. So always try to be conscious, but at the same time don't be afraid to deal with people. Among them, you can find the right ones for you.

Where can our readers find out more about you and your music?

Here you go: My Soundcloud page: You can listen there a preview of my latest releases www.soundcloud.com/richter MySpace official page: www.myspace.com/gotorichter My Facebook fan club: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/group.php?gid=138708162186 My booking agency (in case you're a promoter and you want to book me) http://shiftdjagency.com/ Thank You

Cameron Smith is a young and fresh

Cinematographer and filmmaker from North Texas. I

got in touch with him about his film Fifth and as I am

nosey and that’s my job so I have been told, why not

get an interview about his journey...

RIME When did you begin Cinematography?

CAMERON When I was born, I was thrown into a bucket

of paint. Not literally. My father is an mural artist. Ever

since I was a kid, he taught me the importance of art to a

culture. He would teach me about Warhol, Thomas Hart

Benton, Dali, and the other greats. The problem was, I

could not paint for the life of me. Then, one summer

when I was about 12, I was bored for a few months and

watched every great film imaginable. It was that summer I

got my first taste of Kubrik, the Coens, Orson Wells,

Fellini, and more. I was heavily influenced by noir and

neo-noir films. Something about The Hustler, Manchurian

Candidate, The Maltese Falcon, and Memento stuck with

me. It was then I really decided to let film take over my

life. A big statement coming from a pre-pubescent theatre

kid in the middle of nowhere Texas.

RIME What inspired you to take this route?

CAMERON Essentially, not enough people think

anymore. I wanted to change that. I realized that film can

reach people on a subconscious level and in a 'mad-

scientist' sorta way, make them think for themselves.

Cinematography is a big mood setter for a film. With

learning about art from my father and studying for years how to visually tell a story, I more or less fell into

cinematography. Cinematography is a one of the many cerebral arts and requires thought. My mission statement is

something like, "I try and play into the psychology of a typical audience and get them to broaden their horizons when

it comes to art."

RIME Tell me about the concept of the film Fifth

CAMERON It tells the story of that sheriff investigating a series of unrelated murders in small town Texas (write

about what ya' know). As a production crew, we (Mitch McCutchen, Russell Irby, Brad Eggerton and myself) decided

it would be a better piece if the film was a character study and not so much a whodunit. So we decided to give the

sheriff cancer. Then we thought it would be neat if some detectives try and take away his case. Then we threw the

poor sheriff into all of these intense situations to see how he would deal. Needles to say, it's interesting to see what

decisions the character makes given his circumstances.

RIME What were the cast like on and off set?

CAMERON First off, I think you need to know that the budget of the Fifth was $2,000 dollars. We were only able to

pay 2 people. The actor who played the main suspect, Michael Baynes, flew in from California to do the film basically

for free. I'm surprised we were able to get so many talented actors and friends to work for nothing on this very long

(just over 2 years), enduring project. I don't know if I would have done it if I were in their shoes.

We made the best we could though. The actor that plays Michael Baynes, Michael Ray Clark was only in town for 6

days before his flight was set to leave. So he lived in the director's apartment the entire shoot until he left. You can

imagine how strange it was for the roommate (who had no idea this was going on) to walk in the house and find a 43

year old man sleeping in his bed.

RIME What were the reviews of Fifth like - did you get a lot of support?

CAMERON From the start of the project we have had an overwhelmingly positive amount of support from the local

indie scene. This has been a bizarre time for all of us because here we are, 4 nobodies, with all of these people acting

like we are important or something. I mean, I'm the oldest one out of the group at almost 22 and when people see

the film they are pretty surprised that only 4 people my age did it. I generally assume they mean that as a

compliment and say something ambiguous like, "Well, sometimes you just do what you do."

RIME What are your next projects?

CAMERON Russell, Mitch, and I are working on a film that we are planning on shooting in May. It's a psychological

thriller called 'Belladonna Springs'. Set in Colorado we are all very excited to see what comes of it. Brad is working on

a documentary called, 'Religion and Redemption'. It's about his trips to Utah and the differences between religions.

RIME What sorts of films can we the readers anticipate from you?

CAMERON I'm always working on shorts and things to keep my eye sharp. On Facebook or hitRECord, I'm always

chatting about script ideas, or posting various shorts that I will go out and shoot. In terms of actual projects though,

I'd like to work on things with a heavy influence of psychological conundrums and interesting characters.

RIME Do you have a particular genre that you fit in to when it comes to film?

CAMERON I'm not sure about genre. I'm not even sure if I like the term. But I really like neo-noir projects. And sci-fi.

This can all be seen when I shoot a film. Which reminds me, I'm never 'going' for something when I shoot. I'm usually

just doing what I think feels right. This is in part because I love creativity in spontaneity, and in part because that's

how I live my life. I'm not sure how much that attributes to 'style' as much as it does to personal preference.

RIME Where can we buy or view Fifth?

CAMERON Right now we are working out some details with getting distribution for the film (a long, long, then even

longer and more confusing road). But, we are looking into putting it online for you folks across the pond to see.

RIME Any advice to those starting out in this field???

CAMERON This is the money question, eh? My advice is to shoot all you can. Establish what you like and what you

don't like until you can communicate a story 'in camera'. Some of my favorite DP's always talk about how films are no

longer told on set. They are instead created in editing. People will shoot coverage every which way imaginable and

leave it up to the editors. That is what I try and avoid. It makes my job more fun if I can do what I'm supposed to do -

tell a story with visuals.

Lap up as much inspiration as you can from every source. Norman Rockwell was excellent at capturing the

'moments' in life that most of us ignore. Try and keep an eye out for those moments. It will keep your senses sharp

and your life happier.

I would also say to the inquisitive, beginning filmmaker, "Work as much as you can but don't sell yourself short, kid.

You got moxie and with a little bit of guts and work, you'll make it. There ain't no doubt in my mind. So amscray, kid.

And quit givin' me the third degree, see?"

Thanks a bunch! Hope you enjoy.


RIME will keep R. Showcase readers posted when Fifth will be available online for everyone!!!

Movie Reviews

The Runaways – 2010

I was waiting for this film for ages once I knew Twilight Saga Actresses Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning were playing the roles of Joan Jet (K-Stew) and Cherie Currie (Dakota) - two of the most influential Rock n Roll chicks of the 70’s. I was surprised at the rawness and crudeness projected in the movie – it was awesome. The one whom I’m sure everyone was shocked at was Dakota Fanning. What an amazing transition from such a cute little girl in previous movies like I am Sam, The Cat in the Hat, Hide and Seek etc. to a strong mean streak in the Twilight Saga: New Moon and Eclipse, and now, to a rockin’ sexy Cherry Bomb in The Runaways… Let’s just say I totally forgot who she was… K-Stew - well again she lives up to her success and strength that I always knew she had since Panic Room. This isn’t the Bella Swan that’s irrevocably in love with the hot Edward Cullen – This was Joan Jet thinking with her c*ck! The Runaways had great cinematography, especially the “love” scene between Joan and Cherie and the highs of drug intake – very clever!!!

The influence of drugs eating away at them in their success, the power struggle of fame and fortune and even more so, the non-existence of gender equality were major aspects of this film, it was inspirational and exciting and you felt part of that journey… I came home feeling empowered and even wanted to start my own Rock n Roll band minus the drugs! Not even close to being successful yet, any offers??? The Runaways is a girl power movie everyone must see! My message to every girl out there is: Girls, think with your c*cks!!! Guys, I’m sure will enjoy this one too ;-) If you like films like The Doors, Requiem for a Dream, Candy etc, you’ll love this! The ultimate Sex, Drugs & Rock n Roll movie of 2010! RIME rating: ***** Reviewed by Melissa Hurry

Resident Evil: Afterlife (3D) - 2010 After a recent spate of disappointing 3D films, finally we have an example of how it

should be done! The use of 3D is fantastic, with a good variety of effects that add to the

film, rather than just being used for the sake of it (i.e., to get another couple of pounds

out of the viewers!). There were even a few moments that left me wide-eyed, mouth

gaping in awe.

The film itself is very similar to it’s’ predecessors, just with more zombies/mutants

thrown in for good measure. In this instalment the T-virus has infected the general public

and quickly spreads throughout the population. As to be expected there are small groups

of unaffected people left to battle it out and of course Alice is, as ever, in the thick of

things up against the zombies and the Umbrella Corp. We again get to see the

wonderfully freaky mutant guard dogs and Milla Jovovich jumping, twisting, outwitting

and outfighting the bad guys. The story moves quickly and as I said, the special effects are amazing. If you liked the

other films in the Resident Evil franchise you’ll enjoy this one. If you like zombie films in general you won’t be

disappointed. All in all a great movie.

Rating: ****

Dinner for Schmucks - 2010

I love both Steve Carell and Paul Rudd, so had high hopes for this film, but have

to say I was a little disappointed with it. The plot centres around Tim (Paul

Rudd) and his need to find the most eccentric/idiotic dinner guest to accompany

him to a dinner party hosted by his boss, in order to seal the deal on his

promotion. Right on cue he bumps into (literally), Steve Carell’s character Barry

and chaos ensues. There are some cringe-worthy moments and some funny

moments, the characters are likable and it’s an interesting enough storyline, but

it was just missing something. Perhaps it’s because the script was a bit

lacklustre. Perhaps it’s just meant to be one of those lightweight, forgettable

films. Overall I’d say it’s worth watching if you’ve got a couple of hours to kill,

but I can’t see it winning any awards any time soon.

Rating: **

The Other Guys - 2010

I have to tell the truth and say that I was dragged along to see this film,

because as much as I like Will Ferrell, cop movies just don’t appeal to me. How

wrong could I be?! Undoubtedly the funniest film I have seen in a very long

time...I was literally crying with laughter! I wasn’t alone in my hysterics,

everyone else at the screening was in stitches too (including the man in front

of me, who was prone to bursting out laughing at the bits that weren’t

supposed to be funny, but that’s another story...)

The film is basically about 2 police officers who are ‘the other guys’, not the

super-cool hero cops that get the awards and adulation, but rather get piles of

paperwork and not even a sniff of a big case. Will Ferrell is, as always,

hilarious as the play it safe straight man, while Mark Wahlberg is his angry,

reluctant partner, desperate to be an all-action hero. There are so many

fantastic bits in this film I wouldn’t know where to begin...and maybe I shouldn’t. I highly recommend this


Rating: *****

Pauline Salmon

Theatre Review


It is now known as The Palace Theatre in Manchester, which is situated on Oxford Street, and one of the main

theatres in Manchester. It has a ‘sister’ theatre called Manchester Opera House, and the Ambassador Theatre Group

function both of them. Originally, a capacity of 3,675, it has since been reduced to 1,955.

On the 18th May 1891, the theatre opened the doors to a production of the ballet Cleopatra.

The theatre has had it fair share of highs and lows over the years……

Early 20th century, artists such as Judy Garland, Gracie Fields, and Laurel & Hardy, all made appearances.

September 1940, it suffered a direct hit from a German bomb, and then in the 1970’s, the number of audience

members declined, just like many other venues, but it was threatened with closure. Until in the 1980’s, when the arts

council supported it, and received a major internal refurbishment, and enlarged stage facility.

Norwest Holdings, a charitable trust, ran the theatre.

It is now one of the popular theatres outside London.

Upcoming shows at The Palace Theatre

November December-January

1st-6th Thriller Live 3rd December-15th January

We Will Rock You

15th-20th Rocky Horror Show 12th December Only Men Aloud

Written by Francesca

Book Review

‘The Passage’ by Justin Cronin

It’s 2013 and the U.S. Army are conducting a series of experiments on several death

row inmates and a young girl; Amy.

As you would expect, the experiments go awry and the inmates are transformed

into ‘virals’, a vampire/zombie combo that can only be killed with a knife to the

chest or a bullet in the mouth. A fairly unique aspect of The Passage, not only do we

follow the run-up and the duration of the viral breakout; but also the aftermath.

Rarely in fiction do we see the effects of an apocalyptic virus 100 years into the


On realising the fragile existence they’ve created is now being threatened, the few

survivors undertake an expedition to find answers and safety, with the help of Amy;

the successful result of the Army experiments.

This novel is MASSIVE. 821-pages-massive; a novel of biblical proportions.

Opening as an apocalyptic drama and developing into a fantasy, the novel has its strengths and weaknesses.

Generally, the length of the novel and the sheer amount of characters make it difficult to become fully absorbed in

the story. This does, however, create empathy within the reader for the epic journey on which the protagonists

embark. Unfortunately, some of the close escapes on this journey are a bit too hard to believe.

Act IV in itself is a slow struggle. The majority of the act is spent setting the scene and introducing new

characters...not terribly exciting. But for the most part, especially towards the end, the novel cruises along at a

good pace.

The descriptions of the virals themselves are terrifying yet amazing, really hitting the mark and as always, the

subject of survival against the odds is a thrilling one.

If vampire zombies are your thing, then read The Passage. Enjoy it and love it. If you’re indifferent, the length of

the novel means it’s not necessarily worth the effort to read what I would call a good, but not exceptional, story.

Rating: ***

Hannah Davies

Writers Spotlight:

Stuart Kennedy

My name is Stuart Kennedy, I am a Writer in East Yorkshire, Hull,

England. I have such a versatile writing style, I am able to write

Screenplays/Teleplays, Songs (Any genre), Poems and I am in the

process of finishing my first book. Writing for me is a way to vent

my everyday life. I am able to write anything, I am not one to be

tamed by one genre e.g. Horror, love, vampires. The vibe gets

boring, so I keep it fresh. I am also starting up a blog soon, to

give this world some of my own feedback and I hope you could

follow me. Thank you.

My Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=148627391815547 My Myspace Page

http://www.myspace.com/thin_crazy My Linkedin Page http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/stuart-kennedy/19/262/383

True Love Love is just a word, A word I give to you, It’s my past that always burns, It’s the hurt that reigns true, Hold on to my beating heart, Don’t squeeze and loose it spark, You don’t speak within my dreams, Your hand is trapped within the dark, The precipice in which I’m blessed with, In this abyss I am living desperate, For you, I will light the sun, When I pull through, I will move the moon, So that you know you are the only one. We could be together forever,

Until death do us part, I would go further than that, Just to protect both of our hearts, I would travel to heaven or even to hell, Bring you back to the living, So I could take you and make you my world, I’m opening the ground, Shouting above and over these clouds, All I know right now, Is your soul must be found, My time flows slow, Until I find you I am going rouge, My own soul is rolling over to your cold, I can’t live this life without you, Alone.

Let Me Stay I’m being held by angels, Does that mean I’m in danger? And now I can’t stay with you. I’m afraid that death is my cure, Have I jumped my last stepping stone? Letting myself in through heaven’s door, Set forth for the light beyond, From the fight before I have to stay strong, Laying here going, going, gone, Then being thrown in the darkest of holes, My eyes, I have to keep them opened, The reapers soul shopping, He says “More often than none” You will be lowered in to that hole within that coffin.

XXtra Special: Mercury Winners

The Winners The Barclaycard Mercury music prize this year went to a smashing little British band called The XX. And although

tipped to be the bookies’ favourite, they were still relatively unheard of before their nomination- first release

‘Crystalised’ peaked at 175 in the charts.

Having been put in a category with the latest efforts from Mumford and Sons, Biffy Clyro and Paul Weller, it’s easy

to see why The XX might have been overlooked for some huge artists.

But then you hear their music.

The self-produced album, which was recorded in a small garage, XX boasts some fantastic tracks such as ‘Islands’,

‘Intro’ and ‘Heart Skipped a Beat.’ All three have featured heavily in advertising this year and have been used to

promote TV programmes like Grey’s Anatomy and Seven Days, as well as providing the background for the general

election coverage on BBC’s Newsnight!

The band, comprising of Romy Madley Croft (vocals, lead guitar), Oliver Sim (vocals, bass guitar), and Jamie Smith

(beats, MPC sampler), have clearly been influenced by dark, emotive 80s guitar sounds (think early ‘Cure’) as well

as the high-end sheen of American R&B. And the result is outstanding.

Throughout each track, both Croft and Sim’s vocals combine to create beautiful, hushed vocal duets.

Their crafty use of samples – such as the glock on ‘VCR’ – combined with R&B influences and emotional lyrics make

for some catchy, yet melancholic pop. The album is enchantingly haunting, with the term ‘chill-out’ being an

understatement. In essence, XX sounds like it could be one brilliantly long song.

So add together the TV exposure with brilliant tracks and throw in some celebrity backing - with celebrities like

Fearne Cotton backing them on her Radio1 show - and you can begin to understand how The XX became hotly-

tipped favourites for the 2010 Mercury Prize.

But for Croft et al, it’s a prize that’s much deserved. They have been working their butts off in the year since the

release of XX. Yet it’s something they didn’t think they’d win.

Sim said following their win “I don’t know what we were expecting but we weren’t expecting this.” He went on to say “Thank you so much. We’ve had the most incredible year and it has just felt like every day we’ve just woken up to something incredible we just weren’t expecting. It has felt just like a haze. Being here is like a moment of clarity in all that’s happening.”

But don’t expect a repeat performance in the future. It has been well documented that the band have no plans to

follow up with a second stonking album. Instead, they are quite content to produce music song-by-song at their

own pace.

Sim explained to NME earlier in the month: "I do enjoy songwriting and I think we're gonna do a second album. We're

gonna write and record just for the love of it. Even if we don't do anything with it. There is no plan to even put out a second

album. There's just a plan to start being creative again, with no big intentions."

The Nominees

Written by Kimberley Manderson

Written by Kimberley Manderson

Album Reviews

by Carla Julianna Sama

Robyn – Body Talk Pt2 Label: Cherrytree Records/Interscope Records Genre: Electropop/Synthpop Released: September 6, 2010 Rating:

Robyn's 2nd album from her Body Talk trilogy is unexplainably surprising. The Swedish singer/song-writer took

her musical direction to the ultimate potential of one of her most energetic compilations. Robyn's 8 track

reinvention is synth-driven, club ready with vocals that ooze electro eighties pop to a new dimension. Diva anthems including brash lyrics such

as, “Unwind and just bump and grind, Get my shot on, have some fun, a little dirty never hurt anyone” - Criminal Intent. “The Vatican knows

better than to F*** with me”, vocalizes Robyn in „You should know better‟ ft Snoop Dogg. The electro prodigy integrates „young love‟ messages

of wisdom, caution light and an open heart.

“I‟m gonna love you like I‟ve never been hurt before, I‟m gonna love you like I‟m indestructible” –A trustworthy ballad, -“Indestructible” being a

definitive track that concludes the intensity of the album. The acoustic bliss accompanied by a symphony orchestra refines Robyn‟s character

and individuality that felicitously completes the album. It‟s a euphoric inspiring retro transformation that‟s musically exquisite.

Download: Love Kills

Shawn Desman – Fresh Label: Uomo/Universal Music Canada Genre: Pop/R&B/Dance-pop Released: August 3, 2010 Rating:

Third time‟s a charm for Shawn Desman‟s highly anticipated studio album, “Fresh”. Despite the long awaited,

five year expectancy, since “Back for more” this Canadian singer, song-writer and producer mastered an

evolved musical direction with confidence. Following on from the success of his other debut albums, „Fresh‟ is a splendid combination of

powerful vocals and upbeat melodies that inspire each song towards a polished new sound.

The release of his 2nd single, „Night like this‟ contains energetic and flirty dance floor elements with lyrics, “Walk in the room, leaving the sun in

disgrace, Shining so bright, makes me forget time and space”. The emotional growth this album boasts is full of sex appeal and infectious

hooks that create what Shawn explains as „Fresh‟. Eleven tracks of romantic lyrical tales are beyond expectation of mainstream hits. “I catch

myself starring at your face, when you‟re not awake, I just can‟t help it” – Shiver. Even though, music is a fusion of a lot of influences, rest

assured „Fresh‟ is reaching out to the roots of devoted fans and embrace the respect and support of new ones.

His ability to surprise us throughout his journey of album breakthroughs concludes he‟ll be around for the long haul.

Shawn Desman‟s reputable vibe is in full bloom. This album is artistically electric and creatively brilliant.

Download: Electric

Stone Sour – Audio Secrecy Label: Roadrunner Genre: Heavy metal/Alternative metal/Post-grunge Released: September 7, 2010 Rating:

The title of this album reveals more than it declares. Stone Sour‟s „Audio‟ is an altered nu-metal Slipknot

influence and „Secrecy‟ however, is the epitome of solitude and suppression in a distressed atmosphere.

“Say you‟ll haunt me”, the first single released, demonstrates an informal radio rock impression of the album. “I was never good enough to

find, I was never bad enough to mind, In the middle I will do my best, Take me in your arms and leave the rest”. Stone Sour‟s 3rd album gives

character and emotional diversity that creates a stronger yet, fragile side. Although, like any „Rock‟ album you‟ll receive the obvious, heavy

guitar riffsl hooks, chord change up‟s and perfect drummer fills that compliment the album to its full potential. “It‟s only common sense, so

please don‟t take offense, I gotta say what‟s on my mind cuz all this bitterness has made me second guess” – Dying, a rock tempo ballad

flaunting the versatile vocal use from the talented lead singer, Corey.

Even though, most songs create a catchy chorus this album has its up‟s and down‟s.

Expect melodic dark tones and a contradiction of genres that create an „Audio Secrecy‟ complexity between hard rock to radio rock.

Download: Digital

Mike Posner – 31 Minutes to take off

Label: J Records (RCA/Sony) Genre: Synthpop/Electropop/Dance-pop Released: September 7, 2010 Rating:

„Hard work and eager efforts towards success do lead to rewarding benefits‟; Mike Posner is the perfect


This multi talented, Duke University graduate makes me question “When exactly did he have time to study?” With all these frat experiences

expressed in his new album, from love to fame, he was one busy guy. The Launch of his career started off by creating a mixtape „A matter of

time‟ from his dorm room working with Don Cannon and Dj Benzi. That wasn‟t enough for this 22 year old, singer, songwriter, producer and Dj,

he wanted more. „One foot out the door‟ working with Clinton Sparks was his second mixtape that signed him with J Records. „31 minutes to

take off‟ is his studio effort album with smooth tones and good dance music, balanced with ease. "My music doesn't sound like anyone else's,

and it's important for me that it stays that way", - Mike Posner, Billboard Interview. Incorporating clever hooks, catchy beats following the R&B

spectrum, I‟d say he created a formula for success. „Cooler than me‟, first single that was inspired by a female counterpart that attended Duke,

created an extensive pop audience with some nu-disco influences. “Shh, see I got you all figured out, you need every one‟s eyes just to feel

seen”. The second single, „Please don‟t go‟ infuses club friendly electronic beats and a catchy chorus that‟s still got me singing. There‟s some

top-40 attention grabbing songs that are care free, but nothing puts „Drug dealer girl‟ to shame. In hopes that this album would only continue

on with the roots of what was introduced on his hip hop fusion mixtapes, I was somewhat left in dismay. Despite the fact, it’s his unique style

that will continue putting him in the spotlight and artist maturity that will deliver more memorable melodies in the near future.

Download: Cheated

Gig Reviews

The Autumnkind @ The George Tavern 14.10.10 Setlist for the night: The Shipping Forecast Seachange Another Day Glasshouses Shiver My Big Mouth Halfcut This was the second time I went to see the lads perform, and this time supporting The Dandies. After a dark, dodgy walk from Shadwell station, I finally saw the main road and The George Tavern right across the road… Phew. A little more confident now, I walked my way, following some random guy into the pub. And there they were… Finally sat into my seat after grabbing a beer, I started to familiarise myself with the venue. I loved it – cosy with candle lit tables. I kinda liked that the candles were in old booze bottles. You felt as though you were in a Saloon with the old brown furnishings and dark, lit ambience. May I also add that the seats were well comfy! It was 9:00pm and The Autumnkind were up! My critical head came on and away they went, kicking off with The Shipping Forecast. I was glad to see that they kept up to the standard they delivered when I saw them the first time at 333 Mother Bar back in April of this year. It was definitely a gig to mellow you out after a hard day at work, over drinks. I did just this and it proved to me once again there is talent out there that needs to be promoted globally. They performed Seachange, My Big Mouth, Halfcut and Another Day to the same quality and really created a good mood for everyone to enjoy along with a little banter. I was particularly impressed with their new songs Glasshouses and Shiver. Whoa! I think we’re about to see The Autumnkind going into a new season! Marc and Caleb certainly strutted their stuff on guitar with James and Simon giving some great support on bass and drums! Might I add – Caleb, excellent solo in Glasshouses! Overall, the night was fun, enjoyable and again, The Autumnkind interacted with the audience well. A few technical hitches and the venue’s acoustics weren’t great but hey, it happens right, and I don’t think a band should be condemned for things out of their control… I still enjoyed the atmosphere; and two fresh faces I spoke to that night had never seen The Autumnkind play and they enjoyed it too – so I reckon this gig gets a thumbs up! Only other negative I would say is that, there weren’t enough people!!! Readers I am telling you if you’re into bands like Stereophonics, Biffy Clyro and John Mayer, you will enjoy The Autumnkind. I recommend you to go get tickets to their next show… The Autumnkind need to be bigger than what they are – I want to see them open for mainstream bands soon. RIME Entertainment believes you can do it… Go and get tickets to see them play at The Horn, November 3rd 2010 in Hertfordshire – click here for details... “As always, the guys played perfectly and amazingly. Always worth the trip to see them!” Louis Neilson

Melissa Hurry

@ HMV Hammersmith Apollo 22.10.10

Setlist for the night:

Slip to the Void Buried Alive Before Tomorrow Comes Still Remains Brand New Start White Knuckles All Hope Is Gone Metalingus Ghost of Days Gone By Broken Wings Ties That Bind One Day Remains I Know It Hurts Come To Life Blackbird Open Your Eyes Encore: Watch Over You (Acoustic) Wonderful Life (Acoustic) Isolation Rise Today

So a friend of mine asked me to see this band, they had an extra ticket. Now I had heard of Alter Bridge and saw a video of theirs on one of my favourite channels so I agreed to go. I crammed in as much of Alter Bridge as I possibly could the week of their concert - I liked it so far… let’s see what they have to offer on Friday night… It came to 8pm the lights went out. The crowd scream anticipating the support band – out came Slaves to Gravity. Slaves to Gravity are from London, England and formed in 2006. This amazing opportunity came their way and I think it was well deserved. They were a great support act for Alter Bridge; they definitely gave you a taste of what’s to come. I wasn’t at the front but I sure enjoyed their energy and their music. I am anticipating seeing their success evolve. They definitely have talent. So after a long break it came to the main attraction of the night - Alter Bridge. I was amazed at the huge crowd, lovely fans I might add! I shuffled a little more towards the front… big mistake if you’re short but great if you’re tall! It was 9.15pm and the lights went out. The crowd scream, this time a little more excited. A cold shiver went through all of us and Alter Bridge walks on stage and stirred the crowd with Slip to the Void – Nice!

Unfortunately being 5ft 3ins was not an advantage that night. I only saw Mark Tremonti (Guitar) a little bit and specs of Myles Kennedy (Lead Vocals and guitar) otherwise it was just bodies… booooo! HOWEVER! This did not spoil my night! I still rocked on to songs like Buried Alive, Before Tomorrow Comes, Still Remains and all of their songs to be honest. Some I vaguely knew and some I didn’t have a clue but it was still brill! Now one song I knew very well and I didn’t have a clue they sang it was the very popular song from WWE – yes you know the entrance theme for Edge… go on sing it “On this day I see clearly everything has come to life. A bitter place and a broken dream and we'll leave it all, leave it all behind” yeah you know what I’m talking about… METALINGUS! Now I was well excited and head banged all the way through! Still couldn’t see though. I was thoroughly impressed with the whole performance especially there encore acoustics where they played a favourite of mine – Wonderful Life. The last four songs were absolutely amazing as was the rest of their set. They ended it off with a great performance of Rise Today. It finished at 11:00pm on the dot. And I was ecstatic about the whole concert. I think if you can love the concert after not even seeing them play before, then, in my opinion, that makes them a great band indeed! I will go see them again and this time, I will make sure I’m at the front! Well done Alter Bridge you have gained another fan as well as many others from that night . Would be great to see you rocking it at Wembley or the London O2 Arena at some point… This venue was way too small. RIME rates this ****

Melissa Hurry

Photo taken by Gary Brayne

@ London O2 Arena 13.10.10

Setlist for the evening:

Chinese Democracy Welcome To The Jungle It's So Easy Mr. Brownstone Sorry Shackler's Revenge Richard Fortus Guitar Solo Live And Let Die Instrumental Jam This I Love Better Rocket Queen Dizzy Reed Piano Solo Street Of Dreams You Could Be Mine DJ Ashba Guitar Solo Sweet Child O' Mine November Rain I.R.S. Nice Boys Knockin' On Heaven's Door Nightrain My Penultimate dream was about to come true, never mind that in the back of mind alarm bells were ringing! Who

on earth would want to come with me to see " My Rock god the Legend ~ Axl Rose"! I have two categories of

friends to deal with. The ‘I hate Rock and Roll’ and the ‘I saw GN’R in 80’ this and 90’ that and refuse to watch Axl

and his session musicians bunch’. But I said to myself the show must go on, and on the 13th October 2010 I knew I

would be attending the always criticised yet forever loved Guns N’ Roses in concert at the O2 Arena – Alone! That’s

right my dedication stretches that far......

The day arrived and not only was I attending probably one of the most monumental concerts happening in 2010,

but I too was attending, yes I mention it again – Alone! Heading to the massive O2 Arena (to which I might add, I

Encore: Don't Cry Madagascar Patience Whole Lotta Rosie Paradise City

had never been to in my life), with a head full of questions and buzzing with excitement. After numerous debates (I

have to admit, because I’m very honest like that), I did wonder how much, if at all, Axl’s voice had deteriorated, or

how late they would be, would I end up sleeping on a London park bench?

All of this faded into oblivion as I stepped into the O2 and anxiously waited for someone to form a queue

somewhere, so I could join it, leading me one step closer to Axl and his voice of perfection!

Sebastian Bach the extremely charismatic ex-frontman of Skid Row was the supporting band and they launched

onto the stage at around 7.30pm. I had never seen them perform and I was amazed by their guitarist, Nick Sterling

who apparently had just turned 20 years old. His style and technique was superb. I’m definitely going to follow

them closely from now onwards.

As Bach exited the stage the natter of the crowds started, as people shifted between seats and topped up drinks

and snacks in an attempt to ensure that nothing interrupted their GN’R experience once the show started. I was

like a child in a candy shop, literally. There I sat still slightly in awe of my surroundings, with my Rowntree pick n’

mix. I know that’s just me pure Rock and Roll! Time was ticking on, but I was aware that it would be a possible late

start, firstly because this was after all Axl Rose’s renowned trait and secondly I'd had an email from the O2 warning

of a late finish. They had also provided additional travel information which I thought was a nice touch.

A little before 9.30pm the crowd started an impressive Mexican wave or an ‘Axl type rain dance’ if you like, this

seemed to work. The lights dimmed, and my heart stopped as Axl’s identifiable ‘gift’ of a voice belted out ‘Chinese

Democracy’, which I thought was a fitting start to the show. Followed by ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ at which time

pushed me smoothly into complete silent hysteria! His rendition of ‘This I Love’ the most touching song from their

album ‘Chinese Democracy’ oozed that trademark Axl tone which ran shivers down my spine. Axl quite literally side

stepped any bottle throwing this time round by nipping it in the bud. When some hyper soul threw something on

stage, he told them off in a very sarcastic but pleasant way and only had to speak once. It brought a smile to my

face as Axl’s same boyish personality was evidently active as he gave a brief display of snake dancing in the

background during ‘Rocket Queen’.

During the performance of ‘Live and let Die’ an impressive pyrotechnic display boasted columns, shooting pillars of

flames making me jump several times, straight out my seat! In the face of rumour the sound at the O2 was

incredible and the energy which filled the room was electric.

I was beginning to feel remarkably content; I had seen the man himself live and unleashed, throwing himself

around a spectacular layered stage set, complete with hanging speakers, and gigantic video screens with effortless

magnificence. Managing an impressive number of costume changes. He had even made use of one ecstatic Fan’s

scarf that he picked up as he sang the epic ‘Sweet Child of Mine’. Where incidentally guitarist DJ Ashba, dare I say

it, if I had closed my eyes, gave ‘SLASH’ a crowd- pleasing run for his money. Another member who stood out to me

was drummer Frank Ferrer, he was amazing and his cooler than cool effortless demeanor was refreshing, and

entertaining to watch. A clean cut Axl stepped out to perform an emotion filled ‘Don’t Cry’ and I saw fans down

below on the barrier swaying in unison. It was a moment of Rock ballad beauty! At this point, pushing my own

boundaries I had to make a dash….

I later heard that Axl also sported a stray KFC container during his cover of AC/DC’s a “Whole Lotta Rosie”. Proving

to me, that despite occasional reports of fiery streaks coming through, his carefree attitude and sense of humor,

remains rock solid. I would have loved to have been there for ‘Paradise City’ but hey, how many dreams can one

little rock chick expect to have come true in one night!

All in all I think they played a good blend of classic and new and Axl embraced each lyric of each song with true passion showing astonishing showmanship. Guns N’ Roses as I saw them in 2010 and Mr Axl Rose with his magnificent vocal range are still alive and literally kicking. FACT! Rating: *****

Photo and review - Tania Kietzmann


World Contamination Tour 2010

HMV Forum Hammersmith Apollo – Saturday 23rd October 2010

Setlist for the night: Na Na Na Thank You For The Venom Dead! Cemetery Drive Planetary (GO!) I'm Not Okay (I Promise) Give 'Em Hell Kid Our Lady Of Sorrows I Don't Love You You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison The Only Hope For Me Is You Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us This Is How I Disappear Welcome To The Black Parade Helena Mama Teenagers The Ghost Of You Famous Last Words Sleep Cancer The Kids From Yesterday

After 5 years of waiting, the long awaited comeback tour for MCR finally arrived. I had struggled desperately to get these tickets, having sold out within 15mins of going on sale, but I was determined to get my hands on a pair. I’ll admit I paid well over the sale price to get these tickets but I can say with my hand on my heart today, they were worth every penny. After waiting outside in the rain for just over an hour we were finally let in to the smallest and in my opinion the worst venue I ever have been to for a concert. We had to walk past rubbish scattered all over the grounds, where it was obvious people had slept the night outside. The venue only opened 2 doors to let us all in. This was a sold out show and the queue had no end in sight but they only opened 2 doors!!!! When I got in I expected spacious toilets, spacious everything, but this wasn’t the case. Hammersmith Apollo, you really need to sort it out!!! After getting over the shock of the venue, I unwinded to the sounds of Glasgow band Twin Atlantic who were the band supporting MCR on this UK leg of the tour. What a great opening act. They interacted well with the crowd and their songs were brilliant. They had an energy that filled the room. One band to definitely look out for. 9pm finally approached and that was it...the guys were on and the atmosphere was electrifying. The long awaited new single Na Na Na had us all going crazy and it just didn’t stop from there. Song after song Gerard and the boys

got us all jumping and singing, we just couldn’t get enough. Gerard was very composed on stage with his electric red hair and shared with the crowd how thankful he was to us: “London thank you so much. We are really excited about this record, but we're more excited about the next 10 years of this band." 10 more years of MCR! Well that had us all going crazy. We were all glad to see them back again; it was like they never left. It’s coming up to nearly a week now since the show and I have to say I’m still on a high from it. I’m still blaring their music out and re-watching all the videos I took of them that night. Even through my phone the adrenaline is still running. Gerard continued to shine, not only with his red hair but he still knows how to wow the audience; and the boys...Ray, Frank, Mikey & Michael Pedicone(touring drummer), what can I say but you guys are such a talented bunch and bring the music alive. This was the first time RIME Entertainment have seen the boys live and although it’s been long overdue, it was well worth the wait and you will definitely catch us at the next UK tour. The only thing I would say is I want to see MCR at a bigger venue next time. You guys can pack out O2 and Wembley Arena no problem. You deserve a bigger stage to share your talent with the world. YOU ROCK ON KILLJOYS! RIME rates this ***** See the video of Teenagers live at their opening concert: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0miqIgDZK_0 Written by Rita Hurry


2010 - 2011

Post season – NHL highlights

Introduction – Reviewing the 2010 Stanley Cup Playoff Finals

The finals ended on June 9th, 2010 with the Chicago Blackhawks defeating the Philadelphia Flyers

four games to two to win their fourth championship and their first since 1961. Jonathan toews,

Blackhawk‟s center and team captain was awarded the Conn Smyth Trophy as the playoff‟s most

valuable player. The 2010 Stanley Cup Playoff‟s commenced on April 14th, 2010 after the

conclusion of the 2009-2010 playoff championship winners, Pittsburgh Penguins.

“Hockey is a man's game. The team with the most real men wins.” - Brian Burke


-Welcome to 2010-2011 Stanley Cup Playoff‟s-

Let the games begin!

*All Stats and NHL Material/Logos(registered trademarks) was resourced responsible content from Scoremobile.com, Thehockeynews.com and Nhl.com

-A glance of the Stanley Cup History-

2009-10 Chicago Blackhawks

Blackhawks win the series 4-2, defeating Philadelphia Flyers in an

overtime win 4-3

2008-09 Pittsburgh Penguins

Penguins win the series 4-3, defeating Detroit Red Wings in a 2-1 win

2007-08 Detroit Red Wings

Wings win the series 4-2, defeating Pittsburgh Penguins to a 3-2 win

2006-07 Anaheim Ducks

Ducks win the series 4-1, defeating Ottawa Senators to a 6-2 win

2005-06 Carolina Hurricanes

Hurricanes win the series 4-3, defeating Edmonton Oilers to a 3-1 win

2003-04 Tampa Bay Lightning

Lightning win the series 4-3, defeating Calgary Flames to a 2-1 win

2002-03 New Jersey Devils

Devils win series 4-3, defeating Anaheim Mighty Ducks to a 3-0 win.

2001-02 Detroit Red Wings

Wings win the series 4-1, defeating the Carolina Hurricanes to a 3-1 win

2000-01 Colorado Avalanche

Avalanche win the series 4-3, defeating the New Jersey Devils to a 3-1



Central Division Northeast Division

Chicago Blackhawks Boston Bruins

Columbus Blue Jackets Buffalo Sabres

Detroit Red Wings Montreal Canadiens

Nashville Predators Ottawa Senators

St. Louis Blues Toronto Maple Leafs

Atlantic Division Northwest Division

New Jersey Devils Calgary Flames

New York Islanders Colorado Avalanche

New York Rangers Edmonton Oilers

Philadelphia Flyers Minnesota Wild

Pittsburgh Penguins Vancouver Canucks

Pacific Division Southeast Division

Anaheim Ducks Atlanta Thrashers

Dallas Stars Carolina Hurricanes

Los Angeles Kings Florida Panthers

Phoenix Coyotes Tampa Bay Lightning

San Jose Sharks Washington Capitals


Eastern conference Western Conference

Atlantic Points Central Points

1. New York Islanders 10 1. Chicago Blackhawks 11

2. Pittsburgh Penguins 10 2. Detroit Red Wings 9

3. New York Rangers 5 3. Nashville Predators 9

4. Philadelphia Flyers 5 4. Columbus Blue Jackets 6

5. New Jersey Devils 5 5. St. Louis Blues 6

Northeast Northwest

1. Toronto Maple Leafs 9 1. Colorado Avalanche 8

2. Boston Bruins 8 2. Minnesota Wild 7

3. Montreal Canadiens 7 3. Calgary Flames 6

4. Buffalo Sabres 5 4. Vancouver Canucks 6

5. Ottawa Senators 3 5. Edmonton Oilers 4

Southeast Pacific

1. Tampa Bay Lightning 9 1. Dallas Stars 10

2. Washington Capitals 8 2. Los Angeles Kings 8

3. Carolina Hurricanes 6 3. Anaheim Ducks 7

4. Atlanta Thrashers 6 4. Phoenix Coyotes 5

5. Florida Panthers 4 5. San Jose Sharks 5

*stats as of October, 22/2010


Patrice Cormier – Atlanta Thrashers – Pleaded Guilty

Atlanta Thrashers prospect Patrice Cormier has been given an absolute discharge after pleading

guilty to and assault charge stemming from a jr. game last January.

Patrice was playing for the Rouyn-Noranda Huskies of the Quebec Major Jr. Hockey League last

January when he elbowed Mikael Tam of the Quebec Remparts, in the Head. Cormier entered court

with the judge granting discharge after mutual agreement and was reached among all parties,

despite guilty plea Cormier will not have a criminal record.

Vancouver Canucks, Rypien suspended after altercation with fan

During Vancouver Canucks loss against Minnesota, Rypien was issued a double minor for roughing

and a game misconduct penalty in the second period (13:38). After leaving the bench for the

dressing room, he grabbed a fan that was cheering Rypiens departure, by the shirt and shook him.

Indefinite suspension for six or more games to show disciplinary action followed by a court hearing,

Canucks coach Alain Vigneault stated before the Wednesday game in Chicago, “I‟m going to save my

comments until after the league does their investigation and comes up with a decision. – we‟ll let

things unfold from here”

General Manager for Ottawa Senators, Bryan Murphy making changes

Blue liners for the Ottawa Senators have been slacking in the defensive zone. Bryan Murphy

stated, „Chris Phillips needs to be better and Erik Karlsson has fallen short of expectation‟. Head

coach, Cory Clouston is spending time during practices focusing on the defensive zone coverage. He

states; “Six games hardly define a season but I feel that much can be learned from the teams early

struggles, We have to play with a lot more sense of urgency, In a panic nothing positive comes from

that, but with urgency we can turn that into a positive”.

New York rangers break through losing streak without star players

Despite critical players such as, Marian Gaborik, Chris Drury, Vinny Prospal, or Henrick Lundqvist,

the rangers snapped out of three game winless skid and won the first game since season opener on

Thursday night against the Toronto Maple Leafs 2-1. “It was probably our best game of the year,

from being aggressive on the forecheck and playing well defensively,” said rangers defenceman

Michael Del Zotto. Gaborik with a separated shoulder will be expected to return in November,

while Drury recovering from a knee surgery will be expected within mid November. “We‟re not too

worried about the guys we‟re missing, we can‟t do anything about that,” said Rangers winger Ryan

Callahan. “Everyone came out and battled hard tonight, and that‟s what we need to do.”

Avalanche Defenceman leaves game with head injury after first period

Nearly playing seven minutes of the game in the opening period on Thursday night against San jose

Sharks, Adam Foote left with a severe head injury. Avalanche Defenceman needed only one point to

become the top scoring defenceman in franchise history. The 39 year old captain will not return.

Lecavalier returns to Tampa bay Lightning missing game with hand injury

Lecavalier is back in the line up, missing one game due to an injured hand. The Tampa Bay, Centre

returned to Thursday night‟s game against the New York Islanders and has said that his hand feels

“ten times better”. Vincent sat out Monday against Dallas, two days after the captain was hit on the

first knuckle by a shot during 6-0 loss at Florida.

Franzen returns to Detroit Red Wings line up

After missing one game after head injury, franzen is back in the line up. He was injured last

Thursday when he was hit by Dallas Defenceman, Mark Fistric in the first period and missed

Saturday‟s game at Phoenix but returned for Thursday night‟s home against Calgary.

Lafleur signs long - term deal to stay ambassador

Guy Lafleur is staying on as an „Ambassador‟ for the Montreal Canadiens remaining one of the five

public relation ambassador‟s along with Jean Beliveau, Henri Richard, Yvan Cournoyer and Rejean

Houle who all renewed their contracts earlier this year. The 59 year old is to kick off a seven city

farewell tour of Quebec on October 29th that he states will be his last old-timers game.

Nashville Predators – Ryan Suter sustained lower body injury

Defenceman, Ryan Suter was injured at the 2:05 mark of the first period on Tuesday night against

Calgary Flames. The Calgary Defenceman Cory Sarich collided into Suter in front of the Nashville

bench. Suter was immediately taken to the locker room with a lower body injury; the team later

announced he would not return to the game.

Deadline Approaches for 2010 Draft Picks

Jim Rutherford and the other five GM‟s need to start making more concrete decisions on their 2010

entry draft picks still currently playing in the NHL. Rutherford stated about Jeff Skinner –

Carolina Hurricanes, (the 7th pick of the 2010 entry draft); “Certainly based on his skill level and

his hockey sense, I would be surprised if he‟s not here all year.” The special six still remain with

their teams: Taylor Hall (No.1) – Edmonton Oilers, Tyler Seguin (No.2) – Boston Bruins, Nino

Niederreiter (No.5) – New York Islanders, Jeff Skinner (No.7) – Carolina Hurricanes, Alexander

Burmistrov (No. 8) – Atlanta Thrashers and Cam Fowler (No. 12) – Anaheim Ducks. Teams can return

their teenage prospects to their junior team at any time, but doing so before they play in their 10th

game, delays the start of their entry – level contract.

Roman Polak out with Wrist Injury

St. Louis Blues defenceman will miss at least one game from a laceration of the right wrist. Sidney

Crosby, Centre for the Pittsburgh Penguins accidentally cut Polaks wrists with a skate in the

second period of the blues 1-0 overtime win on Saturday. Polak is expected to miss Thursday‟s game

against Nashville and will be assessed on a day to day basis until his recovery.


OF 2010-2011-


Rick Nash, 26

10. The Blue jackets sniper is the “old man” of the group and enters his third season as team captain

Eric Staal, 25

9. „Big daddy Cane‟ turns 26 on Oct. 29th. He was handed the „C‟ last January, despite the fact his predecessor,

Rod Brind‟ Amour, was still with the team. In the midst of a terrible season, Carolina‟s management felt it best to

make the inevitable transition sooner than later

Dustin Brown, 25

8. „The Kings of Kings‟ turns 26 just six days after Staal and is entering his third season as L.A‟s captain. Quoted

in Kennedy‟s story, Brown was happy the Kings were a young team when he was named captain.

Mike Richards, 25

7. Richards turned 25 in February and followed in the footsteps of Flyers legend, Bobby Clarke as a young guy

handed the reins early in his career. Richards is also entering his third season as captain. (Picking up on a trend


Dion Phaneuf, 25

6. Phaneuf, born April 10, was named the 20th in Maple Leafs history after the team went two seasons without

anyone wearing the „C‟ following Mat Sundin‟s departure.

Ryan Getzlaf, 25

5. The league‟s newest captain – for now – was born May 10, exactly a month after Phaneuf. Getzlaf is big,

strong and has 100-point potential. He‟s also already a Stanley cup and Olympic champion.

Shea Weber, 25

4. Born in August, Weber was named Nashville‟s captain in July after Jason Arnott was traded to New Jersey.

Known for a booming shot and bone – crunching hits, Weber is deadly at both ends of the ice.

Alex Ovechkin, 25

3. The last of the 25-year old captains, „Ovie‟ actually turned down the „C‟ at one point, before his predecessor,

Chris Clark, was traded in December 2009; Ovechkin was a unanimous choice by his teammates to make the „C‟

after Clark was dealt.

Sidney Crosby, 23

2. Crosby is also a cup and Olympic champion. He was named Pens captain while still 19 years old prior to the

2007-08 season. He‟ll have a chance to reach Steve yzerman‟s record of 19 seasons as a captain.

Jonathan Toews, 22

1. The youngest captain in the league just led his team to the Stanley Cup. Toews was only 20 when he was named

captain of the Blackhawks and, along with Crosby, has a chance to be a „lifer‟ and

*All Stats was resourced responsible content from Thehockeynews.com and Nhl.com

Brought to you by, THE HOCKEY NEWS.COM



10. New Salary Cap

The ceiling is now 59.4 million, while the floor rises to 43.4 million as the salary cap

continues its five season ascent.

9. New Classics

Outdoor games have been an unqualified success for the NHL, so why not play two this

year? The heritage Classic brings the open concept back to Canada as Calgary hosts

Montreal Feb. 20th at McMahon Stadium, while Pittsburgh takes on their archrivals

from Washington New Year‟s at Heinz Field. Needless to say, there will be special

jerseys there, too.

8. New all star game

After an Olympic layoff year, the mid-season show is back, with the Carolina

Hurricanes playing host on Jan. 30th. No word yet on whether the corporate boxes will

feature pulled pork.

7. New Arena

Pittsburgh moves into the swanky Consol Energy Center, while the islanders gaze

upon it longingly.

6. New Jersey

Toronto and the New York Islanders revealed new duds this summer, while Anaheim is

closely guarding its new third sweater, to be revealed in late November. Vancouver

and Buffalo celebrate their 40th anniversaries with new gear, while Columbus and the

New York Rangers also have new third jerseys coming down the pipeline. Also, look

out for a purple and gold throwback from L.A. Kings and a change in Nashville.

5. New G.M‟s

Further up the ladder, Dale Tallon takes over the perpetually rebuilding Florida

Panthers, while fellow Blackhawks alum Rick Dudley saddles up in Atlanta. But the

Southeast team with the biggest buzz is Tampa Bay, which enlisted the services of

prized hockey mind Steve Yzerman.

4. New Coaches

Guy Boucher steps behind the bench in Tampa, Craig Ramsay heads to Atlanta, Scotta

Arniel is in Columbus, John Maclean steps up in New Jersey, plus Tom Renney takes

over Edmonton from the „promoted” Pat Quinn.

3. New Contract Years

It‟s a big season for restricted free agents, with a class led by Steven Stamkos, drew

Doughty and Zach Parise. The UFA‟s don‟t take a backseat, however, with Zdeno Chara,

Joe Thornton and Alexander Semin potentially hitting the free market in the summer

of 2011.

2. New saviors

After becoming the pride of Montreal, goaltender Jaroslav Halak takes his talents

down to St. Louis and the burgeoning Blues. Stanley cup – winner Antti Niemi returns

to the Shark Tank, but he‟ll be helping – not tormenting – the Sharks this time around.

Marty Turco takes over in Chicago‟s net and with Jose Theodore out in Washington,

Semyon Varlamov gets his first true crack at No. 1

1. New Captains

Shea Weber dons the „C‟ in Nashville, while Dion Phaneuf gets ready for the pressure

cooker in Toronto.

*All Stats was resourced responsible content from Thehockeynews.com




Arsenal brought in two centre backs Koscielny and Squillaci, but the main capture was Chamakh on a free from

Bordeux, adding a new dimension to the Arsenal attack. They also saw Eduardo go to Russia, youngster Jay

Simpson to Hull, Gallas to Spurs, Senderos to Fulham and Sol Campbell go to Newcastle. The major surprise was

that they did not bring in a new goalkeeper with Almunia and Fabianski error prone. Potential champions but

without a decent keeper, they will fall short.


Villa were quiet during the summer with the James Milner saga a long and tedious chase by Manchester City, it

finally ended with Stephen Ireland and £24m the cost to city. The only other move was Shorey to West Brom for

£1.5m. With Martin O’Neill leaving the club confusion reigned for much of August. Houllier took over in mid

September, a tough job with limited funds. With all the unrest at the club qualifying for Europe is the best they can

hope for.


Birmingham were very busy over the summer with no less than 7 players in and 10 out. Incoming were Foster, Zigic,

Beausejour, Jiranek and the ex-Arsenal Hleb, outgoing were Carsley, Queudrue, McSheffrey and Bent to name a

few. Mcleish is a good manager with a good home record, so I think they will be safe.


Blackburn were unsuccessful in many attempts to attract players to the club, either the club or manager being

maybe not so appealing. They did manage to bring in Benjani, Fernandez and also Diouf on loan from Man Utd.

Allardyce is a decent manager, but has no flair, therefore expect a tough season.


Blackpool also found it hard to attract players, with their strict wage structure, a good policy when just promoted

to the top division, they did manage to bring in DJ Campbell, Harewood and Basham. Up to October they have

exceeded all expectations and have shown that attacking football is not just limited to the top four.


Bolton did manage to bring in a few bargains Robbie Blake, Klasnic and Martin Petrov all on a free, they also got

Marco Alonso a youngster with a lot of potential (a steal from Real Madrid). They still manage to bring in good

players, even though they have a less than exciting playing style, all based in the not so glamorous north

west...Nice One. They’ll be a comfortable mid table.


Well the team with the original Bottomless cheque book were not so busy but still managed to spend £30m by

bringing in Rameires, Benayoun and Delac. But they did offload Carvalho, Ballack, Joe Cole and Deco, getting rid of

4 big wage packets in the process. With Abramovich refusing to bankroll the club endlessly without seeing money

back into the club. They started the season on fire and are the team to beat. Champions unless they self destruct.


Everton were relatively quiet in the summer the only real bit of transfer news was the free transfer of Beckford

from Leeds. Keeping Arteta, Cahill and Jagielka fit are the key to avoiding relegation.


Fulham were very busy this summer with Dembele, Salceido, Senderos, Greeing and Halliche all coming in. Smalling

went to Man Utd for £10m and Konchesky to Liverpool for £4m. They made a profit and a manager came and went

with Hodgson taking over at Liverpool and Mark Hughes his replacement. Mid table would be my assessment.


Liverpools’ doors were spinning out of control this summer, along with the 2 americans doing their best to run the

club into the ground. Rumours about the futures of Gerrard and Torres were quelled for a while with the

acquisitions of Joe Cole, Jovanovich, Poulsen, Meireles and Konchesky. Outgoing were Mascherano, Benayoun and

Riera to name a few. Add that to the sacking of Benitez and his replacement Hodgson facing a mammoth task

bringing back the glory days. A shocking start and already fighting relegation, I never thought i’d say that.


Manchester City with the sheikhs unlimited funds were once again the premier leagues biggest spenders shelling

out around £130m. They brought in Y Toure, Silva, Milner, Balotelli, Kolarov and Boateng. With 24 players leaving

the club, the Robinho transfer to AC Milan being the most high profile. Tevez getting the captaincy and so far doing

a decent job even though his relationship with Mancini is fractious. The league title is the least expected by the

owner, failure could see another new manager.....Football with monopoly money I think.


Man Utd brought in Smalling, Bebe and Hernandez spending £24m in the process, with not so many going out. An

aging team bringing in fresh legs and potential. Champions possible, but with Valencia out for most of the season

and Rooney injured and his personal life exploding in his face, a season to forget would be my thinking.


Newcastle bounced back as champions, needing to reinforce the team they brought in Campbell, Gosling and Ben

Arfa. I for one am glad the geordies are back. Mid table is the best they can hope for.


Stoke City were also quite busy, they let Beattie go to Rangers, but they brought in Kenwyne Jones, Gudjohnsen,

Pennant, Wilson and Walters to build on the good performance from last season. Safety and hovering between mid

table and above the relegation zone.


Sunderland could not hold onto Jones but managed to replace him with Gyan who had a great World Cup with

Ghana. A few other in’s and out’s but nothing to write home about. Again I think safe to mid table.


After their excellent season last year, consolidation is paramount and with the arrival of Gallas, Van Der Vaart and

Sandro they should achieve a top five finish. Vaart was an inspired last minute buy and has performed very well so

far and is looking good.


Came up comfortably and a few good signings, Odemwingie has popped up with a few goals and they aren’t

looking bad beaten Arsenal and drawn with Man Utd, above the bottom three is a probability with worse teams



After a bad season last year, this year I fear will be another one, maybe worse. With Piquionne,

Hitzlsperger and Obinna coming in and most of Zolas’ signings shown the door, also the arrival of Avraam

Grant. Relegation is an avoidable......but will they?


Another team that will struggle big time this season, ins and outs nothing to write home about therefore

will be hard pressed to stay up, sorry Latics’.


A tough season to come for wolves, with Fletcher, Hunt and Mouyokolo coming in and Mancienne on

loan from Chelsea. If they can keep 11 on the pitch they have a chance, even if its a slim one.


So far this season, the main talking points are Man City’s millions and on a more important note, the

excessive force used in tackles by certain teams. Brought to light by Danny Murphy, (I applaud you) with

the injuries to Bobby Zamora, Hatem Ben Arfa and Dembele these reckless tackles have since gone

unpunished. So, I highlight the thugs involved being De Jong of Man City, K Henry of Wolves and

Wilkinson of Stoke...






Guns and Roses are back in concert and wowing the fans again with their electrifying sound and energy that could only be

described as true rock music. Over the decades GN’R have never been less then entertaining. Axl Rose, the frontman for the

group has the energy and the talent that is yet to be matched on stage, even at the age of 48 this man is still passionate about

the music and this never fails to come across in his performance.

The band have gone through many changes over the years and controversy has followed them with it, but Axl Rose remains

dedicated to GN’R and is still today the only one from the original line up that remains. Many have come and gone throughout

the years including the ever talented guitarist, Slash. Slash wowed us all with his riffs and excellent solos on the guitar which will

never be forgotten, but due to personal differences and various business dealings, the friendship between Axl and Slash ended

and alas this amazing duo whose excellent collaboration of voice and guitar came to an end.

But contrary to speculation, this didn’t bring the end of GN’R and even today, the band still manage to perform the great classics

as well as some new material at their shows and never fail to disappoint.

So let RIME Showcase take a look back at some of the classics that made Guns and Roses the band that they will always



This was the second single off their first album ‘Appetite for Destruction’ which was written by both Axl Rose and Slash.

Apparently it took around 3 hours for them to finish writing the song which includes the music which Duff (the bassist)

contributed to. The first single released was titled ‘It’s so Easy’, taken from the same album. This song was not as popular as

‘Welcome to the Jungle’ therefore often gets forgotten as being one of their singles released. ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ was used in

the Clint Eastwood movie ‘The Dead Pool’ and the band made a brief guest appearance in that movie at the character, Johnny

Squares (played by then unknown actor, Jim Carrey) funeral. This song is still very much played on MTV and the lyric from the song

that always comes to mind when you sing this is: “You know where you are? You’re in the jungle baby and you’re gonna die!” A

great record.


This is an all-time classic. One of GN’R’s most memorable tunes which begins with Slash’s great solo that will never be forgotten

and that all guitarists love to play (including myself). This was their third single off their debut album ‘Appetite for Destruction’

and one of the most successful. This song was written in five minutes by Axl Rose after they heard Slash doing the intro riff on his

guitar leisurely. The rest of the band added their bits to it and voila a hit song was created! Axl based the song on his girlfriend at

the time Erin Everly, who eventually became his wife and then divorcee. The video was just a basic video of the guys rehearsing

with all their girlfriends in the video which included Axl’s girlfriend Erin. Although the video was very real and relaxed, the song

was the success that the band needed and the single reached Number One in the states and Number 6 in the UK charts.


Apparently this song was written at the back of a rental van when the band was on their way back from a gig in San Francisco.

Slash was just putting some riffs together and humming and Axl added a few lines, then Slash added some more and it went on

like that with the rest of the band adding bits to it and Paradise City was created. Some say the song is based on San Francisco and

the problems that were encounted there during this period but no one is sure. One thing that is for sure is that this song is

another of those great GN’R songs that we love to hear over and over again. The video sees the band performing to a huge crowd

with Axl in his white leather jacket. An unforgettable song and video, which unfortunately is now used for a British TV commercial

for Anchor butter...Hmm.


This single was taken from the bands 1989 album ‘GN’R Lies’. It is one of the singles that is easily forgotten but is still a classic. It’s

the bands first slow song and carries a beautiful vibe with it. It has been stated that Izzy, the lead guitarist wrote this song about

his ex-girlfriend and many say that the song is based on Axl’s relationship with his then ex-wife Erin but whatever was the case,

the song was definitely about a troubled relationship. Axl’s whistling intro adds to the feel of this great ballad. One not to be



Well I don’t think there is anyone who could forget this classic track and of course the movie that goes with it. This song was also

featured in the last Terminator movie, Terminator Salvation. Originally this song was not chosen to be in the movie but James Cameron

later decided GN’R should have a track in the movie as the character John Connor was wearing a GN’R T-shirt which seemed prominent

to him. Hence, the decision was negotiated and made over dinner at Arnold Schwarzenegger’s house with the band present and You

Could be Mine was chosen.

The track was written by Izzy and was taken off their album Use your Illusion II which was released in 1991 along with the album Use

your Illusion I. The video for this song also had Arnold Schwarzenegger guest starring in it. The video was a huge success on MTV and

was the most requested video for that year. It topped the TOP 100 videos chart for that year on MTV.

DON’T CRY – 1991

Again not one that is remembered as much but RIME thinks this is a great ballad. There are two versions of this song. Each version

is featured on Use Your Illusion I and Use Your Illusion II. The lyrics are slightly different in both versions and the vocals changes

also in the verses. But both versions still make this song a great classic. The song also features guest vocals by Shannon Hoon from

Blind Melon whom Axl become friends with in Los Angeles when both discovered they came from the same state. Don’t Cry was

originally intended to be the first single from the Use Your Illusion albums but due to the release of Terminator 2, You Could be

Mine was selected. Apparently the song was written about a girl that Izzy was going out with and that Axl was attracted to. Both

Izzy and Axl got together to compile this song about a girl breaking up with a guy and that no matter how much it hurts,

everything will be alright.


November Rain features on the Use Your Illusion I album and is approximately 8 minutes and 57 seconds long. Radios play the

shortened version which lasts about 6 minutes. The haunting ballad contains not only the excellent 2 minute guitar solo by Slash

(which was listed at Number 6 in the The 100 Greatest Guitar Solos by Guitar World magazine) but string instrumentals

throughout the track to give it that haunting feel. This song is a masterpiece and is still very popular today and definitely a great

classic rock ballad. According to sources, Axl had started working on this song back in 1983. Many of the band members were

opposed to the song ever being released but Axl knew that someday it would be a hit and kept working on it until he was happy

with it and it all came together with the rest of the band. The video added to the song which won the Best Cinematography

category at the MTV Video Music Awards in 1992.

There were many songs that could be added to the list above, one of them being GN’R’s cover of Bob Dylan’s Knocking on

Heaven’s Door which was a great cover and again great guitar solo’s by Slash and vocals by Axl. No matter what the future holds

for GN’R one things for sure, with a front man like Axl Rose rock and roll will always be GN’R!

Written by Rita Hurry

RIME’s Top 10 Horror Films of all time Written by Melissa Hurry

RIME watch a lot of Horror films so as it’s the month of Halloween we have put together a list of our Top 10

Horror films to compare and see if we have similar favourites. So here goes - RIME’s Top 10 Horror films…

10. SAW i-vi - 2004

The first, second and third okay… but come on the same plot all the way until six AND NOW 3D… Come on…I think

we get the plot… Kill ‘em all and start again right Jigsaw??? What makes this film successful? The crazy death

scenes that’s what!

The amount of torture someone would do to themselves to get out and how selfish human beings really are… I

think this film is a wake up call… Kinda reminds me of Stratford Station in the morning – no one cares, they just all

need to get into work and don’t care if they hurt you… That’s it!

9. The Unborn - 2009

This film was made by the Creators of The Ring and told a story about a dead twin… All I can say is that if your eye

goes a funny colour after a while, you’d better interrogate your parents… This film is freakishly scary, but a great

plot indeed!

Someone put their foot in it

She’s mine… Get lost!

8. A Nightmare on Elm Street - 1984

Whoever got scared of Wes Craven’s creation was surely not realising the comedian underneath the burns and the

poorly manicured nails. Freddy Kruger was no villain he was a complete joker… Now when this film came out it was

majorly famous for its “one…two…Freddy’s coming for you…” and why not that song was freaky… and was more

likely to give you a fright than the burned monster himself. Ok I admit back in the day it was known as scary but

now… well if you want a laugh, this would definitely be in the collection… an all time classic! By the way the recent

one released this year… VERY BAD – Why’d you have to make him a perv??? Why is it number 8, well, it’s fun to

watch and I guess at times you’ll still jump…maybe?

7. Amityville Horror - 2005

From the makers of Texas Chainsaw Massacre – This 2005 remake of the horror classic in 1979 sure got to me… yes

I’m still freaked out if I’m up around 3:15am… If you haven’t seen it yet, I dare you… don’t watch it at home. It’s

scary and evil.

High Five!

Silence… I kill you!

6. The Blair Witch Project - 1999

Who can forget this footage? It set a new idea of blockbuster filmmaking by going amateur back in 2000 and we

saw it in films like Cloverfield, Jackass etc…

Hands up if you were scared (I look around to see arms raised as I hesitantly raise mine) – oh phew, I wasn’t the

only one. It’s was a great film but boy something I won’t put myself through again…

5. The Ring – 2002

The Ring… well I am now starting to wonder why I am writing this review as I am now scaring myself. The Ring was

a massive success of course the original version being Japanese. It was another one that some didn’t flinch, others

hid the whole time or you pretended you weren’t affected but freaked out a day later. If you were lucky enough to

think this film weren’t scary at all then wow, you’re strong… however, if you’re one of the ones who were

traumatically affected by this film and you’re reading this – I am so sorry I have brought it back to haunt you, but I

couldn’t leave this film out.

I can’t believe they made me wear this hat!

Well, you wanted 3D!

4. House of Wax - 2007

What a cool film with a dodgy title – a remake of another classic but this time with some real good looking actors –

Chad Michael Murray, Jared Padalecki and yes, for the guys – Paris Hilton! I actually have to say Paris did a good job

amongst making sure she looked good in each scene… I was surprised she lasted quite long in this film…Great death

scenes and great music for the soundtrack!

3. Friday the 13th - 2009

Well I’m sorry to say this but – I gotta go with Jason Voorhees. He had a right in killing these annoying characters in

this film as he did in all of the films. Erm yeah I think I made my point.

If you don’t know this film then… stop reading, go and rent it out, LEGALLY download it or wait until it comes on the

television; then come back to this list and read on.

I have to add the recent 2009 version was… STUPENDOUS and I preferred this remake to the 1980’s version... Well

done Jared Padalecki and looking really forward the next one...

That’s the last time I try pole dancing…

I was thinking of growing my hair like you, what

do you think?

2. Halloween - 1978

Michael Myers another one of my villainous heroes! Just like Jason he had motive and you somewhat felt sorry for

him, all he wanted was his sister. Okay I admit he was a crazy crazy killer but in Rob Zombie’s remake we got to see

the real reason – his family were insane and it affected him… does that really make him a bad person???

Okay so that was 10 all the way down to 2. So here is my number 1 film of all time:

1. The Shining – 1980

So why is this my favourite? Well great acting from all parts of the film especially the child actor Daniel Lloyd who

played Danny Torrance.

It’s wasn’t scary just because of the whole haunted hotel thing, but it was the psychological cabin fever effect.

Brilliant script, and a cast well put together… Wendy Torrance, she seems weak but boy, she held the film with

Danny in the end… Quite a funny ending with Mr Frosty… not the way I would’ve ended it but it still worked and

stays on the top of my list.

Do you wanna know something special that I only found our recently? Stanley Kubrick filmed Daniel Lloyds parts

separately, so that he never realised he was in a horror film – how cool!

Okay so there you have it… You may not like the films, watched the films or loved it! These were just some of the

films that go on my list of being all time cool and all time memorable… there are plenty more but this would go on

forever and, well…wouldn’t wanna scare now would I???? Muhahahahaha...

Why can’t I get the ones I want?

I wish those girls would stop stalking me

Gone But not Forgotten BORIS KARLOFF (ACTOR)

Nov 1887 – Feb 1969

Boris Karloff is best remembered as a horror movie acting legend. Although he may not look familiar to many, if you are a true horror fan you cannot forget his role as Frankenstein’s monster in the following 3 films: Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein and Son of Frankenstein.

Karloff was born William Henry Pratt in Forest Hill Road in East Dulwich, England. He emigrated to Canada in the 1910s. Karloff was brought up by his elder siblings after his mother passed away in Enfield, England. He studied at Kings College and was preparing to go into consular service. Karloff eventually dropped out of college and did odd jobs as a labourer and then eventually fell into acting. Karloff had a stutter and an lisp which was very noticeable during his time of growing up. He eventually managed to conquer his stutter problem but never managed to get rid of his lisp.

Karloff travelled to Canada in 1909 and changed his name to Boris Karloff. He never changed his name by deed poll, Karloff was only to be his stage name. Why the change of name you may ask? Well according to research, Karloff felt that he was the black sheep of his family having not been part of the British Foreign Service like his brothers, therefore through the change of name he wouldn’t bring shame to the family. When the family reunited in 1933 the family couldn’t be more prouder of their younger brother.

Karloff’s first acting debut came when he took to the stage to play a mad scientist in the production of The Drums of Jeopardy. Whilst trying to establish his acting career, Karloff had to take on many manual

jobs in Canada. As this was a difficult time in Canada and US for manual work, Karloff suffered back problems which resulted in him not being able to fight in World War 1.

When Karloff eventually arrived in Hollywood, he again did lots of manual labour to help him out financially and acted in many silent films before starring in the film that made him a legend in 1931 Frankenstein. His portrayal of the monster made him a star and led to many more movie roles in horror movies, although Karloff did star in many other films of other genres. Karloff played the monster of Frankenstein on many occasions and finally ended his reign as this character in 1962 with a Halloween special on the show Route 66.

Although Karloff lived and worked in the US for a number of years he never got naturalised as an American citizen. Karloff had married 6 times and had one daughter, Sara Karloff with his 5th wife. He was a kind gentleman who activley helped childrens charities. According to research, Karloff had taken insurance against aging due to the heavy make up he had to wear for the monster roles he played.

Karloff battled arthritis and emphysema and later got pneumonia which led to his death in 1969. He passed away in Sussex, England.

To show the true legacy of this great actor, he was awared 2 stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Karloff was also featured on the ‘Classic Movie Monster Stamps’ as Frankstein’s Monster by the US Postal Service in September 1997.

The Fear Chamber (The Torture Chamber for video release) (1972)

The Incredible Invasion (1971)

Isle of the Snake People (1971)

El Coleccionista de cadáveres (1970)

Targets (1968)

Curse of the Crimson Altar (1968)

The Fear Chamber (1968)

House of Evil (1968)

The Venetian Affair (1967)

Mad Monster Party? (1967) (voice)

The Sorcerers (1967)

The Daydreamer (1966) (voice)

The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini (1966)

Die, Monster, Die! (1965)

Bikini Beach (1964)

The Comedy of Terrors (1964)

I Tre volti della paura (Black Sabbath for US release) (1963)

The Terror (1963)

The Raven (1963)

Corridors of Blood (1962)

Frankenstein - 1970 (1958)

Grip of the Strangler (1958)

The Juggler of Our Lady (1958) (voice)

Voodoo Island (1957)

Sabaka (1954)

Il Mostro dell'isola (1954)

Abbott and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1953)

The Black Castle (1952)

Colonel March Investigates (1952)

The Strange Door (1951)

Abbott and Costello Meet the Killer, Boris Karloff (1949)

Cisaruv slavÃk (1949) (voice)

Tap Roots (1948)

Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome (1947)

Unconquered (1947)

Lured (1947)

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty(1947)

Bedlam (1946)

Isle of the Dead(1945)

The Body Snatcher(1945)

House of Frankenstein(1944)

The Climax (1944)

The Boogie Man Will Get You (1942)

The Devil Commands (1941)

You'll Find Out (1940)

The Ape (1940)

Before I Hang (1940)

Doomed to Die (1940)

The Man with Nine Lives (1940)

Black Friday(1940)

British Intelligence (1940)

The Fatal Hour (1940)

Tower of London (1939)

The Man They Could Not Hang (1939)

Mr. Wong in Chinatown (1939)

The Mystery of Mr. Wong (1939)

Son of Frankenstein (1939)

Devil's Island (1939)

Mr. Wong, Detective (1938)

The Invisible Menace (1938)

West of Shanghai (1937)

Night Key (1937)

Charlie Chan at the Opera (1936)

The Man Who Changed His Mind (1936)

The Walking Dead (1936)

The Invisible Ray(1936)

Juggernaut (1936)

The Black Room (1935)

The Raven (1935)

Bride of Frankenstein(1935) Gift of Gab (1934)

The Black Cat(1934)

The House of Rothschild(1934)

The Lost Patrol (1934)

The Ghoul(1933)

The Mummy(1932)

The Mask of Fu Manchu(1932)

The Old Dark House(1932)

Night World (1932)

The Miracle Man (1932)

Scarface (1932)

Business and Pleasure (1932)

Alias the Doctor (1932)

Behind the Mask (1932)

Tonight or Never (1931)


The Guilty Generation (1931)

The Mad Genius (1931)

The Yellow Ticket (1931)

Five Star Final (1931)

I Like Your Nerve (1931)

Graft (1931)

The Public Defender (1931)

Smart Money (1931)

Young Donovan's Kid (1931)

Cracked Nuts (1931)

King of the Wild (1931)

The Last Parade (1931)

The Criminal Code (1931)

Sous les verrous (1931)

The Utah Kid (1930)

The Sea Bat (1930)

The Bad One (1930)

The Unholy Night (1929)

The King of the Kongo (1929)

Behind That Curtain (1929)

The Phantom of the North (1929)

Anne Against the World (1929)

Two Sisters (1929)

The Devil's Chaplain (1929)

The Fatal Warning (1929)

Burning the Wind (1929)

The Little Wild Girl (1928)

Vultures of the Sea (1928)

The Vanishing Rider (1928)

Sharp Shooters (1928)

The Love Mart (1927)

Two Arabian Knights (1927)

Soft Cushions (1927)

The Phantom Buster (1927)

The Meddlin' Stranger (1927)

The Princess from Hoboken (1927)

Let It Rain (1927)

Tarzan and the Golden Lion (1927)

Valencia (1926)

Old Ironsides (1926)

Flaming Fury (1926)

The Nickel-Hopper (1926)

The Eagle of the Sea (1926)

Flames (1926)

The Golden Web (1926)

Her Honor, the Governor (1926)

The Bells (1926)

The Man in the Saddle (1926)

The Greater Glory (1926)

Parisian Nights (1925)

Perils of the Wild (1925)

Never the Twain Shall Meet (1925)

Lady Robinhood (1925)

The Prairie Wife (1925)

Forbidden Cargo (1925)

Dynamite Dan (1924)

Riders of the Plains (1924)

The Hellion (1924)

The Prisoner (1923)

The Gentleman from America (1923)

Omar the Tentmaker (1922)

The Woman Conquers (1922)

The Altar Stairs (1922)

The Infidel (1922)

The Man from Downing Street (1922)

Nan of the North (1922)

The Cave Girl (1921)

Cheated Hearts (1921)

Without Benefit of Clergy (1921)

The Hope Diamond Mystery (1921)

The Last of the Mohicans (1920)

The Courage of Marge O'Doone (1920)

The Deadlier Sex (1920)

The Prince and Betty (1919)

His Majesty, the American (1919)

The Masked Rider (1919)

The Lightning Raider (1919)

The Dumb Girl of Portici (1916)

Research and filmography taken from Wikapedia Boris Karloff.

RIME Showcase


December 2010



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